Not Having A Filter

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How many of you know what a filter is? Not a not an oil filter or an air filter.
I mean, you know what that is for your car Well, some of you don't I guess you know what the other filter is
You you might have a thought in your mind But it doesn't necessarily come out of your mouth.
That's a really good thing that God has given us a filter I'm sure there's a technical term for it, but we call it a filter.
There are some people who say I have no filter. You've heard these people who say
It does admittedly. It does seem like some people don't have much of a filter But everybody
I trust me everybody has a filter Here's my point not only do we have a filter of what goes out we also have a filter on what comes in What do
I mean by that? People will have an idea fixed in their mind or they think a certain way and no matter what is
Said no matter what is preached from the Bible you can show them chapter and verse it goes through that filter
And it comes out the other side different from from what was said You know people sometimes people only hear what they want to hear or again
Something is so fixed in their mind that they just won't hear biblical truth
Let's turn to Romans chapter 3 and people have this filter right everyone has the filter on what comes out
People definitely have a filter on on what comes in There's one thing
I've learned as a preacher people they kind of hear what they want to hear When you know stand out the door and somebody says oh,
I really appreciated what you said about this and this I'm like I didn't even say that Here's here's an example
Exodus 20 years Here's the thing that people have a filter about Exodus 20 verse 11 says for in six days
The Lord created the heavens and the earth on the sixth day
God created Adam Amen and they believe that and then you ask them well, how old is the earth?
Oh, the earth is four to six billion years old. You're the way. Where's the disconnect here? there's a filter the truth of the
Bible is coming in but something happens Another example salvation is by faith alone in Christ Amen, that's what the
Bible says salvation is in Christ. Oh, but I still think there might be other paths to God What like what?
What's wrong here? Where's the disconnect? Look at Romans 3 verse 21 But now the righteousness of God Apart from the law is revealed being witnessed by the law and the prophets even the righteousness of God Through faith in Jesus Christ to all and on all who believe for there is no difference.
That is Jew Gentile Doesn't matter there is no difference for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God being
Justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus so righteousness the righteousness that comes from God is by what?
Right. It's by faith. The only way a person can be declared righteous and become righteous is by Faith in a believer.
He says is justified freely I want you to say that word along with me freely justified say it freely justified freely by his grace
Now what some people heard and what Paul's critics heard was him saying as long as you make a profession of faith
If that's all that matters you make a profession of faith you can live however you want
That's how some people hear this and that's what Paul's critics were saying that he taught
Now usually no Christian preacher will ever say this. Hey, just believe in Jesus and then go out and do whatever you want
Typically, I've never heard a Christian preacher say that but in a roundabout way