Psalm 119:41-80 (He Has Given Us His Word, part 2)

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Psalm 119:1-40 (He Has Given Us His Word, part 2) Selected Psalms Jeff Kliewer


Psalm 119: 81-128 (He Has Given Us His Word, part 3, Jeff Kliewer)

Psalm 119: 81-128 (He Has Given Us His Word, part 3, Jeff Kliewer)

God's word has the ability to awe us and inspire us, dalet.
The word strengthens the faint hearted. It gives courage to those of us who tend to wither under difficult circumstances or when challenges arise.
Psalm 119 verse 28, my soul melts away for sorrow, strengthen me according to your word.
The word gives us strength and courage. The fifth letter, ha,
Psalm 119 verse 36, incline my heart to your testimonies and not to selfish gain.
The word captures our attention. We who tend to get bored, to get distracted, maybe some of you are already distracted and thinking about what you're going to do later today, heaven forbid, right?
But I know that that's how we all are. We tend to be distracted, yet the word captivates us and grabs our attention.
So today we take five more points. You have them in your notes. It secures the apologist, comforts the afflicted, satisfies the wholehearted, delights the disciplined, and molds the teacher.
Let's go through those one by one, beginning with vav. How many of you thought that would be pronounced wow, like it's about to say wah -wah?
You see the W -A -W? When I moved up to this area from Florida and I saw wah -wah,
I thought, what on earth? That is not a real store, is it? And then I found out that it's like taking over the world.
It's everywhere. But this is not pronounced wah, it's vav. It's kind of a V sound. And the first point is that the
God of the word secures the apologist, secures the apologist, secures, it makes you steady, it makes you sure -footed.
But who is an apologist? Those are those guys on the internet like James White and William Lane Craig who argue with people, right?
Well according to 1 Peter 3, 15, we are all, speaking to all
Christians, always be ready to give an answer to those who ask you for the hope that is in you.
But do this with gentleness and respect. Set apart Christ as Lord of your heart and always be ready to give an apologia, an apology, a defense, an answer for the hope that we have.
So let's read this now. Psalm 119, we're at verses 41 to 48 to begin with.
Let your steadfast love come to me, O Lord, your salvation according to your promise.
Then shall I have an answer for him who taunts me, for I trust in your word.
And take not the word of truth utterly out of my mouth, for my hope is in your rules.
I will keep your law continually forever and ever. I shall walk in a wide place, for I have sought your precepts.
I will also speak of your testimonies before kings and shall not be put to shame.
For I find my delight in your commandments, which I love. I will lift up my hands toward your commandments, which
I love. And I will meditate on your statutes. Notice in verse 41, a steadfastness of his love.
It's a sure kind of love, not a love that comes and goes based on your performance. There is a steadfast love affixed to you who believe in Christ on account of his finished work, it's why we celebrate communion.
The love of God, as John was teaching this morning out of Malachi, it is a sure everlasting love that doesn't change based on us.
It is God's steadfast love. Verse 42, then shall I have an answer.
So here's where I get this Greek word in the New Testament from 1 Peter 3 .15, an apologia, an answer.
We are to have an answer for those who ask us for the reason for our hope. And for those who what, taunt us.
Many people will come along mocking Christianity, denying the teachings of God's holy word.
And the question is, will we be ready? When I was a missionary in the city, we were out evangelizing one day and speaking with a
Muslim, we began to share the gospel. And he couldn't refute what we were saying, because we were more schooled in the scripture than he was in his
Quran, and he wasn't aware of things. But he said, I'll tell you what, if my imam was here, he would refute everything you were saying.
And we said, if your imam was here, he would have no better time than you're having right now. And he said, all right, then let's have a debate.
I said, sure. So, just like this, a couple weeks later, a debate was set up where I was to sit across from an imam and debate the truth or the error of Christianity and Islam.
At that time, I was nervous, but I knew that the word of God secures the apologist.
He will make you ready in that time. Jesus had told us, if you're ever brought before kings or governors, maybe you're brought before a judge, do not worry about what you'll say at that time, because the
Holy Spirit will give you the word. I was prepared for it because of time in the word.
I knew where the trinity was, not just in my theology, but in the Bible. And I was ready with an answer.
So it was interesting that day when it happened. There was probably 75 % Christians, 25 %
Muslims in full hijab, women and men in their robes, and the place was packed.
It was a very interesting exchange. You're welcome to go watch it. It's on YouTube. Well, there's only audio of it on YouTube.
But what I discovered is what you already know and what I knew at the time. The word of God is a sharp, two -edged sword.
And he utterly cuts to pieces the lies of the enemy, because what we're truly in is a truth war.
God's holy word is true and sharp and living and active. His word provides for us.
So let's continue on, verse 43. Take not the word of truth utterly out of my mouth.
I'm reminded of the words from Martin Luther's, a mighty fortress is our God. One little word shall fell him.
We're not afraid of the prince of darkness, because God's word is more powerful than he.
Even if we don't have the scriptures learned as well as we'd like to, if you know a few verses, if you have strength from a few scriptures that you have learned, you have a sword, and one little word can fell the enemy.
Jesus quoted three verses to send Satan running in the temptation in Matthew. Verse 44,
I will keep your law continually forever and ever, and I shall walk in a wide place, for I have sought your precepts.
I will also speak of your testimonies before kings, and shall not be put to shame.
For I find my delight in your commandments, which I love. I will lift up my hands.
Here's the reason that it's okay to lift up your hands in worship toward your commandments, which
I love, and I will meditate on your statutes. Listen, we as Christians are called to be apologists, meaning we should have a defense ready for the hope that we have.
We should have an answer. And none of us has arrived at, except for maybe James White or something like that, none of us are just ready for any particular question that somebody could ask.
One of the reasons that you should be in the word every day is because we have room to grow in the area of apologetics, in learning how to give an answer for the hope that we have.
I remember one time when I was unprepared. This was not in the realm of theology, but it was just in the realm of conflict.
I went to Walgreens, as was my tradition, to get a Gatorade, which
I would do after my seminary classes. And when I was in there, there was a disturbance in the back of the store.
A thief, a criminal, had jumped the counter and grabbed all kinds of prescription meds and had hopped over the counter and was running down the aisle, and the guy in the back, the pharmacist, yelled, stop him.
Now my training was in basketball. So my first thought was, am
I gonna take a charge? What am I gonna do? How do I stop him? But I didn't think that was a great idea.
Am I gonna fight this guy? So as he came charging down the aisle, I stepped aside and I let him go.
I was not prepared for that moment. But Chucky, who was working, remember the one hour photo booth they used to have?
You'd bring in and they'd develop your film right there for you. I always used to talk to him when I'd come in, and Chucky saw this happening.
And as this guy rounded the corner, he came out from behind the photo booth and tried to tackle him, missed, and took out all the sunscreen at the end cap of the aisle, and was rolling around on the floor.
As I followed the scene and looked around the corner, two men were walking through the door.
I kid you not, one of them was wearing a shirt that said boxer. And he was stacked, he was ripped.
His buddy had a USMC cap, United States Marine Corps.
Needless to say, when this guy ran into these two, the result was different when they passed me.
They had him on the floor and pinned until Chucky came and dove on top. And then the guy bit
Chucky, so he jumped off and was running around screaming, he bit me. And I just watched this all unfold, until the police got there and took him away.
Why have I told you this story? I have to admit, it was a bit gratuitous. I thought it was a fun story.
But I remember that training is essential.
Will you be ready, not to tackle somebody and fight, but will you be ready with the sword of truth to fight when someone comes along, like think of Geno Jennings, our friend, who denies the
Trinity. And all of his followers online are railing against the Trinity. Will you be ready to enter that conversation and talk about Matthew 28, verses 18 to 20?
Explain the last verse of 2 Corinthians. Talk about the Trinity from Scripture. Will you be ready to get into that fight?
Some people will say, well, we shouldn't be fighting about theology. The apostles disagree.
It tells us to always be ready. It tells us to rebuke those who contradict. It tells us to be good
Bereans who rightly divide the word. Now, we are told in 1
Peter 3 .15 to do this with gentleness and respect. So we don't fight the way we physically fight, but we stand for truth.
And we refute those who are leading sheep to the slaughter.
People follow teachers who are leading people astray. And one of the reasons that we need to treasure and value the word of God is because it's our only sword in the apologetic battle.
Number two, we'll move quickly today cuz we're short on time. The God of the word comforts the afflicted, verses 49 to 56.
Remember your word to your servant, in which you have made me hope. This is my comfort in my affliction, that your promise gives me life.
The insolent utterly deride me, but I do not turn away from your law. When I think of your rules from of old,
I take comfort, O Lord. Hot indignation seizes me because of the wicked who forsake your law.
Your statutes have been my songs in the house of my sojourning. I remember your name in the night,
O Lord, and keep your law. This blessing has fallen to me, that I have kept your precepts.
Remember your word. We call on God to remember his word to us, which means we remember what he has said to us.
The time we've spent in the scripture, the promises we believe are the strength you have for affliction.
When affliction comes, not if, but when, it's the word that will comfort you.
When you're attacked, when you're lied about, when you're under duress, or perhaps you're sick, some diseases come upon you.
Now you have to stand upon what you have learned in the word before the affliction hit.
Prepare now so that you're ready when that time of affliction comes. I think of the story of Martin Luther.
We all know how after standing before the judges from the Roman Catholic Church, he was driven off and expecting to be killed.
Instead, he was captured by friendlies and brought to the Wartburg Castle, and given a room.
And there he translated the New Testament from Greek to German in 11 weeks.
And the Protestant Reformation began with the Bible being given to the people in the German language.
But don't think this was smooth sailing. He was in the midst of affliction for those 11 weeks.
The devil would come to him and taunt him with his own sin.
You're not worthy to do this, reminding him of every sin. It came to the point where one day he felt the presence of evil in that room so strongly.
The adversary, hot indignation, seized Martin Luther. And he began to interact in the name of Jesus.
He said, tell me what I've done. And he wrote down every sin, lustful thoughts, his quick temper, his sharp tongue, which he still had for the rest of his day.
You should read some Luther quotes. He was a little bit off the chain sometimes. He wrote down everything that the devil said to him.
And then he wrote, washed in the blood, and he took that inkwell and threw it at the wall where he imagined
Satan being. And to this day, people visit that room where Martin Luther was.
People would peel the paint, the ink off of the wall, little pieces of chips of ink, and take it home as souvenirs.
Now that whole wall is missing any ink whatsoever. But you can see the spot where he threw the inkwell.
He was in a spiritual war. And hot indignation seized him.
And he used the word washed in the blood. He used the scripture to fight affliction.
We will be afflicted in this life. We're in a war. Sometimes it comes through human means.
Other times it's direct spiritual attacks. But we need to recognize that when afflicted, we flee to the word.
This is our comfort, verse 50. This is my comfort in my affliction that your promise gives me life.
It's the promise that we hold on to. Third, het. Turn to your neighbor and say, het.
You need to get down at the guttural deep het. It's not just het.
No, the Hebrew pronunciation. Now turn to your neighbor and say, sorry for spitting on you. Het. The Lord is my portion.
I promise to keep your words. Notice the Lord satisfies the wholehearted.
I entreat your love with all my heart, the whole heart. Now listen to the psalmist here write about his full and complete devotion to God's word, to the
God of the word. When I think on my ways, I turn my feet to your testimonies.
I hasten and do not delay. That's the wholeheartedness there. There's no delay.
He goes right for what God tells him to do, to keep your commandments. Though the cords of the wicked ensnare me,
I do not forget your law. At midnight, I rise to praise you because of your righteous rules.
This is in the middle of the night. This is a person who's not just thinking about God on Sunday morning when the preacher is yelling.
This is a person that's thinking about God through the watches of the night. And they wake up and they got to go pray.
They got to go talk to this God. At midnight, I rise to praise you. I am a companion of all who fear you, of those who keep your precepts.
The earth, oh Lord, is full of your steadfast love. Teach me your statutes.
Notice from this section, from Het 57 to 64, the God of the word satisfies the wholehearted.
Second Peter 1, 3 to 4. His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness.
Through the knowledge, this is where the word comes in, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises.
What Peter is teaching us is that the word, the knowledge of the word, the promises of scripture become to us our satisfaction.
And they are all that we need. Everything that we need for life and godliness. What comes first, the chicken or the egg?
I don't know. I don't know the answer. What comes first, being satisfied in God, being fully satisfied, or being wholehearted?
I'll tell you this, every person who is wholeheartedly devoted to God, the
God of the scriptures, finds satisfaction in him. And the person who's satisfied in the word is wholehearted in their pursuit of the
God of the word. They go together. You say, well, how could
I get that? I don't, I'm not satisfied. I don't feel satisfied in life.
I'm still looking for something. I'm missing something. The answer is the word.
I don't feel like I'm wholehearted. Well, that's why you're not satisfied. I don't know which comes first, but I know what the psalmist is showing us.
By example here, verse 57, star it, circle it, the
Lord is my portion. The Lord is my portion.
When we come to this place where God, the Lord, is our portion, that he is what we need, our hearts will be full and satisfied in him.
And Piper would have me go on to say, and God will be most glorified in us. Satisfaction comes from this wholehearted approach to God.
We have two more. Teth, verse 65 to 72.
Let's do that. You have dealt well with your servant, O Lord, according to your word.
Teach me good judgment and knowledge, for I believe in your commandments. Before I was afflicted,
I went astray, but now I keep your word. Let's pause there for a moment. This is the main idea that I take out of this section here, out of Teth, Teth.
Before I was afflicted, I went astray. I had this pattern of sin in my life.
I couldn't walk the straight and narrow. I kept wandering. I would go astray.
Before what? Before I was afflicted, I went astray, but now
I keep your word. One of the things that the word does is it explains to us and directs us when
God is disciplining us. The afflictions that come on our life, the painful things, many painful things, oftentimes come from the hand of God as discipline on a wayward child.
I know this is hard for us to hear. We need to be afflicted by God from time to time.
When things are smooth sailing, we often go astray. But having suffered much, we sin less.
Having suffered much, we sin less. If we are trained through the word of God what the meaning of this affliction is.
And not all affliction is discipline. Sometimes we suffer for other reasons. Job could explain that to us better.
The first two chapters explain the reasons there. But Hebrews chapter 12 explains that some discipline, some suffering
I should say, is discipline from God. Verse 67, this is what God is doing. He's afflicting a man of God, someone who loves
God, and using the word to explain that to him. Now I keep your word.
Verse 68, you are good and do good. Teach me your statutes. The insolence smear me with lies.
But with my whole heart, I keep your precepts. Their heart is unfeeling like fat.
But I delight in your law. That's another verse that I love because it's true.
Fat isn't really feeling, is it? When you pinch, you know, I got the spare tire. You pinch the spare tire, you don't feel a lot through the fat.
You feel the nerve endings around it. Fat is unfeeling. Fat is unfeeling according to verse 70.
But I delight in your law. Now this is counterintuitive. Don't miss this. Discipline actually brings delight.
The more disciplined you are by God's correction and then your self -discipline, the more delight you'll find in God.
I think many times we think of discipline as boring and hard. And it's the opposite of delightful.
We're forcing ourselves to do what we don't want to do. So we kind of feel like we're missing out on something.
But discipline is actually, according to verse 70, a path to delight. The more disciplined your walk with God becomes, the more you'll increase in your joy.
The heart is unfeeling like fat. But I delight in your law. Being corrected, afflicted when we go astray.
Verse 71, it is good for me that I was afflicted, that I might learn your statutes.
It's good for us to be afflicted because God is using that affliction to direct us into his word and to teach us his ways.
Affliction doesn't feel good, but it accomplishes many things. Hebrews 12 11, for the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant.
But later, it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.
Finally, the God of the word molds the teacher, Yod.
It's making us teachers. All of us. I'm teaching right now.
But every mother in this room, you are a teacher of your children. Grandparents, you are teachers of your grandchildren.
Fathers, same thing. Single people, there are many people that God will bring into your life that you are a steward of that relationship to teach them the way of righteousness.
Yod, your hands have made and fashioned me. He's forming us like a potter with clay.
Give me understanding that I may learn your commandments. Those who fear you shall see me and rejoice because I have hoped in your word.
First Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 8. Paul says he delighted not just to teach them and to tell them the gospel, but to share his very life as well.
In Hebrews 13 7, we're told to consider the outcome of our leader's lives.
We are to look to our teachers, not just the things that they say, but how they live.
People will see you and praise God. Verse 74, those who fear you shall see me and rejoice.
Each one of us has a heavy responsibility. Everybody who walks with Christ is under the microscope.
Everybody who names the name that is above every name, calling yourself a
Christian. You are a Christian by belief in the shed blood of Jesus.
You are forgiven and redeemed. The cost of Jesus's blood has been shed for you.
And now you've claimed that, especially through baptism, being publicly identified with Christ in baptism, buried, raised to walk in newness of life.
The world sees it. They know when you're on Facebook that you claim to be a
Christian. They know when you're at work, when you're doing your taxes.
They know and they see you. And you teach them through your life, even as you teach them through the word.
Those who fear you shall see me and rejoice. Give them cause to rejoice.
Let your testimony be confirmed in your life. When they see the outcome of your life, the outcome of your way, let that prove the words that you say.
If you do that, you will be a powerful teacher. You'll be formed by God.
Verse 75, I know, oh Lord, that your rules are righteous and that in faithfulness you have afflicted me.
Look at these four lets. Let your steadfast love comfort me according to your promise to your servant.
Let your mercy come to me that I may live for your law is my delight. Let the insolent be put to shame because they have wronged me with falsehood.
As for me, I will meditate on your precepts. Now look at the fourth one. Circle this one. Let those who fear you turn to me that they may know your testimonies.
This one requires us to be fit to teach. Let them turn to me.
Well, who am I? I'm a sinner. How can I tell you the way? Not by your own righteousness, and you don't claim it for yourself, but by pointing to Christ, the righteous one.
Let those who fear you turn to me. And finally, verse 80, we'll pick up with verse 81 next week.
May my heart be blameless in your statutes that I may not be put to shame.
So in closing, we need to train hard while we still can.
We don't know the moment of affliction. Nobody expects the cancer diagnosis, do they?
Nobody expects it. When testing comes, trust the
God of the word in which you were trained. When you're called on in a classroom and people begin to taunt you and mock your
Christianity, at that time, will you be trained enough in the word to rise up and speak the truth of God's word?
You will not be put to shame. He will secure you as an apologist. When that diagnosis comes, or when your loved one dies, or when you face trouble that you never expected, your feet are fitted with the gospel of peace.
You're standing. Your ankles will not turn. The place before you is wide, and you will walk, for God is able to make you to stand and to walk.
Train now as if that fight is coming. Prepare now.
Be disciplined in your reading. Every morning in the scripture, even if it's a little bit, and take time away to go train for righteousness.
Physical conditioning, physical training, weightlifting, that's of some value. But godliness holds value, not just for this life, but for the coming age.
Let's pray. Father, thank you so much for your word to us this morning. We're reminded how much we need it.
Help us to treasure your word this morning more than when we arrived.
Send us out now as teachers. Send us out to proclaim the truth of your word.
Let us be fearless and firm, trained in the word of righteousness.
As Hebrews 5, 14 says, trained to distinguish good from evil. Lord, that we would not just eat baby food or drink milk, but we would eat the food of the mature.