Robert Morris affirms Mormons as brothers in Christ - Steps down from ministry - Too little too late

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As of a few days ago pastor Robert Morris was the top leader of the modern charismatic movement pastoring the largest church in the United States. Morris has since stepped down resigning from ministry due to allegations he sexually abused a 12-year-old. This clearly disqualifies Morris from ministry but the truth is Morris was already disqualified. He openly shared a heretical position in 2012 so why don't Christians seem to care abou


Hello. In this video, one more time, we're going to be talking about Robert Morris, because I just found something out that I think is very relevant to the conversation.
Of course, as of a day or two ago, he pastored the largest church in the country.
He has now stepped down and all these revelations about the 12 -year -old girl apparently appears to be true.
So he has resigned and stepped down from ministry. But here's the thing. Christians should have known from the start that this man was disqualified.
It never should have got to this point, because Robert Morris has been compromising the gospel for a very long time.
And I'm going to show you proof of that. I think, I don't know for a fact the date, but I believe this video is from 2012.
And in this clip, you're going to see that Robert Morris, he openly and defiantly contradicts the gospel of Jesus Christ, because he affirms a
Mormon as a good Christian who loves God. Watch. I want to share with you in just a moment, before I do,
I told you last evening, Glenn Beck is here. And I've met with Glenn on a couple of occasions.
Let me just say that this man has a love for God that is so evident when you get to spend some time with him.
Okay, so that's Glenn Beck, everybody. Everybody knows that Glenn Beck is a Mormon. Mormons believe a different gospel, different Jesus, different holy book, right?
The Book of Mormon, they say the scripture is corrupted. They will affirm some of the basic facts like, well,
Jesus died for our sins and rose again. But if you look at it, it's again, different Jesus, who is the spirit brother of Lucifer.
Their Jesus is not the second member of the Godhead, the Trinity. Their God was once a human being living near the star
Kolob, deep in outer space. Again, I've talked about this many times. Mormonism is not biblical
Christianity, not by a long shot. Their gospel is essentially, you know, faith plus works.
It comes down to works, salvation, works, righteousness. So here's the point for a pastor, especially for a pastor, to affirm a
Mormon as a brother in Christ. What is he saying? He's saying that the Mormon gospel is efficacious for salvation.
Mormons are saved too. I mean, that's a type of universalism, where you are now accepting that other religions, well, you know, that Mormons have their own path to God.
So it's not the historic Christian gospel. Now Mormons are included. And once you open the door to Mormons, as we've seen with other famous evangelists and pastors over the years, then, you know, the
Hindus, they love God too, and it just snowballs. So this video is evidence that Robert Morris compromised the gospel.
Here's my point of why I'm doing this video, just to show you that it happened. So it's yet another pastor who has affirmed
Mormons. Now he's not affirming Mormonism. He's not saying that all the teachings of Mormonism are true, but he's affirming
Mormons as true Christians. So, you know, Joel Osteen did it, right? Billy Graham did it.
Dallas Jenkins today, the founder, creator, director of The Chosen. They're all doing it, and this is a compromise of the gospel.
So my point in this video is, you know, Christians need to keep the first thing first.
The gospel is the most important thing in the world. So if a Christian, especially if a pastor, will compromise the gospel, they're disqualified.
We never should have got to this point, having to talk about Robert Morris and, you know, should he?
It never should have got to this point. So what is the gospel, right? The gospel is salvation by grace through faith in the person of Jesus Christ, His person and work, right?
That is the gospel message, that Jesus is both truly man and truly
God. See, the Mormons do not believe that Jesus is God. They believe in many gods, but He is not
God in the same way that we believe it. So they have a different God, different view of God, different nature of Jesus.
But the Christian gospel is salvation by grace alone through faith in the true person of Christ, who is truly
God, truly man. He died on the cross as an atonement for our sin, and really not just an atonement of covering sin.
He takes away our sin. He died for our sins, and He rose again the third day.
He died because of our offenses. He was raised for our justification.
If a person will repent and believe the gospel, they are saved, saved by grace through faith.
But it has to be in the true Jesus, because every religion has their own view of Jesus.
The Jehovah's Witnesses have their view of Jesus, and He's basically a glorified angel.
Mormons have their view of Jesus. He's not God. He's the spirit brother of Lucifer. The liberals, the progressive churches, they have their view of Jesus.
He's God in the sense that we're all divine. But He was really just a man, a good, wise, moral teacher.
And the Catholics, they have, I would say, to a large degree, the correct view of Jesus.
But they just add in a whole bunch of man -made tradition, and cloud, and obscure.
And, I would say, contradict the gospel when they add faith, plus works, and plus the sacraments.
So, we have to keep the first things first, and keep the purity, guard the purity and the simplicity of the gospel.
But as soon as you say that, well, you know, Mormons are saved too. Even though they have a different holy book, the
Book of Mormon. They say the Bible's been corrupted. They have a different Jesus, the spirit brother of Lucifer.
They have a different God who lives out in outer space near the star Kolob. That type of heresy cannot be allowed.
But why did Robert Morris allow it? Well, I can't read his heart, but if I'm correct about this video being back in 2012, that's when a lot of professing evangelical leaders started to accept
Mormons as true Christians. Joel Osteen did it. We talked about that on this channel.
I did a podcast about it. You can search that. Billy Graham. Billy Graham did it long before 2012 because there's a clip from him on CNN talking to Larry King where he said he had wonderful fellowship with the
Mormon Church. That was back in the late 90s, early 2000s. But in 2012 is when everybody heard about it.
Where Glenn Beck and Mitt Romney went to visit Billy Graham at his compound.
The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. They dropped Mormonism from their list of cults.
So that's kind of when everyone found out. So why was it in 2012? What was happening in 2012 that made
Billy Graham, Joel Osteen, and apparently Robert Morris and others, what made them accept this new idea that Mormons are true
Christians as well? It seems to be Mitt Romney running for president. Is politics really that big of an idol to people that just to get our guy in, just to get the
Republicans in, we're willing to compromise the gospel? That's the way it looks to me. Maybe I'm wrong.
But this happened in 2012 with several high -profile leaders.
And Glenn Beck is a political figure. And I think it really was just to get
Mitt Romney elected. Because in order for the Republican to win the presidency, the evangelical vote is key.
So a lot of evangelicals didn't want to vote for a Mormon. So these high -profile Christian leaders,
I believe, compromised the gospel for politics. And I think that's a shame.
I think you could have voted for Mitt Romney and still not compromised the gospel if somebody chose to do that.
But to compromise the gospel, the point of this whole video, is that is what disqualified
Robert Morris. As early as 2012, we never should have even been in a situation like this to have to discuss these matters that have transpired over the past week.
One last thing. I just want to share this. A Mormon called our church.
And he was brought up in an evangelical Bible -believing family. And his life went horribly wrong.
He got into all sorts of immoral things. And Mormon missionaries knocked on his door.
And maybe this gentleman is watching right now. And I want everyone to know, I'm not anti -Mormon.
I'm not anti -Catholic. Now, I am against Mormonism or Catholicism.
But I'm not against people. This guy was living an immoral lifestyle. Mormons knocked on his door.
He joined the Mormon church and totally cleaned up his life. And that's good that he cleaned up his life.
But his family, who are evangelicals, they do not support his newfound Mormon faith.
And he called me up. And he saw my video, Kingdom of the Cults. And he said, you know, we believe in Jesus too.
And he tried to share these things. He tried to get my opinion. Why are you so against this idea that Mormons are true
Christians? And I just went back to Joseph Smith. I mean, yes, we need to share what the
Bible says. We need to share with them the Word of God. But the tricky thing about Mormons is they'll affirm what you're saying.
And that kind of throws people off. Often they will redefine terms. So watch out for that.
But I would recommend, and this is what I did with this individual. I tried to treat him with as much respect as I could.
And yet still be straightforward. I went back to Joseph Smith, who claimed to be a prophet.
Claimed to receive revelations from God and from Jesus. And Joseph Smith claimed that God told him that all
Christian churches, their creeds, they were all an abomination. And that the
Mormon church is the true church. Joseph Smith restored the true church.
So really the only true Christians today are the Joseph Smith type Mormons.
If you believe Joseph Smith. And I told him, even the main church there in Salt Lake City, they've moved away from the teachings of Joseph Smith.
As any Mormon probably knows. So I just tried to go back to their foundation. And I think I really had him questioning some things.
Like if Joseph Smith really claimed this, and this is really where our church started. Yeah, this is not lining up.
Certainly not lining up with the Bible, what he said. And it's not even lining up with what the modern
Mormon church, or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Salt Lake City.
It's not even lining up with what they're saying. So I tried to share that with him. And I do hope in some of these videos, if somebody's stuck in a false religion, if somebody is dabbling in New Age or Mormonism or Word of Faith, charismatic
Christianity, that hopefully these videos will serve as correction.
And that people will see the truth. Not that evangelical church, I mean there's a lot of evangelical churches that I would certainly not recommend.
But always testing everything against the Scripture. Keeping the first thing first, the
Gospel. And then comparing everything over and against the Word of God. And then getting into a good local
Bible believing church, where the pastor preaches the whole counsel of God. I mean, this is what's important.
And if more people do that, we're going to be in a lot better shape. So that's why I do videos like this, to help people.
And you have to tackle the difficult issues. I mean, you can just tell people what's right.
And talk about God's love and Jesus died on the cross and rose again. And isn't it wonderful, God loves you.
And I do talk about that. But unfortunately, a Mormon, or a
Catholic, or a Word of Faith, charismatic who's following Benny Hinn. They can listen to all those basics.
And they can say, oh yeah, I believe all that, I affirm all that. See, you're not really addressing the root issue, which is the error.
So we're trying to wake people up to the fact that you're believing serious error.
If you're a pastor, oh, our pastor Robert Morris preaches the gospel. Well, if he's affirming
Glenn Beck, a Mormon, as a true Christian, there's something wrong with his gospel, right?
So that's what we're trying to do. And I hope this video, and others, have been helpful. And until next time, may the