Rebuilding vs Conserving - Thoughts From the Last Week

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right, well, welcome back. It is 2022. I hope you have a very good new year.
We've got the whole thing ahead of us, and we don't know what's gonna happen, but one thing we do know is that God is good, and God is good all the time to his people, so we can rest in that, and I hope you do.
You know what? This is a kind of a grab bag episode. I've been out of pocket for the last week or so, and I've seen a few things, and I just wanted to make a quick comment on, and so we'll comment, we'll catch up.
We'll do a little catch up here. But in any case, before I get started, I wanted to just read Ecclesiastes 3, at least the first few verses of it.
This is something I've been thinking a lot about. I mean, honestly, like we all kind of know this. It's gonna take some wisdom to figure out, you know, what to do when, but I just want you to be, you know, affirmed in that there's, we've got this kind of idea from, and it comes from the
Gospel Coalition, that there's this, oh, there's this pious existence, and we can only be good and build up, that only build up and only encourage and only heal, and it's like, well, that's actually not what the
Bible says. There's a time for everything. There's a time for, you know, fighting as well, and I think that discerning the difference between the time for peace and a time for fighting is very important, and I think that's actually probably one of the biggest deficiencies for a lot of these
Gospel Coalition people, but that's for another time. We're gonna talk more about that. My new podcast is shaping up nicely, and we'll talk about that at another time.
But anyway, Ecclesiastes 3. This is the word of the Lord. There is an occasion for everything and a time for every activity under heaven, a time to give birth and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to throw stones and a time to gather stones, a time to embrace and a time to avoid embracing, a time to search and a time to count it as lost, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to sew, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.
That was the word of the Lord. Man, it's just very important to ponder all of these kinds of things.
Let me also, before I jump into this, give a chicken update. Man, you know, I've been so grateful. You know,
I've had 10 chickens for, well, ever since the beginning of the pandemic, I've had 10 chickens.
And it's been relatively uneventful. You know, they've been giving me eggs and they've been healthy and all that kind of stuff.
Well, I thought I was gonna have to euthanize one of my chickens before I left for my time off because it looked like it had broken its leg or it had hurt its leg somehow.
And what had happened was the rest of the flock had totally rejected it. Like they were bullying it.
They wouldn't let it eat. It's just so crazy. Like the one that needs to eat the most probably, they just refused to let it eat.
And I would feed it privately in the coop without the others around a couple of times.
Then I said, man, I'm gonna probably have to euthanize this thing because I can't keep doing this. Anyway, so I decided not to because it found kind of a hiding place and I did see it come out of the coop a few times and it was able to eat, although it got chased away fairly quickly.
They were even almost drawing blood. I think they almost did at one point, the other chickens. Anyway, so I kind of half expected to return from vacation and it to be dead, but it is not dead.
She's alive and she's not as hobbled as she was. So she's actually walking, not normally, but definitely better than she was when
I left. And she looks a lot healthier and she's out of the coop. She's eating. Now the others are, she's definitely the bottom chicken on the totem pole, but they aren't as vicious with her now.
So she's able to eat, able to drink and all that kind of stuff. So man, again,
I didn't do anything super awesome, but man, I'm very grateful that that chicken is not dead and all of that.
Just thought I'd give an update. So I still have 10. I still have 10, but there's definitely one being bullied hardcore.
Somebody reached out to me actually about a tweet that Amin Hudson put out. And I think it was
Amin Hudson. So if I got this wrong, I'm sorry, but I couldn't find the email. So sorry about that.
But it basically said something like how stupid it was for those of us who believe that the government is too incompetent to handle healthcare, that they somehow can do the mass psychosis thing.
So you're an idiot because obviously you're inconsistent because they're too incompetent to do healthcare, but they're not incompetent to do the mass psychosis thing.
And of course he was responding to the Joe Rogan episode. I didn't watch it because I can't listen to Joe Rogan.
I just can't. I can't listen. I've heard he's a midget too. Is that true?
Is Joe Rogan a literal midget? That's what I've heard, allegedly. But anyway,
I just wanted to get one thing clear. You know, when we say that the government is incompetent to manage the economy, or the government is incompetent to manage healthcare, you know, that's actually not really an insult, right?
The point is not that they're too stupid to do it. The point is that anyone is too stupid to do that for everybody.
Like nobody has all of the information necessary to make decisions for everybody else.
They like to think that they do. Like we've got these economic priests, right? And we call them like the
Fed governors, right? These Fed governors that think that they can see everything coming, they can manage things and things like that.
But the thing is there's not a single person on the planet or even group on the planet that can make all the right decisions all the time.
That's why we like the free market, because the Federal Reserve governors don't know what my situation is, right?
They can't possibly know. And it doesn't matter even if you had the biggest number cruncher AI thing, they still can't know what
I value. They still can't know what I would do. So the point is not that they're too stupid to do it.
They're competent. I think that the, see, this is a mistake a lot of people make when we talk about the government being incompetent.
We mistake that for meaning that they're stupid. They're like, they're idiots. They don't, no, no, no, no.
They're very competent. They just are, they're not God. So they can't make decisions for me, right?
God is the only one that has all that information. And God is the only one that would be able to manage my life in a way that makes the most sense.
But the thing is, it's not that they're stupid. I don't think Powell, the
Federal Reserve chairman is stupid, but he has an overestimate of his skills. He thinks that he can make decisions, the best decision for me.
And all of the government people think this. All of the people that wanna manage healthcare think that they can make the choice that's best for me.
And the vaccine, that's the best choice for me. Well, obviously that's not the best choice for me because I don't value the same things that they think
I ought to value. See, the point is not that they're stupid. The point is that they're not
God. And so, no, I don't want them making healthcare decisions for me, that's my job.
You know what I mean? That's my job. And so, I wanna get that straight because I don't think that it's that they're stupid.
The mass psychosis thing, this is something that's been obviously studied and documented and stuff like that.
And you don't even need to study and document to know what's happening here. I mean, the media productions regarding vaccines and COVID and stuff like that, you could just have no idea about mass psychosis or hypnosis or anything like this.
And see, well, there's obviously something going on here. There's something under the hood here because they're giving me all of this propaganda that doesn't seem to match with reality and all of this.
So, I just wanted to address that tweet from Amin. I think it was Amin. I think he's got it all wrong.
It's not that we don't think that they're smart. It's just that they don't have all the information necessary to make the decision for me and you and every other individual out there.
That's why the free market is better because it can distribute goods and services in a fair way that actually benefits everybody involved.
In any case. All right. So, there is a certain situation happening right now that I will not be referencing directly, but it got me thinking about definitions, right?
Because one of the things that's very popular is, oh, I got canceled, I got canceled, cancel culture. And I think that there's some confusion as to what cancel culture is.
Like, if I tell you that Tim Keller's theology is poor, right, or if I tell you that Russell Moore's theology is poor and that you shouldn't read his book on whatever it is, right?
I don't think it's a very good book. It's a stupid book. You probably shouldn't read it if you're trying to get smart on the topic because it's actually gonna confuse you on the topic or something like that.
That's not cancel culture. That's ridiculous to say. Like, the quality of your work and me saying it's stupid or bad or poor or whatever, like, that's not me canceling you, right?
Like, if somebody is a grifter, right? And it comes out that they were promoting themselves as being all these things, but in actuality, behind the scenes, they were all these other things and they're just trying to steal money from you.
And you say, and you expose it and you say, see, that guy's a grifter. That's not canceling him.
That's ridiculous. Canceling is when you even don't even let them play the game.
Like you can't even have a bank account, totally unrelated to what you're doing. You can't even own a house or you can't have a website or you can't be on Amazon servers.
Like when you're just like unpersoned, right? Like you can't do any of it. That's what canceling is, right?
That's the problem. When you don't have the same rights or you don't have the same privileges as someone else because you have wrong think, right?
It's not about the quality of your work or suggesting or recommending their work.
That's not canceling, obviously. So let's just get that straight. And by the way, cancel culture is not necessarily a bad thing at all.
It all depends on what the truths of the matter are. So I don't have a problem with if you have a website and it's a
Christian website and someone starts preaching against Christ, kicking them off the website, I guess you could say that's cancel culture, but there's nothing wrong with that, obviously.
And so, yeah. So anyway, let's continue. I just wanted to get that straight. Cancel culture's definition is not that squishy, although a lot of people wanna make it pretty squishy.
That's that. Oh yeah, one more thing too, kind of related to cancel culture. Not really though, not really.
Anyway, I saw this commercial. I don't watch a lot of TV. And so I'm not really up on the latest commercials and stuff like that.
I saw this commercial, it was a Google commercial, I think. And the whole commercial was just like a propaganda in review.
It had Black Lives Matter stuff. It had vaccine stuff. It had this, it had that.
And it was just like a review. But it wasn't being ironic. It was as if this was all a good thing, but it was just basically like a play -by -play of the powers that be's propaganda.
And I got to thinking that we've got this idea that going woke is bad for business.
And so eventually they're gonna stop being woke because they wanna make money and stuff like that.
And honestly, I don't think so. I don't think so. I mean, obviously going woke is bad for business in a free market probably.
But the thing is the way that we've got everything structured and a lot of these big corpos types are in bed with the government.
And so the game is rigged and they don't care if they lose a few customers or things like that.
When Hollywood makes a new movie that tanks, you know what I mean, in the box office, we all laugh at that.
But the thing is they actually don't really care about that because what their goal is and whether they make a lot of money or a little bit less money, because they're making money either way.
This is another thing we got to get through our skulls, like the stock market, right? The stocks go up. The powers that be are making money on their stocks.
That's very clear. But here's something that a lot of people don't understand. When the stock market goes down, a lot of the powers that be make money on that as well.
I mean, they've got their stock portfolio set up in such a way that they can benefit either way. And then of course they buy them when they're at the bottom or near the bottom when they're cheap and then they make money all over again.
So it's like whether or not the movie does well or the stock market does well, the powers that be are making money.
I mean, they're very competent at this. They've been running this scam for quite some time. Now they're not invincible, but they've been, they're very good at this scam, right?
So I don't think that Disney is worried like the next time that one of their awoke movies doesn't do that well.
Like they actually don't really care about that, in my opinion. But the one thing they do care about is power.
They care very much about power. That is their ultimate goal, right? They want power.
They want to control the stories. They want to control the narratives and in such a way that they can maintain power, right?
So it's not that they care about racism per se, but they care about it insofar as it gets them power, right?
And so the power that they have is what they actually care about. Now that can work itself out in money, and it often does.
They want to sell you things. But even if they're not selling you things, they're probably making money some other way and all of that.
You know, the sex crimes and stuff like that, the human trafficking, the pedo stuff, all of that is another way that they maintain power.
Power is their ultimate goal. And actually, I think this is very biblical, right? Because all of these people are raging and plotting.
For what? What does it say in Psalm 2? They're plotting in vain, but they're plotting against the
Lord and against his anointed. You see, Jesus Christ is king. He's the king of kings.
That's something that's undeniable that they can never, ever change. But in their hubris, they try to, right?
And so everything they do is attempting to stop the kingdom of God, to defeat the kingdom of God.
And so power is their ultimate goal. And so what we need to do,
I think, is to hit them where it hurts. Just simply deny them that power.
And you can do it in a small way with your family, with yourself. You can do it in a little bit of a larger way with your local body of believers, your local communities, and things like that.
Simply deny them that which they seek the most because they want power.
And so simply saying no, no, you can't have that power when it's illegitimate, is what the goal has to be.
And I think that eventually there will be a critical mass reached where the powers that be will have such little power that they'll have to do something drastic.
And I think the more they expose themselves in sort of these drastic ways, it might hurt in the short term, but in the long term, that's gonna be what's necessary.
And actually, this is something where we have to kind of consider the short term versus the long term.
I saw this Gab post from Matt Williams, and he's actually, he's quote posting
Gabe Wrench, and he's disagreeing with Gabe Wrench. And I thought a lot about this.
This was posted on this 22nd. And I thought a lot about this, and I still am kind of not sure where I land, but I thought
I'd explain myself. So here's what Gabe Wrench said. He said, here is where we are at.
The government will literally change the definition of what constitutes as a vaccine and then force you out of your job if you refuse that vaccine.
The distrust and damage this is stoking will be irreversible. And so Gabe is rightly pointing out that the government is just changing the rules in the middle of the game.
They're flying by the seat of their pants. And this ties in directly with what I just said. Everything that they do is all to maintain power.
So it doesn't matter what a vaccine was yesterday. Today it's this, and the reason it's this today, and it might be something different tomorrow is to maintain power, right?
That's what it is. It's that their goal is, their singular focus is just to maintain power, to completely tyrannize everybody, to control everything.
The metaverse is part of it. Everything's part of this, right? And so Gabe Wrench is lamenting that. It's like, the distrust that this is gonna sow in people is irreversible.
And this is a real problem that nobody trusts anything. And I feel this, I feel this. I was talking to my brother the other day, and I was talking about, we're at the point now that even when somebody in Congress or a politician or a leader says something good that I agree with,
I'm very hesitant to support them because I just assume that it's a grift because I don't trust them, because I basically don't trust anyone in power at this point that I don't know.
I'm talking politics right now. I trust my pastor, I trust things like that. But you see what I'm saying? At this point, I just don't even,
I can't trust anything. And it's like, even when someone good rises up, like even DeSantis, it's like, okay, so what's the gag here?
What's the scam? You know, I don't know what the scam is. And it's like, that's a problem, I think. I agree with Gabe, this is a real problem.
And I have to check myself very often because I feel like my mind has been poisoned in this way.
But Matt Williams says, on the contrary, I think that the distrust of government will be very healthy for us.
The damage has been done because of how much we trusted our government.
You know, and so you see where my dilemma, because I kind of agree with this too. I think that distrusting these demons is gonna probably be good because they're demons.
So when you don't trust the demon, that's actually a good thing. And so, but the thing is like, to Gabe's point, like, this is the problem because now like, even they're gonna say some true things and we're not gonna believe them, right?
Because it's the boy who cried wolf, it's all that. And we're gonna be in a tough spot because now we don't know who to believe, but yet we still have to live in reality and still have to act and all this.
And so it's a problem. Matt Williams says, yeah, but in the aggregate, you know, I think it's gonna be healthy for us.
I tend to agree with Matt. I think in the short term, this is what I mean by short term versus long term, right? In the short term, as you know, 80%, 90 % of our politicians are demons, they're demon possessed.
Distrusting them will be a very good thing. But we're gonna have to figure out how to build this thing back, how to reconstruct trust in our leadership positions because it's, you know, it's a fifth commandment, right?
Honor your father and mother is a commandment we ought to take seriously and it applies to leadership figures of all types.
And so in the short term, I agree with Matt, I think this is actually gonna be a good thing, but in the long term, we need to recognize that there is a crisis of trust, a crisis of trust that is gonna be very difficult to overcome and as Christians, we need to figure out how to do this because we need to reconstruct this thing, right?
I'm done with conservatives, I'm not trying to conserve that which failed in the past. There's nothing good about that, right?
Like whatever we were doing in the past, over time it eroded to the point where we're here now and there's transsexuals teaching our kids in schools, right?
Like, so that didn't work, I'm not trying to conserve that. I'm trying to rebuild, I'm trying to reconstruct,
I'm trying to rejigger this system so that it's more likely to survive the test of time.
I want it to survive the test of time, but I'm not infallible, right? I'm not perfect, so I'm not gonna be able to know exactly what to do, but the goal is to honor
God in everything and to honor God better in our government and our structures than we have in the past. And we need to solve this problem of trust because I have a feeling that I'm not alone in this where I see
Marjorie, whatever her name is, or DeSantis or whatever, and I just don't trust them because why would
I, you know what I mean? Even though they're saying good stuff and I agree with a lot of what they're saying, I'm like, okay, well, what's the scam though?
What's your grift? I wanna know right now. Like, you know, that's the kind of thing. Maybe I'm blackmailed,
I don't know. In any case, I hope you found that video helpful. We'll get to some more stuff in the next one, but I just wanted to do a grab bag there because there's a few things
I've been thinking about over the last few days, and I haven't had time to do a video. I hope you found this video helpful.