John MacArthur's Needless Offensiveness

AD Robles iconAD Robles


You thought he was bad? You're going to love this.


You people out there, you say you're believers, but you believe there's many paths to God. You guys are so into your idolatries, you're like a whore on a street corner.
You spread your legs for any dude with five bucks that passes by. If anyone says they're a Christian, but then they twist the gospel into something that's not,
God damn you. You even think about messing with God's children in any way, encouraging them to sin.
Like a lot of you guys who want to make your little boys girls and your little girls boys, you might as well go throw yourself in the ocean, drown and die.
Those troublemakers that are bothering you, they might as well get it over with already and chop off their balls.
By the way, trigger warning. Yeah, so my name's
A .D. Robles. A lot of you guys who are watching this video are probably pretty new to what I do. My channel is mostly dedicated to social justice, cultural commentary, news, things like that.
This week, a lot of you new people have been finding me from the Beth Moore stuff and the controversy there.
That's not something I talk about all the time, but it's definitely something that's relevant. I started this video with a couple of sort of rewording, some modernized versions of things that are straight out of scripture.
I think sometimes we read scripture and we really try to take the emotions out of it. We really are a little bit disconnected from the time period it was written in.
We don't see these insults, this mockery, this, shall
I say, needlessly offensive content that's in there. There's so many things I could have chosen. I chose some of the ones that kind of came to the top of my head when
I was thinking about this. I've seen people really criticize John MacArthur's whole statement on Beth Moore and they say stuff like this.
It was needlessly offensive. He didn't have to say that. That was just for shock value. They were just joking and mocking and things like that.
I find that so ridiculous a lot of the time because, yeah, of course he didn't need to do it, but this is a rhetorical thing to be really shocking, but you don't leave it there.
You don't just say the shocking thing and leave it there, and he didn't. He spent 10 minutes explaining what he meant, why he meant it.
It was nuanced. It was pastoral, and he started with something that was very shocking. This is something that the
Bible does all the time, needlessly offensive. What does that even mean, needlessly offensive?
How could you even prove that? How could you even prove someone was being needlessly offensive? This is all a matter of opinion.
All you guys out there that are saying, oh my gosh, this is so unloving, it was so sinful. Prove it. Prove it.
You can't prove it because it's all basically just, it's sinful because my feels says so.
My feelings were hurt, and I don't like that, and people didn't like what he said, so therefore it was sinful.
They wouldn't have liked what he said even if he didn't say anything shocking whatsoever, which he basically didn't.
Go home, that's a paraphrase of something Paul said. That's a paraphrase of something Paul said.
It's not offensive in any way, but some of you in your opinion think it's offensive. I don't know why you think that your sensibilities and your feelings are the standard that everyone else is judged by, but it isn't, so get over yourselves, number one.
Get over yourselves, and man up. Let's be men about this. Look, this is something that men do with each other.
I mean, you talk to any man, a real man, not these effeminate types, but people make jokes on each other and insult each other and things like that.
It's all in good fun, and it's not really taken seriously, but okay, she's a woman, so you can't do it?
Okay, fine. So you tell me. You prove to me how saying go home, and it was a bit of a joke obviously, and then taking 10 minutes and explaining the biblical positions here that you all claim to agree with, which
I don't buy that for 10 seconds. Oh, I agree with John MacArthur, but the way he said it was so sinful.
I mean, look, if that criticism applies to John MacArthur, then it clearly applies to Ezekiel, who said the thing about the whore.
Here's what it says in Ezekiel chapter 16, verse 24. You built yourself a high place at the top of every street, and you made your beauty abominable, and you spread your legs to every passerby to multiply your harlotry.
Another word for harlotry is whoring. That's why I use that word. How does your criticism of unloving and sinful not apply to Paul when in Galatians he writes this, as we have said before, so now
I say again, if anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one we receive, let him be accursed. In other words,
God damn you. If I were to say God damn you to anyone, no matter what the context, no matter how appropriate it was, people would obscure, they would skewer me.
Inappropriate, unloving. Yet Paul said God damn you to this guy. Paul's in Galatians. He was on fire in Galatians.
Chapter five, verse 12. I wish that those who are troubling you would even mutilate themselves. I wish that those who trouble you would even cut themselves off.
I wish that those who are disturbing you might also let themselves be mutilated. I wish that those who unsettle you would emasculate themselves.
Chop your balls off. That's what I wish. I wish all of you effeminate men who don't have enough courage to stand up for things that are necessary, chop your own balls off.
Go all the way and just make it official. If I were to say that, unloving, sinful, and yet that applies to scripture as well.
I mean, there's no real standard that would let that apply to me and not scripture except for this.
Well, you're not the author of scripture. Yeah, I know I'm not the author of scripture. But again, if you don't have a clear definitive way to say it applies to what you said, but not what
Paul said. Paul wasn't being needlessly offensive, even though clearly he was being offensive intentionally when he wrote this.
Intentionally offensive. So clearly that is not a problem. Clearly God, the Holy Spirit didn't sin when he was offensive intentionally.
Jesus was offensive intentionally at times. It didn't characterize his whole ministry.
Yes, neither does it characterize most of anybody's whole ministry. Neither does it characterize John MacArthur's whole ministry.
But yet for some reason, when John MacArthur does it, it's sinful. It's unloving. And yet the same criticism would apply to Paul and also would apply to Jesus because Jesus was the one who told people to go throw themselves in the ocean and drown.
Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and be drowned in the depth of the sea.
Go throw yourself in a river. Jesus said it was one time when Jesus was talking to the
Pharisees and his apostles came to him. They were shocked. They were all they were like they were like all these all of these these men grabbing their pearls and stuff.
Jesus, you offended the Pharisees. You offended them. Don't you know what you said offended them? And Jesus did know he did it on purpose.
It wasn't needlessly offensive, but it was offensive. But it was offensive. So so all you guys out there and I'm talking to people that that that ordinarily
I agree with on so many things like Joe Thorne and his stuff. Oh my goodness. John MacArthur was just so sinful and unloving.
Prove it. Prove it. And show me why logically that same criticism could not be levied on Christ himself who intentionally offended people at times when he thought it was appropriate.
I don't know, but I mean, maybe I'm missing something here. Maybe maybe you can show me the logical proof that shows me that that that John MacArthur's offense was needless and sinful and unloving.
But yet somehow Paul's wasn't and somehow Ezekiel's wasn't and Jesus's wasn't and the endless amount of examples you could pull from the scripture.
I just pulled four that came to my head instantly. I didn't I thought about this for 15 seconds and it came out with four.
But there are so many more just like this. And so so you tell me why
I can't follow the full example of Christ, the full example that's put put forward in scripture because I could have the whole range of things.
I can be gentle. I can be patient. I can be I can be, you know, I can talk to someone with tenderness.
But at the same time, we again demonstrate the whole range of this. And John MacArthur has been on record saying that this movement, this social justice period that we find ourselves in is the most serious threat to the gospel that he's ever seen.
So let's just take him at his word for a second. If it really is, wouldn't it warrant the harshest rhetoric?
If there's no room for harsh rhetoric, if there's no room for offense, intentional offense in your words, then
I have a hard time understanding how you could follow the whole example of the Bible. For some reason, you have all of the, you know, the the the the the soft and tender sides.
But you for some reason take out all the harshness, all the seriousness, all the solemnness and all of that kind of thing.
There's no reason to do it unless maybe you can show how you know that when when when
Paul or Jesus or these people were offensive, Ezekiel, all these people were offensive. The Holy Spirit writes offensive things in his in his word on purpose, knowing it's going to offend.
Yet somehow that is completely off limits for us. Anyway, I hope this is helpful.