MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT! Time For Me to Confess Something :(

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I Am An Oppressor :( I have Kyle Howard to thank. This video is for entertainment purposes only.


I was hoping to have something more positive for you today. I was going to announce that my wife and I were able to find a house that we can move to in New Hampshire and I was so excited because, you know,
I was so excited because, you know, it's not humongous house, you know, it's below our means, which
I was excited about. But at the same time, it has a little bit of land and the land is kind of in a unique position.
It's actually kind of set back just a little bit and it's enough room to, you know, maybe have some chickens or, you know, an animal of some kind and things like that.
I was really excited about that because that's what I wanted to do. I wanted to have like, you know, maybe some chickens or I don't know, maybe a pig or something.
I don't know. And now I just, I'm just like really shook up because I think
I've been an oppressor this whole time. I'm an oppressor. Now, I know that might not surprise some of you and, you know, that might not surprise some of you that I'm actually an oppressor, but I hope you can hear me say that it is surprising to me.
I didn't know that I was an oppressor, but thank goodness that I have a faithful counselor, a faithful counselor, trauma counselor, who can show me the truth.
And really, this is just the truth is here. So I have a way back. I can have a way back into a good standing.
And I just, it's really troubled me. Not only am
I an oppressor, I've been an oppressor my whole life. Just read this from Kyle James Howard.
He says, I mean, there is really only one demographic with exceptions that is super into hunting.
We should ask why there is this need within the demographic to exert power over other living beings.
If not people, animals, even creatures, rare or endangered. And then he's got kind of like one of these, you know, he can't, he doesn't even know he can't even, and it's like,
I've been one of those people that has exerted power over other living creatures, animals.
And I'm just thinking like, I had this idea that I was going to get this house and have chickens and, and, and, and, and, and take their eggs.
And that's, I mean, can you think of something more oppressive, more oppressive than taking the embryos?
Are they embryos yet? I don't know. They're not fertilized. It's still wrong. It's still wrong.
Harvesting a chicken against its will for food. You imagine being happy about that and taking pictures with your animals that you're going to eat.
I had chicken nuggets last night. I don't think you don't, you don't understand how pervasive this is and how much it's shook me up because I, as I sit here talking to you right now,
I know that I had 10 chicken McNuggets last night and I dipped them in sweet and sour sauce and it was delicious.
And the entire time I was exerting my oppressive power over those chickens.
I mean, think about it. Think about it. We kill chickens.
We mash them all up together like this. We turn it into a pink looking goo and we press it into the form of little ovals and little booties.
They look so cute. Little booties. We think it's cute, but it's not cute. It's oppressive.
And God cares about justice. It's just,
I sit, as I sit, I'm ashamed. I'm so ashamed. As I sit here talking to you, admitting
I'm an oppressor, I'm drinking broth, bone broth. I mean,
I literally boiled the carcass of an animal, a precious animal, a living being that God created.
I boiled the carcass in water for hours, literally hours, with some vegetables.
I diced up some onions and carrots and I put it in there all together in a big pot and I boiled it and boiled it and boiled it.
And now I'm savoring the liquid. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I can only have Kyle J.
Howard to thank. And I'm gonna contact him after this and I'm gonna get what
I'm sure is to be some really good counseling to help me through this difficult time.
To help me through this realization that I've been taking advantage of a power dynamic that I didn't fully understand.
That's shameful. That's shameful. If God wants us to identify with the oppressed, what can we, how can we do that better than identifying with the chicken?
I mean, at least an animal that you hunt has a fighting chance. A chicken doesn't stand a chance. I'm sorry.
Needless to say, I won't be having a chicken coop in my new house. It grieves me.
It grieves me. Anyway, what is this guy's problem?
He's not very smart. I mean, at the end of the day, I know he's just looking for attention and I'm giving it to him.
There's no question about it. He's looking for attention. What he wants is he wants people to beat him up for this ridiculously stupid, idiotic buffoon of a tweet.
He wants people to beat him up and then he can claim victimhood and then he can farm women for money.
That's what he wants. He wants mommy and daddies, all his sugar mommies and sugar daddies out there that give him money for this kind of stuff.
He wants them to feel sorry for him. This is what he does. He puts out a stupid take like this and then everyone beats him up, blah, blah, blah, blah, and then people feel sorry for him and all the hard work that he's doing and blah, blah, blah.
They give him money for doing nothing. I mean, if you guys, but seriously, if you pay him for counseling or even if you don't pay him for counseling and you go to counseling for him, like you got to get your head examined.
You really should actually see a real counselor and get some real help because this man doesn't understand anything.
Anything. It's just that simple. I mean, I don't know if he's a vegan or not, but it doesn't even matter if he's a vegan or not.
It makes no difference. This is a stupid take. It's idiotic. Um, this man is, he, this man claims to have been an ex gang member.
I mean, I got nothing for you. I'm going to enjoy my chicken bone broth or turkey bone broth.
It does sound weird though. You know, you boil a turkey carcass for hours and hours and hours and then you just savor the liquid. It's so good.
It really is good. But yeah, I am. I did get a house.
So thanks. If you've been praying for us to find our house, we did find a house. It's a, it doesn't have a lot of land, but like I said, it's set up actually in a kind of a cool way because there's like a hill, but it's not, it's, but it's flat.
So it goes down and then it's flat and that's going to be a perfect place for a chicken coop. Oh, it's going to be fantastic.
Those eggs are going to be good too. And let's just be honest. This is part of Christianity.
I'm taking what God has given and respecting it and using it and making it better. What better example could you have than, than taking a chicken egg and turning it into a delicious omelet.
a fantastic thing. Anyway, I hope this is helpful. God bless. Bye.