Gospel Coalition (and friends) Intentionally Seeks To Subvert Women

AD Robles iconAD Robles




All right, welcome back to the channel. I hope you've had a good week. It's Friday. Some of you aren't working today.
Some of you are, but if you are, I hope you have a productive day. You know, there's a very famous verse in the
Bible that a lot of people use, and it's where Solomon says there's nothing new under the sun.
Everything that happens has happened before, and it's not like history is exactly repeating itself.
What's that phrase that people use? History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme, or something like that.
I don't know, but the kinds of activities that men get involved in, they've always gotten involved in.
That's just kind of how it is, and I was thinking about this today because of a section of verses in 2
Timothy. 2 Timothy 3, Paul is writing to Timothy, obviously, and he's talking about the kinds of men that are gonna be in the church.
They're gonna be, you know, wanting to be identified as Christians, but they're really their enemies. They're enemies in disguise, and he talks about the kinds of things that they're going to do.
This is the Word of God. That's, um, that section there, we could do a series of 20 videos about how
Big Eva just embodies that section of verses, but we're gonna move on, because that's not what
I want to talk about. Verse 6 says this, "...for of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women, loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."
Very, very interesting stuff. These kinds of men who are, they're not really believers.
They present themselves as believers, but they, when you really, when you think about it, when you look under the hood, when you just consider the kinds of activities they get involved in, they're, they bear no fruit.
They love themselves, they love to elevate themselves and their platforms, they love money, they promote things that are ungodly, and things that are good, they despise, and they throw shade at that kind of stuff, and they love pleasure rather than God.
They, again, they present themselves as believers, but they're not believers. They don't promote good things, they promote bad things, and they deny good things, in other words.
So they're just, they're upside down, they're, it's completely inverted. And how many times in this channel have we pointed out things that Big Eva promotes that are bad, and things that they don't promote that are good, and it's just,
Big Eva is inverted, Gospel Coalition is inverted. But it's just so interesting that what
Paul specifically says is these guys, they specifically target women.
They creep into households, it kind of gives you the idea of like slithering their way into households, you know, finessing, grooming their way into households.
It's covert, it's not like something that they're doing obviously, it's not like yeah we're coming for your women, it's like they kind of sneak their way in.
And I don't think it's an accident that these organizations that have, and these individual pastors as well, that are promoting these ungodly ideas in the church, that are subverting biblical law, that they're bringing in critical race theory,
I don't think it's an accident that their aesthetic is so effeminate. It's every, even the terms of phrases that they use, they appeal to women.
Here's an example, you know, we've often talked about how so many of these men, right, like in these winsome good faith debates, the kinds of phraseology they use, it's always they fear things, right?
I fear this, I fear that, I worry about this,
I'm concerned about this, it's never the zeal of the
Lord, right, it's never anger, this angers me, it's I fear. The terms of phrases there are meant to appeal to and to manipulate women, that's what it's meant to do.
Kyle Howard's entire existence is all about being a scared puppy, presenting himself as a scared puppy who's too scared to be in the room with James White.
Look, James White looks pretty young for his age, James White's an older guy, but Kyle Howard, the thug, he was a real thug, he was a blood, he was a blood dog, you know, or was he a crip, who knows?
Real gangster, you know what I mean? He's scared to be in the room with James White. He's not actually scared to be in the room with James White, but he wants gullible women, sinful women, to feel sorry for him.
That's his whole ministry is presenting himself as a wounded puppy, a child that a woman will like be like, oh they're there, and it works, you can see it working.
Beth Moore and him have this really kind of weird sort of perverted relationship, and it is perverted, where he calls her auntie and he kind of imagined some kind of a familial relationship there, and she's like, oh they're there little boy, and it's really sick and disgusting when you think about it, it's disgusting.
Hold on a second, all right, anyway, I don't know what that was, but it seems like it's solved. So this is no surprise, there's nothing new under the sun, this is how apostates and false teachers always operate.
They seek to capture weak women. Dwight McKissick, he's another one. His entire ministry, if you look at his
Twitter feed and the things he promotes publicly, I don't know what he does in church, I'm assuming it's the same stuff, but how he wants to be known publicly is essentially a champion for women, and of course the way he champions for women is to encourage them to sin, right, encourage them to preach, encourage them to do things that God says you're not supposed to do as a woman.
And then he'll also use the same kinds of terms of phrase, I fear this, I'm worried about this, and stuff like that.
And this is all intentional, right, they're coming after your women.
This is why the Gospel Coalition aesthetic is so effeminate, this is why everything about the
Gospel Coalition is soft. It's soft. The way they make their sets when they're doing these good faith debates, even the way that they handle the good faith debates, it's all soft.
And of course they always include women in the good faith debates, the women are on the progressive side of this, and what they're doing is they're normalizing the progressive, unfaithful, untrue side of the debate, and they do it through women.
And so women, they seek women to identify with the untruth, with the upside -down morality, with the progressive side, and in that way they're trying to capture women.
That's one thing that apostates and false teachers always do.
But what I find interesting about this, this is the New King James Version, it says that they creep into households, and you know, and again, this is covert, right, like at first, you know, what was that woman that was part of the mortification of spin
Amy Byrd, right? At first she's presented as like, she's really conservative and things like that, and she kind of, you know, snakes her way in there, and of course she's been a feminist the entire time, but she's platformed by these two,
I guess, stalwarts of conservative Christianity, also, you know, female adjacent type guys, and they'll use the same kind of rhetoric,
I fear this, I worry about that, you know, the winsome, there's no zeal there, of course. So that's how she's allowed in, and then of course she springs the trap and goes full feminist, and I have heard story after story after story from men who allowed their wives to read
Amy Byrd, and now their wife is a feminist, and it's tragic, absolutely tragic.
But they're creeping in, but what I find so interesting about the way the New King James does it, and I think this is actually true of the
King James as well, which is my favorite, but you know, I read the New King James just to see a little easier, you know, it says they creep into households to make captive of gullible women.
It's not just women, because they actually can't get the women that are faithful, that love their husbands, that respect their husbands, that submit to their husbands, they can't get those, they get the gullible women, they get the ones that are loaded down with sins, the ones that already want to sin, they're the ones that a guy like Dwight McKissick can capture, they're the ones that Rachel Denhollander, or Jacob, I guess,
I guess I'll have to hold Jacob accountable for this, but he's really just, you know, he doesn't wear the pants in the family, let me put it that way.
They can't get the real, the true godly, God -honoring women, the ones that were like Sarah, they can't get those, they get the gullible women that are loaded down with sins.
I find that so interesting, there's a lady I follow on Twitter, I think
I follow her, I'm not really sure, I don't follow a whole lot of people, but anyway, Twitter shows me her tweets a lot. She goes by the name of Hannah, and she's a patriarchy, you know, supporter, things like that, and she mixes it up with all kinds of feminists online, and like they, it's so funny, because like, you know, they'll try to zinger, they'll be like,
I saw this today, they were like, so wait, you're only online because your husband allows you to?
And she's like, yeah, I mean, I mean, if my husband didn't want me to be online, I wouldn't be online, and they're just like, so, like, they're so shocked by the, oh, you're so, you're so stupid, you don't even have a mind of your own, it's like, you really, like, you're criticizing her for, you know, doing things that her husband wants her to do and not doing things her husband doesn't want her to do, like, that doesn't make any sense, right?
But you see, a woman like that is not at risk of a guy like Dwight McKissick, because she respects her husband, not
Dwight. See, she respects her husband, she's in no danger of being manipulated by Kyle Howard, you know what
I mean? Or any of these losers, and this is the thing, like, like Big Eva, their ministries, a lot of these guys, the words they use, the kinds of articles they produce, the kinds of issues that they focus on versus the kinds of issues they ignore, it is all designed intentionally, you need to hear this, this is intentional to manipulate women.
They present themselves as this wounded puppy, and it's not just Kyle Howard that does this, there's a lot of Big Eva, like,
C -listers, D -listers, A -listers, that they present themselves in this way too, where it's like, oh, the poor dear, you know what
I mean? Like, you feel, and you're supposed to feel bad for them, they're not doing that so men will feel bad for them, because men don't feel bad for you.
Oh, poor you, somebody's insulting you online, who cares? They do that for women, they do that to manipulate women.
I feel bad, I'd feel bad, I mean, I feel bad for their wives, because a lot of these guys are married too, like, a guy like Kyle Howard is married, it's like,
I just feel bad for them, I feel bad for them, they're in a tough spot, they're in a tough spot.
But this has been going on since the beginning. Paul specifically calls this out, he says, these kinds of people, these brutal men, they despise good things, they love evil, they're unthankful, they're unholy, they're unloving, they're unforgiving.
Notice, notice, Gospel Coalition people, they're so often promoting an unforgiveness, they're so often promoting being against, you know, what your parents taught you and stuff like that, that's just a fundamentalism.
This is just, this explains Begeeva to a T, this passage, 2nd
Timothy 3. There are all these things, but he calls it out, he says, they specifically are targeting women, and they will capture gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts.
This is, it's just so instructive for our time. It's no surprise that the organizations that are doing so much damage right now are also, you cannot look at the aesthetic of Gospel Coalition and come away with anything, but they are specifically targeting women, and people who have the mentality of women.
It's also these female adjacent guys as well. It's no surprise, like they put
Jake Meador in that debate, because it's almost like a,
I dare you to beat me up, like I dare you, I dare you to come strong against what
I'm saying. You wouldn't punch a guy with glasses, would you? And gullible women are like, don't put, he's, look at, he's up, he's up, the poor dear, don't, just, just, and they want to placate those people, right?
And every father knows this, any father who has boys, you know, like they run to their mother for comfort, and that's a good thing, right?
That's a really good thing. The mother has this innate sort of thing that she wants to comfort her sons, but every father knows that there are times when that's not what they need.
There are times boys need comfort, but there are times that that's not what they need. They need, alright, get up, dust off, and let's continue.
Big Eva doesn't have a category for that. They don't. Gospel Coalition doesn't have a category for that.
You know, they, they, they, everything that they do, it's all intentional, guys, you need to understand this.
Big Eva, Gospel Coalition, it's all intentional. Everything they do, they do to capture gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts.
At this point, in 2023, with everything that we know, as a husband, if you are allowing your wife to dive headlong into Gospel Coalition materials without any oversight, without any protection, you are a fool.
And your woman is, has a lot of danger for being captured in this way.
And I wouldn't be surprised until if one day she comes back and she's, and she's a feminist now.
She's a feminist now. Be careful, guys. Be careful.
That's all I got to say about that. I hope you found this video helpful. God bless.
You know, one more thought here that I just, before, before we're done, it's just so interesting, like, like, it's clear the aesthetic of Big Eva, Gospel Coalition, ERLC, this is, it's geared towards women.
That's without question. It's, it's, it's clear that, that the issues that are taken up by these organizations and the issues that are ignored, that's driven by a desire to appeal to women.
It's very, very clear that the way that we, the terms of phrases that we use, you know, and even, even
Big Eva guys that are like, they're okay. Like they're, they're on the right side of these issues. They're not really bringing error into the church.
A And maybe even you and I have used phrases like this where we're, we're concerned, you know, we're, we're frightened that this will happen or fearful that this will, it's become almost like a part of Christianese.
Like if you, if you're worried about something, I'm sorry, if you're angry about, see, I almost just did it right there.
If you're angry about something or if you, if you oppose something, if you want to, you want to put a stop to wokeness in the church, you can't say
I oppose it. You can't say I'm angry that people are bringing this heresy in. If you, you, you can't say
I'm zealous for fighting this, this evil in the church. You know, you can't say that it's actually, it's proper to be fearful of it.
It's proper to be concerned of it, afraid, frightened, any kind of word like that. And it's all designed.
It's part of our Christianese. It's designed to capture women. Women have legitimate fears.
I mean, this is the thing like, like, like it's important for a woman to find a man who will protect her, who will provide for her.
We'll take care of her, who will teach her, all of these kinds of things because it's a dangerous world out there.
And, and, and this is why God created men to, to, to, to, to marry women and to protect women and all of this kind of thing.
It's not natural for a girl to be like, to, to desire to be a girl boss, you know what I mean? Or, or, or, or, or things like that, or to be on her own.
That's not natural, you know? And so women have legitimate fears. And so the way that a lot of these charlatans, these, these, these false teachers bring their heresies into the church is they, they play on women's fears.
And that's an, an intentional thing. We, you know, we're, we're very clear on that. But, but I want you to, to hear the antidote here, men, because again, men, it's very important that you, you monitor and you guard your, your, your, your wife's minds and, and, and heart and soul.
You're supposed to be washing her in the Word. You're supposed to be teaching her and helping her. You know, even in the
Bible, it says, you know, women, if you have a question, you know, keep your mouth quiet at church and ask your husband at home.
There's a reason for that, you know, there's a reason for that. And we can't just excuse that as, oh, that was yesterday's culture.
There's a reason for that. It's just, it's just so apparent that there's a concerted effort to capture women.
False teachers are laser focused on that. And they often do it through the concept of fear.
We need to drop that Christian ease. You know, I'm afraid, I'm concerned, I'm worried, I am frightened.
We need to drop that like a bag of dirt. That's, that's, that's, that's a bad habit. It's not the way the
Bible uses those words. It's not, it's not, it's not, it's not what we should do.
Here's how the Bible does use words like fear and things like that. Um, this is from first Peter, you know, it's giving women an example to follow, right?
And it's not the girl boss example. It's not like I'm going to be the working mother. You know, I'm, I'm, it's, it's not the example of a
Rachel Denhollander. You know what I mean? It's, it's the example of the women of old, you know, where your husband's your, your husband's your sidekick and stuff like that.
That's shameful. That, that, that is Jacob Denhollander is a shameful man. Rachel, Rachel Denhollander, you know, she's a professional charlatan is what she is.
Here's what God says in the same way you wives be subject to your own husbands, be subject to your own husbands, your husband's not your freaking sidekick, be subject to your own husband so that even if any of them are disobedient to the word, they may be won over without a word by the behavior of their wives.
As they observe your pure and respectful behavior, your adornment must not merely be in the external braiding the hair, waiting, wearing gold jewelry or putting on apparel, but it should be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God.
For in this way, the holy women of former times who hoped in God also used to adorn themselves being subject to their own husband.
This is your example, the holy women of former times. It's not Gretchen Whitmer.
You know what I mean? It's not Alexandria Ocasio -Cortez. It's not Lauren Boebert. These are not the examples for your daughter.
The examples for your daughter are the women of old. And here's what it says. Just as Sarah obeyed
Abraham, calling him Lord, and you have proved to be her children if you do what is right, without being frightened by any fear, without fearing anything that is frightening, without fearing any terror.
Why is Sarah not fearing? Because she's got Abraham. That's why
Sarah is not fearing. She trusts the Lord. That's why Sarah is not fearing. You know, the woman
I mentioned on Twitter, you know, she's not at risk for being tricked by Rick Warren or Kyle Howard or any of these creeps because she's got a strong husband at home that takes care of her and helps her and teaches her and protects her, not just from physical, you know, threats, but also from threats to her mind and to her heart.
He protects her and she respects him. So if he says, I don't want you reading that Amy Byrd, she probably wouldn't read the
Amy Byrd. Guys, guys, if you let your women read Amy Byrd uncritically, you're insane.
You're insane and you're sinning against the Lord. That's that's the bottom line. And so, you know, it's we've got to watch out for for for for those kinds of things, those turns of phrases.
And we've got to protect our women from men who they are only looking out for themselves.
Sure. You know, they'll say, oh, yes, I want to champion women, you know, just like Jesus championed women.
And oh, how do you do it? Well, you you let them preach. I mean, they've got a word for the church. Yeah, their word for the church is so often, you know, if our menstrual cycles help us have a window into the gospel, it's like if you let your wives listen to Jen Wilkin uncritically, you're insane and you're sinning against God.
I mean, it's it's pretty simple anyway.