The Madness of Secularism, the Goodness of God's Law.
One hour show today starting off listening to the moral insanity of a "law professor" moving from that into a consideration of what it means to be a nation of law versus a nation of men, drawing from Deuteronomy 19.
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- 00:32
- Well, greetings and welcome on a pretty toasty Tuesday afternoon of seemingly all over the place
- 00:39
- I'm seeing all sorts of folks talking about how it's over a hundred degrees where they are. Well, you poor people
- 00:46
- Sorry Sorry, we live in the hottest metropolitan area in the
- 00:51
- United States I don't know how you determine metropolitan. There's About over a million people we got like five or six.
- 01:02
- I've lost track how many but It's absurd and it's hot and I don't know how this many people live in a place like this and I I tend to agree with that cartoon
- 01:13
- That that says that is a massive act of arrogance that Phoenix exists
- 01:20
- It's pretty much true yeah, that's Really can't can't there's there's no argument made against that.
- 01:27
- It is a massive act of arrogance that we are here It was 115 yesterday in the shade and I Think they're what only supposed to like 112 today, you know real real cool -down
- 01:43
- Once you once you get over 110 Yeah, yeah break out the
- 01:48
- Coogee's man. I've got got one the other room You could I know if you really want to wear one so you just feel free to go in the other room grad one
- 01:56
- You'll be good Okay Not gonna light up one of my
- 02:04
- Coogee's that's not so nice See, it's gonna put up with I was trying to be nice and what do I get?
- 02:10
- Pretty much what I get from a lot of people out there anyway Yes, it welcome to the program today
- 02:19
- Ah So many weird things here, I suppose
- 02:24
- I should start I Don't know if you all saw the clips coming out from some sort of Senatorial something
- 02:39
- I don't know. I think it had something to do with Some women's issue
- 02:47
- III don't I just honestly don't know what But we have this is this is a
- 02:53
- Berkeley law professor If you want to have a picture of Why our society is absolutely doomed if It does not if there is not
- 03:11
- You know, I'm not gonna say if it does not I don't think it's anything our society can possibly do in of itself
- 03:18
- To avert doom at this point If God is not merciful in bringing a great awakening level
- 03:31
- Revival of Truth This insanity and it is it's insanity.
- 03:39
- I do not apologize for calling this what it is. It's insanity Will will be the end of us.
- 03:47
- There's no two ways about it. Here's some Well, let's let's listen to this together.
- 03:54
- Um, I Actually have two clips and It's the same
- 04:03
- Same lady, but it you'll you'll get you'll get the sense of things. Some of you have seen this already
- 04:08
- Let's get a deep seat in the saddle here. Oh Okay, never mind that We did not remember to check this it's been a long time since we did this
- 04:27
- It's not the Dell. I think it's this one. I hope
- 04:33
- Let's let's see Lead lives that are filled with dignity and humanity and your way of thinking that happens when more black babies are
- 04:43
- Aborted I believe I trust. I love black people with the capacity for pregnancy.
- 04:49
- I think they have agency. They have intelligence They know what it's best for themselves and I would love to create the conditions under which they can live lives that are filled with dignity and human do you think of do you think a baby that Before we go on the listening listening to leftists again
- 05:13
- Back in the day When the Soviet Union still existed
- 05:20
- You would hear Pravda you would hear And even with China as well after the fall the
- 05:28
- Soviet Union Communist countries leftists Abuse language
- 05:36
- They abuse it they redefine every term and that's what we are seeing in our country today every
- 05:42
- Word that used to have meaning racism. We used to know what that meant. We used to know what a racist was
- 05:49
- Now you're a racist For any reason now, you're a racist for turning right too slowly in front of somebody else.
- 05:56
- I mean, there's there It is used so widely. It has no meaning anymore
- 06:04
- Dignity and worth were just used Dignity and worth in whose sight what what do those words even mean?
- 06:13
- If if you cannot recognize the humanity the preborn child if you cannot recognize the scientific reality of the uniqueness of the genetic code that results from the fertilization
- 06:26
- Process in human experience if you cannot recognize if you are so dull morally ethically and spiritually that you cannot recognize that you
- 06:38
- Had a relationship we know now I was thinking Sunday night
- 06:47
- I took Summer and Clementine and January to church and They needed ride and and so we
- 07:00
- I picked him up and On the way home some funny Conversation started in the backseat of the car, which often happens when you have
- 07:12
- Girls the age of Clementine in January and and of course summer and I are sitting up front and we're dying laughing and Summer is in her last trimester we're looking forward very much to the arrival of ransom and I'm listening to summer laughing and We know
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- That the child in the womb can hear these things and that the the mother's voice and mental attitude
- 07:48
- Impacts that child even before birth But we live in a day where we have an entire political party that has become a religious cult and This religious cult has as its central sacrament the murder of pre -born children, so just as I When I was involved many many years ago with Operation rescue
- 08:18
- I was when my wife was pregnant with summer and My son had been born
- 08:30
- And Seven weeks early so he had been neonatal intensive care and things like that and So I was already deeply aware at that time that there were people who?
- 08:43
- felt it would be completely appropriate to have killed him in the womb and The utter arbitrariness that the stupidity that the evil of Looking someone in the eye and saying yes
- 08:58
- It would have been all right to kill that child on This day, but the next day once he's born and then you can't
- 09:05
- Even though he was born prematurely and there might be another child that is still in the womb
- 09:11
- That is three days older or a week older or ten days older But since they're in the womb the womb is the deadly zone and they're they're good to kill you can chop them up But you can't now chop up this one at least there are
- 09:30
- People promoting the the cult of death the culture of death who are open to us saying yeah You know we should we should give it six months.
- 09:36
- You know decide whether you know six months down the road It's not working out too. Well. You're not getting the sleep you need go ahead and whack the kid
- 09:44
- There are people that are now saying that and that makes perfect sense from their worldview
- 09:49
- Because it's us that matter. It's me. It's my 401k It's I Am the only thing that really does matter because there is no
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- God. There is no future. There is no judgment and so my personal happiness, however,
- 10:05
- I define that is all that matters and so we have this cult that exists in our day and joined with it of course is the denial of the most basic elements of human life
- 10:21
- What a man is what a woman is what a mother is where the father is what the child is All these things are now up for grabs in this insane wacko
- 10:31
- Utterly shameful hat should not be respected by anyone for any reason
- 10:38
- Insanity Moral and spiritual insanity that exists in our in our day
- 10:45
- But these are the people who run our universities That that's why as a Christian parent, why would leave everything else aside aside from what your child is gonna be exposed to Why would you want to contribute?
- 10:58
- These organizations already have billions of dollars They're they're rolling in money.
- 11:04
- They don't I don't know why anyone ever Donates anything to a university.
- 11:10
- They are they're rolling in dough and so Uh, why would we want to promote that kind of thing?
- 11:20
- I I I don't know so Listen to the abuse of language
- 11:26
- Uh, these are not stupid people, but these are people who are desperately evil
- 11:33
- They're desperately evil And they do as a result because they they stay in their own little
- 11:40
- Place their own little echo chamber They have the the mental maturity and the emotional maturity ethical maturity of about a six -year -old
- 11:50
- That's about as far as you can go Because after that you start realizing how stupid everything left the same
- 11:57
- You know people with the capacity to become pregnant Just Wow How how far have we gone
- 12:10
- That's how if I you know If in the year 2000 I had said that there would be people testifying before Congress They would talk about people with the capacity to become pregnant rather than using the term woman
- 12:22
- Everyone would have looked at me and said you are absolutely insane. You're nuts and now
- 12:28
- Here we are. Here. We are. This is this is what we're experiencing and We are supposed to bow down and worship these people we are supposed to honor these people
- 12:38
- I will not honor evil I Will not honor ethical and moral pygmies.
- 12:44
- I won't do it and You shouldn't either It degrades and debases all of us.
- 12:52
- I don't care if she's black woman doesn't matter The white liberal women or some black women it doesn't matter.
- 13:00
- But at least I know she's a woman At least at least we've got that going for us we're doing better than most people are so we we continue on Alive has value.
- 13:15
- Yes do you think of a Baby that is not yet born
- 13:21
- Has value I believe that a person with a capacity for pregnancy has value. They have intelligence.
- 13:27
- They have agency They have talked about the baby and I'm talking about the person with the capacity and I'm you're not answering the question
- 13:32
- I'm answering a more interesting To catch that I'm answering a more interesting question to me
- 13:44
- Again, I'm sorry that this this woman is supposed to be a law professor and so I expect something of someone who is a professor of law
- 13:55
- I Expect a level of maturity. I expect level of ethics. I expect a level of morality of intellect
- 14:04
- None of these things are present IQ of a wet shoelace Unbelievable and it's this is what the system is meant to produce
- 14:14
- The university system was once meant to produce critical thinkers
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- Who would have laughed at the foolishness of this stuff? But now it is only meant to produce one way of thinking and it's an immaturity.
- 14:30
- It's a childishness That the baby that is not yet born
- 14:39
- Let's say the day before this mother delivers. Do you think that baby has value?
- 14:45
- I think that the person with the capacity for pregnancy has value and they have that they should have the ability to control what happens
- 14:50
- To their lives well, and and I just know to refuse to answer the question Yes, she refuses to answer the question
- 14:58
- She can't answer the question. It is the essence of the culture of death
- 15:05
- To do everything including acting like a six -year -old to not allow the victim of abortion to ever be seen in the conversation you cannot talk about the uniqueness of that human child the result of the miracle of conception you can't you can't talk about it and so here you have ostensibly a self -proclaimed
- 15:36
- Legal scholar who will act like a brat a little child before the
- 15:44
- Senate to maintain the fiction of the culture of death the fiction of the culture of death well
- 15:54
- Cornyn wasn't the only one To have the experience of seeking to speak with this young woman
- 16:04
- I now realize that I can't click the expand thing because that's actually in the video
- 16:11
- It's not in the thing that's all right we understand Josh Hawley likewise
- 16:21
- Heard her using this people with capacity for pregnancy, you know
- 16:29
- If I didn't have granddaughters Well grandkids really because my grandsons including ransom and that Are deeply will be deeply impacted by this moral and ethical pygmy ism
- 16:51
- As well, but I especially think of my granddaughters because this this transgender insanity is so anti -woman in so many ways
- 17:06
- It's truly disgusting and so to see women degrading themselves in this way
- 17:12
- But if I didn't have grandkids You would listen to stuff and you'd you'd be tempted to just laugh
- 17:20
- How can anyone be this insane that this just completely discombobulated? I don't know but what you'll discover is
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- When you attempt to engage the left they own they have a very limited playbook a very limited playbook and What they will do is accuse you of violence
- 17:43
- They'll accuse you of violence if you do not Buy into their insanity then you are committing violence and You can understand why if these people ever engage in actual debate
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- Where both sides get equal time and where there is forced cross -examination
- 18:13
- These people just fall apart. I mean she's falling apart here. I mean to any rational person to any adult
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- It's obvious that she cannot even begin to defend her position. That's that's a given
- 18:26
- But They get away with this because they own the media there's no one that will push them
- 18:32
- There's no one that will press them except a few people like this. So here's where Josh Hawley Well, just just watch
- 18:40
- Thank You, mr. Chairman, thanks to all of the witnesses for being here Before I want to visit with you miss mesquite, but before I do
- 18:47
- I just want to clear one thing up professor bridges You said several times you've used a phrase. I want to make sure I understand what you mean by it
- 18:53
- You've referred to people with a capacity for pregnancy Would that be women? Many women cis women have the capacity for pregnancy.
- 19:04
- Many cis women do not have the capacity for pregnancy There are also trans men who are capable of pregnancy as well as non -binary people who are capable of pregnancy
- 19:12
- So this isn't really a women's rights issue It's we can recognize that this impacts women while also recognizing that it impacts other groups
- 19:20
- Things are not mutually exclusive senator Hawley. So your view is is that the core of this this right then is about what?
- 19:28
- So I want to recognize that your line of questioning is transphobic and it catch up so She can't talk about women's rights because she can't define a woman she has been talking about people with capacity for pregnancy and So now he's like, okay, so what is the essence of this right that you're talking about because used to be called women's rights
- 19:53
- But once you've destroyed women, you can't really have women's rights anymore. And so He's just just slightly presses one step one question and Immediately.
- 20:06
- Well, this is transphobic Transphobic and and you're supposed to just just immediately drop to your knees.
- 20:14
- Oh, please Forgive me for not embracing the mythology of Your disconnected
- 20:26
- Drug induced hazed world Where there's a hundred and forty seven different genders
- 20:33
- But this is what you get This is what you get and that's well, you're gonna see open sub trans people to violence by not recognizing that You're saying that I'm opening up people to violence by asking whether or not women are the folks who can have pregnancies
- 20:46
- So I'm one I want to note that one out of five transgender Persons have attempted suicide
- 20:53
- So I think it's important because of my line of questioning because we can't talk about it because denying that trans people exist and pretending
- 21:00
- Not to know that they exist. I'm denying that trans people exist by asking you if you're talking about women
- 21:05
- Are you having pregnancies? Do you believe that men can get pregnant? No, I don't think
- 21:12
- And that leads to violence is this how you run your classroom or students allowed to question you or they also treated like this
- 21:20
- Opening up people to violence Well, I would learn a lot
- 21:27
- I've learned a lot Okay, this woman is so arrogant I don't I don't know that I could control myself
- 21:34
- Even while demonstrating her utter idiocy The utter idiocy of her worldview,
- 21:41
- I mean she's bought into it and she's promoting it. So she's responsible for it, but So if you do not buy into something that People have only really believed in this country and in any way to pass ten years the most
- 21:59
- Then you are guilty of violence and you're causing people to kill themselves and And look
- 22:07
- You know why it's so effective Because the vast majority of American citizens are not trained in critical thought
- 22:16
- They're trained to emote not to think critically they they
- 22:23
- The majority of American citizens under the age of 50 today Would have difficulty
- 22:31
- Dealing with any logical problem You know word problems that we used to have to solve in school
- 22:40
- They they would have difficulty dealing with any logical problem
- 22:47
- While Emotionally excited Because for them emotion and and the thought process of the same thing
- 22:57
- They've not been taught to suppress and control their emotion. So as to be able to think straight
- 23:03
- I this is always Whenever whenever there's a a movie and you know the bad guys coming or the monsters coming or the aliens are coming or something and And a woman starts screaming
- 23:22
- Since I've been a kid it's been Stop screaming and run
- 23:29
- Lock the door do something logical It's just just stop and Sadly, you know most guys would be able to understand that back in in the olden days
- 23:41
- But today that the guys do the same thing now, too. So it doesn't really matter But anyway that There is
- 23:53
- That that's what's going on in our government The Chinese are taking over the world
- 24:01
- Africa South America They are taking over. The amazing thing is they are taking over all the countries that have the raw materials to make
- 24:12
- Solar panels everything else while we are converting to all of that I'm just gonna tell you my honest opinion.
- 24:22
- Okay, this isn't a Necessarily a directly theological issue, but we have been taken over by our enemies.
- 24:29
- We are being run by our enemies and I believe that the regime that's currently in charge is guilty of the greatest treason against the
- 24:38
- United States ever I Believe we're being run by traitors That's where we are.
- 24:44
- And that's a pretty sad thing to have to say But I think there's very strong evidence of it very very strong evidence of it
- 24:51
- So Anyways Speaking of which
- 25:05
- There is a case I'm seeing some
- 25:12
- Positive evidence that the Jose Alba Case Hopefully the corrupt prosecutor in Manhattan is going to Give in to the tremendous amount of pressure that is coming against him and Drop the murder charges.
- 25:37
- Jose Alba is a 60 60 61 something like that year old guy working in a bodega,
- 25:44
- I guess that's sort of a yeah, it's sort of like a Inside 7 -eleven or something.
- 25:50
- I don't know Convenience place in large cities, I guess I don't know anyhow
- 25:58
- Some Ex -con, I don't know if he knew the guy was an ex -con his girlfriend's
- 26:05
- Debit card didn't work. And so he comes around the counter and attacks this older man.
- 26:11
- He's over 20 years younger and attacks the man and he fights back and he stabs the guy and the guy dies and When I first saw that when
- 26:25
- I saw the attack for the first time all I could think about how many times and Some of you don't expose yourself to these things and I understand why
- 26:33
- I'm not saying you necessarily should And maybe I shouldn't
- 26:40
- But how many times have I seen video of these attacks in cities
- 26:51
- Where and 99 .9 % of the videos I've seen young black men or young black women to see that this that restaurant that they little poor little
- 27:06
- Taco place that they trashed because they dared to charge for extra dipping sauce
- 27:12
- You see that they tore the place apart. They did tens of thousands of dollars worth of damage.
- 27:20
- And again, it was just Privileged Undisciplined Evil people destroying other people's livelihoods.
- 27:31
- It's all it was but Airports if you see did you set one?
- 27:40
- It's been a couple but there was especially one where there was some black woman young early 20s
- 27:48
- Got angry about a delayed flight or something. I mean man anybody who you know,
- 27:56
- I Used to fly a lot and delayed flights. I know it's worse now. I get it.
- 28:02
- Why do you think I'm not flying? But it happens and those poor people behind the counters have nothing to do with it, okay
- 28:11
- She's literally picking up those things where you you know These people go this side the big deadly weapon
- 28:19
- It's heavier than a baseball bat and throwing it at people swinging it at people it's just astonishing but these people that will just walk up behind somebody and Hit them with all their might from behind and kill them.
- 28:41
- I mean, especially older people More than once you just see you see him go down.
- 28:47
- They'll never get back up again or they'll die a few days later brain hemorrhaging
- 28:53
- Etc. They're murderers. They are murderers and they think it's funny last week 2 30 in the morning.
- 29:02
- I'm not gonna be out at 2 30 in the morning on any Street in Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York But a what was what was he 72 year old man, uh
- 29:16
- I don't know what the a group of what four boys three girls are
- 29:23
- Out and they attack him with a construction cone. Those things are heavy construction cone
- 29:32
- They knock him down first. He manages to get up and then just off camera. They hit him in the head again
- 29:38
- He died the next day It's in Philadelphia We've seen
- 29:46
- Hundreds there are thousands Tens of thousands of videos like this and so you get another one of these guys
- 29:57
- Attacking somebody you you expect him to go. Oh, he's that that's all he's gonna do. He's he's gonna calm down now
- 30:06
- No, and if he had beaten if he had hit this guy in The face and he hit his head in the way down died
- 30:14
- Do you think this? this prosecutor Would be going at him
- 30:20
- The way he's going at this guy never never It never happened.
- 30:28
- And so What I've been thinking about George Soros Is well known for Utilizing his money.
- 30:40
- He's not he's not the richest man in the world, but he has He has done more damage and and and ruined more lives and and resulted in more lives being taken in the
- 30:51
- United States anybody I can think of the man is it is Evil as the day is long and his intention has been the destruction of this nation and he is accomplishing and He's accomplishing it with the aid of so many
- 31:07
- Americans so many traitors You find any politician that has received any money from any
- 31:15
- Soros Foundation at all and that person will be corrupt Just like the WF Just like the
- 31:21
- WF Anybody has money from WF anybody who's taken any of their classes done anything with them at all?
- 31:27
- Needs to be turned out of office immediately if we have any chance of survival period end of discussion
- 31:34
- But Soros is the one who's been funding these Prosecuting attorneys that will not prosecute that that will simply ignore the law and And just turn people back out which which demoralizes the cops.
- 31:51
- Why should the cops even bother and Keeps the population in Incomplete fear and what they want is they want you hiding in your house
- 32:03
- Not able to go out not able to do anything and even fearful because The reality is if these people break in and you defend yourself, even though we have laws
- 32:16
- That at least in red states would allow you to defend your wife yourself
- 32:25
- These people don't care about law they don't care about the law They will prosecute you anyways, they will find a way to do it and they'll let the people attacking you go
- 32:38
- They want to remove Even your right of self -defense. They want a completely subdued
- 32:45
- Bow the knee. I'm not gonna say a word against big brother population. That is
- 32:50
- What their goal is the destruction of law? The overthrow of these things now, what does any of this have to do with the dividing line?
- 33:02
- Well, I want to read you a section from Deuteronomy and I will just remind folks a
- 33:14
- A number of years ago for over two two and a half years,
- 33:21
- I think I Preached serious discernments on the Holiness Code and expanded it out and covered a large portion of the
- 33:28
- Old Testament legal structure and I Came to understand that while there are sections that There still needs to be work done on God's law represents
- 33:50
- God's character and That law is frequently ignored in our day
- 34:03
- That's right evangelicals if they've ever read all of Leviticus and Deuteronomy have only done so once and Certainly do not make it a regular part of their consideration their reading and Anyone who would dare to talk about the importance of presenting
- 34:24
- God's law in our day? Well, they're one of those dreaded theonomists, whatever those are
- 34:32
- However that gets defined I just don't even know how you can argue against a meaningfully biblically grounded definition of a general equity theonomist, but people do
- 34:47
- There are some people that just I want to read you a section Deuteronomy 19.
- 34:52
- Listen, listen this Deuteronomy 19 verse 16 if a malicious witness rises up against a man to accuse him of wrongdoing
- 35:03
- Then both the men who have the dispute shall stand before Yahweh before the priests and the judges who will be in office in those days and the judges shall investigate thoroughly and If the witness is a false witness and he has accused his brother falsely then you shall do to him
- 35:22
- Just as he had intended to do to his brother thus you shall purge the evil from among you and the rest will hear and be afraid and Will never do such an evil thing among you thus you shall not show pity life for life eye for eye tooth for tooth hand for hand foot for foot now
- 35:43
- That's one of the places where the lex talionis appears that final verse 21 1921 lex talionis
- 35:53
- Life for life eye for eye tooth for tooth hand for hand foot for foot you need to understand that that is so often misunderstood because the context of The Old Testament law is normally not understood either especially as It stood against other legal systems in the nation's around Israel Lex talionis is a limitation.
- 36:22
- It is a tremendous advancement. So for example in other systems of law
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- If a peasant Offended a powerful man or a person of another
- 36:38
- Rank or class such as you have in Hinduism in India Even if the offense was slight the punishment could be tremendous
- 36:53
- God's law doesn't allow for that doesn't allow for the rich man the poor man to have two different standards There's one standard of law there are no classes and It can only be
- 37:07
- Life for life. I for I tooth for tooth hand for hand foot for foot the punishment
- 37:13
- Has to be commensurate with the damage that was done in the crime so in this case if you have a false witness and He is seeking through dishonesty to gain an advantage in business over His competitor his brother.
- 37:40
- Well, then the advantage that he was seeking Should be taken from him and given to the other man
- 37:48
- If he was trying to gain a hundred shekels Then he should lose a hundred shekels and that hundred shekels should be given the man.
- 37:55
- He was lying But if he's trying to get him killed then his life was forfeit
- 38:02
- So if he if he makes a false accusation that would result in the death penalty and it has proven to be false
- 38:10
- Then his life has to be taken why for life now, you'll notice the judges shall investigate thoroughly so when
- 38:23
- I Think a lot about that about this recently We generally what we're seeing today what we are seeing in our own what
- 38:34
- I'm seeing in my own experience is how a A wonderful legal system
- 38:44
- Can be subverted as long as you have enough people in the system that are evil enough to want to subvert it so when when the large majority of people recognize the benefits of the system
- 39:00
- Then the system will continue to function to work once you get once you pass a tipping point and there are enough people that are
- 39:09
- Evil in their hearts and they they disrespect the law They they do not
- 39:20
- Want the law to be equally applied to all people
- 39:28
- They want they they don't believe the law has a moral foundation and they don't believe there's gonna be judgment when you read
- 39:37
- God's Word The Theano Stas revelation of Deuteronomy and I hope you believe that's what it is.
- 39:47
- There is behind everything When when it says in Genesis will not will not the judge of all the earth do right?
- 39:55
- There's an assumption there. It's the same assumption that Paul mentions in Romans 3 how then can
- 40:02
- God judge the world ever thought about that when he says that that means that it is a
- 40:11
- Presupposition it is a foundational presupposition That God is going to judge the world that there is a
- 40:22
- Righteous judge and there is a day of judgment and so that fundamental foundational reality
- 40:34
- Lays behind all of this look up the term witnesses in Leviticus Deuteronomy and you will see the
- 40:49
- This reality coming out how witnesses are to be treated and how they're to behave and the absolute necessity of Honesty Well, why wife
- 41:04
- Let's be honest. Why should why should there be any honesty today from a secular perspective?
- 41:11
- There is no There is no reason for honesty If you can get away with it, why not what does what what is the benefit of being truthful even from an evolutionary standpoint what's the benefit of being truthful if you can lie and Get more of your
- 41:30
- Genotype into the next generation from the evolutionary perspective. That's great That that's a that's a moral good
- 41:38
- So lie away There's no judgment The only negative is if you get caught
- 41:45
- And if you get caught then that that might indicate that you don't have as much skill to pass on in the next generation anyway, see so Foundational to the
- 41:59
- Christian worldview is there's going to be judgment and in the society that is envisioned
- 42:13
- That worships Yahweh The The righteousness of the individuals within that society
- 42:27
- The more Righteous people there are the more righteousness is produced
- 42:36
- The more smoothly it operates the more accurately it operates Now as I've mentioned many times before If you look up the term witness
- 42:48
- No one it's repeated over and over no one has ever to put to death on the the testimony of one individual never why the law recognizes the possibility of dishonesty
- 43:06
- Well, but two people can be dishonest three people can be dishonest that that's all true And that's the point the more righteous the society then the more accurate will be the
- 43:21
- Investigation of the judges being able to discern the inconsistencies of the testimonies of witnesses issues along these lines
- 43:31
- But righteousness produces more righteousness unrighteousness produces more unrighteousness and Because of the high standard of God's law
- 43:46
- There are people who in this life will get away with Evil There will be wrongdoers where there's no witnesses
- 43:57
- There will be rapists Who get away with rape? There will be murderers who get away with murder.
- 44:06
- There will be thieves that get away with thievery swindlers liars
- 44:14
- Yep, there will be There is in Scripture. There is the commandment
- 44:22
- That for the benefit of the whole people The people are to desire justice to be done.
- 44:28
- They do not want the shedding of innocent blood They do not want to have innocent blood in their land Because they know that the shedding of innocent blood brings
- 44:37
- God's judgment upon the whole land Because the murderer himself is not judged and so there there has to be a desire for true
- 44:49
- Justice to be done within the parameters of what God's law reveals to us is
- 44:56
- Possible in this life, but the standards are so high for a reason
- 45:04
- Because the condemnation of a just man is a grave crime the condemnation of one who is innocent
- 45:13
- Well, no one's innocent. Well, if you mean before God, yes, and God will never condemn an innocent person
- 45:20
- There's only been one of them And he voluntarily gave himself But in the context of a particular crime there are people who are innocent there are people who just didn't do what they're being accused of doing and to condemn that person is a huge crime
- 45:41
- Not just for the judge The witnesses but for that society as a whole there will be a day of reckoning for all of that that's that's a reality and so From the biblical perspective.
- 45:59
- Yes, there are gonna be people who get away with evildoing for now
- 46:07
- But they won't in the end And that's the huge difference secularism cannot provide
- 46:17
- That kind of a promise in fact secularism by its very essence says there can be no such promise and Judge judgment has to take place in this life
- 46:29
- Because there's nothing more to come there is there is no great judge of all the earth There will be no great day and So I remind us once again as we look at What's happening in our land where we are transitioning from being a nation of law?
- 46:53
- To a nation of men now, I I don't remember the first time I heard that phrase
- 46:58
- I would imagine some of my probably dearly departed elementary school teachers are
- 47:07
- Shaking their heads going. Oh See, no one ever listened to a word we said So maybe it was then but I know that in my upbringing and in my youth
- 47:23
- I Heard that we are a nation of law rather than a nation of men
- 47:30
- What's that supposed to mean? Well, it's supposed to mean that the law is
- 47:39
- An abiding standard based upon righteousness based upon a not just simply a majority rule
- 47:50
- But that law has moral authority because it represents something above itself and above the the stature of the people that enact it and That as a nation that law is the ultimate standard and we cannot alter that just for ourselves
- 48:13
- Over against a nation of men Tyrants kings
- 48:21
- People who Have one law for you and another law for them as we have now today
- 48:29
- We've seen this in our nation. No one with an
- 48:35
- IQ above 12 can say that the people Who went into the
- 48:42
- Capitol in January 6 are being treated in the same way as the people who attacked federal buildings with bombs
- 48:51
- During the summer of 2020 Who would be arrested and released before the morning no one can say that there is very clearly right now the
- 49:05
- Injustice Department and that's what it is is The play thing the toy of the
- 49:12
- Biden regime to go after whoever they want to go after There's no law Constitution doesn't mean anything to these people
- 49:20
- So it's not a matter of the application of law It's it's absurd
- 49:30
- But that's what happens and that's Look at Look at any of the
- 49:38
- Eastern European nations under communism and This is what you'll see if you're in the party
- 49:44
- There's one set of rules for you. If you are
- 49:49
- Not one of the party faithful it's a completely different set of rules for you and everybody knows it
- 49:57
- There is no justice There is no law that applies equally to this person to that person the beauty of God's law and this is
- 50:10
- It's amazing when when people dismiss God's law as merely it's just a artifact of the
- 50:18
- Mosaic Covenant They don't they don't recognize
- 50:26
- That not only the same section of the Holiness Code That you have the prohibitions of homosexuality is the same section that talks about honoring your parents
- 50:35
- Honoring the elderly and loving your neighbor as yourself It's the same three chapters two chapters well two and a half anyway same section and The the beauty is
- 50:50
- That over and over again was you you will not show partiality you will not have a nation of men and so if a rich man comes before a judge or Poor man comes for a judge that judge knows he must judge righteously
- 51:11
- Why do you think the left has taken over every Law school in the
- 51:18
- Western world And is producing ethical Children like that woman that we saw at the beginning of the program.
- 51:29
- Why do you think that is because? If you want to corrupt a legal system that was plainly based upon Christian concepts
- 51:45
- If you like innocent until proven guilty You need to be thankful To the
- 51:51
- Torah for that to Moses To these scriptures.
- 51:59
- That's where it came from So it was based on so if you're going to if you're gonna destroy that then you have to produce people who can be so twisted in their thinking that they can subvert the system and That's exactly what's going on.
- 52:17
- That's exactly what has happened. It's a part of God's judgment.
- 52:23
- I mean none of us in This life
- 52:30
- Can necessarily discern with perfect accuracy What is the judgment of God and what is that which brings the judgment of God?
- 52:43
- You know You can you can look at it from both from both directions
- 52:50
- Once you have a people that can't tell the history of man or woman anymore. That's definitely the judgment of God. Okay, I mean
- 52:56
- You there's just so much perversity that has to come before that that yeah, that's
- 53:05
- But where where do you exactly draw the line? I don't know but the
- 53:12
- The fact that for example you have in Canada remember the Trinity Law School thing No can't have that can't have a
- 53:17
- Christian a Christian law school Because everything has to be secular That's an act of rebellion.
- 53:23
- That's that's the creature saying I will not be ruled by and Submit to my creator and that's what we have in our society today if anyone dares stand up and and and defend what was
- 53:44
- Just a given outside those law schools 3040 years ago.
- 53:49
- Well you Not only hate monger. You need to be fired You need to be canceled need to have your internet access revoked and once they start digital currency you all your money needs to be taken away and you need to need to starve to death and if Again, if if you don't think that the left will do that, you don't know history
- 54:11
- I've told you about the whole the whole lot of more before I've told you what Stalin did to the Ukrainians millions
- 54:22
- Starved to death. You don't think you'd do that You don't you don't think the left will do that I Understand what it is
- 54:30
- Cuz see when we when we think of Stalin doing that when you think of Stalin, you know that was way back then like there's a people there are people alive today that remember
- 54:38
- Stalin, but That was way back then and man.
- 54:44
- He was scary -looking and while you know, you had Hitler and Stalin and Mao and oh, yeah Those are really bad and Mussolini mean and Italian, you know, but still
- 54:54
- You know, but that was way back then I Just think a lot of people have a hard time looking over here on my screen as The program started was
- 55:07
- Elizabeth Warren and we look at Pocahontas and we laugh at her.
- 55:13
- She's a liar We we we we know she she can't
- 55:21
- Put together an argument worth nothing AOC, oh my goodness
- 55:27
- Ignorance Personified and we can't realize she's
- 55:33
- Warren is sitting over there saying we need to shut down crisis pregnancy centers Because they fool people into thinking that you know
- 55:42
- They're looking for abortion care and they fool people and get them to stop having abortions
- 55:51
- She's probably demonized. She's probably demonized.
- 55:57
- Do you have any idea how many? children
- 56:02
- Have been murdered because of people like her and their Insane love of death.
- 56:12
- Oh But she's just too silly. She she made she what? She got all of her positions by claim to have been an
- 56:17
- American. I can't take that seriously get better You better I think that's what it is
- 56:23
- We look at these people and it's like oh Oh Yeah, those people back then
- 56:29
- Stalin. Ooh Millions and millions died at his hands, but there's nobody like that today.
- 56:35
- Yes, there is Xi Jinping whoever the current wacko head of North Korea is
- 56:44
- You know, he's he's actually executed some of his enemies with an anti -aircraft gun. Do you know what that looks like?
- 56:51
- To shoot somebody with an anti -aircraft gun There's there's not there's not enough left to even identify parts
- 56:59
- Wood chippers Yeah, there are that kind of evil people in the world today and we just don't want to believe it
- 57:07
- Well, you know, it's just a matter of opinion and everything nation of laws nation of men we were once a nation of law and We understood some of us understood why?
- 57:26
- We are no longer a nation of law and The superstructure upon which that was built
- 57:35
- It's not just gonna stand there it will eventually collapse in of itself and then you have anarchy and when you have anarchy people cry out and that's when the totalitarian step in with the goose -stepping militarized police and Give you what you're looking for and what's been lost is freedom
- 58:01
- Liberty the things that founded and made this nation great the that whole foundation was found in our book and It's beautiful.
- 58:17
- It's amazing to me how many Christians do not thank
- 58:23
- God For the beauty and balance of his law. We have something to offer the world
- 58:33
- Christ or chaos It it's true It really seems to me that there are a lot of Christians who don't who think that is too radical a dichotomy
- 58:50
- Christ or chaos But it is it's Christ or chaos. Did you wish to?
- 58:57
- Say something as we're closing up you're talking about we don't want to think about it And you know what the one thing that I remember is in the stories that I heard about pre -world war two
- 59:08
- Was that is exactly the mentality that the people in this country had then we they heard stories about what
- 59:15
- Hitler was doing and they didn't want to think about it They didn't want to think that it was true and you'd go into the 1950s
- 59:22
- They heard stories about what Stalin was doing and they didn't want to think about it We don't want to face those things.
- 59:28
- This just keeps repeating itself and we just oh, it can't be real It can't be real.
- 59:34
- They don't really they're not really that evil Yes, they really are that evil
- 59:39
- They were then when we didn't want to think about it and they are now. Yeah. Well and and of course for those on the left
- 59:48
- They they are open about it. They have to be open about it Secularism is the fundamental denial of everything that is good about Christianity That's what it is.
- 59:59
- It's the polar opposite. It's polar opposite. And by the way as we close up in In August, I'm gonna be up in the
- 01:00:07
- Denver, Colorado area me and Jason Lyle are gonna be doing a At Redemption Hills Church we're gonna be doing a conference on the failure of secularism the dangers of secularism failure of secularism and I've also by the way,
- 01:00:23
- I Contacted Jason yesterday. I'm sure you won't mind me mentioning this. I I I Said you know what?
- 01:00:31
- We need a Jason Lyle article on how to enjoy the James Webb Space Telescope While ignoring the worldview of the people operating the
- 01:00:40
- James Webb Space Telescope Because we're seeing all this stuff and I've been excited about web for a long time
- 01:00:47
- I've webs been delayed delayed delayed delayed. So I've those of us to do the do some sky watching.
- 01:00:52
- We've been waiting for web and It's finally up there. We're finally starting to see Some of what it's capable of and it's gonna be awesome.
- 01:01:01
- The problem is of course everybody at NASA today is a Almost everybody at NASA today is a secularist and so They can't the heavens the heavens declare
- 01:01:13
- We're really big and that's all the heavens can do for them so we need to I hope
- 01:01:20
- Jason will put together an article for us to help us to Filter out the zaniness coming out of NASA and enjoy the beauty of God's creation
- 01:01:29
- Anyways, that's it for the program today Thank you so much for listening today and for allowing me to have a half -hour introduction into a discussion of why
- 01:01:38
- God's law is Truly good because it represents his moral character.