F4F | Is Jesus Returning in 2030?


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseboro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God.
Now, real quick here. This is not going to be a long video, but this is a strong caution to the body of Christ.
And here's the caution. Don't fall for people who set dates for the return of Jesus.
There's a video that has been made popular. It's been out for a few weeks now, has over a million views, and it claims that Jesus is returning in the year 2030.
Don't buy into this. You don't know when Jesus is returning. And there are a lot of people who have still have egg on their face because they've predicted when
Jesus was going to return. They sharpened their pencil, worked out the math, came up with a flawless crack to the code, only to find out that their dates have come and gone and Jesus hasn't shown up as they expected him to when they thought he was going to do it.
Don't play this game. It's a dangerous, dangerous game. And those who engage in this kind of speculation, they are setting themselves up for big falls.
And we'll talk about that today. So let's whirl up the desktop here. And yeah, that's some firework photos
I took on the 4th of July this year. Fun kind of doing that. I did it with a long lens. I shot this at 180 millimeter, a four second exposure for this to be able to work out.
It was kind of fun. But alas, that's not why we're here. So let's do this. Let's whirl up the web browser.
And the video in question, the video in question, Messiah 2030.
Note here, 1 .1 million views.
And I've been receiving emails and comments on my YouTube channel saying, Pastor Rose, bro, you need to address this video and all this kind of stuff.
We're going to address it. So let's listen to a little bit of their claims and I'll show you where this is going to fall flat.
But here we go. This presentation will reveal over two dozen biblical prophecies and patterns that point to the precise biblical year of the
Messiah's first and second comings. We will systematically review each prophecy and pattern and watch it build and reinforce a 7 ,000 year messianic timeline that reveals a first coming in 30
CE and the second coming in 2030 CE. What you call yourselves
Christians and you can't even use a D. Really? Why are you going with CE?
We will find is that dozens of prophecies and patterns accurately determined the exact year of our
Messiah's first prophecies and patterns, the exact year coming. These same prophecies and patterns also show us the exact year of his second coming.
Since these prophecies and patterns were accurate in predicting his first coming, would it not be reasonable to expect the same degree of confidence in predicting his second coming?
Would it not be reasonable? Don't fall for this. I have survived the end of the world like over 30 times.
I think 35, 36 now don't fall for this. Jesus is actually very clear.
Matthew chapter 24 concerning that day and hour. No one knows not even the angels of heaven nor the son, but the father only.
You don't know when Jesus is going to show up, including the year. You don't know. It's, I'm sorry, but everybody who's played this game has lost and lost spectacularly.
It is not for you and I to know when Jesus is coming back. It is only for us to know that he is.
And there are signs that we are to look for that will show his imminent return is at hand, but that's about all the heads up that we get.
And so when people do this and they put videos out like this and claiming that they've figured it out, they figured the pattern, they worked out the math in it and it works out beautifully.
And over 1 .1 million people have watched this thing. And in fact, I can already tell you right now that in the comments to this video, there are going to be people who are basically saying, you are not right and challenging and questioning this.
You're like an unbeliever. How dare you? No, you don't get to play that game either.
Okay. I'm a believer in Jesus Christ and I believe Jesus's words. Nobody knows when he's going to show up.
He's going to show up at a time when nobody is expecting him. I kind of have a running joke from the pulpit at Kongsvinger.
I'm the pastor of Kongsvinger Lutheran church in Oslo, Minnesota, don't you know? And my running joke is because no one,
Jesus says he's coming at a time when no one will expect him. My joke is that I think he's going to show up on a
Thursday because no one is expecting Jesus to show up on a Thursday. I don't know which Thursday. I just kind of hope it's this one.
But listen, you don't want to play this game. You don't. And I'll explain why.
So let's work through a few things, shall we? Not biblically, but show you the wreckage of people who've tried to play this game and they've lost.
So I don't care how slick their presentation is. I don't care how good their audio is. This video should be avoided and nobody should be paying attention to it.
Because I would note that that same pattern, oh, the 7 ,000 year plan of God, the creation week, you know, one day, two days, five days, six days, seven days, 7 ,000 years.
All you got to do is follow the pattern. Well, yeah, well, you're going to note here, this guy is saying that Jesus is coming back when?
2029, not 2030.
Same pattern, same logic, different year altogether.
In fact, their claim was that the rapture was supposed to take place in 2022.
Did you notice a rapture of the Church in 2020? Did any of you see that happening?
No. So you're going to note that these people, they've completely embarrassed themselves.
The video was posted. Now, the ancient rabbis, they believe that each of the seven days of creation week represented 1 ,000 years.
We see this idea repeated in the New Testament by Peter, but do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the
Lord, one day is 1 ,000 years and 1 ,000 years as one day. And again in Revelation, blessed and holy is the one who shares in the first resurrection.
Over such, the second death has no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and they will reign with him for 1 ,000 years.
The rabbis believe that Messiah would come on day four between the year 3 ,000 and the year 4 ,000.
Uh -huh. All right. So the rabbis thought this, and guess what? He showed up right as expected.
That means that the end of the world is going to be, when does he say, 2029 and the rapture was supposed to happen last year, but it didn't.
That's kind of embarrassing. Now there's another fellow, famous fellow, one you've probably heard of,
Sir Isaac Newton. He had a prediction for when Jesus was going to return.
And this was on the Sid Roth It's Supernatural program back in 2009 or 2008.
Listen to what happened. Isaac Newton studied all the books that you mentioned in prophecy, but the one that he really held onto is
Daniel. He looked at the ninth chapter of Daniel. He interpreted the years that are there as prophetic years, each year being seven years, but he took a different slant.
Most people add up those years, come up with 483 years. They add that up and come up with the time when Christ first returned.
But he took a look at that last 49 years, and he took a look and also said that the Jews one day would return to their homeland.
Now this is 300 years before that fact. And that once they were their homeland, that they would have Jerusalem as their capital again.
Now that occurred in 1967. And what he did is he took the 49 years in Daniel 9, added those to 1967.
He came up with a year and he admonished people. We are not date setters. We're not date setters.
Oh no, no, we're not date setters. But he set a date. God's word says that he knew God's words, but the year he came up with is 2016.
There we go. Sir Isaac Newton. Jesus is going to return in 2016.
Now I know that the closed captioning said 2060, but that's not what he said. 2016.
I mean, look at the name of this video. Isaac Newton predicted two years for Jesus's return, 2016 or another.
But this fellow makes it clear that 2016 was the one that he worked out.
Sir Isaac Newton. I mean, how do you claim that you know math better than Sir Isaac Newton?
Did Jesus show up in 2016? He knew
God's words, but the year he came up with is 2016. And some people will say 2060 and he scratched that on a piece of paper, but he really felt 2016 would be the year of Jesus's return.
So, and this is all in the book, but on the day that you signed the contract with the publisher, what happened to your wife,
Cindy? Cindy didn't reveal this to me, Sid, until about a month later. The reason she didn't is because I wasn't believing what she was telling me.
Cindy told me throughout 2006, as I was writing the book, that God told her that Satan wanted to kill her.
And I being her husband and the spiritual head of my family, I was to pray over her. See, Satan wanted to stop this book from getting out so that nobody would know that Jesus was showing up in 2016, but he didn't.
That's embarrassing. All right. What about Herald Camping?
You guys remember Herald Camping? We'll put a link to this video down below in the description.
It's the internet historian's 23 minute long look at the debacle that was the
Herald Camping prediction of the return of Christ. And boy, was that embarrassing.
In fact, this fellow by the name of Fitzpatrick, I mean, he believed Herald Camping had truly cracked the code and had done the math and knew exactly when the rapture was supposed to take place.
And he even went into New York City, downtown, Times Square, to let everybody know that the rapture was going to be at 6 p .m.
on this particular day in May. And let's take a look at how that worked out. Confident Fitzpatrick marched into the middle of Times Square amongst a crowd of mocking bystanders, ready to prove everyone wrong.
Six o 'clock. In three minutes. If it does not happen, what will that mean? I wouldn't entertain that question.
You're confident. That's what I read in the Bible. Here it comes. Three, two, one.
Uh -oh. Nothing happened. Yeah, Jesus didn't show up as Herald Camping had worked out the maths to figure out that he would.
And then 6 .01, 6 .02. And by 6 .03, Fitzpatrick's convictions turned to confusion.
It's pretty hard not to feel sorry for him. I didn't water my plants. I didn't do the dishes before I left.
I didn't expect to be going back home. But it looks like I will be going back home. But look, just so we're clear, we're all still alive and the rapture didn't happen.
Yep. When you set dates and you oppose what Christ said, nobody knows the day or the hour, and he's showing at a time when nobody expects it.
And you decide that you're going to put out videos claiming that you've cracked the code. You know exactly when
Jesus is going to show up. When he doesn't show up, you make Christianity and Christians the fodder for ridicule.
And I've seen it happen over and over and over again.
Brothers and sisters, don't play this game.
Jesus will return when he's good and ready, at the time appointed for him to return.
And he will not show up a minute earlier or a minute late. He will be here exactly at the time that God has chosen.
And nothing's going to change that. And he is not going to let you know when that time is.
So when you see videos like this, and your friends and your family and the people that you attend church with are saying, you've got to watch this.
Oh, could it really be? Don't play this game.
You are opposing Christ and you are setting yourself up for a spectacular failure and opening
Christianity up for the ridicule of non -believers. Because you're going to know, Mr. Fitzpatrick, he was asked, well, what happens when six o 'clock rolls around and Jesus doesn't show up?
He says, I'm not going to entertain the question because that's what I read in my Bible. Mr. Fitzpatrick never read in his
Bible that Jesus was showing up in May of whatever year, was it 2011? That Jesus was showing up that year on that day.
It's not in the Bible. The Bible says nobody knows. Showing up at a time when nobody expects him, and that's what we're going to stick with.
So when a big video goes viral and everybody's riding the viral wave and this is the thing we got to do.
Oh my goodness. Don't play this game.
You will lose every time. Everybody who's ever played it, including Sir Isaac Newton, have failed.
So you're not going to be smarter than he is. And Jesus makes it clear. Nobody knows the day or the hour, so don't play this game.
So this Messiah 2030, what do I think of it? I think it's utterly foolish, irresponsible, and blasphemous for them to think that they have figured this out.
Now, could Jesus show up in 2030? That's within the realm of possibility because it's not in the past.
It's in the future. But based upon Christ's words that he's showing up in an hour when no one expects him,
I highly doubt it. Highly doubt it. But you're going to note people using this exact same pattern of the 7 ,000 -year thingy.
They claim that Jesus is showing up in 2029 and that the rapture was supposed to happen last year.
Don't play this game, brothers and sisters. Just avoid it altogether. And what
I've done in the past, I mean, when Harold Camping put out his big prediction that the rapture was supposed to take place in May of that year, you know what
I did? I went on to social media and I waited for the date to change along the international dateline and then every subsequent time zone after that.
And I was on Twitter basically declaring to people, those of you in Australia, you're in the clear.
It's the next day. You've survived the rapture. And it got to the point where so many people were watching these updates that people were like,
I'm in France right now. Am I in the clear yet? And I'd say, no, not yet. You'd still have an hour, you know?
And then when midnight came and they finally flipped over to the next day, I said, you guys are in the clear.
You made it. You survived the end of the world. A lot of people got mad at me.
And then a lot of people got mad at me. How dare you ridicule? How dare you mock these
Christians? Who do you think you are? Do you know when Jesus is returning?
And my answer is of course not. And neither did Harold Camping. He was wrong. And you know what he did?
When he got it wrong, he doubled down. He doubled down.
He got it wrong in May. And so he doubled down and moved the date back and says, oh yeah, I miscalculated.
It should have been October. And then October and the date came and went and Jesus didn't show up.
And eventually Harold Camping had to offer an apology. And so I, again,
I beseech you members of the body of Christ, don't play this game.
You will lose and you're going to bring ridicule and shame upon the name of Christ by playing this game.
The Bible doesn't teach us the year that Jesus is returning. It just doesn't say it.
And those who think that they've cracked the code, you'll notice they're not even in agreement at all.
And so you just don't have the data because God hasn't given you the data, nor has he given it to me.
So hopefully you found this helpful. Shorter video, but to making one point and I can, my hope is that people will wave off from this 2030 video that's gotten so popular and not buy into it.
And as a result of it, not suffer the shame and ridicule that other people have in the past, who've stupidly, foolishly set dates for the return of Christ.
So if you found this helpful, all the information on how you can share the video is down below in the description, a big shout out and a thank you to our crew members.
You are the ones who make it possible for us to continue to bring Fighting for the Faith to you and to the world.
And if you would like to support us financially by joining our crew, the information on how you can join the crew is in the link down below in the description.
And until next time, may God bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.