Rebuilding Mount Sinai


Join us as we talk about the law and gospel


You do go to sleep You can say what you want
Around me I'm not having this tonight.
I'm telling you You want around me can y 'all hear among misfits
A misfit in the trailer park at night a misprint with the sixth sense been sick ever since my brother died of a no
Never made sense either to me or anyone else's side of the sheet
Tell me what's the bottom line the bottom line is i'm not right I'm not left, but the cellophane won't fight.
There's nothing left, but the spotlight Perfect Are we good?
There we go I'll tell you what. I couldn't hear it. Nothing Nothing, tell us how you really feel about it.
Jeff. I feel like i'm all freaking punches freaking eye I don't know what to say
Hey How are you is debbie on there hi debbie
Hi, debbie. Hey what? Man, this has not been my day not been my day
Not been my day What happened? Why is it not your day?
I had a migraine all day like The pulpit look like I got ran over by a mac truck walked into my office and just fell out
It is the lord's day it's the lord's day, but it wasn't my day in the lord's day It sounds like you're making it all about you right now.
No, it kind of is Will you stop messing with the lights? You're not cool. Like like you're really not.
Hey, i'm just saying if I You're trying to make you trying to make it darker.
So your beard looks more pristine, but it's not It's not everybody. It's coming in real thick.
Hey, I just want to let everybody know this episode is going to be a lot of bullying brayden
I'm, just oh, yeah, I forgot to start it out. Hey everybody. Welcome to the open air theology show
My name is jeff. I'm one of the co -hosts here at the open air theology show and I am one of the
Pastor elders at covenant reform baptist church in telehoma, tennessee If you're ever out this way, please stop and check us out i'm gonna pass it over to this jack leg
Okay Give me I I just gotta go grab something real fast One second something's wrong
No, y 'all leaving me now. Wait a minute. You see you say that they just purposely raptured themselves like Like I need new friends
I need new friends Right, you look better.
Oh, thank you. Thank you very much. Wait I'm glad clear is what you're saying right now.
My name is brayden patterson. I'm the i'm the pastor of out of uh, out of galley baptist church
My hagerman idaho i'm getting ready to go to grace bible church of moore park california to be a pastor there
Just like to everybody look my hands grew Okay, let me go ahead and pass it down to that guy
Yeah, my old man I like to remind brayden that I have a better beard than him every chance
I get And I go to grace bible church in bernie, texas We meet on lord's day
At 10 30 a .m. As well as 6 p .m. On the lord's day sunday
Uh, I we also do evangelism And i'm so thankful to know brayden patterson and jeff, but really brayden
Bro You can apply for a friendship at open air theology conference dot -com i'm taking applications.
Um, I won't be doing much venting right, uh, just Right, we gotta do better like that's just we gotta do better I don't know who to ask how your lord's day went but Well, I would ask
I would ask Tom how his day was It was good, which one's tom i'm tom
Kenny can you not read? No, i'm just like a headache be nice It was good
Switching the scenes. It was good. We gotta listen to michael beck, uh preach earlier today
It was a great lord's day service. It was lots of fun. Um Because where's where's tom going or where's brayden going?
Sorry and i'm not confused I'm confused too Well, and I do want to just let everybody know on the podcast
We had some things come up and so we we had to go a little bit later than normal, too I'm gonna go shut my computer real fast in that way
Did you introduce yourself? Yeah as brayden. How good we did our church service today.
Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, yeah, so, uh, what we have so yeah michael beck, uh preached earlier today did brayden already say that So you're pretty nice.
You get the exact same thing. So then Uh brayden preached tonight on uh, bishop and philippians
Hold on let's wait for the jack leg I'm taking them off the screen.
Is he coming? There he is. All right
I just want y 'all to know is how how gay they are right now This is i'm
This is not gay. This this is no hashtag. No homo. Yeah, this is no homo. No ditty.
No ditty. No ditty Anyway, isn't that cool though guys? We got brayden patterson here
Next tom shepherd in texas. Let's see the height and difference. Yeah. Oh Oh my god, look at that And i'm taller than tom look at the difference put your hand up look at that It's it's it's bad.
Oh, that's a good view right there. Go ahead. Look at that. That's bad Oh, wait, you gotta look at debbie's hand
Debbie put your hand here Look debbie's hand is bigger than brayden's hands.
That's how small his hands are. This is no lie Oh small pauls, hey small paul small pauls.
Oh, I poked me he poked me in his eye with his fist I told everybody at the beginning of this.
I everybody's gonna make fun of me today And i'm gonna take the high road and be christ -like and let them make fun of me.
So go ahead guys How do you do it? What are we doing? This feels like diddy stuff, right?
Yeah Hey orthodox mcarthur I heard Rumor had it
That you visited a church in tele home. It didn't see today. That's that's what I heard That's and he brought it
It out. He brought me a gift They did a cigar
Oh, that is a mighty gift right there. That is good. Yeah Like Did he like right there boy
Oh and Sam harris red Was doing free haircuts.
Anybody need a free haircut over at uh, covenant reform baptist church in tele home of tennessee
Hit up red. He's doing them for free. He accepts trips in the form of cigars
Yeah, you come to the crbc On the lord's day, you can get a haircut as well.
They love each other And god honoring ways. It's pretty cool. Yeah. Yeah, we we we we're all about washing feet
Right, that's right. I'm cutting hair and holy kisses So our day was good so today
I got to I got to uh, listen to michael beck's sermon earlier this morning um
He preached saying to the lord had a good lord's day morning Uh later in the evening brayden patterson got to preach in philippians
And talk about his testimony. Um Being converted from uh, mormonism.
It was an excellent sermon Encouraged a lot of people um good stuff and then evangelism we went out yesterday at the alamo dome in san antonio and we had
Including brady and about 12 people. Yeah, it was awesome. It was a good show. It was really cool.
Yeah 12 people from our church But 12 people from our church actually came down and we had open air preaching uh me and a guy by the name of daniel, uh, bobby trejo and then um
And then brayden and myself we all open air preach and then we had other people doing a whiteboard. Are you going to heaven?
Asked that question. So a lot of people a lot of good conversations a lot of good Gospel conversations and it's pretty hot.
It was summer. Yeah Texas sun.
Yeah, it was hot So it was it was a good lord's day and good weekend day
Very cool, very cool So tell us what happened to you jeff I just had a migraine man.
I went I went to bed last night Like it's probably about midnight my head started started hurting and then it just It just kept building the pressure and everything and probably about halfway through my sermon man.
I felt like I was gonna fall out and then after the sermon was over with Like I you know, we have that big old meal afterwards and like we had like it was an amazing time
Uh taking place that I wasn't really able to get involved with I walked into my office cut the lights off and just kind of fell to my knees and just next thing
I know I was Laying on my stomach out in my office floor like that My head was hurting so bad
I was really dizzy As I was preaching
I would look down at my notes and like every once in a while I could see what was written there But sometimes
I'd look down and I couldn't see anything. It was just kind of blurry And uh, so I was just kind of having to try to remember what was there
Everyone seems to say that it was a good message I haven't listened to it yet.
So I don't know Hmm Are you feeling better now? Yeah, um, so when
I came home, I came home probably about five o 'clock or so I took some excedrin and went and took a nap
Woke up at seven And my headache was gone. So Well praise god good.
That's that's a good deal Yeah But I still feel kind of like my brain is kind of cloudy kind of like like a hangover feel that makes sense so Hmm, probably all those dispensational books you've been buying and reading.
Yeah. Yeah. Well, you know, it is what it is You you see basically what happened was after the sermon you got raptured for a bit
Sounds like to me and you had a secret rapture. You can't even remember Hello.
Yeah, but it was good seeing the oh What happened did
I miss it you did you got raptured for a moment dude i'm telling him in my brain dude i'm telling
I feel like i'm on some heavy drugs and i'm It ain't matter my eyes
Debbie put that up on the screen. Debbie just says something nice about Oh, let's say brayden has a good personality that's like something you say to someone when you're about to break up with them
You know, you're a real nice guy and all yeah, it's not it's me
It's not you you're you're a sweet guy See everybody they're doing this.
Hello. I'm taking the high road and it's All right. Yeah, but let me ask you this if you're thinking bad thoughts like you might as well just say it
That's right, you know when you leave her alone
You got john macarthur study bibles that you're preaching from pew bibles. Yeah, sure I do have a johnny mack study bible, you know that macarthur guy
He's a poop starter, I don't know if y 'all knew that about him Orthodox macarthur or john macarthur
Orthodox both of them Yeah, yeah, I had heard but it was a joy meeting him and his family like like whenever so He didn't tell me who he was.
He didn't reveal himself to me like when he first got there. I walked back Yeah, I was all polite to him and stuff like if I knew it was him.
I would have been like I was all polite to him. So he took the hand and uh, tell him I hope they stuck around and stuff like that Then I end up falling out in my office, but then
I come back out and he And they stayed for the food and there was fellowshipping with the believers at the church
And then I walk up to him start talking. I guess we was talking for about 10 minutes and he finally revealed himself to me
I kind of just grabbed him Because I know he knew who I was by then so I was like well
I can I can punch him in the stomach and it's fine Yeah Really cool guy man
Beautiful family. He brought me a cigar Yeah, it was a it was a joy.
Enjoy meeting a really good dude Today I heard on the other macarthur. I actually heard that he's feeling better And who did
I matter of fact, I can't remember who texted me earlier this morning or this afternoon You read that macarthur was doing a a q a tonight.
So it sounds like he's in better health So yeah, that's good. So jeff thought he was smoking a cigar, but it was a blunt
That's why it was so disoriented That's right. Got me Is he what was he doing?
Are you back in there now? I didn't want to be around tom anymore. I don't blame you. I'm just joking.
I'm going back up Get out of my room Huh Huh Pick a spot.
I'm getting you got a nice office. Thank you. I got nice lighting too Braden braden's a weirdo.
I am. Hey, so braden. I see the hair like right here and down here.
Where oh, where'd he go? I was asking about his cheeks Yeah, so tell us church and all that jeff
Okay, so so about the uh, the building. Yeah all right, so hopefully
Hopefully everyone who who's curious Concerning the building is listening, uh, or will listen uh
Yeah, so Okay, so i'm trying to remember well have I said anything on the podcast about what's going on so Talking about a purchase you were looking on or working on paperwork for a loan
Yeah, okay. Well, so they offered so the building that that we're looking at the church building.
I'll tell you it's a really nice church building Uh, it's valued at eight hundred thousand
They offered it to us for four hundred thousand We're broke right we counter offer a hundred thousand
And then they gave us another then they countered offer our hundred thousand to a hundred and twenty five thousand
Listen this building It's really nice Like if we could get this thing like it would just be such a blessing well
There's a there's a family in our church Who is basically has given thirty thousand?
For a down payment and So we're trying to get a loan and and and so the thirty thousand will take care of the down payment
And that will leave us I think like 90 something to pay off 96 or something like that to pay off I think it's going to be for a 12 -year mortgage for like 800 a month,
I think it is which is way cheaper than my house Um However We still don't have enough money for the closing right so, um
I'm trying to figure out a way to come up with ten thousand dollars It would just be such a shame
For us not to get this building, um So I we're trying to figure out um, no, it's on your neck dude, get it off.
No, are you gonna let me talk Yeah, yeah, so with my business with my business
I could uh, uh, uh, the um, I use something called square space whenever people buy stuff from me.
Yeah, and they've offered me $11 ,000 loan, however In paying it back it takes 20 % of everything that I sell
And so and it leaves me where i'm literally Having to mess food like I like i'm having to skip skip meals and stuff like that So it it it leaves me struggling because I took out a loan before and it it really hurts us a lot
So we're just trying to figure out a way to um to to challenge people From our church and our church is small.
We're broke that family the one that's given 30 ,000 They're like the only one that has anything so Just trying to figure out a way to come up with $10 ,000
So i'll be praying for us Um, it would just be a shame if if we messed out on this building, so it'll be praying for us.
Yeah, so What we're thinking is where's the kitchen area? So you're gonna find out you're
Uh You may be going out of them with another counter offer i'm gonna try to go back to one thousand one hundred thousand right but I'm, not sure if they'll take it because they got another church trying to buy it as well
And I think the other church is willing to pay the four hundred thousand Okay, so here's so we got but they really like me
So somebody said we got three somebody just said we got three count here. Here's what we're thinking guys
Is that brayden and I think that we should um Start a go fund me start a go fund me
Uh brayden and I are going to contribute Uh, we need ten thousand dollars for jeff to get to close on this church
What do you guys think about us doing that? Would if you guys if we did that would you guys be willing to share it around?
um to help jeff get this church it would be The money would go straight to the church's account, right?
Yeah, right so Please be praying about that. Hopefully we could get this
Hopefully I mean they could also They could also go to our our church website if they wanted to they don't you know, there's you know
If you want to help a brother out Like you can go to our church's website. We have a link there for tightly to give and you just put down there for the building um, and it
And that's what it would go to um, so today Our church was packed.
It's a small church. Yeah If if five more people
Would have been there Like there would have been no place to sit if two other people came like it was just it was so packed
How many people was that then do you would you say? Well, so I didn't mean five people because we had we had a few families out
So if those few families would have been there With five you've outgrown your building is what you're saying.
We've outgrown our building What well praise the lord for that. How many how many people would that be about? Oh, it's not many because we have a small building 40 50 people how many yeah something like that so we usually have about 30 we have about 30 members and then we have a like I'm, i'm doing membership meetings almost every week now
Like the lord is growing our church. We had a baptism today I'll be meeting with that family this coming up week.
I was going to meet with them today, but my mind brain got in the way um like The lord is growing our church
And he's growing it through street preaching just going out on the streets in our own neighborhood
Jeff evangelist street preaching that stuff. It doesn't work man. It works for us. No, no
That stuff I thought that was a spider that landed on me guys. What's that? It's a freaking spider all the yeah, so so so sam sam was there all the queues were full
I mean it was yeah Can you imagine? Because you guys aren't in any any luxury building right now.
No, we're in a storefront property and it's it's it's it's it's bad like if you were to see that no one knows where church like The state won't even allow us to put up a sign that's going to where as traffic can see it
They're allowed so we're right beside a tattoo shop a bar and a thrift store with a tech with a tobacco store in front of us
They're all allowed to have a sign to where traffic can see them. They will not allow us to have a sign right so imagine what you know, you know because the fact of the matter is
Anybody has a church building people are going to check out a church building. Yeah, if you actually have a designated
Church that has a sanctuary in it This is a beautiful building. Have you do you have a picture of the picture of the of the building?
Do you have a picture of the picture of the picture of the building if I was to send one to the uh group? Could you uh?
I could do that. Yeah Okay, because I don't know how to do it. So let me send one to computer
If you want to touch the computer, all right guys watch watch this tom is now lifting his weight on this show and he's using
My computer i'm gonna send a few pictures I'll send one of the building and i'll send one of the of the inside and stuff like that Can you see us right now when you go off the screen like that?
Yeah I can see you. Look watch this. So, okay. Can you see us right here's a little bit different than mine, obviously
How do I get the? What are you trying to do nice thing Can you do never mind, that's all good
Yeah, he's got us now I'm trying Give me a second. Hey, jeff. You gotta hurry boy.
He's a grump Grumpy I'm a grumpy old man.
Mm -hmm I don't like there's one Listen y 'all texas has big spiders and I don't like it.
There's a big one up there right now 60 people today at jeff's church 60
Jeff, that's so cool, man. Actually, actually i'm gonna take that back. There was 60 people at christ church
Yeah, it's not my church Wait, oh gosh, gosh, wait, what are you doing? What did you copy?
I just don't want them to see this part right here. So just time out. Do you know what you're doing?
Yeah I do i'm gonna send one of the sanctuary as well Now it does need a paint job because it's got lavender walls.
We're doing the paint. We already got your paint I I know a guy who paints Who has a painting company?
He doesn't know how to do it. Yes, I didn't know it You could probably drag that over no,
I need it to be don't worry tom what's happening
Drag that What is going on right now, okay, we're just gonna do this
Just have to Yeah, like I don't want that to be up there. How do
I all right? I sent some Thanks, dude We're trying
Oh, wow, that's cool. Well, we can see it our our audience can't though Go get your computer
Dude, go get your computer He doesn't know how to use a mac obviously
Because he's a megalomaniac. Y 'all don't remember that crisscross. Sorry All right
Crisscross and make you jump jump daddy mac make you jump jump
Sorry, you're about to throw my outfit on backwards and start dancing So, what are you guys what are we doing today,
I don't even know what we're talking about So right now we're talking about church We're supposed to be talking about the long gospel distinction concerning the uh, what was said by uh, what's his name?
Who's joe booth? Joe booth. Yeah. Yeah, and I you know, I just want to point out like when he comes to here comes brayden
I'll point it out in a minute What am I doing on my computer again the pictures
What? Oh my lord, so if he was in tennessee, I'd Okay, here we go
Yeah, so that's one of the outsides And um, and you can see like it has stained glass windows like it's beautiful The the other side looks identical to it
And it has a a balcony upstairs We're definitely gonna have to change the color of that interior.
Yeah I think that you ought to let me pick the colors
There it is. Yeah, so yeah
That is I mean like the The ground as well like it has so much space.
I mean, it's just phenomenal Phenomenal. Yeah, like it would just be a a true miracle blessing of god for us to get something like this if If if we don't jump on this opportunity
Like this is like a once in a lifetime opportunity for a bunch of trailer park kids.
You know what i'm saying? also Listen, listen Right next door next door
Like we shared like you can't pull into this place without pulling into the church.
It's a trailer park Just saying just saying
Does the bell work in the church The bell, I don't know
What you didn't try the bell I didn't try the bell well, how do you know did you not hear there's a trailer park
That's fantastic. Yeah I mean this is this it would be like going back home.
I know It would be Yeah, that's hanging out in the street light,
I mean if that doesn't have jeffrey rice written all over it, I don't know what does Listen, my wife made me so mad when she wanted to get a house.
I'm like, let's get a trailer I'm like you're ruining my
I got a reputation You got dreams You got roots, you know, you know, you can even go high pollutant and get a double wide
That's right I wish they made them double stack, you know i'm saying like a two -story trailer
Put some wheels on it It's spinning
You can you can put them on blocks and keep the tires spinning on So you go over and spin them with your finger what are we talking about tonight guys so, uh rebuilding mount sinai
What does that mean tom It means that we wouldn't be going back to the law to So now that we have we are we are justified by faith in christ
To the person working with christ and our faith is in christ alone for our eternal salvation
That we we wouldn't be going back to the law Um to think that we would be able to continue to be righteous uh by doing good works
We are our faith would continue to be totally dependent To keep us in the person work of christ alone.
In other words about the object of our faith Was not only sufficient enough to save us
But it's to continue on in saving us And so we don't go about Can going back to the law as if we were to try to earn our justification.
We're already Justified, but we're not going to earn our sanctification either. We're going to continue To bend to depend on christ alone um
And and be confident in his work that was already accomplished on the cross So yeah hebrews 12.
Troy, uh, Dickerson just posted on that. That's 100 percent right hebrews 12 is
Not only does it refute presbyterian theology of talking about the covenants being the same
But it also talks specifically about this clear distinction law and gospel distinction that we're talking about I left my bible out with tom where i'd be reading it right now i'm going back out
Do you want someone else to read it? I mean, yeah, go to go read go read hebrews 12
All of it Well, he just disappeared what Man listen,
I just don't know where I find people at like I just all right hebrews 12
Let's go. All right. Let's see. I think he's wanting to focus on The kingdom that cannot be shaken before that you're looking before that okay
The text I preach from at the church i'm going to What would you preach from you want to start from 18 through 29?
that one So i'll read verse one and two Oh, yeah, go ahead.
Sorry. Go ahead. No, go ahead. You don't want me to read first one Therefore since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us laying aside every weight
And the sin which is so easily entangled us. Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us
Fixing our eyes on jesus the author and perfecter of our faith Who for the joy set before him endured the cross despising the shame
And has sat down at the right hand of the throne of god. That's a great so the reason the reason
I would I would say in that because Now that we've been justified now that we have been adopted into the family of god
Are we're not going to go back to thinking that we can Earn our justification or earn or be pleasing to christ by doing
It's not by our doing as if we are just going to Change behavior. It's not just about putting on It's it's about putting off and putting on so there's a there's a dual aspect of it
But the whole point is is it's that we're trusting and keeping our faith fixed on christ alone
So fixing our eyes on jesus the author and perfecter of our faith. That's really good. Tom. Thank you.
Thank you It's wonderful to have you here, by the way. Thank you so glad that you were able to visit. Thank you Yeah, i've been too bad.
Jeff wasn't able to come. I honestly There wouldn't have been enough room on the screen. So we probably are better without him.
Yeah Anyway, i'm not a big guy. I was so you're gonna go to hebrews 12.
Yeah, hebrews 12 verse. I want to say something No, you're interrupting y 'all run your mouth and I listen.
Listen, i'm gonna take you off the screen if I have to i'm gonna say this Listen, you don't know how annoying it's been when we're having this
Our face time on facebook We're trying to talk. Are you shut up?
We're trying to talk and instead of them looking at the phone and talking I'm, i'm looking at both of them looking at each other and talking i'm thinking what the heck?
I just feel like a third wheel. That is a nice bible. Who made that? Oh my freaking goodness
Oh, man So back to the text tom, yes. Yeah, would you like to look at this?
Yeah, what were you got? So look, we'll we can share a bible look All right. Let's go ahead and sure for you have not come to what may be touched a blazing fire in darkness
Wait, we got to tell them what verse we're reading. Well, wait brayden We have to tell the audience what text we are looking go ahead and tell them
It looks like it's okay. You're you're big fingers and hands. We can drop an ash in his bible
Hebrews 12 Hebrews 12 and it looks like we're gonna go let's go ahead and start at verse 18. All right, let's go ahead
I'm gonna read verse 18. Yeah, and you have not come to what may be touched a blazing fire in darkness and gloom and a tempest
And a sound of a trumpet and a voice whose words may the hearers beg that no I've got the power
Um You're a bird nugget, you know that just run your mouth run your mouth
Wow, all right back to the text interrupting god's word. That's that's that's
That's messed up dude Uh, but they could not endure the order that was given start over and be serious.
Here we go, man The whole verse go ahead listen, this is open our theology we're not serious
Go ahead. What was it right here? For you have not come into the mountain that can be touched with wait
Quit looking at me for you have not come to a mountain that can be playing with his leg and quit touching me
You read it ain't nothing getting done tonight ladies and gentlemen I'm thankful.
We're saved by the gospel because we have leaf keeping the law over here I can read it for you have not come
To a mountain that can be touched and to a blazing fire And to a darkness and a gloom and whirlwind
And to the blast of the trumpet here you can read Oh, man, are we crying you read it?
What are we where are we at dummy? Right and the sound of words which was such that those who heard begged that no further words be spoken to them
For they could not bear what was being commanded If even a beast touches the mountain it will be stone and so terrible was what appeared that moses said
I am full of fear and trembling but you Have come to mount zion and to the city of the living god the heavenly jerusalem
And to myriads of angels to the festival gatherings and assemblies of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven and to god the judge of all
And to the spirits of the righteous made perfect And to jesus the mediator of a new covenant and to the blood or the sprinkled blood which speaks better Than the blood of able.
Yeah So the point in that text is it's quoting from it's it's Quoting and hearkening back to what we see in exodus 19 on And exodus 19 it talks about moses mediating the covenant for the people while receiving the law
And it talks about that if if anybody comes up to this mountain as moses is giving the law they're going to die
They'll be put to death And then from there, there's a continual Continual you break this law of death you break this law of death you break this law of death and so You can almost imagine what hebrews is talking about.
They cannot bear it. They they They realized that they were owed death right there and there was no such thing
For them to have a life In this mountain, so if you were are if we confuse law and gospel
We're going to look at exodus 19 And and we're going to confuse commandments that produce death
And think that they are going to produce life When in reality, it's through christ working those
Living a life that was according to that text And applying that life to you and I that makes us live where we are not called
To live the mosaic law, right? That was a done away with accomplished in christ
And now now we are saved by the blood of christ He's the author and perfecter of our soul, right?
We don't come to something that produces death in us because that's what the law does it produces death We come to the gospel that produces life and part of that too is is when we think about Our law keeping the law written on our heart the law that's in our minds and upon our hearts
Our obedience to anything that glorifies god and not obedience Will not save you
It will not save you still in those actions that you do that is according to god's word
It will not save you right and so you have to just you have to you have to touch on the verse Right there that proves that so galatians 3 23
But before faith came we were held in custody under the law Being shut up for the coming of faith to be revealed
Therefore the law has become our tutor Unto christ so that we may be justified
By faith, how are we justified? Through faith in christ, right? But now that faith has come we are no longer under the tutor
For you are all sons of god through faith in christ jesus Yeah Colossians 3 1 it says if then
You have been raised with christ seek the things that are above where christ is
Seated at the right hand of god set your minds on things set your minds On things that are above not on things of the world for you have died
And your life is hidden with christ and god when christ who is your life appears then you also
Will appear with him in glory like It's not about law keeping it's about being focused
Through faith and it's not even being enabled So the quote from From what was his name?
joseph boot joseph joseph boot Mr. Boots So the quote from mr.
Boot Was similar to like now that we've been justified by faith that now we have the power.
Do you have the uh, I can read it. I can't screen project it, but I can read it. Yeah read it well,
I also want to point something else out about it because why Why i'm upset about the quote
Okay, so read it and i'll point that out. All right. Well, hold on a second. He's looking up on your phone
All right, he's gonna have to look it up on his phone I want to say he said something like it was almost like if now that we have and i'm gonna misquote it
We're gonna read it in the same time. I'm looking but he was basically saying that now that we've been justified by faith
We have the power It's it's enabled us to be able to keep the law to be able to obey god's commandments in other words
Now we have the ability to obey god's commandments fully and that's going to keep us in our salvation
That's what if i'm not if i'm not mistaken, right? So this is what it says. This is what we're talking about So this so the podcast name that we named it tonight is the rebuilding of mount sinai
And just the atrocity think about that for a moment if we're in jerusalem above We're in the mountain of christ as hebrews is calling it or looking at it and talking about it if we're trying to rebuild law as a means to keep us and keep us in and uh
Save us ultimately in a final justification type of thinking We are rebuilding mount sinai.
We're saying let me build up to jerusalem then let me be the tower of babel Because I can build up to it right.
This is what joseph boot says. So this is what a post was that he said uh a law gospel dualism
Is a which I think what he's talking about a law gospel is talking about a law gospel distinction a law gospel dualism
Is a false and distorting Reading of the word of god
The very content of the gospel is that christ has fulfilled the law The joy of the gospel is that man can in christ know and obey the law
And therefore live in the presence forever There is no gospel
But that of the law on the other hand the gospel is law because all must obey it cornelius van till So that last part is where jeff is probably going to go.
He's basically said this on the other hand The gospel is law Because all must obey it the gospel is law tell us about that joe well
So if he was a presbyterian like just because I try to give
I give greater grace to the presbyterian brothers for saying stuff like this and therefore there for a while I was under the illusion that joseph boots was a presbyterian, but then
I was told no he is Baptist and so the grace has been removed
Because the presbyterian brothers and again, this is just true to them uh, the new covenant is just another administration of the old covenant
As we as reformed baptists would say, uh, no What you know and I have a problem with my reformed baptist brothers who follow under that same kind of theological
System of believing that the new covenant is an administration of the old covenant
So concerning the gospel See in the law and gospel distinction the indicative
Is not an imperative right and the imperative is not an indicative if I tell you to do something like if I tell you to To to keep the law in order to live
Right, right Because that's essentially what the old covenant is the covenant works if adam would have kept the law he would have
Earned eternal life for himself in his posterity That's not good news
Right, right not to say that the law is bad. Yeah. Yes. It has nothing to do with the law being bad.
It's just that he He was unable to keep it nor was he Predetermined to keep it but that's another conversation
All right, and then so so for the most so so for abraham and the mosaic community, right they were told to keep the law
Not in order to live like eternal life. Like it's not the same exact covenant as the
Adamic covenant it was to live in the land All right, and then they also had this a sacrificial system also, so if they broke the law
You know certain points of the law they could make a sacrifice Right, and and so like these things are
So in the law there was grace if you broke the law There was a way
To be made right in a sense purifying the flesh hebrews goes on to tell us
Right. But anyways the indicative the command is not an imperative an imperative so so so Now if I was to say hey
Someone has kept the law for you so you could live like imagine Imagine Moses or the the hebrew light.
I mean the hebrew lights The israelites at that time heard something that like this
Uh, someone has kept the law for you and now you can live in the land forever and never be removed from the land
That my friend is gospel and that's what we hear in the new testament
And the new covenant you and I have not kept the law in order to enter into the new covenant the kingdom of god
Someone else has kept that covenant for us in order for us to enter into it. And guess what? We cannot be removed from it
Those who are his he will raise on the last day right jake to say to say to say that the law is the gospel the gospel is the law you have to say that moses is jesus and jesus is moses because through moses
Came the law John chapter 1 verse 17 Grace and truth came through jesus christ.
And so what they're doing is they're taking deep moses and are taking jesus and they're Mixing them together and you just cannot do that If I tell you to do something i'm giving you a command, but if I say hey this was done for you
I'm giving you gospel i'm giving you good news now as reformed people those of us who are
Who hope to reform theology we do hold to what's called the three uses of the law The third use of the law is that we as we all stop looking at that bug.
There's a spider walking down the wall To the house you're ruining the show listen, the third use of the law is that we use god's law as a
A bunch of sissies You use god's law as a flashlight, right?
So So imagine as i'm reading the bible my bible's better than theirs as always
When you're reading the bible You're reading it under the lens of what god has done for us in christ through the gospel
So when you come across passages like keep this law and live you can say
Christ has kept that law I can live because I believe in christ
Now does that give you permission to sin? No, and if you think it does you're not truly in christ
Right. All right The holy spirit in us ezekiel chapter 36 beginning in verse 25 to to 27 tells us that we have been made clean, right?
Our sins are forgiven we're given a heart of faith The holy spirit is in us and that holy spirit causes us to keep the law
If you think in your sanctification that you are keeping god's law, my dear friend, you need a reality check
It's the holy spirit in you Causing you to keep god's law the moment we take our eyes off of christ for any reason at all
We fail We fail we stop producing fruit. The ax is at the root of the tree
So yeah, so also so well, is this it right here? Yeah, the joy of the gospel
Is that man can in christ know? and obey the law therefore
Live in the presence of god god Hear that again and obey right?
And therefore live yeah to obey the gospel listen to obey the gospel is to repent and believe that's what it means to obey
The gospel, how do we repent and believe? It's granted to us. It's giving to us.
Yeah That that's absolutely right. Yeah, so we and so we would say that our sanctification is not dependent on our doing
It's still monogeristic We cannot do it apart from christ. Yeah. Yeah. Well, so as reformed baptists
We would say that sanctification is monogistic and I would say that the uh, the scripture says that as well And our confession says that as well when
I Listen, if i'm doing what the bible has called me to do listen, it's not just it's the
Holy spirit That proceedeth from the father and the son that god has placed in me that is causing me to do so all glory be to christ our king
Well, and glory be to christ. I like how you brought up the covenant too because that's the important thing in the old covenant
It was all about your obedience to stay inside the covenant. Yeah a new covenant. It's all about christ's obedience the the
The the penalties the curses for breaking those laws in the old testament were terrible
But just consider this for a moment if law was involved in in obedience required obedience law involved in this covenant the new covenant
That would mean you would be losing What christ has done losing that grace? That's that's not how this operates for us
It's mediated for us on our behalf through the righteousness of christ
And the law of god is written on our heart not as a means of what we have to do in order to obey
But as a product of what christ has done to us and therefore we want to obey and again my sinning
Though it is vile and wrong Was still paid for by christ and I can't lose this covenant status.
So my obedience Is not dependent upon my covenant status before god because christ has mediated a better new covenant
So our our position will never change. That's right our position now that we've been declared righteous.
We are we are positionally sanctified Positionally set apart unto righteousness
Does that make sense? Why didn't a lot because it was added because yeah samuel post samuel's sam reds, uh post installations 319
Yeah, do you know where it mentions it in the in the confession about sanctification being?
All right, would you read that i'm going to read from first corinthians chapter 1 showing
So first corinthians chapter 1 verse Let's begin in verse 30
And it says and because of him speaking of god the father you are in christ
Jesus, so because of who we're in christ. Jesus god the father How is that? Because he chose to save a people and he sent his son
To accomplish a purpose in his life death burial resurrection verse 30 and because of him
You are in christ. Jesus who became to us wisdom from god
Righteousness meaning that he kept the law for us and Sanctification and redemption so that it is written.
Let him who boasts boast in the lord There's no way
No way to have a law included into the gospel where you can boast into the lord
The law is about what we do Right So It's what we do
Now what was done? So paragraph 2 and uh in chapter 13 of the london baptist confession of faith
This sanctification is throughout the whole man Yet imperfect in this life there abides still some remnants of corruption in every part
Where from arises the continual irreconciled irreconcilable war?
This flesh lusting against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh paragraph three In which war although the remaining corruption for at any time may much prevail
Yet through the continual supply of the strength of the sanctifying spirit of christ the regenerate
Does not overcome the regenerate part does not overcome And so that the saints grow in grace perfecting holiness in the fear of god
Pressing after a heavenly life and evangelical obedience in all the commands
Which christ the head of the head is king In his word which he has prescribed to them so romans 7 23 romans 6 14
Now that was from chapter 13 right from the west minister from 1689 Listen to chapter 14
I'm trying to show the audience your sanctification chapter 14 chapter 14 paragraph 2 section 9 it says the prince of the but the the principal acts of saving faith focus directly on christ accepting receiving and resting on him alone for Justification sanctification and eternal life by virtue of the covenant of grace
Yes What are we doing here, let's go to chapter 19 where it says that that covenant of words that that law
System that judicial system ended with israel Israel is a nation
My dear friends, what are we doing? Right So the law of god so paragraph one god gave adam a law of universal obedience written on his heart
And a particular precept of not eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil by which he bound in him dang bugs and in I just don't like it in him and all and all his posterity and the personal entire exact and perpetual obedience
Promised life upon and the fulfilling and threatened death upon the breach of it
Endued him. This is the law. There is a breach if you disobeyed there was a breach of it
And endued him with power to ability to keep it paragraph two
The same law that was first written in the heart of man continued to be a perfect rule of the righteousness after the fall
And was delivered by god on upon mount sinai the ten commandments And written into two tablets the first four containing the duty towards god and the other six
Uh our duty towards man paragraph three besides this law Commonly called moral god was pleased to give to the people of israel ceremonial laws containing several typical ordinances partly of worship
Yeah Is that what yeah, well it says yeah, they write typical here.
So it means typological typological ordinances partly of worship prefiguring christ in his graces actions sufferings and the benefits and partly holding forth the
Diver's instructions and moral duties all which ceremonial laws being appointed only to the time of reformation
Are by jesus christ the true messiah the only law giver who was furnished with power
From the father to that end abrogated and taken away Abrogated and taken away now chapter but section four is where it hits you
To them also he gave sundry judicial laws to the dam here is israel
Right to them. Also. He gave sundry judicial laws, which expired
Which expired yeah ceased together with the state of that people Not obliging any now by virtue of that institution
Their general equity only being a of moral use Wait, ladies and gentlemen, you cannot take moses and implant it into america
Now the church so so when we're talking about how how do we use general equity?
It's so so should Should our governing body as america use general equity, of course second use of the law, right?
Are they required to do a one for one? No But but here's the thing how does the church do general equity because we're called to do it, right?
So, um, Uh in in chapter five of first corinthians, you have this guy sleeping with his stepmother bringing her to church
Paul tells them to remove the evil person from among them To purge the evil from among them church discipline is is that you get him out
All right. Oh covenant you would kill this man That's right Killing him would be purging the evil person from among them
In the church is that you remove him from the body with the purpose of him to satan
He will repent and believe there's there's the difference right there There was there was a permanent removal outside the covenant putting them out outside of camp stoning him killing.
He's done Covenant works. Those are the sanctions But in the covenant of grace the purpose of putting them outside the church
Is so that he would repent so that he would look at his sin so that he would recognize that he cannot trust in himself
But he needs a substitute. He needs a savior. Well, and I think it also shows a great continuity between the covenant of god the covenants of god plural because that dealt with the the covenant people of god was israel and then when we come to this, how is paul using this the covenant people of god, which is
All people groups true israel. Yeah, the church. Yeah All people groups that are in this covenant people and this is how you treat the covenant people of god
There's a continuity between this text And we can't ignore that, right? So we would say that so that at one point we were talking about something that was
That was pointing to the covenant grace in other words that old covenant was being subservient
To the better covenant, that's right in grace in christ That's right I heard so georgia says
Uh, I heard some people say that we play part of our sanctification. Why do we say that? so yeah, so Go ahead jeff
Well, so So again, if you remember earlier,
I I pointed out, uh, ezekiel chapter 36 beginning in verse 25 to 27 um
Foretold that the holy spirit when the holy spirit comes in us, it causes us to keep god's law
Um, but you know, you can't stiff form the holy spirit, right? I tell people whenever i'm doing something good honorable and stuff like that.
I'm doing what i'm supposed to do. Believe me. It's not me It's the spirit in me causing me
Right But you see me screw up like a lot of the stuff I do on the show like that's me
When I want to punch tom or somebody like that's me, it's just you know That's me, right.
However When god wants something, okay, so let's just look at in the terms of salvation, right?
All right, so god Predetermined to save a people. Yeah, right. He he purposed to save a people
And in time he sends his son So what are the means by which he saves the people in time?
He sends his son his son Accomplishes the father's purpose through his life him living the life.
We could not live Through his death taking upon himself the punishment that we deserve. He was buried and rose again on the third day.
All right that message All right, you and I have to preach that message for the holy spirit to apply the purpose
So the means by which someone is saved Is to the preaching of the gospel.
So I say this When you go out and you preach the gospel and someone is saved did you save them or did god save them?
Answer god one. You're just a servant. You're just a slave doing what you're told
All right. So, how does god take us from being conformed? to the image of adam, I mean
How does god take us from being an image of adam to being conformed to the image of christ It's through the ordinary means of grace right we uh
You know, um, so the ordinary means of grace would First of all be the preaching of the the preaching of the gospel.
So someone hears the gospel. They are saved They go and they devote themselves to the teachings of the apostles.
That means they're a part of a local church They're baptized They're they're under the preaching of the gospel those who are baptized partake in the lord's supper and fellowship with the saints god grows that person
Into the image of jesus christ by our so so if you want to say
So to say that we have part in our sanctification would be to say that we have we have
You know equal parts with someone becoming saved
As christians when we go to church and we devote in ourselves, we're just servants We're just slaves doing what we're told to do
And so but god through those ordinary means of grace Grows us in holiness
Sanctification he takes us from being The image of adam
To the perfect image of christ. So so in what in what ways is it synergistic in a way?
so and I want to answer that because We are commanded to kill our sin
We should be a christian should be motivated by by obedience to christ our motive
Is because we want to please christ now that we've been saved now that when we meditate On christ dying on what what it really means for christ that god
Became a man that died on the cross for our sins that our motivation for godly living is out of a love for our savior out of our love for For christ and so we want to live a life pleasing to him.
So what is that? What does that look like? Wake up in the morning with the purpose of killing your sin
Doing everything to the glory of god So why would you wake up with that feeling like is there anything you cannot do that apart from god?
There's no Even that feeling that's in you like I want to please god. That's the spirit in you.
Absolutely 100 but at the same time I can personally grieve the holy spirit 100 % in my flesh
And at the same time The only way I could do anything pleasing to christ is through the power of the holy spirit living in me
The only way for us to have power over sin romans chapter 6 we are a slave of whom we obey right either to uh sin leading to wickedness or whatever or um or or obedience unto righteousness
So there's there's still there's still this aspect in a way
We are We are cooperating in a way with god in sanctification
Cannot do it apart from god. Well, I think it comes back to like the whole soteriology side of things
I came to christ yet. It was christ god who was calling me and drawing me and birthing me again
But I can say I came to christ a couple different verses that came to my mind romans 7 verse 24 25
It says wretched man that I am who will deliver me from this body of death Thanks be to god through jesus christ our lord
So then I myself serve the law of god with my mind but with my flesh I serve the law of sin
Paul puts the emphasis of his sin on him and his his Ability, but when he's saying that who's going to do this for me, it's going to be god who doesn't it's and then going back earlier in the chapter talks about the spirit of the law or the spirit of the of the
Of the the law of the spirit or the spirit of the law. That's what or wait. What is it law of the spirit or this?
gosh, dang it I'll find that out in a second. But where I was going with that is in first corinthians chapter three
I something it's first corinthians. I think it's chapter three. I'm tired it says I planted but apollos watered
God caused the growth So there we have several things going on We have two christian brothers in christ that are being obedient to god by evangelizing and discipleship and all these kind of things, right?
They grow in holiness as they do that, right? They become more like christ in doing that. So there's sanctification going on for them
There's demonstrations and acts of righteousness in them yet, even when the the the proclamation of saying
God causes the gross who is causing who is causing the growth in paul and in apollos god
It was god who was causing the growth in the in the seed that was taking Uh root in the ground.
It was god and so experientially you and I do things but ultimately it's all god
It's all god So we all know the the matter of fact i'm gonna read to him because i'm definitely not gonna sing it and you
Definitely aren't gonna sing. I sang great today. Oh my gosh, you've never sung great in your whole life.
I sing immaculate I agree never great immaculate good point. It is absolutely horrible.
It's good Shepherd will defend me Stop it
And I shall overcome Yet not I but christ in me you guys know the song
No fate. I dread. I know that I am forgiven the future is sure the price has been paid
For jesus bled and suffered for my pardon and I was raised to overthrow the grave to this
I hold My sin has been defeated Jesus now and ever my plea on the chains are released or Oh, the chains are released.
I can sing I am free Yet not I But christ through me with every breath.
I long to follow jesus For he has said that he will bring me home and day by day
I know he will renew me until I stand with the joy before the throne to this
I hold my hope is only jesus All to the glory evermore to him when the race is complete
Still my lips shall repeat Yet not I but christ in me grace
Grace god's Grace. Oh my gosh.
I always lost everybody. Huh? Everybody just left the left the watching My singing is great
I could have sung that for you. I don't know why I had to read that There we go to this. I hold My hope is on me.
Oh my praise goodness All the glory, what is it? Oh, yeah, right this
I hold my hope is only jesus Jesus all the glory
It's not good. It's it's immaculate There is nothing good in us.
It that's that's a display. There it is on display. I think his voice Display of law and gospel.
Yeah, so if you want to take um so so imagine a truck hauling a trailer
Here we go Jeffrey rice's analogy to the preaching brothers. Hey, brother world.
Are you gonna let me say my analogy? Go ahead. All right Yeah I guess
Hauling a trailer The the tires on that trailer are moving but what's causing the trailer to move is the truck
Let that sink in okay I got one The wheels in the bus go round and round round and round round You're welcome.
You're welcome. I saved you. You're welcome. It's your boy. I got your back two jack legs
I'm gonna stop jacob Oh His name is oh my freaking goodness, yeah, we should end it
I think that's good So it's y 'all's fault
It's your fault we got people up there in skinny jeans and tall boots and ladies and gentlemen, if you
You know They'll tell you a couple words to say before it starts. Yeah, we remember we remember
Stop it. Just stop it It's powerful stuff, dude. No, it's not there's nothing powerful about it.
Did you did you guys feel it? I felt it. I felt that was synergism right there.
Did you did you feel this? The power That was the holy spirit. Yeah, it wasn't.
Yeah, it was the holy spirit telling you shut up Do you feel the burning in the bosom?
I got a burning in my bosom. I got a heartburn What does it say? Yeah, i'm uh, man i'm tired all right, so I did last words give it to us
Is that it? What's up to y 'all? I'm good I had a two -hour nap
Look at him I preached today i'm tired I preached today.
I preached for an hour and seven minutes and you got a nap you already admitted it You got a nap.
It was it was forced. That's why you were all bright -eyed and bushy tail. I'm over it It was a four snap man, you asked them
I was trying to have a conversation after because the kids were super loud They would not let me pass out my office
I can't even hardly hold a conversation at the church today Like me and jake were trying to argue with each other and I just couldn't do it.
I was like brother my head hurts What are we doing next week? I can't remember um
I don't know. Um orthodox mcarthur mentioned something to me today about us the sabbath sabbatarianism
Okay, we've done that one before though badly when yeah, we did one recently No Yeah No, yeah
They all starting to blend together. We did one on the sabbath where we went to the confession If people want this we got to give them what they want.
Well, it's just one person Well, but there was something that you said Like you were thinking we should do something else other than that recently and it was something else
I can't remember. I thought it was really good. Oh On the rapture On the rap we were talking about on the rapture the rapture
Let's talk about the rapture well, I mean so He's going twice a year
The rapture crowd getting together and wanting to You know talk about well, you know, so so every what is it?
Every, uh, Pentecost and her family is post -millennial now jake
He doesn't believe in the rapture we gotta wait till the election that's when the date setting is gonna happen
No, it's already been happening. Well, I know it already happens as I it'll probably ramp up At election time
I would imagine. Oh, wait, wait. So there's one the rebuilding of the temple and the rapture. I like that I think okay.
What about how about this? How about future kingdom sacrifices? It can be included but tom you might get in trouble if we start talking about stuff like this
I'm allowed to do that. I'm not i'm not A deacon or elder i'm allowed to speak on things that are truth
You know, we'll reach all time on your viewership Yeah, I think that we should talk about please the rapture.
Why don't we do this? I mean, here's the issue and if any but if any dispensationalist want to get up Matter of fact, there was somebody on brandon scouts page that was talking
About the rapture was talking about omelette Millennialism talking about the historical view of dispensationalism
And I said, hey, you're welcome to come on the show get two other guys and we'll debate you
Never heard back. I don't know where I don't know where he's been from but yeah, so I I yeah,
I I think the rapture would be a good one Well, I think we need to do it Yeah, get some red cows
Hmm. Oh blue moons blue moons blood moons blood moons
Yeah, so, uh, so I so i'm pretty sure that after I get done with the gospel of john i'm going to be doing a series on the book of revelation and all that good stuff, so That'll be fun.
Mm -hmm How about how about the how to how do I interpret the book of revelation? Baptist covenant theology,
I mean baptist covenant idealism same way you interpreted genesis Right same way you interpret every every book of the bible, right grammatical historical spiritual stones
You mean those those galatians? Is that what you're talking about? Red those spiritual stones? There's uh, those gentiles
I see you pharisees and Sadducees coming down to the waters of jordan you brood of vipers who?
Warned you to flee from the raft to come therefore do not think to save yourself Do not say we have abraham as our father for I tell you that god is able to raise up judah for abraham from stones
Oh I knew you were looking a little rocky. Yeah Yeah, rocky rocky
Put your arm down Look like he's got his kid arm inside of his shirt
Braden wears a size 10 12 shirt 10 12 shirt, you know, like like you're a 12 year old.
It's a 10 12 shepherd wears the same size as you I don't know what tom's talking about right now.
You're high We could talk about proper attire for pastoral ministry, that's fine
Yeah, I already did what's called having a clergical collar on how's that going for you?
Yeah Don't wear one I just think that you can but I just don't do it
I think I won that debate back then red wore a 10 12 shirt when he was nine months old
What's the 10 12 shirt it's the it's the size of a A 10 year old kid wears.
Oh my gosh, you know how they wear them. They got the size six Yes, eight 10 12.
Oh, that's what he wears on the back of his car Husky I'm gonna go inside and eat all your cheese right now
I'm gonna take the high road go get me cheese Rapture next week when they all come into tennessee
When I find out that there's gonna be a church building we could paint But when are y 'all two both coming to tennessee?
Can't we can't meet up at the same time all three of us. There'll there'll be something bad that happens
No, but we are and it's in february Oh, that's you're trying to lead into a plug -in.
I'm trying but you're not picking up what i'm dropping And y 'all if you want to see this in person, which
I could only imagine that that would be beneficial to you because Even though I have these two hooligans that are absolutely rambunctiously detestable
Citizens of the united states you can meet me In tulahoma, tennessee end of february
It's tulahoma, tennessee. Tullahoma. It's not tullahoma. It's tele homie
We in tullahoma, tennessee tell a homie to come out and check this out You need to come to the the open air theology conference in 2025
It's on the topic of sanctification titled war Huh?
Who is making war with the flesh you are but who is working through you to do that?
It is god himself That's what uh flip or uh, galatians 220 would say and confess for us
So if you want to learn about sanctification learn practical ways in your marriage in your life in your
Employment even taking theology and making it practical And also seeing deep theology about god's sovereignty and about the glories of christ
And the means of grace come to this conference 2025 february Open smoking a cigar with your boys, you know
Yeah, which boys? Look i've smoked a cigar with tom.
I've smoked a cigar with jeff The cigars were good The company was it was great
We have the best hangouts, I don't care Anyone says our conference has the best hangouts.
Where else are you going to be able to go to a conference? Go to a cigar shop with the speakers
And sit i'm talking listen the lounge at this place Top notch
Get to go in there and have fun Have a little whiskey have a lot of cigars good conversation
Nothing like it. Yeah, I can't wait to see you and and uh, brian laura You guys are going over the you we we need some we need some more people
We need to start sharing this this yeah Jeff we good tom and I've got some ideas and we're gonna do it.
It's gonna blow up. Yeah Yeah, we're thinking about an open open air theology pin
Yep We need to do that. We need to get videos of all the speakers about it We can talk about it at another time, but we need it.
We're gonna we're gonna ramp things up. So be ready, please Share the conferences.
Yeah, go buy yourself a ticket immediately And we look forward to seeing you in february
I was gonna say brandon. It was really nice having you over this week. Thank you and Enjoying we how many cigars do we think we smoked?
I think one or two two two It was a lot of cigars It was great it was the best cigars i've ever smoked
I think ever yeah, yeah, we had a uh It was it was like sample day.
Oh, man sample week man. Yeah found out that I like a maduro Yeah maduro you like you gotta have a good meal before you
No, I don't I can be on an empty stomach. I'm a man I'll tell you you're a sissy boy
He did pretty good on the part of this which is a pretty stout cigar. That was my favorite actually.
Yeah, it was We yeah Thank you. Tom. I do want to let you know tom that you have been a very gracious host
I'm, really thankful to you and debbie. It's been absolutely fantastic. This is being recorded. I mean honestly
You would be an absolute fool to have turned down the opportunity to come hang out with you for five days or so Absolutely.
That was well edifying Rejuvenating I feel revived in my soul. Just so you guys know we we did invite jeff to come over and he didn't want to come
Yeah Didn't want jeff had to work jeff works paycheck to paycheck Try a guada rail guada rail guada
Guard guard. Oh guardrail. She's the loop. Yeah, brayden quit his job.
So brayden job I retired
I retired from my job. Leave me alone quit J Brayden right now is out of work.
Yeah He's home He's staying with tom Yeah, they had to put him on the
Oh, yeah, I don't mess around. Yeah You know in all honesty my wife said
I couldn't go so Okay, you know I have seen that I have to work
You know in all honesty, so we went out when we went out to the evangelism in the alamo dome We were thinking about it would have it would have been really awesome if like red was there with us and and laura and and uh
And who else would we have? And jeff. Yeah we man when we were
Salad over here as as as we were as we were leaving we were just going man
I mean, we would be just be ripped. We would tear it up. Yeah, we thought to ourselves What was that guy's name that we do a podcast with that?
We we have a Hefe we couldn't remember his name. Remember it just totally slipped our minds. Yeah So much fun.
You can't remember the life of the party. Yeah, I kind of yeah. Yeah see Red didn't get so here's open invitation
Yeah, we need to do this again. We need to get lots of fun. Yeah, we need to do a lot of uh, We miss we need to hook up some evangelism events.
Hey, what do you guys think of this and this? I'm, just throwing this out there and I didn't even share it with these guys We need to do
I honestly believe this we need to do an old -time tent gospel preaching evangelistic uh come to christ
Evangelism sermons Jeff braden me. I mean some some unknown
You know i'm gonna be working on it ugly people like you guys myself where I live
Where I live we have a tent rent a place right down the street where you can rent the tent
And I have the property to have one on Well, do you have the property?
Like even the building that I have now has a big backyard. It's just got a small All that backyard belongs to us
It's just got the inside small So here's the other thing guys everybody that's still up watching maybe
Uh, if you guys know of a place or if you guys could help us put something together Let's do it
Let's do it Do it We're ready Look at him
He can't even stay awake. I'm tired Hi guys, my name is normal -sized hands
I look just like braden. I said look at it Bye guys, come on.
Come on braden show everybody one more time guys I hope you guys feel good about your house
I feel pretty good I can sleep at night. That's pretty funny
Good job There's there's one Hang out there.
All right. Well, it was been a blessing. Yep. Good stuff There's a lot of guys.
I don't know how good this show was today, but also Also, let me just kind of reiterate We're trying to come up with at least 10 000 more dollars if you are
If you're in a position to where you can give to help Us To help our church get this new building we would
Just we would really appreciate it I do believe that these guys are going to try to do a gofundme for our church
But if you just want to give directly to our church our website is covenant rbctn .com
covenant rbctn .com I'll try to find a way where you can specify What the giving is to um, it would really be a a a blessing
We are a we have a small church building But we are a growing church and we have we're growing out of our building and we need to take the next step
Uh, but we can't do it without some help So if you believe in the work that's being done and the preaching of the gospel on the street to grow a church
We your boys Yep Definitely and and and most of all pray
Yeah, 100 percent second of all Consider giving yeah, you have the financial listen if you ain't got nothing
Like I ain't got nothing like it is what it is. But but but but if but if you If the lord has blessed you and you're able to to financially support someone like random
We already got one. It's gonna be it's gonna be good for our community that we live in to have
A church to be able to reach our community. It's it's gonna happen. I I believe it
Is that it? Yeah. God bless God bless you If you're ever in telehoma, come check us out