Blooper Reel 3 - Aleph with Beth - Thank you for 20,000!
Some behind-the-scenes fun for you!
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- 00:00
- One, two, three, four. Thank you so much!
- 00:20
- 20 ,000 subscribers! We're celebrating with you. We couldn't do it without you. Yeah, so sit back and relax and enjoy a good laugh at our expense.
- 00:29
- Toda raba! Toda raba! Shalom! Anipet! Wait, you have your earpiece.
- 00:39
- Something's not right here. Oh, it's Dardrechian! Hey! All right, here we go.
- 01:06
- How about I go... I go... V 'raseh sham mizbeach.
- 01:34
- That is one noisy truck. Me -ah. V 'chol ha -am.
- 02:08
- You're not recording, are you? I am! Hey! You! A -ta ba elay b 'cherev u -vachanit.
- 02:17
- V 'anochi va elecha. Echol zayit.
- 02:26
- Echol zayit. Ayeh ha -ish ha -gadol?
- 02:40
- Ish gadol. Oh, I went a little too far. V 'tomer...
- 02:46
- Ten li zahav. V 'y ten lach zahav. No, what?
- 03:05
- The jumping trout is about to spring. Did he fall on his face?
- 03:30
- Yeah, he fell on his face. V 'yi pol o 'al panah v 'artza. He definitely fell on his face.
- 03:40
- Oh, this really hurts. Oh, that was my mouth.
- 03:48
- Also my face. Probably the funniest thing we've ever done.
- 04:13
- V 'yikach et harbol. Hey! V 'yaarot david el ha -plishti.
- 04:27
- V 'yikach et... Lama l 'kahtem et kusi.