Live From ReformCon 2022!!!
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- 00:07
- Welcome everyone to apology a radio live from reform con 2022 My producer is giving me looks cuz
- 00:15
- I was looking stupid and I did that on purpose Just for you gave the babe. Welcome everyone
- 00:21
- Jeff the ninja pastor Durbin is Losing his voice and he's got to teach yet.
- 00:29
- So he's he's indisposed drinking some honey tea or something and Joy's on stage right now with summer and Desi Mays Some kind of feminist stuff.
- 00:40
- It's gonna be a mishmash apology a radio. So I have Someone, you know very well over here to my right.
- 00:48
- I've got Zachary Ballywin Conover What's up, everybody?
- 00:54
- I have someone to my left far left. It's been on before via phone call maybe in person
- 01:01
- Wade the spade or see me. All right, I just come up with that. I like it
- 01:06
- We in the spade good to be here and I got a someone new to apology a radio Who's it's like a little kid over here between me and Wade Daniel bad movie lover
- 01:23
- Constantino That flows perfectly It's like we got the baby lover shirts.
- 01:28
- I'm gonna get you one that says bad movie lover Daniel the spaniel Dan the man is fine.
- 01:34
- That's This show is brought to you by Canada dry just kidding.
- 01:40
- It's not So yeah, I wanted to just have a fun show. We're here live as people walking by Stuff's going on people are talking lots of activity.
- 01:49
- There's lots of things happening So Zachary Conover what has been your favorite part thus far as we're winding down here
- 01:57
- Yeah I think it's been to see all of the guys that that we enjoy gleaning from and listening to like to have all these guys under one roof and to have the fellowship the great messages the
- 02:10
- You know people that traveled from so far away to be here and to share in that. It's just been great
- 02:16
- It our ministry by God's grace has impacted so many people That to hear them share their stories and you know
- 02:24
- How God pushed them over to over the line in multiple areas of cultural engagement Yeah whether it's
- 02:30
- Having to do with end abortion now or just become more involved in bringing the gospel into their own cultures where they live back home
- 02:37
- It's been super encouraging. So those have been some of my my favorite things It's just to be under the same roof with these people and these speakers one of whom
- 02:45
- I get to introduce soon Very very excited about your heroes here. He's gonna bounce in a little bit.
- 02:52
- Yes introduced. Dr. Joseph Das boot. Yes. I'm very excited.
- 02:58
- I bet you are just hopefully I do it justice just Yeah, I'm just gonna don't trip yeah, you're good you got it how about you pastor
- 03:09
- Wade the spade What's going on with you? You're down from the old. Yeah, I'm Billy USA. Yeah, here
- 03:14
- I am Down from Utah Back in in the flesh my old stomping grounds for sure.
- 03:22
- Yeah, it's been really good. I think one of the Prevailing themes so far that I've seen out of all the talks has been
- 03:32
- That we we change the world not simply by Large crowds, but we also don't do it by individual.
- 03:43
- Yeah, it's family units I've seen and it's local churches like the the local church is a simple thing
- 03:52
- But it's a force to be reckoned with it's potent. Yeah, and and that's God's That's his purpose is using the local church to change culture to bring the gospel to the nature nations to teach them all that Christ is commanded and That's the system that he uses.
- 04:09
- So that's that's kind of what I I've seen Sewn throughout all the talks is
- 04:15
- We need to go back. We need to go to our churches and That's how we're gonna see change and we clean house
- 04:22
- Personally in our own homes and then we clean the Lord's house and then we take things over So yeah, amen.
- 04:30
- What about you Daniel constant? Nino? Constant Nino Constant Nino It's not gonna stick that's a good one.
- 04:41
- No Two things me my wife have been really encouraged by is one the Psalms.
- 04:46
- We've been singing Think to think that these are the songs that the people of God were actually singing of course in a different language, but same lyrics
- 04:54
- And I think it's flowed through all the messages and all the messages. We're hearing things like The authority of Christ his dominion and so to be at a conference where you're you're constantly hearing these things you're meditating upon them they're in front of you, it's it's refreshing and so just the
- 05:12
- Reality of having these things in front of my wife has literally told me multiple times. I don't want to skip any talk
- 05:18
- Like we're not gonna get food because I want to hear what's next and so it's been encouraging for both of us Can you guys see
- 05:23
- Daniel? Okay I don't know if he yeah, I'm Mike that microphone was too high. I might be a little too tall
- 05:28
- Do we need to get you a phone book to sit on? constant Nino So I just had to give me a minute.
- 05:35
- I would have thought of something So the theme here is this is you said some way that made me think of something the theme is by the standard and so we've
- 05:45
- You know chosen like Zack said some of our heroes our friends that we look up to and partner with and had them
- 05:52
- To talk about areas that they're experts in By the standard by God's Word is the standard of our truth and morality and education all those things
- 06:03
- And one thing that I love about stuff like this it's just to see how the spirit like you were talking about weaving things like how the spirit just Like none of these guys really were talking with one another none of our speakers were talking with one another
- 06:14
- Yeah, and just to see like common threads Like you said Wade that the spirits kind of weaved in through everybody's talks
- 06:20
- Yeah, I love to see stuff like that We like to kind of set things up like that and just like use your topic, you know
- 06:26
- We'll have the Lord work in your heart. So But yeah, I want you guys to chime in on it. Yeah, man, I think
- 06:32
- You know sola scriptura. We believe that you know, we believe in reformational principles. We believe that the
- 06:37
- Word of God is The unchanging standard revelation of God's character.
- 06:42
- It ought to be the rule for all of life We don't believe that should be limited to the individual or to the family or even to the church Like we're talking about all realms of existence created by God being placed under the
- 06:53
- Lordship of Jesus Christ, which is Not something that the majority of Christians in our culture believe in when you talk about engaging the culture
- 07:01
- Like we're speaking kind of our internal ghetto language. Yeah, man, the church it needs to engage the culture
- 07:06
- We need to go out and preach the gospel and engage culture and do that It's a lot of Christians are just like why would you do that?
- 07:13
- Like what's yeah, I mean is that even the church's mission is is the mission of the church to change
- 07:21
- Culture and really one thing I admire about these talks. There's a lot of answers. Yes. Yes.
- 07:26
- The answer is yes But about these talks is if you listen Obviously the hope of them is shaped by the
- 07:32
- Psalms like you're talking about Daniel like the once the church stopped singing the Psalms This is what David Chilton said in Paradise Restored Once the church stopped singing the
- 07:40
- Psalms which were the war the battle hymnal of the church we lost that militant
- 07:47
- Attribute about us and that hope that gospel shaped hope of victory for the future
- 07:53
- We lost that when when we lost that but also You'll notice one theme that's woven throughout all these talks is this continuity between creation fall and redemption
- 08:04
- So and that's something that's missing from the majority of evangelicalism today is
- 08:09
- How did God intend for things to be in the beginning when he created man in his image and as an extension of that?
- 08:17
- What's the occupation of man to be? Yeah in advancing Christian culture and advancing the kingdom of God in the world how that was lost through sin
- 08:26
- What Adam forfeited in the garden what he gave up and then how in Jesus Christ that's restored to us
- 08:32
- It were restored to our original purpose as image bearers of God through the true image of the invisible
- 08:38
- God Jesus Christ who is the new man the man of culture? Who is making a new humanity in himself?
- 08:46
- That's what he's doing. He's reconstituting all of us as new creatures in Christ and that involves
- 08:53
- Cultural work on the other end of salvation. So it's not just forgiveness of sins the gift of eternal life.
- 08:59
- It's work It's forgiveness of sins and then God puts us back on mission and so we operate in how he created us to operate and do and be what he created us to do and be so I've noticed that as a theme woven throughout this whole thing is
- 09:14
- I mean Engaging culture like that actually matters and it's something that we should be engaged in but we need to have a scripturally informed
- 09:23
- Perspective sola scriptura and no we don't just mean for the church Institutional church what we mean for every realm every sphere
- 09:32
- Everywhere that the Lordship of Christ gains ground and advances into that particular territory We can safely say the kingdom of God has come there and that's what we want
- 09:42
- Yeah, and I Andrew Sandlin mentioned it yesterday and I know he stole this from Joe boot here about to introduce here, but culture is just religion externalized, right?
- 09:53
- And so If we're preaching the gospel to our neighbors and to our community and Christ's kingdom is growing like the culture should reflect that Right, and the fact that the culture is not reflecting that shows that the church is failing to do that You know and one of my favorite verses is in Colossians 1 and Christ came to reconcile all
- 10:15
- Things to himself. That's right. So it's like the church is like well, yeah, he came to do that, but not the culture
- 10:20
- Mm -hmm. We're just gonna let the culture go to hell, you know But it's like no he came to reconcile all things.
- 10:26
- So yeah, we are supposed to transform the culture with the gospel. Amen one thing you guys especially
- 10:32
- Zach you reminded me of I am Back at apology at Church, Utah. I am preaching
- 10:40
- Expository through the gospel according to John and we went through the prologue. We're in chapter 3 now, but Really?
- 10:47
- There's this theme and John John wrote in chapter 20 and 21. He said
- 10:53
- And all the things that Christ did, you know, if if one were to write them down Yeah, not even all the books in the world.
- 11:01
- Yeah, I'm gonna contain them. And so the idea is that the Apostle John chose
- 11:07
- Had a purpose was was selective about exactly What Jesus did?
- 11:14
- He he selected exactly what he wanted Jesus what he wanted his readers to see that Jesus had accomplished and done throughout his his work in ministry and In the prologue you see this aspect where a veil is being pulled back
- 11:28
- We're seeing that Christ is the creator. Yeah, he's the eternal logos he was there before the world was and so Not anything that was made was made apart from him and that's who he is we see the deity of Christ and then there's a switch in the prologue and you especially see in That the word became flesh the logos became sarks is the
- 11:53
- Greek word and it's just this this very basic word He took on all that it was to be a man
- 11:59
- God himself took on and and the point is eventually in verses 12 and 13 it says that that Logos who became flesh he's creating again
- 12:11
- He's making something new again And he's making children of God and all of a sudden you see him come into his temple in chapter 2 and he's cleansing it
- 12:18
- And it's and he points to the fact that he's the temple and then he's gonna make a temple out of his church
- 12:24
- So he's getting rid of the old he's creating again We see when he turns the water into wine you have pots that were made they were purification cleansing vessels as they came into the the wedding wedding the wedding they had to ceremonially wash their hands and Christ then makes what was meant for unclean things into Messianic Kingdom wine
- 12:48
- And so there's all this Recreating and you will you will it ain't grape juice.
- 12:55
- I promise you that he's gonna make you born again. It was choice wine Yeah, that's right so Again, the the the point is the
- 13:04
- Creator has come again. He's creating new and and and this relates to this conference because The gospel doesn't just stop in the inner man.
- 13:15
- Yeah, the gospel doesn't just stop internally It doesn't just save us and reconcile us to God that is absolutely one of the most glorious aspects but because it does that because it changes us it's gonna change other things and so, you know as Evangelical Christians in America, we've often let it just stop there
- 13:33
- It's just me my Bible and Jesus and maybe sometimes I'll go to church and that's what the gospel changes
- 13:39
- No, actually what the God the gospel is so powerful that it will create again as as Jesus came to do and so that means
- 13:47
- We're freedmen and we need to make things and recreate things for the kingdom of God You know, we there's so many of us as Christians who are trading time for money in our in our in our corporations corporations run by heathens corporations run by wicked people and we're in this system and We're just trading that time for money and we ought to if we can
- 14:12
- Lord willing try to create something like Jesus Is creating in us, you know, you know what
- 14:18
- I'm saying? We really need to push ourselves more that The gospel doesn't just make us saved but then put us back in the machine.
- 14:27
- We don't just stay in Babylon Where we build his kingdom and when you build his kingdom
- 14:32
- It means the businesses the art the culture of Babylon starts to die out and the and the culture of the kingdom
- 14:40
- Prevails. Yeah, and so we need to start living in that reality now And that's kind of a lot of the push that I see here and the kingdom has a culture
- 14:48
- It uses a particular culture in the world. It's not value neutral, right?
- 14:54
- Right, you see things externalized as the gospel grows or willing Daniel. So I know I think
- 14:59
- Zach I think you hit it. Perfect. I feel like 90 % of my conversations always come back to solo sculpture
- 15:05
- Yeah, and so when you have all the speakers here, there's really 90 % With your wife even with my wife
- 15:15
- Okay 10 % are Star Wars in Mexican food, but no, but that's probably there's there's a moment when when the speakers are speaking and they
- 15:26
- They read the Word of God and there's this moment of reverence And this is why we're here Jeff and all of us will say here now the words of the truth because it's
- 15:34
- God said this So when we're at a conference like this and the message is being pushed We should be the best at Christian arts in economics.
- 15:42
- Yeah in On the street evangelism on ending abortion on whatever it is. It's Christians. We should be the best
- 15:48
- Well, the reason why that has weight in power is because our our master gave us marching orders
- 15:54
- Yeah, he said go do this. So I taught on this recently, but in Colossians 3, it's you were dead, right?
- 16:01
- You've died to your sins now your new creation you're made alive Therefore whatever you do in word or indeed
- 16:07
- He says do it in the name of the Lord Jesus and then he says do it with thankfulness to God the
- 16:12
- Father So in the Christian walk in the Christian life there should be this constant
- 16:18
- I think reminder of thankfulness to God and that's why I'm doing everything at a hundred percent
- 16:24
- That's why I'm doing everything in the name of the Lord Jesus So I think it's just been encouraging to see in all the speakers this this thread of look
- 16:32
- We're gonna be the best at whatever area it is It doesn't matter and the reason is is because our
- 16:38
- Lord our Savior the one who bought us at a price Told us to go do so and so just that That theme of thus say the
- 16:46
- Lord because he owns it all it's all his it's his he bought it with his blood Yeah, that's your that's your verse right there
- 16:52
- Colossians 1. Yeah, he purchased it all right So hold that thought so, you know myself and Zach and Wade we're already all we're at full -time ministry, right?
- 17:02
- I know you desire you desire that but you're not right now you work in a secular. Yeah industry
- 17:08
- So talk about that what you just said, yeah, you know as you're going to work as a
- 17:13
- Christian in a secular industry Yeah Well, I go to work and I work in a in a kitchen with probably about five six different people at a time
- 17:22
- And there is this constant I walk in and oh, you're the Christian So when
- 17:27
- Roe was overturned it was like, hey, what did you think about that? But it's not just my opinions.
- 17:33
- It's how I'm working So the fact that I get to work and I show up on time The fact that I get to work and when
- 17:39
- I'm putting together a meal One thing that the company can be very specific about is is make this presentable
- 17:45
- And so when I'm putting something on a plate and there's multiple items of food I'm not just throwing it on there making it look sloppy
- 17:52
- So the person who receives it says I just paid 20 bucks for this plate and look how it is Right now whether or not my my physical boss gives me a raise or sees all the work
- 18:02
- I'm doing every time I make a plate. I'm making it beautiful because I have a boss higher than him
- 18:08
- I have the Lord Jesus. So in the work environment, it's I'm making sure that even if these men and women
- 18:14
- I'm working with They're not cleaning up after themselves They're not giving it a hundred percent they're there just for a paycheck
- 18:20
- That's what they're there for and it's good to have a paycheck I love to provide for my family, but even in my working
- 18:26
- I'm seeking to glorify it. Okay, hold on I know I know I know you want to say so I got it before you leave this point.
- 18:33
- So What I'm gonna say sounds silly, but I hope you get what I'm saying So when you get every plate you put out do you like make like a cross out of french fries?
- 18:43
- Take like a ketchup and you make it black. It's Christian. You write the gospel and ketchup or something.
- 18:49
- No, no Why because it's not it's not the the explicit
- 18:55
- Content of the gospel being on the food because that can't happen But it's the idea of someone of some
- 19:00
- I guess you can but but the idea is somebody would look at this and someone every Time they receive a plate of food at least from me.
- 19:07
- They would say I'm impressed by this There's there has to be a motivation or reason There's why every time
- 19:12
- I come this plate is done Well, so there's actually people in the kitchen that people know like the customers will ask
- 19:18
- Hey, it's so -and -so working today because they know the burgers gonna be made, right? You know the chickens gonna be cooked
- 19:23
- Well the salad, you know, all of it is gonna be made, right? And so as a Christian I seek to be the most diligent the best hard -working person, right?
- 19:30
- Cuz a lazy Christian Points to a late makes a lazy
- 19:35
- Savior. Yeah, like every you know, we're ambassadors. The Bible says we're representative So if you're a lazy
- 19:41
- Christian if you're poor in your work, you're saying that the Savior's work is poor
- 19:47
- The Savior's work is lazy. We represent Christ And so everything we should do should be done in excellence because Christ does it excellently?
- 19:55
- it's not because we can do it perfectly like Christ, but Because Christ is we we work towards that end
- 20:01
- So yeah, and Christians are the ones with a basis for having things that are good true and beautiful Our worldview is the only worldview that can account for such things as goodness truth and beauty when
- 20:13
- God placed Adam in the garden He didn't just give him a tree that was able to sustain him physically
- 20:20
- He put trees in the garden that didn't bear fruit in the sense of just being beautiful to the eye Yeah, their explicit purpose was to be pleasing to the eye.
- 20:29
- Yeah, so God loves beauty He loves beautiful things and he loves truth and and goodness and all of those things together
- 20:38
- We need to realize that no matter where God has called us to serve God demands us to reproduce those things because he has
- 20:46
- Reconstituted us as new creatures. And so is it good? Is it true? Is it beautiful and we should be driving that conversation not constantly trying to catch up to the unbelievers who are
- 20:59
- Doing good work oftentimes, yes, you know, they are but what's the basis for it, right?
- 21:05
- Do they actually have a coherent system that can make sense of such things?
- 21:10
- They'll do it because they're in the image of God Amen, right They'll do those things and we can point to that and say the reason you desire these things is because God made you in his image
- 21:20
- But your world you can't account for it And so we not only have the ability to do that But we have the system that can ground it and actually point to a basis for it and really give life meaning
- 21:31
- Yeah, it just it gives life its meaning its purpose and by this standard by what standard do you do these excellent things?
- 21:39
- It's it's Christ. It's his word. That's got to be the foundation. Amen. You got to get going here in a minute, right?
- 21:46
- Yeah Just pop off when you got you. I have I have someone taking your seat when they walk. Okay, so Thanks, dude.
- 21:52
- So Let me ask you this Daniel Can a
- 21:58
- Christian make neutral burgers Can a Christian yeah, they you know
- 22:05
- I'm saying they could but but the question would be is that is that satisfying to God?
- 22:11
- Right even even and so this is where the the question comes in is is it down to the detail that the burgers?
- 22:17
- I cook that the way I'm cleaning my house. Is it down to that very detail? And I would argue yes
- 22:22
- And the reason why is because in Colossians 1 before we get to Colossians 3 in Colossians 1 when it talks about we've been
- 22:29
- Transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light that we've been redeemed by his blood
- 22:34
- It then goes on to say in verse 16 to 17 This is the first we all know that all things were created through him visible
- 22:42
- Invisible thrones dominions rulers authorities and Paul really goes to this list. And so the question is okay
- 22:48
- Was anything left out of that list? Is there anything that is created that Jesus didn't create the answer? We all know is no
- 22:53
- So even if he's a creator of all these things and then God tells us in all things to do it with diligence to do
- 22:59
- It to his glory to not work unto man Colossians 3 23, but work unto the Lord then yes, even the burger itself
- 23:07
- If you can come to it with an approach of and laziness Or I think the way the scriptures would describe it is half -heartedness as a sluggard
- 23:16
- But it's Christians. We shouldn't do that I would argue it's actually a sin to approach life that way and if you have repent repent and there's there's forgiveness in Christ Yeah, but approaching all of life by the standard of we've been bought therefore greatness.
- 23:29
- Amen Well, I just had my boy James O 'Brien Jump on he's staying with me right now.
- 23:37
- He lives in Dundalk Dundalk Gotta get the right accent the right place in Ireland from Dublin That's I'm gonna tell you something this guy right here.
- 23:49
- He's a good dude. We've known each other about five years I think is this guy there's not a lot of faithful Street preachers in in Dublin.
- 23:58
- This guy is one of them. I love this guy we talk all the time and Been able to go visit him a few times and he got to come visit us for Reform County staying with me
- 24:07
- I've had a great time learning Irish words that I didn't know before and And vice versa, so what's up James what has been the highlight for you so far?
- 24:18
- just Different mix of people that I've met here and some seals some narc on the covers
- 24:25
- Discovered that everybody has freedom here with guns Definitely James White John Sampson yesterday was a great speech as well.
- 24:36
- You never heard him before I just wanted to videos on the YouTube. I love John. He's great. It's very good
- 24:41
- So we were just talking about how even in the secular realm
- 24:49
- Like you're a forklift driver Can you? Drive your forklift to the glory of God, of course, how
- 24:57
- I follow on the rails and give That's idea So what would it look like if you tried to?
- 25:05
- Be a forklift be a neutral forklift driver What about the crashing
- 25:13
- Because I'd be relied on my own glory then God's glory. Yeah Forklifts though to my understanding.
- 25:20
- They're they're dangerous, right? They're like really dangerous. Yeah, they're very dangerous So even I think even in following the rules
- 25:25
- There's an understanding of preservation of life that the reason why you follow the rules and you're Cautious about is because God tells you to preserve life
- 25:34
- And so yeah, you're right If you if you were just nonchalant about it You could hurt somebody and that would be not glorifying to God The rules are there for a reason because you're in charge of something precious that can end like so you should preserve life
- 25:47
- So yeah, I'm loving your neighbor. I love your neighbor. I I look at it to Neutrality I would
- 25:54
- I would almost look at it in a sense where You're pretending to look good when you're actually not doing a good job
- 26:02
- Maybe we could apply it that way, of course, that's not philosophical in any way, but it's it's pretending you're good
- 26:09
- When actually you're neither You're not good, you know And so, you know, we can really take that the opposite direction in what we do in this life.
- 26:19
- We can totally disregard the call from Scripture to do everything to the glory of God and That would include what you do, too.
- 26:28
- So we don't pretend We do what we're supposed to do, you know, so James what's a
- 26:38
- Tell tell our listeners what things are like Like what's the big thing in Ireland right now for you that you're facing?
- 26:46
- Just culturally speaking there's so many different agendas and ideologies coming into Ireland so you have a
- 26:54
- Especially the LGBT Community have a lot of socialism, especially seems to be on the rise and with the powers in the north and the south
- 27:03
- It's gonna be one political party in charge of all regions and they're very
- 27:08
- Socialistic and in nature very pro -choice very pro -lgb very anti family
- 27:14
- So all the things that God's God loves like being a good family and everything else
- 27:20
- These people are trying to attack it I think already freedom has been taken away so much already that if people don't realize it will be gone
- 27:30
- They're not they're not awake to what's actually happening at the moment So what's it been three years now since you had the referendum 2018
- 27:39
- I think it was okay. Yeah, so yeah, that's right. So So what happened 2018 there was they voted basically to overturn?
- 27:46
- To illegalize abortion and in gay Mirage I had been illegal in Ireland that whole time what?
- 27:56
- Get him on Isaac Isaac think he just tells me what to do. Like I Isaac doesn't run anything here.
- 28:03
- Jeez I'll get you over so To tell us how like I Imagine it's like the floodgates of hell were just opened to like just Immoral culture
- 28:23
- Tell us what that's been like Well, you know when the vote happened and they were successful in passing abortion.
- 28:29
- They had like a street party Basically in the biggest in Dublin Castle Dublin always have three parties every now.
- 28:35
- Yeah, but usually for St. Patrick's Day or something But not not for this. But yeah, there were celebration in the street
- 28:42
- It was like it was a victory one for women that somehow that's glorious now to kill your baby
- 28:47
- And they have the right to kill the babies It's it's been a tough battle over the last couple of years
- 28:53
- You know changing hearts and minds about different things about abortion changing people's views about the pro -life movement but there really is a solid group there that's been built up north and south and You can only praise
- 29:05
- God for that because good things always start small the faithful men faithful women
- 29:10
- Just go out and do what God has commanded them to do it's a rescue those led to the slaughter
- 29:18
- Amen, this guy always standing out in Ireland with this babe is a murder here sign By the way, if you're ever on the live feed on our apology radio live show he's usually in check
- 29:30
- You might see him in there or Benji. That's because you're making the accent. No, I love your first 33
- 29:37
- I see we just 33 and it's hard. We just make them say words because it's awesome and we love to hear it
- 29:44
- Sorry got completely derailed Do you guys want to ask me anything? It's your chance to ask an
- 29:49
- Irishman a question. Yeah, would you say? from that moment These people who celebrated this did they stay about the same or have things in the culture
- 30:01
- Degraded since have they gotten even worse? Yeah, the culture has definitely gotten worse. But the thing about the it was called the repeal movement
- 30:08
- They came out in their thousands and you know 40 -50 thousand during the referendum, but they're nowhere to be seen now.
- 30:15
- They're not helping women now. They've abandoned these people It's only the church and people have at the abortion clinics
- 30:22
- They are trying to help these women at the moment And one thing is they they were so boisterous in the big crowds and they had the media on their side
- 30:29
- Well, the media is all gone now. So it's just that one person now that comes against you or with biblical scripture you can
- 30:40
- Defeat what they're saying so easy because they don't have the crowd behind them anymore. That's interesting
- 30:45
- They they pretend like they're one. Yeah in the celebration but then after things died down They're separate individuals and they're not helping each other because only
- 30:58
- Only through the biblical worldview the Christian worldview. Is there a basis in which we come together?
- 31:04
- We assemble we congregate We're we're one body and we help each other and we build each other up but in something that's false like that They'll celebrate on a day like that all this debauchery and all this wickedness and evil
- 31:18
- But then they'll go to their homes and they won't really be there for each other And in fact, they won't be there for each other so much
- 31:25
- They'll have to make socialist welfare systems to force people and to hire them to help others when the church is supposed to be the one who does it freely and joyfully and willingly and That's that's the degradation.
- 31:39
- Yeah, it's only gonna go down from there women are left with no hope anymore They have to go back to the to their homes after taking the abortion pill and they're left with the consequences of what happens
- 31:49
- Whether it is the actual baby is there in the in the restroom toilet and who deals with death
- 31:57
- The woman is left now vulnerable on her own and and the repeal movement and everybody else
- 32:02
- It's no longer there to help them because all their agenda was was to use women Use their agenda for their own means, but it wasn't for the actual topic
- 32:12
- They just wanted abortion in at all costs and they didn't care who they used or what agenda what news story they used
- 32:19
- To accomplish that gold but Christ has already won. It should be Praising God when we're out there
- 32:27
- Preaching the gospel talking to women, you know, we have nothing to worry about Yeah, my question is twofold.
- 32:33
- So I'm originally from California It sounds like you're having a culture change in California just completely to the left now culture of death.
- 32:42
- So What has been the church's response in Ireland to what's been going on and what do you think the church's response should be
- 32:52
- The church's response is basically the same church response that happened with Kovac They followed the government.
- 33:00
- They don't realize that no the government is is put there boy God Yeah, they haven't grasped that concept.
- 33:07
- Yeah, so the problem then is whatever the government then tells them they'll just follow And they they actually have a defeat is that attitude because for most churches
- 33:17
- Christ is not on the throne Christ is still to come so they don't even know that Christ is sitting on the throne
- 33:25
- Exactly, so we've imported a lot of bad eschatology from Mainly the states and other places and that's a rampant.
- 33:34
- Yeah. Yeah. No, so is it like like in My experience in California not that there's no good churches
- 33:40
- But they're very few they're sprinkled here and there. Is that what you say? Yeah, it's like when we praise
- 33:46
- God for For the good churches. Sure. I won't say that there is no good churches, but there definitely is faithful preachers.
- 33:52
- We know some we have Pastor Paul up in the cookstown. We have a few in Belfast Yeah, our church is preaching the gospel trying to do everything that you can churches in Dublin as well
- 34:04
- And rather than focus on what the church is not doing sure got everything that's happening now
- 34:11
- God knows about it So I still believe everything is working out for his glory
- 34:16
- So I'd rather focus on the good things that are happening and give a
- 34:22
- God praise for everything every little chance He gives us to talk to people and maybe small or big but just to be used by God as a blessing someone like myself
- 34:32
- The life I lived before Forgot to even use me in anything. Is it such a blessing?
- 34:38
- It still blows me mind. You sound like Paul. Yeah How do we know that he probably went there after Spain And by the way, he said that Christ is sitting on his throne
- 34:54
- On a throne Sorry, I was trying not to make fun of you.
- 34:59
- I love it though. I like seriously love it so much. Okay You guys will appreciate this you guys both go to the abortion mill
- 35:06
- Probably every week or so. We're pretty regularly They don't have abortion mills they got hospitals
- 35:14
- It's crazy because when we were this last time I went to one and like literally you're standing out front of the entrance the main entrance into a hospital holding signs hoping that someone you'll stop someone and It's it's not like, you know, we have here that you don't know who's going in to have an abortion
- 35:30
- Who's going in to have a baby who's going in to get their, you know appendix out like whatever and it's it's crazy and we
- 35:39
- I was I'm hoping that we were able to bless and encourage the team that was out there because They're pretty discouraged right because they're like,
- 35:45
- I just don't know if this is effective You know, I don't know if we're no one's really stopping to talk to us every once in a while Someone doesn't and you guys know this.
- 35:54
- I just encourage them. I was like look just being here just being out Yeah, you have no idea how many people are coming in to get an abortion.
- 36:00
- They see you out here they see the signs and they drive by yeah, and then he was
- 36:05
- I wanted to share with you guys because and I want you to talk about that, but Yeah, it's it's a different.
- 36:11
- It's a different situation than we have. But what's that been like for you? Yeah, it is difficult because you're so far away from the main entrance that you can't really call out so much because so many different People are going in for so many different reasons
- 36:24
- But over the last couple of years that we have been doing doctors have come out nurses have came out
- 36:30
- So thanks so much for what you're doing And that alone and it's like what yeah, I didn't even know that dude
- 36:36
- Yeah, you don't even know if it's effective because you're just standing there with a sign will we want to help?
- 36:43
- God loves you Different signs like that. So it's a mix of different signs
- 36:48
- It's not like all babies are murdered here and stuff like that. But em doctors have come out
- 36:53
- We used to have this woman walk by us and at the statue was quite hostile to what we were doing
- 36:59
- Now we're talking to her like she's a best friend able to present the gospel Yeah, random people are just stopping their cars and saying thanks so much for what you're doing
- 37:07
- Yeah, and that's a real encouragement because it is it is gonna be a long process It's not it's gonna be so hard to convince so many of course we have to convince the church, you know that's gonna be such a uphill battle at the moment because people are just they just don't want to get involved and You know,
- 37:26
- God will use whoever he uses but we do need more help But it's hopefully that will change in the next couple of years
- 37:33
- But I think there is a shift gonna come because people are getting fed up All these ideologies are and not our own that's not how we were raised.
- 37:41
- So we were we were talking earlier about being results driven people in our in our work in in what we do as Christians with art and vocations and careers but at the very same time we do that as we said because Christ is
- 38:01
- Lord and so I Think about when we do street preaching I think about when we do evangelism when we go out in front of the mill
- 38:09
- We're called to do this Irrespective of the results in this case, you know, because ultimately
- 38:17
- The results are gonna be well done good and faithful servant and if we we've talked about this before like even as Church planter, you know, and you did this ten years ago
- 38:29
- It's like you work so hard, but if you work and do it for the people
- 38:37
- Yeah, ultimately they're beneficiaries and the and the people who are gonna hear you out in front of the hospital there
- 38:43
- They're gonna be beneficiaries. Sometimes they're gonna reject you a lot, but ultimately we do what we do for the king and We're gonna produce for him
- 38:53
- Irrespective of the results and that's what's gonna keep us going. You know, like I think about The Prophet Jeremiah had one of the most difficult ministries ever thrown into a pit for God I Forget which chapter it is but early on in Jeremiah God tells him you're going to preach
- 39:16
- My message and no one's gonna come to repentance By your preaching, but you got to be faithful.
- 39:25
- And so it's like We may not see what we're doing and you may not see
- 39:31
- You know last week or this week or even next week a baby saved. I believe you will at some point soon
- 39:39
- But from the Lord, what's that? No, just because God works through through his church, but uh, but either way
- 39:50
- You got me off track Yeah being faithful Yeah faithfulness yeah, you just do it and even if you're preaching the truth of God and his gospel out into the open air
- 40:05
- That's changing things. Yeah, that's that's not That's power like the
- 40:11
- Gospels the power of God unto salvation You're you're like throwing power into the air and it's gonna catch someone at some point, you know what
- 40:18
- I mean? So I like that Yeah, you asked me early on Remember you I know you're talking about you're like, what is uh,
- 40:25
- I don't remember exactly how you worded, but you're basically like what is What does failure look like for a church plant?
- 40:31
- And I said not being faithful. Yeah, like I don't care about numbers Are you being faithful?
- 40:37
- Then yeah, you're successful if you're not being faithful then no you're a failure So yeah, no,
- 40:43
- I'm glad you brought that up I'm gonna I'm gonna add did you want to ask anything? Yeah. No, I mean
- 40:48
- I'm gonna change the subject Really quick to encourage you guys I think Your way told me this earlier a couple days ago.
- 40:56
- So this is me taking what he said to you But it's your it's your service to the Lord. That's why you're doing Of course, there's a different feel to be out there and understand there are women going in to kill their baby
- 41:05
- I remember the first time I did it's like it just feels weird It feels dark, but you're ultimately doing this as service to the
- 41:11
- Lord and the woman and the babies They'll reap the benefits off of that, but you're doing this for him And so that I know is a big encouragement if you're if you're thinking that way versus, you know
- 41:22
- How many babies did we save are we gonna be able to hold one? I'm sure all that is a great encouragement But with just a thought in mind of this my service to my king who's on his throne and I'm gonna be here regardless Thanks, dude
- 41:36
- So here's here's what I want to ask you James. So for those of you that don't know He's he's in the
- 41:42
- Republic of Ireland's who's in the south but he a lot of times it goes and ministers in the northern Ireland in the north and Traditionally historically the
- 41:51
- Republic is primarily Roman Catholic. The north is primarily Protestant right so we don't really experience anything like that The only thing comparable is like Wade being up in Salt Lake City where it's like 99 %
- 42:07
- Mormon, right? Like it's like, you know, it's like there's like a very clear like dichotomy in like the
- 42:13
- East Coast used to largely be Roman Yeah, but now they're just yeah It could change any day of the week, you know, yeah, what is that like?
- 42:25
- just you know one day you're in this you're in Dublin and You know, it's
- 42:30
- Roman Catholic the next day. You're up in the north and it's Protestant Like does that present any challenges for you doing evangelism and all or is just tell me about that Um, not really.
- 42:41
- No, it's like obviously the accents and different This is true. So if I go very different my accent stands out like a sore tongue
- 42:49
- So people having an impression of that accent and put you in the boxes. They use their ages.
- 42:55
- Okay, so you should be And this tribe and that tribe and you should think like this Well, like I've met so many faithful people that have changed my perception of the north some wonderful people up there because We were raised a different way down south then up north.
- 43:10
- Well, Jesus Christ has brought us all together so Jesus Christ got rid of all them preconditions that we
- 43:16
- Applied to certain people and I haven't not got blessed by people up there met so many faithful people that They're all for the one cause
- 43:27
- Christ To give him glory and everything that to do and not for themselves Yes, excuse me, so for themselves, you know, so It's it's amazing how
- 43:38
- God is walking up in a country and even to think that we met I met these guys
- 43:44
- By God's providence. I just shown up and that's what it's about Christ is the common common bond.
- 43:51
- Tell that story. Yeah, so There wasn't a pro -life event in Dublin and it got cancelled by a socialist group they kicked up so so much more their ability that they had to go out onto the street and actually do the pro -life rally in the streets
- 44:07
- So I was so like enraged by that. I traveled from Dundalk to Dublin for about an hour
- 44:14
- So we arrived at this match and Jeff was there and Luke was there And you had just recently seen us on video, right?
- 44:23
- Yeah Yeah, it wasn't too long getting to know who he's where so all I knew was like, oh, that's the guy from YouTube I Couldn't remember his name.
- 44:34
- Yeah, but em, I just went over. I was just brave. I went over and said Oh, you're that guy and we just hit it off and had a great conversations for even while we were there
- 44:44
- Jeff was evangelizing to different people from the pro -life movement And there was some great conversations that came out there and then people seeing them videos and then that was just them come to Ireland And and being faithful to what
- 44:57
- God says you can imagine like the conversation with your wife. I'm going to Ireland It's miles away.
- 45:04
- It's like over 3 ,000 miles. So yeah and and God Then you listening to what
- 45:10
- God is saying and then you're obeying God and just go God doesn't ask any more than that Follow my words do as I say
- 45:19
- Be faithful. Amen. So I'm gonna tell the story about the time. We almost got arrested In Ireland James was there for that.
- 45:26
- So it first I still don't I gotta ask I still don't know why we didn't put this up But it's the guy
- 45:32
- I was actually filming. This was before like any of these guys we have not worked for us Isaac didn't even work for us and I actually was filming that trip with Marcus and And This guy this guy
- 45:47
- Came up at Marcus just furious at him and he's he's got a like a wooden stick in one hand
- 45:54
- Like I think there was like a sign attached to it or something and it like it come off like a pole Yes, he's got a wood stick like this and he's and he's eating a sandwich and so while he's like Yelling at Marcus There's like chunks of sandwich just flying at him and I thought for sure that guy was just gonna club
- 46:14
- Marcus with this Well, I'm just waiting for and I'm filming the whole thing. I'm just like it's coming. It didn't but it still was a cool shot with a sandwich
- 46:22
- Is that up on YouTube? No, I don't know why we never don't know why we added that There was a lot of stuff that happened.
- 46:29
- Yeah, but then make that cool Yeah, but then we went around the corner down the street and we were just kind of like Following the this was at the pro -choice yeah, and So we were just trying to get conversations and we get kind of in this you know heated conversation with some some feminists and this lady cop on a bike rolls up and and she parks her bike hops off and Jeff sees what's happening, you know, and he's like, all right, we got it.
- 47:01
- We got a bounce, you know, cuz It's we don't need trouble. We don't need to get arrested and Marcus is just going to town on this chick
- 47:09
- He's just yapping away and Jeff's like Marcus we got to go and he wouldn't shut up and this cops like We literally had to grab
- 47:16
- Marcus and drag him off just running his mouth of this chick the whole time We're like Marcus dude, we're not getting like we have families dude, like we can't get her
- 47:25
- But I love Marcus he's so tenacious on the street like But yeah, James was there we were talking with the other day
- 47:30
- I was just funny and thinking about it like it was like man. That was not what we needed So what was your perspective on that?
- 47:37
- Well, the the cop the woman cop was acting wrong because she was supposed to be impartial
- 47:43
- Well, she was acting as a feminist in a uniform. So when you have police like that acting like feminists are not
- 47:50
- Listening to the oath that they swore when they took on their duty, which is We're in charge of the police as citizens
- 47:59
- Not they're not supposed to have political views or express them in public for she was mad.
- 48:05
- I Was nearly arrested as well with Max cuz I was standing beside him. I Just remembered remember how we got the we were leaving that and then there was the chick with the nasty signs
- 48:16
- Yeah, I remember why we didn't put that up is because I got the video But I forgot to hit record on the audio.
- 48:22
- Yeah, but that was so I have video That's why I remember that was not really the filmer guy, you know the filmer guy
- 48:33
- That's why we get these fellas Well, cool, man. This has been fun and you guys want to add anything?
- 48:39
- I think I got to get on stage here shortly. So no, I'm waiting for Brian to come tell me I gotta shut up Wade what's going on with you, bro?
- 48:47
- Tell us tell people where they can find you Yeah Yeah We we've been in Utah for 15 months the church has been going for about 13 months
- 49:02
- Man it's been amazing We're seeing people get saved by Christ I Would say almost 50 % of our congregation used to be part of the
- 49:17
- Mormon organization What was that number again 50 almost 50 % so At least at 15 for them.
- 49:27
- No 50 the Lord's doing something. I keep telling everyone that What just recently happened?
- 49:33
- We had a young lady Grew up in a Mormon home, of course parents are still
- 49:39
- Mormon and she was a sister missionary Which means you know, she went through the the
- 49:46
- Mormon Organization she went to the MTC. I like to say organization. I don't like to say church, by the way and Just kidding she got man she got saved and we got to baptize her two weeks ago
- 50:02
- Man just her testimony was incredible. She spoke before the church briefly. Well just She kept talking about the shackles of Mormonism and I know a lot of Mormons watch this show and they'll probably love to pick this apart
- 50:20
- The funny video out of the over. Yeah, probably debunk you the overwhelming
- 50:26
- Message from these people who used to be part of the Mormon organization is I was shackled.
- 50:33
- I was enslaved to sin and I was enslaved to a system that wanted to make me perfect and I and The fact is there's only one in this whole existence who's ever been perfect and that's
- 50:46
- Jesus Christ And it's he and his perfection That accomplishes my salvation.
- 50:52
- It's his work is finished work. And so she just kept talking about the grace of Jesus Christ and the freedom that she she now has so anyways, yeah, the
- 51:03
- Lord's doing a lot there and We're in South Jordan Where can people find you on the
- 51:08
- Mennonites? Yeah, you can go to apologia Utah calm apology at utah .com.
- 51:15
- We just made eight new gospel tracks by the way and they are
- 51:21
- Hashtag dope Yeah, and so you can fill out an order form there on our website so you can find the gospel tracks
- 51:28
- We weren't we weren't really gonna sell them. They were just for our local Ministry, but you know, we've we think that this might help people
- 51:37
- Across the US in their context. They're honestly some of the most beautiful track.
- 51:43
- They look great. Yeah, praise God thinking about like remember the old school like Just little plain paper ones
- 51:50
- Yeah, I'm like a typewriter or something like like tenfold little booklets and you're like there's like a picture of like two cliffs with the crossbridge
- 52:00
- Classic Where does she do her mission? She did in Japan Wow, yeah, that must have been difficult.
- 52:12
- Yeah, and basically I love Japan But what what had occurred what started to plant seeds of doubt in her mind was
- 52:21
- They are to get it's an unspoken quota, okay, so they even gave her a clicker
- 52:29
- So it was all about asking people if they want to get baptized and they would click and they would click and they would click and There was moments where there was people who were considering her message, you know, they they were wondering they wanted to know more
- 52:44
- They're having you know They're in despair. They want to know the truth in some regard and they of course
- 52:51
- Mormons say they have it and obviously they don't but Essentially they're the mission president there in her jurisdiction in Japan said you're spending too long
- 53:01
- With people you're spending too much time with people With those type of people who are wondering more.
- 53:06
- You just need to get them baptized. Click it keep moving on and Wow, she said this isn't the gospel, you know, she grew up going.
- 53:15
- I can't wait, you know excited to give the gospel And she said this isn't it this isn't the gospel just clicking one more person one more person and you know
- 53:25
- That's not unique to Mormonism even Evangelicals will do that. You'll meet mega church pastors who will boast online, you know, we just did another
- 53:35
- Take the plunge dunk and we've got over the weekend 500 more people baptized and they'll advertise that So, of course, it's not exclusive to Mormonism, but that's that's wrong that's false and That's not how
- 53:51
- Jesus Demonstrates how we are born again. So anyways The Lord's doing doing amazing things up there.
- 53:59
- You know, I always sorry. I mean, you're good. I always just feel so bad For the sister elders, you know, you know, especially in the summer
- 54:10
- You know and on their bikes we're wearing dresses, but like I think Something that really
- 54:16
- I don't know. It's just always I've always it's always felt heavy to me It was the last time we went to the temple
- 54:23
- Which was a year ago, right? Wasn't a year ago when we were in Salt Lake. Oh, yeah.
- 54:28
- Yep. No, it was in June Was it June? Yes, I'm yeah.
- 54:34
- Yeah, I'm sorry. You're here. No there was a June. Yeah, you're there in June No, but did we go to the temple in June?
- 54:40
- Oh No Right, so when you guys were here when we started when you plan Yep, so No, it's okay.
- 54:48
- I just wanted my germs my brains fried right now. So It used to always be like, you know, they got like the best dude
- 54:58
- Apologists out there, you know, and now you know exactly I'm gonna say There wasn't a dude to be found anywhere.
- 55:05
- It was they had all the sister missionaries out there Yeah, and they were just using them
- 55:10
- Yeah, they're literally just using them to just bait people into the church girls from all over the world
- 55:15
- Yeah with their little different placards. I was Broke my heart to see that I was like man, that's like it's basically sex trafficking in a weird way, you know
- 55:24
- Like well, it is. Yeah, most cults are sex cults, right and Mormonism is just like and I'm gonna
- 55:33
- You know, I'm gonna offend That's what it's the truth But like Islam Islam's goal, you know is some form of progression and then having multiple wives
- 55:44
- Same thing with Mormonism progress and get wives. It's all about babies for eternity, right?
- 55:50
- the the biggest goal the The most amazing thing the
- 55:56
- X the exaltation we get to receive is not that we become deified It's that we get to go to the only one true deity
- 56:03
- God himself God Almighty and we get to worship him and that's the promises that we are his bride and he's the bridegroom and that's the reward and the reward from toil and from sin and disease and death and famine and all those things and we get to enjoy him forever and So I find that every cult and every false religion is antithetical to that they they promise deification and virgins or wives or whatever
- 56:36
- So, yeah, anyways, I just I've I've I noticed the change and I don't like it
- 56:42
- Yeah, just saying where can they find you at? Constant Nino on Instagram. No, I don't have anything right now.
- 56:49
- I mean, I'm on Facebook. Look at this right here I probably guys see this His phone. Can you see his phone cover?
- 56:55
- It's the Justice League. I mean, no, it is like his screen is like, oh It's it looks like my 12 year olds
- 57:04
- It looks got more cracks in the plumber account, I don't know Howard. Yeah How does this even work bro?
- 57:11
- No, I mean you'd use your fingers. It's a phone. I'm just kidding. No so many cracks I don't know. Yeah, it works.
- 57:17
- I cut myself No, I'm no more fingerprints bro, it just it's cut all your
- 57:26
- Oh my goodness. Hey, so here's what we're gonna do We're gonna start a fire. Yeah, we're gonna start a fun just for Daniel to get a new phone
- 57:38
- Yeah, so if you want to help Daniel out with that he'll gladly accept that constant Nino on Instagram That's all
- 57:47
- I got I'm tired, yeah, it's been good. Yeah. Yeah, we're almost there we got I think dr. Boots teaching right now and Sarfati son is up and then
- 57:57
- Jeffrey Wayne Durbin and Jeffrey Wayne and then the end
- 58:02
- JWD Yeah, I I want to see him fight, you know
- 58:09
- Okay, Jeff so Jeffrey Wayne lost his voice doing
- 58:15
- Ninja yelling. He's like I was ninja. I was expecting backflips. All he was doing was screaming and flailing everywhere so I okay,
- 58:24
- I'm gonna explain some because I Maybe you guys didn't know this and if you're watching maybe you saw it live and we're like, what was that at the end?
- 58:31
- He like he pointed he did like there was supposed to be like some Bible verses on the screen next time
- 58:38
- But he like pointed up like and it was him So it just looked hilarious because he's like look at me on the screen and we're like, what did you?
- 58:48
- Changing routines for me like he did all this and then he's like It was like disco after yeah, so that's what that was
- 58:56
- Actually, the last year didn't even see that because it was only the screen. Okay, it wasn't even yeah anyways
- 59:04
- You see it later. I would wonder what that was. So That's all I got Kyle, thank you gave the babe.
- 59:12
- Thank you force force come Force Whitaker First Whitaker with the lazy eye
- 59:23
- Well, what's that show he's on he was the trash man He was a trash collector. Do you remember?
- 59:28
- It was like a sitcom, but that's why it made him famous Might be too old for that.
- 59:35
- Somebody will know Yeah, so do you remember that movie with Is it
- 59:42
- Tony Danza where he tried out to be a kicker? Tony Danza was in a movie
- 59:51
- And he kicked the trash The garbage truck and he became a kicker
- 59:59
- Are you being for real? Yeah. No. Oh, yeah, you got to check it out. Shut up. I'll find it later for you
- 01:00:04
- I love this guy I was gonna say something. I forgot so That's it.
- 01:00:11
- Thank you all we appreciate you and we'll be back Next week this next week this upcoming week.
- 01:00:17
- I just don't know what we're doing yet because Jeff will be in Georgia I'm ready break. All right, we see.