Raise Godly Sons and Frustrate Feminists at the Same Time! - (Also Some on Aimee Byrd)

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Purchase here: https://www.amazon.com/Its-Good-Boy-Joseph-Spurgeon/dp/173491940X #NoDespair2020


So earlier this year, or maybe towards the end of last year, I said that I was probably going to support Trump in 2020, and a few weeks later,
Doug Wilson came out in support of Trump in 2020, or at least along those lines kind of thing.
Now, I'm not saying anything by bringing up the timeline, I just wanted to be sure that you knew that I was first.
Anyway, at the time when Doug Wilson wrote his article, he mentioned how it was rare that you could do something right, and at the same time, that same thing that you're doing kind of feels like mischievous, kind of feels like, you know, you're doing something like, you know,
I guess mischievous, that's the right word. And I thought that was a pretty funny take, but I've got something for you that's kind of similar.
This is a book that I bought for my children. I've got three sons, all of them are under six years old, and this is called
It's Good to Be a Boy by Joseph Spurgeon. Now, at the outset, I want you to know I have no financial stake in this,
I'm not being paid to market this book, and I don't really ever do this kind of thing, like product reviews or recommendations that often.
But this book is fantastic. Not only is the quality great, but the message is really good, and I have a couple things to tell you about my son, my five -year -old, and this book.
But I want you to take a look at this. I mean, it's only like 20 pages long, it's a kid's book. And you can see that the illustrations are colorful, they're very fun, and it's good stuff.
And my five -year -old, my five -year -old's pretty advanced with reading, you know, not due to my own training,
I don't think. I mean, it's just God blessed him in that. But my five -year -old can read most of the words in this book, and he's been reading it to himself at night.
Like, he has a light in his room where he goes to bed, and he can read in the room on his own at night.
And he's been reading this book almost every night. And I've got two stories to tell about this book and the conversations that it's sparked.
The other day at dinner, I brought out the Bible, and I was going to read, like, you know, ten proverbs to the boys and to my wife.
And I hadn't done that in a long time. Like, I've been kind of lazy about that. You know, to my shame, I've been kind of lazy about that.
And so last night, I was doing that. And I read the proverbs. It was about, you know, a son, listen to your father.
You know, a righteous son brings joy to his parents. Stuff like that. You know the proverbs. And after I was done, my dad said, you know what,
Dad? And I said, what? And he goes, did you know that you were the leader of the house?
And I was like, yeah, I knew that. How did you know that? And he said, well, it's because you read the
Bible all the time to us. And as soon as he said that, I knew, I remembered that it came from this book.
Because in this book, there is a scene where it talks about how the dad is the leader of the house.
And here's what it says. It says, my dad is the leader in our home. He leads us because he loves us and God wants us to obey him.
One day, I will lead just like him. And you can see the dad is at the kitchen table reading the
Bible. And he's saying, this is what the word of God says. And my son put two and two together really without me kind of prompting him.
He just said, oh, you're the leader of the house because you always read the Bible. Now, on the inside, I know, man,
I've really been neglecting my duty here for the last few weeks. Like this is a good reminder. And I smiled at my son and said, you're absolutely right.
And, you know, that's 100 % right. And he said, dad, you know what? One day, I'm going to be a leader. And that also comes from this book.
And in the next page, I'm not going to give away the whole book, but in the next page, the boy is reading the
Bible to his sister and saying exactly what the dad said the night before. This is a fantastic book.
And me and my sons had an opportunity, my 3 -year -old and my 5 -year -old anyway. We were talking about how when they grow up, they're going to be leaders of their own household.
And they're going to have their own household. And he was a little confused about that. Like he was kind of thinking, well, wouldn't we still be in the same house?
Like he was a little bit confused by that. But it was a good conversation. It was really helpful to talk about how when he grows up and he has his own wife and has his own kids, and he'll be the leader of his own house and how that's all going to work.
I'm not sure they completely understood it completely, but they were excited about it. They couldn't wait to be leaders as well.
And good stuff, man. This is a book you should buy for your sons. Later that night, last night, he was going to bed, and he was reading this book like he normally does.
He comes out of his room. I actually wasn't there. I was downstairs. I think I was letting the chickens in or something like that.
And he found this page. This page.
And you might be able to see that. That's a babies are murdered here sign. And he asked my wife, how do you spell murdered?
And my wife told him, she said, why are you asking? And he showed her the book, and he said, what is this?
And my wife was telling him what it was. And he kind of didn't know what to say. And he said, oh, the people are sad because the babies are getting hurt, right?
And, you know, he was very confused by that. And so me and him had a talk this morning about it, about, you know, what's going on there, you know, at a kid level.
So he understands what happens at these women's clinics to some degree, and he understands what we're supposed to do about it.
And he knows why I go to Crisis Pregnancy Center meeting, of which I'm a member of the board, you know, monthly, and why
I do that and stuff like that. So this book has been fantastic for not only teaching, but also starting conversations between me and my sons.
And obviously, I've talked to my sons about the Bible before. But this stuff is really good, really, really good.
And so if you have a son, I recommend this book. It talks about what boys are made for and why it's good to be a boy, what
God wants boys to do. But the good thing is not only is it biblical, but it also simultaneously will anger all the right people, all the feminists out there that really don't see that there's a big difference between the role of a man and a woman.
Like all those people that say, well, there is no one way to be a man. I mean, the Bible never tells men to be masculine and women to be feminine.
That's something that Amy Bird, you know, believes. She doesn't think that that's actually helpful to call men to be men, even though the
Bible does say act like men. She actually thinks that verse isn't very helpful. In fact, we shouldn't tell men to be men because all men are men.
You're just acting like a man if you're existing kind of thing. And that's actually not true at all.
It's a very naive and very, you know, kind of spirit of the age kind of thing to say.
I mean, we see it in advertising right now. There's no one way to be a man. Even men can have periods and stuff like that.
Like, yeah, granted, Amy Bird's not going that far with it yet, but it's the same spirit.
It's the same idea. And we need to buck against that trend. That's not the biblical standard at all.
You know, the Bible talks about what a man should be like all the time, and it talks about what a woman should be like all the time.
And it would be stupid of us to not take heed of those things. And I think, like, the propaganda will tell you, well, unless the
Bible says, men, you need to act in these ways, and women, you need to act in these ways. And it says it in this exact way.
And it says, men be masculine. Unless it says men be masculine, then we shouldn't call men to be masculine. That's very naive because even if it doesn't say in the
Bible, quote, men be masculine, it does describe to us what a man should do.
And so we should do those things. And we shouldn't do things that are contra to those things.
And it's the same with women. If it describes to you in the Bible what women should do, how they should act, what they should be like, then as Christians, we should do those things if we're a woman.
And if we're a man, we should do the man things. Like, that stands to reason. Like, we don't need a passage that says men be masculine, right?
That's really stupid. That's really silly to think in that way. And yet, this is what Amy Bird's perspective is saying.
Well, the Bible doesn't say men be masculine, so we shouldn't say that ourselves. No, that's stupid.
That's thinking like a child. Like, we don't have to have it spelled out for us in that way. That's not how the
Bible works typically. That's not how the Bible works. What we do have in the Scripture and what this book brings down to a kid's level are the things that God created men to be.
And so this book is really good for your sons. At the same time, when you buy it, it feels like you're doing something naughty.
So that's actually a lot of fun. You can be kind of mischievous while at the same time doing something correct.
I recommend it. It's on Amazon by Joseph Spurgeon. It's good to be a boy.
Do the right thing for your sons. And at the same time, get all the feminists all up in a tizzy.
Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful. God bless. Let's talk a little bit more about this
Amy Bird thing. This is a quotation from her book, right? She says this, quote, there are no exhortations in Scripture for men to be masculine and women to be feminine.
Christian men and women don't strive for so -called biblical masculinity or femininity, but Christ likeness.
Do you see this? Because this is one of those truisms. Yes, we should all be conformed into the image of Christ, right?
But part of that being conformed to the image of Christ is to do what Christ says. If you love me, you'll keep my commandments, right?
If you love me, you will keep my commandments. The Great Commission even says we should be discipling the nations, teaching them to observe all that I've commanded.
And the reality is, much to Amy Bird's chagrin, that the Bible does outline how men should act and how women should act, how husbands should act, how wives should act.
It does do that. And so if we're going to be Christians, if we are going to be conformed into the image of Christ, then we must obey
Christ. We must teach others to obey Christ as well. And part of that obedience requires men to be masculine and women to be feminine.
It would be silly to insist that the Bible must say men be masculine in order for us to teach that, because the
Bible does absolutely teach what masculinity is and what femininity is. It kind of reminds me of people that say, well, the
Bible doesn't command a certain economic system. And that's likewise another very childish argument.
That's reading like a child, because the Bible does say lots of stuff about private property, about commerce, about economics, and stuff like that.
And so, yes, it doesn't literally say you should have a capitalist system. It doesn't say that, but it does describe a lot of the basic principles of what capitalism is.
Private property, free commerce, stuff like that. That's part and parcel of the
Bible's explanation of biblical law and economics. We would be stupid to insist it has to say, do capitalism in order to endorse capitalism.
That's actually not how it works. We don't have to read the Bible like a child would. We're adults, and the
Bible's written at a certain level. This is a great book because it's written at a child level. But there's a lot more to it, as Joseph Spurgeon would definitely agree, that he could write a similar book to men.
And it would say different things. It would go into a little bit more detail and stuff like that. And this would be true, but also that would be true.
And so we can't read the Bible in such a simplistic way.
And what I mean by that is we can't oversimplify it. So we should read the Bible at the level that it's at.
And so it's very similar to me, like the way Amy Bird wants to treat masculinity and femininity, the way that a lot of people treat the
Bible and economics. They pretend like it doesn't address these things, but it definitely does. And since we're adults, we can read the
Bible as adults to see what it actually says about that. Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful.