The King is Coming



Well good morning You can open your Bibles to Zachariah because that is where we are going to be and I want to say
Keith thank you for this opportunity once again to stand behind the pulpit and preach He is the mouthpiece of this church.
He is the vocational preacher, and I always am thankful when he Affords me the opportunity to proclaim
God's Word, and this is the first time I have preached in the Megaplex With the wall being gone
Everybody's in the back I'm just going to be honest
This passage that we're going to look at today is notoriously one of the hardest passages in the
Old Testament so I Have bid off a big wad today to explain
There are many positions three major positions of this text
One will be the premillennial position one will be the postmillennial position and The third one which
I always tip my hand to which will be the amillennial position And I just want you to know wherever you land on your millennial position
It's not to divide over To divide over the millennial position in Scripture, I believe is a criminal offense against the body
We can all disagree on When he will come how that will come about but I promise you when he does return
Everything that we are unclear about will dissipate like the morning dew So let's stand and we will read
Zechariah 14 I Have plans to cover
All 21 verses, but if time fleets I will have a place where I can stop in the middle
Behold a day of the Lord is coming When the spoil will be taken from you and will be divided among you
For I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle and the city will be captured and the houses plundered
Women will be ravished and the half of the city Exiled but the rest of the people will not be cut off from the city
Then the Lord will go forth and he will fight against those nations as when he fights on the day of battle
And that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives Which is in front of east of Jerusalem and the
Mount of Olives will be split in its middle and the east to the west and a very large valley will be made so that half of the mountain will move to the north and the other shall move to the south and You will flee by the valley of my mountains for the valley of the mountains will reach to that of Azel and yes
You will flee just as they fled before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah and then the
Lord my God will come with all of his holy ones with him and In that day there will be no light the luminaries will dwindle
For it will be a unique day a unique day unto the Lord, which is only known to the Lord neither day nor night
But it will come about that evening time will be light and in that day
Living waters will flow out of Jerusalem half of them toward the East Sea and the others toward the
Western Sea and it will be summer as well as in winter and The Lord will be the king over all the earth in that day and the
Lord will be hope the only Holy and his name will be the only one
All the land will be changed into the plain from Geba to Ramon which is south of Jerusalem But Jerusalem will rise and remain on its site
From Benjamin's gate as far as the place of the first gate to the corner gate and to the
Tower of Hanel Which is the king's wine presses People will live in it and there will no longer be a curse for Jerusalem will dwell in security
Now this will be the plague in which the Lord will strike on all those people who have gone against and made war against Jerusalem their flesh will rot while they stand on their feet their eyes will rot and their socket and their tongues will rot in their mouth and It will come about in that day with a great panic from the
Lord will fall upon them They will seize one another and the hand will be lifted against the way another Judah also will come and will fight at Jerusalem and the wealth of all the surrounding nations will be gathered gold silver
Garments and great abundance so also like this plague will be the plague on the horses the mules the camels the donkeys and All the cattle that will be in those camps and then it will come about That anyone who has left among the nations that went against Jerusalem Will go out from year to year to worship the king the
Lord of hosts and they will celebrate the Feast of Booths and it will be that whichever of the families of the earth does not go up and worship the king in Jerusalem the
Lord of Hosts will remove rain from them If the family of Egypt does not go up or enter the no rain will fall on them and it will be the plague
Which the Lord smites the nations who do not come and celebrate the Feast of Booths This will be the punishment of Egypt the punishment of all the nations who do not go up and celebrate the
Feast of Booths in that day there will be inscribed on the bells of the horses holy unto the
Lord and The cooking pots in those and the Lord's house will be like the bowls before the altar every cooking pot in Jerusalem and Judah will be holy to the
Lord of hosts and all the Sacrifices will come and take of them and they will boil them and there will no longer be a
Canaanite in the house of the Lord Of hosts in that day. Let's pray most gracious Heavenly Father I pray that as I Go to give an explanation of this text that father you would certainly keep me from error
Father, I pray that you would give me clarity of speech. I pray that You would give me clarity of mind
Father for this is a difficult text and I pray that I would explain it.
Well that it would Bring glory to your name and glory to your son So father as once again as I stand behind your pulpit opening your word to proclaim your truth to your sheep
I pray that you would be honored in Christ's name. Amen and December of 1527
Martin Luther and giving his explanation of Zechariah 14 said
I don't know what the prophet is saying. I give up and Those of you that know anything about Martin Luther.
He was not one to back up on words And then he goes on down as he tries to explain the text as he gets to the end of the chapter and he says
Ultimately, we should leave the mastery of this text to the Holy Spirit but in recent days
March 10th 2023 a
Man stood behind a pulpit and he said no man should give his millennial position until he has mastered
Zechariah 14 That is arrogant No one has mastered this text
No one will master this text, but as Martin Luther said, but the Holy Spirit so as we walk through this
There is you may have differences with me and that's fine and we can talk about that.
But there's not room to divide as We bring us up to speed as we were reading through Zechariah On our normal reading we if you remember back in 13 weeks ago, there was a call to repentance where he told them in chapter 1.
Don't be like your forefathers He says don't be like them when they rejected my word.
They would not repent and I hauled them off into captivity Remember Zechariah is now back into the land.
The the the temple has been Reconstructed the foundations have been laid and the altar is there and they are now wanting to continue on worship
He says don't be like those don't be like those ones. I got hauled off into captivity and then he had the night visions that began halfway through the the first chapter and the the first one was it was he was going to be angry and that the the first night vision was that of the horses and we could even say it had somewhat of a
Foreshadowing of the four horses of Revelation because you do have the four horsemen of Zechariah in the first chapter
And then when you get to chapter 2 He says in one of those visions. He says go and measure the city
Measure Jerusalem and then he says well, wait a minute. I can't it's too big He says
Jerusalem is now a city without borders. The city is Immeasurable.
It doesn't have a wall and God said, you know, what doesn't have a wall He says I'm gonna be the wall. I will be a fire around them imagine that God telling you he's going to be your hedge of protection with fire and It talked about bringing in the
Gentile nations into the covenant people and then you had in chapter 3 Where Joshua the high priest is pictured he's standing there.
He's in Human excrement all over his clothes and yes kids
He had poo -poo all over his clothes and he's standing there and Satan Immediately is fixing to call condemnation on him and God says
Satan shut your mouth Read it. That's what it says. He said shut your mouth He says
I have pulled him like a brand plucked from the fire and now I'm going to clothe him in white robes
And he says no, I'm gonna put a white robe on him I'm gonna put a white turban on him too to top it off And we remember that that was a picture of God taking our unclean sin removing it from us and enclothing us in the righteousness of his son and then in chapter 4 we had
Zerubbabel who was the one commissioned to go back and lay the the Foundations of the temple and God says
Zerubbabel is going to be the one not only lay the foundation He's going to be the one to put the capstone He'll be the one to complete it and it won't be by human will it won't be by Human power because God says not by might nor by power, but by my spirit says the
Lord That Zerubbabel would be the one to finish and then if you continue on In chapter 5 that next vision you had the the crazy vision of the flying scroll
You remember we thought it was a 30 foot by 15 foot scroll one had the law on one side
Condemnation on the other and then we had the midget lady in a bucket It said there was a
IFA which is a five -gallon bucket size and it was a woman and she represented the
Idolatry of the nation and that woman was put in a bucket and then God put a lid a lead lid on it
And he picked it up and he flew it off to Babylon and he said never again will idolatry be in my city as a picture and Then again you had the four chariots in chapter 6 and of the four horsemen going out doing
God's bidding and then you had the symbolic crown that was put on Joshua the high priest it says this high priest to come will be a king
People should have went wait a minute The priest can't be a king Something's going on God's making revelation that this coming
King Would be not only a high priest But he would be a king and then he says and that priest will take away sin in one day
What did Christ do on Galgatha in one day? He removed sin
Hey when we get into the book of Daniel in Sunday school, you're gonna see that same thing in Daniel 77 he says in one day he will do again do away with sin and Transgression and he will reign in everlasting righteousness
Then you have the oracles in chapter 7 and 8 Where the oracles of God saying hey look
I'm not going to be like you guys have been fasting and you've been fasting and it's not been for for me
You've been fasting for yourself He says but you know what? I'm going to be compassionate on you. I'm not going to be like I did to your fathers
I'm going to show you good just as I promised to do harm to your forefathers I promise to you that I'm going to do good and Then you have the most dense messianic
Part of Zechariah, which is chapters 9 through 14 It was in chapter 9 where we we remember where he said old daughter of Zion.
Oh Behold your king is coming and he is endowed with salvation
He is humbled and he's mounted on a donkey even a cult of a donkey you remember that's what was said about Christ as he made his descent from the
Mount of Olives on a donkey as he made his way to the temple as his triumphal entry and then you have in Chapter 10 the condemnation on the false shepherds the ones that had made themselves fat on the people of God I'm gonna send a good shepherd.
I'm gonna send a shepherd. That will be as strong as a tent peg he will be the cornerstone and he will be like a sword and like a bow and he will overthrow them all and Then you have in chapter 11 word
Zechariah Has it makes an object lesson? I don't know if y 'all have ever Read through the prophets, but they are given some very odd object lessons sometimes
I mean one of them's told to walk around naked and barefoot for Two years one of them's told to cut off half his hair
Wants to make a little model and smash it as Ezekiel was even told to cook his own food over human dung
And guy he says hold on God. I'll can we have some more instructions and God says yeah, you can do it over cow dung
So they're giving some strange things to do well in this case Zechariah is given two staffs
One Union one favor and he breaks them showing us the breaking of the Covenant that they did not want a good shepherd to lead
Them he was no longer going to shepherd them He says just go ahead and paid me my wages and if you remember they paid him 30 pieces of silver
The price of a slave which is the same thing they did to the coming good shepherd What should be the
Lord Jesus Christ and that is quoted when? Judas has paid the money and he throws it into the temple saying hey
I can't take this. This is blood of money and then the the hypocrites then go and make a paupers
Cemetery with that money and then you have in chapter 12 the beginning of 17 times it says in that day from 17 times from chapter 12 to chapter 14 in that day
That is a prophetic marker in the Old Testament in that day. That is a far demonstrative pronoun
It's saying there's a day coming and this is what's going to take place And he talks about in chapter
Another hey, there's going to be an inhabitants. They're going to come up and they're going to fight against Jerusalem They're going to come and they're going to have try to make their way and God says
I'm not going to have it I'm going to intercede and I'm going to pour out on the house of David a spirit of grace
A spirit of supplication and then he says this quote in that day
They're going to look on him whom they have pierced and mourned Who was that spoken of?
the Lord Jesus Christ When they looked and they saw that had stabbed
Jesus in the side and blood and water flowed It says they had looked upon whom they had pierced and mourned and then
John in the book of Revelation Says the same thing that on that day when he returns they're going to look on whom they have pierced and they were mourned and then that brought us to chapter 13 last week as we read and We hear this statement awake old sword against my shepherd.
This is God speaking Awake old sword against my shepherd and against the man who is my companion
Declares the Lord strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered and I will turn my hand against the little ones
Who is that spoken of? Jesus said in the garden of Gethsemane the night they came to arrest him and they said we look for Jesus and he says
I Am and every one of them fell on their back Imagine that the
Lord Jesus Christ say and I the I am and everybody fall I don't know about y 'all at that point. I'd be like, hey,
I don't want to mess with this, dude But hey, they go to arrest him Peter pulls out his sword
You know, I think with an attempt to whack off Malchus's head He cuts off his ear and Jesus puts it on.
Hey, imagine if he'd have cut off Malchus's head and Jesus put that back on I'm gonna put it crooked.
So you remember every time Imagine that and he said strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered.
It was on that night that the sheep were scattered Well that brings us to the most controversial chapter in all the
Zechariah and That brings us up to speed that brings us up to where we're going to talk about the the prophets often have what was called prophetic perspective as we were walking through chapters 9 through 13 you see
Christ's first coming they could not make a Distinction Old Testament prophets from Christ first coming and his second coming it was that they had no idea
And it's often for those of you that ever been a seminary It has often been taught of looking at a mountain ranges
You're coming at a mountain range from afar off and you look you see these giant peak
But as the closer that you get and or you you turn just a hair you begin to see
That there's more than one peak and that is how it is with the prophets when they are explaining
Hey, he's coming. He's coming. He's coming. They did not understand there was going to be two and I would even goes to far as even to say as the
Essenes Who were who developed out of the intertestamental time? They had
Developed the idea that there would be two messiahs that would come there would be one that would come and suffer and then there would be one that would come and rule and reign with power and I do believe that when
John the Baptist sends word to Jesus saying hey, are you the one or should we expect another?
What we do know about John he was Probably raised up in the Essene way of thinking and that was his
I don't believe that John was doubting Jesus as being the Messiah But his understanding was could is there another to come or you the one?
so that brings us to verse 1 and It says behold the day is coming for the
Lord when the spoil will be taken from you and will be divided among you There's coming a day when
God's people Will have everything taken from them It will be divided it will be given to their people around them and will be a great day of persecution
It is no doubt if you understand the scriptures that things do not get better.
I understand there is a Millennial position that says that things do get better That is not what
Zechariah says here He says right here for I will gather all the nations in verse 2
I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle But we understand
Jerusalem in light of the New Testament is not being ethnic national
Jews You understand that we the people of God are the true
Israel of God We are Jerusalem you can't separate even in the
Old Testament and the new you can't separate people from city If you remember
Revelation, he says and I saw coming down adorned for a bride What was coming down in chapter 22 of Revelation?
It was the city of God adorned to make Mary to the groom, which was
Jesus You can't separate the people of God from the city of God So it says here that he will that God's going to send against the nations
All the nations to battle against the people of God and verse 2 it says here and the city will be captured
The people of God are going to be captured The people of God are going to be plundered and yes, it says
Women will be ravished. They will be raped Half the city will be exiled
But the rest of the people will be cut off from the city that is The time between the times of God's people
I Don't know if any of you ever look at voice of the martyrs Or any look at any of the persecutions that go around the world.
It is day in and day out militant Muslims Hindu Shilin monks and Buddhist consistently murder and rape and pillage the people of God you understand what we have been in here and the
United States for the Last 200 years is not normal The people of God all over the world are persecuted day in and day out
It was just recently Into Sudan that a pastor as he left to go do his things for the day
The the Sudanese militants came in beheaded and killed all of his family and it let him suffer for the rest of his life as His all of his family had been murdered for his proclamation of the gospel
That is the normal things that happen to the people of God all over the world
It says in verse 3 That the Lord will go forth and he will fight against those nations as he fights in a day of battle, okay
God's Calls this day into being he calls these nations Against his people and then now
God's going to fight against them for hurting his people man. That's awesome
God says, okay, just as he told Abraham hey, I'm gonna let the Amorites keep coming
Let him keep doing what they're going to do when they fill up my wrath like I want I'm them going to pour it out on their head and that is what
God's going to do on the nations that have consistently raped and pillaged and Persecuted his people.
It says that the Good Shepherd will be the one who will come and war you be the warrior King You know
Jesus Christ when he's come he ain't coming on a donkey The donkey days are over when he comes
You know why they rode donkeys donkeys was peace when he comes
He's coming to bring justice and he's coming to bring war with those who have waged war
Against his bride and if there's any man in here that's gonna let somebody touch his bride You need to be thumped in the head
If you think that Jesus is going to let somebody continually put his hands on his bride and not
Eventually pour out his judgment on them. You don't read the Scriptures correctly Jesus is coming and he is going to save his people from the persecution
Says in verse 4 that in that day He will stand on the Mount of Olives Which is in front of Jerusalem on the east and the
Mount of Olives will be split in the middle From east to west by a very large valley
So that half of that mountain will be moved toward the north and the other Towards the south now.
There are some that believe that this passage here will literally take place that Even those who believe in strict literalism really don't believe in strict literalism
They say it as long as it works for them and those that believe in strict Symbolism don't even believe that too because now we're actually talking about a literal day when
Jesus comes so We understand this Jesus will descend with power and glory and he will come to the
Mount of Olives And why do we know that because the New Testament tells us that where did
Jesus ascend at? And as those men stood around gazed up in the air, it's funny those angels go.
What are you looking at? I don't know about y 'all, but I'd have been like I'm looking at that dude going up in the air.
That's what I'm looking at I mean, they didn't have special effects like we do now where we can make somebody look like they're floating here
It is Jesus Ascending up into the clouds and they're just standing there starstruck and he says what are you gazing at the same way?
He has ascended Go look at Acts 1 6 the same way.
He came is the same way He will return and he will return at the
Mount of Olives Now whether he believe that he literally splits and makes a cleft in the in the mountains that That's to be argued
But I do believe that when he ascends based on the the the context There's people warring against his people.
If people are fighting against his people They're raging against him and as Jesus ascends
He sets his feet Figuratively sets them on the Mount of Olives it splits in two and he makes a way for his people to come to safety
You say well, we don't where else would that have happened in Scripture when the children of Israel left
Egypt And they came to a place where they could go no further They looked at the sea and told
Moses you brought us out here to kill us because there was not enough graves in Egypt he's
Moses said you stand here and you watch the salvation of the
Lord and boom The sea was parted they walked through on dry ground and when they get to the other side who was a coming
Here comes Pharaoh and all his men and then that happened Closed up on crushed them and they were floating up bloated dead bodies
And God says that's the salvation of the Lord And not only do we see him do that to bring them salvation from their enemies
But if you remember to and Joshua a similar thing happens when they get to the Jordan River He's like, okay.
Well, how we gonna get from here to over there? There's the promised land the rivers overflowing
How are we going to get from there? He says I'm gonna bring in the promised land You just step when they step that ark and then priest again when they step in it you watch what happens
It's parted so we see this and Understand this Jesus literally will descend
He will come to the Mount of Olives and he will make a way of safety for all of his people that where the no
One could save them. He intervenes and saves him and brings them to safety and prepares them for the promised land
Which will be the new heavens in the new earth then you have in verse 5 and You will flee by the valley of that of my mountain from the valley of the mountains will reach to a zell
And you will flee just as you fled before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah He is giving an explanation of when this
Christ descends and that Mountain split in two you're going to be able to run for safety
The way they did in the days of King Uzziah man You gotta remember Uzziah in the book of Amos it talked about just a couple of years before that prophecy
That there had been an earthquake The earthquake was two years before it had been an earthquake and it was it was a marker for the people of God to go
Man, it was so terrible that it was always the thing to be remembered and it's not always remembered in Amos now some 200 years later
He's still saying the day that you ran and you had safety as you ran from that earthquake
So it will be when God returns you will have safety and you will be able to run as far as a zell and we don't
Know exactly where a zell is But he said you will be able to run and find safety
And it says in that day that the Lord God Will come on that day with all of his holy ones
Hey, there is no way you can tell me this ain't the second coming When does
Jesus descend to save his bride and he's coming with his holy ones
It's the second coming It's the second coming of Christ It's when he comes to lay waste everything and all the wrongs he makes right it even it says in Enoch He had in the book of Jude that Enoch was the first one to prophesy that on that day
He will descend with his holy ones to wage war and lay waste to his enemies
Look at him in Jude verses 13 and 14 or 13 through 15 Enoch was the first one who was
Enoch He's want he was one of two men that will really be raptured he was taken up and Then it says in 2nd
Thessalonians chapter 1 verse 8 that on that day He will descend He would descend on a horse with a flaming sword
To pour out judgment on all of those who did not obey the gospel and he will bring his holy ones with him and then in verse 6
We have that marker again, but in that day there will be no light The luminaries will dwindle.
That's what the New American Standard says. I'm sure there's several different Translations for the second part of that one may say cold or frost one may say the sources of lights will congeal
There will neither be light nor dark the idea is when he when Jesus comes it's over the
Sun and Moon No longer exist. They don't no longer give its light
Because we have now entered into the eternal state and the the the stars no need
He will be the light. What does it say in the new heavens in the new earth? There's no need for the
Sun no need for the stars because the land is the light the glory of God is its light
So, how could this be any other thing but the second coming of Christ Not no thousand -year reign
And from a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem Nonsense, it will be a day to the
Lord with a light will no longer shine because he will be the light You won't have to worry about the cold or the frost.
It won't be winter Why? Because he does away with all of it the seasons what did it say after they came off the ark?
What did he tell Noah the seasons will continue you'll have spring and you'll have fall you'll have
Harvest and you'll have planning but there's coming a day when that will go away and that will be when
Christ comes and ushers in the eternal state In verse 7 it says for it will be a unique day
Which is only known to the Lord and once again, he doubles down on it There will be neither day nor night, but it will come about that at evening time.
There will be light Okay, he has said the same thing twice He is letting you know it is going away the times and seasons that which is what we see a stability now will be
Done away with and the and the new permanent stability for everlasting light will come and that will be the
Lord Jesus Christ That day is only known to the Lord you can look at in Revelation chapter 21 verses 22 through 25.
He says actually 22 to 27 and I saw no temple in it For the
Lord God Almighty was the Lamb of it was its temple The city has no need for the
Sun No need for the moon It did not need to shine for the glory of God has illuminated it and its lamp is the
Lamb and the glory of the Lamb, the nations will walk in its light. The kings of the earth will bring their glory to it in daytime in The daytime for there will be no night there and the gates will never be closed
Why would the date the gates never be closed because there's no intruders to come God has come through his son and has laid waste all of the enemies of God Not for a thousand years to come and then some other rebellion to take place
He says there will be no more
Unclean thing there will be no one that practices abominations. There will be no more lying Only ones in this city will be those names that are written in the
Lamb's Book of Life That is the eternal state and then he's that marker again in verse 8 and in that day living waters will flow out of Jerusalem half of them towards the
Eastern Sea and the other half towards the Western and It will be summer as well as winter one
If you know anything about Jerusalem or what rivers coming out of Jerusalem, they had to get water in there
They had aqueducts that had to be made There was no rivers flowing in there and the stuff that was coming from the
Jordan the Jordan River was not Like a st. John's Wasn't real clear
And it says but on that day Rivers will flow out of Jerusalem on that day.
There'll be living waters Half of it will go to the eastern. Well, what's on the east of Jerusalem the
Dead Sea? What's on the west of Jerusalem the Mediterranean Sea?
And he says that water will extend to there and it will be living water And if you go and you read in Revelation chapter 22 it says there will be living waters running from the from Jerusalem the new place and people of God were
Trees grow and if you look at a Ezekiel 47, you can look this up when you get home
Ezekiel 47 talks about the very same thing about the the new the new place the new dwelling place of God where fish
Live nothing dies and anything that touches that water comes to life That's at Ezekiel 47 and he says once again
It'll be summer as well as winter. I mean it's Stable and verse 9 says and the
Lord will be king over all the earth in that day and The Lord will be the only one and his name the only one
So is Jesus king over all the earth now Yes, yes, how do we know that by faith
Like we just talked about the voice of the martyrs when you see Men and women having their lives extinguished houses burned
Property taken beheaded. Does that look this could be honest? Does that look like he's in control?
Be honest But he is and we know he is by faith, but there is coming a day when he will descend and He will be king over all of the earth with the reality that every knee will bow every tongue will confess
Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God it will be a reality and There will only be one how do and what does that mean?
Idolatry will be done away with How is idolatry done away with well, it's thrown into the lake of fire at the end of the age
It says any sorcerer liar thieves Adulterers idolaters and he wraps it up with any ever running on his unclean thing
We'll throw it in there too. And in verse 10 says and then all the land will be changed into a plain
From Geba to Ramon, which is south of Jerusalem but Jerusalem will rise and remain on its sites from the
Benjamin Gate as far as the place of the first gate the corner gate the tower of Hanel to the
King's winepress And the people will live in there and no longer be a curse for Jerusalem will dwell in security
It is speaking of the largest borders at that time that they could save that extended to Jerusalem You got to understand they're
Explaining things to us in the only Framework which the prophets had to know which was real boundaries with real markers
With real feasts with real with a real temple and this he's saying look as far as as far as Geba To the south as to Jerusalem and then as far as the
Benjamin you say east north south east and west That's how big it's going to be The land will be changed into a plain
If you've anybody in here's ever been to Jerusalem or been to the Middle East, it's not a plane
Even the Mount of Olives, which you think would be a nice plush Place to go.
Look, I remember when I went my I had this grandeur idea that I was gonna Sit on the
Mount of Olives and look towards the Temple Mount and was going to read the Mount of Olives. The place is an arid
Cemetery there are some I think 150 ,000 tombs on the
Mount of Olives He says on that day that thing's going to be made flat So that all can come there would be no no reason to try to come over any terrain
There would be no more mountains There'll be no way to for people to say they can't get to there to worship
God why cuz he's gonna make a big plane and people could just come and come and come and verse 11 then says and people will live in that city and Here it is.
We know this is The second coming and the eternal state because there will be no more curse
Revelation 22 3 Says the new heavens and the new earth
No more curse it has gone away Sins are done been thrown away
The penalty of sin has been taken care of the judgment has been done and there's no more curse
We're forever and ever in the presence of the king Worshipping the
Lamb of God who has taken away our sins then in verse 12
Now this will be the plague which the Lord will strike on those peoples who have gone to war against Jerusalem Their flesh will rot where they stand on their feet as they stand on their feet and their eyes will rot in their
Sockets and their tongues will rot in their mouth Now, I don't know about y 'all but as you read
Hebrew prophets They're not chronologically like we like they're not linear They sometimes are kind of staccato just kind of all over the place.
So now he is not giving something to chronological He's backing up saying when the crowd went when this
King comes here's what's going to happen to those who had waged war Against my people. Here's what's going to happen to those who have persecuted my people
Here's what's going to happen to those who tried to weigh late Lay waste to those who loved me and loved the gospel and loved
God He says the plague that's going to be on them that their very flesh will rot as they stand in an
Instant their flesh will rot and the very eyes in which they looked upon Jesus and looked upon his people with disdain will rot in their socket the very tongues that Spoke curse words and cussed
Jesus cussed his people cussed his bride. It will rot in their mouth That's the king.
I'm waiting to come he ain't a sissy
Jesus meek and mild won't be meek and mild on that day Verse 13 says it will come about once again.
Here's that marker in that day great panic from the Lord will fall on them This is speaking of what the conditions will be once he comes and he puts judgment on Those who have persecuted him and his people he's gonna let confusion
There people gonna raise up arms against one another people that were in That would fight with one another now going to fight against one another and we know that happened in the
Old Testament We know that happened already what happened when they were coming around to Jerusalem They were going to to get it in a time of Hezekiah and God caused a confusion
It says that the people then begin to strike and kill one another That's what he's saying.
He's gonna make a confusion in which they kill one another. He says in verse 14 and in Judah also will fight at Jerusalem and the wealth of the surrounding nations will be gathered gold and silver and garments and great abundance
Hey the very things that they have come and plunder the people of God in the first two verses
Now they're going God's going to now have the nation's bring it to him and his people just Jerusalem drew
Excuse me, Judah and Jerusalem says the wealth of the surrounding nations will be gathered and given to his people
Verse 15 says so also this plague will be the plague on the horses. So not only is he gonna lay waste to the people
Everything that they have is laid waste The camels the donkeys the cattle and all the horses and anything else in those camps
Are going to be laid waste why because they were Disobedient to the
Word of God because they rejected the Word of God and they were idolaters. He's like man that just seems harsh
That God would do that to the animals. We'll go back to Joshua chapter 7 and Look what
God did to aching in his family and all of his livestock When he said when you go in and you make the conquest of the land, don't you take any of the gold?
Don't you take any of the silver don't take any of the cattle everything in when you go into Jericho is
Corazin it's dedicated to the Lord for destruction and what did a can do a little gold bar and then when they found out
It was under his tent What did Moses say? Bring him out here
We're gonna take him out here to the valley of a gore They took him out to the valley of a gore
He says because you have troubled me and my people now the Lord God will trouble you and it says they stoned him
His family his wife his kids and all their cattle to death and then burned them
That's what God's going to do to those who are as his enemies and in verse 16
This is then it'll come about and that Anyone who is left of all those nations that went against Jerusalem Will go from year to year to worship the king the
Lord of hosts and to celebrate the Feast of Booth it will be that this time of great
Contention between the people of God and the nations. It's right here that there's going to be some that come to Christ It says it right here those that are left.
Well, who's going to be the left only the remnant That's the only ones that can be left and he says and they will go up and they will worship the king
From year to year and celebrate the Feast of Booth now The question is okay at if this is the eternal state.
Why is he talking about? Celebrating the Feast of Booth once again They're explaining
Eschatologically the only framework that they had the great times of feast
Why didn't he say Passover and the Day of Atonement Because you'll have to worry about the
Passover and the Day of Atonement because the Day of Atonement has taken place That's been done away with well What was the
Feast of Tabernacles the Feast of Booth? It was one of the biggest festivals one of the most time of great festivities when people lavished and worship the
Lord because he had made a Provision for them and a protection for them when they came out of the land of Egypt and they wandered for 40 years
We Are going to be able to worship with to the
Lord because of his provision and His protection that he has provided in the
Lord Jesus Christ, you know Every one of those feasts points to the Lord Jesus Christ every one of them in verse 17
It will be that which over the families of the earth does not go Up to Jerusalem to worship the king that the
Lord of hosts there will be no rain on them And he goes on in verse 18 if the family of the
Egypt does not go up there. There'll be no rain on them and It will be that the plague of which the
Lord smites the nations who do not go up to celebrate the Feast of Booths This will be the punishment of Egypt and the punishment of all those nations who do not celebrate the
Feast of Booths those who do not Embrace the provision and protection that's provided in the
Lord Jesus Christ Will suffer the punishment of God That's what it's talking about Look, if you don't embrace what
Christ has done by providing protection from the wrath of God in his son
You're going to suffer the consequences And then if you can't worship God for the provision that he has provided You're going to suffer the wrath of God you can't
Be worshiping the provision and not thank thankful for the protection that's provided.
They come hand -in -hand They're inseparable. Why would he say
Egypt? Who was the enemy of the people of God from the time that they went in as an
Unenslaved people it was Egypt Egypt enslaved them and in verse 20 and in that day
It will be inscribed on the bells of the horses holy to the Lord and the cooking pots in the house of the
Lord Will be like the bowls of those by the altar And in every cooking pot in Jerusalem and Judah Will be holy to the
Lord of hosts and all who sacrifice it will come and take them and boil
Then them and it will be no longer a Canaanite in the house of the Lord on the day on the
Lord of hosts in that day this is
His picture again of the eternal state This is everything is holy unto the
Lord in What time could it possibly be that everything is holy unto the
Lord? It has to be the eternal state Has to be when all every curse is gone when all the
Seasons cease to be the way that they are and the new heavens and the new earth have begun
He says here everything will be holy unto the Lord. He says and even those
Bowls by the altar you understand. There's only one thing under the Old Covenant that said holy unto the
Lord Anybody remember what that was? It was the high priest One thing said holy unto the
Lord and you see it now It says the bowls by the altar will be holy unto the Lord Everything that comes to be sacrificed will be holy into average cooking things will be holy unto the
Lord You can boil in anything that you want as a as a picture of sacrifice why because everything has been dedicated to the
Lord in this city and then it says There will no longer Be any
Canaanite in the house of the Lord of hosts in that day some of your translations may say traitor not traitor as in treason, but traitor as in commerce
If you know how it was in those days they had made a commerce of the house of God How do we know that?
Jesus himself came in after he came in on a donkey and then he gets off and he makes a whip and he runs all
Of them out. He says you're no longer going to make this place a place of merchandise This is a place of worship. This is a house of prayer and you have made it a place of merchandise by extorting your people
He's saying Zachariah saying there's coming a day when that ain't gonna happen no more because there's not going to be any buddy in there
That's doing that Canaanites were considered the Gentiles they would come in It was in the
Gentile the the court of the Gentiles and that's where they would do their commerce Even in the time of Caiaphas what he did is he brought that time of commerce
Which was done to selling and the goods and services that they need for the time of feast He had put it up on the
Mount of Olives Caiaphas in the time of Jesus had brought it down into the temple complex so that he could extort
God's people There's coming a time and that's not going to happen anymore because everything will be holy unto the
Lord Now you say big deal. This has got to do with Christmas Big deal.
Let's just have to do with Christmas everything To do with Christmas You understand if we don't believe that Jesus came the first time and we don't understand that he's coming the second time
We are here on this Christmas Eve morn Not to worship a baby
We are here worshiping the incarnation of God Jesus Christ Was the
God baby in that manger? He was the God man
He came into this world the first time his first palace was a stable his throne
Was a manger and his crown was wrapped in swaddling clothes
Then he lived a perfect life his next throne
Was a cross Which they pounded a crown of thorns on it then
His palace was a tomb and God said
I would not have it and he raised him up from the dead and There is coming a day when he will split that eastern sky and he will come to the
Mount of Olives and He will descend with power and in glory and he will bring
His elect unto himself the dead in Christ shall rise first and we shall all meet with him in the air and So shall we be with him for ever?
That is what makes Christmas good That's what makes
Christmas good not the birth of a baby But the coming of the Messiah again The King is coming and when he comes this time, like I said before the donkey days are over He's coming on a horse and when he comes this time, he's going to set up a new heavens and a new earth
Where we will be forever Separated from sin and heartache and hurt
And we can worship the Lamb of God that has removed our sins forever and ever now if you're here today and You do not know
Christ, that's bad news That's bad news
Because you heard what he said Your flesh is going to rot off of you in an instant
Your eyes are going to rot in your socket and your tongue is going to rot in your mouth
That is a picture of everlasting punishment If you're here today, and you do not know
Christ Jesus himself said there is a place of punishment where the worm never dies and the fire is never quenched
He said well How can that be? Because it's everlasting and the fuel of the damned never cease to exist because your soul is tormented forever and ever and ever and just as the picture of Jesus ascending and making a way of escape for his people to run to him at the
Mount of Olives in the book of Zechariah if you're here today, and you do not know Christ you run to Christ You can run to him today when he descends on that day that day's too late
That day that he descends and he comes to the Mount of Olives. There will be no more No more opportunities for a pardon.
There will be no more opportunities for a reprieve. There will be no opportunities for probation There will be no commuted sentences and there will be no stays of execution.
It will be a time of Of justice So if you're here today
Run to Christ Run to Christ. We are fixing to partake of this table
This table is a picture of the body that was crushed on Calvary so that our sins could be forgiven
The juice is a picture of the blood of Christ which was shed for the redemption of many
That is to be thankful for We're to be thankful that the
Lord Jesus Christ came as a baby and lived a perfect life and then died that Substitutionary death we should be thankful that one day
He's going to descend from heaven and he's going to come and reach and receive us unto himself that where he is
We may be there also So as the men will come forward in just a moment If you're here today, and you do not know
Christ today is the day of salvation and if you're here today and You do know
Christ and your heart is not right with Christ This is the opportunity to make your heart right with him
Search your heart See if there be any unclean way So that you can partake of the table the table is a time for us to remember the death burial and resurrection of Christ It is a time for us to remember
That if there's any sin that needs to be scraped out of us so that we could be asked for forgiveness
This is the time to do it because it says if you do it in an unworthy manner You're heaping up judgment on your own self.
Let me pray Father God, thank you for the
Prophet Zechariah Father in this chapter is very difficult
It is a difficult passage to navigate through but father we know this It tells us in that day you will come and you will make everything new again and father