Twitter Questions, The Boss, The Pope, and More Ethnic Gnosticism


Started off today with a couple of Twitter questions (including one on Eastern Orthodoxy), then covered Springsteen’s view of transgender warriors as “freedom fighters,” the Pope’s “studied ambiguity” in his new statement, and toward the end of the hour I responded to BlackCalvinist’s piece accusing me of…well, all sorts of things, actually.

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Well greetings welcome to the dividing line on a Tuesday just programming note Won't be on Thursday this week.
We need to move it to Friday this week for various and sundry reasons
Got various and sundry in there right from the start, which I think is helpful to a lot of folks So you can start your counting there are certain people who actually count these things.
I'm not sure what else they're doing in life, but Possibly they're in the slammer for life, so they have nothing better to do.
I don't know but anyway Just programming note there that we'll be moving the program to Friday this week for the second program
I Actually thought I would really quickly answer two tweets
Tweet questions because they're somewhat interesting it. I'll admit I've tried to take
Twitter back over the past few weeks After issues, and we'll talk about those later
But people ask questions on Twitter that you should just never ask on Twitter I mean
It either needs to be answerable on 140 characters Or you need to recognize you're asking me to write you an entire small book on TweetShort or something like that which
I obviously don't have time to do So I've been getting a lot of you know. They're decent questions, but it's just sort of like you really the one that Honestly bugs me the most is when people want me to be an online bibliography
You know could you tell me could you give me five books on this subject or that subject and you know?
I suppose once in a blue moon if it's actually in the subject that I've studied, but most the time. It's just on some really interesting stuff and so I skip most those but 15 hours ago
Jeremiah North asked what is your opinion of the Orthodox Church? That's one of those not a
Twitter question but We get enough on people are always going you need to start doing debates on orthodoxy folks
Let me tell you something I determine what I need to do It's so many people you need to say that's over you need to say though you need to say that it's like no no
I'm afraid I I'm not sure why people think that they get to determine what I need to do I have to you know
I have to answer for it So I sort of have to be the one that is responsible for that And no,
I've never done a debate. I don't ever expect to do a debate on the subject. Here's why I Had a lot of interaction with some serious orthodox folks quite some time ago actually and The vast majority of American orthodoxy is a
Wholly unlike orthodoxy as it exists culturally
And be wholly unlike the rather zealous Forms of orthodoxy that exist in the
United States rather than What exists in places like Russia?
You know Russian Orthodox Greek Orthodox? Etc etc On one level nominal cultural orthodoxy is simply a dead human religion
It's just a dead human religion, there's no gospel. There's no changed life It's a a dead externalized
Cultural thing because Christianity can never be cultural every time a culture has tried to Make Christianity its thing
It's not the culture it gets changed its Christianity gets changed you end up with Popes and Inquisitions and and in orthodox countries the
Orthodox Church Is primarily a dead dying decaying external ritualistic thing
But there are some active Orthodox folks, but they're gonna be the ones are gonna tell you that most of the
For example of the reasons that there's almost never any reason to have a meaningful debate with Eastern Orthodoxy is because The whole perspective on how you define theology is fundamentally different within Orthodoxy than it is in Western thinking because Eastern thinking
Western thinking are very different you can go to You can go to the
Universal Catechism of the Catholic Church, you know, I'll move my Second treble here.
You never hear them because we keep them quiet, but You can go the
Universal Catechism of Catholic Church here is a written source now I know I know in light of the the new papal document
I've got that queued up to if we if we get get to it. I think we should that even written documents
Have to be interpreted and get interpreted in different ways I get that too but in the
West you had this long history of Councils Development of dogma
You know There aren't some major differences in the focus of things between East and West East for example focuses upon Incarnation rather than crucifixion
West tends to be the other direction around though. I think there needs to be a balance But there is a
Forensic legal way of thinking that Protestants and Roman Catholics share and hence we argue about specific issues and Eastern Orthodox in general the real
Eastern Orthodox look over at us and go y 'all have missed about completely Now I'm not even talking about Stuff here like Issues of authority you know collegiality versus you know one leader in the papacy and and the other things were division not even really talking about the the filial clause and The Spirit sent by the
Father and the Son or the Father only and stuff like that, but just an entire mindset Where in Orthodoxy you have much more well the concept in Orthodoxy is that the the prayers and the liturgy define the theology so you don't go to a systematic theology you go to the practice the prayers the liturgy and So coming up with specific definitions, it's extremely difficult to do
Well, you know as this this as Maximus wrote or as as John of Damascus wrote or something like that and and you get this
Sort of a it's much more vague It's not as easily defined and hence it's it's really difficult to debate issues where you don't have clear
Definition and where one side basically says, you know, we're really not into that kind of thing to start with it's just sort of not our not how we do stuff and so When you when you realize
Sort of where historic Orthodoxy is along those lines. You can sort of see why for example in the 15th century of the
Council of Constance and Complete disaster complete disaster and Why there's so so much difficulty in even when
Rome and Orthodoxy tries to do their thing There's just there's just a completely different way of thinking that makes the normative kind of of Debates that we do
Just not all that helpful. That's not that helpful. And so, you know was your opinion the
Orthodox Church. Well There is a complete imbalance in regards to the doctrine of man
In in the vast majority of instances it it is a dead externalism are there saved people in your
Orthodox Church? Yeah, I think there are Just I think they're saved people in Roman Catholic Church, but not because specifically of that But because they've been exposed to the gospel and that's what their their trust is in.
They may not know a whole lot about the rest of it So but the
Americanized version of it Can become rather Aggressive as far as proselytization is concerned and starts sounding very much like the
Roman Catholics attacking solo scriptura and things like that but that's where it becomes different than the
Native forms, I guess would be the phraseology we could use there the native forms Elsewhere, so there's there's thought about that Actually got a private message here and I might as well, you know
Give us your upcoming overseas travel line well,
I It would be we've already posted the Conference information for Cape Town I know that I'm debating
Bashir Varnia in the mosque in Lanasia again, that'll be a third time We've been there. We're looking forward to meeting with Bashir.
Hope we can have dinner with him again Bashir is just one of the nicest men you'll you'll ever meet
Rudolph and I had the opportunity of Having dinner at his home once and I'd love to get a chance to do that again
Oh, the food was wonderful and give and I'm I'm the one saying that you gotta understand.
I'm the McDonald's guy so for them to be able to Give me food that that I was able to eat is is a great
Tip of the hat to Bashir's wife Who's just so very gracious to us, but so we've got debates there in the
Joburg area as well. I Think one day I'm out of it patches through him and I'm gonna be lecturing on Bart Ehrman and some of his fundamental theological errors, especially his
And we've talked about some of this here on the dividing line But especially his error in regards to Galatians 4 as the key
Christological text and all that kind of stuff And then we come back to the
UK and I do I have been asking for but I believe
I will be doing a conference in the UK on the evening of the 13th,
I can't give you all the details on that though, but I'm pretty certain I will be and Then I'm waiting for a church to get back to me on the 15th as far as where I might be preaching
If I'm only doing one service there Then I know of at least one church in London and might might have me in the evening if I can get there and then
I do have at least the city and I Maybe the folks there in it's
I'm not gonna be I'm flying to Belfast, but I'm not gonna be in Belfast proper I'm gonna be about an hour outside of Belfast right up toward the
North Sea For a conference on the night of the 16th so There you go.
That's That's sort of where I am right now. Hopefully we'll get all the details of that. Normally normally we post some sort of a blog article or something that you know lays all of that out and So that's that's what we're looking at That's we're looking at there.
There was one of the Twitter question real quickly here One Of one of the
Twitter Responses when I held this up Was I are we sure that was a tribble and not a
Trump head? I'm not sure Let's see here.
Yeah, well See this one doesn't look that much like that and this one's the one it goes oh
My tribbles dying I can see there is
Oh Velcro, okay Sorry about that. There. There is a way to extend its life.
We'll have to have to do that. Ah, Let me see here boy. It's hard to dig through your feed right now.
You can tell it's together for the gospel time Though the 12 of us that are not there
I'm seeing some pictures and it's like they're in some kind of a sports arena or something with these
Interesting messages going around the out. We are Protestant We stand in Christ alone no other mediator and that's that's
That's interesting. Someone had asked someone asked why aren't you preaching there? Well, I Don't think you ever see me preaching at any of the big conferences to be perfectly honest with you
Never have probably never will not because I've ever been asked. I think I just scare people too much
Here it is Justin asked what's the best way to respond to the fallacy that I can't follow
Calvin's teaching because he was sinful and I read his Full biography I think and I read his full biography as a second statement different from the first You know
This idea of following a man The irony is
That someone who says that is probably following Jacob Arminius who likewise was a sinful human being and Then there are others that would say they're
Augustinian. Well, Augustine has his problems and Pelagius had his problems and Etc, etc, etc.
It is not an issue of the character of the individual it is an issue of the biblical nature of what was what was taught by that person and outside of inspired scripture and Outside of well, the
Lord Jesus was something Paul said to imitate him insofar as he imitated Christ But he called himself the chief of sinners so even then you would
Recognize that you don't follow Paul in those areas where he's the chief of sinners, right?
That would seem to me to be rather obvious and So, you know when people get hung up on that one
I'm just sort of like well, we're talking about the content of the teaching Not the character the individual and people always love to you know, you know,
Dave Hunt went after Augustine and You know when
I started the church history series at PRBC on Sunday morning one of the things
I pointed out is people just love to Take people out of context in church history and attack them on all sorts of grounds and yet most of us would not want to be judged by history
With the standards that we ourselves apply to people from history So in other words you have to judge people in church history in the context in which they live not the context in which we
Live today a lot of people are not willing to do that So yeah, there you go
So, uh with that said real quickly an interesting story
Was dropped into the chat channel last night Story out of Tel Aviv Elias Shib the quartermaster of the remote desert fortress
Received his instructions in writing notes inscribed in ink on pottery Asking for provisions to be sent to forces in the ancient kingdom of Judah The request for wine flour and oil read like mundane if ancient shopping list
But a new analysis of the handwriting suggest that literacy May have been far more widespread than previously known in the
Holy Land around 600 BC Toward the end of the first temple period the findings according to the researchers from Tel Aviv University Could have some bearing on a century -old debate about when the main body of biblical texts was composed
To Elias Shib and now give the Kittim three baths of wine and write the name of the day read one of the texts composed in ancient
Hebrew using the Aramaic alphabet and Apparently referring to a Greek mercenary unit in the area another said and a full homer of wine bring tomorrow
Don't be late if there is vinegar give it to them. Well now and then there's a picture of these
What would again seem to most people to be mundane irrelevant things, but you need to understand the issue of literacy
Liberals have a vested interest in a minimally literate
Israel and society at the time of the New Testament Part of the reason for that is when you actually read the
Bible there seems to be a lot about Reading scripture there seems to be a lot about passing scripture on to your children
And Certainly amongst the Jews you had synagogue schools You had a vested interest in need in Having literacy amongst the people and so if you can say well not they were just all a bunch of primitives
Nobody could read write or anything else then you're minimizing the role that scripture could have played amongst them and you're also minimizing the argument for the accuracy the transmission of scripture over time
So Every time I see one of these I'm sort of intrigued Because you know obviously
Part of the synagogue worship in the New Testament was the passing of the scrolls around We Can see for example in Acts when when
Paul and Silas or Paul and Barnabas whichever period of time Go into a synagogue
They are asked to give exhortation Asked to comment upon the scriptures things like that and and that would require an ability to interact with those scriptures
And so these types of stories I find rather intriguing rather interesting that one just popped up yesterday
I've got to read this because it absolutely You know
Nearly a decade ago. I was the point of being Without words to describe what was going on in our society.
That was a decade ago I was nothing compared to today as you my fans know
I'm scheduled to play in Greensboro, North Carolina this Sunday as We also know
North Carolina has just passed hb2 which the media are referring to as the bathroom law
Hb2 known officially as the Public Facilities Privacy and Security Act dictates which bathrooms
Transgender people are permitted to use Just as important the law also attacks the rights of LGBT citizens
To sue when their human rights are violated in the workplace No other group of North Carolinians Faces such a burden to my mind.
It's an attempt by people and listen to my mind It is an attempt by people who cannot stand the progress our country has made in Recognizing the human rights of all of our citizens to overturn that progress
Right now there are many groups businesses and individuals in North Carolina working to oppose and overcome these negative developments
Taking all this into account. I feel this is a time for me and the band to show solidarity listen for those freedom fighters freedom fighters
As a result with the deepest apologies to our dedicated fans in Greensboro We have canceled our show scheduled for Sunday April 10th
Some things are more important than a rock show and this fight against prejudice and bigotry Which is happening as I write is one of them is the strongest means
I have for raising my voice in opposition those continue to push us backwards instead of forwards
Bruce Springsteen the E Street Band Sunday April 10th show is canceled. Oh, wow the
Lord's Day Anyway tickets will be refunded at point -of -purchase. I It should not
Be surprising to any of us That the
Hollywood elite is Absolutely in love
With Moral anarchy because they're they're pushing it.
It's part of their agenda Here you have a man Who Obviously has a completely upside -down moral compass a broken moral compass and you may love the boss
I don't have a single song by Bruce Springsteen anywhere in my iTunes library, and I've got a
I've got a fairly wide rise I Not a fan never have been and certainly now never will be
But you may be doesn't matter don't care Singing songs playing a guitar does not mean that you have ever invested
Anywhere near sufficient time in developing a meaningful moral and ethical worldview But if you actually think that Transgenderism now, let's talk about transgenderism for just a moment.
I believe that there is a small small percentage very small percentage of the human family
That includes individuals who are confused concerning gender. I believe in minimally 98 % of the situations
That is due to specific instances of sin abuse
Non -functional families, which is a function of sin In the experience those individuals no question about it
I think there is very little Evidence of any kind of natural genetic wired situation where someone who is genetically male
Will only experience happiness By wearing dresses and being mutilated by surgery lives cut short and being forced to take
Massive doses of hormones their entire life And It is mutilation of the body going either direction whether it's a female
Trying to morph into a male or male into a female. It's it can't be done.
And even if it's somehow someday could be done as Most people recognize it is a destructive thing to do
You're not allowed to say this if you hold positions of authority, I guess that's why
I Get to say is because it's just us chickens here in the the old bunker, but The reality is that It's a small percentage of people and It is a mental issue.
It is a sickness issue. It is a disease issue For those individuals.
I mean for someone who for example is is actually has Body dysphoria and feels like their their left arm, you know, their left arm is somebody else's and There are people who will actually cut their appendages off if you can cut an appendage off you have a serious mental problem.
Okay? There are people like that But I believe that is a very small percentage of what's called the transgender
Movement or community or whatever. I would say in the vast majority of instances
Transgenderism is simply sinful rebellion against God and nothing more it can have all sorts of Motivations and reasons but it is an individual standing up and saying to God I Will not fulfill the duties that have been given to me by my creator in the way that I have been made
I won't do it. I Won't do it. So To say that We now live in a society where the safety of our daughters and granddaughters
Must be sacrificed on the altar of Leftist socialist moral stupidity and arrogance
To say that we have to bow to that is a clear indication of the abject insanity of the left in Our society it truly is it's judgment.
It's abject judgment now The funny thing is
I fully support Bruce Springsteen's right to cancel a show.
Hey give the money back and if you if You have made that if you think these people are freedom fighters.
Now, by the way, I find that I Cannot find it within myself to work up an ounce of respect for identifying
Someone who wants to abuse bathrooms as a freedom fighter
That shows a moral decrepitude That is shocking and shameful and I will not apologize for that But if Bruce Springsteen is so morally decrepit
That that is the commitment he's made then he has the right to not be forced to utilize his
What some people consider musical talent to in a context that would violate his beliefs
But what that also means is that if you're a baker and You use your artistry in the celebration of marriage.
You shouldn't be forced to do that against your beliefs either and if you're a photographer
You should not be forced to go into a context of the profaning of marriage to invest the use of your skills and your artistry
To promote that either but you see the left says no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
Equality and freedom is only for us. It's not for you. Isn't that is that what's being said here?
Because I can guarantee you Bruce Springsteen isn't going to support a Christian photographer or a
Christian baker No way, so in other words Bruce Springsteen is a glowing hypocrite yeah, as Is the entirety of the movement?
freedom fighters freedom fighters prejudice and bigotry so if I want my granddaughter
To be able to use the ladies room Without running into a six -foot -four genetically male man in a dress doing whatever
You do in a restroom. I'm Prejudiced and I'm bigoted. No, that means
I'm a human being with a brain that's still functioning That's what that means.
I haven't had my moral and ethical Common -sense eroded by the constant exposure to the stupidity of Secular humanism.
That's what that means. It's not pride. It's not prejudice. It's not bigotry. It is simple common sense
It's simple common sense. Now people are saying well, when are we just all gonna wake up?
From a Christian worldview, don't you think after a while all of this stuff? Um Might show what's really going on here that this is this is a supernatural blinding
You know, we ought to you know what I had to do just thought about this. I ought to have
Dr. Hartley on it's hard to get him. He's busy But I have him on to talk about his book on the judgment passages
Especially the Isaiah 6 passage which is used so often in the New Testament It's one of the most often used Old Testament text is the blinding of the hearts and making the heart hard and so on so forth and I ought to see if I should if I can get him on to talk about that text because it's
Quite relevant in a number of New Testament passages, especially today as we're looking at what's going on in the world around us
That might be a rather useful thing so anyways, there's the
There's the Bruce Springsteen I Really wondering where Bruce is going to perform next is is is he going to use this newfound power to force every?
State that has laws that he doesn't like to change those laws. I mean
Popular people, you know Arius used music to promote his heresy and If we live in a day where people think that because you can strum a guitar or Memorize lines and act in movies that that gives you, you know tremendous moral authority
Well, you get you get what you pay for, you know, you get what you pay for I Don't know
I don't know so anyhow Had to had to address that that was that was just absolutely amazing.
I was sent, you know, there's there's a bunch of things coming out on The growing popularity of incest and things like that in Western media.
Yeah, I know that that doesn't shock me at all I did want to just briefly and then move to the last
Subject here. It's gonna take a little while longer I haven't had a chance to read the whole thing and to be honest with you.
It's just so Yesterday morning was yesterday morning
Sometime over the weekend. I listened. No, actually it was it was the one yeah, it was Monday morning Briefing when dr.
Mohler spent the entire time Talking about the new papal document papal exhortation from Francis Regarding the family and it was interesting to hear a lot of people describing it as studied ambiguity as an obvious attempt to Hold a middle line and you know throw a bone over here and a bone over there a little bit for the conservatives a little bit for the
Liberals and you know, which obviously never makes anybody actually happy Oh, by the way,
I I just realized looking up at this that because of the bug thing there you can't actually read this
This is that someone sent me this shirt because I mentioned on the program and but you can't see the you can't see the bottom
So you don't really necessarily know what it says. It says if you see me collapse pause my garment and so I Guess I need to explain that very quickly before I go on here
What well, yeah, okay. Yeah, you took yeah. Yeah see me collapse pause my garment. Yeah I do use this is a
Garmin right here. I use the Garmin edge 1000 on my bike I'm my soul is pretty well owned by Garmin Because they've they've made it so you can
Go cross -platform on everything between running and and everything. It's it's pretty cool. Anyway For it's for a cyclist the idea is yeah, if you see me collapse pause my
Garmin because I don't want to mess up my stats and When I come to I'm gonna get back on the bike
So so don't stop it pause it didn't say stop It says pause so that I can get it started again
And it really does say something to us Anyway, I I just looked up there and saw that and said, you know someone's gonna speculate as to what that actually says and I don't want any speculation because Normally the speculation goes really awry back to Pope Francis one of the things that struck me was
The argument that I've heard over and over and over and over again is How you know solo scriptura leads to all this?
ambiguity All this confusion, it's unclear we have the living voice of the
Magisterium But if the living voice the Magisterium Answers questions about as clearly as Donald Trump does
Which is normally it's gonna be huge gonna be you job. I'm good. You read my book
What good is that? What how does that help? I?
Know the Pope, you know the papal syllabus of errors that you know It was easier to debate and and to talk to somebody who would be a papal syllabus of errors type guy, you know, because There's there's a there's a position there and you can examine it and they're not gonna
Weasel their way out of it and use weasel words and say well, I'm not really saying this and I'm not really saying yeah
Yeah, it's sort of like, you know, the old -time Mormons man, give me an old -time
Mormon in comparison to this new new time Is she squishy
Postmodern touchy -feely type Mormon that's that's out there now and you have no idea what they believe because they have no idea what they believe
So it is interesting That most of the people even those that are friendly toward Francis are like, yeah, it's a study in ambiguity
Well, that's that's a strong argument against solo scriptura, huh? but Then molar focused upon one section and it's 296 297 in it.
I have it in the PDF here The Synod addressed various situations of weakness or imperfection here
I would like to reiterate something I sought to make clear the whole church lest we take the wrong path There are two ways of thinking which recur throughout the church's history casting off and reinstating the church's way from the time the
Council of Jerusalem has always been the way of Jesus the way of mercy and Reinstatement the way of the church is not to condemn anyone forever
It is to pour out the balm of God's mercy on all those who ask for it with a sincere heart
For true for true charity is always unmerited unconditional and gratuitous Consequently there is a need to avoid judgments, which do not take into account the complexity of various situations and to be attentive by necessity to how people experience distress distress because They're conditions.
These are almost all quotes By the way, this isn't Francis. It's almost all quotes then
Francis says is a matter of reaching out to everyone of needing to help each person find his or her prop proper way of participating in the ecclesial community and Thus to experience being touched by an unmerited unconditional and gratuitous mercy
Here's the phrase. No one can be condemned forever Because that is not the logic of the gospel
Here I am NOT speaking only of the divorced and remarried but of everyone in whatever situation they find themselves
Naturally if someone flaunts an objective sin as if as if it were part of the Christian ideal or wants to impose something other
Than what the church teaches he or she can in no way presume to teach or preach to others This is a case of something which separates from the community compare
Matthew 18 17 Such a person needs to listen once more to the gospel message and it's called a conversion
Yet even for that person there can be no way of taking part in life the community Whether in social service prayer meetings or another way that his or her own initiative together with the discernment the parish priest may suggest wait a minute there
Yet even for that person there can be some way of taking part in life community
Whether in social service prayer meetings or another way that his or her own issue, okay So there's been a focus immediately on no one can be condemned forever
Because that is not the logic of the gospel. Is that a statement of universalism?
well It sounds like it But the context isn't about eternal destinies
The problem is the context is extremely nebulous and that's why the whole issue is coming up I suppose but Even right afterwards when it says
If someone flaunts an objective sin as if it were part of the Christian ideal even that person can still find some way of taking part in the life the community so it's it seems to be time at the life of the community and being
Excluded from that which is the whole issue of if you're a divorced Catholic then you'd be excluded from the life community excluded from the
Sacraments, which is the foundation of the community and all the rest. That's a I Don't know Isn't it weird that you know, well
You know scriptures are so unclear We just need to have the Pope tell us.
Yeah, when the Pope talks we go, but I don't know It's an even Roman Catholic sound. I don't know. I don't know what he means by that just another example of the fact that The Magisterium of the
Roman Church does not in fact help us to To understand things any better and in fact only creates a lot of confusion
All right with all that said One last thing to address here in the last 16 minutes of the program
As I was flying back from Dallas yesterday, I was sent a link to a article that had been posted
No, it wasn't by you actually and Over the weekend,
I guess there was a Interaction on Facebook evidently on the
Alpha and Omega page on your page, okay, well to be accurate it a
Link popped up in my feet your mic on My mic should be on yes. Oh, okay.
I'm not wearing my thing So I don't know a link popped up in my feed and I followed it over to the other fellows
Page so this took place on his page. Oh, okay. All right Anyway, I don't know because I didn't see it
I Saw something pop up at one point and You had posted something about white man black man stuff that someone had said to you and I was getting ready to go out of town.
I think I was without on Friday Okay, so that's on Friday. I was leaving Saturday morning Didn't know
And I looked at the name the name did not ring a single bell with me at all but people use handles and names like that online, so You know,
I didn't know Well turns out that This individual
Has a website called black Calvinist comm and Was known to me
A long long ago. I don't know. I don't remember last time but We have had a chat channel called possible again since 1996.
So this is our 20th anniversary actually of the founding of the chat channel and This fellow was a regular for a while fact was an op an op as an operator there's different levels of operators, but he was not for a while and Here's what here's one of the problems as soon as I saw
In The article here Let me see where it where it is.
I'm scrolling past the bazillion References to all the stuff that's already been posted all over the place
As soon as I saw that the names The nicks that have been used in channel
I Went oh, yeah I think one was X Armenian and the other one had something to do with OS X or something
I don't I don't I can't find them right here right now Right here it is.
Yeah OS OS underline X or X Armenian there it is As soon as I saw that I remember the
Knicks and Had a positive thought in my mind of the individual and then
I had to sit there and go He's black I went um, yeah,
I guess I I guess I vaguely remember that but and here's the problem
I Don't think of race first. I don't think of people by their race.
I Don't and I don't understand who people about people who do I had to sit there and go yeah,
I remember the guy and and my My recollection was based on what the person said in channel
But it's it's sort of like the most famous line from Martin Luther King about people being judged
Not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character seems that that is no longer allowable perspective
Because you're not allowed to do that. I had to sit there and go. Oh Okay. Yeah. Yeah.
All right had no idea that the guy That Richard had the run -in with over the weekend was someone that I knew from the chat channel from long ago
I did not make any of the connections Because Blog articles
Titles you use for yourself over there Twitter handles Nixon and IRC channel
I'm sort of consistent with most of them, but even I've had different stuff over the years
So until I actually Scan through this on the drive to DFW I Had no earthly idea a point of order this happened last
Monday point of order it happened Monday That's Monday. Oh, okay.
Well, okay the thing did but Okay, all right, so he
I don't know when he posted his article, okay Well, this says April 11th.
So I think so anyway Just a couple factual things before I read a few things and I'm not gonna spend too much time on this
I My block list on Twitter has become huge Okay, I block two kind of people right now and I will not apologize for blocking you
Because you do not have the right to put your stuff on my screen
Okay, I will not apologize for that If someone wants to block me block me no skin off my nose
It's okay, if you don't like what I have to say fine, it's okay. Even if you're a Christian fine. I don't care
That's not the church It's social media for crying out loud. I Blocked every single person who came after me a couple weeks ago
About that article and started doing the racist stuff. Don't want it. Don't need it.
Bye. Bye Blocked it. Do not apologize. Don't ask me to apologize. I'm not going to oh, but you have to dialogue cuz you talk to Muslims We'll talk about that amazing category error in a moment.
I Also have a huge list of blocked Trump bites Okay, I've been blocking
Trump followers for a long time now because I just it it just makes me go.
Yeah to listen to the lack of reasoning and so I just block block block and It helps to keep the blood pressure lower and and the birds sing more more more regularly and and life
Sunrises are prettier and sunsets are too. Okay. I Am NOT under any
Biblical mandate to engage in social media. There is nothing in the
Bible about blocks or anything else It ain't the church quit acting like it is
If you don't want to follow what I put on Twitter then go away, it's okay no skin off my nose
But why does everybody get all upset if I block you I don't want that on my screen
I don't want to have to be dealing with that. But you have to no, I don't No, I do not and the funny thing is this particular individual would have known that in our chat channel
There were certain things that just were not to be discussed and if you question the ops on that Kick goodbye.
I'll bet you anything. He probably kick banned a few people himself So it's nothing new.
It's nothing new. So I Wasn't involved in the conversation at all
He had the errant idea that Rich actually controls my
Twitter feed. No, he doesn't he's not even in Twitter anymore I control my Twitter feed and I control who
I kick Ban block I guess the term and who I don't totally my my decision and The stuff on the
Alpha and Omega Facebook page shows up in my feed but Generally, it's been hard for me to cross post stuff and Basically when like right now my
Facebook feeds up right now it says what's on your mind and it's my it's my personal one I Have to do something to shift over to the
Alpha Omega one And so there are times I I put stuff on my personal one that probably should have been put on the
Alpha Omega one The point is on my feed only my friends could comment right and I keep my friends list very very short and a bunch of you.
I know you really know I'm not gonna have 5 ,000 people that I don't actually know And so when
I put stuff on my Facebook feed, there's generally not a whole lot of debate
Because they're folks that are actually personal friends that I actually know
I RL in Real -life. Well, I am
I'm absolutely befuddled I Truly am this this article
Accuses me of being scared. I am scared for the church. I Am scared for for the utter lack of discernment
That people are demonstrating in allowing racialism to become the primary lens of interpretation
I am I am scared of what that means And I have had many
Because I've I've I've reached out to Men that I Respect because they're not racialists
Because they're biblicists Because their preaching is balanced who are also happen to have a higher melanin count than I have so they're black and I'm getting a very consistent message from them
This will never end Make a final statement and move on because we know these people and they will never stop
That is becoming consistent from these godly men Who are not using social science terminology
They're biblicists, they believe them Bible they allow the Bible to define they do not suffer from CCR T Christianized critical race theory
Critical race theory is not a Christian concept. So you can take it and you can put a blather of Stuff on it and call it religious doesn't change its essence.
And so I am I am absolutely in shock
That here's someone says I'm one of their favorite authors, but says I'm scared and actually buys into the offensive unfair grossly false narrative
That's that accuses me Because I dared observe
Sinful behavior and dared put it in the context if that kid had been white
I simply would have used different numbers But the kid wasn't a Christian why are so many black
Christians rushing to his defense It wasn't a matter of Race, it was a matter of my looking at myself.
I even said in those 545 words I would think that any fair person any fair friend would go you don't judge somebody on a 545 word article come on, but that's not where they're doing.
Oh, no. No. No. Oh, no No, no You now need to go through Sensitivity training and all the rest of this kind of stuff and you need to sit down talk with this person you sit down talk of that person what
I did is as I drove away and I thought about that sinful behavior.
The first thought was About God's grace and the means of grace and y 'all missed it
You missed it because of the lenses through which you're looking for offense And so now you've offended me deeply by lying about me by us by ascribing
Motivations to me that are evil for no basis You had no basis at all and not a one of you has provided a scintilla of biblical argumentation
There's not a shred of Bible in any of this. I Don't get it.
Don't you see? Don't you see how primary this has become in your interpretation even of other
Christians I Will not interpret other Christians on the basis of their race.
I won't do it I refuse stop trying to make me do it. I'm not gonna do it.
I don't care how unpopular that becomes I will not do it It's not biblical because not one of you has ever given me a meaningful biblical basis for doing so not once Now let me address another really silly argument, well, let me just read it here's
Here's the here's the statement Okay, here is the the initial issue
I and others have dr. White's comments was that he was completely Graceless in his observations and future predictions this boy.
I talked about the common grace of God in my own life How did you miss that? How did you miss that?
I don't know the boy's name. I Was simply looking at what's happening in our society and said look at how the grace of God comes to us
Here's how common grace comes to us. This is what fatherlessness does. This is what Planned Parenthood does
How did you miss that? It's right there even in 545 words
What could possibly cause someone who says I love the stuff this guy's done to so radically
Miss what I said, I say it's the racial lens anyone wants to suggest something else
He in effect ignored the fact this young teen boy was still made in the image of God and simply reduced him to throw away Set of statistics.
It's a lie LIE lie repent of it. It's wrong. It's untruthful
It can you can repeat it over and over again it's wrong you have no basis for saying that That is the most uncharitable
Unkind reading I can understand why an enemy would do that So what amongst
Christians would turn you into my enemy and reading my words if it's not a racial lens then
The fact that he continued to double down on them and ignore rebuff the multiple godly men who approached him privately who?
Who? Who are you talking about? Only to argue with a female
MDiv student on social media is unsettling Wow I Can't win for losing
What did I see for days? Oh, you should at least interact with this scholarly fair kind RAAN article
I do it you're picking on female MDiv students You can't win
Do you all not see the bias and prejudice here I mean wow
I expect this From people who are my enemies why? Because of a bias that's there.
Well. Where's this bias coming from if not from a racial lens? Just just just amazing the
James White We're used to seeing Put up a careful video blog on how to talk to Muslims in a fashion that seeks to win the soul the individual the
James White we're used to seeing wrote words that almost moved people to tears and described the deep spiritual darkness he encountered every year he visited
Salt Lake City to witness to Mormons where was all this grace and care and hope in his description of the boy in the video
Do you not see what you're doing? You've made race Equal to cultic error do you not see that I?
Mean I see it It's it's right right clear. I wrote a 545 page 545 word brief little article
Reflecting on how God's grace had kept me in my youth and now I'm being a why didn't you turn out with a second?
Why isn't there something about the image you got? The bigotry here is astounding
It's astounding Why is it being accepted by so many people
I don't get it I Don't understand this and by the way
And then and then oh Even more disturbing and one person posted in the comments to him on Facebook was the
Pharisee like rose -colored glasses description of his own time period growing up as though the sins of littering contempt for authority only came into existence after his childhood was complete
Wow Really? Seriously, are you saying there was less restraint in?
our society Was was Bruce Springsteen? Canceling concerts in the late 1970s over bathroom laws
Hmm were people walking down the streets With their underwear hanging out and their pants under their buns now.
I will I will admit this we wore short shorts back Look at the NBA Wow when did that finally that insanity finally and but anyways but seriously
Totally missing the point that I was making is that their hat is someone really arguing and this is
Pharisee like I mean the insults in here are just Really, but it's okay as long as it's coming from one direction
Can you imagine if I used even a tenth of the language that's been used of me in the past couple of weeks?
Wow, I mean it would be absolutely positive incredible, but here's here's the problem by the way, this article also says that I created a term
Creating a term racial narcissism. It's ethnic narcissism. I didn't create it
That was discussed in fullness on this program years ago by Vody Balcom I think it's his
I don't know. He didn't say that he Created that phrase, but it sounds like a like a
Vody ism But I'm simply taking it from him and saying wow, you know
I'll be honest with you at the time when he was describing it. I really wasn't exactly sure how to apply it.
I You know hadn't been in a firestorm like this Now I know exactly he's talking about you can't talk about until you experience it
You can't talk about till you experience it and it's only certain people who get to say that other people don't get to say at all
But I didn't create it It's been used by others long before me. I borrowed it and I've even said that I Even pointed that out, but here's the issue people are telling me
That you need to you know, everyone assumes that I was contacted by 14 dozen different people
If you're talking Twitter, I turned Twitter off Did we get any phone calls from from not a single phone call on this issue?
I got no emails. I Got no phone calls We we did get one letter from a guy
Objecting to you blocking good brothers, okay, that's it. Great. I told you social media social media stuff
I'm being told that I must validate CCRT and Then I must engage in extensive dialogue with CCRT And I've decided to find
Christianized critical race theory this idea that That there are certain structures built into our society that favor certain races over other races and That this has been
Religionized and brought into the church and you need to understand the experience of this group or that group.
I have preached one sermon on this I Have done an entire almost an entire dividing line on the meaning of reconciliation and I've written two articles
And so far, I haven't seen anything of any meaningful You can quote
Bible all you want. I mean exegetical response to what I've said in that material and so I don't have any reason to validate
CCRT and I'm not going to and That may mean that there are all sorts of doors slammed in my face fine
Not the first time been there done that got the t -shirt and as I've said before one of the reasons this is
Angering me is because I know of so many godly black men who are also angered by this and who have been hurt by this movement and Who are sick and tired of seeing the divisions and the divisiveness of this movement within the church?
They just want to live their lives for Christ as a servant of Christ not
Then marked with 14 other subcategories that you then are expected to fit into all the parameters with I It's a fundamental denial of the unity of the body and the fact there is one
Foundation upon which we stand before God I'm not denying as I said in my sermon the beauty of the diversity of the body of Christ But that's a vastly different thing
That's putting it down here and recognizing the beauty of it down there that we all stand together
Based upon what's up here. It is more primary Anyway, I already talked about these things
Folks it is a fundamental category error fun the mental category error
To think that well, you know you dialogue with Muslims. You should dialogue with us Do you really do you really not see the category error there?
You really want to be put in the position of being an apologetic false religion that I'm attempting to reach with the gospel
The whole point is we're supposed to share the gospel together, isn't it? Isn't isn't that supposed to be the foundation?
That that were that it's not a matter of my having to read 14 books on Christian critical race theory
Because we actually share some the same foundation which is the gospel so we should be able to just go straight to the word, right
Shouldn't we be able just be able to do that and go straight to the word I haven't yet had anybody come to me and say here's where the word says
That you need to adopt our view of the primacy of that racial lens
That you need to allow us to first see ourselves in this way and You're all and all this man.
I someone sent me another our a an article about how Claiming to be colorblind is is wrong.
I mean these folks are just Wow, okay. Well anyway, and so in the midst of even that colorblind thing says
He wrongly says that his opponents are choosing to define themselves first by race and race and ethnicity a charge
Unsubstantiated by any of the blog posts of any of the evangelicals vote. I pointed out exactly where they were saying exactly that That's the whole basis of the criticism
If I didn't see it, I'd have thought this Dave Hunt level of argumentation came from well Dave Hunt Well, there you go
What what here's here's What I've been told By person after person after person after person including black pastors
Say your piece and Then you're just gonna have to endure the slander because these folks never give up Because it is their one thing it
Everybody has to agree with them. It's a totalitarian perspective. There is no room for any other perspective they
It's what you got to do so when it goes on to say, you know, they're afraid You know,
I'm both you and I we're afraid You know, you have create imaginary racial not racial
Gnostics and attack them again, it's ethnic Gnostic I didn't make that up and man.
I'm experiencing it every single day. So if they don't exist, what can I say? There is no parallel Between my commitment to accurately represent
Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses or anything else and the demand for me within the context of the church
To ratify as a valid position ethnic
Gnosticism or CCRT no one has given me a biblical basis as to why
I as an elder in the church should invest my time in any dialogue on that has not when when the people promoting it have not given me a scintilla of Biblical basis for why
I'm supposed to be investing my time in this Not a scintilla if you can't see the difference
Between accurately representing false religions when you address them and the unwillingness that I have to distract from current projects
Which will seek to promote the gospel of Jesus Christ amongst unsaved people
Just to have never -ending dialogues that are actually based upon a sociological
Theory that is not derived from anything even remotely like the Christian scriptures, then the problem is not with me
The problem is not with me the problem is with you I see this quite honestly as a further demonstration and illustration of the fact that We live in a day
Where judgment is coming upon our society and hence upon the church and there is division and there is
Argument about what should never be an argument And I'm seeing this stuff coming into some of them some of the major the major ministries
Thankfully, there are people who are already in the position to speak to this and have spoken to it
But I am not going to invest my time in Because as I was speaking with a with a black brother
About this and he was communicating the same thing to me. There's no endgame
There's no out there's no we've gotten to The final point in the discussion here because it is so Subjective and experientially based that there can be and since it since it's not based upon a a biblical mandate
Then there can be no conclusion to this. You can't come to the end of it and say we're done and so it just goes on and on and on and you talk to the one person and You go the end of that one and then somebody else comes along and well my experience different So you need to do there's no end
You just So you either have to just say here
I stand here's This statement I made here.
Here's this article. I wrote there Put it together I've made it very clear
The elector made up from every tribe tongue people in nation God draws his people from every
Race, which is an I believe an artificial construct of man. I Don't think how much melanin you have in your skin is relevant
I don't think what happened to your ancestors a hundred years ago is relevant I'm all for studying history
But even when I study Scottish history, I don't sit there and go. Oh, I should mmm
Wow Those those English did a terrible thing to my no Not gonna do it refuse to do it
It's not a biblical thing to do. I have been redeemed. I'm called to do this
There is absolutely no basis in the body of Christ for any kind of division based upon how much melanin
I have in my skin I can rejoice when I go
To and I mentioned the various places I've gone to in the world where there's different kinds of worship
But one gospel being presented and there are different cultures and I know that culture impacts
Music and all sorts of things like that. I mean the worship service in Many churches in the black community.
It's gonna be very different than the worship service in Scotland someplace I get that But what binds us all together is the fact that we have been redeemed and that wipes all the rest that stuff out of the way
When it comes to our standing before God and our interrelationship with one another
I've made my statement I've taken my stand and until someone could come along with a very compelling
Biblical argument as for to say that what I have said on those issues is wrong.
I'm not interested Okay, that sounded like the end to me
It did sound like the end. I I have one thing to add You're gonna mess it all up now, aren't you in the one in the exchange that you didn't see?
we both were accused of hiding behind Galatians 328 and For me
It is a high compliment To be told that I'm hiding behind the scriptures
Because I am a sola scriptura believer, right it is my soul infallible rule of faith right and all of my sin needs to be subjected to it and so if I'm hiding behind Galatians 328
It's simply because I'm subjecting myself to it The only way that that accusation could have any meaning to it is if we have
Misinterpreted and mishandled it and For some reason most these folks are loathe to want to make that accusation
Against me because I have a reputation for responding to those things rather forcefully so Again, I have no interest.
It is not the calling of this ministry To become a clearinghouse of anti CCR T material
There's plenty of folks out there that have already done that work and are sounding the alarm bell and I I support them.
I support them. I am NOT going to stop observing sin in this society.
I Am NOT going to I've taken Twitter back. I'm not going to be I'm not going to be coward
But I will block and if you want to promote this kind of stuff promote away
You still got your your internet feed, right? But don't get mad at me When I'm not interested in investing my time and going around around the same things with you block done gone.
That's it. I Don't have to deal with that. There is no biblical basis for you to say that I must allow you to follow me on Twitter Not there not there
I Mean a bunch of the Trump bites that I have blocked Will be in heaven with me.
I'm Considering a joke right now about that, but I will skip it for the sense of propriety right now
But they'll be with me in heaven. I know that but that doesn't mean that I have to look at their stuff now or Anybody else's stuff now either?
so There you go Was actually gonna try to get that done 18 minutes ago, but what can
I say? As I said on Friday Someone's complaining that I've added a new acronym to the world's confusion.
You've got LGBTQ now. I've got CCR T Christianized critical race theory
Yeah, what can I say sorry, but normally we have a program on Thursday Stuff in the way on Thursday, and so we've moved it to Friday I'm not sure if it'll be 11 or 1 yet, but sort of need to look at what's going on depending on other factors and things like that but we'll let you know obviously we will announce that and You can join us at that time.
I'd like to I heard back from what ill Ibrahim So I need to finish up my he's now he's now caught up with all the responses
So I need to finish the responses. I need to get back to that and so Well, we'll see.
We'll see where we where we are. I Have a feeling something strange may happen between now and Friday to you never you never know
Though to be honest with you, I will I will say one thing it seems to me that there is a general
In the election cycle right now, it's just sort of like Could we just could we just get this over with please?
Tired tired tired. It's just too much So that's sort of gotten a little of late, but I bet you that'll be something
But we're gonna we're gonna pull the plug on this one at this point and see you on Friday.