Fear of the Lord III: Faithful Fear | Behold Your God

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Every human is gripped by fear of something. Christians should be gripped by a fear of something greater than anything in the world today. This week John and Chuck continue their discussion on the Fear of the Lord.


Welcome to the Behold Your God podcast. I'm John Snyder and I'm here again with my co -pastor
Chuck Baggett And this is the third of our series on the fear of the
Lord. So good to see you Chuck. Good to see you so Chuck Our series is based on a series of sermons that you did a couple of months ago for the church
And I think we all found that really helpful reminder about such a significant theme But we have been talking about the fact that there are different ways to approach it.
So how would you How would you suggest that people approach this other than what we say in the podcast?
yeah, so We can study this as a doctrine, which is you know, we're kind of introducing this as a doctrine
I guess to the podcast and to those sermons and In doing that we can see something of a definition
We see some boundaries so that we stay within those boundaries as we think about this idea
But that's not necessarily how we cultivate the fear of the Lord. You don't Get people to fear the
Lord by saying fear him But rather we we look at God we see him. We see something of his his majesty
Isaiah see something of that in chapter 6 and Seeing that he's gripped and says woe is me
We see his his works in Creation we see his works in redemption. You mentioned recently in Psalm 130.
There's forgiveness with the Lord. That's why we fear him shocking so we see that and those things stir our hearts to fear him and so We can put boundaries on this fear by looking at the doctrine, but we cultivate the fear by looking at God himself
So today we're looking at Isaiah 8 and backing up from there in Isaiah 8
Isaiah tells the people that God's to be their fear in their dread, but Isaiah himself has already been gripped by this fear in chapter 6 when he sees the
Lord High and lofty in the train of his robe filling the temple and the seraphim crying back and forth.
Holy. Holy. Holy That's on the occasion of King Uzziah's death.
He goes to Uzziah's son Ahaz young Ahaz and The nation's facing war from Syria and from the northern kingdom of Israel The Bible says they're shaking like trees shaking in the wind
They're terrified and Isaiah comes with what for the moment was good news. There's going to they're coming but they're not going to be successful But the people are gripped by fear and they refuse to listen
God offers a has a sign ask me so you'll know that this is true and a has
Disregards God's Word says I will not ask and God gives them that anyway. He promises the coming
Emmanuel Christ and so in chapter 8 They're warned not to view
This coming war like most of the people are viewing it but to view it in regard with reference to God that God himself is
On the throne that he's sovereign and they're assured that There's a remnant of people that God is preserving even with the coming battles
Not only Syria in Israel, but ultimately the Assyrians coming and these people be set apart by the presence of God By the
Word of God that they value and by the fear of God So at the heart of your sermon was the passage
Isaiah 8 11 through 15. Let me read that Isaiah writes for thus the
Lord spoke to me with mighty power and Instructed me not to walk in the way of this people saying you are not to say it is a conspiracy in regard to all that this people call a
Conspiracy and you are not to fear what they fear or be in dread of it it is the
Lord of hosts whom you should regard as holy and He shall be your fear and he shall be your dread
Then he shall become a sanctuary But to both the houses of Israel stone to strike and A rock to stumble over and a snare and a trap for the inhabitants of Jerusalem Many will stumble over them.
They will fall and be broken. They will even be snared and caught so quite a
Quite a shocking passage from God to the Prophet In your sermon you pointed out three main points and we're only going to get to the first one and a little bit of the second
Today and that is there was a warning there for the Prophet There was a remedy to the for their problem and then there was some very clear encouragement
So the warning comes from verse 12. You are not to say it is a conspiracy
That is you are not to look at what is happening in the world right now as you said it was a pretty traumatic time for them and you are not to respond in the same way that the
Unbeliever responds when they're gripped by the the crisis And this certainly is such a significant passage for us particularly in America Not only with the corona virus, but with the issues of race issues and riots and protests and I've been thinking, you know this week when we see
Things that are done that grieve the Lord Injustices whether it's racial or whatever and how it really is a sign that we do not fear the
Lord No man that fears the Lord Would treat other men the way that we see people being treated if a man is governed by the fear of the
Lord You know, he can be trusted if he is not governed by the fear of the Lord then then you know
What what what restrains men in power when they have no fear of God? But it's while that's true, it's also a wonderful truth as you're going to point out for us
That how we who are watching These Christ these crises that are pretty big.
How do we respond appropriately as believers? How is our heart to be moved but not in the same way that an unbelievers heart is moved
How does the fear of the Lord play a central part in controlling the way we see and react
And it is an important question because though we have been brought to fear the Lord By his his kindness, you know this this filial kind of fear
It doesn't mean that it's impossible for us to experience the wrong kind of fear and so we can look at the protest or coronavirus and have their own kind but we
Need to respond differently than the world and that's that's what Isaiah is calling them to do
You can imagine with with the approaching army In this day Isaiah's day
The people are outnumbered you know, they're coming to siege the city lay siege to the city and Everything looks terrible.
It looks gloomy. It looks terrible and their hearts surely would fear that's not an irrational response and Whatever the unbeliever
Experiences in the atrocities of war the believers going to experience it Also, the the Syrians are not going to distinguish between one and the other and so How do you keep from?
Seeing it like the world sees it But they're warned not to do that. They're warned to Remember what we've talked about last time.
I think is foundational that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom view this through the lens of The fact that there is a
God who's sovereign and he's good and he has not abandoned you the second point you made is that they were
Not to buy into the fear that gripped the people and we read in verse 12 the second half and you are not to fear
What they fear or be in dread of it Isaiah is
Not telling the people that they're to kind of put their head in the sand And it is easy for a believer to do that, you know, and there are ways to justify that That sound very biblical like well, we're only concerned
You know about eternal matters or you know, we're we're members of a higher kingdom of an everlasting kingdom
So what's happening around us right now doesn't matter But it does matter it matters to the
Lord how men behave What what people do and so it matters it all to matter to the people that love the
Lord but while we are to be genuinely concerned and aware and Not having our head stuck in the sand and saying, you know
Jesus is coming back and he'll save it save us from all this mess. So we'll just kind of circle the wagons till it happens
We are not to be gripped By the fears that grip an unbeliever who who doesn't have our
King our Redeemer And so, you know, it's not that we pretend there's no problems the
Israelites were not to pretend there wasn't a war It's not that we aren't to make legitimate preparations for needs that Israelites were not told that you are not to make any preparation
They're not to act as if as if problems don't exist But there they are to be in the grip of God in such a way that it alters how they respond to those fears sure there's
I Personally I can say there are times when you know things have happened That I have responded to emotionally maybe verbally
The gave evidence to the fact that I was not considering God at the moment I wasn't in the grip of the fear of the
Lord I was in the grip of that moment that circumstance but then by the grace of God there other times when I have remembered
And that's what Isaiah is calling them to do is what he's calling us to do is to not make emotional responses that forget that there's a
God to to not Live as if God does not exist or matter
Yeah, and you know the the remedy there is found in verse 13 because how we're supposed to not be gripped by what an
Unbelievers gripped with the fears that grip an unbeliever that the remedy is actually a strange remedy It is that we are to be in the grip of something much more fearful
Not in that slavish sense that we talked about, you know in previous episodes But we are to be in the grip of the greatness the majesty and the goodness of someone that this person this
God who is So infinitely bigger than our present crisis that it holds the
Christian, you know to a course so verse 13 says this it is the Lord of hosts whom you should regard as holy and He shall be your fear and he shall be your dread.
Yes, and I feel like I'm saying the same thing again, but Here here the people here we are, you know, we're living in the same land
We the same things are going on around us. We're just as subject to a virus as anyone else etc But our response can be very different.
We can we can live in dread and fear or we can remember that there's a God and And facing sickness death, whatever
We can live with an awareness of the holiness of God that the the character of God and Let him be our dread.
Yeah, I guess I mean really we could think of it this way There there is an anchor that the
Christian has on on this sea that's storming that an unbeliever doesn't have and This anchor holds the believer it doesn't make him immune to storms
It certainly doesn't say that the part of the ocean we're on won't have a storm but there is an anchor to something that's so significantly bigger
Something that's so so much more consequential than anything that can happen in the year 2020
That there is a I think one of the things that marks the believer is that there is a calm so we're concerned
But there is a calm depth an immovable you know a
Solidity to the Christians life the complete opposite of the kind of the frothy life that's constantly in a drama
You know and it's just constantly everything is you know The sky is falling and the paranoia that is very easy to fall into Not because the
Christian doesn't care not because it's not happening to me and my family but because I Am rooted in something
More significant than that Peter talks about this. He quotes from in his first letter
He quotes from this passage and and he applies it as referring to Jesus here He says this in first Peter 3 14, but even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness
You are blessed and do not fear their intimidation and do not be troubled
But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you and to give an account for the hope that is in you yet with gentleness and reverence or fear
Yeah, so he tells the people to fix their their sights on Christ sanctify him as the
Lord Don't be troubled even though they're facing persecution And Isaiah is doing something similar.
He's told them that the Messiah is coming he's in chapter 7 and in chapter 8 pointed them to Emanuel and In this context
With what appears to be the world crashing down around the the people in Peter's day
To sanctify Christ as Lord in their hearts is to regard him as possessing All the power in heaven and on earth and to believe him when he says that he's exercising it for our good
So what can separate us from the love of Christ well nothing what can be against us what what power should we fear if God is for us well nothing and Because those things are true.
This is the antidote then to Distressing fears and fretting and being anxious about things that are in God's control, but are not in ours
So this is the antidote to distressing fears and to fretting about things that are outside of our control
But that are clearly within God's control The answer is that Christ Jesus is Lord and not just a
Lord, but he's my Lord He's the Lord to the believer. And so in Colossians chapter 3
Paul writes therefore if you have been raised up with Christ Keep seeking the things above where Christ is
Seated at the right hand of God set your mind on the things above Not on the things that are on earth
For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God When Christ who is our life is revealed then you also will be revealed with him in glory
There is an ideology today that uses the name gospel But has none of the good news in it and yet many of its ideas and doctrines are finding their way into more and more churches across America That is why we believe the film
American gospel Christ alone is an important film for every church family and Christian in America to view
The Bible is explicit false teachers must be called out by name. I mean
Paul called out Peter You know the top dog he called them out when he was acting in such a way that was out of line with the gospel
We are exporting the very worst of what Christianity has to offer. I'm strong.
I'm healthy. I'm blessed I'm favored. I am a victor not a victim.
I'm gonna live a long productive faith -filled life In terms of biblical
Christianity Christianity is about dying To learn more about American gospel
Christ alone visit media gratia org or click the link in the description below. I think one thing we might encourage ourselves to do and not just Not just the people that are listening, but you know to stir our own souls to do is that?
since Since a sight of God through his word for the opened eyes of the believer is really the source of The fuel for that fear, you know
So you talked about all the passages we have on the fear of the Lord which are so many and varied
I mean they just show up in every aspect of life whether it's the believer like you mentioned from Psalm 130
So thrilled with with this majestic God who also has stooped low to forgive and that makes me want to take him even more seriously than I did before or whether it's in our songs of praise or the way we treat people at work or You know how we pray the fear of the
Lord affects everything So those passages set in a sense like a clear path or if you think of a riverbed
They're the two banks of a riverbed But what causes that river to really flow and not just trickle is is such frequent
Long exposures to the greatness of God in Scripture that the heart is captivated by that sight like Isaiah in chapter 6 and From that flows this happy Reverence for this person, you know that I'm I am
I I see that he is a weighty matter But as we've just mentioned that also
Peter connects that with the person of Jesus So nothing could be more beneficial for a person who says
I lack the fear of the Lord Then to stop and give some significant time in the week, you know to make room in the day
To begin to seek the clearest and highest views of God But not just in his absolute greatness his unapproachable glory his omniscience omnipotence omnipresence
But as we see that coming crashing into our world in the person of his
Son all the fullness of the deity all the dreadful glorious transcendent
Terrible purity of God coming to us in a human United to a humanity not to destroy us but to save us and any man or woman or young person that will soak a long time in that by the
Blessing of the Lord they will grow in the fear of the Lord, you know So it's not a it's not an if -then
Which do I study the character of God or the verses that tell me how the fear of the Lord behaves? Well, no, not if then first then
Look here then let that flow through these appropriate channels we want to close with a prayer from Charles Spurgeon and Spurgeon is you know, really
Everybody one of everybody's favorites. I don't know anybody that can say things. So wonderfully as mr.
Spurgeon. So let me read this prayer to you Come near our father Come very near to your children.
Some of us are very weak in body and faint in heart Soon Oh God Lay your right hand upon us and say fear not
Come near to kill the influence of the world with your superior power Our father come and rest your children now
Take the helmet from our brow Remove from us the weight of our heavy armor for a while and may we just have peace