F4F | T.D. Jakes Butchers Habakuk 2:2


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. Now, if you've ever been told that Habakkuk 2 .2,
you know, write the vision, make it plain, is about your need to take a vision that God has given you and maybe use it on a vision board or that somehow
Habakkuk 2 .2 is teaching you that God's going to give you a vision, a destiny, a purpose, you know, via revelation from God and you need to write it down.
Yeah, go ahead and hit the subscribe button. You've been deceived by a false teacher.
Case in point, we're gonna be listening to T .D. Jakes from his 2014 Women Thou Art Loosed conference where he's gonna take
Habakkuk 2 .2 and mix it with his undeniable speaking gift.
I mean, there's few people who are better communicators than T .D. Jakes and he's gonna manipulate them so badly that they're gonna be writing stuff down and everything that he's telling them regarding Habakkuk 2 .2
is not at all what Habakkuk 2 .2 is about. In fact, if you want to open up your Bible in preparation for this installment of Fighting for the
Faith, open up to Habakkuk chapter 1 verse 1. Remember, the three rules for sound biblical exegesis are context, context, and context and we'll take a look at Habakkuk chapter 1 to figure out the context of Habakkuk 2 .2
and demonstrate this isn't about God saying he's gonna give you a vision and then you need to write it down. Far, far, far from it.
So let me whirl this up and let's get to it. Here's T .D. Jakes and playing catch -up with your dream from the 2014
Women Thou Art Loosed conference. The prophet who is waiting on an answer from God because he doesn't understand where he is.
He doesn't understand what season he's in. He doesn't understand what's going on in his life and God gives him simple instructions.
He said write the vision, okay? Not the problem.
Yeah, wow, this guy's slick. Yeah, so he didn't even realize what season he was in and so he was asking
God questions, you know, and God says write the vision. Don't write the problem, write the vision.
Oh man, this guy is a master manipulator and a master twister of scripture.
Not the obstacle, not the need, not the lack.
He said don't write about what you lack. No, he didn't. God nowhere says don't write about what you lack.
That's not what this is about. Wow. Vision, write it.
All right, step one, write it. Yeah, you got to write this vision down because you know Habakkuk 2 .2, you know.
Man, I think we're gonna have to look at the biblical text from this point forward. Establish what's going on there because when you see what the
Habakkuk is really about, oh boy, yeah, you'll realize this T .D.
Jakes guy is making merchandise to these ladies. Habakkuk chapter 1 verse 1, the oracle that Habakkuk, the prophet, saw and you're gonna note there's a little bit of a dialogue going on between Habakkuk and God and Israel has become extremely wicked and Habakkuk is literally crying out to God against Israel and here's what it says,
Oh Lord, how long shall I cry for help and you will not hear or cry to you violence and you will not save?
Why do you make me see iniquity and why do you idly look at wrong? Destruction and violence are before me, strife and contention arise, so the law is paralyzed, justice never goes forth, the wicked surround the righteous, so justice goes forth perverted.
So you'll note that Habakkuk 1 verses 1 through 4 is
Habakkuk literally kind of complaining, crying out, God, where are you? Look at all this evil going on, there is no justice, the righteous are surrounded by the wicked, justice is perverted, are you gonna act or what?
And so now God is going to answer, verse 5, so look among the nations and see, wonder and be astounded, for I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if told, for behold, and watch what
God says he's gonna do, I am raising up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation who march through the breadth of the earth to seize dwellings not their own, they are dreaded and fearsome, their justice and dignity go forth from themselves.
So God is saying, I'm gonna raise up the Chaldeans against the people of Israel as punishment against Israel, their horses are swifter, the
Chaldeans, their horses are swifter than leopards, more fierce than the wolves, the evening wolves, their horsemen press proudly on, their horsemen come from afar, they fly like an eagle, swift to devour, they all come for violence, all their faces forward, they gather captives like sand, at kings they scoff and at rulers they laugh, they laugh at every fortress for they pile up earth and take it, then they sweep by like the wind and go on, guilty men whose own might is their
God. That's the context of this passage. So there's a little bit more dialogue between Habakkuk and the
Lord, and when we get to chapter 2, it's now Habakkuk's turn, but note
God has already said what's gonna happen in the vision, the Chaldeans are coming, and they're going to be judgment against wicked
Israel because Habakkuk's crying out, God, are you not gonna do anything? So Habakkuk 2 1 then says this,
I will take my stand at my watch post and station myself on the tower and look out to see what he will say to me and what
I will answer concerning my complaint, his complaint against Israel, because of their wickedness and their injustice and their evil.
So the Lord answered me, write the vision, make it plain on tablets so he may run who reads it.
And so the idea here is, let them know I've given you the vision, the Chaldeans are coming as judgment against you, and by making it plain, the person who reads this vision from God in this prophecy from God to Habakkuk, that he might read it and go, oh the
Chaldeans are coming, and so run, flee the judgment of God. That's literally what is going on here.
This isn't, you know, some command for you that you're gonna get a vision from God, so write it down and make it plain.
Not at all. So the Lord answered me, write the vision, make it plain on tablets so he may run who reads it.
For still the vision awaits its appointed time. It hastens to the end. It will not lie.
If it seems slow, wait for it. It will surely come. It will not delay.
That's what this is about. So if you've ever heard anyone tell you that, yeah, this is about, you need to vision board, and when
God gives you your unique purpose in life, you need to write down your purpose, you know, make it plain.
You can recognize that's not what Habakkuk is saying at all.
Clearly, if anyone teaches you that this is what Habakkuk is about, they're a wolf. They're a false teacher.
They're twisting God's Word. You need to flee. You need to leave that church immediately, and you need to stop listening to T .D.
Jakes as well. Watch what he does with this, though. I mean, this is a master class on Bible twisting from T .D.
Jakes. See, woman of God, ten years from now, what do you see?
What do you see? In your spirit, when you get down to your core, what do you see?
What would you do if money were no problem?
Habakkuk 2 .2 has nothing to do with that. So he's creating the expectation, the understanding in their minds that this text is basically saying
God's gonna give you a vision, and if money were no object, what would you do?
Wow. Well, it's no problem. I'm gonna try y 'all.
What would you do if money were no problem? Now, do you see what he did there where he just basically went, ah, to that group over there?
They weren't excited enough. Again, this is a manipulation technique. So you guys weren't excited enough.
I'm gonna go over here to this group, see if they're more excited, and see, you know, this is the way in which he's whipping them up into a complete frenzy.
And again, this is utter manipulation. Well, it's no problem.
It's no problem. It's no problem. I'll try y 'all. What would you do if money were no problem?
Well, would you tell your sister it's no problem? It's no problem. Don't let not having the money drop your pen.
Write the vision. Don't worry about who's gonna pay for it. Habakkuk 2 .2 is not a command for you to write a vision.
It was a command by God to the prophet Habakkuk to write this prophetic vision of God's judgment against Israel that he was sending the
Chaldeans to slaughter him. Don't worry about who's gonna execute it. Don't worry about who's gonna stand in agreement with it.
All he asked you to do was write the vision. He didn't ask you to. No, he didn't.
God does not command any of us to write a vision. Habakkuk already obeyed this command.
He's pregnant with something.
He's gonna even needs to give a baby to somebody. Who wants a baby? Go ahead and write the business plan.
Go ahead and write the business plan. Go ahead and write the purpose, the vision, the purpose and go.
Habakkuk 2 .2 is not about some business plan that's God that God's gonna give you. Wow.
Go ahead and write the vision. You have been so focused on where you've been that you can't stretch for where you're going.
What? This has nothing to do with Habakkuk. All our prayers are backdated.
Oh God, have mercy on me. You know what happened to me when
I was a child. You know what I went through when I went to college. Oh Lord, I'm still getting over my first husband.
Girl, you on your fourth husband still talking about your third? Notice he's not talking about sin.
Maybe like the sin of adultery. He's filling their minds with this idea that God's gonna give him a vision or a purpose or a business plan.
They got to write it down. I know it sounds hard, but Slapsam has to get over it.
He didn't say write the past. He said write the vision.
No, God is not commanding you to write no vision. What do you see?
What do you hope for? What I'm seeing right now is a false teacher who's twisting
God's Word and making merchandise of a room full of a lot of women. He said write the vision.
And then he says to Habakkuk, read what you wrote. Write it and then read it.
Yeah, that's not what God said. Let's review. So again, you know,
God said he's gonna send the Chaldeans to slaughter the Israelites for their wickedness because Habakkuk's complaining about the fact that God doesn't seem to be doing anything about all the wickedness and evil going on in Israel.
So the Lord answered me, write the vision. Make it plain on tablets so that he may run who reads it.
God did not say write the vision then read it. No, no, no. He said write the vision so the one who does read it would flee for their lives.
Unbelievable. Remind yourself of what you said. Remind yourself of where you're going.
Write it, read it, and then run it.
Oh man, this is painful. Then run it. No. Again, write it so the one who reads it would run, like in flee for their lives.
Unbelievable. And they're all sitting there going, yay, yay, God's gonna give me a vision.
All I gotta do is write it, read it, and run it. He's just totally filling their heads with utter nonsense.
And he is one of the most gifted communicators ever, and he's using his gift for the demonic.
Before the year is out, say it with me. Before the year is out, I'm gonna write it,
I'm gonna read it, and I'm gonna run it. Let me tell you something.
Oh, they are pleased with him. I'm gonna write it, I'm gonna read it, I'm gonna run it. Yay, God's giving me a vision.
I'm gonna be rich and wealthy. Yeah, nonsense. Unbelievable.
So you now know what Habakkuk chapters 1 and 2 really are about, and what
Habakkuk 2 -2 is really about. It's not about some vision that God's gonna give you.
Like, not at all. It's about the vision that God gave to Habakkuk. That's what the very first verse of Habakkuk 1 -1 is about, by the way.
And the promise of God's judgment against Israel, against their wickedness, by sending the
Chaldeans to slaughter them. So yeah, not exactly a happy prophecy when you consider the implications of it, but it definitely is not about you making sure to write some vision
God's gonna give you, then you read it back, and then you got to run it. Unbelievable.
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Yeah, you can't take this YouTube video with you in your car. Not a good idea. But you can take the podcast with you in your car, on your commute, and other places so that you can learn what
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Christ -centered hermeneutic of Scripture so that you can be protected from false teachers and wolves like T .D.
Jakes. So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.