- 00:00
- I want you to turn with me to James chapter 5,
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- James chapter 5. I want to read verses 13 through 18.
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- This is the section that we're looking at. I'd like for us to specifically be looking at verse 14 and 15 today, where we looked at verse 13 last week and looked at the background.
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- This is part two of a three -part series, The Power of a
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- Praying Church. The Power of a Praying Church. And pretty much the theme of the closing verses of the epistle of James here is focused on prayer.
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- It's all about prayer. So James chapter 5, beginning at verse 13, hear the word of the living
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- God. Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray.
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- Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms. Is anyone among you sick?
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- Let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him with oil in the name of the
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- Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick and the
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- Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.
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- Confess your trespasses to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed.
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- The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. Elijah was a man with a nature like ours and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain.
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- And it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. And he prayed again.
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- And the heaven gave rain. And the earth produced its fruit. May God richly bless
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- His holy word to our hearts this morning as we study His wonderful word.
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- Let's go to the Lord in prayer and ask His help and anointing upon us as we hear
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- His word and as I speak His word this morning. Let's pray.
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- Father, we thank You for this wonderful day You've given unto us. Lord, may we truly be thankful and always thankful.
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- And may not a day go by that we're not thankful for the eternal, precious gift of Your Son, the
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- Lord Jesus Christ. Without that gift, we would not be into the kingdom of heaven.
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- For by grace we're saved through faith. And that not of ourselves, it is the gift of God.
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- Father, we thank You for the gift. Thank You for the gift of faith. Because with faith, we can take a hold of what
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- Your word has promised. And without faith, it's impossible to please
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- You. For he that comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek
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- You. So Father, we thank You that we come in faith.
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- And Lord, we pray that our faith would be encouraged this morning as we hear Your word. And Lord, I pray that You would anoint us with Your precious
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- Holy Spirit. He's the real teacher, showing us the things of Christ.
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- So Father, teach us. Teach us Your word. Teach us Your ways. Teach us
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- Your will. And may we apply it to our hearts and our lives and everyday living.
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- We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen and amen. This is a wonderful text before us.
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- The section in this epistle gives to us how a praying church looks like.
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- And I love this text. It speaks of meeting specific needs within the church.
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- And it's all through prayer. Last Lord's Day, we took some time in our study in this section to see the background of the portion of Scripture and to understand its context of what it is actually saying.
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- I think this was important. That's why I took some time to do this because if we don't really see the context of what the text is saying, it will be pretext.
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- It will not have the meaning that it should have, so we need to get the right interpretation.
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- So first in the praying church, there should be prayer for ourselves first and foremost.
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- And that speaks of verse 13. Is anyone among you suffering? The answer
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- James gives is pointed, isn't it? It's very simple. Let him pray.
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- Let him pray. Those three words mean a lot to a believer that's going through severe persecution.
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- Be encouraged to pray. So he's to pray and take it to the
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- Lord. Our prayers should always be personal, right? Personal prayer. I like what
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- Ravenhill says, the secret of praying is praying in secret. Well said. The disciples said,
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- Lord, teach us to pray as John taught his disciples. Well, then he gives another question.
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- Is anyone cheerful? He should sing praises.
- 06:04
- If we are personally suffering, we should personally pray to God. That's what he's saying. Philippians 4, 6,
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- Be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving. Let your requests be known to God.
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- God wants us to hear our voice in prayer.
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- You know, fret and worry indicate really a lack of trust in God's wisdom and His sovereignty and His power.
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- So really worry is sin. We're not to be anxious. He says right here,
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- Be anxious for nothing, and then he says in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving.
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- Let your requests be known to God. We're to delight in the
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- Lord, meditate on His word day and night, and the peace that passes all understanding will keep our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
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- The psalmist says in Psalm 1, 2, But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates.
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- He just doesn't read God's word. He meditates day and night. He devours it.
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- If we love God, we love His word. You cannot separate the two. So there's personal prayer.
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- Prayer that's personal. And prayer is the way we speak to God and we commune with God and we fellowship with God.
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- You ever thought of this? Prayer is really not for God's benefit. Prayer is for our benefit.
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- God is all self -sufficient. He really doesn't need our prayers, does He? But isn't it wonderful that He does love to hear us pray?
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- He doesn't need it. He doesn't need us. Actually God doesn't need no one. He's self -sufficient.
- 08:06
- I was thinking about this, about praying. I said, Lord, it's us that needs
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- God. It's us that needs to pray. Why?
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- Because the changes need to be within us. Because there's no change within God. So God doesn't need us.
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- He doesn't need our prayers. It's us that needs God and we need to pray.
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- I said, we're not self -sufficient. Only God is self -sufficient.
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- What are we? We are utterly helpless and powerless without God and without prayer.
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- Prayer is a must for the child of God. As I mentioned last
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- Lord's Day, somebody came up to Charles Spurgeon, what's more important, the word of God or prayer?
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- And he replied, what's more important, breathing in or breathing out?
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- Both is very necessary. Like prayer and reading God's Word is just as important as it is breathing to living.
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- That's how important it is. Colossians 3 .16 answers really what speaks about being cheerful.
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- We should sing praises to God, right? The Word of God says, let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms, hymns, spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the
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- Lord. See, it's that personal relationship with God. Even when we sing this morning, we're really not trying to impress one another or singing.
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- We don't sing very good, but we do sing praises and we sing a joyful song, right?
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- I'm among those that don't sing very well. Or right here it says, let the
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- Word of God dwell. You think about that word dwell. Dwell richly in your heart.
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- That's a rich word. It means to live in, to be at home with. Richly may be more fully rendered as abundantly or extravagantly rich.
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- So the Word of God should permeate every single aspect of the believer's life and control every thought, every word, every deed.
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- And we know we fail that test many times, don't we? Well, the next point
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- I'd like for us to look at as we looked at last week, that prayer is for us.
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- But also, a praying church prays for others. Or should
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- I say the leaders pray in faith for others.
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- Let me say that again. A praying church prays for others. And it is the leaders, the elders within the church that prays in faith to one another.
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- And you see this in verse 14 through 16. Let me read it again. Is anyone among you sick?
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- Let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the
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- Lord. The prayer of faith will save the sick. And the
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- Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.
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- That's a very rich text. Our prayers are to be for others and for one another. But specifically here it speaks of the elders are to pray for those that are sick.
- 12:04
- Now, when we are suffering, in trouble, we should pray, right?
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- That's what we do when we are suffering and in trouble. In times of rejoicing, we should lift our hearts to God and sing praises with thanksgiving.
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- God desires this. He doesn't need it, but He does desire it. And actually, if you think of it,
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- He's redeemed us. He's redeemed His people to Himself for His glory because He desires this.
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- He desires the praises of the ones that He has redeemed.
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- And we will praise Him throughout all eternity. And our praise in God begins here in this troubled world in which
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- He has redeemed us from our sins. So we should see God as the first great cause of all that comes to us in life.
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- If we miss this, we're going to really miss the whole scope of why God has redeemed us. I like what
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- A .W. Tozer says, that God's purpose in redemption is to make worshipers that was once rebels.
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- He takes rebels and He makes worshipers out of them. So God is the great cause,
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- His sovereign hand that orchestrates everything. It is utter defeat actually to allow ourselves to be victims of circumstances or to wait for our circumstances to change.
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- We should see no hand in everything but God's hand. And really, if we truly believe in the sovereignty of God, we see the hand of God in everything.
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- Isn't that wonderful to know? Now, verse 14 through 16, as I mentioned, is one of the most disputed portions of this epistle.
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- So we're going to just only look at two verses today because of its importance of getting the right interpretation out of it.
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- So we need God's Holy Spirit to help us to see what He means within this text. James directs us to prayer and healing.
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- Prayer and healing, restoration you could say. Look at verse 14. Is anyone among you sick?
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- Again, he asks the question. The answer he gives by the
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- Holy Spirit is, let him call, call for the elders of the church.
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- Now, let's look at this. To understand this text, we need to see what this word sick really means.
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- This is where the misinterpretation comes in. As I was studying this, and all the commentators agree, the commentators that really understand the text and the context, the
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- Greek word, they agree with one another because of the Greek word sick.
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- It's astheno, athenio, asthenio, asthenio. I hope
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- I can pronounce my Greek right. I may be off, but what's the meaning? That's what really counts.
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- It's not necessarily the pronunciation of the Greek, right? But it's the meaning. It really means not necessarily sick or physical sickness.
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- It means being spiritually weak. Now, doesn't that throw a complete different light on what we have just read?
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- The Greek word, again, it means weak, spiritually weak. So, it gives a totally different light.
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- So, James moves beyond the suffering. Now, look what he's doing. He's moving beyond the suffering of believers on the personal sense.
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- In the previous verse, in verse 13, is any among you suffering?
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- Let him pray. And then he goes, is anyone among you weak, sick?
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- Let him call for the elders of the church. That calling of the elders is speaking of those to whom he's addressing, specifically believers who have become weak by that suffering.
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- Pastor John MacArthur says, and I quote him here from his commentary, and I thought this was really good.
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- The weak are those who have been defeated in spiritual battle, who have lost the ability to endure their suffering.
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- They are fallen spiritual warriors. They are exhausted, weary, depressed, defeated
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- Christians. They have tried to draw on God's power through prayer, but have lost motivation, even falling into sinful attitudes, having hit bottom.
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- We've all been there, haven't we? Having hit bottom, he says, they are not able to pray effectively on their own.
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- So, then he says, in that condition, the spiritually weak need the help of the spiritually strong.
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- End quote. I love that. And he is right on. And how do we know this?
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- Look at the word of God. I have just a few verses, but the word of God really says much more. 1
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- Thessalonians 5 .14 The apostle Paul says this to the believers at Thessalonica.
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- Now we exhort. Now he's speaking about, in this context here, he's speaking to the elders, their primary duty to shepherd the flock of God.
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- Now he says, now we. Notice what he says, we. He's speaking of himself, possibly of Peter, the apostle,
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- James the apostle. He's speaking of the apostles. We exhort. That means to encourage you, brethren.
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- Then he speaks, first of all, warn those who are unruly. That word unruly is interesting.
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- It means to be insubordinate. To those who are insubordinate or idle.
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- They are idle. So, then he says, they are to be warned to those who are insubordinate against the authority of those apostles and the elders within the church.
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- And then he says this. Comfort the faint hearted. Isn't that beautiful?
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- Comfort the faint hearted. Then he says this. Uphold the weak.
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- Uphold the weak. Be patient with all. Doesn't that fit beautifully of what
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- James is saying? In this context, Paul is discussing how the pastors are to serve the people of God, their flock, and how the people are to respond to the pastors with submission.
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- And then is what James is referring to as well. Call for the elders of the church.
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- The pastors. The bishops of your souls. The church. Now, the word call is an interesting word.
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- It means to call alongside. Call alongside. And the caring elders, the pastors of the church, are to come and lift them up.
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- It's the same thought the apostle Paul expressed in Galatians 6 .1.
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- You're familiar with Galatians 6 .1. It's a wonderful verse, but it's in context of everything
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- James is saying here. Paul says this. Brethren, even if anyone is caught.
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- That's an interesting word, isn't it? Is caught in any trespass.
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- Then he says this. You who are spiritual, mature, restore.
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- Don't you love that? Restore them. Restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness.
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- You know, an old missionary years ago told us in a class. I never have forgotten this.
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- There's a lot of things I have forgotten, but I never forgot this because of being called to be a pastor and my duty as a pastor.
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- He says, you know, true shepherds never beat sheep. They feed sheep.
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- They care for the sheep. They love the sheep. They, in a pastoral way, and Brother Keith brought this out before too.
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- A false shepherd will drive goats, in a sense.
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- But goats need to be driven, right? Sheep need to be led. And that's the pastor's call, is to lead the sheep, to encourage the sheep, and to lift them up when they're hurt, when they're in danger.
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- Jesus gave the example of the shepherd in the parable, going after that one that left.
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- He leaves the 99, and he goes after that one that goes astray. Oh, the heart of a shepherd.
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- How important it is, and you see this all through the Scriptures. And after all, the wounded, the exhausted, the broken sheep, the hurt sheep, are casualties.
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- The shepherds are to intercede for. And the shepherds are to intercede for them, and care for them, and in tenderness and gentleness, and ask for God, for renewed spiritual strength in the
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- Lord. And the joy of the Lord is our strength, right? And God is our strength. And you see, the shepherd comes alongside.
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- He's not the one that actually can, he strengthens them, but the true source of strength is
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- God, right? But the shepherd comes alongside and points, and says, look up, the shepherd of your soul is the one that's able to give you the strength, because he is our strength.
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- So what does he do? He lifts them up, he prays for them, he cares for them, and this is what he talks about.
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- He is called alongside the sheep to give them strength, to help them.
- 23:04
- So the spiritually weak are to call for the elders of the church, and to pray over him.
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- And then it says something beautiful here, and this is where a lot of people go astray on the meaning of the verses, anointing him with oil in the name of the
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- Lord. Let's look at that. Anointing him with oil in the name of the
- 23:27
- Lord. There's a lot we can look at about oil. There's ceremonial anointings.
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- As the prophet Samuel anointed David, he poured the oil over him.
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- That was a ceremonial anointing, where as ordaining as a king, inaugurating in the sense of a king, that God had chosen him.
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- It was like the anointing of that oil poured over him in a wonderful way.
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- That was a ceremonial. But in this context here, this is interesting. The elders pray over the suffering believers, and the anointing with the oil, oil was used as a healing agent at this time.
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- And one example that came to my mind here was the Good Samaritan. The Good Samaritan knew that it would give relief to the cut and the bruised man on the road to Jericho.
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- You know, in Luke 10, verse 34, he gave oil to bind his wounds and to rub it upon him.
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- But here, the more natural meaning of the anointing is that it served as a sign of God's grace, consecrating the individual to the
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- Lord and to the work of the Holy Spirit. But the anointing with oil is interesting.
- 24:55
- It's interesting, when I was studying this, this could go either way. Done by the elders, it is to be done by the elders of the church, so as to be translated by rubbing with oil.
- 25:08
- Rubbing with oil. Possibly this is a reference to ceremonial anointing. It could mean that.
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- Yet, on the other hand, James may have in mind medical treatment of the believers, physically bruised up and battered by persecution.
- 25:26
- So it could go either way, spiritually and physically. And that's why there are so many different interpretations to this, because one goes this direction, another interpreter goes that direction.
- 25:37
- So it could mean spiritually, it could mean physical persecution. But overall, wouldn't you think that the context, and we'll look at this, and I personally believe, this is my opinion here,
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- I take the interpretation that it's meaning more spiritual weakness and hardships and persecution than the physical.
- 26:02
- There is physical persecution. I'm sure that there was wounds and hurts and cuts, and we know that.
- 26:08
- And that would bind up the wounds in there physically. After all, medical science was certainly, in that time period in history, very primitive period of time in history.
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- And there were few trustworthy doctors, let's admit that, during that time period.
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- So it would have been a gracious and a kind act on the part of the elders to rub oil on the wounds of those who had been beaten.
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- Or they had very sore muscles of those that were made to work very long under tyranny and under severe harsh treatments.
- 26:49
- That would make sense. Metaphorically now, the elders anointing the weak, defeated believers with oil conveys the responsibility for the elders to actually stimulate and to encourage and to strengthen and refresh the believers.
- 27:08
- There are some verses I'd like to bring into this. It's speaking from Isaiah chapter 1 verse 6. It says,
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- From the sole of the foot of even the head there's nothing sound in it, only bruises, welts, and raw wounds, not pressed out or bandaged, nor softened with oil.
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- Isn't that interesting? Nor softened with oil. So, lacking godly leaders and the people of the nation of Israel had not had spiritual wounded treated, so David expressed
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- God's gracious, compassionate spiritual restoration of him that these deep and simple familiar words in Psalm 23 verse 5, you have anointed my head with oil.
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- So, the elders, the elders primary ministry is intercession and restoration.
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- It's always about restoration. Always. That's the goal. You know, even if you look at it, when
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- Jesus laid down the rules in the sense of the church, the first thing he speaks of is discipline.
- 28:24
- But do you notice even in the steps of discipline in the church it's always to be in restoration.
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- To restore the believer. And you notice, first you go to them privately, then second, you take a witness with two, go unto them, and then third, if they don't hear you, you take it before the church.
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- Before the believer is strike one, two, and three and is put out of the church in Ed's communication, there are three gracious chances that God gives to restore that believer.
- 29:08
- And even at Ed's communication, that okay, we release them because they have not repented, but even then,
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- God can bring a person back if they repent. And we know that story about the prodigal is always hope there.
- 29:26
- As long as a person is breathing, right? But it's always about restoration. And that's what this text is speaking of, is restoration.
- 29:35
- Restoration is to be done. And notice, I love this. Not in the name of Pastor So -and -so.
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- Not in the name of Pastor David. Not in the name of Pastor John MacArthur or Pastor So -and -so, and we can go on.
- 29:51
- But in the name of the Lord. It's about God's name. Notice that here.
- 29:59
- In the name of the Lord, the anointing is to be with oil.
- 30:05
- The anointing, I'm sorry, Him with oil in the name of the Lord. In the name of the Lord. Any true biblical encouragement must be consistent with who
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- God is. Because God's name represents who He is.
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- And that means something. That means something very important. To do something in the name of Jesus Christ is to do what
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- He would have done in this situation. So, namely, to pray in the name of Jesus is to ask what
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- He would want, right? And to minister in the name of Jesus Christ is to serve others on His behalf.
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- Because when we represent Jesus in His name, we're representing all that He is.
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- Think of that. The Holy God. The Holy Christ. We represent
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- Him. We represent someone that is worthy. Who is
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- King of kings and Lord of lords. We are ambassadors. That's what a representative is.
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- An ambassador of Christ. Jesus told the disciples this right before He was to go to the cross.
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- And He was telling them about persecution. And actually He gave comfort to them that the
- 31:27
- Holy Spirit would come alongside to help them. But He also said this.
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- It was the great promises that He gave in John 14, 15, and 16. In John 14, 13, and 14,
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- Jesus says to the disciples, He says, Whatever you ask in My name, that will
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- I do. And that the Father may be glorified in the
- 31:50
- Son. That's the purpose of answered prayer, isn't it? That God would be glorified. Just not of Himself, but in the
- 31:59
- Son through Jesus Christ. So in verse 14, He says, If you ask anything in My name,
- 32:07
- I will do it. There's another verse that's totally thrown out of context. Jesus means anything.
- 32:13
- He means anything. But we always pray according to God's will and what He desires.
- 32:19
- So here in the hour of loss, of departure, Jesus is comforting
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- His disciples. And He comforts them with the means that would be provided them without His immediate presence being there.
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- That's what He's actually doing. That's why He promises. He says, Well, I'm going to go to the Father after I'm raised from the dead.
- 32:43
- I'm going to send the promise of the Father, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth. He will abide with you forever.
- 32:51
- He will be with you. And here they are. Think of it. These disciples are so used to Jesus' immediate presence.
- 33:01
- But what is He saying here in this verse? So to ask in Jesus' name does not necessarily mean to tack
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- His name on an expression at the end of a prayer to any formula that He's speaking of.
- 33:17
- So what does it mean? What does it mean? Well, there's three things I like for us to look at just in this verse here because it's important when we pray in Jesus' name that whatever we ask in His name
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- He would do it. Well, first of all, we always, a believer, is to pray always for God's purposes and God's will to be done.
- 33:38
- And it is for God's kingdom and not for selfish reasons. A lot of people pray for selfish reasons and say like God's a genie in a lamp or something or a genie in a bottle and it's like they rub it.
- 33:51
- In Jesus' name I can have whatever I want. Hey, God's not going to listen to those kind of prayers. Number one, it's full of sin because the
- 34:01
- Scripture says if I have iniquity in my heart God's not going to hear. Even if I am praying.
- 34:07
- So if there's sin in my heart which coveting is sin God says
- 34:12
- He's not hearing that prayer. But if it's a prayer that is to God's desires what
- 34:21
- God loves to His kingdom to His will God's ear is open to the call and the prayers of the righteous.
- 34:30
- Amen. And He's ready to answer that especially in the name of His dear
- 34:37
- Son. And I tell you what He is ready to answer that. Amen. Second reason would be to believe that the prayer should always be on the basis of the merits of Jesus Christ alone and not any personal merit of our own.
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- We know that He has all merits. And when we come to Him it's not on our own merits.
- 35:05
- It's on the merits of Jesus Christ. That's the second important thing. The third would be the believer's prayer should always be in pursuit of God's glory.
- 35:15
- You know I love to read Jonathan Edwards and that's one thing. That man just strikes me more than anything.
- 35:21
- He had a passion for the glory of God. Now he's hard to read. I will grant
- 35:27
- I have to get the abridged readings. He's tough. But I tell you what when I get a hold of what he is saying this man is, he is a heavenly minded man.
- 35:38
- A God feared man and one of the greatest theologians that ever lived. And I say greatest theologians
- 35:45
- I'm not talking about orthodox. This man knew the word of God and he knew God. And the one that probably influenced him more than anyone was his kin was
- 35:58
- David Brainerd that only lived to be like 25, 26 years old a missionary to the Indians which was a very godly man.
- 36:06
- And I would encourage anyone to get the diary of David Brainerd and read it.
- 36:12
- It's incredible. It's full of great prayers. But if you think of it what the text is saying here and Jesus is speaking of we always to pray for God's will and God's purposes and God's glory and the pursuit of God's glory alone and we need to always keep this before us when we pray in Jesus name.
- 36:33
- It means something. It doesn't mean our selfish desires. It means God's desires to be fulfilled.
- 36:40
- What about Jesus when he taught the disciples? A lot of people call it the Lord's prayer it's actually the disciples prayer.
- 36:48
- But he is the master of the prayer but that's why we call it the Lord's prayer but he's actually teaching the disciples and what does he say?
- 36:56
- He says our father which art in heaven and what does he say? Hallowed, hallowed be thy name.
- 37:06
- Hallowed be thy name. God's name is holy. God's name is holy above all.
- 37:12
- So James 5 .15 says in the prayer of the faith Let's go to this next section.
- 37:18
- The prayer of faith shall save the sick. I don't know what your translation says but the word save the sick is very good to the original.
- 37:28
- And the Lord, don't you love this? The Lord shall raise him up and if he has committed sins listen to this they shall be forgiven him.
- 37:37
- The prayer that offered in faith will restore the one that is weak.
- 37:43
- The one that's sick. The weak. Not just necessarily physical illness but rather James is speaking here of a spiritual restoration of weak defeated believers.
- 37:55
- And to restore necessarily refers to not necessarily physical healing but most commonly translated to save.
- 38:07
- The authorized version says that. To save the sick. To save the sick and the
- 38:15
- Lord will raise him up. Now the idea here is that the elders prayer would deliver weak defeated believers from spiritual weakness and to restore them to spiritual wholeness.
- 38:27
- So those prayers of course is but a channel for God's power.
- 38:34
- So why am I saying this? It doesn't mean that the pastor in of itself has this special power or this hotline with God.
- 38:42
- But he is the spiritual strength and he is the strong. He comes alongside to pray for the spiritually weak and heavy laden and burdened.
- 38:56
- And the Bible says the Lord will raise them up. The pastor doesn't raise them up the
- 39:01
- Lord raises them up. You know what that word raises up means? It means to awaken.
- 39:08
- To arouse. Through the prayers of the righteous. And that's why it says the effective prayer of a righteous man avails much.
- 39:18
- We'll see that later on in part three. But God restores the battered bruised sheep.
- 39:27
- And God is so desirous to do this. Psalm 23. Again I go to Psalm 23.
- 39:34
- Such a simple Psalm. Six verses. But try to study that Psalm sometime. You will get solid meat.
- 39:44
- I knew one preacher it took him I mean it took him months and months to preach through those six verses.
- 39:51
- But it's so deep. But it's so simple. But notice what David says in Psalm 23.
- 39:57
- By the Holy Spirit. He restores my soul. Then he says he leads me in paths of righteousness.
- 40:08
- For whose namesake? For his namesake. So the prayer that is offered in faith if one of the spiritually weak believers has committed sins.
- 40:21
- This is beautiful. They will be forgiven him. He will have his sins forgiven.
- 40:27
- Now that doesn't mean that the priest or the pastor does the forgiving here. It's God that does the forgiving.
- 40:32
- Right? So this text provides the evidence that in the context of what
- 40:38
- James is saying here that this passage does not refer to necessarily physical healing.
- 40:46
- Why? Because notice what he says. The prayer of faith will save the sick and the
- 40:53
- Lord will raise him up. And if he's committed sins he will be forgiven. Well let's look at that a little quickly.
- 41:01
- The Bible nowhere teaches at all that sickness is a direct result of individual sins. Read the book of Job.
- 41:07
- That's a classic illustration. Yet his so called friends came along side and they thought
- 41:15
- Job did sin. But he didn't. It was a test. It was a test.
- 41:21
- It was a trial. So the spiritual defeated however is those often both the cause and the result of sin.
- 41:32
- Did you ever think of that? Let me say that again. Those that are spiritually defeated is often both the cause and the result of sin.
- 41:44
- So in that case when one is weakened and fallen into defeat that's another message all together.
- 41:53
- How to avoid spiritual defeat. Right? But here he talks about restoration.
- 41:59
- When this is the case the antidote is what? Number one, to confess our sins.
- 42:07
- That's the first step. The second step would be to repent. The first is always confession.
- 42:14
- Basically when it speaks of confession to God it means I'm agreeing with God. I come to God and I said
- 42:22
- I'm not when I'm confessing my sins I'm basically saying
- 42:27
- Lord I'm agreeing with you. This is what I need to do. I pour my heart out before you.
- 42:32
- After all God already sees the heart. He knows the sin. So we got to admit up to it and agree with God.
- 42:40
- When this is the case the antidote is to confess those sins to God and to obtain forgiveness.
- 42:47
- Psalm 32 5 David basically said this, I acknowledged my sin.
- 42:54
- I acknowledged my sin to you, to God. And notice what he says in my iniquity
- 43:03
- I did not hide. He wanted to come before God and says
- 43:08
- God you know it all together and here I confess. And then he goes on to say I will confess my transgressions to the
- 43:16
- Lord and you will forgive the guilt of my sin. Isn't that beautiful?
- 43:23
- And David's son Solomon said echoes almost the same comforting truth.
- 43:30
- He takes it another step which I love. Proverbs 28 13 is a very familiar verse.
- 43:36
- As I know brother Keith, this is a big one isn't it? It says he that conceals or covers his transgressions will not prosper.
- 43:51
- But here it is, but he who confesses and forsakes them will find mercy.
- 44:02
- God is willing to show His compassion to those that will come to Him in forgiveness confession and repentance.
- 44:17
- And I put the forgiveness in the front there. Actually forgiveness comes to those who confess and forsake their sin.
- 44:25
- 1 John 1 9 very familiar verse for believers right? It's one we know. But it's a good one.
- 44:32
- If we confess if we got to confess our sins
- 44:39
- He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins.
- 44:45
- And he doesn't leave it there. And to what? Cleanse us.
- 44:51
- There's a cleansing agent. What's the cleansing agent? The blood of Jesus. There's no other cleansing agent apart from the blood.
- 45:01
- The sanctifying it comes through faith in the word of God. That's the sanctifying agent. It's through the word of God.
- 45:07
- But you connect the word of God with the blood of Jesus they go hand in glove. And to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
- 45:14
- So if sin has contributed to resulted from spiritual failure or weakness well and defeat to a fallen believer that sin will be forgiven him.
- 45:26
- If he confesses. That's what he talks about. So when he cries out to God for mercy
- 45:32
- God's willing to forgive. So the elders can encourage him to confess. Only to encourage him.
- 45:38
- To help him alongside to discern. To help him discern his sins. And to join their prayers for forgiveness.
- 45:46
- For his forgiveness. I'm sorry. But only God can forgive sins. Right? Through our
- 45:51
- Lord Jesus Christ. And this is where I want to take you in closing. This is the essential element of the ministry of restoration.
- 45:59
- And again only our Lord has the power to forgive sins. And isn't that our calling as believers?
- 46:06
- All of us in a sense. Be ye reconciled to God. That's the ministry we have the ministry of reconciliation.
- 46:16
- So when there's people that's especially within the household of faith when someone falls and when they come to their senses and come and say look
- 46:25
- I want to be I need God's forgiveness. I've sinned against the Lord.
- 46:30
- Well we'll come alongside and help restore them. In gentleness. You know
- 46:37
- God's a forgiving God. Look at Jeremiah 31 -31. I know you're familiar with this verse.
- 46:45
- Jeremiah 31 -31. Listen to the word of God. The prophet
- 46:50
- Jeremiah. Behold the days are come and says the Lord and I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt.
- 47:06
- My covenant which they broke though I was a husband to them says the
- 47:11
- Lord. God was such a good God to them. He never changes. Always faithful.
- 47:16
- But they broke the covenant. They rebelled. But this he says is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days says the
- 47:26
- Lord. This is even a better covenant. That's what the book of Hebrews is all about right here.
- 47:33
- Then he says this. I will put my law in their minds. Listen to that.
- 47:39
- I and write it on their hearts. That's the new covenant.
- 47:46
- This is regeneration. And I will be their God and they shall be my people.
- 47:52
- And then he says this. No more shall every man teach his neighbor and every man his brother saying know the
- 47:59
- Lord for they all shall know me from the least of them to the greatest of them says the
- 48:06
- Lord. And then he says this beautiful promise. For I will.
- 48:13
- When God promises it you got it. He keeps his word. God says
- 48:18
- I will forgive their iniquity and their sin. I will remember no more.
- 48:26
- He puts it in the sea of forgetfulness. As far as the east is from the west.
- 48:34
- He says I will remember your sin against you no more. It's blown out. It's gone. You know no fishing.
- 48:42
- And the one that brings it up to us is the accuser of the brethren. And when the accuser of the brethren brings it up which is
- 48:49
- Satan. Just remind him what the blood of Jesus did to your sin. It's in the sea of forgiveness.
- 48:56
- Gone. Isaiah the prophet in 43 verse 25 the
- 49:02
- Lord speaks himself I even I am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake.
- 49:12
- And did you get that? For God's sake. He does it for him. It's not just for us.
- 49:18
- It's for him. And then he says I will not remember your sins.
- 49:25
- I will not remember your sins. Just repeat that a few times and you'll be in glory land.
- 49:31
- I will not remember your sins. We got something to rejoice about. So when the devil brings up your sins just remind him what
- 49:41
- Jesus did on the cross. Daniel 9 .9 Let's look at another prophet.
- 49:47
- This is three prophets. Three witnesses here. Daniel says this. To the Lord our
- 49:53
- God belong mercy and forgiveness though we have rebelled against him. Oh isn't that beautiful?
- 50:00
- To the Lord our God belong mercy and forgiveness though we have rebelled against him.
- 50:09
- Now the greatest example is not only from the prophets but from the
- 50:15
- Lord Jesus himself. And this is where I want to take us in our conclusion.
- 50:21
- Go with me to Luke chapter 23. This is probably one of the greatest acts of mercy that you will ever find ever in history.
- 50:34
- Jesus taught on the Sermon on the Mount love your enemies. He said what reward you have if you love them that love you.
- 50:43
- He says but I say to you love your enemies. You know Jesus the
- 50:48
- Master demonstrated this. He demonstrated it. He lived it.
- 50:54
- He didn't teach something like so many people do and they couldn't back it up with their life. But can
- 51:00
- I tell you the perfect God man the Lord Jesus Christ backed it up. He backed it up and when he was put on the cross he backed it up.
- 51:11
- Chapter 23 of Luke. And by the way Luke was a physician and I love physicians. He's speaking to the
- 51:17
- Gentiles and he brings out these details that only a doctor could do. And he gives us a beautiful glimpse of the cross here and the eye witness as they put
- 51:28
- Jesus and as Christ was crucified look at verse 32. So how can
- 51:33
- I apply this to everyday living? It's only through the Lord and by the Holy Spirit because I'm telling you we can't do this within our own power and strength.
- 51:41
- But we can do it in the name of the Lord of hosts. Verse 32. There were also two others criminals listen to this.
- 51:51
- This wonderful account led with him to be put to death and when they had come to the place called
- 51:57
- Calvary they crucified him. And the criminals one on the right hand and the other on the left and then
- 52:07
- Jesus said the first utterance that he gives from the cross Father forgive them for they do not know what they do.
- 52:20
- You know just think about that for a second. He prays for the ones that are literally tormenting him.
- 52:27
- He prays for both Jews that said crucify him and crucify him.
- 52:34
- He prays for the Romans that nailed him to this cross. Now I don't know about you.
- 52:44
- Could you literally pray for the enemies that literally would crucify you in shame?
- 52:53
- Jesus prayed for them. And some of the fruit of this prayer by the way can be in the salvation of thousands of people in Jerusalem all the way at Pentecost.
- 53:04
- Did you ever think about that? The seeds were sown right here. To those when the harvest came in on the day of Pentecost after Peter preached and a lot of them witnessed
- 53:16
- Jesus dying and praying. Father forgive them for they do not know what they do.
- 53:27
- MacArthur says they were not aware of their full scope of their wickedness. We're not either are we?
- 53:33
- He goes on to say this. They did not recognize him as the true Messiah. They were blind to the light of divine truth.
- 53:43
- And then Paul says in 1 Corinthians 2 .8 for if they had understood it they would have not have crucified the
- 53:50
- Lord of glory. Still in their ignorance certainly did not mean that they deserved forgiveness.
- 53:59
- Rather spiritual blindness itself was a manifestation of their guilt. But Christ's prayer, listen to this, while they were in the very act of mocking him was an expression of the boundless compassion of divine grace.
- 54:18
- End quote. Oh my goodness. Redeeming Grace Church. This is what we're all about.
- 54:25
- It's the love of Jesus Christ. Oh the love of God. How rich, how pure.
- 54:32
- How measureless, how strong. This is our song for the ages.
- 54:38
- And while we're here on this earth, that's our mission. Our mission number one is to know God. And secondly is to take this gospel to every creature.
- 54:48
- To every person. And Jesus here gives a full example of demonstrating this love.
- 54:58
- Now let's go and read further. After he prays, Father forgive them for they do not know what they do.
- 55:06
- The Bible says they divided his garments and cast lots. The people stood looking on.
- 55:14
- Just that in of itself. The people stood looking on. And even the rulers of them sneered saying, excuse me, he saved others.
- 55:25
- Let him save himself if he is the Christ, the chosen of God. Believe that was a temptation.
- 55:31
- No doubt a temptation for him to come off the cross. Could he have come off the cross? Absolutely. All he had to do was speak the word.
- 55:39
- We're talking about God almighty in the flesh. He could have came right off the cross.
- 55:44
- But he went all the way. He went a little further for our salvation. And he accomplished it.
- 55:52
- Praise God. And he didn't heed the temptations. Even though they were saying, oh yeah, he saved others.
- 55:58
- He can't even save himself. So then in verse 36, the soldiers also mocked him.
- 56:05
- Coming and offering him sour wine. And saying, if you are the king of the
- 56:12
- Jews, save yourself. Notice again, there's another temptation. Just rolls of temptations coming.
- 56:19
- Get off the cross! And then in verse 38, an inscription also was written over him in the letters of Greek, Latin and Hebrew.
- 56:31
- This is the king of the Jews. And don't you love this story? Then one of the criminals who hanged, who were hanged, blasphemed him.
- 56:44
- Saying, if you are the Christ, save yourself and us. He was just kind of going along with everybody else, saying the same thing.
- 56:53
- And as a criminal, he was doing what comes natural. Naturally sinful. Going along with the crowd.
- 57:01
- But don't you love verse 40? There's that transition, but. But the other.
- 57:08
- The other criminal. Answering. Rebuked him. Saying, do you not even fear
- 57:16
- God? Seeing you are under the same condemnation. Now think of it.
- 57:22
- These guys are being crucified. One's blaspheming. Going along with the crowd.
- 57:28
- The other one, by the grace and the, can I say this? By the sheer grace of God and the goodness of God that was upon his soul.
- 57:36
- J .C. Rowell said this was the Christ's greatest trophy. God's mercy and love was bearing upon this man's soul.
- 57:48
- And I really believe it had a lot to do with that first prayer. That when
- 57:54
- Jesus said, Father, forgive them for they do not know what they're doing.
- 58:00
- He heard it. That was the first witness of this thief.
- 58:07
- Hearing him, that gives me chills. Just to hear Jesus pray for his enemies.
- 58:13
- It was so unnatural. And this is so awesome. He says, do you not even fear
- 58:21
- God? Seeing you are under the same condemnation. We deserve to die. Now that's the spirit of God bearing on that man because he recognized he was a sinner.
- 58:32
- That's the first step into the kingdom of God. You've got to recognize you're a poor in spirit. You've got to recognize you're a sinner.
- 58:39
- And you deserve God's wrath. This man understood it. And he said this in verse 41, this is how we know.
- 58:48
- Listen to the record. We indeed justly for we receive the dear reward of our deeds.
- 58:56
- We deserve this. But this man, listen to this, has done nothing wrong.
- 59:04
- He knew he was a sinless Messiah. He knew he was the sinless son of God. And then he says, then he said to Jesus, Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom.
- 59:24
- And how did Jesus reply? This day. Jesus said to him, assuredly. I'm telling you, when
- 59:30
- Jesus says it, you can count on it. I say to you today you will be with me in paradise.
- 59:39
- Beloved, we have the assurance from God's word. And we're being forgiven. When God says it, it's done.
- 59:48
- That's enough for me. You can be forgiven.
- 59:55
- And that's what I want to leave in this message. Years I spent in vanity and pride.
- 01:00:02
- Knowing not, caring not, my Lord was crucified. Knowing not, it was for me
- 01:00:10
- He died on Calvary. Mercy there was great.
- 01:00:18
- Grace was free. The mercy that was multiplied to me because of Calvary.
- 01:00:31
- Oh the love, oh the love that drew salvation's plan. Oh the grace that He brought to man.
- 01:00:40
- Oh the mighty gulf that God did span at Calvary.
- 01:00:46
- Praise God. Jesus paid it all. And all to Him I owe. Let's pray.
- 01:00:53
- Father, what a wonderful Savior you are. We are so undeserving.
- 01:01:01
- We do not deserve this great salvation that you've given.
- 01:01:08
- So free. So great. So wonderful. Lord, you have come.
- 01:01:17
- You have come to us. And that's what the gospel does. It comes to us that are undeserving by your blessed
- 01:01:26
- Holy Spirit. Lord, if we would have first sought you, we would have ended up in hell.
- 01:01:33
- Because we would not have sought you. But you sought us first.
- 01:01:39
- You're the seeker. You are the seeker. We thank you Lord that you have come to us. So we thank you and we praise you.
- 01:01:48
- We thank you for your word today. Lord, I pray for if there's anyone that's gone astray,
- 01:01:54
- Lord, you are there. You are there to restore completely.
- 01:02:03
- To give the restoration of the soul. So Father, we thank you and we bless your name that you have provided a way for you have forgiven us through Jesus Christ and through his precious blood.
- 01:02:19
- You have taken away our sin. In Jesus name I pray. Amen and amen.