A Nation Welcomes It's Savior - [John 12:12-19]


John 12:12-19 12 The next day the large crowd that had come to the feast heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem. 13 So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, crying out, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel!” 14 And Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it, just as it is written, 15 “Fear not, daughter of Zion; behold, your king is coming, sitting on a donkey's colt!” 16 His disciples did not understand these things at first, but when Jesus was glorified, then they remembered that these things had been written about him and had been done to him. 17 The crowd that had been with him when he called Lazarus out of the tomb and raised him from the dead continued to bear witness. 18 The reason why the crowd went to meet him was that they heard he had done this sign. 19 So the Pharisees said to one another, “You see that you are gaining nothing. Look, the world has gone after him.” (ESV)


Tell me if this sounds familiar a man is deemed unfit To lead his nation.
He doesn't have the requisite skills. They say It doesn't have the right training
The elite of the nation look at him and they scoff and as he enters the capital there are many thoughts about him, but the the crowds
Love him Why? Because they've heard about his power.
They've heard about his plain speaking his bold talk And there's still others who don't really know what to make of him
But they know this when he's around things aren't boring. There's always something happening.
You never know what he's gonna say And I speak of course of the triumphal entry of the
Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem Please open your Bibles the gospel of John chapter 12
As we continue studying and really we're entering a very important phase. Now, we're entering what's called the passion week the last week
That Jesus will spend on earth John chapter 12 verse 12 the next day
The large crowd that had come to the feast heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him crying out
Hosanna blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord even the king of Israel and Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it just as it is written
Fear not daughter of Zion Behold your king is coming sitting on a donkey's colt
His disciples did not understand these things at first, but when Jesus was glorified
Then they remembered that these things had been written about him and had been done to him
The crowd that had been with him when he called Lazarus out of the tomb and raised him from the dead continued to bear witness
The reason why the crowd went to meet him was that they heard he had done this sign
So the Pharisee said to one another You see You see that you are gaining nothing
Look, the world has gone after him Now if you'll recall, of course, we have four
Gospels Matthew Mark Luke and John Matthew focuses eating on Jesus kingship establishing his lineage to and his rightful claim to the throne of David Mark emphasizing not the kingship, but the servanthood of Christ the fact that he humbly served others
Gospel of Luke focused on the humanity of Jesus logical because Luke being a physician would focus on his humanity on his even things that may be a lay person and non physician wouldn't think about and the
Gospel of John written to show that Jesus is Not merely a man, but also
God in the flesh the second person of the Trinity the long -promised
Messiah John the Apostle Apostle wants us to know as the readers of this gospel that eternal life is available exclusively through Jesus and Only by believing on him in fact from the very first words of the gospel in John 1 1
We learn about his eternality and the fact that he is truly
God that he came into this world at the father's direction and then he became truly human and being both truly
God and Truly human he is truly unique in all of human history.
There is no one like Jesus Now if you recall in chapter 11
Jesus had raised Lazarus from the dead and after that many of the
Jews therefore Who had come with Mary and had seen what he did? Believed in him.
I mean that would be logical, right? You see somebody call a man who has been dead for four days out of the tomb and he comes forth
They remove the bandages and there's Lazarus. I mean, this is no parlor trick Lord, he stinketh as the
King James says he was He was well past, you know autopsy stage
Luke was or Lazarus was dead dead dead dead What's amazing is that some who were there
Didn't believe They saw Lazarus come forth and they're like, okay, that was nice but and They went and told the
Pharisees what had happened the Pharisees for quite some time now recognized they had a problem and His name was
Jesus In fact as we go through the gospel of John if you recall even in John chapter 2
They went out and they investigated John the Baptist because they were concerned that maybe he was
Either the Messiah or a false Messiah because there were numerous false messiahs who'd come and gone so they were on the lookout for these religious leaders who
Maybe posed a threat to their power the solution
They come to in chapter 11 was clear again. They had to put him to death
So Jesus leaves the home knowing this he leaves the home of Mary Martha and Lazarus in Bethany and he goes out into the wilderness for a while with his disciples and In the meantime, the
Pharisees put the word out that if anybody knows where Jesus is if anybody knows the whereabouts
You know to use police jargon Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Jesus should let them know right away
Because they want to arrest him. They're going to put him on trial so when
Jesus returns to Bethany and There's a dinner held there chapter 12 in his honor and Lazarus is honored, too
I mean just think about that you have Jesus and the man who Jesus raised from the dead. Those are your guests of honor
That's a pretty good dinner nice place to be and if you recall
Mary anoints Jesus with expensive and An expensive anointing and art made with precious
Objects worth a lot of money and Judas objects And as we left off in chapter 12
Word had gotten around that Jesus was back and many wanted to see him and Lazarus I mean this could have they could have packed him in this could have been quite a show and The chief priest decided that not only did
Jesus have to die, but Lazarus did too Not just Jesus, but the object of his greatest miracle
Lazarus needed to die as well and at the end of our last message we read this in John chapter 12 verse 11
Because on account of him Lazarus Many of the
Jews were going away and believing in Jesus How do you negate the miracle by killing the miracle as it were?
Now this morning we're going to look at the responses of three different groups of people as Jesus enters
Jerusalem three different groups of people They're all watching the same events But they respond differently
It's like I often say, you know when people see traffic accidents when they look at it from different perspectives
They have vastly different opinions about what happened and about who was at fault Well, in this case, it's not a traffic accident.
It's a great event But they come away with different opinions and we'll discuss why
But first we're going to notice that the crowd cheers the crowd cheers the entry of Jesus Now a brief summary of what's happened in the other
Gospels Before we turn to our text the synoptic Gospels, which is to say
Matthew Mark and Luke Why do they call them the synoptic Gospels? Why? Because they
Are synopsis. They're very close to each other. They they basically Go over the same or similar material.
They do it in different fashion. They give a different emphasis, but they're they're similar in the material that they cover and the synoptic
Gospels tell us that Jesus told the disciples to go into a nearby village and Find him a donkey to ride
And we hear or we read that they actually found two a male and a female and they put their clothing over both of them
So that not having a saddle or anything like that so that he wouldn't be riding bareback on these animals
And Jesus chooses to ride on The male donkey we're not told what happened on the female donkey and it's really not important Probably went with them, but not not disclosed
But many people walk with Jesus from Bethany accompanying him and as they do so they're spreading out their garments in front of them
Their outer garments so that they're basically their robes their cloaks So that there's a pathway into the city as he's riding this donkey.
And so we pick up our text in verse 12 The next day that is to say the day after this banquet
The large crowd that had come to the feast heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him.
So the ones who had been at the feast Now come back out of Jerusalem and they grabbed palm branches and come out to meet him as he's coming down the hill
Now if we let our imaginations picture this It's really kind of amazing and thrilling I think to just think about Jesus because if you've been to Jerusalem He's riding down the
Mount of Olives and it's not it's not like a super steep Mount. He's riding down this mountain and Right on the other side of the gully really that you that you go into you've got the
Garden of Gethsemane over here And then you you're just facing right into the temple. You're going right into Jerusalem This isn't a long ride
But people are following him from Bethany. The crowds are coming up from Jerusalem to meet him
They've got palm fronds. The people are throwing clothing in front of him as he's riding down.
This is a big deal And it's about to get bigger. It's what we call
Palm Sunday. I Think it's Palm Monday, but that's for another day
But this is a glorious day But now let's just think about what
Jesus knows as he's writing in what's he thinking We don't know but it's not hard to guess
He knows what's in front of him. He's been talking about his death and now he's basically look the
Pharisees The chief priests they want to arrest it. They want him tried they want to kill him
They spread out the word far and wide and now he's walking riding directly into The lion's den as it were not surreptitiously
But ostentatiously in the best biggest way boldest way possible He knows he's heading into The last week of his earthly life and ministry
He knows that suffering and death Await him Now why palm branches?
Why are they out there waving palm branches? It's Kind of an unusual thing
Palm branches were a symbol of rejoicing Especially for a national hero for a day of national celebration
Maybe for to welcome somebody who just won a great victory a military victory
They were also palm trees were also featured on the coinage during a couple of periods of Israel's history 66 to 70
AD and then 125 or so AD which were the two periods where they rebelled against Rome and Established their own little nation waiting to get crushed by Rome which happened, but they put palm trees on there
You know, usually we put the faces of people on our coins They put palm trees on why
I think there are two reasons one is so they didn't have a graven image, right?
Nobody that they were worshiping nobody that would seem to represent the nation other than God But secondly because a palm tree if you if you study
Psalm 1 Palm tree taken care of by God flourishing the deserts is the very idea of Israel This is a nation in their minds and Biblically blessed by God kept alive by him nurtured by him
So this is a sign of national pride. It's a side a sign of dependence on God it has a lot of Significance to them these palm branches do look at verse 13 again those carrying the palm branches were crying out
Hosanna Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord even the king of Israel well, if the palm branches hinted of a mix of kind of nationalism and also
Prophecy based hope kind of a Psalm 1 sort of hope This brings it into focus
Hosanna is kind of a shout of exultation of excitement of exuberance.
They are Anticipating God Delivering them of God saving them and so they're shouting
God save Hosanna Hosanna Save them from what?
Well again the nation of Israel had lived under a Roman rule for decades So basically this is a shorthand for deliver us from Rome deliver us from our oppressors
Now to break free from Rome would require an extraordinary leader
Maybe somebody who could say bring forth the dead Bring them back to life
Who had that kind of power who had that kind of authority from God?
He would be an extraordinary deliverer. You could even call him a savior He had to be a man sent from God with the power to perform awesome and incredible miracles
Over and over again this crowd chants Hosanna the crowds grow Bigger the sound gets louder
More and more palm branches are added to the noise the exuberance
This is a moment of nearly uncontrolled fervor everything the nation had waited for and wanted
Was about to be realized this was their moments And I get it at the roots of Hosanna as the idea of Yahweh saving and the urgency of the crowd is similar to Psalm 118
Psalm 118 In fact, let's just turn there for a moment to Psalm 118
Want to read a few verses and see if this Rings true
Psalm 118. I'm going to start reading in verse 22 familiar
Words to us as we study the New Testament The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone
This is the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes This is the day that the
Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it Save us we pray.
Oh Lord. Oh Lord. We pray give us success Blessed is he who comes in the name of the
Lord We bless you from the house of the Lord Going back to John you can see how there's just this kind of excitement and they even say it here
Hosanna Hosanna Hosanna Psalm 118. We just read give us success And the crowd cites the first part of verse 26 in John 12.
They say Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord or Yahweh the covenant -keeping
God of Israel he's going to deliver us today. This is it Over and over again.
Jesus had proclaimed that he came not to do his will but the father's will and that he did not speak on his own authority
But didn't said all that the father wanted him to do and look he blessed It is he who comes in the name of Yahweh he did
He was sent to the father He always stressed that Mark adds this in Mark 11 10
Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David Hosanna in the highest they were shouting the
Jewish crowd knew that the Davidic line would one day be restored and there would be a Descendant of David on the throne of Israel They thought this was that time
They knew that Jesus was a descendant of David or they believed that he was and in fact
He is the chosen heir to Sit on that throne. It's just not yet But this massive
Jewish crowd was looking for the reestablishment of the Davidic throne right then They wanted a political victory from a political
Savior and they wanted it now But Jesus purpose is clear in clear contrast to the desires of the crowd look at verse 14 and Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it
John doesn't explain the process of how Jesus gets the donkey. We've already talked about that as given in the other
Gospels He just tells us that Jesus is riding But it really shows us the contrast of the cheering crowd if you think about why would anybody choose to ride a donkey?
Go and find me a donkey to ride donkey, I Know what?
I would have said I waited Are you sure you don't want like a big stallion?
I mean like one of those those Clydesdale things something really impressive, right? It should be big and massive and really intimidating.
That's what you want Make it a donkey. So why a donkey when
I think of a donkey I think of two things slow and stubborn
You know, some of you are probably thinking about a cartoon character that you saw in a movie stop thinking about that Here's what you're not thinking.
I'd like to ride a donkey into battle How about a battle donkey, you know,
I want to get my lance and my armor and I want to ride a donkey No, no, that's probably not what you're thinking the fast fearless furious donkey
So why a donkey? John tells us verse 14 Just as it is written fear not daughter of Zion behold.
Your king is coming sitting on a donkey's Colt When you see those words it is written.
What does that mean? Means it was prophesied in the Old Testament and In fact, that's from Zechariah 9 9
Rejoice greatly. Oh daughter of Zion shout aloud. Oh daughter of Jerusalem behold. Your king is coming to you righteous and Having salvation as he humble and mounted on a donkey on a
Colt the foal of a donkey Why is he coming on a donkey?
Well, first of all to fulfill prophecy But secondly because a donkey is not
Intimidating a donkey is not an animal of war He's not here for war.
Look what it what it says Fear not
Well, if he was on some big horse, there might be a reason to fear him But again in Zechariah your king is coming to you
Jesus is their king whether they want to receive him or not Also says that he is righteous or just He's not only without sin, but everything he does is right and everything he says is right having salvation
Their salvation and no other humble not bragging about himself, but Speaking the words that his father gives him now you see words like the daughter of Zion You think well, what does that mean that talks about all the people of Jerusalem?
It's just talking about the Inhabitants of the city and they should all rejoice why because the day of the unveiling of the king is here
The day when he comes to his people is here and he's riding this male donkey in perfect fulfillment of prophecy
Again if it were if he were to be a conqueror a military hero a political hero he would ride a stallion to exude an air of Invincibility of supremacy,
I mean we would not think of any of the great conquerors of history
Alexander the Great or Genghis Khan or Napoleon any of these men riding into combat or trying to lead their men from the back of a donkey a
Conqueror would want to strike fear into those Who saw him? Jesus wanted to be approachable.
He came in humility He showed grace to those who humbly approached him it's amazing to listen to how some people talk about Jesus as Something other than what he presented himself as one who redeems from sin like the power of Jesus is only to heal people or it is primarily to make sure that we're
Excuse me wealthy and by and large that large this crowd was no different What Jesus offered what he proclaimed was not what they wanted
Well, why was that? Why was it that they so misconstrued who he was
Primarily it's because they didn't believe Unbelievers always want help in the here and now
Right. What good is it to me after I die in one sense? They're right. What good is it as?
Believers we need to understand that our current circumstances do not dictate either our attitude about our circumstances or our ultimate destination
These people wanted War they wanted war with Rome they wanted freedom
From Rome Jesus offered Peace with God Freedom from the bondage of sin
Rome was not his concern Rome was not his enemy Their motivation was political freedom.
So the crowds cheering because they think they have a political Messiah Our second group is the disciples and frankly, they're just confused
They don't know what to do It's somewhat surprising given the fact that they've been with Jesus daily
For over three years It's amazing how little they understood of what he said and here one of them
John the beloved Apostle Has a moment where you can almost You know as he's writing this in 90
AD decades after the events You can almost hear him as he's writing this down kind of take a minute and smack his head
If I may say look at verse 16 His disciples did not understand these things at first but When Jesus was glorified
Once they saw the risen Savior, right? Then they remember that these things have been written about him and had been done to him a true confession
From John he didn't get it in Retrospect as he looks back on it now
He gets it Well, why what's the difference? for one thing the
Holy Spirit John 16 13 and 14 When the Spirit of truth comes the
Holy Spirit he will guide you into all the truth For he will not speak on his own authority
But whatever he hears he will speak and he will declare to you the things that are to come
And listen to this verse 14 He will glorify me for he will take what is mine and declare it to you.
He will take what I've said and Explain it to you That part is my
Addition to it. He's going to explain to you the things that you didn't get while I was here
All the truths that Jesus taught them that went straight over their head that they completely missed the
Holy Spirit's going to make Clear to them at the appointed time Now to be fair if you think about it again
If you're a disciple and you're with Jesus and you're coming down the Mount of Olives and you see this just unfolding
All these people coming out all these people coming with you all the Hosannas and the clothes and all this stuff and the palm fronds and all the noise
This pretty much seems like this is as good as it's going to get. This is great.
I mean even For a moment think about Judas Iscariot. He must have thought that his ship had really come in Because he was after money he was after power and he just thought finally now we're getting somewhere, you know
This is what I was after. They were after all
Jews and they knew the Old Testament and they saw this fulfillment and they wanted deliverance from Rome too and They saw this they had to be confused.
They'd heard what Jesus said. Yeah, but look at this Look at this.
This is incredible. You could not ask for more than this
Now to just kind of add to the confusion. Look at verse 17 The crowd that had been with him when he called
Lazarus out of the tomb and raised him from the dead Continued to bear witness.
That's an imperfect tense. It means it was just ongoing It means it was almost frantic when one of these people got through telling somebody then they went to somebody else
And it was just ongoing boom -boom -boom -boom -boom -boom -boom. Well, who what were they doing? Verse 18 the reason why the crowd went to meet him was they heard that he had done this sign
They're telling him again and again about Raising Lazarus from the dead telling all these people
People are getting more and more excited as they hear more and more as they discover more and more about who
Jesus is And keep in mind the time of the year too, this is
Passover People from all over are coming into Jerusalem to celebrate one of the big holidays of the year
So Jerusalem's packed. It's full Bulging with people and many of the visitors knew of Jesus.
I Mean, it's hard not to have heard about his many miracles and the miracle of raising
Lazarus from the dead that just Raised his stature all the more And when word gets around that he's on his way to Jerusalem, they go out to meet him now those people are being met by those who were in Bethany are coming down the hill and Again the sense is that they've these witnesses are telling these people about the miracles
They were eager listeners. They wanted to hear they had eager testifiers I mean, this is like the perfect evangelism situation, right people actually want to hear about Jesus and There are people who want to tell them about Jesus.
Sometimes I think Maybe there are people that want to hear more than we're willing to say but in this case the people are eager to hear it and Other people are eager to tell it the motivation of those testifying for Jesus.
They love Jesus But they've not understood his prophecies concerning his death they don't understand that Nor have they understood the complete his complete lack of worldly motives that he's not interested in power
His kingdom was not of the world even thinking, you know a few days forward Peter's gonna cut off the ear of one of the one of the guards
While these people trust him while the disciples trust him they know him they've devoted their lives to him
They really don't understand what is going on here or where this is all heading what are we doing?
This seems Incredible, but where's this all going? So we've seen firstly the crowd cheers second group.
The disciples are confused and our third group The Pharisees are cheerless.
I want to keep it all C's cheers They're cheering the crowd cheers
Disciples are confused and the Pharisees are cheerless verse 19. So the Pharisees said to one another
You see that you are gaining nothing Look the world has gone after him
We're kind of again taken behind the curtains into the discussions of the Pharisees and we see what
There is some dissension here. But this is kind of like I told you so I told you it was a bad idea to Take it easy to go slow to not really press the case against Jesus and seize him
You guys wanted us to be patient. You were thinking that this whole Jesus thing was just gonna fall apart
It was a fad just like all the fake Messiahs before Jesus It was all just gonna blow up and we weren't gonna have to worry about Jesus We'd just be able to go, you know someday to his house and pick him up and arrest him and put him up on a cross
But that's not the case instead now Everyone is following him.
We've lost control of this thing. We the religious leaders can't control this mob
It's cheerless really is an understatement they're panicked they're not just dismayed they're panicked
Witnessing the joyous and loud celebration of the people hearing the words
Knowing that they came from Zechariah Knowing that they were echoing Psalm 118
Knowing that they were anticipating this political deliverance How is that gonna work out for the
Pharisees Not real well a Revolution was a problem for them.
You're gonna have the Romans Probably throwing them all in jail Ransacking the temple who knows what's gonna happen
To the Pharisees it seemed indeed like the whole world was going after Jesus like they were all gonna follow him
Jews from Bethany testifying about how Jesus had raised a man from the dead Galileans and local
Jews Rushing to greet this man with palm branches All as he rides a cult of the city just shouts of Hosanna It was as if everything they knew everything they believe was all falling apart right before their eyes he had to be stopped
And there could be no more delays But how could they stop the momentum?
the popularity How could they put an end to what seemed like an incredible level of support
We'll see how they put an end to it, but not today But think about this crowd
How they longed for deliverance How they yearned to be free from the yoke of the godless
Romans If only they had a leader if only somebody had the power to overthrow these
Romans Then Jesus comes in and they think this is one who could do it
They wanted a sword -bearer But Jesus was a sin -bearer
They wanted someone to deliver them from the rule of Rome But Jesus came to deliver them from the wrath of God They wanted a better life now, but he came that they might have eternal life
The Jewish throng was more than willing to declare Jesus both Messiah and King amazing to think that in a few days
Because we're talking about this is either Sunday or Monday by Thursday Friday they want him dead.
They're chanting crucify him They're asking Pilate to let a revolutionary and a murderer go and to crucify
Jesus They stand by as he's mocked and beaten and scorned and a cross
Inscribed over it with King of the Jews is raised Hosanna means save now
The Jewish crowds were imploring Yahweh to act through this man to rescue their nation
And they were sure that he could do it and a few days later they want to put him to a humiliating death
Why the change what happened they came to understand what he would and would not do and In their humans a humaneness in their depravity in their sinfulness.
They rejected Jesus many today would name the name of Christ, but When they hear his claims on their lives
When they hear what he taught Deny yourself. They say and that's not the
Jesus. I believe in take up your cross and follow me.
That's not the Jesus I believe in when they hear of the coming judge
That's not the Jesus. I believe in the Jesus. I believe in is love He's only love.
That's all he is in 2 ,000 years really nothing has changed
Apart from a work of the Holy Spirit apart from the regeneration of the
Holy Spirit No one will ever Accept Jesus as he is What about you today?
Do you know Jesus as? He presents himself in Scripture. Are you trusting in him alone?
Can you say with confidence? That you are heaven -bound because of the life death burial and resurrection of the
Lord Jesus Christ If that's not you and you're here today if you're not sure of where you're going if you don't know
Jesus as Your Redeemer. I urge you to talk to somebody here Talk to one of the believers one of the members of our church here today
Let us show you the Jesus that we know and love the Jesus of the Bible not the
Jesus of the imagination of men Let's pray our
Father in heaven, it's almost beyond our comprehension. There's such a glorious entry into Jerusalem So many people so happy so thrilled
So exuberance For Jesus riding in on a donkey
Could then in the space of a few days turn Chant for him to be put to death crucify him they say
Crucify him I wonder how many times we read this story
We always hope for maybe a different outcome That they'll want Barabbas Crucified that they'll let
Jesus go But father it was your will to crush him He had to die an unjust death that we might have eternal life
He had to be scourged and disfigured beyond what any man would ever suffer
That we might be adopted into your family
Father it's no wonder the disciples were confused because The grace that is necessary to understand the gospel to just believe it to simply believe that you want us to just Trust you is so hard It can only be granted by your spirit
Father would you convict us of the simplicity of the gospel of Jesus Christ?
His life for ours His righteousness for our sin Lord bless each one here.