Last Program for a Week—Enjoy!


Covered a wide range of topics today. Started off with Tim Keller’s tweets regarding voting and abortion, then moved into Anthony Bradley’s assertion that the Puritans would be alt-right racists in 2020. Talked a little about the CDC’s promoting critical race theory, and then read an article by a “former Christian” feeding into the panic from HuffPo. Finished off (starting at 55 minutes into the program) with a discussion of New Testament and Qur’anic textual criticism in response to an article by Bassam Zawadi. 90 minutes total. No programs next week, as Rich and I will both be out of town the entire week, and even on the one day when he would be back, I will be stuck with an access speed of about 2400 baud! Visit the store at

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and doing nothing at 1080p today we have the connection difficulty fixed for the moment you know it was fine till a month ago and then it stopped being fine so it could stop being fine a month from now but you you're thankful for what you've got while you've got it and I don't know why anyone needs to look at me at 1080p anyways that's sort of scary to me
I think 640 by 480 was just fine I think that's a very good resolution my first digital camera is 640 by 480 and I think that's
I think that's great anyway a few things did happen actually now that we're now that we're having to be honest and think about it a few things did happen well those things that took place happened in the
Twitter verse and so let's go ahead and and talk about the
Twitter verse for just a moment yes I was turning the air -conditioning down which I forgot doing it came in my books do not need to have it quite as cool as I am comfortable with but anyway most of you would find what we are comfortable with to be very uncomfortable in other parts of the nation
I can I can assure you of that dr. Timothy Keller I have to obviously we approach the current situation praying for dr.
Keller's health of course but I also recognize that his
Twitter account as we have noted for years says that his son posts there too
I think that's very confusing but I'm going to assume that if you allow your name to appear and you've got little check next to your name that what appears there actually represents your perspectives and since an entire thread on freedom of conscience and politics was posted that is highly consistent with dr.
Keller's positions expressed elsewhere I'm going to assume that these represent dr. Keller's position and in essence the argument was being made that there are numerous moral issues in which the
Bible identifies the immorality of an action but does not necessarily identify the proper and wisest methodology for dealing with the presence of a sinful behavior violation of God's law etc within a society and basically a lot of people understood this to be saying that the upcoming election
United States is in essence morally neutral that you can look at various aspects of what will be represented by the two sides and say this is a toss -up of course
I just immediately stop and say okay we need to understand that if Kamala Harris is elected president and that's what we're talking about here whoever fills that office from that side has already said has already publicly committed to the
Equality Act the Equality Act is the end of religious freedom United States it is you can't argue that no no one can possibly argue that the
Equality Act is anything other than the end of religious liberty in the United States it is the end of religious education
United States it is the enshrinement of homosexuality transgenderism and yes now
I don't see how you can avoid polygamy polyamory and pedophilia in all of that be on on what logical ground are you going to argue against the pedophiles who are now crawling out of the woodwork once you have abandoned any kind of Judeo -Christian understanding of humanity sexuality once you let
Darwin finish his work assisted by Foucault and Derrida and all the much lesser lights who have followed them into the public square over the past 20 years you you have you have no foundation for arguing any of the old ways of human dignity human value sexual mores etc so you just don't we're just animals we're stardust we are we are chemicals fizzing and it all just becomes whatever fashion the fizz is is the way is is these days so the the problem is that the left has defined itself fundamentally as opposing anything that can be defined as Christianity it has defined itself as opposing
God's definition of male and female God's definition of marriage God's definition of sexuality
God's definition of the family God's definition of the government God's definition of anything that's moral and good including inserting government into the role of the giver of charity which it does extremely poorly and in fact creates more and more poor for its own purposes so I have yet to have someone left be able to explain to me in any type of rational way how you can just simply throw your hands up say well it's toss -up it's toss -up you've got that abortion thing but we've got caring for the poor no you've got creating the poor not caring for the poor providing opportunities for the poor that's caring for the poor creating more poor is not caring for the poor but but yeah you've got the abortion thing we've got caring for the poor and you've got the transgender thing but we got caring for the poor and you've got the end of religious liberty but we've got caring for the world that that's all that's all it ends up boiling down to they they cannot come up with any kind of meaningful way of getting around the fact that the one side is not saying is not saying that abortion is a bad thing that we should try to limit just not limited in the way that the people on the right that that's what it was in the late 1980s maybe that's not what it is today that's not what it is today so Timothy Keller wrote the following tweet some folks are missing the point of this thread the
Bible tells me that abortion is a sin and great evil notice he didn't say was murder
Dr. Keller isn't murder right there in New York City will you will you stand up and say abortion is the murder of unborn children yes or no
I want to know I think a lot of people would like to know will you say that the
Bible tells an abortion is a sin and great evil but it doesn't tell me the best way to decrease or end abortion in this country nor which policies are most effective
I guess is what happens when you live in New York City for a long long period of time the
Bible doesn't tell me the way to decrease or end abortion in this country you see the problem here is you could say that about gluttony you could say that because I mean gluttony is is a serious thing the
Bible does identify gluttony as a sin right yeah but that's one of the lesser sins well it can lead to death it has many times led to death in fact it's leading to death right now one of the leading comorbidity factors in COVID -19 deaths is morbid obesity the result of gluttony so it could be a life and death thing so we can talk about how to decrease gluttony but when we're talking about this issue the assumption of dr.
Keller's words is that there's somebody on the left that wants to talk about decreasing or ending abortion abortion is the sacrament of the religion of the left you you try you just try to stand up and say abortion is wrong and maintain any position in the
Democratic Party today good luck it's not gonna happen and you know it the
Joe Biden a hypocrite I don't know if he remembers being a hypocrite to be perfectly honest with you but for many years he supported the
Hyde Amendment he supported not forcing all Americans to pay for abortions but to become the presidential nominee he has turned his position does not provide us with any logical or rational reasoning for that of course because there isn't any but he's done so because he's a politician and a hypocrite so Kamala Harris we know voted to not protect the victims of abortion who are born a lot to allow them to die once they're they're born and infanticide so we're talking about people here who worship at the at the altar of Moloch these are these are our people who are supporting the murder of unborn children right left and center as a moral good this is the left in the
United States today this is who they are and they consider it a moral good you are against women's health care if you say otherwise you are against reproductive rights if you say else otherwise that's their position so dr.
Keller's tweet doesn't make any sense because it assumes that there is some way to vote for the left as a best way to decrease or end abortion in this country the left does not want any limitation in any form even as mild a form as if the poor baby survives the abortion don't stab it to death after it's born no no no no no that's your left that's that's what you're that's what dr.
Keller is saying well you know that that might that might be the best way to decrease abortion in this country really this is what happens when you're in New York too long it's just sort of the it's in the air
I guess that's I made it maybe that's a good thing that everyone's leaving New York get out in the fresh air maybe whatever is is they've been spraying from the top of the buildings will stop having the effect that's been having
I don't know but what struck me when
I read this thread and then this concluding statement was no you need to understand that there is one side now one side is filled with cowards and people motivated by greed and people who say they believe things they don't really say they're hypocrites because they're politicians
I get that I get it but one side has been very clear and very open in putting up the statue of Moloch and the altar and telling the world put us in power and every will force everyone to worship at this altar and this altar includes not only the murder of unborn children but unfettered sexual license to do anything look at California hello look at New York look at what they're doing unfettered sexual behavior is coming we've been saying this forever there is no logical or rational reason to draw a line in the sand anywhere the only reason that anyone is drawn a line the sand in the past was because they knew it would be so grossly offensive to anyone who still has a conscience and so they've got to get votes and so they've pretended we would never promote such a thing when there's nothing in their worldview to stop them from promoting such a thing dr.
Keller isn't looking at worldview here how can he not how can he not what is the worldview of the left in this situation why is abortion the sacrament of the left why is unfettered sexual license and no definitions no male no female remember
Joe Biden I think it was before kovat he wouldn't remember but I think it was before kovat was literally saying if it was late last year
October November was saying transgender rights are the key civil rights issue of our day now he's not doing that anymore because well the wind changed and now it's now the winds filled with smoke but the wind changed and so everything's altered but that's what he said remember we talked about in the program transgender rights the key civil rights issue of our day anyone who believes that you cannot as a
Christian vote for that person without sacrificing your mind and your integrity in the process how can you do that transgenderism is a fundamental denial of the right of Jesus Christ to define his own creation that's what it is so how can you how can you say well yeah this person denies the
Lordship of Christ in life in sexuality in marriage he promotes absolute godlessness the exact opposite of what scripture teaches but because this stuff over here it's okay because he wants a nanny state that's okay um all right there you go
I don't understand that I reject it I cannot believe that anyone could ever stand up for 20 minutes and defend that in a debate but there you go um
I I will not speculate as to what has caused this kind of a change over the decades
I cannot imagine I cannot imagine if a politician stood up in 1990 only 30 years ago 30 years ago it's not that long ago folks can you imagine somebody who stood up 30 years ago and promoted what
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris promote today and Timothy Keller going you know gotta have your freedom you know one way or the other it's you know there might be reasons to vote for you know someone promoting gay marriage and uh and transgenderism and uh filling eight -year -old boys with uh with uh puberty blocking hormones uh on government demand and oh sure yeah gotta have your conscience gotta have there there might be that might be the best way to handle things now the best way to handle things is defined by God's word and God's word says those things are evil and so yeah so a lot of folks were comparing and contrasting the east coast and the west coast uh because you have
Dr. Keller in New York City epicenter of Marxist broiling violence uh in the
United States on the east coast and then you have John MacArthur on the west I understand that today or were they supposed to be in court today or was that yesterday
I forget when it was I haven't seen any uh any updates as far as I'm sure they're going to be charged minimally with um contempt um but uh there you go um that's that's situation we're facing there we continue to pray for Grace Community Church uh because the position that God has put them in they're in uh the
Soviet Socialist Republic of California and uh or maybe Chinese Communist Republic of California which the
Soviets are sort of out of date the the current folks who are clearly um did you notice uh
I was a little out of touch with uh some stuff uh reminding myself of what 2400 bod uh internet access is like uh up in the place that I stayed for a few days last week
I'll be staying for more days this week um my one little getaway this year as far as cycling goes uh you can pray if if you like the program pray that I don't fall off the mountain if you don't like the program pray that I will fall off the mountain uh this coming uh this coming week um because uh we're doing some uh some ridiculous uh amount of of climbing at a very high altitude but anyway uh
I caught uh Tucker Carlson's interview with the
Chinese virologist who Michael Fallon and Kathy had interviewed a month earlier yes yes they had um so Tucker's just catching up and uh then she gets banned by Twitter and Tucker gets bounced off Facebook uh for uh doing this interview none of those people could even begin to interact with the information which if you don't understand it what the
Chinese virologist is saying is that you can look at the genetic makeup of the virus and identify certain aspects of the genome that this comes from there and that comes from there and that comes from there but there's nothing naturally occurring that has all of them together which means somebody's been using
CRISPR technology to create stuff in a lab in Wuhan um and now how it got out lots of theories uh the fact that just happened to happen in 2020 that you know hey uh that's just all coincidence but all yeah yeah what
I found most interesting was how surprised Tucker was because he knew what she was going to say he didn't know how far it was going to go and halfway into that interview he's like this this is even worse than I thought when we brought that surprised me to be honest with you that surprised me because I knew
I knew what she had to say uh weeks ago and and what it meant and it doesn't surprise me who was who was the person that took heat in like February or March for daring to say that you don't understand communists if you don't realize there were literally people saying they'd never release this on their own people and I'm like are you nuts do you not understand communism at all have you not read a single history book of the last century
I think that's been the problem is that the we have somewhere along the line since you and I went to school a major disconnect with that side of history and people are sitting back going oh these people are wonderful oh yeah well the say that to the million ccp has been pouring millions and millions and millions into every um every college university
United States and sadly through other sources into seminaries in the United States and that's why there's no backbone for someone to say communism is a godless evil it is a scourge upon the planet and um as a result you get that kind of stuff well anyway um not quite along the same lines but interestingly interesting as well uh dr anthony bradley if you want someone who has gone through a massive paradigm shift as many people like him have over the past 10 years you can look at a series a thread of tweets that he posted on september 10th
I believe and um I didn't see them initially because of course he banned me a long time ago he detests reform baptists he he not only misrepresents this horrifically and doesn't care at all and knows better that's the that's the hard part is he's a very intelligent man but he's he's a very he has a lot of animus um and animosity toward toward others sadly um and so he had a whole series just going after the puritans and just and if you ask him anything and this has been his mo for a long long time instead of answering your question he just links you to an amazon book as if he's the only one who reads books and so he doesn't figure anybody else's red book um but this is this is one of the this is 6 13 p .m
september 10th how is anyone a fan of english or american puritans giving their racial views if 17th and 18th assuming century puritans were in the us in 2020 they'd be the leaders of alt -right arian nation white supremacist christian organizations while very pious