F4F | Throne Builders Accidentally Admit They're NOT Hearing from God

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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. If you for whatever reason thought the
Throne Builders were like legit prophets, go ahead and hit the subscribe button and don't forget to ring the bell, you've been deceived.
The Throne Builders apparently are homeless and we're going to check in with their
YouTube channel from the Prophetic Word for the week of August 12, 2018, and note that they inadvertently in this video admit that they're not hearing from God.
And I'll explain biblically why that's the case when we get there, and I'll even give a little biblical advice to Tom and Krista so that they can actually get in line and get under the will of what
God really wills for them, which we can all find, by the way, in the written Word of God. But let me whirl this up, and here's the
Prophetic Word for the week of August 12, 2018, where Tom and Krista Shirley accidentally admit they're not hearing from God.
Here we go. Hey everybody, Thomas and Krista here with Throne Builders. Hi everybody, how you doing? And I think they're doing good, but we can't actually hear you, so we're guessing.
But we wanted to—our video's a little bit late this week, in case you didn't notice, coming out on Tuesday, because we're actually filming it on Tuesday.
Why? Tell them why, Tom. I was going to actually—okay. So why is because we have been—God has been over the last two weeks making it clear to us that it's time for us to leave the region where we are and go back on the road.
Yes. What? To leave the region and go back on the road.
What does that mean? Okay. But if any of you are familiar with our journey, we left
September of last year, left a seven -year wilderness in Idaho where we had been. You left a seven -year wilderness in Idaho.
That's a big wilderness. It's a long one, too, yeah. Not quite 40 years, though. Marvelously trained by God.
All of our doctrine was revamped, our philosophy, approach, mindset, heart sets, lots of changes.
Yeah, and their seven -year Idaho wilderness, their whole theology was revamped. Yay! A lot of healing in our home and healing of our bodies took place during that seven -year wilderness.
Last September, we were finally able to break free and make a mad dash for the state of Florida, which is where God told us to come.
It was a very difficult trip, and we had a lot of hardships along the way, and finally, we thought we're settling down in April of this year, the latter part of March, actually.
We were excited because we thought that, though we hadn't received what we didn't promise because God showed us when we came to Florida, we were going to be given a property with a farmhouse on it.
So let me see if I got this straight. You left your seven -year wilderness in Idaho, moved to Florida because you think
God told you that somebody was going to give you a property with a farmhouse on it in Florida.
Okay. On that property, we were going to be able to raise free -range chickens and have other farming things, including raising crops, so that we could begin to make our impact in the food industry because this is one of the many areas that we really have a heart for.
So with this gifted property, you were going to do the free -range chicken thing and impact the food industry.
Food source has been corrupted through the GMOs and all the chemicals that are used to give us what we call food, and so we have the most mutated and overweight generation ever in our country right now.
It's one of the worst countries in the world for this because our American government has just accepted the lobbyists' bribes and everything.
So clearly, Tom and Krista are victims. Just saying. Personal temporary profit.
They've really forfeited generations, and so one of the things that's in our heart is to bring things back. So we knew when we got here that was going to happen, but it didn't.
You knew that was going to happen. God told you that it was going to happen, but it didn't. And see, right there, he just admitted he ain't hearing from God.
Let me explain. Now, I'm going to read this passage out in its entirety because the last time I brought this up and put it out on YouTube, somebody actually challenged me and said, the
Bible doesn't teach that false prophets are to be put to death. And I was actually quoting this text, and I skipped that part, so I'm going to include it so that you can see it in its entirety.
But we're over at Deuteronomy chapter 18 where we find one. There are more than one test for a prophet, but we find one of the major tests for a prophet found in Deuteronomy 18, and we'll read it out in its entirety so that I don't get challenged regarding the death penalty for false prophets, at least in the theocracy of Israel in the ancient days.
Deuteronomy 18, 15, Yahweh your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your brothers.
It is to him you shall listen. So this is a prophecy regarding Jesus and the prophet like you is
Moses. So just as you desired of Yahweh your God at Horeb on the day of the assembly when you said let me not hear again the voice of the
Lord my God or see this great fire anymore lest I die, and the
Lord said to me they are right in what they have spoken, I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers, and I will put my words in his mouth.
And he shall speak to them all that I command him. And so this is a prophecy regarding Christ.
So whoever will not listen to my words that he shall speak in my name, I myself will require it of him.
But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.
So yes, Deuteronomy 18 makes it very clear that the penalty for somebody giving a false prophecy in the ancient theocracy of Israel was death.
This was a capital crime. So now if you say in your heart, how may we know the word that Yahweh has not spoken?
When a prophet speaks in the name of Yahweh, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that Yahweh has not spoken.
The prophet has spoken it presumptuously, you need not be afraid of him. In other words, the presumptuous prophet penalty gets put into effect.
So here's the thing, Tom and Christa Shirley just said that they moved to Florida after their seven year
Idaho wilderness wandering, where their whole theology was revamped. And God told them that when they got to Florida, somebody was going to give them a farm property where they could raise free range chickens, it would have a farmhouse on it, and that they were going to use that property to utterly change the food industry in the
United States. None of that happened. And they just admitted that none of that happened, but they claimed that God told them that.
And so by doing so, Tom and Christa Shirley have just admitted that they are false prophets.
That's right. Tom being a false prophet, Christa being a false prophetess. So you get the idea.
They're not hearing from God. These people just admitted it. But this is such an interesting video.
I'll back it up just a little bit so that we can hear a little bit more of this again as they regale us with this very interesting odyssey of theirs.
Because our American government has just accepted the lobbyists' bribes and everything. So for their own personal temporary profit, they've really forfeited generations.
And so one of the things that's in our heart is to bring things back. So we knew when we got here that was going to happen, but it didn't. Instead we were on a, you know, here and here and here.
Ten months off and on trip. It was crazy. I mean, we saw amazing provision, we saw
God do miracles, but it was not easy. So we're going to tell you about how it just really started,
I think, in May, right before you went to Africa. So we finally just settled for this house.
And in settling for this house, we settled for much less than what we had been told. And we figured, well, it's a 12 -month lease, so God must want us here for a year, and we'll just keep building our online presence and try to—
Yeah, why don't you go with the obvious? God didn't tell you this. You ain't hearing from God.
Connect with people in the community and see if something comes from it. There's been a deadness in this area and to the house and the location, the neighborhood, because none of it is where we belong.
And in the process of this being in this house, the finances have shut down and the anointing has just kind of come to a bit of a halt.
Yeah, the finances have shut down. Yeah. In other words, they're not able to pay their bills.
But not like it was. Right. And as we really began to seek God, he revealed some witchcraft strategies used against us by the
Christian covens that we've mentioned. Oh no, they're the victims of witchcraft strategies.
You see, they're total victims here. I mean, they're just wanting to do the work of the Lord and follow his voice.
And so they experience witchcraft strategies by Christian covens.
Yeah, let me back that up so you can hear that again. Kind of come to a bit of a halt.
It's still flowing, but not like it was. As we really began to seek God, he revealed some witchcraft strategies used against us by the
Christian covens that we've mentioned and also by some people in Africa that had decided to curse us because we weren't giving them a bunch of money.
And some nameless Africans cursed you too because you refused to give them money. Boy, this is quite the story.
Yeah, yeah. So we, as God exposed these, we broke those things off and then the clarity began to come.
This door is closed for you here. Get ready to go back on the road. Because why? The flow is in the go.
That's right. Let's try that again. The flow is in the go.
All I can think about is their number two video. Just saying. Flow is in the go.
And so... That wasn't very smooth. That was not smooth at all, but we'll just have to be smooth another time.
So I just want to encourage all you guys out there on YouTube land that a lot of you have been called to a life of travel, a life that seems very odd and strange and like us, we've had to step out so many times, sporadically sell everything.
Life of travel. We've had to do this a lot. In other words, time can't hold down a job. And so we get on the road and we engage in con men tactics in order to put food on the table.
Over the last 12 years, it's been a wild ride for us.
We've seen many miracles. We have seen people come out of nowhere. We broke down. People have given us vehicles.
We've had people throw money in our windows on the highway. We've had people throw bottles of water in our car when we were stranded.
We have had all kinds of weird, crazy things going on, but we know that God has told us to go again on the road and it is, yes, it's not an easy road for any of us, but...
So they're homeless because God told them to go on the road.
No, God didn't tell you to do any of that. Yeah. Let me give you some biblical advice, Tom. And this is from the book of Ephesians chapter four, which is a chapter we go to, to find clear instruction from God, the voice of God inscripturated in the
Bible to tell us what good works are as Christians. And I could give you no better word from God than this word,
Ephesians 4 .25, Let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another.
Be angry. Do not sin. Do not let the sun go down on your anger. Give no opportunity to the devil.
Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands so that he may have something to share with anyone in need.
In other words, Tom, it's time for you to put away the charade and actually go and find a real job to really care for your real wife and your real daughter at this point.
I think your son is old enough to do his own thing. And quit blaming your drifting on God, the
Holy Spirit, because God, the Holy Spirit has made it very clear that the good works we do are in our vocation.
So get a real job working with your real hands and stop chasing after these winds of the
Spirit, because God clearly, you just inadvertently admitted it, isn't talking to you.
These are all delusions of your own mind, or they are intentional deceptions on your part.
Either way, it's not good for you. So repent of this nonsense. You're not a prophet. You're not hearing from God, and God has not told you to go on the road again.
God has told you in his word to get a job. So if you found this helpful and useful, please share this video with other people.
All the information on how you can share it and support us is down below. So until next time, may
God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.