The Social Justice Two Step


Listening and Lamenting mean a lot more than meets the eye.


Hey guys, it's some more car sessions by the beach I I'm sitting out here.
My wife is at the beach. I'm in Southern, California visiting family and Decided I would do a few podcasts.
So here's one of them very quick thought for you but I think a really important one and I'm calling it the social justice two -step because I was reading a book by Lisa Sharon Harper.
She's a rising star in I guess you could call it the Christian social justice movement. I don't know and Anyway, she has a section in the book
There's so much false teaching in this book, but there's one section in particular that made me realize
Okay, this is the kind of thing I've heard so often and it's really so simple. And so I just wanted to share with you
How how social justice advocates force their fusion of neo -marxism critical theory
Liberation theology and evangelicalism generally on to evangelical
Christians and It's two things It's listening number one and lamenting number two, and that's those are the words they generally use you need to listen
You need to lament so two L's we can remember that and I call it the social justice two -step and here's the reason it's all they need to do if they can get you to do those two things to Start the process of converting you into a social justice advocate like them and The There it's a kind of deceptive because the listen isn't really listen and the lament is more it's more than lament
It's more than listening. It's more than lamenting, but those are the words that they use so kind of like a Trojan horse or a
Motten Bailey there, you know, hey, there's no harm in listening, right? And you think oh, yeah, of course, there's not there's no harm in lamenting right?
Okay. You're not doing anything well for those who want to stay away from reparations or some of the you know, just more crazy and And just outlandish things that social justice advocates want to push they
They will be told they're kind of approached with baby steps. They will be told well just listen then and with packed within this board listen is
Giving up your critical thinking Letting someone else do the thinking for you because they're the experts because they have oppression and they know more or because they're
Sociologists and they've studied the issue. Whatever it is They're the experts and you need to listen to them.
You need to submit to them Let them do the thinking for you. It's time for you to turn off your critical faculties
You're not it's none of your business to evaluate what they're going to tell you. You just need to imbibe it
You need to digest it. You need to You need to swallow it. It's it's it's yours now and You don't have a right to think about this issue is you're giving up something very important, which is your critical faculty and You're You're starting out by Admitting that you are not capable of thinking through some issue of justice some issue related to justice and so you need these other perspectives and Once that that first step is accomplished.
The second step isn't very hard second step is lament So Someone else is doing the thinking for you a social class a representative of a social class self -proclaimed representative more often an expert of some kind in sociology or some academic field and Once you submit to them and that they they can interpret the
Bible for you. They can tell you what justice really is They know more about the situation than you you're just so limited and you'll never know so you need to rely on their wisdom
Then you lament because you turns out in the story that they weave for you you're guilty somehow or someone else is guilty, but you're
Somehow complicit because of a B or C or you just didn't realize and that even not
Realizing all the injustice around you was a some form of complicity at the very least I mean you'll even hear ethnic minorities say things like I just didn't realize and for that You know,
I'm even guilty in this I'm guilty of whiteness, right? And so So the lamenting is to then basically it's a form of repentance generally
There's penance usually involved. This is where you end up having to This is where the reparations are snuck in and those kinds of things, but it's not just that it's usually more tame.
It's usually redistribution of privilege so -called position influence
Money in other ways Giving to certain causes voting a certain way
All these kinds of things That's part of your lamenting. That's part of your repentance.
And of course the more white you are the more male the more heterosexual the more that you have to lament the more you have to repent of and It's so it's more than just feeling.
Sorry that something happened. It's taking a sense of responsibility for it. So Number one listen, right?
Don't don't take responsibility for the information that you're about to adopt. Let someone else do all the thinking for you
Number two lament take responsibility for the horrible things that you were just told in your listening session
And it's very similar. I was just reading a biography of Mao Tse -Tung It's it's this is kind of like what struggle sessions were all about Honestly, if you read the struggle session read read what happened during struggle sessions
It's kind of the same kind of thing, which is really scary it's it's the kind of thing that's actually happened in a lot of totalitarian regimes and You you must admit generally that the state is correct and you are wrong and submit to the state the state becomes
God And you are ascribing in the social justice movement today a godlike status to certain
Ethnicities and they're thinking really it's what sociologists say about certain ethnicities so I That's the two -step that's the social justice two -step and I thought that that was a
Helpful thing hopefully for you and you'll start to recognize it now everywhere and it's so simple You can remember that you can remember listen and lament and then realize when you hear those buzzwords that oh, no, what's coming?
Are they gonna ask him? Are they gonna try to demean my critical faculty so I can't really analyze this rationally
Are they going to? Then say that someone else is superior because of their oppression and I just need to submit to the narrative that that person is gonna
Give me are they I mean that that's the postmodern element, right? And then the lament part
That's the Marxism element of it And then there are they going to make me bear the weight of some kind of social sin and and then look for remedies
To this and to get the guilt off of me and so you're bearing the weight of this guilt. That's not your own
And that's what social justice warriors want. They want you to bear guilt. That's not your own and There's so much freedom in Christianity when you know, there is a real guilt
That is our own but Jesus took it on the cross and if we repent of our sins put our trust in him He promises to put us back into a right relationship with God.
Give us a new heart in the Holy Spirit That's a better deal guys. So Wanted to just share that with you.