Stop Wasting Your Time - Leave the SBC

AD Robles iconAD Robles



You know, I used to be a bit of a theology nerd. I'm not anymore, you know.
I used to read a lot of theology, you know. I used to read all kinds of different stuff, you know, from liberal perspectives, from conservative perspectives.
I just read so much theology at the beginning of my walk with the
Lord. I don't do that so much anymore, you know. Now I'll look at things as a reference and stuff like that, but now
I'm mostly interested in... I mean, I still read the scripture, obviously. I'm mostly interested in more practical type things.
Not to say that theology is not important, because when I was a theology nerd, I used to get people that would...
when we would talk about theology, and I would insist on accuracy in our theology, I'd get people that would say this to me.
They'd say, you know, A .D., theology doesn't save you. Good theology doesn't save you.
And, of course, I agree with that, because I had good theology. Of course, theology doesn't save you, but a lot of times people use that to mean theology is not important.
We shouldn't even discuss it, like we shouldn't fight about it, because they're really not all that important anyway, and all of that.
And so that's obviously not correct. Theology is very, very important, even though it can't save you.
But I think that one thing that the SBC is learning, and I think we're all kind of learning this in different areas of our lives.
This doesn't just apply to theology. It applies to politics. It applies to just, you know, parenting. Every part of your life this applies to, but believing the right things can't save you.
The SBC is learning that right now. Theology does not save you, because theology without action is totally worthless.
It's totally worthless. And if we've got people that, you know, believe the right things, they've got good theology, but they're incapable or unwilling to really do anything about people that are, you know, perverting
God's Word, perverting God's truth in practice and in word and deed, if they're not willing to do anything about it because they just want to, oh, we all got to get along.
It's a good old boys club. I'm your brother anyway. I mean, Dwight McKenzie's a brother. If we've got people like that, that they're just, you know, they're not willing to actually do anything about it, their good theology is totally worthless.
Theology can't save you. I think the best example I can think of right now in the
SBC is this women pastors thing. I guess, you know, we're trying to decide whether you can separate the function of a pastor and the office of a pastor, because, you know, so many
SBC churches have female pastors, even though the SBC documents that, you know, you sign on the dotted line kind of thing say that that's not allowed, but it's just so rampant.
And it's like, well, well, and most people try to trick you, right? They say, oh, well, you know, you know, we got the director of ministry, and it's not really a pastor, even though, of course, they're doing pastor stuff.
Some churches are just open about it. Yeah, she's a pastor. But she doesn't have the office of pastor. So she does everything a pastor does.
She preaches, she teaches, she exercises authority. She does everything a pastor does, but she's not a pastor, even though we call her pastor, she's not a pastor.
Now, if you didn't understand anything of what I just said, that's because it doesn't make any sense. There's nothing to understand there.
It's just nonsense. It's just a way to disobey the scripture while pretending to obey the scripture. You see, theology can't save you.
If you're a complementarian, and your denomination's allegedly complementarian, but your denomination also allows women pastors, then your theology of complementarianism is worthless, because you actually don't believe it.
You see, how do I know what you believe? It's based on what you do. God doesn't say,
Christ doesn't say, you know, abide in my love, and the way to abide in my love is to get your theology, your
I's dotted, your T's crossed, have it perfect theology. That's how you abide in my love. He doesn't say that.
He doesn't say that. He says, do what I command. Abide in my love. Do what
I command. It's really simple. Now, you have to have a certain grasp of theology in order to do what he commands, so again,
I'm not saying theology is unimportant, but theology is not enough. Theology can't save you, and so, hypothetically,
I know that probably a lot of you will disagree with me on this, or disagree with this, because I don't believe this, but hypothetically, let's just say the
SPC has pretty good theology in general. Most churches are Bible -believing churches. You know, everyone calls themselves
Bible -believing, but let's just say for a second that they actually did believe the Bible, right? They had great theology,
I's dotted, T's crossed, everything. The Jared Wilsons of the world, he's got pretty good theology, right? It doesn't mean a thing if you don't do anything about it, and so the
SPC's learning that, because it's like, we're complementarian, but wait a minute, you've got all these female pastors.
Well, you know, but actually, we should probably study what pastor is. Maybe you can separate the function from the office.
Maybe you can have pastors that aren't really pastors, or even though we call them pastors and all this kind of stuff, it's just a complicated way to liberalize, and I think that the reality is that, first of all, the
SPC doesn't have great theology in general, but even if it did, it wouldn't matter, because functionally, the way they practice, they don't actually believe the theology that they claim to believe.
If you don't do anything about people like Dwight McKissick and you embrace him as just a lion for the faith, we just agree on so much, and it's like, and listen to this, look at this.
This is a man who refuses to submit to the scripture. He refuses. Now, he couches it in language where he's just, he's against Tom Askew, and he's against them racists, all the racists out there, the liberal racists.
I refuse to let, listen to this, I refuse to let Tom Askew and Al Mohler, who celebrate the slave -holding founders, make decisions for the
Cornerstone Baptist Church, where I pastor, regarding the role of women. And so he makes it seem like, and again, this is, look, look, liars lie, right?
This is the thing you need to understand, right? Liars actually lie. This is something that the scripture talks about, right?
There are people that are liars out there. They say that they love Christ, and Lord, Lord, you know, didn't we do these things in your name?
Dwight McKissick pretends he comes to you in the name of Christ, but actually, Dwight McKissick comes to you in the name of Dwight McKissick, because he's not refusing to let
Tom Askew or Al Mohler, who celebrate the slaveholders, he's not refusing to let them make decisions for him.
He's refusing to let the Lord make decisions for him, because Dwight McKissick pastors the
Cornerstone Baptist Church, and in word, Dwight McKissick pastors, we let women exercise the use of the
Holy Spirit. And that's how it is with so many people, where they just allow, they just do whatever they want to do.
And they pretend, well, you know, the scripture really isn't clear, or the scripture doesn't really say that, and just, has
God really said, or things like that. And it's like, it's just, it's an absolutely, it's an untenable situation.
It's an untenable situation. Theology can't save you. If your theology, as a convention, as a denomination, if your theology is correct on women pastors, but you have women pastors in your denomination, and you support churches that have women pastors, and you pay for them, and you're trained by women pastors, and you're sitting at their feet, and stuff like that, then it doesn't matter what you say, you believe, your actions determine, that is a lie.
And so, there are a lot of liars in the Southern Baptist Convention, who say they believe one thing, but in practice, believe something else.
Now, the thing is, there are still Bible believers in the Southern Baptist Convention, obviously.
There's a lot of them. But I think there should be less of them. I think what should happen at this point, is that Christians who believe the
Word of God, in word and deed, should leave the SBC, and allow it to liberalize at breakneck speed.
Because that's what will happen. If the people that are holding back and trying to conserve, they're not doing a great job of conserving, guys.
So the conservatives in the SBC, they suck at conserving. And I'm not,
I don't hate you. I'm not mad at you. I'm just, I just want you to be honest with yourselves. You're not conserving anything very well.
So, but you are trying, and so you are conserving something. And so I want to acknowledge that. But I think what would be better for all parties involved, is if the people that are trying to conserve things in the
SBC, simply leave. And it's not like you're leaving the church. It's not like you're leaving the faith.
You're going to strengthen, because you're going to find, you're going to get rid of all that dead weight, the Dwight McKissicks of the world, the
Jared Wilsons of the world, the people that are promoting all kinds of just, of nonsense in the church.
All that baggage is going to be behind you. You're going to be able to strengthen. You're going to be able to consolidate. Your churches will be stronger than ever.
Your faith will be stronger than ever. And you'll be able to operate in such a way that you can do the best possible job you can.
Right now, you're not doing the best job you possibly can, because you're busy fighting people who pretend to not know what a pastor is.
Pretend to think that you can separate the office of pastor from the function. That somehow you can do everything a pastor does, even be called a pastor, but not be a pastor.
They're pretending. And they're distracting you by pretending. And you're wasting time that you could be using, preparing your flock, and doing, and advancing the ball.
You're wasting time instead arguing with a bunch of idiots about what the definition of a pastor is.
That's the reality. They've distracted you. They've perfected this game.
Distracting you with nonsense that you shouldn't even give the time of day. The minute some idiot decided, oh yeah, well, yeah, you know, she does everything a pastor does, but doesn't, she's not a pastor, you should have just gotten rid of them.
Get out of here. I'm not six years old. But you didn't, and you've wasted a lot of time.
And the thing is, we're entering a time in our in our country where we don't have time to waste. We simply don't.
God is judging the United States, and I don't think it's going to get better before it gets way worse.
God is judging the United States, and we're going to have economic calamity. We have just spiritual, we've got spiritual just chaos right now.
And there are people, man, I read this, Neil Shenvey shared this. It was a testimony from someone who had the sex change operation, and regrets it.
And just what this person goes through, it just sounds awful. It's like they woke up one day, and it's like the tide, you know, is drifting them this way, slowly, and they didn't notice what was going on.
And before they, they look up, and all of a sudden, they're like a mile down the beach. And it's like, and I cut my thing off, and now
I can't even pee now. It's like, it's like, and it's just, spiritually, these people are a train wreck. And even if you don't get the sex change operation,
I don't think anyone would deny that there's a spiritual train wreck coming for so many people.
And it's time to reap a harvest, because they're going to be looking for answers. And we need to have strong churches to give them those answers.
We don't need churches that in a few years are going to be arguing what the definition of a woman is, just like the pagans.
That's dead weight. We don't need to confuse people that way. We don't need to muddy the waters that way.
It's like, the longer you remain in the SPC, the more those waters get muddied up, and the weaker position you're going to be in when this calamity actually fully gets presented on the church in the
United States. Now is not the time for compromise. Now is not the time to muddy the waters. Now is the time to strengthen with crystal clarity.
Guys, you do not want to be attached to the sinking ship that is the SPC when it finally goes under.
The time to leave the boat is now. You're not leaving the faith.
You're not giving up on Christ. You're not giving up on your brethren, because here's what's going to happen, guys. This is how it's going to work.
I'm not a prophet. I'm not the son of a prophet, but you pull out all of the conservatives that are actually doing something about this.
Look, they're not doing a great job, but they don't have numbers. I mean, I'm not saying that they made mistakes or anything.
They just don't have the numbers. The SPC is a liberal denomination now. You pull out all those people that are pumping the brakes, right?
Because Tom Askell is pumping the brakes. Tom Buck, he's pumping the brakes. All these guys, Rod Martin, they're pumping the brakes, right?
And they're doing something. I mean, they're slowing down the train wreck, right? You pull those guys out, and all of a sudden, nobody's pumping the brakes, and they're going to head towards disaster faster than they ever have before.
They're going to be fully liberalized in almost every sense of the word. And you know what? Along the way, it's going to be just like at the beach, right?
When the tide is pushing you this way, and when the conservatives leave, it's going to push you even faster, and these guys are going to look up, and they're going to be like, where am
I? What is going on here? And some people are going to wake up, some people are going to wake up.
And before you know it, the SBC, the only people left will be people that are full pagans.
They just want to syncretize every single form of evil, every single form of disgusting, soul -destroying sin.
They want to syncretize it into the church. And you know what? That's what needs to happen. They need to be alone and be left alone to destroy themselves.
Because one day, some of those people, look, if you want to save the SBC, the way to do it is to let them hang themselves.
Because they're going to wake up, and they're going to say, what have I become? I'll never forget when
I did this. It was during the Great Recession. And I was in New York.
I've told this story. I was making a ton of money. I lived in an apartment, a ridiculous apartment in New York.
And it was a view of the Empire State Building. It had an indoor wood -burning fireplace. I mean, if you know anything about New York and that kind of an apartment, you know it was just ridiculous.
I was making tons of money. And then overnight, all my money went away. I was still drinking a lot, probably even more, doing drugs.
I was in, you know, just, I was a bad dude. I was a bad dude.
Let me just say that. I don't want to glorify any of this. And I woke up one day, and I just was like,
I looked at myself in the mirror. I was just like, who am I? How did
I get to this place? But I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to do.
I didn't know how I'd gotten so twisted. I didn't know how to fix myself.
I mean, of course, and I'm not, this is not my testimony. I'm not going to explain exactly how the Lord, you know, got to me, but the
Lord got to me, right? And we need strong churches ready for people like that, because the more the
SBC liberalizes, the more people will wake up. I don't think you're doing any good anymore by slowing this train wreck down, because you're wasting time with people like Dwight, who all he's there for is to cause trouble, and he's not doing it in the service of the
Lord. Look, you can be a troublemaker in the service of the Lord. He's doing it for the service of Dwight McKenzie.
In my church, where I pastor, I can't violate the Holy Spirit. She must preach.
She must preach. And so that's the thing, man.
Theology can't save you. You can have great theology, but if you don't do the things you need to do, what good is it?
Leave. Leave them to liberalize. Leave them to destroy themselves.
The SBC lampstand is being removed as we speak, and there's no need for you to be carried away with them.
There's no need for you to be swept away with them. Look, the SBC is a monster at this point.
Financially, there's just so much shadiness that goes on with finances, and the institution itself is just irredeemable.
There's just so much evil within these walls. So much. And they're at the state now where they're like, well, we're in trouble.
What do we do? And they don't open the book. What they do is they call a pagan organization. What do we do to fix ourselves?
What do we do? The book doesn't tell us. What do we do? That's where they're at.
It's gone, guys. It's gone. Now, I know lots of you aren't going to do what
I say, and you're going to stay, and you're going to fight it out. Like I said, I hope you win.
I don't think you will. I hope you win. I don't think you will, and I don't think it's a good use of your time.
Fighting Dwight McKissick is not a good use of your time because Dwight McKissick is a liar, and liars just lie, and then when you catch them in a lie, they lie again to get out of that lie.
You're not dealing with honorable men. You see, it'd be one thing if you were dealing with honorable men. You can win honorable men, but when you're not dealing with honorable men, look at this.
There's just so much. This isn't a big deal. I don't know why this has bothered me so much, but this isn't a big deal.
The way everything he's written here is just not honorable. He didn't have to bring that up.
Why'd he bring that up? Well, because he thinks it's effective. He calls him a racist. Why not? If he won't be submissive to the scripture, what
God has said in his word, which he's not. That's what he's saying here. He lets submit to Christ.
He will not yield to you, and if he won't submit to Christ and lies about what
Christ has said so clearly, there's nothing he won't lie about. This is a waste of time.
Dwight McKissick is a waste of time. Speaking of making a mountain out of a molehill, here's another one, and this is a small thing, but I think this is it.
This kind of thing is the nail in the coffin in my opinion, right? This is a small thing. Listen to what
Tom Buck said happened at the SBC. He says, Now, you know that the word mistakes is not in that hymn.
That's not how the hymn goes. It's a small thing, right guys? It's like, why do
I think that's such a big thing? It's because this is the thing. It is a small thing, and the person and the group who decided to do it, even though it's such a small thing, thought it was so important to change that they would do it even though it doesn't musically fit, even though it's not what the real words are, even though theologically it does change what it makes.
It's an oopsie. It's an oopsie doopsie. Your sin is not an oopsie.
Guys, if this doesn't show you, this is a small thing, but this is where their hearts are at.
They think they know better. They know when the Bible calls your heart desperately wicked, when the scripture shows that it's just rebellion.
It's just rebellion against your Lord, right? They go, nah, yeah, but that's not going to be's
an oopsie. It's over, guys. It's over. Stop wasting your time with these people.
This is a waste of time. You can call them to repentance. That's never a waste of time, but to pretend like you can win back the
SBC when we've got people here that are just rewriting hymns and, you know, yeah, that's sin.
This is a harsh word. It's a mistake. It's just an oopsie. You're not dealing with honorable people.
They don't understand the scripture, but even if they did, it would be totally worthless because theology doesn't save you.
Your words can't...your words can't determine that. Anyone can say they believe anything.
It's your actions that determine what you believe, and so that's my take on the
SBC convention. It's exactly what I expected. You know, again, I didn't put a lot of time leading up to this one talking about it because I just...I've
known it's over for a while. You just got to leave. You just got to leave and let this thing happen. We need...this
is the time to strengthen. This is a time to consolidate, and you're not going to be able to do that fighting Dwight McKissick.