FBC Morning Light – August 25, 2022


Encouragement for the journey from God’s Word. Today's Scripture: Titus 2 / Psalm 99


Well, a good Thursday morning to you. Hope your week has gone well thus far. Well today, let me ask you this.
What do people live for today in general? What what do people live for? What are they hoping for?
On what basis are they living their lives? Well, I mean in other words, what determines the way that they live?
You know, we are increasingly becoming a society that leaves God completely out of the picture and what
I want us to realize and I know this is a little bit philosophical perhaps and maybe a little heavy for first thing in the morning
But what I want us to realize is that when we take God out of the picture we find that we have no
We'd have no objective basis for a way of living
By that I mean, there's there's no there's nothing we can look to as a society and say
This needs to be this the very basic way that life functions and that we should live as people in this world if you take
God out of the picture if you take God out of the picture then What hope is there in in this life?
What hope is there for beyond this life and then? What what's our purpose?
What are we doing here? Why do we exist? If you take God out of the picture, you don't have answers to those questions but if you understand the grace of God that has brought salvation
You realize that that gift of salvation that gracious gift of salvation
That God that God gives that God brings about that God effects in the life of a sinner
That grace of God that brings salvation answers all three of those questions now that's brought out in Titus chapter 2 and in verses 11 and following verse 11 makes it clear that Salvation that is being saved from the penalty of your sin, which is death the wages of sin is death
But the gift of God is eternal life that gift of God that is eternal life
Is that salvation that is given by God's grace?
It's not something you earn you can't you can't merit it in any way shape or form
It is a gift graciously given by God All right, so that grace that brings salvation
Teaches us things it teaches us how to live it gives us a manner of life to follow
That's what Paul says next that grace teaches us that here's how we should live
Denying ungodliness remember the other day. We talked about godliness godliness is living in a way that Reflects the character of God and is consistent with the will of God All right salvation teaches us that we deny ungodliness a lifestyle that Ignores the will of God and doesn't care about the living in a way that's consistent with his character.
We deny ungodliness and worldly lusts passions desires that are just Pursued to gratify ourselves we deny these things he says instead
God's salvation his grace that brings salvation teaches us that we should live soberly
Righteously and godly in the present age This is the way we are to live
So this gracious gift of salvation gives us a manner of life to follow
But he continues on Looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great
God and Savior Jesus Christ We have something to look forward to we have something to hope in we have a hope
Because of the gracious gift of salvation We have the hope of the coming of Christ and he shall indeed come and when he comes
We will be like him for we will see him as he is as the promise of Scripture That's a hope that the world doesn't have that's a hope that apart from God.
No one has So the grace of God that brings salvation Provides us a manner of life.
It gives us hope in life. And then this passage tells us that Jesus Christ gave himself for us that he might redeem us from every lawless deed and Purify for himself his own special people who are zealous of good works
That gives us a purpose in life Because I have been graciously redeemed by the
Lord Jesus Christ and his death on the cross and He has redeemed me as his one of his own special people.
He has set me apart for himself I have a purpose in this life and that purpose is to be zealous of good works
Zealous of living a life that serves him that pleases him This is a wonderful gift this gracious gift of salvation
Because it gives you a way to live It gives you something to look forward to and it gives you a purpose in life.
Oh, let's be grateful today for this Wonderful gracious gift of God's salvation.
Let's pray and so father We do thank you today for the your grace that has brought salvation to us
Thank you for the impact of that salvation that it teaches us how to live It gives us something to look forward to and provides for us a purpose in life
Thank you for this gift Bless these thoughts to our hearts today. We pray in Jesus name and for his sake we ask it.
Amen All right. Well, I hope you have a wonderful day reflecting upon the grace of God that has brought salvation to you