F4F | Carol Arnott and Heidi Baker Manifest an Unholy Spirit


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. If you believe that the
Toronto Blessing is a legitimate outpouring of God the Holy Spirit and and that the manifestations that continue to this day at the
Toronto Airport Church under the tutelage of John and Carol Arnot and luminaries like Heidi Baker and others, go ahead and hit the subscribe button.
You've been deceived. The Holy Spirit has nothing to do with what's going on there. Case in point, we're going to be heading over to the
Toronto Airport Church as we watch a video from the recently concluded Revival 25 conference as we listen to Heidi Baker and Carol Arnot, kind of two lovers is the way they're going to be describing themselves, who are there to share their experiences with the
Holy Spirit. And we're going to note that what we see being manifested is not only not in the
Bible, at least as a manifestation of the Spirit, it runs completely contrary to the actual fruit of the
Spirit listed in Scripture. Yeah, so it's really strange, kind of weird.
We're going to pick up the video right as they're finishing up their worship set, and Carol Arnot's going to wax eloquent for a while, and then we'll kind of go along the way.
We'll even play part of a Mike Bickle video as Mike Bickle will provide commentary for one of the things that we're going to be seeing here.
So hope you're sitting down. Pop some popcorn. Let's get to it. Here's Carol Arnot from the
Revival 25 conference. Here we go. Holy Spirit, we want to honor you today.
We want to love you today. We want to worship you today.
We want to talk. That voice is kind of creeping me out.
It's like a kindergarten, first grade teacher kind of voice. I feel like I'm watching an episode of Romper Room or something here.
A little bit about Heidi and my experiences getting to know the
Holy Spirit. We want to just share with you as our family.
What was that? Yeah, it's kind of like when, you know, the finger hits the
Pillsbury Doughboy and it goes, yeah, that's supposedly a manifestation of the
Spirit. We're gonna let a few more of those happen before we'll allow Mike Bickle to provide commentary on that for us.
We're just noting it here. Some of you have had struggles.
Some of us have had struggles learning how to follow
Him. But we want to be a family that comes together with the
Holy Spirit to magnify Jesus. So you can go back to your seats.
You can lie down. You can whatever. Yeah, a little carpet time there.
Yeah, they teach the practice of soaking there at the Toronto Airport Church. By the way, if you haven't seen our soaking video that we did with Carol Arnot and Mr.
Sponge, mm -hmm, yeah, it's in the archives. I'll put a link down to it below, and also at the end of this video, we'll put a little video link to it so that if you forget, you got to watch that.
If you have not seen Mr. Sponge, you really should.
It's gonna be partly worship, partly sharing. Yeah. We're just...
Now note, Carol is getting closer to Heidi Baker. She's about to touch her, and watch what happens when they make physical contact with each other.
Just family. We're just family. This isn't going to be a great theological message.
Right, I'm pretty sure there's been no great theological messages at the
Toronto Airport Church in at least 25 years, probably longer.
It's just gonna be two laid -down lovers. Now they just... Notice she's touching her here.
Oh, look at that. It's like wrestling.
Anyway, so she just fell over, apparently. The electricity of the
Holy Spirit just shot through them, and now they're on the floor there. Well, I didn't quite mean that,
Heidi. Yeah, and Heidi's down for the count. One, two, get up,
Heidi! Three, four, don't throw in the towel, Heidi! Come on, five! Yeah, that doesn't sound like a witch cackle or anything like that.
Heidi, what are you doing? I better be careful.
Oh my goodness, he's very here. Just, just tune in.
My goodness, my goodness. You're not gonna touch me, no, no, no.
You see, if you've never been to a church like this, you sit there and go, am
I, as a Christian, required to believe that this is how the Holy Spirit operates?
Yeah, and if you're in the charismatic movement, I mean, there's a little bit of a more nefarious teaching.
If you deny that this is an actual manifestation of the Holy Spirit, well, you risk blaspheming the
Holy Spirit and then spending eternity in hell. Yeah, that's kind of how they talk. That might not be a good idea.
Poor thing can't get up. It's like she's drunk or something, which kind of is a good segue to what the
Bible really does say. Galatians chapter 5, Galatians chapter 5, lays out for us the, well, desires of the flesh, the behaviors of the sinful flesh, as opposed to the fruit of the
Spirit. We're gonna note there's a big difference between the fruit of the
Spirit and the desires and the passions and the behaviors according to the sinful flesh.
So Paul says in Galatians 5, 16, I say to you, walk by the Spirit, and you'll not gratify the desires of the flesh.
The desires of the flesh, they're against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit, they're against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other to keep you from doing the things you want to do.
So if you're led by the Spirit, you're not under the law. Now the works of the flesh are evident. Are you ready? Here they are.
Sexual immorality, check. Impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, and look at this one, drunkenness.
Drunkenness is listed as one of the works of the flesh. Orgies and things like these.
I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
And so you'll note that one of the things that is a common feature, especially of NAR, and narismatic, that's
New Apostolic Reformation, but don't tell Dr. Michael Brown I said that because he thinks I'm a conspiracy theorist.
Anyway, within narismatic churches is this drunken spirit, you know, you're so overcome by the
Spirit. Yeah, you just, you get the point, right?
And why would the Holy Spirit make you drunk when drunkenness is one of the works of the flesh?
You know, just saying. So Paul says those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God, but the fruit of the
Spirit, ready, is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and, oh look at that one, self -control.
But see, they're claiming through their actions and their words that you can tell that the
Holy Spirit is really manifesting in among us when people are completely losing total control of themselves and falling over and acting in drunken, cackly, witchy kind of ways.
That's not the Holy Spirit, folks, this is totally contrary to the Holy Spirit. Now another thing, a little bit of a note here while we're looking at Scripture, 1st
Corinthians 14, this is the tail end of that section that has to do with the charismatic gifts.
The Apostle Paul puts some order, some structure, you know, in the church services with those who had legitimate manifestations of the
Holy Spirit, gifts of the Spirit for the purpose of building up the church, and that's the point, isn't it?
Yeah, read 1st Corinthians 12, 13, 14, the purpose of actual gifts of the
Spirit is for the purpose of building up the church. Mm -hmm.
So since these gifts are for the building up of the church, Paul says this, what then, brothers, when you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation, let all things be done for building up.
That's the purpose of these gifts for the building up of the church, so if anyone speaks in a tongue, let there be only two or at the most three, each in turn let someone interpret, but if there's no one to interpret, let each one of them keep silent in church, speak to himself and God.
Let two or three prophets speak, let the others weigh what's said. If a revelation is made to another sitting there, let the first be silent.
You can all prophesy one by one so that all may learn and be encouraged. You'll notice the order here, and the
Spirit of the prophets are subject to the prophets, for God is not a God of confusion, but a
God of peace. But what we're watching here on parade at the
Toronto Airport Church is total confusion, lack of self -control, all in the name of God the
Holy Spirit, but God the Holy Spirit has revealed in Scripture, this ain't how he operates, so we got a problem.
So it's like Sesame Street, remember that game? One of these things is not like the other, one of these things is not the same, right?
So it's like, all right, so what's the difference here? Well, this doesn't belong, because it's not at all like what
Scripture says regarding how the Spirit operates, the purpose for which he operates, and the fruit that will manifest in the person who has the
Holy Spirit. These are the opposite fruits, these are the works of the flesh we're looking at here. Thank you.
There you go. Anyway, we're just gonna share our love, and our thoughts, and our, oh,
I know, oh it's thick up here. Yeah.
Yeah, it's thick up there, all right, just not thick with the Holy Spirit. Thick with deception, thick with the demonic, maybe, but not the
Holy Spirit. No, it's not leaning, Heidi, it's you that's leaning. Jesus, you're good.
She doesn't, Carol Arnott doesn't even look like she believes what she's doing. It looks like it's an act to her.
Oh, but we just want to talk today about this wonderful person of the
Holy Spirit. Ah, there it is again. Ah, okay.
He is the most wonderful friend, the most wonderful companion, isn't he,
Heidi? This ain't the
Holy Spirit. You better take your mic down,
Heidi. You might be speaking from the floor today. Yeah, how many of the
Apostle Paul's sermons did he preach while soaking on the floor?
Zero, none, not one. Oh, Heidi, tell us when you first met this person of the
Holy Spirit. Wow. Oh, do you think you can?
Oh, oh, I'm gonna, I'm gonna. Why is this funny?
This is blasphemous. You'd like me to go first? Oh, Lord.
Oh, you're good, you're good, you're good, you're good. Oh, my gosh.
Oh, wow. Now, when I first met
Jesus, I had an absolutely incredible, ah.
There it is again. Ah. Oh, wow. Oh, what is that?
Well, Mike Bickle talks about this, and by the way, Mike Bickle is the head of IHOP, so he's in the movement, he's not outside of it.
We put together a video last year, we'll just show part of it here today, titled
Mike Bickle High -Fiving and Jiving, and he explains to us what this stuff is, and he claims that it's not from the
Holy Spirit. Listen to Mike Bickle. I don't really, I know, I've done them all, I haven't really done the whoa, because I don't really think that's a manifestation, that's just kind of fun.
I mean, I've done the whoa a few times, but not by the Holy Spirit, because it was fun. You know, a whoa, we high -five each other, and so I don't put the whoa under a manifestation category.
I put that under high -fiving and jiving around category. Yeah, so he says it's high -fiving and jiving.
It's not a manifestation of the Holy Spirit, according to Mike Bickle, they're just having fun. I don't often get visited, like this, during a film shoot.
I put their hand on my stomach, and I felt like someone punched me in the stomach and heart.
Power, power, yeah! It's a manifestation category.
I put that under high -fiving and jiving around category. Yeah, that's right.
High -fiving and jiving is what's going on there at Toronto Airport Church.
One of the best high -fiver jivers out there, Carol Arnot. Whoa! ...version.
Everything was going wrong in my life. I just won't go into the details, but everything was going wrong, and I'm not really a depressed person.
Ah! But this night... Not really a manifestation. According to Mike Bickle, they're just high -fiving and jiving.
They're just having some fun. ...was depressed, and so I put the boys to bed early, and ah!
I was brushing my teeth. Ooh! And I heard an audible voice, and I thought, oh my gosh, it's my ex -husband.
He's broken into the house again, and he would do that on a regular basis and just move a few things around, so you'd know somebody was in the house, right?
And so I ran downstairs, ran upstairs, checked all the windows, doors.
Anyway, nobody was there, and I got up into the bathroom, and I don't know why, but I'm thinking, you know, long story short, the voice stopped and started about five times, and I thought,
I'm having a nervous breakdown. This is what it's all about, you know? Like I'm hearing voices, like hello, and ah!
So finally, I just threw my toothbrush in the sink, and I just screamed, all right!
And as I did that, Jesus spoke the 23rd
Psalm. I seem to recall in Jesus' Olivet Discourse, he says that if somebody tells you that he's in the inner room, don't believe him.
So I don't believe Jesus was actually there to read the 23rd Psalm to you in your bathroom while you were brushing your teeth.
And you'll note then that this is a real problem here, is that these manifestations run counter to what
God the Holy Spirit has revealed in the written Word of God, the exact opposite of what we should expect regarding the manifestations of the
Spirit, what they're there for, how somebody would behave in light of them.
And then we've got these claims of direct revelation, it's like, well, you know, we might as well be tacking on these revelations to the back of our
Bible if God's speaking to people like this, and yet there's no reason to believe that God's speaking to them at all.
In fact, comparing their behavior and their words to the written Word of God, you can tell what they are.
These are false prophets, these are false teachers, these are people who are engaging in deception and making quite a bit of money doing so, teaching for shameful gain, things that they ought not to teach.
And you'll note that by telling these stories the way they're telling them, the emphasis is on them, not on Christ.
The emphasis is on them and not the actual Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit himself.
Yeah, Jesus says that when he sends the Spirit, the Spirit would convict the world of sin and unbelief.
And we see over and again in the pages of the New Testament that the Holy Spirit is like the PR guy for Jesus, pointing everybody to Jesus.
But these stories and these manifestations do not point people to Jesus, they point people to the person manifesting these behaviors, not
Christ. This isn't God -honoring at all, this is the exact opposite of what you would expect from God the
Holy Spirit. And then you got to sit there and go, well, you know, I don't glow in the dark the way these people do, what's wrong with me?
How come God never talks to me while I'm brushing my teeth? And how come I never fall over drunk when the
Holy Spirit is thick in the house? And stuff like that. The answer is real simple, that's not the
Holy Spirit. This is all a con job, this is a demonic con job to get your eyes off of Christ and put your eyes onto people like Carol Arnott and Heidi Baker.
That's the reality of the situation. So I hope you found this helpful. If so, please share this video.
All the information on how to share it is down below, all the information on how you can support Fighting for the
Faith and Pirate Christian Radio down below, and of course there is a link now, a permanent link in the description if you want to know what
Bible software I'm using. I keep getting asked the question on that. There's a link to Accordance Bible down below as well.
So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.