We Tried To Warn You About Kanye…
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Apologia Studios:
Alpha And Omega Ministries:
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Conversations That Matter:
Justin Peters:
Right Response Ministries:
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Joyful Exile:
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- 00:00
- Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight for Truth. In this video, we're going to talk about Kanye West.
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- Unless you've been living under a rock, you probably know that Kanye supposedly gave his life to Jesus miraculously around the year 2019.
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- And he even followed this up with a Christian album called Jesus is King. This prompted all sorts of responses from the
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- Christian community, ranging from outright skepticism to complete acceptance of the story.
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- And personally, I landed somewhere in the hopeful middle. In fact, the statement I kept repeating to myself was, time will tell.
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- But don't get me wrong, I was excited for him as well. He was saying a lot of the right things that looked very promising.
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- For example, watch this video. Now that God has called me, I now have given my life to Jesus Christ and I work for God.
- 00:47
- I'm just a Christian everything. But while Kanye was saying these things, I couldn't shake the feeling that Christians needed to be cautious.
- 00:55
- We are told in the Bible to be wise as serpents, yet as innocent as doves, Matthew 10, 16.
- 01:01
- Being encouraging to a new convert is certainly biblical, but being naive is not. Case in point, extreme fame and money come with all sorts of temptations that the average
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- Christian simply doesn't have to face. So I think it was appropriate for us to respond with a cautious optimism about Kanye's conversion.
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- But unfortunately, as the years went on, it became abundantly clear that something wasn't right with Kanye's so -called
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- Christian faith. After going through a very messy public divorce, he started unraveling.
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- In an interview with Tucker Carlson, he said that black people were actually the lost tribes of Judah, the real
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- Jewish people. This is, of course, absolute rubbish, and it comes from the false teaching of the black
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- Hebrew Israelite movement, a movement invented by Frank Cherry, a man who also suggested that the earth is a square and that Jesus would come back in the year 2000.
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- And the fact that Kanye was so susceptible to such obvious lies was concerning, to say the very least.
- 01:57
- He later confidently proclaimed that he was going to go, quote, death con three on Jewish people.
- 02:03
- Yes, that's an actual quote from him. And just to be clear, I believe that God's church is the true
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- Israel of God, Romans 9, 6, and that the ethnic Jews are no longer his chosen nation.
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- Rather, the church is the chosen nation and the royal priesthood of God, 1 Peter 2, 9.
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- I also think that many Christians have a strange obsession, that's really the only thing you can call it, with the modern nation state of Israel.
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- And this often happens to such an extent that they put modern Judaism, a false religion that rejected and killed
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- Jesus Christ, on equal footing with God's own church. This is something that I reject entirely.
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- However, implying that we should attack people simply because they are ethnically Jewish or anything like that is completely unbiblical.
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- Moving along, Kanye's new wife, Bianca Sensori, can be frequently seen in incredibly immodest clothing right alongside him, as if this isn't a problem.
- 02:57
- And that's not all. Kanye himself has often been pictured wearing some sort of weird clothes that cover his face entirely.
- 03:03
- And this, too, should be concerning to Christians, because it shows an inappropriate desire for attention and an unhealthy spiritual state.
- 03:11
- I mean, surely anyone who wants to put a bag on their head in public is not walking closely with God, obviously.
- 03:17
- But in addition to these signs, Kanye finally just came out and told us what is clearly happening.
- 03:22
- He's not really a born -again Christian at all. Watch this. It is. But I, you know, I have my issues with Jesus.
- 03:29
- There's a lot of stuff I went through that I prayed and I didn't see Jesus show up. So I had to put my experience in this world, my experience with my children, my experience with other people, my experience with my account, my experience with my brand, and my experience with the level of music that I was dealing with in my own hands.
- 03:47
- You know how many threats we've been dealt with? And I didn't pray my way through them threats, either.
- 03:54
- I had to get up and do it myself. I had so much to do, I didn't have time to pray.
- 04:01
- So that's where, that's where my issue is, and look at where I'm at today. So first, it looks like Kanye has rejected a true
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- Christian walk because Jesus didn't answer his prayers in the way that he wanted Him to. Imagine if the
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- Apostle Paul had the same attitude. He was brutally beaten, stoned, persecuted, arrested, etc.,
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- 2 Corinthians 11. Imagine if he had given up on Jesus because he, quote, didn't feel like he was showing up in Paul's life.
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- So it is clear that Christianity, from the very beginning, has not been rooted in our subjective feelings, but rather it is rooted in the truth and love of God, which of course undoubtedly affects our feelings deeply.
- 04:41
- It seems that Kanye simply doesn't understand that. He also mentioned that he, quote, didn't have time to pray, that he had to deal with things himself, so to speak.
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- This shows us that, at least at some point, he began relying on his own strength after losing trust in Christ.
- 04:57
- But he continues. You know what's another thing I don't like in Christianity? The fear of God. Because you place one fear, you get another fear, you get another fear, what do you have at that point?
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- You're easily controllable. You're easily sellable. You're easily contracted.
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- Because you have this fear on you, like, everybody gonna die eventually, but I'm gonna live my entire life with zero fear.
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- Ain't nobody finna tell me, call me, tell nobody around me, play with me, play with nobody around me, every label, every contract, any type of phone calls, we number one.
- 05:40
- So he says that he doesn't like the fear of God because fear makes you controllable. That's the point of it.
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- This is a fundamental misunderstanding. The real fear that we should be avoiding is the fear of man, not the fear of God.
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- Proverbs 29, 25. The fear of God, on the other hand, is the root of all wisdom, according to the
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- Book of Proverbs. It's a good thing. But the fear of man makes you a slave to the whims of human beings, who will always fail you.
- 06:05
- But make no mistake, we all fear something, ultimately. We all submit to the ultimate authority of something.
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- Kanye is talking here like there's some sort of beautifully neutral option, where you can have zero fear and zero responsibility to any authority trying to control you.
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- Instead, you have nothing but a powerful, unmitigated confidence in yourself. But in reality, he himself is a slave to his own emotions and sins.
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- Everyone will have a master. It will either be God, who can save you, or it will be your sin, which will undoubtedly destroy you.
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- Choose this day who you will serve. But he goes on. So I'd be surprised that I'm still alive, every day.
- 06:45
- How did you not so -called disappear? Like, because that's a hell of a thing.
- 06:57
- Because, you know, because I'm God. And anyone who disagrees,
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- I'm the God. I'm the God of me, and you can't tell me who I am. I can't tell y 'all. I could tell y 'all.
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- It's y 'all job to listen. I'm the God of me. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the ultimate outcome of pride and sin.
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- At least Kanye's honest about it. Most people aren't. He genuinely believes that he is his own
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- God. And this all sounds really cool and confident to the unbeliever, but think about this for a minute.
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- Kanye says that he is his own God. A divorced, mentally unstable, spiritually unwell man whose wife displays her body for the whole world.
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- Is this genuinely the God that you want to put your faith in? Really? I'm not sure this is the flex that he thinks it is.
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- It reminds me of Romans 1 .22, quote, "...claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal
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- God for images resembling mortal man, and birds and animals and creeping things.
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- Truly there is nothing new under the sun." Kanye is participating in the same idolatry that unbelievers in Scripture did, and it's just as foolish today.
- 08:05
- So please, pray for him and pray for his wife. They are clearly lost in their pride and sin. And next time a celebrity miraculously converts, we need to remember not to be naive.
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- Instead, let us be sober -minded, yet full of encouragement and compassion for the glory of God.
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- Please, pray for this channel and for anyone mentioned in the video. And check out the ministries linked in the description.
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