WWUTT 478 Grumblers and Malcontents?

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Reading Jude 14-16 and being warned that false teachers love to boast about themselves, and will be known (and judged) by their ungodliness. Visit wwutt.com for all of our videos!


Some of the other signs that we will recognize in false teachers is that they complain about their circumstances and other people.
They are loudmouth boasters and we must be careful not to do that ourselves when we understand the text.
This is when we understand the text studying God's Word to reach all the riches of full assurance in Christ.
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Pastor Gabe Hughes. Thank you Becky. We continue with our study of the book of Jude and I'm gonna begin in verse 12 where Jude starts his string of metaphors warning against the false teachers and the damage that they can cause to the church and I'm gonna read all the way through to verse 16.
So starting again in verse 12, regarding false teachers Jude writes, these are hidden reefs at your love feasts as they feast with you without fear.
Shepherds feeding themselves, waterless clouds swept along by winds, fruitless trees in late autumn twice dead uprooted, wild waves of the sea casting up the foam of their own shame, wandering stars for whom the gloom of utter darkness has been reserved forever.
It was also about these that Enoch the seventh from Adam prophesied saying, behold the
Lord comes with ten thousand of his holy ones to execute judgment on all and to convict all the ungodly for all their deeds of ungodliness that they have committed in such an ungodly way and of all the harsh things that the ungodly sinners have spoken against him.
These are grumblers, malcontents, following their own sinful desires, they are loudmouthed boasters showing favoritism to gain advantage.
So there at the tail end of Jude's metaphors which we looked at yesterday, verse 13, he says they are wild waves of the sea.
So if you think of this in navigational terms, when a ship comes across these wild waves the ship is going to be is going to be thrown off course by them and will have to go where the waves go.
And so these false teachers are so convincing that they can lead an entire church off course unless they are removed from their midst and the church is aware of their false teaching and what not to listen to.
They are casting up the foam of their own shame, it's a reference to sexual immorality.
So essentially ungodly teaching is going to result in ungodly living. You will not only recognize in their teaching that there is an inconsistency in their doctrine that is not adhering to the true faith, but you're also going to see in their lifestyle evidence of not living according to the faith that Christ has called us to, the righteousness and holiness that we are to exemplify in our
Savior. So then the next part of, or the last part of that metaphor, they're wandering stars for whom the gloom of utter darkness has been reserved forever, which is beautiful phrasing the way that that's strung together.
First of all, wandering stars, they are not fixed points by which you can navigate. In fact, if you try to follow them, you'll go off course.
Just the same as being wild waves of the sea pushing the ship off course. But then linking that with for whom the gloom of utter darkness has been reserved forever.
So these false teachers, if they do not repent, they will be condemned to hell. And Jesus spoke of them in the
Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapter 7 when he said that on that day of judgment they will call upon him as Lord.
They call upon him as Lord even now, or they reference him anyway. They will use the right words. They will say that they are followers of Christ.
But on that day of judgment, they'll stand before him and say, Lord, Lord, didn't we do many mighty works in your name?
And he will say to them, depart from me you workers of lawlessness. I never knew you.
The gloom of utter darkness describing their future. If they do not repent, it is not bright and cheery.
It is a future to dread. And they are taking people with them. And so this is being described of these false teachers in this way so that no one would go after them thinking that it's just something harmless.
It's, ah, it's no big deal. And you know, they're the false teacher, so they'll receive the judgment. No, anybody that follows after them will fall into the same darkness.
And we're talking about false teaching in the sense that it would lead a person away from saving faith in Christ, the truth of the gospel, leading a person away from the truth of the gospel into the lies of the devil.
They will follow these false teachers into gloom of utter darkness, a reference to the pit of hell, which has been reserved for them forever.
There is no hope for those false teachers. Pray, pray that they come to repentance.
So the way that Jude ends that string of metaphors is talking about the judgment that will come upon those false teachers if they do not repent.
So then we get to verse 14, where he continues in a description and understanding of that judgment.
It was also about these, these again, referring to false teachers, that Enoch the seventh from Adam prophesied.
Now, before I get into the quote here that Jude makes from Enoch, this is an intertestamental book.
First Enoch 1 .9 is what this is a reference to. It was written in between Malachi, the conclusion of the
Old Testament and the beginning of the New Testament. So during that silent age when no prophets were prophesying is when the book of Enoch was written.
And Jude is referencing the content from that book as being accurate, but not necessarily saying that book is divinely inspired.
He's referencing a work that his readers would have been familiar with, and so that's why he's using it.
Now, I'm not an expert enough in the book to know why Jude's reference to Enoch as the seventh from Adam is not
Jude saying that Enoch, that the book of Enoch was actually written by Enoch. Maybe somebody is a little bit more of an expert in this text to be able to tell you why
Jude is not saying that the Enoch, the one who according to the genealogy in Genesis 5 is seventh in the order after Adam, why
Jude does not actually think he is the one who wrote it. Because it almost looks like that is what
Jude is saying, but it can't be because Enoch was not the one that wrote that.
Anyway, however confusing that sounds, I'm just saying that I can't explain that to you, but maybe you can look up a teacher with a little bit more understanding or knowledge of Jude who will be able to tell you that.
I have listened to somebody explain that before, but I just didn't retain it. I don't remember what the explanation of that was supposed to be.
So anyway, Jude makes a reference to this intertestamental book. It was also about these that Enoch the seventh from Adam prophesied saying, behold the
Lord comes with ten thousand of his holy ones. So a reference to Christ's return and the angels that are going to come with him in his glory.
Jesus talked about that in Matthew 25, so that is not something that we haven't read elsewhere.
To execute judgment on all and to convict all the ungodly. We know that's what
Jesus is going to come and do, but notice the string of the word ungodly that is used over and over again here.
And there's a reason for that. Judgment on all and to convict all the ungodly of all their deeds of ungodliness that they have committed in such an ungodly way and of all the harsh things that the ungodly sinners have spoken against him.
So I almost have to wonder if the reason why Jude uses this particular passage is because he loves the alliteration that's going on there.
He loves the repetition of ungodly being used to describe these false teachers, because this is what we are supposed to understand about them.
There is nothing in their behavior, there is nothing in their teaching that would lead anyone to godliness.
Everything about them is ungodly. And Jude reminds us with that over and over again in this reference from 1st
Enoch. Christ is going to execute judgment and convict those who are ungodly.
And this is also a matter of assurance for us who are followers of Jesus Christ to know that it is the ungodly who will be under the wrath and judgment of God.
The godly have nothing to fear, it is the ungodly who will receive judgment. The Apostle Paul said to Timothy, 1st
Timothy 6, starting in verse 3, if anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound words of our
Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness, he is puffed up with conceit and understands nothing.
He has an unhealthy craving for controversy and for quarrels about words which produce envy, dissension, slander, evil suspicions, and constant friction among people who are depraved in mind and deprived of the truth, imagining that godliness is a means of gain.
But godliness with contentment is great gain. So there Paul is talking about how sound teaching will lead to godliness.
Unsound teaching leads to ungodliness. And so Jude is kind of making that same point here as well.
They are ungodly teachers doing ungodly things and they will be under God's wrath.
Those who are godly, who follow in sound teaching that accords with godliness, that produces godly living in the life of a believer, has nothing to fear of the wrath of God.
That's coming against the ungodly. The Lord is coming back with 10 ,000 of his holy ones in all of his glory to execute judgment on all and to convict the ungodly.
So everybody is going to be under the judgment of God. We read about that in Revelation 21 when great books are opened up and everybody is going to be judged by their deeds.
But those who are in Christ will do the works that Christ did and those who are not in Christ will have done the works that the devil did.
So they will be cast into the lake of fire with the devil and his angels, but those who did what
Christ did will enter into eternal life, will become fellow heirs of the kingdom of God with him.
So everyone will receive judgment. He will execute judgment on all, but the conviction falls upon the ungodly and all of their deeds of ungodliness that they have committed in such an ungodly way.
Again, Lord, Lord, didn't we do many mighty works in your name? Depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.
I never knew you. And of all the harsh things that ungodly sinners have spoken against him.
So even though at the judgment they're going to plead and say, didn't we do these things in your name?
The reality is that these false teachers who have led others away from the saving faith of Jesus Christ, they spoke against Christ, not for him.
Just because they use the name of Christ does not mean that they were praising the name of Christ or they were doing so in a reverent and holy and worshipful way.
For you can speak the name of Christ in vain, right? You can do it to benefit yourself rather than to give praise to God.
If a person speaks the name of Christ in a way that is not to honor him or direct others to praise him, then they speak that name in vain.
That is blasphemy. And God has said in Psalm 138 too, that he is exalted above all things, his name and his word.
And we're also reminded in Philippians chapter 2, where God gave Jesus the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is
Lord to the glory of God the Father. Because the name of Jesus Christ is the name above every name.
Then that name also can be misused and blasphemed if used in vain instead of used in reverence.
And so those who use the name of Christ in an improper way to bring glory to themselves, to to speak his gospel falsely, to lead others astray, these are those who have spoken against Christ.
Using the name of Christ is not a membership card. It does not automatically guarantee a person a pass into the kingdom of heaven.
For if the name of Christ is not used from a heart that truly honors the
Lord, then they speak that name in vain and they will be judged and condemned for the way that they misused the name of God.
Rather than worshiping the name of God, they have spoken against him in the way that they have used his name.
Verse 16, these are grumblers, malcontents, both of which are words that kind of mean the same thing.
So what are we talking about there? Well, a person who is constantly complaining about their circumstances.
Probably not very gracious with others either. They are known for putting others down more than building each other up.
And so what you see in their actions and what you hear in their words is a person who does not really believe that God is sovereign, does not believe that God is working all things together for good for those who love
God and are called according to his purpose, Romans 8 28. But by complaining about their circumstances, they are in a sense saying,
God, what I deserve is this. You're not giving that to me and so I'm criticizing you because things are not going the way that I want.
And they are criticizing others as though to say by their words, I don't really see this person as my brother or sister in Christ or even a potential brother or sister in Christ when it comes to a person who is lost, who has not yet heard the gospel and repented and come into the the flock of God.
So a person who is constantly complaining about circumstances and constantly complaining about somebody else is showing that in their hearts they do not recognize
God who is sitting on his throne in heaven who is doing all things for his glory.
They don't really see God that way. So they they grumble and complain about their circumstances following their own sinful desires because since things are not going my way,
I need to make my own pleasure happen myself. And so they follow their sinful desires to get the pleasure that they think that they deserve.
And they don't think it's sin. They think, hey, because I do use the name of Christ and God has cleansed me from all sin by Christ's death on the cross, therefore
I can do this thing and I know that I'm gonna be forgiven for it anyway. So they don't understand right doctrine.
It is not exercised in godliness in their lifestyle. They're constantly complaining about how things do not go their way because they think they are owed something.
Paul said this to the Philippians. Philippians chapter 2 beginning in verse 14. Do all things without grumbling or disputing that you may be blameless and innocent children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation among whom you shine as lights in the world holding fast to the word of life.
Now that's interesting that Paul would say that we are to be blameless and pure children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and depraved generation among whom we shine as lights in the world.
How was it that Jude described these false teachers as wandering stars for whom the gloom of utter darkness has been reserved forever?
Who are we supposed to be in Christ? We're supposed to be shining as lights in the world. There's another translation.
I believe it's the NIV that translates this particular passage Philippians 2 15 as shining as lights in the universe.
So we are supposed to be the stars by which a person can navigate the truth.
If we are fixed upon the truth upon the foundation that has been laid by the teaching of the
Apostles with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone we have built our house upon the rock of Christ Jesus which is the parable that Jesus gave in Matthew chapter 7.
You know the wise man building his house upon the rock the foolish man building his house upon the sand the sand shifts the house moves it falls down cannot be supported by shifting sand but the person who builds his house upon a rock when the storms come and beats against the house it stands firm because it's built on the rock of Christ Jesus.
So when we build our faith on something that is solid which is
Christ then we become a fixed point in the message that we share the the life that we live consistent with that message and a person is therefore able to hear and understand the gospel and write gospel living by the words that we say and the example that we are.
So contrast that instruction that Paul gives in Philippians chapter 2 verses 14 and 15 with what
Jude is saying of these false teachers here wandering stars for whom the gloom of utter darkness has been reserved forever they are grumblers and malcontents following their own sinful desires they are loud -mouthed boasters thumping their own chest talking about how great they are talking about their own accomplishments as though nobody else is gonna say it so I'm gonna say it
I'm gonna talk about all the things that I've accomplished and everything that I do that that is right showing favoritism to gain advantage they have certain associations in order to gain something for themselves.
Now this was this was something that by the grace of God I became very aware of early in my ministry and I'm glad that the
Lord gave me the wisdom to recognize this that as soon as I became a pastor and I'm talking about moving from the associate pastor position that I was in into the senior pastor position suddenly these people that I had been fellowshipping with over the last two years during my my service as associate pastor started treating me a different way once I became the senior pastor and boy was
I just showered with flattery can't even tell you the amount of flattery that I got even in those first few weeks after the previous pastor had left he had gone off to plant another church so when
I moved into that senior pastor position by vote of the church boy it was just showered with all kinds of compliments and I was reminded of the proverb
Proverbs 29 5 a man who flatters his neighbor spreads a net for his feet so I didn't
I didn't buy into their flattery and I'm I'm glad that's by the grace of God that I didn't that I was not wooed by their flattery as a matter of fact
I had red flags going up when somebody would just shower praise on me like that saying things like you're much better than the previous pastor
I'm going yeah what happens when somebody comes along who's better than me because I certainly don't think that I'm the best and so when somebody else comes along that you're gonna think actually does sermons better or or cares for the flock better maybe has a little bit more attention because they're an empty nester and I've got kids and a growing family on top of that you're gonna look at that person as being better than me and so I know that I'm gonna lose my standing that I currently have with you once somebody better comes along so I was thankfully
I was very alert to that when I when I first moved into that senior teaching position and was not wooed by this show of favoritism people who are trying to gain advantage in the church by showering me with praise and so there are false teachers that will do this as well they will they will find their associations and their links and their good old boy club and it's to gain a certain advantage to be able to gain recognition to move up the ladder so to speak but you know what there is no ladder to move up when it comes to shepherding the flock of God since the way that we are supposed to do this work according to the instruction of Christ is to be a servant of all it's actually to aspire to get lower on the ladder for the sake of serving others and so beware of those constantly complaining about things thumping their own chest showing favoritism to others to kind of move their way up the the chain of recognition for they are probably a person whose heart is not really with God it is in exalting themselves there are signs that we can look for but once again and I and I must remind you of this as we're going through Jude because since this is the focus of our study over the last couple of weeks and then we'll finish it up this week since this is what we're looking at and Jude is warning against false teachers if if this is the extent of your
Bible study right now then it's real easy for us to get cynical about other teachers you're you're on high alert and you're looking at everybody else looking for okay is that guy grumbling oh he might be a false teacher that guy's showing praise to this other guy he might be doing that just to gain an advantage so we have to be real careful when this becomes our focus of study that it doesn't make us more cynical but rather that we are doing all things for the glory of God still constantly praising
God praise God for the salvation that you have in Jesus Christ remembering that you once walked in darkness you once followed false teachers and it's by the grace of God that you were pulled out of that and are now walking in the truth by sound men and women who have been put around you to direct you in the truth of God so you can now be that to somebody else to help draw someone else away out of false teaching and into the sound teaching of the of the the glorious gospel that we are so privileged to have received and understood by the
Holy Spirit of God so look at this as an opportunity to glorify
God by sharing the gospel with somebody else drawing them out of false teaching and into the truth of his word not permission and an encouragement to you to instantly go into cynicism mode and look for everything that is wrong with everybody because there is an unending stream of material that you can pick from I mean goodness whenever a critic starts criticizing me
I almost want to jump in and go oh yeah let me let me tell you some more you know you don't even know the half of how bad
I am so how can we combat against this desire in our flesh to grumble and complain about our circumstances and about each other simply to be filled up with praises to our
God and our King Psalm 71 verses 23 and 24 my lips will shout for joy when
I sing praises to you my soul also which you have redeemed and my tongue will talk of your righteous help all the day long for they have been put to shame and disappointed who sought to do me hurt the
Lord will take care of those who criticize you you give glory to God amen thank you for listening to when we understand the text with Pastor Gabe Hughes if you'd like to support this ministry visit our website www .t
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