DUMPSTER FIRE: Michael Brown Endorses Toronto AND Heidi Baker


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Welcome to Dumpster Fire for the wee bit beginning of March 2018.
If you've ever been told that it's up to you to have a yearning for God so that you can do your responsibility of birthing the miraculous, then go ahead and click the subscribe button below.
We've got a lot in store for you for this installment of Dumpster Fire. It's probably best if we get started.
Let's get the screen up and rolling. We're going to begin with a Sean Bowles segment. He's one of the major charismatic leaders out there.
He can do cold readings and stuff as long as he has a smartphone in his hand. Yeah, we've covered that in the past on my podcast.
But Sean Bowles has a brand new e -course that he's offering for the body of Christ.
Let's check out what he's offering. There's keys for you to steward over territory, over information, over technology.
Keys for me to steward over territory. What does that sentence even mean?
This is a lot like the sentence, blue sleeps faster than Tuesday. Blue sleeps faster than Tuesday is grammatically correct, it just doesn't mean anything.
Keys to steward over territory, ooh. Entrepreneurship, ingenuity, science, all these areas, there's keys that God wants to place in your hands to unlock a great inheritance, not only for him, but that we would come into a full place of what his love paid a price for.
Mm, yeah, see, God wants to give you these keys so that you can come into a full place for what
Christ has died for. Yeah, I'm kind of at a loss as to what any of this means, and you're going to note that his lips aren't syncing up with the video, that's not on our end, that's on his.
He needs to talk to his production guy. Anyway. Wait for it.
Keys to heaven's economy. Economy. Where in scripture does it talk about heaven's economy?
Hmm, all right, well, I clicked the link. You gotta register by March 5th, and you gotta go there and sign up.
Well, let's see, Keys to Heaven's Economy. We've watched the promo. All right, so, join
Sean Bowles as he takes us through six plus hours, 30 videos. I can think of a thousand things
I'd rather be doing than that. Six plus hours of teachings, teaching and activations.
I have no idea what an activation is, at least biblically, I've never heard of such a thing. Throughout the e -course, you will gain a deeper understanding of the kingdom finances and their application in your life today.
Why do I feel like he's just making stuff up? You will find this encounter -based teaching. Encounter -based, not bible -based.
Encounter -based teaching series. One of the most comprehensive courses ever made on the subject of finance.
Yeah, so basically he's gonna make himself rich by playing off of people's greed. Got it.
Okay, so Sean Bowles shares from the most immersive platform with video, quizzes, blogs, and audio clips.
Do you desire to learn heaven's economy? By the way, if God wanted me to learn about heaven's economy and how to operate in it,
I'd find it in the Bible. I don't know how Christians have been able to survive for two millennia without ever learning anything about heaven's economy.
Strange. So all of the content will be dropped one week at a time. Each lesson contains teaching, testimonies, a scriptural study, impartation, and prayer.
So week one, dimension of understanding, redeeming desolate inheritances, unlocking resources, creating resources, intimacy with God.
Yeah, none of this sounds biblical. Oh, that's right, it's not bible -based, it's encounter -based. So week two, hidden ones creating wealth, bags of God.
Hello darkness, my old friend. What is a bag of God?
Okay, Solomon's desire to build, giving, and generosity. Oh, yeah, I always gotta get that. Apostolic finances, spiritual fruit, heavenly makeover.
I could get a heavenly makeover. Yeah, heaven would have a lot to do there.
Okay, friends for divine purpose, kings and priests, personal tokens, economy of heaven, heavenly manna.
Oh, this just sounds like he's making... These are man -made doctrines, by the way.
And let's see, how much does it cost? 50 bucks. Yeah. Yeah, that's 50 bucks you would do wise to avoid spending, at least giving him anything.
Yeah, these are all man -made doctrines. And by the way, Jesus himself does give a strong rebuke for those who, well, teach man -made doctrines.
I can think of like, is it Mark 7? Yeah, Mark 7. By the way, the Pharisees, they were heretics, by the way.
They made up their own doctrines and Jesus, you know, sharply rebuked them.
Here's what it says in Mark 7. Now, when the Pharisees gathered to Jesus with some of the scribes who had come from Jerusalem, they saw that some of Jesus' disciples ate with hands that were defiled, that is, unwashed.
By the way, you're going to search through all of Scripture, the Old Testament, you will never find a command to wash your hands. No, it's not in there.
It was in the Pharisees' extra book called the Tradition of the Elders, which they claim was an oral tradition given to Moses as well.
And here's what it says. The Pharisees and all the Jews, they do not eat unless they wash their hands properly, holding to the tradition of the elders.
And when they come from the marketplace, they don't eat unless they wash. And there are many other traditions that they observe, such as the washing of cups, pots, copper vessels, dining couches.
And the Pharisees and the scribes asked Jesus, Why do your disciples not walk according to, watch this, the
Tradition of the Elders? Which should be capitalized because that's an actual body of sacred texts or sacred teaching for the
Pharisees. But it's not in the Bible. And so the Pharisees are totally upset.
And you're going to know, they go to war with Jesus over the fact that the disciples aren't following the rules of the
Tradition of the Elders. And here's what Jesus does.
So let me go back to the question. Why do your disciples not walk according to the Tradition of the Elders, but they eat with defiled hands?
So Jesus said to them, Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.
In vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.
Yep, that's exactly what they do, and that's why they were heretics.
You got to remember, Pharisees were not people who were defending true Orthodox Judaism.
They were making up their own Judaism, and that's one of the reasons why they came to such sharp conflict with Jesus.
I mean, after all, Jesus is the Son of God in human flesh, and the God they claimed to worship was walking there among them, and they opposed him.
So, you know, that's generally not how sound biblical people work.
That's how heretics operate. So I think you get the idea then. So then coming back to this,
I mean, when you look about keys to heaven's economy, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men, and, you know, this is just myth.
This is nonsense. So Sean Bowles is making merchandise of people and teaching for shameful gain things that he ought not to teach.
It's so obvious. All right, next up, Lana Vosser. Yeah, that's right.
On your screen, you are looking at a teacup. I mean, and it says,
The crickets in my soul chirp when I'm in the garden. Excuse me, sir. A what?
Crickets. Bugger. And this has prophetic significance. I mean, because this is all because she is performing a prophetic act.
Yes, it's a prophetic act on the part of Lana Vosser. Let her explain. Here we go.
So in my life, I do a lot of prophetic acts to engage with the word that God is releasing.
So right now, he's been speaking a lot about the garden place and meeting with him in the cool of the day.
And I found this mug a little while ago. So I bought it and making my coffee in it today and going to spend time with him in the garden to know him and to know his heart.
So you know what? Yeah, not the real garden. No, just the figurative garden.
But she has a mug, you know, and she brewed her coffee and poured it in there as a prophetic act. The prophetic is fun.
Engage with him in fun and creative ways with what he's speaking. Yeah, I have no confidence that God is speaking to you or through you,
Lana. Let's check in with one of her most recent, recent prophetic word releasings from her
Facebook. Here we go. Hi friends, Lana Vosser here. I just want to release a quick encouragement to you for this week.
I was sitting with the Lord this morning and I felt the Lord really clearly say to me, Lana, I want you to release a decree over my people that this will be a week of unprecedented levels of encounter with me.
So I... Unprecedented level of encounters. Wow, consider my mind blown there.
What exactly does that mean and why? I mean, so here's the deal. If the Lord wanted to release a week of unprecedented encounters with him, why would he need to announce it ahead of time?
I mean, couldn't he just get right to it and release the unprecedented encounter thingy?
I mean, that would make sense. Why does he need to tell you he's about to do that thing?
Release that over you today in the name of Jesus that as you enter this new week,
I see that there are going to be groundbreaking encounters with Jesus waiting for you this week.
Yeah, that was February 24th. Yeah, maybe
I missed it. I mean, maybe God overlooked it. I didn't have any of these unprecedented encounters. The whole new level of revelation that the
Lord wants to release to you from his word this week. How important are the whole new levels of revelation?
I mean, I have the Bible. I mean, talk about revelation. Wow, 66 whole books. I mean, mastering that thing takes more than a lifetime and more time than I have even on this earth.
And boy, I got to tell you, the level of revelation in scripture is off the chain.
You know, to quote one of the Spice Girls, you know. No, no, no.
And you're going to be shifting to a place of saturation. I saw you being saturated.
Is Mr. Sponge involved is my question. Shifting to a place of saturation.
Hmm. In the revelation of his truth, the revelation of his love, and I saw peace, that peace is going to fall over your life and in your heart and over your mind, unlike anything you've experienced before.
But there's something specific about this week that the Lord is inviting his people to passionately pursue him in your positioning.
Get before him. Passionately pursue him in your positioning. Okay, you know,
I'm hearing words. And so I understand what passion is.
I understand what it means to pursue. But when I put those two words in front of the word positioning, what is that?
This week, because I'm seeing there are divine surprises and there is a more of God that the
Lord wants to release upon you this week. A more of God. He wants to release a more of God to me.
Again, I don't know the cash value of that. And as I was sitting with him asking him about these encounters, the one thing that I kept saying was there's going to be a great recalibration of hearts this week.
That things... Heart recalibrations. Whoo! Yeah, let the cardiologist know about that.
That's helpful, especially if you have like a pacemaker or something. Come against your heart that have tried to steal your affection for Jesus, that have tried to distract you and hold you in a place where God doesn't want you.
And here's the real thick irony here. I'm pretty sure that Lana Vosser is one of the false prophetesses and prophets that Jesus warned about in Matthew chapter 24.
That being the case, she is the distraction that she says that God is warning you not to be distracted by.
The whole world will now collapse in itself. It's like dividing by zero. Yeah, moving along.
Let's check in again with Jennifer LeClaire. And she has recently declared a breakthrough.
She's decreeing breakthrough in this video from Jennifer LeClaire Ministries.
I think we're only good on this breakthrough because it's only a week -long thing. We've only got like hours left of it.
But let's check in with her. Breakthroughs coming in the next seven days. I see mind shifts coming in the next seven days.
Mind shifts and breakthroughs. Everyone there is pretty excited about it.
I have no idea what it means. The healing is coming in the next seven days. I see financial breakouts and breakthroughs coming in the next seven days.
I decree and declare all day seven as we press from now until then as we push back to start as we strive to infiltrate our hearts as we stand and decree and declare what the word of the
Lord says. We shall walk into the breakthrough. We shall run into the breakthrough.
We're going to walk and run into the breakthrough. To demonstrate this, this is another prophetic act like the little coffee mug.
She's going to now walk, run into the breakthrough.
We shall walk into the breakthrough. We shall run into the breakthrough.
Breakthrough. I decree breakthrough. Come on.
Whoa. That leg kick reminded me of something. It's on the tip of my tongue.
It's right there. It reminds me of something. I'm trying to cheer her up, you stupid krauts.
Somebody agree with the Lord. Breakthrough. She's done the prophetic act of walk, running with a weird kick thingy.
Breakthrough. Breakthrough. Go right ahead. Just as a building off of last week, or was it two weeks ago where she kind of had a little money meltdown and let people have it.
She had another one of those little episodes. I thought I'd at least tune you into it.
Let's listen in. She talks about the need for boldness and, of course, sending money to her.
Here's Jennifer LeClaire again. In the meantime, I'm going to do what God told me to do. If the religious spirits don't like it, well, bless
God. Next time someone puts a nasty comment like that, I'm going to block you. Somebody was on her morning prophecy prayer call and left a nasty comment on her
Facebook wall. She didn't appreciate that. Maybe somebody called her a false prophetess or something like that.
Prayers, because you're releasing witchcraft at me. Amen? Some of y 'all don't know what to make of me, because I'm bold.
But you know what? I'm being bold with the devil. I love the people. But if you want to constantly attack me, then guess what?
That's what Facebook made the block button for. Hallelujah? Hallelujah? Well, bless those who persecute you.
Well, you know what? I'll bless you, but I don't mean I have to sit there and let you attack me on my page. Amen?
Praise God. If you want to sow a seed, you can do that. Some of y 'all need more boldness. So after she chews everybody out, she says, please go ahead and sow a seed.
If you need more boldness, then make sure to sow a seed into her ministry. Sow a boldness seed.
Some of you have been putting up with What is a boldness seed? It sounds like a gullibility seed to me.
Some of Jezebel's nasty for too long. Some of you have been bound to religion for too long.
That's right. If you attend a church where the pastor properly handles God's word, distinguishes between law and gospel correctly, proclaims
Christ and him crucified for your sins, and instructs you in sound biblical doctrine, you've got a religious spirit and your pastor's probably under the sway of Jezebel.
Again, weird irony here. I think this actually works the opposite direction of the way her words are saying.
Coming up under the mammon spirit for too long, saying you can't give. Do what God tells you to do, bless
God. If you want to sow a seed, sow a seed. If you feel compelled in your heart to sow, sow. If you don't, then don't.
Yeah, no. Actually, God's written word would forbid me from giving you anything. You're free!
Hallelujah! Yeah, just don't say anything nasty and use witchcraft or I'll block you.
Alright, last but not least in this installment of The Dumpster Fire, this last segment will take a few minutes, we're going to note that again, there's a lot of controversy out there on the interwebs regarding Dr.
Michael Brown and one of the claims is that Dr. Michael Brown is like, well, he's been unfairly tarnished and had his reputation besmirched because of what is known as guilt by association.
Guilt by association. I understand the claim and I am a big advocate for not engaging in guilt by association.
It's a logical fallacy and it is a way to break the commandment that says, you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
That being the case, we're going to note that we're going to make a case here of guilt by promotion.
Guilt by encouraging and telling and things like that.
And the two things that we're going to note, actually one's a thing and the other's a person, that Michael Brown has done is he has promoted and defended and basically said that good things regarding the
Toronto blessing of the 1990s, which is no blessing at all, and the ministry he's promoted and endorsed the ministry of Heidi Baker.
Case in point is the video that I am going to show you in just a second here. And in order to do this there was time delays that occurred while we tried playing this on the site, so I downloaded it and put it into my
QuickTime player. But let's listen in as Dr. Michael Brown is literally teaching on the name of the message is
Birthing the Miraculous. In other words he's preaching on not a biblical text, he's preaching on Heidi Baker's book,
Birthing the Miraculous. And listen to this full -throated endorsement of not only
Heidi Baker, but an also endorsement of the Toronto outpouring and without naming it by name, but if you know
Heidi Baker's history, which I do, you'll know what he's talking about. So let's listen into this. Are you hungry and are you thirsty for God to move?
Will you welcome His presence when He comes? I believe one of the keys to God moving in Brownsville is that the
Spirit of God was welcomed on a Sunday morning. I mean many
Hmm. So the Spirit of God was welcomed on a Sunday morning. See that's why
Brownsville was chosen. Apparently, you know, there's lots of churches out there that would never welcome
God the Holy Spirit on a Sunday. Maybe a Thursday, but not a
Sunday. Okay. They're happy to have a renewal service Wednesday nights at midnight in a back room just in case the people get loud or fall or shake, but you don't want to offend the board members and you don't want to offend the big givers and you don't want to offend the others, but we're happy to offend the
Lord. Right. So if it offends the
Lord if we're not open to people falling on the ground and shaking uncontrollably.
Okay. Brother Richard would have read this in Heidi Baker's book,
Birthing the Miraculous. She and her husband Roland were on the mission field. Now you're going to know what follows is a story about Heidi Baker's life and testimony.
You can find this online. If you go to YouTube type in Heidi Baker's testimony the Toronto Airport Church has kindly put it on the internet on YouTube for us.
The church that he won't mention by name is the Toronto Airport Church.
The same place that brought us Mr. Sponge. So just want to let you know that. So this is a full -throated endorsement and promotion of Heidi Baker's ministry and her book,
Birthing the Miraculous. During a sermon at a church in Toronto well it's in California.
Okay. In Hong Kong in Mozambique serving the poorest of the poor, serving the hurting the lost, the ones you wouldn't even think about.
And you have to understand their backgrounds well educated. In fact in the midst of their ministry
God called them to get PhDs in systematic theology from a university in London Yeah, sure doesn't show now.
God called her to start ministering to children. She said, Lord I have a PhD in systematic theology. I don't do children.
And of course she lives for her kids now. So this is a woman who hears voices in her head. They're probably watching me.
Well let them let them see what kind of a person I am. Okay.
And I had her on the radio with me a couple of weeks ago. Yep, back in 2014 he had
Heidi Baker on the line of fire and full -throated endorsement of her and her ministry and her book.
Just ask drbrown .org, ask kdrbrown .org and just search for Heidi or you'll get the interview.
And I asked her if she suffered for the faith, been persecuted oh yes, she laughed about it.
She's been shot at she's been beaten, she's been arrested she's been stoned she laughed at it.
She said, but it's for the one you love, it's nothing. I asked her when we ministered together in Germany one time
I had the joy of ministering with her a few years back about martyrdom and she said Now you're going to know, this is not guilt by association.
This is guilt by endorsement. Many of their church planters, many of their workers have been killed.
She got to a point in ministry in Mozambique of being so desperate for God she decided to go to meetings at a particular church where God was moving, but the way he was moving
Yeah, that would be the Toronto Airport Vineyard, which they lost the name
Vineyard because of the Toronto blessing, John Wimber kicked him out, but the church in question is
Toronto it's the Toronto Airport Church ...was controversial and then from there it gets misrepresented and exaggerated
I found most of the criticism of Brownsville was based on misinformation Oh, I see so the criticism of Toronto and Brownsville was all based upon misinformation and exaggeration
Well, let's just pause right there and let's take a look at a
Heidi Baker session at the Toronto Airport Church in the early mid 2000s and you'll kind of get the idea of what she's up to here, let's watch
I don't have any more than this little life and I just wasted on you and I pray that you would give drink
Shandai a drink to your people, God I pray holy holy holy that your living water would pour out like a river in this place
Shaka Lord holy I pray for a flood a flood
I think it's a little difficult to exaggerate that and if you think of Rodney Howard Brown and the being the
Holy Ghost bartender and things like that that were associated with Toronto I pray for a flood whoa
I pray for a flood holy I pray of your glory love like liquid glory love hey hey hey hey hey thank you
Jesus ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha yeah that wasn't a demonic cackle at all was it oh toast them while you're at it
God she wants God to toast them okay this is where you flee the building realizing okay the demons have taken over shoo shoo shoo stay here oh
God whoa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha wow
I feel like a demon's about to pop right out of her throat or something whoa okay shabba shabba shabba oh
I love it here oh oh what a wonderful spot
I love it here I love it I love it here God I love it here oh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha okay wow some of you have only seen me here and you think this is how
I always am ha ha I wish ha ha ha acted
Carol said I didn't have to get it together so that would be
Carol R or not of Mr. Sponge fame whoa okay let's do a little biblical work and then we'll come back to Michael Brown 1st
Corinthians 14 you're going to note that one of the clearest passages that teaches about the proper operation of the gifts of the
Holy Spirit is 1st Corinthians 12, 13, 14 14 is still part of that whole discussion and here's what the
Apostle Paul writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit says regarding how the church is to conduct itself so what then brothers when you come together each one has a hymn a lesson a revelation a tongue or an interpretation let all things be done for building up if any speak in a tongue let there be only two or at the most three and each in turn and let someone interpret by the way if you attend a church where everybody speaks in tongues all at the same time this is forbidden by this text if you attend a church where the pastor or the speakers or whoever from the stage speaks in tongues without an interpreter strictly forbidden by this text you need to flee that church you are in danger so if anyone speaks in a tongue let there be only two or at the most three each in turn let someone interpret and if there's no one to interpret let each one of them keep silent in the church and speak to himself and to God let two or three prophets speak let their others weigh what is said if a revelation is made to another sitting there let the first be silent for you can all prophesy one by one so that all may learn and be encouraged and the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets for God is not a
God of confusion but of peace this sounds like complete confusion total disorder and you're going to note that what the
Holy Spirit has revealed through the Apostle Paul is that he wants order not confusion order not disorder in the church
I would argue that Heidi Baker well that's a lot of disorder and confusion going on right there at a place called the
Toronto Airport Church and they claim to be operating in the gifts of the
Spirit that this is all the new thing that the Spirit is doing and you're going to note Michael Brown has defended all of this oh and by the way he's also endorsed her yeah in scripture the only time you find people on the ground convulsing is when they're manifesting a demon that's another thing alright so let's return back then to Dr.
Michael Brown and let's see what he has to say on this matter she was so desperate she was going to go there but there was a problem she had desperately wanted to build a children's center and a church that had sponsored her and her husband in the ministry there said they would give her one million dollars to build a children's center can you imagine what that's like to a missionary in the field and we hold the world ransom for one million dollars one million dollars but this particular church had such an issue with this other church and what was happening in the other yeah that would be the
Toronto Airport Church notice he's omitted the name of the
Toronto Airport Church to his audience that he's preaching to they told her if you go there we will withdraw your support yeah
I couldn't think of any reason biblical justification for wanting to do that except for their fully heretics even
John Wimber even John Wimber he was not a cessationist kick
John and Carol Arnot and the Toronto Airport Church out of the Vineyard movement uh huh she was so hungry she passed up a million dollars think of all the rationalization but Lord but Lord what we could do for the children now note he's basically saying that she made a correct godly decision by going to Toronto but Lord all of the little ones we could help and the orphans and the starving kids they'll be housed they'll have a place surely that's more important but she knew she needed the spirit oh yeah see the place to get the spirit is
Toronto that's what Michael Brown's saying all of our best efforts only go so far it's not a matter of shouting it's not a matter of jumping it's not a matter of singing louder it's not a matter of praying harder it's a matter of having the spirit in our midst right by saying this he's saying that the spirit was in the midst of Toronto welcoming
God whatever the cost whatever the consequences because we can't live without his presence right he's saying that God's presence was in Toronto that's literally what he's saying he can't accomplish the great commission without his spirit yes and he desires to be in the midst of a people who love him
I'll get back to Heidi Baker in a moment now I'm going to have to fast forward just a smudge to the 1751 mark here so that we can catch when he comes back to the
Heidi Baker story because it's very fascinating again full throated endorsement of Heidi Baker her book
Birthing the Miraculous as well as the Toronto Airport Church at the time in Heidi Baker's life when she just had to get to this meeting no matter what it cost in this case literally a million dollars she and her husband had been on the field for years they had one kind of shaky church they had planted in Mozambique and a couple of other shaky churches they had planted in a few other locations and that was about it literally a handful of churches planted and a man of God was preaching and was talking about what
God was doing and her heart got so stirred that in the middle of his message she ran up front and started screaming and crying she had to have what
God had for her she had to have it she had to have what God had for her at the
Toronto Airport Church Vineyard at the time but they were kicked out she was burning for the nation of Mozambique I find your lack of faith disturbing and this brother told her
God's gonna give her a nation asked for a nation and he prayed for her and said the blind will see and the deaf will hear miracles will happen she was completely overcome the next seven days had to be carried around had to be carried to the bathroom had to pray that God would speak to someone to pour water down her throat she was totally incapacitated by the
Holy Spirit and had to be carried to the bathroom where do we see something like that in scripture completely overcome and then went to Mozambique and every blind person she found she prayed for for that next year so there you have it that is a full -blown full -throated endorsement of the
Toronto Airport Church the so -called Toronto Blessing and Heidi Baker that is not guilt by association that is guilt by endorsement and promotion
Michael Brown I think Phil Johnson is right he is probably one of the most dangerous men in the church today alright that's our dumpster fire for this week just a reminder that if you would like to support us there are several ways that you can do so number one the easiest way is to share these videos share them with other people if you would like to support us financially so that we can continue to bring this type of content to you then the support information is below you can join our crew or you can become a patron on Patreon all of that information on the links for that is below and of course leave a comment we love we always value the comments that you give us so until next week or next time may
God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins