August 22, 2024 Show with Virgil Walker on “Is It Time for DEI to Resign?”



Live from historic downtown Carlisle, Pennsylvania, home of founding father James Wilson, 19th century hymn writer
George Duffield, 19th century gospel minister George Norcross, and sports legend
Jim Thorpe, it's Iron Sharpens Iron. This is a radio platform in which pastors,
Christian scholars, and theologians address the burning issues facing the church and the world today.
Proverbs, chapter 27, verse 17, tells us iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.
Matthew Henry said that in this passage, we are cautioned to take heed with whom we converse and directed to have in view in conversation to make one another wiser and better.
It is our hope that this goal will be accomplished over the next two hours, and we hope to hear from you, the listener, with your own questions.
And now, here's your host, Chris Arnzen. Good afternoon,
Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Lake City, Florida, and the rest of humanity living on the planet
Earth, who are listening via live streaming at ironsharpensironradio .com.
This is Chris Arnzen, your host of Iron Sharpens Iron Radio, wishing you all a happy Thursday on this 22nd day of August, 2024.
Before I introduce to you my guest and our topic for the day, I have a very important reminder.
All men in ministry leadership are invited to the next free, biannual
Iron Sharpens Iron Radio Pastor's Luncheon, which will be held Thursday, October 10th, 11 a .m.
to 2 p .m. at Church of the Living Christ in Loisville, Pennsylvania, which is
Perry County, Pennsylvania. And we have as our very first -time guest speaker,
Dr. Joe Boot, who is a world -renowned author, conference speaker, and founder and president of the
Ezra Institute, flying all the way from London, England, to be our keynote speaker.
We hope that as many of you men in ministry leadership as possible will attend, and that we can even break our attendance record from our last
Pastor's Luncheon that featured Dr. Joel Beeky as our speaker. We had over 250 men there, and we're hoping to top that.
And not only is your admission free, and the time, the opportunity to hear what will no doubt be a powerful and edifying message from Dr.
Boot, free, and your time of rest, relaxation, and refreshment, fun, fellowship, and feasting, all free.
On top of all of that, everybody in attendance receives a very heavy sack of free brand -new books, personally selected by me and donated by generous
Christian publishers all over the United States and United Kingdom. Everything is absolutely free.
These are the strict orders of my precious late wife, Julie, who started these luncheons in the 1990s when
I still lived on Long Island. And we've been conducting them ever since she went home to glory with Christ in 2010.
We've been conducting them in loving memory of her and in honor and tribute to her. So, if you'd like to attend this free event, if you're a man in ministry leadership, send me an email to chrisarnson at gmail .com,
chrisarnson at gmail .com, and put Pastor's Luncheon in the subject line. Please give me your name, the name of your church or parachurch ministry, its location, and the number of men who will be joining you.
Remember, this is a men's only event. And that's Thursday, October 10th, 11 a .m.
to 2 p .m. at Church of the Living Christ in Loisville, Pennsylvania, featuring Dr. Joe Boot.
And that email address, again, is chrisarnson at gmail .com, and put Pastor's Luncheon in the subject line.
Well, I'm absolutely thrilled to have a returning guest today, a dear friend of mine,
Virgil Walker. Virgil is vice president of ministry relations at g3men .org,
the website for G3 Ministries. He is co -host with Daryl Bernard Harrison of the
Just Thinking podcast. He's an author and a blogger, and today we're going to be addressing the very controversial theme, is it time for DEI to resign?
And it's my honor and privilege to welcome you back to Iron Trip and Zion Radio, Virgil Walker. Hey, brother.
Thanks so much for having me. It's an honor to be with you. Looking forward to the conversation we're going to have today.
Amen. And we will get to the topic momentarily, but I'd like you to explain.
I mean, it'd be hard to believe that anybody in my audience doesn't already know something about G3, but it just so happens that we are learning about new people joining the
Iron Trip and Zion Radio audience every week, so they may be unfamiliar with it.
Why don't you tell our listeners about G3 Ministries? Yeah, absolutely. Happy to do that.
One of the things I'm learning all the time is that there are new people coming to an understanding of Reformed faith, an understanding of what it means to really hold tightly to biblical sufficiency and the like.
And so as a result of that, there are new people all the time who don't necessarily know who
G3 is. And so G3 stands for Gospel, Grace, and Glory.
That's where we get the three G's from. It is a parachurch ministry that is designed to help to educate, encourage, and equip local church pastors in sound biblical doctrine.
What started out as a conference -based ministry, the G3 Conference, it was a biennial event, a biennial conference that took place annually from 2013 to about 2020, and then switched to a biennial conference.
The national conference was held here in Atlanta, Georgia. And the last few years, it's just absolutely exploded.
In 2021, there were about 6 ,500 people in attendance. And in 2023, we had about 8 ,300 in attendance.
And we're already planning in 2025 to see somewhere between 8 ,500 and 10 ,000 in attendance.
Yeah, it's going to be fantastic. So we're excited. Can't wait. Looking forward to it.
Some of the pastors and preachers that folks know, the Paul Washers, the Votibockums, the you know, the different Stephen Lawsons, the different preachers and speakers from around the country that are part of what we do at G3 and have been for a number of years.
We also intend to have some new faces and some new names that are on the horizon that people may be familiar with, but we'll definitely hear more and more from over the course of their time in G3 circles.
And so, man, we can't wait. We're excited. I was telling you before we got on this particular episode that we're closing in on the 12 -month mark.
The G3 conference, the national conference, is September the 11th through the 13th in 2025.
And as we turn the calendar on August and head into September, we'll close in on 12 months.
And that's for us a big time. We plan these things 18 months out, but definitely by the 12 -month mark, we're off to the races again with the planning in full swing.
So it seems like a long ways away, and it actually is not. But we're excited about that.
Last thing I'll mention is, in addition to that, is we've got a conference that's actually happening, a regional conference, a smaller conference for sure, but a regional conference that's happening in Oklahoma City, in the
Oklahoma City area, Mustang, Oklahoma, to be exact, at First Baptist Church there in Mustang, the cessationist conference.
And so we're extremely excited about that conference as well. A number of fantastic speakers will be aiming to look at and understand the doctrine of cessationism.
And so that will be happening October 3rd through the 5th. People will not want to miss the opportunity to join us there as well.
And just to enlighten some of our listeners who might be out of the loop, they might be new
Christians, cessationism is the belief that the sign gifts that we read about in the
Bible have ceased with the last apostles on the earth. Am I correct? Right.
Yeah, that's correct. I think one of the things that we're excited about is the opportunity to have conversations about this, particularly because I think that the doctrine of cessationism is very misunderstood.
Many hear cessation or stopping and their thought is that, oh, you guys don't believe in miracles.
Absolutely, we believe in the miraculous. We just understand it from a biblical context that miracles are rare.
They are rare occurrences. They are rare instances where God initiates his sovereignty, his will in ways that are clearly recognizable, clearly discernible.
This is not what we're seeing, however, in charismatic churches. You would think every
Sunday at any charismatic church that you popped in that miracles, that signs and miracles and wonders are happening a dime a dozen.
They are everywhere and everyone's experiencing them. The reality is if we understand the miracle in a biblical sense, we would stop calling everything that we see a miracle.
We believe in healing, but what we don't believe is that there's some man or woman who has some magical incantation that they can utilize at will to heal people.
If they did, my encouragement to them would be to go to the nearest hospital and clear it out so that we would know that they actually had a true signed gift.
The reality is God does heal. He is in the healing business, but he heals as he wills.
And the reality is all of us are appointed a day to die. And then after that, the judgment.
And so we want to put things in proper biblical perspective. I think our time together in Oklahoma City will allow us the chance to have those kinds of conversations, make those clear distinctions and get back to biblical truth.
Amen. And for more details on all of what Virgil just described, go to g3men .org,
g3men .org, and God willing, we will repeat that later on.
Also, I would like to repeat our email address if anybody listening has a question for Virgil Walker on DEI and DEI for those of you who have been living under a rock or have just never watched political television, perhaps it stands for diversity, equity and inclusion and is one of the main battle cries of the leftists and Marxists in our nation.
I can remember a day when people would chuckle when a conservative would call a liberal a
Marxist. And these days, nobody seems to be chuckling. And there are elected officials in our government who are at least at this point, proudly identifying as socialists or at least downplaying the severity of its importance.
But you have titled our discussion today, which is also the title of a recent article of yours,
Is It Time for DEI to Resign? And you have seemingly referred to DEI in that title as a person rather than a thing.
But if you could explain that. Yeah, absolutely. If I would have been smart,
Chris, I probably would have just used the letters and said, Is it time for DEI to die? That would have been a better title for the article.
But yeah, DEI, I mean, it's pretty much a part of the atmosphere, if you will.
It's a part of what we breathe in everywhere we go. People are having to deal with DEI policies in their places of employment.
Students are having to deal with DEI being explained to them. Of course, in the school system, it's known as SEL.
These are letters that are interchangeable for CRT. It's the idea that there is, again, the
Marxist idea that there are those who are oppressors and the oppressed, and because of the historic ravages of racism in our country, that in order to right those wrongs, we have to engage in a unique form of discrimination.
And so what these programs are, are affirmative action types of programs on steroids.
They go in not simply to address issues where there's underrepresentation in the areas of employment, but training is a part of this so that people can be reprogrammed to abandon whiteness as if that can be something that's actually obtainable.
They're encouraged to forego white privilege and to use their privilege for the purpose of allyship.
This is the kind of language that gets used in circles as it relates to DEI. But I wanted to, before we jump into kind of the current milieu, if you will, to actually go back and look at the origins of this when these programs actually kind of got started in our country.
I mean, we understand the time of slavery and the ending of slavery in the 1800s, 1860s, and we move forward to 1875.
And as early as 1875, a decade or so after the Emancipation Proclamation is instituted, we have what is the first Civil Rights Act.
It is the Civil Rights Act of 1875. And its aim and purpose was actually to protect all citizens and their civil and legal rights.
It was aimed and targeted primarily for what they deemed African -Americans.
I'm sure the word was Negro then or Black or what have you, but it was aimed at the marginalized population of Blacks who had faced widespread discrimination, the goal of which was to prohibit racial discrimination in public spaces like hotels and theaters, public transportation, and the like.
The problem with the act, as later it would actually be thwarted, but a few years later, in fact, it would be in 1883 that the
Supreme Court actually turned this legislation around and said it is unconstitutional.
And the reason why the Supreme Court said it was unconstitutional is for the first time it held that civil rights were required in private establishments.
So what the government now had the ability to do was to tell private citizens who had private businesses who they needed to hire and how many of so many people who looked a certain way how they needed to hire and how they needed to accommodate them, they viewed that as an overreach of government.
As it pertains to equal rights, equal rights in public spaces, for example, that you think about the
Montgomery Bus Boycott of the 1960s where Martin Luther King first gets renowned, that made sense.
Why? Because it was a city institution. The Montgomery Bus was a product of the local government in the city of Montgomery in the state of Alabama.
So it made sense to integrate that space because it was equally accessible to all people.
However, a person's private business at the time government could not enforce or come in and federal government in particular could not come in and enforce the rights for any minority ethnic group or what have you to be able to utilize your private business facilities.
You had the ability, in other words, to discriminate with regard to who could and couldn't enter your place of business.
And I believe, frankly, that the Supreme Court actually in that decision and with the
Civil Rights Act of 1875 got things right. I believe they got things right. What would happen later is in 1964, the
Civil Rights Act of 1964, basically the same issue comes up again after the signing of the
Civil Rights Act of 64. What this act did was it allowed, again, government to come in and tell businesses, private as well as public, who they needed to hire, how many they needed to hire and the manner in which that would take place.
And if they violated that, there were government mechanisms to examine, to cajole, if you will, by threat of government intervention, these statutes that you would hire someone on the basis of sex, ethnicity, race and the like.
And so in 64, you have the same act that took place in 1875 that was knocked down by the
Supreme Court. In 1964, that act comes up again and now it is law and it is wreaking havoc on our current culture.
Now, what you see because of the Civil Rights Act of 64 is not just for blacks and marginalized groups, historically marginalized groups, but what you see now is the push to say if I'm LGBTQ, if I'm trans, if I don't know what my gender is and I believe that there's something called a gender spectrum, private businesses and industries are now required in some way, shape or form to validate the mental illness, if you will, of some of these individuals who don't believe, who are struggling with gender dysphoria or who are dealing with issues related to sexuality.
It is the Civil Rights Act of 64 that sets things up for us as it relates to DEI.
I know that was a long way to go backwards, but I think it's important to understand the historic nature of what took place 1875 at 1964 to understand that today as we deal with affirmative action in the 70s and then the push for DEI programs that really took flight around the time of George Floyd and Black Lives Matter, you see these proponents of the narrative of George Floyd and the like are telling companies and corporations that they must align with helping blacks close the wealth gap and this is a part of the way that they're doing it.
They're utilizing racism in the form of DEI programs in an effort to make up for historic discrimination and what they see as the gaps that are in place, the disparities, if you will, that are in place from long ago.
By the way, I want to quickly, before I forget, plug a documentary that my guest
Virgil Walker is a part of, Uncle Tom 2.
This was a documentary created by Larry Elder and if anybody wants to view this, they're actually streaming it for free for the two -year anniversary of the documentary.
Go to uncletom .com, uncletom .com and I also want to clarify,
I think it would be wise for me to do so, that my guest today, Virgil Walker, is a black man.
I hate having to do that because I think it's a tragedy that humanity even has to differentiate other human beings by the amount of melanin content in their skin.
It's crazy, it's absurd and as I know that you and I both wholeheartedly reject vociferously deny that there are races.
We are all a member of the human race if we are human beings and but one of the reasons
I thought it was wise of me to point that out is if I were to say some of the things that you said in the beginning of our program,
I would be immediately labeled as a racist, perhaps even by Christians who just haven't investigated the topic very deeply because you were basically saying that you believe it should be the right of a business owner or even a homeowner to discriminate and that just means use their own discernment and judgment.
It doesn't necessarily have to do with hatred, although it can, but they should have the right to make their own choices over who they want as a customer base, a clientele and if it comes to a homeowner, who they want to rent their home to when it comes to people renting an apartment and even if we would find the choices of such citizens repugnant and even wicked because you know there have been obviously for quite a large portion of America's history people who were barring anyone entering into their doors who were not of the same skin color and although we find that repugnant we all and we find it moronic especially in a day and age when competition is that is likely going to be harming people if they were to continue to do that we still believe that American citizens have rights to be stupid don't we absolutely they do absolutely and it's not always a decision that's stupid if you own a home and you do not want to rent out your apartment to either unmarried heterosexuals that are that are a couple or a homosexual couple perhaps especially if you have children and grandchildren living in your home that should be your right to not rent out and so on and I could go on and on with that but I just wanted to make sure that our listeners knew where you were coming from on this yeah no absolutely
I mean I think I think that's that's right we you know as as as a black person or LGBTQ person what what have you you have the right if someone says they won't you know serve you or you have the right to go somewhere where they will you're a human being create an image of God do do what you want to do and and ultimately the market capitalism the the market actually sorts that out incredibly well you know prior to the 64 civil rights act there were there were black businesses and companies and organizations that were were doing just fine uh they they they catered to those who were uh who you know who came in and and participated in and doing business with them who they wanted to serve who they liked and enjoyed uh and and I think long term uh they would have been just fine with the idea that that integration happened
I personally believe that what it created in the mind of many blacks was this idea of white means superior uh you know if I'm if I'm in in a in a white uh uh lunch counter uh they they've got to serve better food it must be colder it must be you know warmer it must be whatever whatever you're thinking it is it it created a a sense of of superiority toward things that were white rather than recognizing that you know the the the uh the the restaurant down the road that that fixed barbecue or fixed whatever steaks or what have you and happen to be run by by a black business owner uh might have had might have had better food might have had a better service you you know you just don't know but but but the market will sort those things out rather than enforcing uh some law uh on private businesses uh that were in my estimation unjust and and unconstitutional uh what again what what we should have done was allowed the market to sort that out uh and and to uh and to ensure that that everyone had an equal opportunity to build build businesses and build companies and do what they needed to do in those instances but but not thwart the will of those who own those businesses and demand that they hire or participate in acts that they don't desire to and I had on the program somebody that I know that you have since come to know and develop a friendship with Vince Ellison oh yeah yeah author of 25 lies in fact
I'm almost positive I gave you a copy of his book before you knew who he was yep yep yep but uh
Vince uh actually startled me uh when he was defending exactly what you're talking about on my show and that was in 2022 if anybody wants to look that up look up Vince Ellison in the search engine of iron trap and zion radio .com
but he said uh you know what I call it when somebody uh refuses to leave your place of business no matter what the reason the owner wants you to leave whether it's your skin color whether it's any other reason
I call that stalking and he made sense to me um but we're gonna pick up where we left off there when we return from our first commercial break and if anybody has a question on dei diversity equity and inclusion that we both here on this program want to see die um our email address is chris arnzen at gmail .com
c -h -r -i -s -a -r -n -z -e -n -a -g -mail .com give us your first name at least your city and state of residence and your country of residence if you live outside of the
USA only remain anonymous if your question involves a personal and private matter uh don't go away we're gonna be right back with Virgil Walker after these
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today and mention iron sharpens iron radio i'm now back with virgil walker of g3 ministries and we are discussing a dei a diversity equity inclusion and the fact that we want dei to die and if you have a question our email address is chris arnzen at gmail .com
c h r i s a r n z e n at gmail .com give us your first name at least city and state and country of residence and by the way i wanted to quickly have you clarify something some people might wrongly draw the conclusion that you and i believed that the jim crow laws were a good thing but that was enforced segregation that was not leaving the choices up to business owners and public parks and things like that correct uh it wasn't leaving the decisions up to people i you know if i want uh black people to eat in my restaurant right next to whites that's up to me to have them customers come right in here no matter what color they were no no jim crow laws forbid you from doing that uh and of course i'm sure most people if not all people who were business owners would be too terrified uh to face the repercussions if they didn't follow those laws uh but anyway i i'm sure that you want to make that clear to our listeners as well no i absolutely i mean i think when we think about um the montgomery bus boycott that that was a that was a right uh movement you know that that was a right why because the montgomery buses were being segregated but all of the taxpayer dollars equally came from blacks and whites while whites were subjugated uh while blacks rather were subjugated to riding on the back of the bus and uh now the you know the uh the story uh as it relates to rosa parks and and and all of what she did and and uh to to uh kind of ignite that whole thing you know historically speaking if you go back and do the research uh rosa parks was a plant i mean they had the naacp planned to have her sit where she sat uh they had planned for her to operate in the manner that she did uh all of that was planned but but that notwithstanding uh there was a reason to to go after uh the segregation and uh laws that were in place that kept that that forced rosa parks and others like her to move to the back of the bus and and they and and look they did it rightly what was originally thought by martin luther king and others to be a a five day at most four five day you know kind of a walk away from the bus ended up being a year -long uh ordeal beginning in december of 1955 uh and and ending uh december 20th of 1956 so that that was a you know a year -long a day -long uh process of uh of black bus riders walking away from uh the uh the buses and what did they do they they got their own forms of transportation uh they began taking the money that they would have paid to the buses uh and paying them to their friends and neighbors and those i mean this was this was the really the first version of uber uh that actually was taking place uh during the montgomery bus boycott in fact the city at the time uh montgomery the city of montgomery actually lost uh in in today's dollars uh nearly three hundred thousand dollars uh monthly uh and uh and they they could not uh overcome uh that kind of a that kind of a hit uh the buses were about to you know about to be diminished because they couldn't continue not allowing blacks and their patronage uh to come on on the buses the the law actually worked in this way it wasn't the civil rights bill or civil rights act of 64 this is you know nine years earlier what happened well the issue of desegregation actually went through the supreme court and ultimately in a ruling called browder v gale uh they held that it was unconstitutional to segregate the buses and and on november 13th of 1956 uh they they that that law was passed and they had to desegregate the buses on december the 20th of 1956 now my encouragement would have been for the blacks to continue riding their own i mean they they they had had invested a year in spending money with each other and understanding the nuances of that because now what they were doing legislatively was going back to a bus system that still the bus the the bus driver didn't want them on the whites didn't want them on uh what they needed to do was create their own bus system and make it run so well that whites would want to ride on it because it was more efficient and effective but uh that's not what actually took place i do think the removal of the segregationist law uh was a proper and right thing to do i think the manner in which it was done in this instance was a right and proper thing to do uh but as it as it pertains to moving forward during the during the uh during the days of civil rights where now they saw they saw the effect and and martin luther king says let's go uh do some sit -ins at some lunch counters uh of the of private businesses so that we can have the same kind of effect i think that's when things went the wrong direction and i'm assuming that uh what was what the compelling factor was that you even wanted to write about this issue and talk about it uh that is uh the most recent current event was the attempt at the assassination of president donald trump and uh the fact that the secret service uh behaved in a manner not all of them uh i understand that the people that were actually on the platform acted very heroically but at the same time there was some of the preparations that would reveal that they behaved like bumbling idiots absolutely well when again you you push this ball forward there i mean we've been talking historically but you push this ball forward and uh what you have with regard to the the trigger you're exactly right the trigger for this for me to think about these issues was the assassination attempt uh on on president trump um and and what what did we witness uh we saw um you know the the diminishing impact uh someone missed it i don't know who missed it but somebody somebody missed it uh you know where where the shooter was his access to a former president um you know his ability to get shots off when people that were in spaces and places saw him um you know before he began to begin to participate in the way that he did um you have a you have a secret service uh a chief who said you know her her one of her the marching orders uh uh secret service director kimberly chito her goal uh was to see a 30 increase in minority representation by 2025 and and that was that was her her idea her goal uh not a more effective unit not a not a not a not a unit that had the ability to to be more lethal more effective uh more protective no but that that that what we're worried about is is the level of melanin in the skin of the of the secret service agents and or their gender yeah or or the or the fact that more women were were able to to participate and i mean i just think that's absolutely ridiculous especially in this incredibly important area of of protective service uh for the president of the united states yeah and just like with the uh overreach of the government uh with the uh the uh mandates during the coronavirus pandemic uh where you had leftist elitists very wealthy individuals in politics enjoying uh the freedom and liberty to go and eat where they chose unlike the rest of us this dei nonsense you know without a doubt if any of those leftists uh require life -saving brain surgery that is very delicate sensitive or hey let's let's let's face it even if it's a common tooth extraction they don't want a dei hire to be doing this no uh and they will likely make sure it is not especially when you're talking about the more serious procedures or anything in life that may put your safety and well -being and life at risk yeah go ahead here here chris here's the duplicity of all of this i mean here's the here's the hypocrisy in all of this um you had you had a few weeks later uh you know donald trump shows up at a at a conference uh of black journalists um and and one of the one of the questioners one of the one of the um the uh the journalists there interviewing the president uh was concerned that and asking the question whether or not uh trump believed that kamala harris was a dei hire right right and so if if we think so highly of dei if we think it's such a wonderful thing such a uh an effective uh tool mechanism by which to uh properly adjudicate historic racism uh why is it that that you know that it is a pejorative that it is a bad thing in essence to be considered a dei hire why would why would this this journalist see uh an admission on trump's part that that kamala harris is a dei hire as a bad thing for him to admit in a public setting right um they they know what they're doing this is absolutely uh ridiculous and and again another another one of the reasons why i i just think dei needs to die well and then on top of that that after that already happened after that journalist was outraged uh that trump refused to answer the question uh about whether or not he believed kamala harris was a dei hire after that and i think this was either last night or the night before michelle obama in her speech said who's going to tell trump the presidency is a black job right so there's there's another clear revelation that she wants whoever becomes the president to be a dei hire right right this i mean they they leverage race race ethnicity you and i know that there's only one human race uh but but what they're doing is they're they're they're weaponizing um ethnicity i mean this is this is actually the it's used to someone's advantage uh for in certain instances and uh and and to the detriment of others it would have been detrimental for trump to admit that that kamala harris was a dei hire it was advantageous for for uh uh you know obama uh uh michelle obama to to exclaim that uh that the white house job was a quote -unquote black job uh if if they really believe that to be true then what what in the world is joe biden doing sitting in the office and and why is why is tim walls a white man kamala harris's running mate right right right i mean i mean there's there's all kinds of questions the the the logic of this falls apart apart from you know someone's you know quick -witted uh little little ditty that they're trying to score two points with uh with the crowd with i mean it really is it really is silly okay uh let we have time for one question before the break uh let's see here i was just looking at oh here it is we have hakim in bedford stuy brooklyn new york and hakim says isn't one of the tragic results of this dei crime that those people who are brilliant and skilled who have achieved and accomplished much will be looked upon with skepticism just because of the color of their skin because one is going to wonder if they are a dei hire even if that person wondering that does not have a single drop of racist blood in their body and you know that's that's an excellent point hakim i immediately think of ben carson before he retired when he was a brain surgeon just imagine uh because the dei nonsense wasn't going on back then just imagine you know your brain surgeon walks out to greet with you and go over some surgery you don't even know who ben carson is and you're going to be you're probably going to be terrified because you just think wrongly he's a dei right right right i mean that that's that's really in in my estimation the the worst outcome uh of uh dei policy of of even affirmative action policy uh it's it's that every everyone of a certain uh melanin count is now viewed and and you know if they're in a if they're in a position of authority uh if they're in a position of importance or of power uh it's automatically assumed uh that they got there through the help of some program or process known as dei or or and or affirmative action and it it mitigates it nullifies uh the hard work and achievement and accomplishments uh of of many uh they they are viewed uh circumspectly you know it's well i'm not sure they're supposed to be there i'm not sure they're uh they're actually qualified uh to to work in in that space and i just think it needs to be getting gotten rid of uh because it's not it's not helpful it's not useful uh the programs have have not have have have at this point created a larger uh have been a greater detriment to our culture and our interactions with one another than it has a has helped i've argued that long long before dei policies i've got right i've got written material uh dating back decades where where i absolutely abhor and oppose uh affirmative action policies that are based upon race racial preference um and and any kind of uh any kind of policy that advances someone uh based upon you know issues that they have nothing to do with the color of their skin uh their gender you know their their height and whatnot yeah and this also goes along with uh hard -working students uh who are uh black folks who poured time and money and countless hours into accomplishing a lifelong dream and the lifelong dream of their parents and grandparents and sacrificed much uh and they finally accomplish uh getting good grades and that how what robbery from people like this when you have when you have quotas in in colleges and so forth absolutely absolutely absolutely i'm i'm grateful for the supreme court decision that that has ruled that this kind of policy is is no longer allowed and is discriminatory as it relates to colleges and universities uh but it it needs to extend into every facet of of culture and um you know if we're if we're going to provide set asides and and and um and and promotion and opportunity i think a better a better metric would be a socioeconomic metric rather than one that had anything to do with someone's ethnicity and still applying uh a meritocracy where absolutely where only people's accomplishments and abilities were the determining factor for their advancement anywhere absolutely absolutely all right we have to go to uh our midway break please use this time wisely try to contact as many of our advertisers as you can knowing that their finances are what keep us on the air and send in your questions to virgil walker the chris arenson at gmail .com
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purchase generously and mention chris arnzen of iron sharpens iron radio and by the way allow me to make a an announcement with a special prayer request especially since this prayer request is for a very dear friend of mine who's also a very dear friend of dr conrad mbaywe i just heard the news as did dr mbaywe that our mutual friend gary wolf who i have known uh since the 1980s uh we were both members of the church uh where uh i was saved and i can't remember right now gary was saved there as well calvary baptist church in amityville long island where which eventually became grace reform baptist church of long island in merrick new york after a merger with another church but uh gary has just been diagnosed today with stomach cancer and his beloved sister died not long ago of stomach cancer at a very young age and i so i really urge you i beg of you to please pray for the special presence of christ in gary's life just as virgil was saying in the beginning of this program even though we may be cessationists we believe god does perform miracles even though we don't believe in human miracle workers we don't believe people possess the apostolic gift of healing we do believe god heals when and where he wants to for reasons uh known only to him and we ask of you to pray for a healing for gary whether it's miraculous or whether it's through the guided hands of surgeons and those treating gary during this this trial and battle we also ask you to be with him psychologically and emotionally uh that his faith remains strong and unwavering and that he even reaches a point where he can be at perfect peace and even have many reasons for eruptions of joy in the midst of this trial so please pray for gary wolf a mutual friend of dr conrad and bayway and myself from long island new york and uh also folks before i return to my conversation with virgil walker i just have a couple of reminders to you if you love this show folks and you don't want it to go off the air please go to irontreppanzionradio .com
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and put i need a church in the subject line that's also the email address to send in a question to virgil walker and we are talking about dei uh diversity equity and inclusion and uh our email address is chrisarnson at gmail .com
chrisarnson at gmail .com give us your first name at least city and state and country of residence and uh virgil we do have another listener question for you sure uh we have reed in seven hills ohio and reed says i agree with every word that has come out of your mouth virgil but thinking rationally do you think like the old saying goes you'll never get the toothpaste back into the tube after you squeezed it that we will ever realistically see in at least in our reasonably near future these things being reversed yeah i i i'm a little bit more optimistic to be honest with you um i i do i do see and and think and believe that there's a there is a younger generation who are coming up who um you know ethnicity is not an issue for them um yes you have your your your liberals and and most of these people if you begin to look at the poll numbers closely most of the people who are advancing these you know far leftist uh liberal uh causes uh that advocate for uh race -based preferences and um you know preferences based upon on on gender and uh you know and and trans and trans related issues are are older white women uh they're the ones advancing this cause and what you're seeing even in in and even it's been interesting watching this cycle of uh of the election the election cycle in that you're not you're noting a lot of black men in particular who are who are leaning uh more toward the right a lot of black men are leaning toward donald trump and and why is that it's because they've been told forever by black women by liberal white women uh that that they're the victims that they can't make it that they can't do well and uh they're just not that that message is no longer resonating with them uh they they they don't believe the hype if you will they're really uh advocating the the the democratic plantation uh they're walking away and and they're willing to even be vocal about their um about their support of more conservative ideas uh and particularly their vote for donald trump and so i i do think you're beginning to see a shift i i i argue there's a major shift in the black community that's happening um and um while while policies lag behind uh it begins uh with people having right attitudes and right thought processes about about these kinds of of issues okay uh we have jeremy in matatuck long island new york and jeremy says although i think there are reasons for christians to publicly discuss and debate these issues what kind of response would you give to those listening who think what you are discussing has little or nothing to do with the christian faith yeah well i i i honestly believe that the that if you're thinking about who we are as human beings um and and and we note that in culture there is this revolt against how god created us god created us male and female uh god god displays his his beauty through the multiplicity of of uh of individuals who have different ethnic backgrounds and different makeups and different color you know all of that is a part of god's glory um to to relegate those values those issues to um things that we're going to use to to beat one another up uh that we're going to we're going to militarize those things that we're going to we're going to engage in sinful partiality on the basis of race uh and and then to be told by some christians that the only way that we can have a robust gospel uh is if we bow the knee to uh social justice uh i think those those issues have a lot to do uh with christianity a great deal to do with the gospel and being clear about who we are uh and and and whose we are uh and the responsibilities and roles that we have uh to one another i think those are very important issues when you when i think about the book of genesis it begins with in the beginning god and we see very short order man and and created order and and that man is given dominion and there's there's difference in male and female and there's there's difference in in humanity and we see all of that from the very beginning and so god had to think and believe and know that uh that there was an importance in identifying who we are and uh and what we are and and our role uh in and humanity so when culture begins to violently oppose what god has set up uh and and set the dictates under which we interact with each other uh on the basis of race on the basis of ethnicity on the basis of who was subjugated uh in a fallen sinful world i think we have every responsibility as christians to speak up about it and that's what i intend to do amen i could think of two reasons why this definitely involves the christian faith thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods or anything that is thy neighbors and thou shalt not steal because a lot of this is being driven and that would include marxism and socialism they are driven by those very things of coveting and stealing uh things that are not yours or right and uh it is just a blatant display of jealousy of people moving up and forward and becoming successful and accomplished and wait a minute that's not fair i want what that person has so it has to be made easier for me to get the same thing and and result is not only are you coveting you may be stealing the position uh that another person would have been hired for am i am i am i overreaching there no absolutely that's that's absolutely a part of it i i think it's i i and i all do respect to the to the person who asked the question i think we get ourselves in trouble when we when we when we narrowly view the gospel as as relating to those issues which pertain to salvation only uh and nothing else uh if we don't understand that the gospel impacts uh yes it impacts salvation it's it's it's it's the understanding that christ came and died lived a perfect life died on our behalf uh for for our sins uh he became the of of of god's wrath that that was due upon us due upon humanity we need to understand we need to understand that know that at the same time because of what christ has done because of what god has done through his son we we now are indwelt with a with a holy spirit uh and and and the outer working of the gospel in our lives uh has an impact on what we see and what we say about what we see in culture amen and we have amethyst in jupiter florida who says how do you respond to those who try to explain the need for dei is because we are not all on an equal playing field and minorities and females have had much higher and greater and impenetrable obstacles to overcome than white heterosexual males and therefore the playing field needs to be made more even yeah yeah well again i appreciate the i appreciate the question uh related to that but the presupposition is that we are we are uh all to have an even playing field and the reality is uh that's a that's a fallacy that is a farce uh there's nothing further from the truth than that we all should have or need to have an even playing field uh all of us are not born with equal opportunity uh i you know i'm a short guy you know i'll never play in the nba uh you know the playing field for nba players and myself should not be leveled so that i can have an equal opportunity to play in the nba as those six foot five six foot six men who actually have athletic ability uh that that that that that playing field should not be equal uh in in more serious terms uh we're all born with different levels of intellect different levels of ability uh different desires different passions what we need to be focusing on is ensuring that the race that's given us to run by god is run well regardless of the station in life that we're in if we stop focusing on who has more who has less uh how much i don't have or or how difficult my road was uh if we focus on what god has given us and understand that we serve an an all -powerful all -knowing god uh who is going to ensure that as i follow him i'm going to get what's due me and there is no one who can take it away from me i think the more we focus on that the better will be yeah and when you think about it um uh there have been freed slaves that have achieved levels of brilliance and knowledge and wisdom and even status in society that i could never even dream of achieving right uh i mean look at look at look at booker t washington i i didn't i'd encourage your caller to read his book up from slavery uh here was a man who uh you know was born you know just as a slave uh sees the emancipation proclamation and then eventually would would would climb the the the social economic political uh ladder uh to the point where he is informing presidents of the united states as to what they need to do as it pertains to race relations i mean you know the the obstacles in front of you are no match for the god that you serve if you truly believe that the god that you serve is all -powerful uh focus on him not not not the idea that government somehow needs to quote unquote level a playing field now how do you respond with a balanced uh attitude based on facts uh in regard to this whole issue because i believe there are conservatives who speak foolishly when they say that uh there are no modern day ripple effects from slavery and jim crow now i want to make it clear i do not believe in reparations uh i think not only is that a violation of coveting and stealing as i was just mentioning we have no way of possibly correctly and honestly accomplishing those kinds of things uh but i believe there are clear ripple effects that have continued to plague society in the 21st century because of the sins of america i believe that god's chastisement has been on this nation uh i do not trash this nation i don't get me wrong i'm not trying to make this uh nation nothing but an inherently evil nation and the the idea that leftists mock the slogan make america great again because it was never great at all ever right uh i i reject that uh and people are spoiled brats when they're living in a free nation like this now no matter what uh circumstances they may be facing that are difficult and uncomfortable uh that when we compare our nation to others there is no comparison but at the same time we shouldn't ignore that there have been ripple effects am i living in a dream world here no i i think i think you're right i just my my response to that is i think that i i think that the impacts uh of of slavery and of jim crow uh in today are drastically over over embellished i mean yeah were were their impacts absolutely were their economic impacts absolutely there were if you if you had wealth passed down to generation to generation you would have it up to a greater degree today uh than if you were unable or your parents or grandparents or great -grandparents were unable to acquire those things but at the same time there are those who had great wealth uh in in in years gone by great great grandfather great great great grandfather had money passed down and within a generation that wealth is absolutely gone uh and and and the next generation thereafter has has nothing to show for it uh and and are are impoverished uh you know i i'm not i'm not a proponent of of reparations uh if they if there were to be that some they should have been paid long long before now right right and we're not in a position to to do anything to rectify it without actually turning the country upside down inside out to the degree that it would no longer reflect the the the beautiful nation in which we live the reality is um we live in the freest richest most blessed nation in the world uh there are there are paupers who at great risk of their own lives uh attempt to come to the united states uh with the hope and purpose of acquiring something for themselves and their loved ones recognizing that the the the laws and rules and issues and systems that are set up are designed in such a way that those who are willing to work hard put their nose to the grindstone and do what they need to do uh can actually make it uh can actually do well and can actually be in a position uh to obtain wealth uh with within their generation uh and an ability to pass that down i mean i only a lazy person appeals to the government for the purpose reparations and the way that many on the left even discuss this it's really and it seems palpably obvious that many leftists all they are really doing is calling for vengeance and they really want to do uh they want to enact a jim crow in reverse where where white men are predominantly the target of their anger and vengeance and it seems clear that and i'm not trying to broad brush everybody on the left but it seems clear that that is without question a motive of many those who are advancing the cause of reparations uh today have have no desire to see uh the the nation as a whole benefit uh they they are narcissistic uh they're focused on on selves on themselves uh they they and the the real issue at the end of the day is regardless of the dollar amount and some some argue every and everywhere from uh 25 trillion to 36 trillion dollars um the the reality is that the the um the whole uh the u .s
uh domestic wealth uh in the country is no more than 22 trillion uh and so what we're talking about is is selling every every good that we have in an effort to pay uh what some believe are to be reparations and so again these these and the the reality is is is this chris if they were given the 25 the 30 trillion dollars and sent out in checks across the united states uh to to those who are are uh you know can be identified as as being connected to slavery um the reality is is the the cohort of people who are wanting to advance reparations would not be satisfied regardless of what you paid them it would never be enough amen amen uh well we have an off topic question but it's still legitimate uh bernice in hollis queens new york wants to know where has larry elder been i never see him on tv anymore that's a good question i i don't know um i was honored to be a part of the documentary uh uncle tom too myself my partner darrell harrison a lot of notable folks that were a part of that votey bockham was a part of that uh that that uh that that process uh great to be interviewed by those folks and know that he was a part of the he was he was one of the executive producers of that of that uh of that documentary uh but again i you know i don't have direct contact with him uh he's you know i've i interact with him from time to time uh on social media uh you know he he will retweet or repost something i've written or uh you know or give a give a thumbs up or like and i'm always impressed by that but i have no idea what he's currently doing um in particular so well uh there was a nagging memory in the back of my head that caused me just now to google i was almost certain i heard tucker carlson announcing that he is appearing on stage at a special event or even special events plural or with larry elder and i was i was correct uh and uh monday september 16th 7 p .m
at the phizer forum f -i -s -e -r -v uh -huh in milwaukee wisconsin and uh you could find out more uh by just googling tucker carlson live with special guest larry elver and uh you'll get uh all the information on that hopefully they're not sold out already yeah well thank you bernice for that uh that question and we are going to our final break right now and if you do have a question you want to ask of your own please send it in immediately because we're rapidly running out of time chris arnson at gmail .com
give us your first name at least city and state and country of residence don't go away we're going to be right back right after these sponsors james white of alphanomega ministries here if you've watched my dividing line webcast often enough you know i have a great love for getting bibles and other documents vital ministry rebound to preserve and ensure their longevity and besides that they feel so good i'm so delighted i discovered post tenebrous lux bible rebinding no radio ad will be long enough to sing their praises sufficiently but i'll give it a shot jeffrey rice of post tenebrous lux is a remarkably gifted craftsman and artisan all his work is done by hand from the cutting to the pleating of corners to the perimeter stitching jeffrey uses the finest and buttery soft imported leathers in a wide variety of gorgeous colors like the turquoise goat skin tanned in italy used for my nestle all in 28th edition with a navy blue goat skin inside liner and the electric blue goat skin from a french tannery used to rebind a reformation study bible i used as a gift the silver gilding he added on the page edges has a stunning mirror finish resembling highly polished chrome jeffrey will customize your rebinding to your specifications and even emboss your logo into the leather making whatever he rebinds a one -of -a -kind work of art for more details on post tenebrous lux bible rebinding go to ptl bible rebinding .com
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westminster commentary .com for details on heritage presbyterian church of cumming georgia visit heritagepresbyterianchurch .com
heritagepresbyterianchurch .com please tell dr morecraft and the saints at heritage presbyterian church of cumming georgia that dr joseph piper of greenville presbyterian theological seminary sent you hi this is john sampson pastor of king's church in peoria arizona taking a moment of your day to talk about chris arnson and the iron sharpens iron podcast i consider chris a true friend and a man of high integrity he's a skilled interviewer who's not afraid to ask the big penetrating questions while always defending the key doctrines of the christian faith i've always been happy to point people to this podcast knowing it's one of the very few safe places on the internet where folk won't be led astray i believe this podcast needs to be heard far and wide this is a day of great spiritual compromise and yet god has raised chris up for just such a time and knowing this it's up to us as members of the body of christ to stand with such a ministry in prayer and in finances i'm pleased to do so and would like to ask you to prayerfully consider joining me in supporting iron sharpens iron financially would you consider sending either a one -time gift or even becoming a regular monthly partner with this ministry i know it would be a huge encouragement to chris if you would all the details can be found at ironsharpensironradio .com
where you can click support that's ironsharpensironradio .com i'm dr tony costa professor of apologetics and islam at toronto baptist seminary i'm thrilled to introduce to you a church where i've been invited to speak and have grown to love hope reform baptist church in corham long island new york pastored by rich jansen and christopher mcdowell it's such a joy to witness and experience fellowship with people of god like the dear saints at hope reform baptist church in corham who have an intensely passionate desire to continue digging deeper and deeper into the unfathomable riches of christ in his holy word and to enthusiastically proclaim christ jesus the king and his doctrines of sovereign grace in suffolk county long island and beyond i hope you also have the privilege of discovering this precious congregation and receive the blessing of being showered by their love as i have for more information on hope reform baptist church go to hope reform li .net
that's hopereformedli .net or call 631 -696 -5711 that's 631 -696 -5711 tell the folks at hope reform baptist church of corham long island new york that you heard about them from tony costa on iron sharpens iron when iron sharpens iron radio first launched in 2005 the publishers of the new american standard bible were among my very first sponsors it gives me joy knowing that many scholars and pastors in the iron sharpens iron radio audience have been sticking with or switching to the nasb i'm pastor nate pickowitz of harvest bible church in gilmanton ironworks new hampshire and the nasb is my bible of choice i'm pastor rich jensen of hope reform baptist church in corham new york and the nasb is my bible of choice i'm pastor sule prince of oakwood wesleyan church in toronto ontario canada and the nasb is my bible of choice i'm pastor john sampson of king's church in peoria arizona and the nasb is my bible of choice i'm pastor chuck volo of new life community church in kingsville maryland and the nasb is my bible of choice i'm pastor steve herford of eastport baptist church in jacksonville florida and the nasb is my bible of choice i'm pastor roy owens jr of the church of friendship in hockley texas and the nasb is my bible of choice here's a great way for your church to help keep iron sharpens iron radio on the air pastors are your pew bibles tattered and falling apart consider restocking your pews with the nasb and tell the publishers you heard about them from chris arnson on iron sharpens iron radio go to nasbible .com
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that's securecomgroup .com but today i want to introduce you to my senior pastor doug mcmasters of new high park baptist church on long island doug mcmasters here former director of pastoral correspondence at grace to you the radio ministry of john mcarthur in the film chariots of fire the olympic gold medalist runner eric liddell remarked that he felt god's pleasure when he ran he knew his efforts sprang from the gifts and calling of god he sensed that same god -given pleasure when ministering the word and helping others gain a deeper knowledge and love for god that love starts with the wonderful news that the lord jesus christ is a savior who died for sinners and that god forgives all who come to him in repentance trusting solely in christ to deliver them i would be delighted to have the honor and privilege of ministering to you if you live in the long island area or queens or brooklyn or the bronx in new york city for details on new high park baptist church visit nhpbc .com
that's nhpbc .com you can also call us at 516 -352 -9672 that's 516 -352 -9672 that's new high park baptist church a congregation in love with each other passionate for christ committed to learning and being shaped by god's word and delighting in the gospel of god's sovereign grace chris arnzen here i am forever grateful to cumberland valley bible book service for their generous financial support of iron sharpens iron radio but that's not the only reason i love them cvbbs .com
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1 -800 -now -hurt .com please make sure you tell daniel p buttafuco attorney at law that you heard about his law firm buttafuco and associates from chris arnson of iron sharpens iron radio i also want to remind our listeners that this friday and saturday the 23rd and 24th of august my former church where i was a member before moving to pennsylvania grace reform baptist church of long island in merrick new york is having their courageous marriage conference featuring keynote speaker best -selling author dr joe rigney if you would like to find out more about this conference and if you'd like to register go to grace reform baptist church .org
grace reform baptist church .org i understand that if the registration fee is too high for you that they are willing to work with you to see if they can lower it to the point where it will be a lot more comfortable for you to attend that's grace reform baptist church .org
and that courageous marriage conference featuring dr joe rigney is this friday and saturday august 23rd and 24th and we're now back with virgil walker and we have been discussing diversity equity and inclusion dei and i know that for a fact that dei almost cost the life of our former president donald trump that is painfully obvious but uh is dei literally costing lives yeah i'd argue that it is there are some areas in which uh we need to think about uh instituting any kind of policy that does not look at or that or that diminishes standards uh whether it be in the example of the assassination attempt the president of the united states where obviously protocols were were were missed but we also had had women who were guarding the president who you know from their size and stature were really unable to provide adequate coverage and protection for him as it relates to uh to to secret service when you look at what the airline industry is trying to accomplish i i think that i think that i think if if the goal is to encourage uh people to uh know that there are opportunities available to them that perhaps they were unaware of if you're talking about about affirmative recruitment absolutely but but when you but when you but when the goal the stated goal of uh of companies corporations corporations like like delta and american airlines uh say that their goal is to hire so many black pilots uh you know by a certain date uh i i think that's problematic uh you know because the issue should not be their ethnicity uh the issue should be we're going to hire the best pilots uh available uh to fly the planes that we have for the safety of the you know of the of the riding of the flying public um and and and we and we're going to promote this opportunity as something that that that we want to encourage everyone from every ethnic background and uh you know every every uh you know related uh issue uh that that they have the opportunity uh to apply for these roles but that we're only going to select the best person historically speaking america has always been a meritocracy always about the best we want the best look at look at the look at the uh no one was trying to ensure certain ethnic groups were equally represented in every sport no we wanted the best people on the field and no one cared about the color of their skin they all they were concerned with was that they had trained all their lives to be the very best at the sport that they engaged in and when we do that we recognize america comes out on top and so i i think we've got to get back to that and of course they had men competing in sports with women absolutely which is absolutely utterly insane unbelievable yeah and it's also amazing on how silent feminists are over that well they're they're silent because they recognize they're they're the cause uh of of what's what's transpired you go you know first wave feminism let's let's let's vote let's ensure the the women have the right to vote you know second wave feminism it's kind of the glorious dynam you know i am woman hear me roar i can be in the corporate office in the corporate setting and do what i need to do and then you you know you've got uh feminism third wave feminism that then begins to say i i can do it just as good if not better than a man uh you know we don't we don't need men you have even fourth and fifth wave feminism now uh anyone can anyone can be a woman i mean we've just the regression uh is so unbelievable and and and now you have men claiming to be women uh involved in sports and and and leveraging their testosterone and muscle mass in a in a fight in a boxing match and pummeling women to the silence of these same feminists who have marched through the corridors of time and given us this absolutely train wreck mess uh that we currently live in in our day and where this nonsense puts our entire nation in jeopardy and in fact not just our nation the world because uh regardless of whether or not we like it i don't believe that the united states is supposed to be the world's police force but at the same time the world looks to the united states uh for uh preservation of their own existence uh this whole ridiculous dei going in into place with the woke movement uh having such inroads in the united states military uh i've had pete hegseth on the program from fox news uh who wrote the book uh the war on warriors and it's just amazing uh the insanity going on where you have so -called transgendered men getting into the military and then when they are going through their so -called transformations uh surgically and medically they don't get deployed uh to uh harm's way because they know those high -ranking officials in the military know that this person is in no uh condition or position uh to be uh defending the life of anyone when they're going through that so it's almost uh not even almost this is uh a demonic scheme yes it is and that's just one area but if you want to continue on that yeah i mean absolutely it's absolutely ridiculous to see that happening in uh in in places where we can't we can't afford to uh allow it to take place i you know i personally i don't think women should be in in in the military service i think i think women should should be at home uh with uh with their children and if they desire to to work that's fine but uh the idea that women should be uh in in the middle and i served i served in the in the air force and so um you know i just think it's it's an absolute mistake more times than not when war time takes place a great number of those women end up end up becoming pregnant and and and they and they diminish the the fighting number of of able -bodied individuals who are able to go in and and and um and engage in battle and so these kinds of things are things that we we need to think about as a culture and as a society and understand that there is a difference between men and women uh as god designed us uh and those differences have value uh and and beauty and worth uh as designed by god the idea that we can switch one out based upon a feeling or an emotion uh that we have during the course of a given day is absolute lunacy and we should not uh we should not uh be benefiting those people who who operate in that way and especially in regard to the military but it involves many area other areas of life people are substituting what is a an honor and a privilege into a right that they demand and especially in the military when other people's lives and safety are put in jeopardy because of your selfish whims that should never be the case am i right absolutely absolutely i mean again i i don't whatever someone chooses to do is their own you know it is their own deal i'm not i'm not trying to stop someone from you know deciding that they uh that they that they want to be a woman or they're a man and they think they're a woman or what you know i'm not talking about you're talking about you're talking about legally you're not trying to no yeah i'm not i'm not trying to legally change that or transform it but but but what i but what i i do uh believe is when when when when their mental illness is is somehow and it's incumbent upon me now to embrace that and to use particular pronouns uh and and to and to and to open up spaces in places like like girls locker rooms and for for men who who've decided they've become women and and and sports and and the like i it's just absolutely ridiculous absolutely ridiculous i i will i will give you a little pushback though on the not wanting to legally prevent people from doing that i i would like to see us reach a point where physicians would be put in prison for mutilating the bodies of yeah very deeply sick and disturbed individuals yeah that they are profiting from taking advantage of their delusion and if especially if you're talking about children not only should the physicians be in prison but their parents should be in prison too no i i don't i don't disagree in fact let me restate that because my my intention in in sharing what i did was simply to say you know i i have no personal you know desire to to go into someone's bedroom and change or transform anything that's going on there that that that's what that's as far as i mean i have no problem with with laws being put into place that that that that keep people from engaging uh in in bodily you know mutilation uh particularly with young people as well with adults and and physicians who are willing to destroy people knowing that what they suffer from is a mental illness and that even as they change or transform their body they're still subject to uh desires of uh of of uh of of killing themselves right of of uh of suicide to a greater degree than any other at any other portion of our of our uh of our populace it's really it's really up for it now in about two minutes time can you give us a summary of what you believe the word of god has to say about this entire subject yeah well god has created us in his image and likeness and uh we we are a reflection of of his glory and uh we we are to glorify him in all things and and that begins uh with acknowledging him recognizing our sinfulness uh understanding that he sent his one and only son as a sacrifice on our behalf uh that if we would repent of our sin and and and and and turn to him uh and and follow his word that we would we would indeed have eternal life uh again repentance of sin placing our full faith in jesus christ and we will indeed inherit eternal life as a as an outflowing of that decision of of of of our repentance of our faith placed in the finished work of christ uh the outflow of that is a life that is uh that desires uh the things that god desires it desires uh the the beauty that god desires it desires to glorify god in all things and so as a result we would abandon this idolatry of race and ethnicity we would abandon uh this this ideation with uh with gender that's outside of the bounds of of what god has ordained uh through his word uh we would abandon the chaos of the culture uh and and we would embrace god's glory in greater ways amen well i want to repeat your website for g3 ministries g3men .org
g3men .org and let's not forget about the just thinking podcast hosted by my guest virgil walker and daryl bernard harrison justthinking .me
that's m as in michael e as in edward justthinking .me this article written by virgil walker that we have been discussing can be found at standing for freedom .com
standing for freedom .com and you could type in virgil walker in the search engine have any other uh websites or contact information that you care to share yeah we definitely love for you to check out g3men .org
and uh get registered for one of our conferences uh the one coming up in october 3rd through the 5th uh the cessationist conference go to g3men .org
as well as our national conference in 2025 september 11th through the 13th amen and don't forget folks that the grace reform baptist church of long island's marriage conference the courageous marriage is this friday and saturday august 23rd and 24th at grace reform baptist church of long island america new york featuring dr joe rigney their keynote speaker to register go to grace reform baptist church .org