FBC Daily Devotional – October 6, 2021


A brief bit of encouragement for your day from God's Word


Well, good morning, and once again coming to you from Gulf Shores, Alabama Today at least
I'm recording this there and this is our last day of vacation and preparing these devotionals ahead of time so that When you get up on Wednesday, October, what is today 6th?
You can catch up with what God has to say to us from John chapter 10
And in this passage, I mean, this is really one of the This is really one of the most encouraging passages in in the
Gospels for Those who are Christ's sheep those who are followers of Jesus because we have this stark contrast in this passage between those who hear him and Follow him
They are Jesus says his sheep and those who don't
Some who come to some come to Jesus and they confront him and say, you know do some sign perform some some
Stupendous miraculous thing that we may know and know they say if you're really the
Messiah tell us Tell us state that you're the Messiah and Jesus says look you've seen the things
I've done They testify to who I am you've seen the marvelous works I've done you've heard the things
I've said the teachings I've given they testify to who I am and They don't get it they don't buy it
Jesus points out. It's my sheep who hear my voice They know me they follow me so those who are
Those who are demanding more from Jesus than what he's already given Enough for those who are his sheep to follow him
They're not going to accept it and they make it clear that they're not his sheep but to those who are
Jesus makes this wonderful promise in In verses 27 28 and 29
He says this he says my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me so listen
Are you following Jesus? If you're following Jesus, he says
I know you and you are my sheep but he goes on to say
I give to them eternal life and furthermore
They will never perish never perish and To further emphasize the point.
He says no one will snatch them out of my hand no one now
There are some in the in the broader Circles of Christianity who believe in the idea that you can lose your salvation
That you can make a decision and get saved but then later make a decision and get unsaved
Well that really flies right in the face of what Jesus is saying here if you're his sheep
He knows you you know his voice and you follow him and if that's the case he goes on to say
You he gives to you eternal life If it's eternal life, then how could it ever be temporal and if you can have it and then lose it
Then that means it's not eternal but furthermore he says No one will snatch them out of my hand.
Well, if no one can snatch His sheep out of his hand That means you my friend cannot snatch yourself out of the hand of Jesus So I you know,
I've heard the arguments and I just doesn't add up. It doesn't make any sense It doesn't follow what Jesus is saying those who are truly the sheep of Jesus Have eternal life and they will never perish.
No one can take them out of Jesus hand and then he and then he He wraps that sense of security even tighter in the next verse when he says my father
Who has given them to me is greater than all and no one is able to snatch them out of the father's hand
So if you can picture this It's kind of like those I kind of picture it as like the nesting dolls
You know You got the doll inside of a doll inside of a doll you who are the sheep of Jesus are in the hand the palm of Jesus hand and No one can pluck you out of Jesus hand and then
Jesus says No one can pluck you out of the father's hand. So it's like It's like you are in Jesus hand.
Jesus is in the father's hand. No one can pluck you out you you are Secure if you are in Christ Jesus, but he makes another point here that I think is particularly
Encouraging to the sheep He says my sheep or my father who has given the sheep to me this is the mystery of What we would call gracious election that before the foundation of the world
Those who are Jesus sheep Were chosen before the foundation of the world and the father gave those chosen sheep
To Jesus as a gift for all Eternity. Oh my friend.
What a blessing is yours if you are in Christ Jesus if you are in his hand if you are one of his sheep what a place of security
What a place of Abundant as he says earlier in chapter 10
Eternal life. I hope you're rejoicing in that today and that confidence that you are in Jesus hand that you are in the father's hand where no one can pluck you out
Our Father in a God we thank you for this Encouraging promise from your word today.
I pray it Those who are listening to the sound of my voice today that each one could testify
With great confidence that they here have heard the voice of Jesus and they have followed him
They are trusting him and they are therefore Secure in him today and this we pray in Jesus name and for his sake
All right, we'll have a good rest of your Wednesday and trust that the