Highlight: Refuting The "Gospel of Be Who You Are"


This is a highlight of our premiere webcast Apologia Radio. In this Clip Jeff responds to Brandon Robertson and refutes his understanding that base desires define our truth. This is a must listen! For the full interaction watch the episode: https://youtu.be/4unt2bDQNYI Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. You can get more at http://apologiastudios.com : You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy, etc. You can also sign up for a free acount to recieve access to Bahnsen U. We are re-mastering all the audio and video from the Greg L. Bahnsen PH.D catalogue of resources. This is a seminary education at the highest level for free. #ApologiaStudios Follow us on social media here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApologiaStudios/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apologiastudios/?hl=en


Next point. On seeing Lazarus in this state, he says, Lazarus, come out, step into the light, take off the cloth, be who you are, come alive.
Be who you are? Really?
Where's that in the text? I've been reading John 11, actually preached on John 11 a few times in the last couple of years.
I don't remember reading any of that in the text. Lazarus, Brandon says, be who you are.
Is that Brandon Robertson's gospel message for the broken? For the hurting?
Is that really his message? That Jesus comes into people's lives and he says, just be who you are.
Just be yourself. Just be you, baby. No, actually, Jesus calls people to come to him in his ministry and he calls them to repent, to repent of their sins, to come to him for life, for forgiveness, for peace.
And the message of the apostles always came into the world with, repent, metanoia. By the way, if you go to Brandon Robertson's YouTube page, that's at the very top of his channel, the word metanoia means repent, bow face, go the other direction, completely change.
Does that sound like God wants you to maintain that old identity? If you were the person who was heterosexual, just engaged in a life of promiscuity as a heterosexual, you want him to keep his identity?
Is that right? Just be yourself. Say the heterosexual guy, because I've met these guys, by the way, heterosexual guys that claim faith in Jesus, but they also just sleep around, sleep around, sleep around, sleep around.
Brandon, do you want to tell those guys who are heterosexual and engaging in that kind of lifestyle, just be yourself?
Because I can tell you right now, truth before God. I've met so many men who have told me they believe in Jesus, they live sexually perverse lifestyles, heterosexual sexually perverse lifestyles, and they just sleep around, they're promiscuous, and they believe that God totally accepts that.
That's just who they are. They can't get over it. That's just who they are. Is that Brandon Robertson's message for the heterosexual fornicator?
That just be your true self? The guy says, no, I want to have Jesus, and I also want to be able to have sex with as many women as I want.
I think God's totally satisfied with that. I think he's perfectly fine. That's just who I am. That's just my makeup. Is that Brandon Robertson's response to him?
Just be your true self? Jesus just wants you to be your true self. No, the message of the
New Testament is something so much more powerful, so much more glorious than Brandon Robertson's false gospel could ever touch.
It's a message of union with Jesus Christ, of union with Jesus Christ, that I, through faith as a sinner, am not condemned.
God does not hold my sins against me anymore, and he actually counts me righteous apart from works.
That's all in Romans 4. And that I, according to the Apostle Paul, have a righteousness that is not my own.
It's a righteousness that comes from God through faith. It's a foreign righteousness.
It's not mine because I'm not righteous. I'm not good. I don't have any righteousness to boast about before God, so I get the righteousness of another, the
Messiah, the Son of the living God, the eternal God in human flesh who lived righteously and blamelessly, perfectly and obediently, died for sinners and rose again from the dead, and he's ascended and seated as King of kings and Lord of lords.
I get his righteousness. And I'm actually, according to Scripture, united to him, covered in his righteousness.
And it says in Scripture that for believers, our true identity is wrapped up in our union with Jesus Christ.
Our identity is not the addict. It's not the heterosexual adulterer.
Our identity is not the murderer or the thief or the liar or the covetor or the homosexual.
Our identity is actually in Christ. And it's such a beautiful thought to consider.
And it's something that Brandon Robertson's false gospel can't even touch. It's something beautiful to consider that for the believer, we are united to Jesus Christ.
And the Bible is so specific about this. We are united to his death and his resurrection.
So there's an old self united to Jesus's death so that that old self dies and rises again from the dead.
Brandon Robertson wants people to believe, no, Jesus wants you to come out of the tomb of death, and he wants you to keep that identity.
That's your identity in there, right? Your true self is that dead person in there.
Why don't you keep that around for a little bit? No, the glory of the gospel is so much better than Brandon Robertson's false gospel could ever touch, is there's death and new life.
There's a resurrection that takes place where an old self is crucified with Jesus.
And that death is no more. We don't carry around that death with us for the rest of our lives.
Brandon Robertson wants people to stay dead, keep carrying around that death, that body of death, keep carrying it around.
Now, it's interesting that Jesus takes somebody who is dead physically and he gives them life so that they're no longer dead.
Brandon Robertson isn't handling the word of God as somebody who respects the word of God, who honors the word of God.
Brandon Robertson wants to take his own commitments and his own belief about homosexuality, and he wants to take that, and he wants to import all that into the
Bible so that you'll believe it. But it's not a message of life. It's not the glorious message that I read at the beginning of the program today from the apostle
Paul, the inspired apostle, who says that people who practice these things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
And he says, such were some of you. You were that. You were, past tense.
That's who you were. All that stuff is gone now. That old man is dead. That old woman is dead.
They're gone. You're alive now. That was you, not anymore. You've been washed.
You've been justified. You've been sanctified. You see, that's the glorious message of the scriptures, is that we don't have to carry around that death with us forever.
I don't have to carry around the identity I had before. No, I have union with Christ and new life and forgiveness.
I've been washed. I was that. I'm not that anymore. And all glory to God.
Brandon Robertson's message is a message of weakness, no power, and death.