Sunday Morning Worship Service December 6, 2020


Sunday Morning Worship Service from Faith Baptist Church


Well, good morning see you on this second Sunday of Advent a couple more
Sundays before Christmas and Looking forward to today's worship service our time together in God's Word and focusing on Maybe strangely enough the heartache of Christmas and our message time this morning and all of it really kind of dovetails with the theme of our
Christmas messages this year, which is Wanting to celebrate a cross -centered
Christmas and today we'll be Remembering the Lord's Supper as part of the service
And the hymns and songs that we sing today a couple of them are Christmas songs, but they also
Focus on the cross So looking forward to our time of worship together today good to see some folks
Back who haven't been able to be in church for quite a long time and I know it's a great
Blessing to you to be able to be back together in the Lord's house. Good to see some folks visiting today as well and to trust the service will be a blessing to you a couple things in the bulletin for your information and just so you're not thrown off and Ready at the wrong time.
We have in the order of service today calls for the Lord's Supper right after Our psalm reading and a hymn.
We're actually going to have the Lord's Supper at the end of the service Just so you're aware of that at the end of the message and then in your bulletin today, there was a yellow insert or a gold colored insert on missions giving for 2021 and the purpose for that form is to Communicate that you know what what you believe the
Lord would have you give Specifically toward missions Next in the next calendar year.
So besides the regular ties offerings or whatever Which would just go in the general fund
This is this is fun. These are funds that you would designate that would go toward missions and you know, we have several missionaries that we support and those funds would just be would just go completely to Toward those missionaries and supporting of those missionaries and It's always the case.
We support missionaries for for much more than what is committed in In over and above giving in this way so there's much that the general fund just contributes to the missionary support, but this is just a way for you to To be able to say
I want to contribute extra Just that I know is going just toward missions
So you can fill that form out and then there's a down at the bottom. There's ways to give so like if You say
I'm gonna I would like to give six hundred dollars next year and I want to do it all at once So you would say six hundred dollars and then check the box annually
If you want to give six six hundred dollars a month And put six hundred dollars monthly
You know as I'm saying if you want to take that six hundred dollars in a year and divide it over the twelve months
Then you would put fifty dollars a month just just to help you with the math on that Since I am such a math pro
Let's see five times Twelve is sixty. Yeah, I think that's right.
So see ya Okay So anyway, if you you can help communicate that to us you can fill that form out and just put it in the offering box
On your way out Whenever you're ready to do that pray about it get the Lord's direction and how he would have you give
Toward missions in the next year. We do have a budget meeting set for the end of December and We would like to be able to have that information before that time, of course again, as you're well aware of the spread of Kovat in our area in our region
We're limiting our services not having Sunday evening service and again probably through the
Balance of December will do this as as scheduled on Wednesday nights as you see in your bulletin not have the regular meetings
Here at this at the church. I will do a live stream Bible study in prayer time at seven o 'clock and We will be having on December 23rd a candlelight service.
That's a Wednesday night And in preparation for that some would want to practice and be able to be in the building for practicing and so we'll
Make the building available at 645 beginning at 645 on Wednesday nights for that purpose
So you're aware of that? We've gathered together today to worship the Lord Isaiah 714 a familiar verse at this season of the year the prophet
Isaiah said the Lord himself shall give you a sign behold a Virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name
Emmanuel first him that we sing today is a call for Emmanuel to come
Jim, please come and lead us Thank You pastor it's a page number 229 in your hymnals 229.
Oh Come oh come Emmanuel. It's all stand, please and sing verses 1 & 3 of 229
Oh come Emmanuel And ransom captive Israel That mourns in lonely exile here
Until the Son of God appear
Rejoice Rejoice Emmanuel Shall come to thee
Israel Oh come thou key of David come and open wide our
Oh Make safe And show the path that brings us nigh
Rejoice Rejoice Emmanuel Shall come to thee
Our father we are truly grateful and thankful for the promise of God That you would send and you have sent your son
Emmanuel that is God with us He is with us in spirit as given to everyone that believes in him trusts in him as personal
Savior We thank you for this church Oh Lord this family We thank you for the family of God that has brought nigh unto thee through Christ.
We ask your blessing upon this service We ask it in Jesus name. Amen May be seated this morning in our service will be reading 21 verses all told in Psalm 22 and Right now we want to read verses 1 through 10.
It's on the back of your bulletin if you'd like to follow along As I read these first 10 verses of the 22nd
Psalm Several weeks ago now on Sunday nights was doing a series
Songs in the night Psalms songs in the night and we focused on Psalm 22.
We called this the song of the cross and Indeed it is So follow along as I read these first 10 verses of the 22nd
Psalm My god my god Why hast thou forsaken me?
Why art thou so far from helping me and from the words of my roaring? Oh My god,
I cry in the daytime, but thou hear us not and in the night season and I'm not silent
But thou art holy. Oh thou that inhabit us the praises of Israel Our fathers trusted in thee they trusted it out.
It's deliver them They cried unto thee and were delivered they trusted in thee and were not confounded but I am a worm and no man a reproach of men and despised of the people
All they that see me laugh me to scorn they shoot out the lip They shake the head saying he trusted on the
Lord that he would deliver him. Let him deliver him seeing he delighted in him But thou art he that took me out of the womb
Thou didst make me hope when I was upon my mother's breasts. I was cast upon thee from the womb
Thou art my God from my mother's belly Lord had his blessing to the reading of his word and want to sing a hymn that responds to that psalm in number 234
Jim, please lead us again number 234 alas and did my
Savior bleed verses 1 and 3 verses 1 and 3 Alas and did my
Savior bleed, and did my
Sovereign die, would he devote that sacred head for such a worm as I?
Well my Son in darkness
Hide and shot his glory When Christ the mighty maker died for The As we pray together today our missionary for this week are the hynix mark and Lynette hynix they're serving in Costa Rica in a city the city of Gracia and Want to pray that they're endeavoring to get a church planted
But ever since the you know, kovat outbreak that's been very limited what they've been able to do for a while They were able to have up to a dozen people gather at their home and have a
Bible study and then that kind of got squelched But they are now but they are keeping tabs with several people a lot of and the number of people who've wanted to join their
Bible study has actually grown So want to pray for the the hynix as they endeavor to do that and then also right near where the hynix live is a beautiful piece of property that Has some buildings on it a home and another and an outbuilding that they would love to be able to purchase at some point in the future for like a camp slash retreat
Center and There's a place that's The owner wants to sell it
It's currently being rented for and I think the rental obligation is two years But they they have been praying that the
Lord would provide that property for them So I want to pray with them for that as well
I'm gonna pray for June Hibbard and her family June's mother passed away Friday like for late
Friday night she hadn't had not been well for quite some time and they expected expected her to pass away soon, but she did she did die
Friday night and Funeral arrangements are set for Wednesday in Clinton, Iowa So I want to pray for June I was
I read the obituary this morning. She posted late last night I read the obituary this morning and what a wonderful Testimony to God's providence in her mom's life.
It was just really very moving to see how God had Worked from childhood.
Her mom was born in Hong Kong and If I recall correctly she was one of 21 children and Eventually the family wasn't able to be cared for together and she ended up being put into came to America and Was in foster care with the intention of the family that took her in to care for her
They were going to adopt her and then the father Died and so mother mother of course wasn't able to follow through with that adoption she went back into foster care and eventually did get adopted by a family and eventually came to know
Christ as her Savior, but what a process and Just a real blessing to read of the
Lord's providence in her life Even and then realizing how all that impacted
June. So I want to pray for June and her family She's a brother that's coming from Texas for for that time and just pray that God would give them grace and Comfort them in this loss then want to continue to pray for Heather had surgery on her hand last
Monday and Pray for that to heal pray for Bob He's not feeling very well, but is scheduled to have a chemo this week
So pray that if it would please the Lord that he would be able to follow through and have that chemo
Let's look to the Lord in prayer. Shall we and so our
Father and our God we thank you that because our Lord Jesus Did bleed and die on that cross in our place?
He became that by by that work he became our great high priest and Then in his resurrection from the tomb and his session at the throne right hand of the throne on high
He becomes the priest who intercedes for us forever and Even right now as we bow before you our
Father We are grateful that our great high priest the Lord Jesus Christ is
Interceding for us and The burdens of our heart he's carrying to your throne in our behalf
We thank you for that intercessory work. We're thankful that his wounds for us do plead and father though we are an unworthy people and and even though you have
Adopted us into your family by your grace and through the work of Christ And his shed blood on the cross as he has paid the penalty for our sin
And and we have accepted that gracious gift. We have received we have believed and we have received
We have repented of our sin and turned to you as our Savior And even though that is true
We nevertheless are very well aware of indwelling sin And we know that even in this past week since we have gathered the last time we have
Neglected you We have failed you we have expressed pride We have been selfish
We have misused our tongue We have thought what we ought not have thought we've had attitudes that are less than Christlike We have sinned and we are so grateful for our advocate the
Lord Jesus who forgives us all sin who cleanses us from all that sin as we come and confess it to you and So we do
We would repudiate all of our transgressions we would reject all of our iniquities and Yet father we need
Christ. We need him every day We need the blood of Christ that cleanses us from all sin
Father, we thank you for that cleansing We also thank you for the privilege of interceding and behalf of others and as we pray for them
We thank you for your spirit who perfects our prayers. We pray today for June and her family
Pray that you would give continue to give comfort to their hearts We thank you for the testimony of her mom being a born -again believer in Christ And that she though absent from the body is present with the
Lord Bless the funeral service on Wednesday, I pray that Christ would be exalted and hearts would be comforted
We pray for Heather and for the healing of her hand and pray that this would Come swiftly.
We pray for Bob that you would give him grace during this during this time of extended illness from his cancer
We pray for effectiveness of the treatment that he receives this week Father we pray for the hynix and thank you for their work in Costa Rica.
We pray for their encouragement we pray as they are have limited opportunity to meet with People that are interested in a church plant that you would give them wisdom that these folks would grow in grace and the knowledge of Christ and That very very soon a new work would be planted that Stands as a testimony to the truth and to the grace and glory of the
Lord Jesus Christ Who would please you as they have this goal and desire to be able to plant it eventually a retreat center
I pray that you would bring that to fruition if that is in your plan for their work.
We ask your blessing upon them Again, oh Lord. We thank you for the privilege of gathering together today we thank you for the opportunity to lift high the cross of Christ and our
Savior who came for our salvation Blessed in this time.
We've asked again in Jesus name Jim no before the pastor comes with the morning message.
I have you turn in your hymnals to 198 198 born to die
Let's stand together. Please as we sing just the first two verses of 198 born to die
Christ was born just before break of morn as the stars in the sky
Were Fading for the place where he lay fell a shadow cold and gray of a cross that would humble
Upon Calvary Jesus offered my sin to forgive
Born to die upon Calvary He was wounded
Jesus knew when he came he would suffer in shame
Repay But he fled paradise
With the blood he paid the price my redemption to Jesus I Born to die upon Calvary Jesus offered my sin to forgive
Born to die upon Calvary He was wounded
Please be seated. I would take your
Bibles and turn to Psalm 22 Earlier, we read verses 1 through 10.
I Would like to pick up at verse 11 and read through verse 21 Psalm 22
Picking up at verse 11 and the psalmist prays be not far from me for trouble is near For there is none to help
Literally that reads for there is not a helper Many bulls have compassed me strong bulls of Bashan have beset me round They gaped upon me with their mouths as a ravening and a roaring lion
I am poured out like water and all my bones are out of joint My heart is like wax.
It is melted in the midst of my bowels My strength is dried up like a potsherd My tongue cleaveth to my jaws and thou hast brought me into the dust of death
For dogs have compassed me the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me. They pierced my hands and my feet.
I May tell all my bones they look and stare upon me They part my garments among them and cast lots upon my vesture
But be not thou far from me O Lord. Oh my strength haste thee to help me
Deliver my soul from the sword my darling from the power of the dog Save me from the lion's mouth
Thou hast heard me from the horns of the unicorns brief prayer
So our father we pray Speak to us through this passage of scripture today courage us for through the the heartache of Christmas That Christ endured in our behalf we pray in Jesus name.
Amen Well, according to the crooner Andy Williams quote
It's the most wonderful time of the year with the kids jingle -belling and everyone telling you be of good cheer
It's the most wonderful time of the year There will be much mistletoe ing and hearts will be glowing when loved ones are near.
It's the most wonderful time of the year Unless it's not For most
I suppose it is a most wonderful time of the year but certainly not for all there are those who are
Well, their impoverishment just seems to stand out all the more print and is a far all the more pronounced at this time of year when everybody's talking about getting and getting gifts for others that they love and so forth and they have they have nothing to Purchase a giftful with they're impoverished and that grieves them greatly
There are others who are lonely Families are scattered all over the place and nobody gets home for the holidays and there they are all by themselves in Their place and their lonely place and it's not a great time of the year for them and then
There are some whose hearts are heavy grieving at this time of year because There's a place at the table that is not going to be filled and it may be the first time
The first time that they're experiencing that vacant spot at the table and all that heartache is very real and There are some in this room probably who at this time of year
They don't you don't particularly think of this as the most wonderful time of the year on one level perhaps
But but there is underneath it all or maybe we could say the background noise behind it all leaves your heart
Somewhat aching and all that heartache as I said is very real
But there's a heartache that is associated with Christmas that I think Puts all of that in the background and it all pales in comparison to the heartache of Christmas It's what it's a heartache that you and I really can't
Experience we can't know it It's the heartache that's demanded by several different things
It's the heartache that's demanded by the the announcement of the angel to Joseph You remember that in Matthew chapter 1 right?
Joseph was troubled because Mary had told him that she was with child and he of course was totally perplexed by that How could this be?
How could this be here? They were engaged To be married and now she comes to him and tells him
I'm going to have a baby and Joseph knows full well That it's not his
How can this be and he was of a mind to just quietly discreetly divorce her break off the betrothal and to Put her away
But while he thought on these things We're told that in verse 18 of Matthew chapter 1
When his mother was a spouse to Joseph before they came together She was found with child of the
Holy Spirit. This is the statement of fact Joseph isn't so sure.
He believes that explanation from Mary But while he thought on these things verse 20 tells us behold the angel of the
Lord appeared unto him in a dream saying Joseph Thou son of David fear not to take unto thee.
Mary thy wife for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit and She shall bring forth a son and thou shalt call his name
Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins And what
I want to zero in here on as far as the demand of this announcement to Joseph is that last line?
He shall save his people from their sins If he's to save his people from their sins
Then there's going to be a great deal of heartache that will have to be experienced
It's a heartache that's also demanded by the very purpose of Christmas as Paul explained it in 1st
Timothy 1 15 He said that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners
Well again to save sinners Demands the heartache that is going to come at the cross
This heartache is also demanded by the bruising of Genesis 3 15
We looked at that last week if you were here and you were able to hear that message But in Genesis 3 15 after the fall and the pronouncing of the curse after the fall the
Lord told the serpent that the seed of the woman that this that this The serpent was going to bruise the heel of the seed of the woman
But the seed of the woman was going to crush the serpents head well in order for in order for the seed of the woman who is
Coming through Mary in order for the seed of the woman to crush the head of the serpent
Then he's going to have to endure the heartache of the serpent bruising his heel
And then I think too that the heartache is demanded by the prophecy of Simeon in Luke chapter 2 you remember that incident where Joseph and Mary took
Jesus to the temple and when they arrived there We read in Luke 2 verse 34 that Simeon Blessed them and said to Mary his mother
Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel Well, there's great blessing but company with that blessing of The fall and rising again of many in Israel is the heartache of this sign
Which shall be spoken against Jesus is to be spoken against and then he says this
Yay, a sword shall pierce through thine own soul also She's going to experience
The the sword piercing her own soul as she and what
Simeon is talking about Of course is is her beholding the scene of the cross
When her son is hanging crucified on that cross the heartache demanded by the angels announcement to Joseph by the purpose of Christmas by the bruising of Genesis 3 15 by the prophecy of Simeon But this this heartache is also demanded and this is going to be really the focus where we tie in with Psalm 22
It's also demanded by the by two particular consequences of the fall two consequences of the fall and one of those consequences is the estrangement of man from man and This estrangement took place right after the fall you remember in Genesis 3 when the
Lord came and Approached the the couple after they had sinned after they had partaken of the fruit
He he approaches Adam says to Adam. What have you done? What have you done?
and instead of hanging his head in shame and admitting that I have sinned and I have violated the
Commandment that you gave to me instead of that Adam said this woman that you gave to me.
She gave me the fruit and I ate of it You see the estrangement already has begun between man as he turns to blame the woman and Then a few verses later in Genesis 3 verse 16
The Lord the Lord speaks to the couple and prophesies that from here on out there's going to be conflict between the two of you as He says to the woman your desire will be to the man.
In other words, your desire will be to To have to have power over authority over the man and there's going to be this struggle between man and woman
Well, and this estrangement that has taken place between that couple is then passed down to all of their
Progeny through the centuries through the millennia and it began with their own two children
You remember that right right after Genesis 3 you open up Genesis 4 and you read
About these two children these two sons of Adam and Eve Cain and Abel And Cain offers a sacrifice to the
Lord that is not acceptable It's a it's a junk sacrifice It's the leftover stuff in the garden that you would get after the frost kills most everything
Well, I might as well give this to the Lord that kind of a sacrifice is what Cain offered to the
Lord Abel on the other hand offered the best of his flock the best
Sacrifice that he could offer and we read that the Lord had respect unto
Abel's sacrifice, but he rejected Cain's and how did
Cain handle that? He handled it like his dad He handled it like his dad's confrontation with the
Lord Instead of bowing his head in humility and in shame and confession and in repentance
He handled it with anger he handled it with turning toward his brother who had offered the accepted sacrifice and he lashed out at his brother and executed his brother killed his brother and Ever since then man has been in conflict with one another so one of the consequences of the fall that demands the heartache of Christmas is this consequence of estrangement between men
The other consequence is that of alienation from God? remember the last couple of verses of Genesis chapter 3 after the pronouncement of the curse and and and so forth we read that Adam and Eve were cast out of the garden and One of the cherubim was there to to serve as a guard a protector so that they don't get back into the garden and all that signifies the alienation that The human race now is it's going to experience from God alienation from God It's an alienation that began even while they were in the garden.
You remember right after they had sinned and And the Lord comes in the cool of the day and calls out to Adam They went and hid themselves by because of the alienation from God And so here's the point of that these these consequences these two consequences if the consequences of the fall the consequences of our sin included estrangement and alienation
Then it follows that our sin bearer would have to also experience a estrangement and alienation in order to reverse the curse
Did you get that? if the consequences of the fall include alienation and estrangement then our sin bearer if he's going to reverse the curse is also going to have to experience in our place in our behalf that estrangement and alienation and That brings us to the 22nd
Psalm The heartache of Christmas is demanded by all those things. We just mentioned
But it is poetically that heartache is that heartache of Christmas is poetically prophesied here in Psalm 22 and and that that heartache really begins in this prophetic announcement of Psalm 22 with our man's estrangement from the
Son of Man Remember the Son of Man the Lord Jesus the God -man he has to experience a estrangement and He does so as it's prophesied in this psalm and then fulfilled in the very experience of the
Lord Jesus How is it prophesied? Well in verse 6 It's prophesied by our estimation of him that alienation between man and the
Son of Man is Expressed by the way we how we asked the estimation that we have of him the
Lord Jesus What is our estimation of him? Well, he tells us in verse 6.
He says I am a worm. I am a worm In other words our estimation of him as he hangs there on that cross is that he is worthless
He is worthless Of what worth is a worm to you if sometimes after a really heavy rain
I'll be here at the church. We've had one of these not long ago, right very heavy rain came through and You can go out after that rainfall
And out on the parking lot. There will be a bunch of a bunch of worms crawling around You know, it's kind of craziest thing.
What in the world they doing in the parking lot. How's that helping them any? They're not gonna be able to burrow down in that parking lot.
I Guess they're trying to get out of being drowned. But there they are. They're all in the parking lot and If you if you see that and you have seen that you've seen it in your driveway probably or parking lots at wherever What do you do?
How do you respond to that? Does your heart break for those poor little worms? But do you start picking them up and carrying them over to some grass somewhere
So that they can survive, you know a couple of you right shaking your head. Yeah, I do that more power to you
But for the vast majority of us, you know, we're kind of like ooh, you know, that's kind of kind of gross
I just want to make sure I don't step on them along the way not because I have a great deal of respect for Them but because I don't want to get my shoes messy, right?
to us Worms are I mean, we know they have some value in the dirt and all the rest of that But we don't put a great deal of value upon them
Lord Jesus says I am a worm. I am of no account
I'm of no account Our estimation of him also is that he is despicable
He says that this he continues here in verse 6. I'm a reproach of men despised of the people
He's despicable so much so that we would prefer a
Convicted murderous thief to him He's despised
He's despised He's also the object of derision It's prophesied here in verses 7 and 8 and it's fulfilled in Matthew 27 in verses 7 and 8
It says all they that see me laugh me to scorn they shoot out the lip They shake the head saying he trusted on the
Lord that he would deliver him. Let him deliver him seeing he delighted in him Yeah, let's turn to Matthew 27 and look at that as it's fulfilled in verses 39 through 44
Matthew 27 Listen to the listen to the derision of the crowd
What are we saying It says in verse 39 they that passed by reviled him wagging their heads
Holding him in derision and saying this You're not so powerful after all are you?
verse 40 Now that destroy us the temple and build us did in three days if thou be the
Son of God come down for the crop from The cross you think you're so powerful that you can tear down a temple and build it up in three days
Then show that power by coming down from the cross And there you hang
You're not so powerful You're not so powerful the end of verse 40 you say if you be the
Son of God come down from the cross and There you hang
You're not the Son of God You're not God in human flesh.
You hear our derision in this in the first part of verse 42 They mockingly say he saved others
Himself, he cannot save what kind of Savior is this? He's no real
Savior. He can't even save himself What value is this?
Savior going to be to anybody here in just a few hours after he's expired It's no real
Savior That's part of verse 42 if he be the king of Israel Let him come let him now come down from the cross and we will believe him
Will receive him as our king and yet there he hangs
You're not our king we say derisively and in verse 43
They say he trusted in God Let God deliver him now
Let him deliver him now if he will have him for he said I am the Son of God Even God doesn't want you
Hear what they're saying even God Doesn't want you. Oh RS our estrangement as man from the
Son of Man is expressed in our In the way we treat him and in the way we in the things that we say about him
But it's also expressed in our cruelty toward him our estrangement is
Versus 12 back in our text in Psalm 22 verses 12 through 18 The psalmist expresses the cruelty that the
Son of Man the Lord Jesus is going to experience as he is estranged from man
And he says in verses 12 13 and 16 We ganged up on him in our cruelty
We ran we ganged up on him united against him in our hostility He says in verse 12 many bulls have compassed me strong bulls of Bashan we are like a bunch of we're like a bunch of bulls that have surrounded him and that That is to communicate that is to express the the animosity of a powerful oppressor a bull a bull some of you have some of you have been in a situation where All of a sudden the bull turned and looked at you and He did this thing with his foot, you know
His hoof and he's eyeing you and his head comes down and you know, you better get out of there
You better get out of there imagine being compassed by such
Bulls and there is no escape This is the cruelty of man toward the
Son of Man in verse 13 We were more like a lion in another expression
They gaped upon me with their mouths as a ravening and a roaring lion there is my dinner the lion says and he's he's
He's just encircling that dinner the mouth is watering He's he's licking his chops just getting ready to pounce upon that meal this
This is us at the cross gaping upon him and then in verse 16
First part of the verse is not only bulls that have compassed me Jesus says but dogs
Have compassed me the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me dogs dogs
We normally wouldn't think of dogs in the same vein as angry bulls or a hungry lion but you have to realize that dogs haven't always been looked upon as the as the domesticated pet by the average person there were some that were
Domesticated but moat for the most part when used in this kind of a way and it's kind of a context
The writer is talking about those scavengers the wild dogs It just roam wild and look for food anywhere
They can find it and they'll fight one another to get it and they'll do anything they can to to scavenge that food a bunch of scavengers are looking upon me just waiting just Waiting for the opportunity
Vicious and cruel they are So our cruelty is expressed as we gang up on him united Against him and our cruelty is also expressed as we made him a spectacle
Made him a spectacle verse 13 We do so by We do so by belittling him
Verse 13 begins they gaped upon me with their mouths that literally says they opened their mouths
Against me goes back to the things that we said right the belittling of him
But then this passage continues in the next couple of verses in verses 14 and 15 speaking of the way in making him a spectacle we deprived him as The common criminal hanging on the cross is deprived of anything that would give nourishment or comfort
He says I'm poured out like water and all my bones are out of joint. My heart is like wax
It is melted in the midst of my bowels My strength is dried up like a pot shirt and my tongue cleaves to my jaws, which is why
Jesus said I thirst I thirst
It's deprived of the common daily Comforts that we enjoy a morsel of food a sip of water
And we made him a spectacle in verse 17 By just utterly humiliating him
He says I can count all of my bones and As you know the way it played out in the crucifixion scene they stripped him of all his clothing
Hung he hanged him on that cross And so there he hangs in nakedness and shame
And the last part of verse 17 says they look and they stare at me
Matthew 27 Says that's exactly what they did sitting down They watched him there.
Can you imagine? Can you imagine the heart? that takes any sees any form of entertainment and sitting down and watching a man stripped in utter humiliation and shame and watching his life ebb from him
Doesn't this express? the estrangement that man has
Toward the Son of Man We made him a spectacle The last part of verse 16 we made him as we expressed our cruelty further by assaulting him
They pierced my hands and my feet and we know full well how they did that Assaulted him and plundered him verse 18
They part my garments among them and they cast lots for my vesture and and we know that was fulfilled
We we read of it in the gospel accounts how they how they They divided up his clothing
They divided up his personal effects and there was this one out of garment that This tunic that was all of one piece and they didn't want to rip it up So what did they do?
They they cast dice for it to see who would get it and He was left with nothing
Utterly plundered and so there in our estrangement man's
Estrangement from the Son of Man. We left him to die with no possessions
With no dignity and with no compassion We plundered him from everything.
So the poetically prophesied heartache begins with the estrangement of man from the
Son of Man But it climaxes with the father
God the father's alienation from God the Son remember the two
Consequences of the fall that have to be reversed for the curse to be reversed that have to be handled for the curse to be reversed the consequences man is estranged from man and Man is alienated from God and here at this scene before us
Here is our Savior experiencing the full vent of man's estrangement from him, but he is also experiencing the alienation from the father
And we see this in verses 1 & 2 of our text in Psalm 22 Where he the son is left helpless
He cries out. Why? Why are you so far from helping me and from the words of my roaring or my groaning?
Why are you so far from saving me and as I pointed out in verse 11?
There is none to help there is no helper. He cries out.
He's left as He as he's alienated from the father God the son alienated from God the father he is left helpless and There he is seemingly also ignored
Why has thou forsaken me? Why are you not helping me? Why are you not listening to the words of my groaning and look at verses 19 through 21 again?
Be not thou far from me. Oh Lord. Oh my strength hasten to help me Deliver me deliver my soul from the sword my darling my precious soul
He's saying from the power of the dog save me from the lion's mouth and yet as you well know
Within a few hours of or a few moments perhaps of saying my god my god.
Why has thou forsaken me? He said it is finished and he yielded up the ghost
He didn't take him down off that cross Seems like it seems like He is being ignored
But he is certainly brought to the place of death the last part of verse 15 He says thou hast brought me into the dust of death get the irony of this
Would you get the irony of this he the Lord Jesus is the source of life, right?
What's John 1 tell us in the beginning was the word the word was with God the word was God and there wasn't anything made apart from the word
Everything that was made came from the word all of life came from the word from the
Lord Jesus He he is the source of life and he is the sustainer of life.
He calls himself the bread of life And he said I am the way the truth and the life he is the life and yet here he who is the life
Experiences the very antithesis of all that he is as he experiences death
He's brought to the place of death and there at that place
He is abandoned verse 1 my god My god
Why have you forsaken me and why? Why indeed is he forsaken verse 3 explains he explains he says after he says
I am a worm and no man He also says that he says that later says yeah, he says in verse 3 but you are holy
You are holy why hast thou forsaken me because you are holy He's forsaken because of the father's holiness and they because that they're there at that place of death there at the cross
He Jesus became sin for us The father is absolutely holy and the son became sin for us
Do you see why there is an alienation from the father? the Holy Father Has to turn away
From the son who has become sin for us You know as Paul explains in 2nd
Corinthians 5 verse 21. He says for our sake God the father
Made God the son to be sin who knew no sin
So that in him we might become the righteousness of God He's abandoned because of the father's holiness but he's also abandoned in spite of Verses 9 and 10 in our text and here is the
Christmas connection. You probably been wondering well, okay I get this is all the crowd. This is I mean, yes
This is very significant and this is very moving and this is very important for us but what is the connection with Christmas here it is in verses 9 and 10 as he says
But thou art he that took me out of the womb Thou didst make me hope when I was upon my mother's breasts
I was cast upon thee from the womb thou art my God from my mother's belly
What is he saying this what is he saying this my God my God? Why have you forsaken me? He's saying this at the cross at the cross when he says my
God my God. Why has thou forsaken me? He's also saying you have been my God from my mother's belly
So he's abandoned from the father in spite of what we read here in verses 9 and 10 in spite of the fact that The conception of Jesus in the womb of Mary was a divine conception
Matthew 1 tells us that as I mentioned we read it earlier in verse 18 Says now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way
When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph before they came together
She was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit this divine conception
Occurred in the mother's belly and Jesus on the cross says you have been my
God from my mother's belly And the angel said to Joseph Joseph indeed that which is conceived in her is of the
Holy Spirit the conception of the Lord Jesus in the mother's belly was a divine conception and The Lord Jesus came through the woman and that was a divine work of grace as well
Read of it in Galatians 4 verse 4 But when the fullness of the time was come
God sent forth his son made of a woman made under the law To redeem those who were under the law so that we might receive the adoption of sons
He came through the woman by divine plan and by divine grace and divine work and shortly after his birth
The father looked out for the welfare of the son Magi came to visit they came looking for the king.
They they went to King Herod Where is the king of the Jews has been born? We come to worship him Oh when you find him come back and tell me and and so I can go worship him as well
Angel comes to the wise men go back another way Herod means nothing but harm for the child
Off they go The angel comes to Joseph and says take the child and his mother and flee to Egypt why
Because Herod wants to kill him I Want to protect him God the
Father protects God the Son Even in his very infancy and he's with his son.
He's with his son throughout his childhood We read of this in Luke chapter 2 in a couple of different in a couple of different verses
Luke chapter 2 verse 40 Says the child grew
He's with that. He's with his with with Mary and Joseph and Nazareth and the child grew and waxed strong in spirit filled with wisdom and the grace of God was upon him and in verse 52 it says
Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and with man
God the Father was with God the Son throughout his childhood and when he entered into his public ministry, you remember this
Jesus Was was inaugurating his public ministry by way of the baptism by John the
Baptist Jesus came up out of the water in that baptismal service
Spirit of God descended upon him like a dove And the heavens opened and God the
Father spoke of God the Son and he said this is my beloved Son In whom
I am well pleased He said the same thing a couple of years later the
Mount of Transfiguration Jesus shining forth in those transfigured garments and The disciples
Peter says oh we need to make some tents here so that we can have a tent for you
And for Elijah and for Moses and and the heavens open again and the Father speaks
And he says this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased hear him
Hear him. So here's the heartache of Christmas It's felt when the
Savior our sin bearer Hanging on the cross
Reflects back on the Father's presence with him in the womb
Through the birth after the birth throughout his childhood at the beginning of his earthly ministry the
Transfiguration he reflects upon all of this and he says you have been my God from my mother's womb until now
Until now and now now what is he experiencing my God?
my God Why have you forsaken me and why?
why forsaken because placed upon the
Holy Son of God is all of the filth and the corruption and the uncleanness and the wretchedness of our sin he became sin for us and Watch just as Adams sin brought alienation from God Christ bearing our sin in his own body on the cross
Resulted in his taking our alienation from God upon himself
He Endured the heartache of the cross to bear the penalty for your sin one of those wonderful Puritan prayers that we have and compiled in the little book the valley of vision
Express that in this way He said my Savior wept that all tears might be wiped from my eyes
He groaned that I might have endless song He endured all pain that I might have unfading health
Bore a thorny crown that I might have a glory diadem bowed his head
That I might uplift mine Experienced reproach that I might receive welcome
Closed his eyes in death that I might gaze on unclouded brightness
Expired that I might forever live and so With that in mind
We should come to the table should we not Should we not now
Reflect upon what our Savior has done taking the elements
That remind us of his broken body and his shed blood upon the cross for us
Let's bow and ask God to meet with us even as we partake of these elements today.
So our Father and our God We cannot fathom
The depth of estrangement or even worse or more the depth of the alienation that God the
Son Experienced from you God the Father, but we are grateful today.
We are so grateful today That he endured the heartache The heartache that was demanded even by his birth
He endured that heartache for us That even today in this place gathered together as we are we might
Rejoice in Christmas. We might find joy in this holiday season
Because he endured so much heartache May we find joy and rejoicing in the heartache of Christmas.
We pray and all because our Savior gave his body to be broken and his blood to be shed in our behalf
We thank you and praise you and we pray as we partake of these elements today That we would remember the work of Christ in our behalf
This we pray in Jesus name. Amen Before we take a partake of the elements.
Would you take your hymnal and turn to number? 236 236 want to sing a couple of stanzas.
He was wounded for our transgressions 236
Sing with me stanzas one and two before we partake of the bread and then the juice
He was wounded for our Transgressions he bore our sins in his body on the tree
For our guilt. He gave us peace from our bondage gave
And with his stripes and with his stripes
And with his stripes our souls are
He was Numbered among Transgressors we did esteem him forsaken by his
God as our Sacrifice he died that the law be satisfied
And all our sin and all our sin
And all our sin was laid on So on that night before the cross the
Lord was gathered with his disciples in that upper room and He took a loaf of bread and he broke it.
I would encourage you to take your wafer that symbolizes that loaf of bread and He broke it and he gave it to his disciples and he said take
Eat, this is my body which is broken for you our gracious God what our
Savior endured of our cruelty And giving his body to be broken in our behalf
What he endured from our cruelty as we pierced his hands and his feet and he gave his blood to be shed
Thank you for that gracious sacrifice We pray in Jesus name
After the bread the Lord took the cup He said to his disciples
This cup is the new covenant in my blood Drinky all of it.
So without great understanding they did that the Apostle Paul explained later
As often as you do this you show the Lord's death until he comes But Paul said
Do this Do this in all of your Services together do this and as often as you do it
You do show the Lord's death till he comes like us to close with a third stanza of 236
And let's stand together as we sing on that third stanza
Who can number his generations? 236
Who shall declare all the triumphs of his cross
Millions dead now live again Myriads follow in his train
Victorious Lord Victorious Lord Victorious Lord and coming
King And now to him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood and Made us a kingdom priests to his
God and Father to him be glory and dominion forever and ever