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to do an early morning program tomorrow morning and I mean early morning for us 830 at 1030
Eastern time because, well, we fly to Atlanta on Wednesday and will be a
G3 on Wednesday, well, I guess not really a G3 Wednesday evening, but I'm planning a meeting up with somebody.
But then Thursday and then Friday morning,
Rich is going to be there through Friday into Saturday, I think, but then I'm heading up to New Hyde Park Baptist Church on Long Island and will be speaking there over the weekend and then coming back on Monday.
So we're going to try to sneak two programs in on this week and before I get into anything, we've had some folks asking questions about what
I mentioned about the cruise. I actually had a lot of people, I had one fellow last night telling me that he's really hoping to be able to make it and that he would be using it as a honeymoon type thing.
And I'm like, that's a tough honeymoon, but it's definitely a once in a lifetime.
But we've had people asking about the pre -conference activities in Rome the two days beforehand.
I guess we'll have some graphics or some information about that coming up at some point. I called this morning.
The two days is considered an excursion. So it's not something that is necessarily up against the deadline at the end of the month for the cruise itself.
That's the concern where people are feeling like they need to get in on that in a big hurry. So it's a separate item.
Obviously accommodations and other things will have to be taken into consideration. It'll be in Rome for two days. It's not the cheapest place on the planet.
And by the way, the one place in the world where McDonald's tastes different than anywhere else in the world.
And it's not a good difference. I have nothing to say to that whatsoever. Anyway, so we're going to get some graphics there in the midst of getting the web page just for the excursion set up still.
And this will be part of that. And so folks who've been calling and emailing and calling and emailing and texting and sending me private messages.
And calling and emailing. Yes, and calling and emailing. Just hang in there. The mechanisms to be able to access that, find out how much it's actually going to cost, when it's going to be and all that.
Well, obviously, though, people, I mean, we'll have friends and supporters coming from Europe.
It'd be a little bit easier for them to handle this. But people who are making a decision about the cruise and are looking at that, that's an issue.
They need to know dates and stuff like that. So I get it. But yeah, it'll be two amazing days there in Rome.
Like I said, the biggest disappointment to me is McDonald's does not taste the same in Italy.
It's Ukraine, Russia, South Africa, Australia, wherever you go.
But not Italy. It has to do with the ketchup. Oh. In fact, in Italy, they don't even have ketchup.
Oh. And if you ask for it, it tastes really weird. We both know about New York and mustard too.
Right, right. That's the other thing. Yeah, that's, yeah. I just think that McDonald's should be the same everywhere.
I just, by legislation. Not everybody does everything anymore.
By legislation. Okay. Got some serious things to talk about. I didn't want to do this later in the program because we do have serious things to talk about.
And I don't take this very seriously. I don't think anybody can. But for some reason, it is a part of the
Lord's allotment of my life that I get to deal with King James Onlyism. Maybe you all remember, last year sometime, this video popped up.
And it's less than a minute long. But it's Crazy Looney Gene Kim.
And Crazy Looney is actually what Steven Anderson calls himself. When Steven Anderson.
Wow. Okay. Anyway. But it's Gene Kim. And so, yeah.
On with some of the other stuff we're going to be looking at. But so. Psalm 118 in verse 8.
The Bible says it is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. You know what that verse is? Psalm 118, that is the middle verse of the entire
Bible. Boy, count the number of words in that verse. Okay. I'm not going to be able to remember all this.
I guess I need to. It's Psalm 118, verse 8.
Not Psalms 118. You don't turn to Hymns 118. You turn to Hymn 118.
And so, you go to Psalm 118. You can just. I know some
Bible programs were written by people who didn't know that. And so, it spits it out wrong.
But it's still Psalm 118. And, of course, the chapters were introduced during the medieval period.
And the verses, at least in the New Testament, the number of.
Unless you're actually going to. Then you would have to be including.
Somewhere around there, I think. Sometime in the 1990s, there was the big biblical numerology stuff.