What is purgatory and is it a real place?

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Can we just agree that there are some things that are going on now that are not going to be going on in heaven?
Are there some things that we do and the way we behave and whatnot that that's not going to be the way it is in heaven?
So why not try to weed some of that out now if we know the Lord is not pleased with it Why not try to get that out of our lives right now, and there's an added benefit to that That way you don't be you're not chasing by God later down the road
What does the Bible say Hebrews 12 verse 6? This was mentioned in Sunday school this principle of you know if you love your child you discipline your child
You do it for a reason for whom the Lord loves He chastens and scourges every son whom he receives why
I could never do that to my little Johnny You don't love little Johnny because he's on the road to hell, and you need to discipline him, and if you don't do it
Yeah Every Christian can relate to this to some degree
You know there's been things and in my life and in your life That we didn't deal with and you knew the
Holy Spirit was convicting you you need to deal with this you need to get this Right, then we didn't do it put it off, and I'll do it tomorrow and and then at some point the
Lord steps in You're not listening, and then he chastens you and it's not very pleasant
But that's what it took to get that thing out of your life And there are many people here you've been through that chastening, and you're saying
I'm glad that's over Some of you the chastening might be right around the corner
And I preach this because I want to try to spare you from that You know there's this idea
People have this doctrine called purgatory you fall we've all heard of purgatory This is the idea that some people have that there's this place that you go to After you die called purgatory
It's not hell But it's a it's a very unpleasant place to be and that's kind of where God purges you through fire as it were maybe it's literal or maybe not but God's purging you and and kind of burning off all those imperfections and in your
Purified through this suffering of purgatory. Well. You know what the good news is purgatory is a false doctrine