Sin is a Liar | The Whole Counsel

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Satan is a great advertiser. So how can we fight his lies, temptation, and sin? By having a biblical view of God and His character. Subscribe to The Whole Counsel Podcast:


Yeah, and so really this point is for the man who remains unrepentant. Okay, so God has certain rights
But I deny those rights. I Argue his right to rule over different areas of my life
I'm willing to give him this but not this and then if some Christian says to me Yes, but you do you never fear the
Lord? Is he not your dread and the answer is no because of a small view of him but if we think how
Anything even the thoughts of our minds that can torment us at night and we can't sleep how easy it is for God To get our attention.
And and so I think one application of that not only is that we might have a holy sense of God's dreadfulness
Outside of Christ and to the unrepentant But also how merciful God is to us that in a world of sin.
We are so infrequently tormented You know and God's Kindness is the fact that I can sleep at night or that my body does work or that you know, my children are healthy those things ought to Crash against my indifference and wake me up and say
God could have tormented you to get your attention and yet he uses his kindness Another thing that you know that a right view of God a biblical view of God ought to do is it ought to remove sins false
Advertising it ought to just strip it of all of its prettiness, you know, here's another quote from Dwight He says this sin is an act of bold and unholy rebellion against God's righteous government so here's a perfect King who always rules perfectly and yet we are constantly in an
Unclean way fighting against it Then he goes on to say sin shows gross and dreadful in gratitude to God's goodness and mercy
Sin is an unholy disregard of God's perfect and glorious character
So whether we're talking about his government or his kindnesses or his own character
Sin is constantly against him one thing that Roberts used to mention every time he would come and preach is
That you can see sin in one or two ways and it depends on how you see God big
God little you Sin is a thief of his glory. That's what's so bad little
God big you sin is a thing that might Take you to a to an unpleasant place that might bring unpleasant consequences to your life
You know a very different view of sins nature. I was thinking about this in terms of parent and child
So for as a if you're a parent you can perhaps see in your children rebellion if you if you have a rebellious child
You know the child Doesn't show up respect for your rules and in doing that.
He's not showing respect for the rule giver and They disobey They're disciplined and then they're mad at you for disciplining them like how dare you you've assaulted my rights
I wasn't wrong. You were wrong and in gratitude just on and on And it is an imperfect example or illustration because even as you're pointing out the child's anger, you may have to repent and think
God I'm angry to or ungrateful Me too, and the child might even land some blows, you know, son.
You shouldn't be angry like that, but you get mad So it isn't imperfect, but if you turn it around and think of our we're children and we often
Have no regard for God's law, especially as a lost person no regard for God's law no regard for the law giver ungrateful, etc
You know the least little thing happens and we're sure God is just out to get us clearly, you know
But there are no blows landed on God, you know He doesn't he's not pointing out anger in us and at the same time having to repent of anger.
He's perfect. He's good. He's holy so that gap should make the weight of our sin all the greater and His holiness as you
I think you're saying should both Humble us remove our pride but also help us to see how terrible our sin is against God It's not against someone who's out to get us.