F4F | Steven Furtick Comes Through Drippin


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. If you've ever been taught that the way you read the
Bible is, you know, you read an Old Testament story, you know, like the children of Israel, you know, passing through the
Red Sea and kind of figure out, well, what's your Red Sea moment kind of thingy? Yeah, hit the subscribe button and ring the bell down below.
You've been taught a Bible twisting technique called Narsegesus. Yeah, that's Narsegesus.
It's narcissism and eisegesis stuck together. We all know what narcissism is, but eisegesis is the reading into the biblical text stuff that ain't there.
And one of the most expert Narsegetes on planet Earth is Stephen Furtick of Elevation Church.
I do think he's surpassed, though, in his Narsegetical greatness by T .D. But we're heading over to the
Elevation Church YouTube channel to listen to his New Year's Eve message titled,
Come Through Drippen. And it's one of the most miserable twistings of the account of the children of Israel crossing the
Red Sea that I have ever heard. It's jaw -droppingly bonkers is the best way
I could put it. So let's get to it. Here's Stephen Furtick. This Scripture in Exodus 14 is, of course, all about transition and victory, so it's appropriate for tonight.
But let me read it to you. Verse 26, Exodus 14, Then the
Lord said to Moses, Stretch out your hand over the sea so that the waters may flow back over the
Egyptians and their chariots and horsemen. Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and at daybreak the sea went back to its place.
The Egyptians were fleeing toward it, and the Lord swept them into the sea. The water flowed back and covered the chariots and horsemen.
The entire army of Pharaoh that had followed the Israelites into the sea, not one of them survived.
But the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right.
Look to your right. And on their left. Look to your left. Okay. Why are y 'all turning two different directions?
It's a universal kind of thing. But the
Israelites went through the sea on dry ground. But the
Israelites, this is how you can tell I belong to God. Because I went through the sea on dry ground.
What does that mean? Yeah, I totally tell
I belong to God. You know why? Yeah, I went through the Red Sea on dry ground.
Now you'll note, today there are just not any people, you know, crossing the
Red Sea on dry ground. So what is he talking about?
They were there just going, whoo! That's the most amazing thing ever!
No, what he just said is nonsense. It doesn't make any sense at all. So I'm taking notes here.
The way I know I belong to God is I went through the Red Sea on dry ground. I'm beginning to wonder, maybe
I don't really belong to God? You know, this is weird. Do me a favor, since this is a party, everybody participate.
And look at your neighbor on your right or your left, you choose. I'm going to leave that much up to you.
But now let me tell you what to tell them. You're going to give them my title. Tell them this, say,
I don't know what you went through in 2018, but you made it.
And tell them, hold on, no, that's not it, that's not it, we're not done. Tell them, since you came through, you might as well come through dripping.
I'm dead. What on earth? What on earth?
I might as well come through dripping! Woohoo! Yeah! Yay! Apparently they had leftover eggnog there at Elevation Church and they were serving it out in the lobby before people went into the arena there.
Wow! This makes zero sense whatsoever.
Now, he read out part of the crossing of the Red Sea narrative. And here's the thing, in the
Old Testament, the Old Testament is type and shadow. And the New Testament is the substance, the thing that it was pointing to.
If you want to talk about it in these terms, the ancient church fathers, for instance,
Eusebius talked in these ways in his ecclesiastical history. That the
Old Testament has the symbols, and then the New Testament has the substance.
So, crossing of the Red Sea is a symbol, it is a type and shadow of something that is the real substance in the
New Testament. So what would that be? And thankfully, we don't even have to guess on this one because the scriptures tell us.
1 Corinthians 10 says this, Yeah, you see, the crossing of the
Red Sea is type and shadow of baptism. And let me kind of flesh this out for you as far as how it works.
So, if you think of it, think of Pharaoh as a stand -in for the devil, right?
We're all born, according to scriptures, dead in trespasses and sins, and we are under the dominion of darkness.
We are enslaved to the devil. So, think of Pharaoh as a stand -in, as a symbol of the devil.
And then, God setting his people free through mighty acts of judgment, kind of culminating in the 10th plague, which is the
Passover. And you think, that Passover lamb clearly is pointing to Christ. And the idea then is that anybody on that 10th plague, the firstborn would all die, unless their house on the door had the blood of the lamb over it.
That sounds a lot like Jesus. Right, because that's all type and shadow pointing to Christ. So, now you've got the children of Israel.
They have fled. They've been able to escape from Egypt. But that despotic leader, that Pharaoh, who's a stand -in for the devil, he's not thrilled with the fact that these slaves have got away.
So, he's going to chase them and pursue them, overcome them, and destroy them. And they are saved by passing through water, while the
Egyptians, when they try it, God causes the sea to collapse in on them, and they all die.
And so, you have the ultimate destruction of the devil in water. So, salvation through water is a major theme of the
Old Testament. You can see that same theme, again, in the story of Noah and the flood.
Yeah, it's another type and shadow of baptism. Peter himself in 1 Peter 3 makes that connection.
So, if you really want to understand what's going on in the crossing of the Red Sea, your participation in that was actually when you were baptized into Christ.
And you were set free from the dominion of darkness. Read Romans 6. That'll kind of help flesh this out.
So, apparently, Furtick has no clue about this idea that Scripture interprets Scripture. And so, he's now engaging in narcissus, and watch where he goes next, because this is just awful.
Please be seated. How many of you 2018 didn't go like you planned for it to go?
Messed up your workout plan, and your knees started hurting.
You were paying off some stuff, and then your transmission didn't plan for that.
Which is why, of course, I don't come up here and do the predictable preaching maneuver where I challenge you to make
New Year's resolutions, because resolutions are cheap.
Resilience is priceless. Okay, resolutions are cheap.
Resilience is priceless. What did that have to do with the crossing of the Red Sea? Now, I'm going to fast forward just a little bit, so you can kind of see how he ends up working this text.
But, man, this is weird. We continue. Now, we're at the text in verse 26, where the
Lord said to Moses, stretch out your hand. I'm so excited to share this with you. God showed me something this week that was so cool.
That's a manipulation technique right there. Yeah, when a preacher says, oh,
God showed me something. This is some kind of inspired interpretation. Oh, beware of that guy.
Yeah, because I'm pretty sure God didn't show him what he's about to tell you. But we continue. The first time
Moses stretched out his hand, which had a staff in it, the sea parted so that the
Israelites could go through, so that they could walk through what they shouldn't have been able to walk through.
Now, there are some things that God did in your life this year with a strong east wind that if he didn't...
So you're going to note that he understands that the Old Testament is type and shadow. It's a symbol of something.
But he thinks it's a symbol of something like, you know, some ordeal you went through last year or last week or last month.
No, no, no, no, no. That is a twisting of God's word.
Do those things you wouldn't have been able to go through within yourself.
Come on, admit it. Within your own strength, with your DNA and with your dad and your mom and their genes still kicking around in a cage fight inside of you, you would not have gone through it.
You would have stopped in the middle of it and you would have drowned. But one thing about God is...
In Exodus 14, which of the Israelites stopped in the middle of the sea and then drowned by accident?
What are you doing? ...is only known by the evidence of what he does.
He is not experienced directly. The Bible says that the reason they went through is because a wind blew from the east and made the waters stand at attention so that the people could go through.
Now, you can't see wind. You can only see the effects of the wind. You ask me how
I know God is real? I can't point to his nose or his ears. I've never heard his audible voice.
But there are just some things in my life that don't make sense unless there was a wind blowing.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. I'm having a hard time here resisting the temptation to talk about, you know, my self -made manufactured winds.
What on earth is this? And why are people standing up? I mean, this lady in the center here, you know.
She's... She looks like she's ready to pray to Stephen.
You guys are being fed horse manure. This is not what Exodus 14 means at all.
Why are you standing on your feet acting like you're receiving manna from heaven from this guy?
These are turd biscuits. There are just some things. How about you?
There are just some things that I went through that I know me and I would not have had the grace to go through it if there hadn't been something working with me.
We're all at the Hammond B3, man. Oh, man, he's supposedly preaching. He ain't preaching. I don't know what this is.
It's a form of manipulation. He's just working them up into a frenzy. They don't know what they're really clapping about anyway because he ain't saying nothing that makes any sense.
Now let's get into the text. This is a good part. Touch somebody, say, come through. So Moses is stretching out his staff so the people can...
Oh, yeah, come through. ...try to get you tonight. You got to come through. Yeah, yeah. I'm trying to get you tonight to come through.
Total manipulation. This guy knows how to work a crowd. I think it would be a shame for you to be stuck in an inferior version of yourself clutching onto a beta blessing when there is an update available in this house.
Oh, no, I'm clutching onto a beta blessing and there's an update available in 2019.
Where do I press the download button? Oh, man, this guy is scratching their ears, telling them what they want to hear, and they're just sitting there eating it up.
This is pig slop, man. It's tonight by the spirit of God. So I'm trying to get you to come through.
But by the time verse 26 hits, they've already done that. Yeah, yeah. They're already on the other side.
Yeah, they already came through. I mean, you already made it through 2018. You don't have to come to church for that. The odds are good.
Exodus 14 has nothing to do with whatever you came through in 2018. You wouldn't have died over these three hours that you're going to be in church.
You were good. That's not why you came. That is not why you came. And sometimes we get so focused on whatever we went through, and it makes sense because it's traumatic.
Yeah. I get it. Well, I really don't. I shouldn't say that. That's not fair for me to say because I don't know what you went through.
So how dare me stand up here and say, I know what you... I don't know. I know what
I went through. Would you just exegete? No, you don't know how to exegete, do you? Yeah, that's a problem. Yeah, you went to a good seminary.
You'd think you would have learned how to engage in exegesis there. ...through this year, and it wasn't all stuff that you could see like this water that was on either side of the
Israelites. To me, it'd be easier if everybody could watch you go through what you went through so they could have some pity on you and be extra nice to you, give you extra sprinkles on your cupcakes because, after all, if I went through what you went through,
I'd be in a bad mood too. Wouldn't be cool. If everybody could see what you went through and they could experience, it'd be nice.
But every storm that we survived this year wasn't something that other people could see. Again, Exodus 14 has nothing to do with that.
It's one thing when you walk through something physical, like certain things you go through, people see you going through it. It's like, man,
I heard your husband has cancer. We got you. We pray for you. We're going to get through this together.
You're going to come through this. We're going to do it. When you lose your job, people hear about that.
Maybe you don't even want them to, but they hear about it. Then it's kind of embarrassing on one hand because everybody's coming up.
Again, Exodus 14, it ain't about having cancer. It's not about losing your job. Nope.
We're praying for you. If you need anything, let us know. I know you're going through right now. Although that's a little humiliating on one hand, it's helpful on the other because then you get to be the beneficiary of other people's empathy and maybe even their material support.
What's a little different is when the thing that you went through isn't something that you can point to and directly name because sometimes
I find myself going through things that aren't like the
Red Sea. I have never gone through anything even remotely like the
Red Sea. Not even close. I've never been on a...
Maybe the submarine ride at Disneyland. Does that count? Yeah.
I've been through the sea, the different seas in the
Magic Kingdom. Is that what you mean? It's not something
I can exactly describe to you. No, no. Did you ever go through something and while you were going through it, you didn't even know what it was?
Yeah, sure. Why not? I don't know what this has to do with Exodus 14, but sure,
I'll play along. Just a phone.
Just a thing. Just some stuff. I'm going through.
I even tell some people from time to time that pray for me, I'm like, I'm just going through.
I can't even name it. Just through. Just leave it as a preposition.
I'm just going through. I won't tell you what.
I wouldn't even tell you. I don't know. I'm just going through. Say what?
I don't even know. It's like the Bible describes the arrow by day or the terror at night.
Sometimes the thing about what you go through in the night is you can't exactly see it to name it or to know what it is. In the passage that I'm preaching from tonight, they were going through what they went through was able to be seen visibly, but maybe what you went through this year wasn't.
What I'm going through right now is a whole pile of false teaching. It's like the brown sea.
It smells bad too. Unfortunately, I need a shovel because it's not parting for me.
Good night. What a load of scoobalon.
The whole thing was just that. That's what we call narcissus when you totally misidentify what the
Old Testament types and shadows are pointing to. Red Sea is not pointing to some invisible thing that you went through this year or some difficult time or any of that kind of stuff.
1 Corinthians 10 makes it clear. It's a type and shadow of baptism.
Yeah. So if you found this helpful, go ahead and hit the subscribe button, ring the bell, and don't forget to share this with other people so that they can be warned about this
Bible -twisting technique. It's quite prevalent, and Stephen Furtick is one of the best at it.
And by best, I mean worst. You kind of get the idea. And just by the way, all the information, if you'd like to continue to see and benefit from this type of teaching, all the information on how to support us is down below in the description of this video.
So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.