The Method of Prayer



Greetings guys this is Pastor Keith and I want to welcome you to today's lesson and I want to talk about what we're going to be doing over the next couple weeks because I'm not going to be with you by the way if you're listening to this online this message is being presented for the men of set free ministry and this is
I usually teach there on Thursday mornings but for the next three weeks
I'm going to be out this is my normal time of taking time off and because of everything going on with kovat
I talked to Pastor Mark and we just decided it would be better if I produced some video lessons for the group so I'm producing the video lessons on behalf of saw on behalf of set free and for your benefit what we have been talking about over the last couple weeks has been the concept of prayer and the sovereignty of God we looked at the question if God knows everything and has already determined what he is going to do then what is the purpose of prayer why do we pray and so that has that became a two -part lesson the first was the the question of has
God determined what he's going to do and and does God know the future perfectly and we learned the answer to that is of course yes and then we said well what is the purpose of prayer and we said that prayer there were four purposes of prayer and that was in our lesson last time we talked about the purpose of growing and maturity the purpose of worship the purpose of following the command of God and of course the purpose of asking of God those things that we need and so that was the purposes of prayer and that was our lesson last week but what
I want to do is I want to continue this study of prayer out and I'm going to do three more lessons on the subject of prayer and I want to focus more on I want to dive a little deeper into the subject of prayer hoping by God's grace that this will help you because I know that many of you men are are desiring to pray you want to pray and hopefully by God's grace you want to become better at praying and I know that sounds funny because a lot of people
I don't think even think about the fact that we can become better at praying but in the same way that we can become better at studying the
Word of God as the same way that we can become better at at following the
Lord and the things that he's called us to do I do think we can become better prayers I think that our prayers can become more intimate
I think our prayers can become more more personal I think our prayers can become more meaningful and I think ultimately not only for people that we're praying with but our own personal prayer life can grow and so what
I've broken this down into three parts I've broken it down into first we're going to look at the method of prayer that's going to be today's lesson now next week we're going to look at the attitude of prayer so that means how should
I approach prayer and then lastly we're going to look at the object of prayer who am
I praying to what should I be thinking about why while I pray what is the focus of my prayer now there'll be some overlap in some of this some of the method and the attitude will go together some of the object and the rest will go together because you can't sort of talk about one without talking about all of them but I hope that by the end of this you'll understand the value of what
I'm trying to get across to you today so if you have your Bibles turn with me to Luke 11 and we're going to look at Luke 11 chapter verse 1 and we're going to go down to verse 4 we're going to look here this is
Luke's version of the what is typically called the
Lord's Prayer now I don't believe this is the Lord's Prayer I believe this is the model prayer the
Lord's Prayer I believe is in John 17 that's the prayer that Jesus prayed and if you read
John 17 that's what we call the high priestly prayer of Jesus but Jesus gives a model for prayer and that's why
I said we're going to look today at methodology we're going to look at how we are to pray and we're going to base this on a question that the disciples asked
Jesus because they asked Jesus to teach them how to pray so let's read the text together now
Jesus was praying in a certain place when he finished one of his disciples said to him
Lord teach us to pray as John taught his disciples and he said to them when you pray say father hallowed be your name your kingdom come give us each day our daily bread and forgive us our sins for we ourselves forgive everyone who is indebted to us and lead us not into temptation let us pray father in heaven as I seek to give an exposition on the subject of prayer over the next few weeks
I pray first and foremost Lord that you'll keep me from error for God that I know that I'm a fallible man and I know that I'm capable of preaching error and for the sake of your name and for the sake of my conscience
I don't want to preach error and Lord I also don't want to be a coward so I pray that you would keep me from error and cowardice
I pray also for the men who will hear this message for the men of set free for Pastor Mark I pray that you'll give him strength and vitality and encouragement and an extra measure of your spirit to do what you've called him to do for the other men of set free for the overseers
I pray that you would encourage them in their leadership and their example and to the men who maybe are just coming into set free that you'll give them the the desire to continue with the program to understand the value of what they're doing
Lord most of all that we would understand the value of prayer the end to understand the value of having an intimate relationship with you and I pray all of this
Lord in Jesus name and for his sake I'm in the method of prayer that is our subject today and the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna look at our text it says number one it says
Jesus was praying in a certain place it says now Jesus was praying in a certain place that reminds us something right away before we even talk about our need for prayer and the way that we ought to pray one of the things that we notice in the life of Jesus Christ was a consistent constant and perpetual prayer life
Jesus would pray all night Jesus would pray various times throughout his ministry there would be whole sections where it was just him focused on the subject of prayer communing with God and you say but wait a minute
Jesus is God in the flesh why would he need to commune with God well there's an inter -trinitarian relationship the father and the son and the spirit are all
God they are one in essence but they are not all the same person the father is not the son of the son is not the spirit they interrelate to one another that's what we're going to talk about in our third lesson the object of our prayers is the
Trinity we are to pray Trinitarian prayers when
Jesus is on the earth Jesus is praying to the Father Jesus is in communion with God the
Father God the Son on earth is in communion with God the Father in heaven and it is a vital part of his ministry we must not ever forget that prayer was a vital part of what
Jesus did in his ministry and he considered it very important and it says here that he was praying in a certain place and when he finished one of his disciples said to him
Lord teach us to pray as John taught his disciples now the
John that he's referring to there of course is John the Baptist John the Baptist had preceded
Jesus John the Baptist was the forerunner of Jesus Christ and John the
Baptist very clearly taught his disciples how to pray and so the disciples of Jesus are looking at John and his disciples and saying okay
John gave them a method for prayer Jesus we need a method for prayer give us this method that we will know how to pray and for a moment
I want to just consider the fact that I think this is a lost desire in many places because a lot of people when you hear people say
I don't know how to pray a lot of people say well just pray just say what's on your heart just speak from the heart just talk to God like you were talking to a friend just talk to God like a child talks to a parent all those things may sound good and in a sense there is some truth to them but when
Jesus was asked Lord teach us to pray Jesus did not say just be willy -nilly
Jesus did not say just follow your heart you know the Bible says the heart is desperately wicked who can know it so the idea of following your heart in prayer not always the best idea and Jesus didn't say treat
God like Santa Claus climb up into his lap and just talk to him like you're talking to a grandfather or a
Santa Claus figure or friend Jesus gave them a method for prayer and by the way
I do think Jesus gave a method for prayer I don't believe Jesus gave a prayer that was meant to be recited and I want to clarify this because I do teach my children to recite the
Lord's Prayer but I know and I explained to them that the reason why they're learning to recite the
Lord's Prayer is because one it's scripture and it's always good to learn to memorize scripture and two the prayer provides for them a framework from which to build their prayers
I don't think Jesus especially like what we see in Roman Catholicism where there is a set of beads the
Rosary where the beads are prayed over and when you get to a certain bead you say
Hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee pray for us sinners now and at the time of our deaths you know that's the the
Mary's prayer the Marian prayer and then you get to a certain bead and you say our
Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come and it becomes it becomes a repetition and we're going to talk about this in week two when we get to the attitude of prayer because Jesus clearly forbids prayers that are simply prayed in vain repetition we see this in Matthew chapter 6 and that's going to be the text for next week so Jesus in providing us what we call the
Lord's Prayer what I call the model prayer Jesus in providing for us the model prayer is not providing for us as it were a prayer to be recited like everyone learned together to say our
Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done
I don't believe that that was what the prayer was intended again though I do teach my children and even in our church periodically from time to time we'll have a season where we'll teach through the
Lord's Prayer and everyone will recite it and the reason for the recitation again it's good to learn scripture and it's good to learn the framework but what we try to explain is that the prayer of Jesus is a framework now
I want to make a point to in Luke's gospel Luke 11 we have a truncated version of the prayer meaning we have a the prayer is less extensive than it is in Matthew chapter 6 in Matthew chapter 6 we have a few additional lines and the reason is that this is two different scenarios this is two different situations now if you have a
King James Bible this is one of those times where the King James is translated the exact same in Luke as it is in Matthew and and I again this is one of those places where I would say
I disagree with how the translators made that decision they but be that as it may the point of the matter is
Luke's the the the the prayer in Luke is slightly shorter than the prayer in Matthew because this is two different situations this is two different scenarios in Matthew chapter 6 when
Jesus gives the longer version of the Lord's Prayer that is during his Sermon on the
Mount and he's preaching on the subject of prayer and he's giving the attitude of prayer and the model for prayer but in Luke 11 he's providing a response to the question teach us to pray and you say well what's the what are you getting at well here's
I think this tells us something this is not meant to be absolutely rigid it's not meant to be every time it's our
Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come I don't think it's intended to be that way I think it's intended to be a framework it teaches us principles for prayer and that's what we're going to look at today we're going to look at the method we're going to look at the principles that we learn we see this in Luke's version we see these and Matthew's version and what we're going to do
I'm going to do it on the board we're going to look at this from the perspective of the traditional version the traditional version of the
Lord's Prayer if you don't know it our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our and this is important because sometimes it says debts sometimes it trespasses sometimes it says sins but we're just going to go with forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever amen so that is the basic framework of what we call the model prayer and what are some things that we see in this model where the first thing that we see in this model is that when we approach
God there is recognition of who it is we are speaking to and so the first thing we have is we have the address and this is who are we speaking to we're speaking to God we are addressing
God so we say who it is we are addressing and it is the
Father in heaven who are we addressing the
Father in heaven one of the most interesting things that we note in the
Bible is that in the Old Testament God is referenced as father but not as frequently or with the same level of intimacy that we see
Jesus referencing God as father and Jesus references our father reminding us that because of the adoption that we have received through coming into relationship with Christ being born again we are now adopted into the family of God and we have a father in heaven we might not have an earthly father we might not have a good relationship with our earthly father we may have an earthly father who did us wrong who treated us poorly but this is not that father this is the father in heaven and so our prayers should begin with a recognition of who it is we are speaking to and again this is a level of intimacy because the
Bible says that we are to call God our father but with the attitude of Abba not
Allah as in the Islamic religion but Abba which is an
Arabic phrase which means a father and I know you probably heard this before it means like daddy but it's it's it's relational fatherhood not just that he's the father of the nation or the father of the kingdom he's our father possessive he belongs to us he's ours he's my
God he's my father and so when I when I enter into my prayers I understand immediately who it is
I'm speaking to but I don't enter into that prayer with a sense of a cavalier spirit because the very next thing
Jesus says is our father who is in heaven hallowed be thy name hallowed be thy name and the word hallowed or hallowed means holy it means holy when you enter into prayer you are entering into a conversation you are entering into the throne room of God who is holy open your
Bibles and turn with me back to Leviticus chapter 10 in Leviticus chapter 10 we have the story of Nadab and Abihu Leviticus chapter 10 says this now
Nadab and Abihu the sons of Aaron each took his censer and put fire in it and laid incense on it and offered unauthorized or strange fire before the
Lord which he had not commanded them and the fire came out from before the
Lord and consumed them and they died before the Lord then Moses said to Aaron this is what the
Lord has said among those who are near me I will be sanctified and before all the people
I will be glorified and Aaron held his peace
I want you to consider something for a moment Nadab and Abihu are the sons of Aaron Nadab and Abihu have have decided to offer to God what he has not commanded what the text calls strange fire they offer up a strange fire to God and God does not receive their worship but instead chooses by the power of his might to destroy them the fire that they offered became a consuming fire and it burned them to death and they died right in the presence of their father
Aaron was the high priest these were his sons exercising their call to priesthood but they exercised it in a way that was ungodly they exercised it in a way that was strange or unauthorized and God did not receive their worship but instead he responded by consuming them with fire for a moment
I want you just to think about how Aaron must have felt I'm sure
Aaron was crushed I have five children I could not imagine having to watch them be burned to death it would destroy me in a profound way
I'm sure to hear their screams and to see their pain and to know that they're not ever coming home that's what
Aaron had to face sometimes I think we don't read the Bible with a sense of understanding these are real people at real times in real history and that and this is a real situation
God chose to take the lives of these men because they had done something that needed to be dealt with immediately and the question is what did they do they did not recognize the holiness of God they thought
God's presence was something that could be played with they thought
God's presence was something that they could take a cavalier attitude toward they thought that offering up a fire that God had not commanded was fine because God was going to take whatever they offered no matter what even though God had clearly given them regulations to follow and so Moses comes to Aaron and he says among those who draw near to me
I will be and the ESV says sanctified but that I like this translation better I will be seen as holy among those who approach me
I will be recognized as holy brothers we must when we are entering into the presence of God when we are addressing
God we must understand yes he is our father yes there is intimacy there yes he is our father he is by the spirit adopted us into his family yes he loves us but he is still holy and therefore when we enter into his presence we need to understand that we are entering into the presence of a holy
God how it be by name and then
Jesus goes on and he says thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven so we move from the address to the concept of submission so we've gone from the address father in heaven that's who you are hallowed be your name that's what you are and now we say thy kingdom and thy will be done thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven not only do
I recognize you're my father in heaven not only do I recognize that you're holy and not only holy but you're holy holy holy the
Bible says the only thing that God has ever called three times is holy is not called love love love he's not called justice justice justice he's not called grace grace grace or mercy mercy mercy but he is called holy holy holy in Isaiah chapter 6 the seraphim surround the throne of God and they cry out holy holy holy is the
Lord God Almighty the whole earth is filled with his glory so he's our father but he's holy so we submit to him thy will be done
I talked about this last week I think that there are some people who say you shouldn't pray that I will be done when you pray you should tell
God what you want and believe he's gonna do it you shouldn't say nevertheless not my will but I will be done that is foolishness we should always say thy will be done because God knows better than us
God has a plan that's greater than our plan God has a desire that's greater than our desire and he has a purpose that is better than our purpose so we start with who we're talking to and we submit unto him and then
Jesus moves to the next portion our
Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven and then he moves to what we would call supplication supplication means the making of a request and the first thing we see in the prayer is the request for our daily needs our daily needs give us this day our daily bread there's so much in this and time is not going to allow me to break each one of these can be broken down for an entire sermon but consider for a moment the fact that what
Jesus is saying is that one we need to be coming to God daily to ask him for our needs and we don't ask for our needs for tomorrow we ask for our needs for today we don't say
God give us a week's worth of bread so we don't have to talk to you again for a whole week we don't say
God give us our annual bread so we can come annually and pray to you this actually tells us how often we ought to pray we ought to pray every single day because Jesus said give us this day our daily bread not yesterday's bread and not tomorrow's bread but give us this day our daily bread but it's not only daily needs it's also daily forgiveness our daily forgiveness because he says give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses now again can be translated debts
I think the King James translates it debts but honestly I prefer Luke and Luke's version because Luke translates it from the word hamartia the word
Greek word hamartia means sin this reminds us of something as believers we have been forgiven
Jesus died on the cross he took the punishment for all of our sins past present and future we have no more sin that will be held against us the
Bible says blessed is the man whose sin is not counted against him and we have that blessing if we are in Christ we have the blessing of knowing our sin is not counted against us and yet we also know that daily we err daily we make mistakes daily we sin daily we rebel against the commands of Almighty God and so daily we go before God knowing that the forgiveness is in Christ and we say
God forgive us our sins forgive us of our sins because we need to be forgiven daily not to re up our subscription to salvation no salvation is secure but we need the peace of forgiveness every day we need the peace of relationship with God every day so we say
God forgive us of our sins as we forgive those who sin against us the
Bible says if we do not forgive our brother
God will not forgive us that's that's a scary thought because I know that in my own heart there have been some times where I have had trouble forgiving
I've had trouble letting go I've had trouble being angry with someone but you know this is why the
Bible says if you come to the if you come to give your offering to the Lord and you realize that your brother has something against you you leave your offering and you go and you be reconciled with your brother this is why the
Bible says that as much as it depends upon you live at peace with all men we have the responsibility we have the necessary responsibility to do the act of forgiveness now that doesn't mean that everybody we know is going to be forgiven because some people don't want our forgiveness and forgiveness is a difficult concept but like I said would take longer than one sermon and certainly a portion of a sermon to deal with but I like to think of the father of the prodigal son the father of the prodigal son was ready to forgive when he saw the the prodigal son walking toward him and he was downtrodden and he had the mud on him from the pigs and he was so desperate and broken and the father saw the son and he ran to the son and he embraced the son and he kissed him and he put a ring on his finger and he put a robe on him and he said you are my son you were dead and now you live we are called to be forgiving people so in our prayers this becomes a moment of reflection forgive us of our sins and God help us to forgive those who've sinned against us if I'm holding something against this person or that person
God let me give me the strength to let it go the burden of forgiveness give me the strength to let it go and then we see it goes on it says we thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who are indebted to us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil this again is part of supplication and it's the it is the prayer of deliverance it's the prayer of deliverance so we prayed for our needs and daily bread could be as much as daily sustenance it can go across the board that fits a lot of things
God give me everything I need every day on the day that I need it
God forgive me of every sin that I have sinned and every sin that's been done against me help me forgive and then lead me not into temptation but deliver me from evil this
I believe because a lot of people ask questions about this and they say well God would never lead us into temptation
James tells us God doesn't tempt us so why would we pray lead us not into temptation what this is is this is making the clear observation that God directs our steps the
Bible says many are plans of a man's heart but the Lord directs his steps and so we have to understand that God is sovereign over our lives so we're saying
God don't put me in a position where the the devil will have an opportunity to tempt me but deliver me from evil
God don't don't allow me to walk to a place that I would be walking into temptation and you guys know what
I'm talking about you know that there's houses that you probably shouldn't go to you know that there are friends that you probably should not talk to because those people are your temptation and you know how easy it is for your feet to want to take you to their homes you know how easy it is for your mind to wander and want to go to be with those people because they satisfy something in your flesh and you're saying to God deliver me
I believe this is a I believe these two phrases go together I believe these two phrases function as a parallelism and what they're saying is lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil
I think it's the same thing said in two different ways God keep me from the house of the harlot
God keep me from the house of the of the of the drug salesman God keep me from the the the the the house of the violent man keep
God keep me from the house of the wicked turn to Psalm 1
Psalm 1 blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked nor stands in the way of sinners nor sits in the seat of scoffers but his delight is in the law of the
Lord and on his law he meditates day and night see
Psalm 1 blessed is the man who does what who does not walk who does not sit and who does not stand in the evil ways and in the evil places blessed is that man and that's what we're praying for God make me the blessed man make me the man who doesn't walk in the counsel of the wicked
God make me the man who doesn't stand in the way of sinners God make me the man who does not sit in the seat of scoffers but rather make me the man who delights in the law of the
Lord make me the man who meditates on your word day and night
Jesus said lead us not into temptation but deliver us deliver us from evil so this is an outline of Jesus model prayer first we understand who it is we're speaking to then we submit to him then we supplicate or we ask of him and in the midst of that we also make a confession notice under forgiveness forgive us of our sins there's also the act of confession and then of course the traditional ending for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forevermore and so Jesus gives a perfect model for prayer
Jesus gives us an outline to follow Jesus gives us a method and this must be the best method because this is
Jesus's method I want to end with one last thing
I'm gonna turn my board over because I want to show you years ago a person came up with an acronym that is helpful when it comes to prayer and this might help you remember some of what
I've said today and the acronym is acts and acts stands for adoration confession thanksgiving and supplication adoration confession thanksgiving supplication acts adoration
God you are God you are holy same way our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name confession
Lord I have sinned forgive me of my sins thanksgiving you might say well
Jesus's model prayer did not include thanksgiving I think it does in the submission thy kingdom come thy will be done
I am thankful for what you've done God and I want to see your kingdom rule of course the supplication the last give us this day our daily bread give us the forgiveness that we need give us the ability to forgive others and of course lead us not into evil but father in heaven protect us put a hedge around us keep us in the center of your will that's the method of prayer that Jesus taught us this is simply an acronym to help you remember maybe when you're praying but my first encouragement to you is to memorize the model prayer not so that you can simply recite it but that you can understand the framework
Jesus gives us you know you can pray the model prayer without praying it exactly as it's written you could say something like father in heaven
I'm so thankful that you are my father I'm so thankful that I have a father in heaven hallowed be your name
Lord there's no other one in the universe who is holy you are the only one who is truly holy you are the thrice holy
God holy holy holy thy kingdom come thy will be done
I father thank you that I can trust in your kingdom and it's coming and you see how
I'm just going through the prayer and I'm elaborating on each sentence and I'm thinking more about it I'm going deeper and I'm diving in using the prayer as I believe
Jesus intended it to be used as a model as a framework for our prayers so that is the method of prayer next week we're going to look at the attitude of prayer let's let's end with a prayer father thank you for this time that we've been together