Rising Obesity Threatens Civilization

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From: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPn3oSUGee4


There's a study that just came out that by 2030 to 2035, 50 % of American children will be obese.
Obese is not overweight, just so your listeners really capture this. Obese is not overweight.
Obese is when you have a whole extra you that you are carrying around basically.
And that's what they're looking at in terms of youth in America, 50 % they're saying round to 2035 is going to be obese.
And I'm just like, you know, we want to have an army. I mean, that's there's implications beyond just health of the individuals, there's health of a country when you get to that point, you know,
I mean, farmers have known forever obesity and the ability to reproduce, to have offspring are antithetical, you know, like with your cows, with your pigs, with any animal, carrying excess weight suppresses reproductive capacity and it makes less healthy offspring.