Mother Forces Six Year Old Son to Transition to a Girl in Divorce


A mother is forcing her son, James, to transition to a girl in the middle of a divorce and is charging her husband with child abuse for not supporting the transition when her son claims he does not want to wear girl clothes. The mother is seeking to prevent the father from having rights to seeing his children while also seeking to make him pay for transition surgery for James when he turns eight. Articles referred to in the podcast: If you want to support James' fathers you can do that at The battle against Christian cake baker went to the Supreme Court was discussed in detail on a previous Rapp Report Andrew first addressed an issue in NJ where a teacher was suspended for telling 1st graders that Santa Clause is not real. This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community: Support us at Please review us on iTunes Give us your feedback, email us [email protected] Like us on Facebook at Join the conversation in our Facebook group at Watch subscribe to us on YouTube at Support us financially at Get the book What Do They Believe at Get the book What Do We Believe at


Okay, so today we are gonna deal with again some topics because well we have to they are
Popular in the culture being said quite a bit big issues and this is something we're gonna deal with the issue of a six -year -old boy a six -year -old boy who is in the middle of a divorce with his parents and he is being used as a pawn in their divorce and this can be very
Very damaging to the rest of his life What his mother and father are going through not just because of divorce, but because how the mother is
Dealing with it and we're gonna get to that on the rap report Welcome to the rap report and you rap report.
We provide biblical interpretations and applications This is a ministry of striving for eternity and the
Christian podcast community For more content or to request a speaker for your church go to striving for eternity org
All right. This is the rap report and before we get into our main topic Well, let's just deal with New Jersey I'm from Jersey and this is the insanity of New Jersey a substitute teacher in New Jersey was fired for telling first graders that Santa Claus is not real.
That's right. If she would have said That God is not real. It would have been perfectly fine
But if she was to say well, she was say Allah's not real I bet she'd be in trouble, but you cannot say
Santa Claus is not real now the interesting thing in the article I'll leave a link in in the show notes to this article.
The interesting thing was that the reason the superintendent gave for Firing this person.
It's called the Santa matter but Firing her in Montville township.
That's in northern. Jersey was because he this teacher is ruining the wonder of childhood
So we're supposed to I guess in schools teach fantasy and fairy tales to students.
Oh Of course we do we teach evolution it's in the same category
So we can't teach the truth in schools, but oh boy when it comes to fairy tales we can do that All right.
So here's the thing. I want to deal with in and folks unfortunately again, I Have to give the disclaimer that if you have young children
This may not be a good episode for them to be hearing. Oh wait I hope that if any of your young children are listening.
They didn't just realize that Santa's not real. I Should tell the story. I I was
Raised Jewish. Therefore. I didn't believe in Santa Claus and in Kindergarten first grade. I can't remember which
I Sat there and did the worst thing you can do. I mean hindsight. This was so bad, but I just didn't know better I was only like five six years old and there was a girl who was all happy about Santa Claus and what he was gonna give her and I basically said
Santa Claus is not real and she said no, you don't understand Santa Claus is real and the reality is
I made a mistake of saying well your parents are lying to you and That was a mistake.
She went home and asked her parents and said that someone said that That they're lying to her and that Santa Claus is not real and They figured she was old enough to now know the truth and they told her that's true.
Santa Claus is not real Oh, did she come to school the next day upset with me crying and all because her parents lied to her
So if I've just ruined it for your kids, you shouldn't have lied to them in the first place
Okay but But there are going to be some matters here that we are going to deal with and I want to address these both socially but also biblically and this is a matter of Well, here's the title of the article that I want to address mom dresses six -year -old son as girl
Threatens dad for disagreeing. Okay, so let me give you the background of in this
This is dealing with a boy named James James is six years old as far as I tell from the articles.
He's a fraternal twin He as a six -year -old boy
Has since the age of three His mother has chosen to dress him as a girl and call him
Luna three years old Now at three years old this would not be a choice he's doing this is a choice that the mother is doing
She obviously must have wanted a boy and a girl But here's where it gets really crazy
Because the father and mother are getting a divorce and in that divorce proceeding the mother has
Charged that the husband is abusing this boy James Because when the boy is in the father's home, he prefers to be a boy he violently is against wearing girls clothing the mother has gone about in this divorce proceeding to actually argue that he's abusing the child and therefore
Wants all rights taken away from the father to have any access to the children
How far is she going? Well, she's entered him into first grade as a girl the parents and other students are unaware that he's actually a boy the teachers
And administrators know but they're unaware The other children he's being forced to dress as a girl.
The court has actually ordered the father Because when the child was with the father he wanted to wear boys clothes and by the name of James But and when given the choice that's what he's doing the court initially ordered that the father is not allowed to force him to Wear boys clothes or to go by name
James Well, that wasn't enough now. The court is ordering that when he takes the boy to school
He must dress him as a girl and call her call him Luna now
The thing that's so also I should say the other part of this court order is that the father is not allowed to teach the boy whether scientifically or religiously that he is a
Boy, in other words, you're not allowed to use science or religious teaching to argue he's a boy now the mother took this child
James to a Now she's a pediatrician by the way took the child to a very pro -homosexual pro -transgender
Not I don't know if it was psychiatrist but Counselor who identified that James has
Transgender dysphoria and the basis for that is the fact that when the mother was there and given the choice of Would you like to go by just two pieces of paper
James Luna When the mother is there he chooses Luna and when the father is with him
He chooses James and so you say he's he has confusion on this By the way in this divorce proceedings
Not only is the mother saying that the father is not to have any access to the child or to the children but the mother wants the father to pay for the
Transformation from boy to girl at the age of eight. She wants to start to chemically
Castrate him. I mean, this is gonna be a permanent thing This is not something you're gonna be he may never be able to have children and this remember
I want you to think about this This is a six -year -old He doesn't understand all that's going on.
He does he is a pawn in a divorce battle That's what he is
And it is interesting reason I there we could Go and deal with many issues like this.
This is not new in the news This is not the first time we've seen this but what is interesting is the scenario
This is within a divorce proceedings. Now. It is interesting because the person who's brought this to light is a
Is Walt hire from the federalist calm That's the article and he is someone who has said he was raised by his grandmother
To be a girl whenever he was with his grandmother He was forced to dress as a girl and when he was with his parents
He very quickly switched back to being a boy but because of that they identified him as gender dysphoria and therefore they went through procedures with him and It was put upon him at a young age
This is the thing a six -year -old is just trying to deal and think back when you were five and six years old
Remember this started when he was three so this is something that And I'm sorry to say but a lot of the times you see this in a case where typically it's a single mother but there are just always seems to be a mother behind the scenes and so much of this and That is part of the thing that is
I Think there are some issues there that we we see in the culture and here you have someone
Then now if you don't if you want a girl and you have a boy You just get that chemically taken care of.
I mean, that's really what it is coming down to nowadays and That's the thing that I think is disturbing as we end up looking at this case
There are some biblical things we have to evaluate here now I do want to mention that this is a divorce proceeding and This I believe is where we see all of this coming from You know how molar on his?
recent briefing pointed out a thing about And I'm forgetting that the country there was a country we're just within the last decade they finally allowed divorce and Now it is the hot spot for homosexuals
It went from I think it's Malta is where I believe it was and it's now this spot where where they've seen this
Radically and and he's bringing up from a a travel guide Why in a travel guide?
The travel guide isn't trying to push the social agenda, but the travel guide is noticing that there is this agenda
What was the change and the travel guide made the point that it started with? the allowing of divorce
I Think even in the Western countries. This is what we see as we've seen a change
We've seen this divorce being allowed for any reason no fault divorce
This is where it started it was in an attack on the family why because this is something that God established the whole issue
Kept coming up until we finally had same -sex marriage Same -sex marriage is something that was being pushed and now that they've destroyed marriage and the definition of marriage
They want to move on Why marriage think about this just put your thinking caps on for a moment?
Marriage is a religious institution Now all the people that would be for same -sex marriage are also saying that we should have a separation of church and state
Okay, if you believe we should have a separation in church and state Then you should be against same -sex marriage
You should be against the state telling the church what to do Marriage is a religious issue.
Yes, it's become an issue of the state Because in America it was something where we don't have a state religion and therefore it wasn't something that was just a religious thing but it was always part of a religious institution that was doing the marriages and then you have the state confirming in knowledge
My daughter just got married It was a pastor who signed all the documents and the state confirms it
That's the way it's done because it's a religious institution that the state Recognizes in countries where this you have state -run churches.
You don't have that separation So when the pastor marries someone that is also done by the state
So what you end up seeing is a religious institution being corrupted. It was first attacked with divorce and Divorce is something that God does not see.
There are some cases that could be made for divorce in Scripture But never for the person that's seeking the divorce, by the way
It's the victim that could remarry. The issue is not the divorce. It's usually the remarriage So here's the thing that we have to look at with this.
It started with the issue of divorce. It goes on to attacking what marriage is and What you have with marriage because if you think about this anyone can
Can be partners with someone without marriage The arguments they make for same -sex marriage why there must be same -sex marriage if you think it through there's nothing that requires marriage because they love each other, but you can love people and Not be married.
In fact, there's people who are married that don't seem to love each other The the fact is is that love doesn't is not something that is necessary with marriage
Taxes the state can change that. I mean the state changed the definition of marriage.
They could have just changed the definition of taxes the benefits well,
I had worked for a company years ago that referred to Significant other so you can get benefits to someone you're not married to That's possible going and visiting someone in the in the hospital
Again, hospitals can change your will see all those things can be changed without affecting marriage
So why was it marriage had to be the issue now that they got that you don't see them stopping.
Do you know this? same -sex LGTB revolution continues why because if they don't keep it going they lose their their victim status
They lose their political power. Remember, this is a very very small group and this
Case that we're looking at is an example where people want to take this and they're gonna try to create more people to fit into this class of people that they want to Identify and so as we look at this
This becomes something this is an attack on Christianity and God that started with divorce
It went on to same -sex marriage it went on to now you see where Christians are being told they have to accept
Homosexuality and promote it and in this case, I don't know the religious background of this individual the father in this case
Who I think is the real if the six -year -old boy James is a real victim The father is also being victimized.
I do believe there might be some background from the religious background from the father only because when they they got testimonies of people who knew them the reporter has
Some testimonies from a pastor. I think it was Christ Church Was the church?
Yes bill love level So I think there may be a religious aspect
So this could be a thing where the mother knows the father's position Religiously and is attacking that but this is divorce where the mother seems like she just wants everything
I mean if you know where there's been bad divorce proceedings there's lots of times where both sides are trying to argue that The other side shouldn't have any
Rights to children and abuse comes in often. I know of two cases where a wife
Charged that their the husband was sexually abusing the children to try to argue that he should have no rights to see a children, but of course, he should pay everything and Fortunately, like there's one case
I know where that actually Got found out that it was actually the mother who was not so stable and she's the one that lost all
Rights to or not all rights, but the rights to custody And so this is really a custody battle and This is a mother that's pushing a child into this and I think that this may be a case where you usually if you have
Twins, you usually have one that's more dominant one That's not and I think that this is one That's the the less dominant child that the mother can can do this with and then she can have her boy and girl
I don't know Not sure, but she clearly started three years ago to cross -dress this child now
The thing is is that biblically we see that there is back from Genesis that God created male and female and I Understand that this is under attack
This is Genesis 1 and 2 actually the first 11 chapters in Genesis has been under attack
It been attacked by trying to argue for evolution try to attack the marriage now trying to attack
Gender now, I think it's interesting that the court had to rule that the father could not basically do any teaching based in science or Religion that the boy is a boy
I find that very interesting because what that ends up doing is saying that the court realizes that religiously doesn't fly
Looking at it from a Scientific perspective doesn't fly and it doesn't fly religiously when we end up seeing religiously is that religiously
God created male and female That's what we have we have male and female and This is the thing we have to understand when we look at this
This is how God created things. Did God have to create
Adam and Eve? Male and female. No, he didn't. In fact, he has created several types of animals
That are not male and female They're asexual.
There's no male or female in them, but he has created plenty of animals and Created humans that are male and female as far as we know he created angels that are not male and or female
So we end up seeing that there's much here that From Genesis 1 that comes under attack
What the culture wants to do is say that I mean basic common sense basic biblical teaching is
Invalidated now and we Can just decide
I mean in my mind This is absolutely crazy because even the science doesn't support it
This is where I've said this on a previous podcast, but this is where we see that those that Atheists that promote this stuff have given up atheism and they don't realize it because whenever you argue for transgenderism or this gender dysphoria
What you're actually arguing is for something beyond the physical chemical
World if we appeal if if James is nothing but the byproduct of his chemicals
Then he is a boy and will act only as a boy
For the mother to argue that he has this default dysphoria and actually has a desire to be a girl
Is to argue for something that's immaterial it is outside of the material world to have this desire against his biology and Therefore it is arguing against what atheism would argue in a purely material world
That's the issue This is an attack ultimately on God who created them as Christians this is not going to stop
Now we can look at many scriptures That talk about homosexuality
Talk about You know, even there's some scripture verses that would talk about Transdressing but the reality is is that we end up seeing that God made it quite clear that we are
To have male and female and not change In fact, he would be one of what
I think would be one of the clearer passages that we have in New Testament When we look at the
New Testament you have 1st Corinthians chapter 11 and here this is dealing with head coverings and This is a passage
I won't have the time to read through all of this But what you end up seeing when it comes to head coverings is the issue that he is arguing for the fact that there's that the woman is different than the man and therefore they should have
And basically they should have You know For women have their head covered now, what's that covering?
I can't bring this up without addressing this in the text. You end up seeing that it is her hair.
You'll see that in verse 14 Does not nature itself teach you that a man?
That if a man wears long hair, it's a disgrace for him But for a woman, but if a woman has long hair it is her glory
The issue of what is that covering is her hair? He's making this argument from a separation of male and female he's saying there is a difference and he even says nature even shows us there's a difference between male and female and That is something that is clear throughout all the scripture in nowhere in scripture.
Do we see anything about us? Identifying against the way that God created us now people will argue but there's some people who have both sexes
Yes, it's like I think like one thousandth of one percent or something. It's like a super really small number of people that have a mutation
Okay, and We don't we're not going to sit here and define the whole based on the few
The they're either having an X or Y chromosome. Do they have some mixture that that is a
Deformity. Yes, there are people that have deformities But you you're not going to make a case based on everyone else on that that suddenly people can identify
You see even in the case where people say in these these very rare cases It's not an issue how they identify
It's an issue back to the way that God created them that somehow they they have this this deformity
And so this is the thing as Christians we have to recognize
God makes it really clear that there is a separation of male and female and When people try to argue and Push for pushing an agenda and and make no mistake about this
This is an agenda that people have and I encourage you to read the article
I'm gonna post the article and I encourage you to read it and the reason being is when you look at this article you end up seeing that here's someone who has lived through this and He talks about the horrific
Consequences to misdiagnosing people this way and How I mean think about this put yourself in the position
You're going into first grade You're a boy you like hanging out with boys you like doing things with boys
But you're now entering into school and have to tell the school and pretend to be a girl because your mother says so Okay, is that going to cause confusion to him?
Absolutely when James gets a psychological evaluation because of these things will that affect the evaluation?
Yes, because the mother is forcing confusion upon him the one who
I think is actually doing the child abuse is the mother Because the child seems to be it seems clear that the child wants to be a boy
Unless the mother is around the article the writer of the article says the same thing that he had that with his grandmother and So the thing is that what you end up seeing here is that you have a case where the mother is causing the confusion
She's the one abusing the child. I hope if the courts have any Common sense they would take the rights away from the mother to have anything to do with these children because the mother is is pushing something upon a three -year -old and Now forcing it upon a six -year -old and going to make it permanent upon an eight -year -old
This child is not old enough to understand the consequences. This is not a child that can say oh, you know
I really want to think about having children when I grow older But the mother is going to take that away from this child and he's not going to have that right
Because it's going to be surgically Permanently ended
Does this child is he aware can he make those choices in fact because the child is a minor in The divorce proceedings the child won't be allowed to speak
And if all of this is going to be argued that the father is abusing the child based on a counselor who is very pro transgender
That's a problem that's actually the reason I should I I Will put the link in there is a save James calm
Where they're trying to raise money because this father needs It's it's gonna be a huge legal battle now because the mother has a huge resource behind her has the
LGP LG BTQ whatever group behind her to push this issue and so she has a huge amount of finances and Support cultural support the judges are don't no one wants to be again
There's no judge that wants to be against this because they don't want to be attacked And this is a bullying that ends up happening
This is really a form of terrorism because it's people don't want to be they're being bullied into Accepting this stuff and this father has to fight for his children
Think about you as a father. Would you want to do it? He's putting everything behind So there is a a way that people have a go fund me there to help him because it is a legal battle and He's looking here's the interesting thing what he's looking for is experts in the field
Because she has a whole bunch of people saying yes. Yes. James is really
Luna He's struggling and there needs to be experts on the other side This is the insanity of our world, you know the interesting thing one of the articles that I'll put a link to and It's they have a video that you can look at and I'll tell you why
I find the video interesting The video the guy starts off basically arguing for communism
So he's a socialist not so a communism socialism. He's a socialist.
He's a liberal He wouldn't be a conservative or religious person. You know, he's he's arguing and it's kind of funny
He just argues that you know somehow You know, he heard that judge
Judy makes 147 million. She's never given him a million He's offended that she hasn't given a he she won't even notice
Bill Gates hasn't given him a million dollars He wouldn't even miss it. He could give him a hundred million not miss it. Somehow.
He's deserved I love what my my bride pointed out. My bride said well, this guy has a car
There's obviously people that that have less than him Why doesn't he give to people?
Why doesn't he give what he's earned to people because you know, he can do 20 bucks.
There's someone that could use 20 bucks a lot more than he can Kind of funny when you turn it on those but point being is here's a here's a leftist
Okay, and he even can see that there is a problems with this and he's angry over it
Why because the child is being abused? not by the father but by the mother
Because the the child's being given the choice when given the choice the child is looking to have
To be a boy and and that's what the father has seen and so I think that this is tragic and Realistically though I have in the article.
There's not Mention of the father being religious. There is like I said, there is a quote from a pastor
I don't know if it's his pastor. Don't know But the thing that's interesting that I see in this is the fact that this does have a ramification on Christianity, this is an attack that started long ago because people hate
God and they're not gonna stop Brothers and sisters you and I have to deal with the fact and recognize the fact that this is an attack on us
And it's going to continue to be as a slow progressive attack and I'm sorry, but people who want to say well, let's you know, there was some
Contemporary music artist that came under attack because she she said well I have a lot of friends who are homosexual and I can't say that it's wrong.
I just don't know Okay for her career. She doesn't want to say I'm not gonna address that issue
But she's got her like no going into this that this is gonna come up when she goes on On Ellen DeGeneres's show or however you say her last name.
I don't know the comedian who's who's a lesbian You have to know that these issues are gonna come up when you go on these things and do these things
Now if you're gonna stand and say you're a Christian then you need to stand on those convictions if you're gonna say that you want to write music to a
Christian community, you guys understand the issues then and Stand on on convictions of Christianity because if you're gonna say you're a
Christian we need to hold you to a higher standard But the reality is people like this don't understand
That they're not going to get off the hook by trying to get along with the world
You've heard me say this over and over again There is a persecution coming in this culture against Christianity and we are not going to be let off the hook just because We want to get along with the world.
The world is not going to get along with us The world hates
God the world wants to get rid of God and the reality is as Christians we need to be in God's Word standing firmly on that firm
Foundation that does not falter that does not change even though culture may try to make it say otherwise
The culture keeps changing the the scientific community has to keep giving up their theories
Why because they are not based in truth The reason the Bible doesn't need to change is because God the creator of the universe
Who created everything who cannot lie who is faithful and good wrote down his word through men
Therefore it is a firm foundation that we can trust and know that it is without Falter it is solid and it is that that we're gonna base things on we have to have an absolute standard and the only thing that can be an absolute standard is
God himself why because God is the definition of the standard
We do not know what good is other than the creator See what is good is by what he defines it as because his nature is that definition
It is so not because we declare it so not because the Bible says it so but because he by who he is created everything therefore
Everything is defined by him That's the problem that people have people don't want to be accountable to God they want to remove the accountability
They really want to try to remove their guilty conscience That's what is the issue and Christians you better realize
This is what they're battling with and a guilty conscience Doesn't get eased it just keeps having to try to convince itself that it's not guilty
And so it pushes further and further and further and that is what we see in our culture We see people who hate
God and want to attack him and say he doesn't exist and furthermore No one is supposed to say in the culture.
No one's allowed to say God exists that is coming That is coming
If you think it's not you're seeing right now as they push people into the church and say that everyone has to be in the church
You can't speak about Christianity Outside of the church Well, guess what it time is coming and it's gonna be very soon
That you're gonna see that they're gonna say you're not allowed to say God exists in the public square at all
After this break, I want to bring Jim in pastor Jim Osmond and I want to talk back before see his points how he sees this affecting
Both the culture but also the church as a pastor The good news is striving for eternity would love to come to your church to spend two days with your folks
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All right, so I want to bring pastor Jim in and discuss how this Ends up affecting the church
It does and I should I should before he comes in I should give a plug and a thank you to our supporters
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When it comes to this category, it is the largest category, but you know, it's filled with a bunch of junk
You know you you have Beth Moore. Yeah, she's not as good as many think she used to be conservative, but now who she hang out with Joyce Myers She's really bad
Joel Steen you you have a bunch of bad stuff out there we need to get an overwhelming number of solid believers solid theologically to Present a good biblical message so we could be discipling people not just striving fraternity every
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So Jim I want to ask you This is I know you you looked at these articles.
This has been something you've been seeing for a long time a trend You've been you've been following How concerning is this to you for the church?
I live in North Idaho where we're well armed, so I'm not concerned at all He just always has to mention, you know, look hey look and I don't have it here
I was I meant to have it here. I have to go to the gun shop later
Jim I Have to go to the gun shop Well, not only do
I have guns but here's No, what
I have to do is turn in my magazine I have a 15 round magazine they're not allowed anymore I can only have a 10 so I have to turn in and Preston and thankful that you use the term magazine and not clip
There are a lot of people who use the term clip and it's entirely wrong Yeah well
So I've shot I've shot a big gun. I've shot the thing is I've shot Weapons that are much bigger than what you have in your arsenal.
I'm just saying for the record Yeah, so Transgenderism in the church.
Yeah, it's I think it's concerning you look at this as an issue That is gonna is a pretending of persecution to come
That might be the case I don't think it's going to be the only thing that will cause Persecution to come upon the church.
It may be part of what causes persecution to come upon the church In the midst of this
I think that the church the true church and I'm not talking about the Beth Moore Joel Osteen Seeker sensitive
Andy Stanley nonsense it goes on but the true church the people Plugging away in the communities and the small churches with faithful pastors is gonna have a real opportunity to shine
I think in the midst of this as someone once said and I'm not sure who said it The darker the night the brighter the light and I think that that's where we are at is as this
You know eventually eventually I'm hoping that the common I mean, we've never
I've never been in my lifetime We've never been at this juncture before where we've seen this type of a complete deterioration of sanity on a widespread scale but I'm hoping that eventually the common grace of God will cause the people who who have to live in a real world to look at this type of moral insanity and say
This is just crazy. Who are the people that are making sense? Who are the people who seem to understand how to navigate this and they'll look around and see the
Christians the faithful pastors and the faithful churches Making a claim to absolute truth that will be able to help navigate this culture out of this morass of subjective rebellion that we're in so I see it as a great opportunity for the church to step up and to To proclaim the truth and to love people through this confusion and the gender issues
But at the same time to use it as a segue for the gospel to show people
This is what happens when a culture when a nation is handed over to a depraved mind this is the very stuff that you get this is what you see in in Romans chapter 1 and And I'm hoping that the church is that the faithful church will be able to do that and I I do think the faithful church will be able to do that if we if we think that Andy Stanley and And you're
Rick Warren's and those guys are the faithful church. They're not gonna have the capacity to do this I think that guys like that churches like that are gonna start folding and Compromising and you already see
Andy Stanley setting himself up to do that very thing Beginning to compromise once you say you're gonna unhitch from Old Testament.
You're gonna unhitch Your Christianity from basically half of Revelation or you know
The first half of the book then you're just setting yourself up to begin to reject piecemeal other aspects of Revelation as well
So he's gonna start doing that with the Old Testament and I don't think it'll be long before he just says, you know
What we need to unhitch our Christianity from the New Testament Because the early Christians didn't even have a
New Testament That's the same argument he uses for them not having the Old Testament the old early
Christians didn't have the New Testament and so we just need to unhook our Christianity from all Revelation and just rest in the resurrection.
That's where Andy Stanley's going So you have false false teachers like that all that to say you get you get a lot of false teachers
Like Andy Stanley, I don't think that they're going to have the the moral fortitude or the biblical discernment
To help navigate anybody through the mess that is coming and the mess that is here yeah, well you and I got it
I want to do an episode on Andy Stanley in the unhinged because I Think Andy Stanley may not realize how much of the
Old Testament is in the New Testament I don't think he's ever read the book of Hebrews Introducing a sermon because I'm preaching through the book of Hebrews right now
But I was introducing a sermon and I used Andy Stanley as an example If the author of Hebrews believed what
Andy Stanley believes do you think we would even have the book of Hebrews and the answer that is no Hebrews Exposition of one
Old Testament passage after another mostly Psalm 110 But other large passages like Psalm 95 and others a lot of Psalms quoted in chapter 1
It's an exposition of Old Testament of Old Testament texts. Yeah, I Think I mean,
I think this is something that as Christians I you know, people have asked me. Why do we keep bringing this up?
And the answer is we don't We're reacting We are reacting to what the culture keeps bringing up.
Yeah, not and not just bringing it up They're forcing it into the issue. They're not just bringing it up.
Like hey, let's have a discussion They're bringing it up and saying you will comply bigot. You're gonna bake our cake. You're going to endorse our lifestyle
You're going to go along with this or you'll be fired. You'll have your tenure revoked You're gonna you're gonna be excommunicated.
You're gonna be you know, we will destroy you We will end you if you don't go along with our agenda and and that's the thing
We so we are reacting as as believers. We're reacting. We are not pushing the issue.
So the question is Why are they bullying us? I mean the people who say they're against bullying are bullying
Christians and they'll say oh no No Christians and yes Christians are bullying The people that practice homosexuality really
I mean are we trying to get any of them fired Yeah, I don't see that Are we trying to make them affirm our perspective on marriage?
No. Yeah. Are we trying to make them codify our perspective on gender? Let me just deal with one person when you said there because I want to deal with that you said do we try to make them
Defend our view of marriage and they'll say yes, because you try to pass these laws to put bans on changing definition of marriage
But the issue is that's not that's us saying we want to uphold the law.
The thing has been the law all along So that's not us trying to force a religious view on them as they argue that is us
Saying this is the way it's been You're the ones trying to change it and we disagree with the change for good reason
Yeah, yeah, we're not trying to force our perspective on it. We're trying to recognize what reality is
You know, this is a real world and we live in it It's God's world and we live in it and when you recognize that okay
There are two genders and this is not something that is assigned randomly at birth It is something that is inherent in the
DNA. It's biological. It's scientific. It's observational It is a fixture of reality
When we recognize that they think we're forcing our morality on them and we're not we're there are yeah
We're not forcing our morality on them. We're recognizing reality as it is Not only that but the point is when when someone tries to change the culture
That's the person trying to force their beliefs on others It is not us trying to force our agenda if we had the control they love to say we have
Then why would abortion be legal? Christians have been against abortion and yet it's legal and has been for many years
If we had that kind of control, it wouldn't be legal. The reality is we we don't have the control
They like to claim we do so that they can claim that they that this is their argument why they need
To have the changes in the culture But the reality is they're the ones trying to force it and and you look at the the master masterpiece cake baker
That he went to Supreme Court He it was it was cited that he wasn't violating you know that the way that he didn't have to make the cake for the homosexual couple for their wedding and What do they do that?
He that guy got call after call after call trying to trap him again Why because they're not happy that he won
He won and he won and the Supreme Court basically said look the reason that we're throwing this back at you and saying that you overstepped your bounds is because you treated him harshly and basically the the people in Colorado got the message if we had been kinder to him while we
Took away his rights and ended his business and destroyed him then we could have gotten away with it That's basically the message they got and so why not go back for round two?
We'll treat him more kindly this time We'll try and you know slow it down and and be more generous and just try and attack him without the prejudice
And maybe we'll let it fly in there and they're going after him again, and that's not right That's that's exactly what they're looking to do.
They want to do it And be nicer this time, right? Yeah, the Supreme Court said you can end him but end him nicely
Yeah, and you know if you if you're folks that aren't familiar with that case I'll drop in the in the show notes the link that I did with an attorney dealing with that case dealing with the cake baker because this that was a case that really
It it has ramifications because there are There's just there's things there that you end up seeing how they tried to spin this but you know it's
This was an issue of seeing how they're dealing with it now
You we end up seeing that this is something And this
I mean I did the podcast back in episode 15 so it goes back always but you know, but You end up seeing that this is something that they they chose to argue that case narrowly because of the fact that they
They felt that was the best way to win in the Supreme Court now narrowly meaning that they argued the way as you mentioned
Jim But they didn't argue based on religious and that's what I would have liked to have seen Would have been a win is if he won based on the religious view that as he has a religious right to To not do something against his will no no notice.
They want to go after Christians to say you must do this You must do this and that is a forcing of their beliefs on us
What's once we've already we've already gotten to the point now where we're allowing nine people to determine whether or not we have the freedom
Exercise our faith the battles already lost, you know we want we everybody in the country looks to the
Supreme Court for permission to be a Christian and When we're even having that discussion, it's game over And the fact is that if you really understand our
Constitution the Supreme Court's not in that role You know, they're making law and they don't they're not in that position but that's the only way that the liberals can push in and you know, so The thing
I want for folks to realize should this article and this situation upset people yes
It should but should it be a warning to us as Christians? God made it very clear how he created
He created male and female and what what they want to do is people want to avoid the accountability of God In fact,
Jim, I know you're very proud of something that hangs over your shoulder You have a picture of your your favorite person,
I think Oh fair, okay. Okay. Yeah, there's there's your
I should let you talk so everyone can see you're on camera there You had to flip that quickly because actually
I think I saw a Trump See now you're very proud of pity here, you know where I bring this in for this reason what they want to avoid
What culture wants to avoid is accountability of God. Let me grab something from over my shoulder that That I'm very proud of and I'll put this on screen for folks who watch on the
YouTube channel That is someone gave a gift it's kind of hard with the glare but that is called the
Ten Commandments scroll it's from the Qumran from the
Dead Sea Scrolls this is the oldest This is a manuscript that is the oldest copy of the
Ten Commandments in full. It is from Deuteronomy You know, we have
Sections where we'll have bits and pieces, but this is from Deuteronomy 5 And what you end up seeing is this is the full
Ten Commandments Why do I bring that up when I talk about accountability? Because this is what they want to avoid these people want to pretend like the
Ten Commandments doesn't exist why because If they can avoid that they think they can get rid of their guilt, but it won't work
I Want to play a different game and usually play Jim do what you did there Andrew? So you asked me what my favorite thing is and I show you a picture of Reagan then you
Jesus And That wasn't how it was meant to be it's just I I know you you really want to make sure that you know
Reagan was in the in the camera shot This is the this is a biblical reprint, okay reproduction.
Yeah, it comes certified And it was a wonderful day if someone wants to get me the in actual manuscript,
I would love that Huh No, I know
I'm gonna be now this is okay. I'm a tad bit nerdy, you know this I'm very excited.
What am I gonna do this weekend? My bride and I are going down to the Museum of the Bible so that I can like stare at ancient manuscripts
Okay, I know I'm nerdy but I get into that I love it I'm excited about that so But Instead of playing the game with the spiritual transition game because well
I just I would transition from the Ten Commandments to the gospel if I wanted to do that from your
Reagan picture. I Want to play a different game with you and I want to see how you'll do with this one
It's time for name that fallacy
Okay, this is a time when we're gonna see if we can name that fallacy you know when
I was dialoguing with someone on this issue of the six -year -old boy
James One of the arguments I got was Why can't you just accept that this is what culture believes and Therefore we shouldn't be pushing against it.
Okay, that's the argument Pastor Jim, can you name that fallacy?
This is what culture is Accepting and therefore we shouldn't argue against it.
Yes The logical fallacy. I mean, I'm not I'm not sure if I can name the fallacy, but I can break that down All right, it's if morality let me let me work through it a bit in my mind first If that's the case that morality is determined by what culture says then in reality culture cannot
Nothing can end up being immoral or wrong That would be the same argument that could be used for exterminating six million
Jews during the Holocaust Is that nothing that Hitler every did ever did in Germany was illegal.
They made it legal. They made it moral They made it acceptable. They made it culturally appropriate before they did it.
And so it is Well, I would suggest is begging the question
In a sense because you're trying to you're trying to make the case that whatever
That whatever is culturally Promoted is moral and therefore since this is culturally promoted it is therefore moral
Well, here's here's the fallacy I think it would be it would be called argumentum ad populum or argument of Yeah, and this is a fallacious argument that Concludes that a position must be true because many or most people believe it often they encapsulate it as Quote if many believe it it is so unquote and that's exactly what this argument is
It's an also goes under the name of appeal to masses appeal to belief appeal to the majority appeal to popularity
Epistemological issue in terms of what is the foundation of morality? Yeah, and and so Yeah, when we look at when we look at something like this case and we look at the argument
Somehow we as Christians shouldn't speak out against it because it's This is what the culture says now if you hear this argument, this is a common argument
Let me give you guys the way to turn that very easily You see the majority of culture for years
Always believed that abortion was wrong. Homosexuality is wrong Transgenderism is wrong a very small part of the
Population has been pushing to change that and now because of that small population everyone should change
To say that now it has to be accepted by the by the whole Well, the reality is if you believe in the argument that this is what the majority believes
Therefore you shouldn't try to change it. Then we should never have allowed abortion. We should never
Legalize remove the ban on homosexuality. We should never legalize same -sex marriage. These things should have remained illegal
Why because that was the popular and not only that Andrew but we should have never gotten rid of slavery since that was culturally acceptable for years and we should have never allowed women to vote since most of culture was fine with women not voting for a number of years and we should never allow black people to vote because Most of culture was fine with that for a number of years
Well, well that one I could argue against that because there were clear divisions, especially between North and South on the slavery
You know, we ended up forcing our will on the South well ultimately, yes, but but that's
I think in the South if you say in the South It was the majority then. Yes And it shouldn't have changed.
Well Yeah, I mean that see that that's the whole thing if you're gonna argue that way then you can't make any change you can't push any difference
Nothing can ever be immoral. Yeah, so what really it comes down to is it shows that it's a logical
It's not valid and therefore it's wrong You shouldn't argue that way But here's the thing if people make that argument to you all you have to do is say them
Why do you want to change things? Why don't you accept the majority? That was this the nation was mostly
Initially formed under Christian values. Why do you want to change it? Well, the answer is they really don't want you to go with what the majority says
They want to change the mind of the majority to accept what they want as a minority, that's what it is
Majority believes agrees with them So they want the majority to rule when the majority agrees with them once they have already on their side
That's when majority and that's when we argue from the populace But when we're in the minority, of course
Then we're arguing you're on the wrong side of history and eventually we need to change History needs to go the direction where all of the people agree with us
And then we're on the right side of history then we can't change anything Which okay, and that's another logical fallacy, right?
Because when you say well, we're you gonna be on the right side of history Well history who's tearing you just brought up slavery.
There was a time that in this country slavery was legal So what's the right side of history?
Is that not a point of view that people have and they're saying well, this is what's right? Because when you look at it, they're saying
There's a change that has to occur but there was a time where that change occurred to legalize this slavery and They they tried to justify it.
And so they would say they were on the right side of history and what they did in other words
Right side of history is just I want you to accept my position That's really what it is so Well folks listen,
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