F4F | Beth Moore is Clueless About The Promised Land


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the
Faith here on YouTube. If you've ever been told by Pastor Pastrix, although there's no such thing as those, or somebody from the stage or the pulpit telling you that you have your own unique personal promised land, you know, and that you know supposedly that the the promised land of the
Old Testament is somehow some kind of weird symbol for some great outcome in your present earthly life, yeah, go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below.
You've been taught false doctrine. We'll actually take a look today at what the Bible says. By the way, ring the bell also so that you can be notified when we update the program.
So we're gonna show you what Scripture does teach regarding the promised land because remember in the
Old Testament, the Old Testament stories are types and shadows and their fulfillment is found in the
New Testament. Oftentimes, many times, they will find their fulfillment in Christ. So when
God promises his people a promised land like Abraham and others, is that referring to a postage stamp piece of property out there in the
Middle East? Is it referring to some great outcome like in your life? Like, you know, I'm gonna get a promotion at work.
I'm gonna get a corner office. There's my promised land. And wouldn't you know what? The Jordan River's in flood stage trying to keep me from getting to my promised land.
Yeah, that's not what that refers to at all. But I will kind of let this unfold.
And so we're gonna let Beth Moore twist God's Word and she's really good at it.
Yeah, she's really gifted when it comes to twisting up the Word if you think she's a solid Bible teacher. Yeah, no.
Well, we're gonna let her spin this nonsense out and then we'll reel it back and actually take a look at what the
Bible does teach regarding what the promised land's referring to. And we'll go from there.
But here's Beth Moore's living proof. Here we go.
Joshua chapter 4. I'm gonna read verses 1 through 18. Let me give you a little bit of background.
For 40 solid years, the children of Israel have been in the desert, in the wilderness, having been set free out of the wonders and mighty works of God from their oppression and slavery in Egypt to go to the land that God had promised.
Okay, yeah, so far so good. That's true. To their forefather Abraham way back in Genesis chapter 12.
And this would be the generation that would get to go in and take the promised land.
One thing was between them and their land of promise and it was the
Jordan River. And I want to say something to you as we get started here together. This will always be the case that whatever stands between you and your land of promise will always be at flood stage.
What do you think my land of promise is, lady? Good night. Okay, okay.
Alright, we're gonna take a look at the Bible right now because my mind just went...
Anyway, so let's take a look at Hebrews chapter 11, shall we?
And you'll note that the book of Hebrews is in the New Testament. And so it helps us because it clearly and unambiguously tells us what the promised land is all about in the
Old Testament. Remember, it's type and shadow. And it's the book of Hebrews that teaches us that the
Old Testament is type and shadow, fulfillment found in the New Testament. Oftentimes, again, finding the fulfillment in Christ.
So here's what it says, Hebrews 11 starting at verse 8. By faith
Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place that he was to receive as an inheritance.
And he went out not knowing where he was going. By faith he went to live in the land of promise, as in a foreign land, living in tents with Isaac and Jacob, heirs with him of the same promise.
For he was looking to the city that has foundations, whose designer and builder is
God. Does that sound like he was looking for something that exists in the present earth, or even in the earth at his time?
The answer is no. So by faith Sarah herself received power to conceive when she was past the age, since she considered him faithful who had promised.
Therefore from one man and him as good as dead were born descendants, as many as the stars of heaven and as many as the innumerable grains of sand by the seashore.
Now watch what it says here, starting in verse 13. These all died not having received the things promised, but having seen them and greeted them from afar, and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth.
We are too, by the way, for people who speak thus make it clear that they are seeking a homeland.
Now if they had been thinking of that land from which they had gone out, they would have had opportunity to return.
But as it is, they desire a better country that is a heavenly one.
Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city.
Now by the way, if you're not sure what that is, read the back end of the book of Revelation where the heavenly
Jerusalem comes down out of heaven. Yeah, so the promised land of the
Old Testament is type and shadow. The fulfillment is what? The new earth with the heavenly
Jerusalem coming out of heaven, landing on planet earth, and an eternal life in a new creation after the resurrection with resurrection bodies.
So the idea here is that the promised land is not some outcome in your present life.
Like, not at all. So what Beth Moore is saying is like, goofy. And she's really good at the goofy, by the way.
And so she's allegorizing the promised land to make it about something in the here and the now.
And it's like, no. So, ah, yeah, but Scripture interprets
Scripture. Just saying, Hebrews 11 tells us what the promised land metaphor of the
Old Testament is all about. So let's go back to Beth Moore. It will always threaten to drown you.
It will always threaten to take you completely under, because if you thought...
So my flood stage Jordan, and you have to put that in air quotes, my flood stage Jordan is gonna try to take me under.
Oh, oh no. I gotta back this up, because this is just like lunacy. And I want to say something to you as we get started here together.
This will always be the case that whatever stands between you and your land of promise will always be at flood stage.
It will always threaten to drown you. It will always threaten to take you completely under, because if you thought you could do it, it would not be a
God thing. So I could tell that my promised land is my promised land when there's a flood stage
Jordan trying to pull me under. But if it... I can tell it's from God, because it's got to be a
God thing, because I couldn't do it myself. What does this even mean?
Listen, your land of promise, when you and I draw a parallel to the children of Israel, our land of promise is that place, is that ground in which you and I live.
It's not geography as much as it is our theology of faith.
As we live... My promised land is my theology of faith? That's not what Hebrews 11 says. ...out
disciples on this globe all over this earth. It is about being in a place where God's promises that were made to you in this new covenant, this side of the cross, this side of the resurrection, this side of the ascension and the outpouring of the
Holy Spirit, that the promises he made over your life are actively fulfilled.
In other words, that you don't just know that you are an overcomer, but you get to live like one, that you get...
What? And this is why you should keep
Beth Moore from having any caffeine products, okay? Not only does it mess with her, like, you know, flittery genderiness, it screws up her theology too, clearly.
This is nonsense. Hebrews 11 just clearly says that, you know, that the promised land is actually the new heavens.
It's the new earth. You know, it's the heavenly Jerusalem. This is what Hebrews 11 clearly says.
And what she just said is like, I have no idea where she got that from. See some things work together for good for those who love
God and are called according to his purpose. Romans 8 28 has nothing to do with my personal here and now promised land.
All the promises he made that you are chosen and called and you are gifted to...
How about forgiven? Yeah, that's kind of a big one. That I have been given the gift of eternal life, you know, that kind of thing.
...much fruit that all of those promises are brought into active fulfillment, not in a land of ease, not in a land without an enemy.
Not in the land of ease? How about the land of Hanalei? You know, you know, puff the magic, drag it.
Yeah. What on earth is she talking about? But in a land where you bear much fruit, that is your land of promise.
And so North Dakota, that's where I live right now. That's the land I live in.
North Dakota is my land of promise. I live in American Siberia, lady.
This better not be my promised land. There is one for every single person in this room.
Yeah. And what stands between us and getting into that... There is an individual promised land for everybody.
No! That is not what... The real promised land that Abram was looking for is your promised land and my promised land too.
They're all... We have a promised land as Christians. We, as believers in the one true
God, we all have one singular promised land that we, that God's promised all of us.
You know, it's the new earth. So, okay.
I have to listen to just a little bit more of this because clearly I'm into self -harm.
Yeah. Yeah. Land, wherever it may be in your sphere of influence, where our lives are going to bear much fruit, there is going to be a flood stage river.
No! A flood stage river? Say it isn't so! Here in North Dakota and Grand Forks, you know, we have the
Red River. It does flood in the spring. So I guess my flood stage river is the
Red River because North Dakota is my land of promise. This is so bizarre.
Right between us and that place. And the whole question will be, will we have guts enough to step our feet into those flooded waters?
She's so serious. Will we have faith enough to put our feet step into those flooded waters?
What are you talking about? I've never put my foot near any flooded waters ever.
Never will either. Unless I want to die. Folks, this is not what the
Bible teaches regarding the promised land. And Beth Moore, the great Bible teacher.
This woman has never read Hebrews 11? Strange. Scripture interprets scripture.
And this particular type and shadow has been decoded for us unambiguously by God himself in the book of Hebrews.
I don't know what she's talking about or where she's getting any of it. But she ain't getting that from the Bible. So there you go.
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