The Suffering Messiah and His Followers



I want to invite you to take out your Bible and turn to the gospel of Mark and Lord willing we will be finishing tonight Mark the 8th chapter and going into verse 1 of Mark chapter 9.
I do think that these the end verse and the first verse of chapter 8 and the first verse of chapter 9 do actually go together and just by way of reminder I want to point out the fact that last week brought us to what I consider to be the hinge point of the entire book meaning that this was the this was the the fulcrum upon which the lever of the entire book turns and that is the confession of Peter when he is asked who do you say that I am and Peter said you are the Christ and of course we read in Matthew how he said you're he said you're the Christ the Son of the Living God we talked about the importance of that phrase we talked about how the phrase that comes directly after that in Matthew's gospel is often one fraught with confusion and I did give a minority interpretation among Reformed scholars I gave my thoughts on it last week I do want to clarify something that I said last week I did say that I think that you can't understand the rock as Peter understanding that Peter represents the Apostles and the Apostles are we we have the Apostolic Church which the book of Ephesians says the the church is built on the Apostles and prophets Christ Jesus being the chief cornerstone but that is not to say that I don't understand that there are those many men whom I respect greatly such as the late Dr.