Jesus Christ claims of Deity


Many people say that Jesus Christ never claimed to be God and that the Bible does not state that Jesus is God. Well, many just do not know how to read the Bible. The Bible attested to the Deity of Jesus Christ in many different ways.


Many people say that Jesus never claimed to be God. However, when we take a look at these things, we will see in the categories that Jesus Christ said that His words,
His works, and His witness will claim to His own deity. The reality is that He made words in both explicit and implicit statements.
We look at His works, He was omniscient. He said He would be with us always, in other words, omnipresence.
The fact that He had the power to forgive sins, He had authority that could only come from God over illness, over death, over demons, over weather, over the physical things.
He claimed to be the judge of all mankind, and He was even said He was the source of the judgment, that we have to accept
Him. He was witnessed to as God. We can see that He was virgin born in the titles that were given to Him.
Lord, Son of God, Son of Man, Son of David, the Christ, Messiah.
He was worshipped as God. He was recognized to be God by God the Father, by the
Scriptures, by holy angels, by men, by His disciples, even His enemies and the demons, attested to the fact that He claimed to be
God. There's over 1 ,070 verses in the book of Matthew, and yet, when we look in these categories, we see that over 470 of them refer to Jesus in one way or another as God.
That's 44 % of the first of the four Gospels refer to Jesus as God. It's pretty clear,