F4F | Lana Vawser's Waterless Empty "Prophecies"


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Rosebro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God.
Now here it is, the first week of March 2020, and if you follow me on social media then you know that I've been kind of going after the so -called prophets in the charismatic movement in the
NAR, wondering why none of them, not one of them, heard from God that the year 2020 would be the year of the coronavirus.
Not a single one of them called it. In fact what we're gonna do, we're gonna go back in time just a month, just a month.
In fact let me do this. By the way, go ahead and like the video, subscribe down below, don't forget to ring the bell, you know all those important YouTubey things.
But let me pull this up here. Let's see here. There's my desktop and here is Lana Vozer.
Lana Vozer. And Lana is is preaching at Hope City Church on February 3rd, 2020.
February 3rd. And she had to preach what she thinks was a word given to her from God himself.
And not only does she not mention the coronavirus, none of today's so -called prophets mentioned anything about the coronavirus, yet it seems to be dominating the world's news right now.
You know, a month ago, a month ago, this didn't seem to be on her radar at all. And so what we're gonna do is we're going to listen to a prophetic word that she's gonna exegete during this sermon at Hope City Church just a month ago.
And we're gonna note that what passes as prophecy today is just utter, vapid, empty nonsense.
Now also going back in time, now we're not gonna officially play Prophecy Bingo today, but if you'd like to play along you can for this installment of Fighting for the
Faith, although this is not an official Prophecy Bingo segment. What we're gonna do here, I'm gonna note that back on April 25th, 2017, at the
Fighting for the Faith website, we created what's called the Fighting for the Faith Prophecy Bingo Card Generator.
And when you go there, it says click here to visit our Prophecy Bingo Card Generator. And when you go there, it randomly creates a bingo card for you from all of the very noticeably present, empty words that are given as prophecy today.
And it's supposed to mean something, and it doesn't. And so from time to time here at Fighting for the
Faith, we play Prophecy Bingo because we like to continue to hammer that point home that these so -called prophets are not prophets at all.
They're not saying anything. So today we'll do a little Prophecy Bingo to demonstrate what's going on here, but we're not officially playing a game.
But I want to go into two biblical texts, one in the Epistle of Jude and the other in Jeremiah chapter 23, to talk about false prophets and things that you could expect to see from them from Scripture, because Scripture warns us about people who are speaking presumptuously and also deceptively.
What does a real prophet sound like? All right, you know, and so we'll do a little bit of work there today.
But let's let Lorna Vosser, and let's let her explain what this word that God has given her that she's preaching.
And we're gonna note that this is also what we call a prophetic onesie, but I'm getting ahead of myself, so relax.
If you have a bingo card, you know, go ahead and get ready to fill some things out. I don't think anyone's gonna get a bingo today.
Man, if they do though. Let's listen in to a Lorna Vosser sermon from just a month ago.
So this morning I just want to dive in and really frame up what I'm about to share with you.
The way the Lord operates through my life and through my ministry is I'm very much a times and seasons prophet.
I'm very much... Times and seasons prophet, you're very much that. No, actually, I think you're a false prophetess.
Somebody who will come in and say, hey, don't freak out. Everything's okay. This is what God's doing, right?
You're not, you know, like nothing's wrong. This is what's happening in the season. And so this morning, this word,
I believe God has given me. He will not let me up on this word. He won't let her up, man.
He's gonna, he's pushing her forward. You got to go forward with this, Lorna. He keeps giving me the same word in different passages of Scripture.
And I've been asking the Lord, God, can I ask why you, why this message is burning so strongly?
And he said this to me, Lorna, because it's one of the keys in stewarding the acceleration that has been...
Alright, so one of the keys in stewarding the what? The acceleration.
Now, for the past 11, 12 years on Fighting for the
Faith, either the podcast or the YouTube edition, I have used the phrase blue sleeps faster than Tuesday to demonstrate when somebody is saying words, there's a noun, there's a verb, the sentence structure is, well, solid, but they're not saying anything.
Blue sleeps faster than Tuesday. That's an example of what we just hear. God's giving us a what? Hang on, let me back this up and listen again as she talks about an acceleration.
By the way, those of you with a Prophecy Bingo card, you might want to look at it. I think I do have the word acceleration here.
Yep, here it is on my card. So, and let me get the free space in there. So, already, you know, from a
Prophecy Bingo card, you know, words that I put into a random generator three years ago,
I'm off to a good start here, because she's not saying anything.
This isn't prophecy. This is deception. So, listen again as she talks about the sentence, you know, about keys and something about acceleration.
Why this message is burning so strongly? And he said this to me, Lana, because it's one of the keys in stewarding the acceleration that has been released.
Stewarding the acceleration that has been released. Now, release is also a
Prophecy Bingo card word. Yeah, I'm not seeing that.
Maybe she needs to do a suddenly here, but you get the idea. I keep looking at my Bingo card. These aren't completely empty words.
They mean nothing. They absolutely mean the keys to stewarding the acceleration that has been released.
Blue sleeps faster than Tuesday, right? These these utterly in this new era.
So this new era era is era on my card. It might be there, but I don't see it on mine.
And I sometimes miss things. OK, let's keep warning as we dive into this word. I want you to hear it as take it mentally as a key of a reminder in what in stewarding what
God is about to do in this new time. All right. So notice a month ago, we're going to steward an acceleration.
But here we are the first week of March, we're not stewarding an acceleration. The world's economies are grinding to a slow, slow pace because of coronavirus.
So, yeah, we're experiencing deceleration. How come the
Lord didn't talk to her about that? So maybe 12 to 18 months ago,
I am really growing in my ability to remember dates. Hallelujah.
Kevin's really good. He goes, that was two years ago, Lana, and I said it was two weeks. And anyway,
I had a dream. And all night long, the Lord said this to me. Lana, it's not the end of a season.
It's the end of an era. Season and era. Wow. That's profound.
Yeah. She's not saying anything. At all. What does any of this mean?
And I thought, wow, that's incredible. I knew what a season was. I knew what an era was, but I thought
I'm going to go and look at a little bit more about what an era is. And I want to quickly just... So it's the end of an era, folks.
End of an era. Because, you know, we're stewarding the keys to the acceleration that's about to be released.
...frame this up for you. So in a season, in seasons, there are things that cross over.
There are things that are the same. There are same themes. There are things that are similar when seasons change.
But with an era, it is completely different. Yeah. I'm so glad you're making this distinction because, you know, this, you know, the difference between season and era.
I mean, I wouldn't even be confident enough to tie my shoes and go outside without this prophetic word, you know.
There is there's not a crossover. There is an upgrade. There is a new strategy. There is unusual things that happen that didn't happen in the last era.
Right. An upgrade. So we're going to get an upgrade. Now, let's do a little biblical work here because clearly you can see she ain't saying nothing.
This is completely empty. These are these are sentences that you can make mean anything you want them to mean.
And let's take a look at a couple of things regarding false teachers and false prophets.
Now, what we're going to do, we're going to take a long look at Jeremiah chapter 23.
In Jeremiah 23, Jeremiah is going to take a crack at prophets and false prophets and note what's missing in their prophetic words and utterances.
There's a, you know, when God calls up prophets, you know, for instance, like of the Old Testament, over and again, they were raised up for the purpose of calling people to repentance, repenting of their idolatry, repenting of their wickedness, repenting of their kind of cold, unengaged, unbelieved religious activity.
Yeah, there's all kinds of differences. So different ways in which they were sinning. And God would raise up a prophet to call them back to repent, to repent of their false belief, to repent of their religious activity with no belief whatsoever.
You know, just kind of dead ritualism and things like this. And you can see these as major themes. But what you don't see is a prophet raising up in the
Old Testament who says that there's, well, God's going to release keys to an acceleration and give you a new strategy so that you can, in this new
Kairos season, move from Kairos to Era and blew up, wow, you know, stuff is going to change and things.
Never do you see that in the Old Testament. You don't see it at all. You don't see it even in the New Testament. So let's take a look at Jeremiah.
And Jeremiah is a real prophet. And this is for real scripture.
And let's take a look at him going after false prophets and calling them to repentance.
And we can see a kind of a pattern here. And then we'll take a look at a New Testament warning about false prophets and false teachers.
So concerning the prophets, Jeremiah says, The land mourns, the pastures of the wilderness are dried up.
So note here, you know, in Jeremiah's time, sexual immorality running rampant.
And here you got prophets apparently prophesying and they're not addressing the rank evil among them.
All right. So their course is evil. Their might is not right.
Both prophet and priest are ungodly. Even in my house, I have found their evil, declares
Yahweh. So prophet, priest, they're ungodly. They're not preaching against the immorality of the day.
They're participating in it. Yet they're prophesying while participating in the evil.
Therefore, their way shall be to them like slippery paths in the darkness into which they shall be driven and fall.
For I will bring disaster upon them in the year of their punishment, declares Yahweh. In the prophets of Samaria, I saw an unsavory thing.
They prophesied by Baal and led my people Israel astray. I can't help but think of Christ's alignment, you know, prophesying, giving words of knowledge, using cards that are qualitatively no different than tarot cards.
Right. So I saw an unsavory thing. Prophets prophesying by Baal, who is a false god.
He doesn't even exist. And they led my people Israel astray. But in the prophets of Jerusalem, I've seen a horrible thing.
They committed adultery and walk in lies. They strengthen the hands of evildoers.
So the prophets of Judah at the time, they were also engaging in sexual immorality and they were walking in lies.
And because of their prophecies, they were strengthening the hands of evildoers so that no one turns from his evil.
So you'll note one of the common denominators of real prophets is that God raises them up for the purpose of calling people to repent of sins of one kind or another, to turn them from evil.
But when somebody stands up today and says, you know, I got a word from the Lord and there's going to be an acceleration in your life and we're coming into a season of suddenlies, you know, this is just utter nonsense.
So all of them have become like Sodom to me. It's inhabitants like Gomorrah. Therefore, thus says Yahweh of Hoth, Yahweh Tzavaoth, that's
Yahweh of armies concerning the prophets. Behold, I will feed them with bitter food, give them poison water to drink.
For from the prophets of Jerusalem, ungodliness has gone out into all the land. Now thus says
Yahweh Tzavaoth, the Lord of Hosts, do not listen to the words of prophets who prophesy to you, filling you with vain hopes.
All right. So one of the key indicators you're dealing with a false prophet, they're prophesying to you deceitfully, filling you with vain hopes, vain hopes.
Right. They speak visions of their own minds, not from the mouth of Yahweh.
They say continually to those who despise the word of Yahweh, oh, it'll be well with you.
And to everyone who stubbornly follows his own heart, they say, no disaster shall come upon you.
So they're constantly preaching butterflies and rainbows. And, oh, it's just going to be amazing.
We're coming into a new era of suddenlies and there's going to be an acceleration in your life. And notice that this is a prophetic onesie.
And they're just giving these broad blanket so -called prophecies, even to people who are, well, not repentant or sinning.
Anyway, so they say to people, oh, no disaster is going to come upon you. For who among them has stood in the counsel of Yahweh to see, to hear his word, or who has paid attention to his word?
And listen, behold, the storm of Yahweh, wrath has gone forth, a whirling tempest, it'll burst upon the head of the wicked.
The anger of Yahweh will not turn back until he has executed and accomplished the intents of his heart.
In the latter days, you'll understand it clearly. So I did not send the prophets, yet they ran. I'm just going to put
Lana Vosser into this category. You know, God didn't send her and yet she's run with all these prophetic words.
I didn't speak to them, yet they prophesied. Because what I'm hearing from Lana Vosser, God didn't speak these words.
I mean, it's patently obvious God didn't speak these words. But if they have stood in my counsel, they would have proclaimed my words to my people and listen, and would have turned them from their evil way.
And from the evil of their deeds. So is Lana Vosser turning people from their evil?
No, oh no, no problem, no evil thing is going to happen to you. We're entering a new era of suddenlies and accelerations.
And oh, it's for purpose and vision and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You're going to get an upgrade and stuff.
And she's not turning anybody from their sin, which is what prophets do. Now, Jude also talks about this phenomenon.
Jude is a half -brother of Jesus. And Jude, writing his epistle, says, I would remind you, although you once fully knew it, that Jesus, who saved a people out of the land of Egypt afterwards, destroyed those who did not believe.
And the angels who did not stay with their own position of authority, but left their proper dwelling, he's kept in eternal change and the gloomy darkness until the day of, until the judgment of the great day.
Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and surrounding cities, which likewise indulge in sexual immorality, pursued a natural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire.
Yet in like manner, these, these false teachers, relying on their dreams, that's what they do.
They defile the flesh. They reject authority. Do you note that a woman preaching a sermon is somebody who's openly, by their actions, rejecting authority, the authority of Christ, right?
And they blaspheme the glorious ones. But when the archangel Michael was contending with the devil and was disputing about the body of Moses, he didn't presume to pronounce a blasphemous judgment, but he said, the
Lord rebuke you. But these people, they blaspheme all that they do not understand. They're destroyed by what they, like unreasoning animals, understand instinctively.
Woe to them, for they walk in the way of Cain. They've abandoned themselves for the sake of gain to Balaam's heir. They've perished in Korah's rebellion.
These are hidden reefs at your love feast. They feast with you without fear. Shepherds feeding only themselves.
And the great phrase, waterless clouds. I mean, so let's say you're living in a dry, parched land and you need some rain and the clouds are going overhead.
Drop the rain, drop the rain. And they, they're waterless clouds, right? And that's what Lana Vosser is. She's a waterless cloud because she ain't saying nothing.
I mean, this isn't rain. This is a cloud going by overhead who's saying the words she's giving us.
They are nothing. Let's keep listening. And so I believe where we are right now in the body of Christ is that we have entered into a completely new era in the spirit.
You look at it even in the natural in 2020, right? We've entered into a new decade. So God has been saying to so many,
I'm sure all of us in here will go, yeah, I've heard. I've heard that scripture or I've heard someone preach it or I've read it.
Isaiah 43, 19 says, behold, I'm doing a new thing. I assure you, it has nothing to do with what
God's doing in 2020. And don't you think that if you were really a prophet, you would have called people to repent of their sins and tell them of the impending coronavirus pandemic?
Right. But God doesn't then say, look at it. He says, do you not yet perceive it?
Now it springs forth. I believe in this new era, there is a responsibility upon us as the body of Christ to recognize what
God is doing, how he is moving, even when it's going to be completely unexpected.
Right. Yeah. So he's going to be moving. How? In a way that's completely unexpected.
Okay. This will be an era of the unexpected. She's not saying anything.
This is a classic example of a waterless rain cloud. She'd stood in the council of Lord. She would be turning people from their sin.
God is going to move unexpectedly in some crazy, wild, amazing, fun ways.
But it requires a people that say, God, give me amazing, wild, fun ways, you know, like the fun of a pandemic.
This is only one month before the coronavirus just takes over the news to see and is to hear a man.
So we have entered this new era. I loved the theme, the acceleration.
God has been saying these words to me. No, he hasn't. You are either under a complete demonic delusion.
You're mentally ill or you're utterly deceiving anybody. There's really kind of like no other options because the option of God told you this, that's right off the table.
It is unprecedented acceleration. What I will do in a day.
What would take 10 years. When I was in the latter rain back in the late 80s, our prophetess talked exactly like this and was talking about an acceleration and nonsense like this.
These are empty words. This is like a standard false prophecy template that goes all the way back to when people were, you know, using, well, really large, ginormous computers with floppy disk drives.
He is in the natural. I will do in a day. The absolute demonstration of the power of God that is about to be manifested in this new era is going to completely reform the church.
Yeah. Yeah. All right. Manifesting in and just looking here, see how
I'm doing on my, uh, on my prophecy bingo card. Not all that well, but you still, you kind of get the point.
This, we are at the point right now where God is about to bring reformation.
I heard the Lord say to me recently, well, he's bringing the coronavirus first. Why didn't you hear him say that?
Can you hear the sound of reform? Can you hear it? So as we've entered this new era, things are going to start happening rapidly.
It's already begun, but yes, I guess the pandemic of the coronavirus that happened rapidly.
So yesterday the Lord said to me, you haven't, you haven't even like touched. It's a drop in the ocean,
Lana, what you have seen already. What is about to come is going to be a tidal wave of acceleration where I am going to position my people into their destiny.
I position people into their destiny, man. I, I know that destiny is one of our words here, but it's not on my card.
Bummer. Okay. And I'm going to cause the body of Christ to rise up as the victorious bride that I have called her to be.
Amen. That's weird because that specific thing about raising up the bride to be the victorious bride and all that kind of stuff that goes all the way back to the
Azusa street revival. If you've read Frank Bartleman's eyewitness account, they were talking like that all the way back at Azusa street.
And that still hasn't happened. Weird. So the
Lord in his, uh, his, and they're clapping. She's not saying anything.
This is waterless rain cloud passing overhead. Amazing way says to me recently,
Lana, can you hear the sound of 414? I said, I have no idea what the sound of 414 is.
God, what are you saying? This is gobbledygook. And he said to me, Esther 414.
So what is that? Oh, he did. He said to you, Esther 414, right? Can you hear the sound of it? You sure that was
God telling you that? Esther 414 says this, for if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the
Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this.
You're not Esther. You're not Esther. And I'm, I'm sorry, but, uh, this is a complete mangling of God's word.
And this is like narcissistic eisegesis, which proves again, she's a false prophetess.
I want to say this to you this morning, not as a, Hey, I want to encourage you and pat you on the shoulder. I believe this is a word that the
Lord has given me that this is the Lord. Hasn't given you this word, the era where you will take your place on the earth, in the assignment, the plans, the destiny that God has for your life, that it will seem that everything in your life leading up to this point has been preparation for this moment.
Amen. The only preparation that we need here is like a prophetic preparation
H, you know, to deal with the inflammation of false prophecy. This is the moment where you will take your place in your identity.
Like you never have before. You will walk in your. Take your place in your identity.
No, I know identity is also one of our prophecy. Bingo words. Bummer. It's not on this card, but you kind of get the idea.
Let's keep going in a way that you have never experienced. You will see the power of God manifest in and through your life in unprecedented ways and any way that the enemy.
Again, just diagram or sentences out. She's not saying anything.
And if she were truly a prophetess, according to scripture, she would be turning people from their evil.
If they had stood in my council, they would have proclaimed my words to my people and they would have turned them from their evil way and from the evil of their deeds.
And so, you know, this prophecy that she's spewing here. I mean, anybody hearing this? Yeah, this is apparently for you, regardless of whether or not you're a penitent or an impenitent, whether you are a believer or unbeliever.
It's all one size fits all. But she's not turning people from their sins. Comes to you and says, what about your past?
Look how old you are. Your time's over. Can you just hit flush on those things, please? Scratching itching ears here.
Because you are still here. You still have breath in your lungs. God still has a plan for you. Oh, God still has a plan for you.
Yeah, no evil will befall you. God still has a plan for you. Forget the fact that you guys are all listening to a false prophetess and don't have enough biblical discernment to figure that out.
God has a big plan for your life. Just statistically, that's just not going to be true in a large group like that, especially when you're talking about people on the
Internet. 60 ,000 people at this point of almost almost 60 ,000 have seen this video.
And really, statistically, all 100 percent of all the people who've watched this prophetic video, their best days are still ahead of them.
Really, they are actually in front of you. So in this time of unprecedented acceleration, where you are going to take your place in greater ways, where I'm going to take my place among the greats.
Yeah, because it's all about me. Yeah, he's going to be that shift that is already shifting.
Now that shifting is one of our prophecy bingo words. I just don't know if I have it on my card.
Kind of bummed here. I need a suddenly from you, Lana. Come on, give me a suddenly from the feeling of God.
I'm surviving to the feeling of God. I'm thriving. Right. There is a fruitfulness that's going to be released in your life and a fruitfulness.
Yeah, from the she sounds like, you know, a prophetess who's releasing Froot Loops to me.
But OK, your life in this new era, that is going to be incredible. So as we look at this.
I'm sitting with God and I'm processing and I'm God, wow, this is incredible. Keep speaking.
He says, all right, I'm about to reintroduce the church to my power.
When did God's power leave? God's about to reintroduce his power to us.
Oh, wow. OK. Yeah, again, these are these are nonsense words, nonsense words.
Again, this was one month ago. I mean, one month ago tomorrow, one month ago today, when we're premiering this episode of fighting for the faith, one whole month ago.
And God didn't say a word about the coronavirus, the pandemic. I mean, the whole world's economy grinding to a halt as you know, and talk about China and Italy and and the other places in the world where this is just wreaking complete economic damage.
None of that. God just wanted to talk about the this the era of acceleration.
I am about to reintroduce the church to my power. And I know from my own life and I know from people, so many hundreds of people that we have talked to through email and places we've traveled, there's a lot of weariness that has been in the body of Christ from people that are waiting on promises from God.
And the last era was just a shocker in so many ways. Right.
Just knocked around, beaten down. It was really, really, really difficult. But I want to prophesy over you this morning that there is a divine reintroduction in your life.
Divine reintroduction. Wow. Again, blue sleeps faster than Tuesday.
She ain't saying nothing to the power of God, that where the enemy has come and says it's been so long, look, it's 2020 and then look, nothing's changed and all the words are wrong.
I want to say to you today that there is a reintroduction to the power of God in your life that is not only going to see a reintroduction to the power of God.
So you receive the breakthrough that God breakthrough. Now, I know breakthrough is a prophecy bingo word.
I just wonder if I have it on this card. I'm bumming. Deliverance, double portion, calling, increase vision.
Yeah, I can't remember. She said vision or not. I thought she did. God has promised you because he is faithful to fulfill the word to which he has spoken over your life.
Amen. Yeah, God didn't speak any of these words. Not only are you going to see that, but there is an awakening and an alignment that's going to take place in your heart and in your life to position you in new ways to see the power of God.
Flow through you. Amen. You didn't say anything. Why would
I say amen to it? You're not making any sense. This isn't just about your life and what God wants to do for you.
It's about what he wants to do through you. Amen. OK, so the reintroduction to his power, unprecedented move of God, unlike anything we've ever seen, unusual signs, wonders and miracles that are going to leave the church in awe and wonder.
I'm going to speak tonight, actually, on the reintroduction of the fear of God to the church, because I believe that's what
God, what he wants to bring, that awe and reverence back to the church of who he is. He's the king of kings, not my next door neighbor.
Right? Well, yeah, that's true. But he didn't send you to preach this message. You're doing, you're an open rebellion to Christ and his authority in the church.
And the words you're speaking, clearly God didn't give you. And often, you know, we can become a little bit familiar with God.
Anyway, let's not go there. That's for tonight. But I really,
I really believe that the power of God is going to flow through you in unprecedented ways.
What does it even mean? God spoke this to me recently. Lana, ready or not, here
I come. How come he didn't say olly olly oxen free? Now, let me tell you something.
In one moment, is it possible to be totally under the fear of God and totally excited out of your brains in one moment?
Absolutely. I was so excited because I thought he's coming. Right. There was an excitement in his voice when he spoke.
Ready or not, here I come. But at the same time, you'll notice she's just spewing her own dreams, visions, what she claims are.
Words from God. And this is the sermon at Hope City Church.
And she's saying, absolutely, just absolutely nothing at all.
So hopefully you got the point. And and this was just a month ago.
No word from God about warning us about the coronavirus. And and today's prophets like Lana Bowser would say, oh, the
Bible says that God doesn't do anything without first revealing it to his prophets, which they're taking out of context and misapplying.
And I would note that, well, God seemed to have sent the coronavirus without any of you guys even detecting that it was on its way.
And then, you know, when we listen to your prophecies over and over again, you say absolutely nothing.
And you fit the description of the false teachers and false prophets given in Scripture. You don't turn people from their sins.
You tell them everything is well with them, regardless of whether they are penitent or impenitent, believer or unbeliever.
And on top of it, you just don't say anything at all.
These are not words from God. The Bible is nothing like this. True prophets throughout history, true prophets of God, they always actually spoke something, meant something, and never, never just created wind beneath people's seats.
In order to lift them up on rainbows and let them know that everything was going to be just fine when it isn't.
I think you get the point. So hopefully if you found this helpful, all the information on how you can share the video is down below in the description.
And of course, just a reminder, Fighting for the Faith, we are supported by the people that we serve, and that's you.
And in the month of March, for all of you who join our crew at Gunners Mate or above.
Everybody who joins our crew at Gunners Mate or above in the month of March in 2020,
I will send you a fine art print. This particular one, which we'll call
Minnesota Winter Sunset. And it's actually one of my favorites. Recently took this one north of Oslo, Minnesota.
So I'll send you an autographed signed copy of this particular print as my way of saying thank you to everyone who joins our crew at Gunners Mate or above in the month of March.
2020. So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ, his vicarious death on the cross for all of our sins.