Matt Slick Live: October 3, 2024



Matt Slick Live (Live Broadcast of 10-03-2024) is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM). Matt answers questions on topics such as: The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues!  You can also email questions to Matt using: [email protected], Put "Radio Show Question" in the Subject line! Answers will be discussed in a future show. Topics Include: Matt Discusses Attacks Against Ministries// What is The Strongest Biblical Passage Against Water Baptism Being Necessary for Salvation// Is America Vulnerable to Power Grid Problems// October 3, 2024


The following program is recorded content created by The Truth Network. It's Matt Slick Live!
Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry, found online at karm .org.
When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick Live! For answers, take in your calls and respond to your questions at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. Hey everybody, welcome to the show. It's me, Matt Slick, and you're listening to Matt Slick Live!
Today's date is, let's see, October 3rd, 2023. It looks like the phones have been fixed.
It looks like they are working. If you want to give me a call, 877 -207 -2276.
I want to hear from you. Give me a call. And, if you want, you can send an email. That's easy to do.
Just direct it to info at karm .org, C -A -R -M dot
O -R -G. And, I'll put in the subject line, radio comment or radio question.
If you want to watch the show, you can do that by going to rumble .com forward slash
Matt Slick Live! Or, youtube .com forward slash Matt Slick Live! Or we're on X, I don't know where we are,
I don't know what we're called on there, but we, let me see, what are we over there? It looks like it's
Matt Slick Live! Or Karm .org, either one, I'm not sure. We've got a lot of stuff going, so that's good.
And sorry about the phones being out yesterday, but I did some teaching, went through Romans chapter 5, and we're going to do stuff maybe today on marriage, because the theology of marriage, which a lot of people don't understand.
I love teaching on that topic, too. I'd like to do a whole seminar on it. I'd like to do a three day seminar, three evening seminar.
One for the men only, one for the women only, and then together. I think it'd be interesting.
Anyway, I'm just dreaming. Hey, look, I just want to let you know that we definitely could appreciate, or would appreciate and do any support you might give us, because we are in that need.
And if you like what you hear on the show, if you like the radio show, you like the answers and things like that,
I just want to say, hey, just support us. It's easy to do. Just go to Karm .org forward slash donate.
Karm .org forward slash donate, and everything you need is right there. And we would ask five or ten dollars a month, or more, whatever, because that really helps us set budgets and decide what we can and can't do, and actually a lot of ministries are feeling the pinch, because I think the traffic, at least the traffic on Karm is going down slowly, consistently, and I keep records, detailed records, and I've noticed, or others,
I've heard other ministries, the same thing is happening. And we think that Google is, because that's where you've got to go, we think
Google is penalizing Christian ministries. We think it's ghosting, or shadow banning, or whatever it is, but it's very, very, very slow, very subtle, and we've all noticed this slow decline.
Each ministry that I know about, and I have friends in, when we talk about this, they say the same thing.
So that's just what that is, and the way to combat it is we just keep trying, and we're going to continue to work hard.
Now, you know, to sound a little conspiratorial, I don't know how many of you who are listening believe that there is a spiritual battle, and that leftism, woke -ism, all that kind of stuff, and political correctness is working against conservatives, because they've gained power, the left has, and so, in light of that, we've seen things like the
Bible, movements trying to get the Bible outlawed, and calling it hate speech.
This is not talked about real, very much, inside of the
United States, but it has occurred, and there have been movements in the U .S. for that, and it's usually the
LGBTQ mob, the alphabet mob, that is trying to get this done. They've also, over the years, tried to get varying conservative ministries to have their
PayPal accounts shut down, their banks, just shut them down, complaining, and then filing complaints about conservative organizations,
Christian ones, whatever it is, and just saying, oh, they're terrorists, they're liars, whatever, and then they just do an organized complaint and attack, trying to get a group, just so they can't use the bank anymore, that puts them out of business.
So this kind of stuff is happening, and we're probably going to see more and more of this.
Now, what's the solution? Well, you know, we pray, that's a big one.
So also, one of the things we have to do is, I'm going to change my audio settings here, one of the things we've got to do is, hold on one sec, there we go, right there,
I've got so much going on, so there we go, and there we go, all right, it should be working now,
I hope, I hope you guys can all hear me everywhere, just type in if you can or can't, so what
I'm going to suggest people do is go to the karm .org website and sign up for the newsletter, because the newsletter will become the way that we stay in contact.
If Karm, for example, and other ministries become illegal, or shadow banned, where the left is trying to gain control, then we can do it by a weekly newsletter, right?
Write stuff, write articles, put stuff in, this is what's going on, teach, people ask questions, I do a whole section on answering questions,
I make an article that's four or five pages long, once a week, just send things out, that's one way to stay in contact.
So it sounds conspiratorial, but I know things that a lot of people don't know, because this ministry gets emails from all over the world, and I've seen this,
I've seen documentation of varying attacks that are occurring on ministries, and a lot of times you'll see an article written that demonstrates how the left is moving, but it's not on mainstream, it'll be an article buried on a conservative site someplace, and stuff like that.
For example, there have been groups of people in the alphabet mob who've gone into churches, and they will be in the congregation, and then at a certain time, people outside will start hitting all the cars, causing all the car alarms to go off, and so people start, what's going on out there, and they go check, which means a lot of the men have gone out of the churches to go check on what's going on, and then the people in the church will rush the pulpit, and they've thrown condoms, they've yelled about homosexuality being good and true, and how everybody in the church is bigots,
I mean, this has happened, and you don't hear about this, but it has happened, and the conservative speech is being penalized as the three -letter organizations are being weaponized, so I'm just saying, and I've been saying this kind of stuff for a long time, and I have, about 20 years, because I've had information for a long time, and so I've been saying it, but people just didn't take me seriously, but now
I know people are taking me more seriously, that yeah, these things are real potentials, real actualities that are there, so that's what
I'm saying, in light of all of that, just please consider going to karm .org,
and it's easy, you go to the site, just sign up for the newsletter, and you can just scroll down to the very bottom, and it just says right there, join our newsletter, you put your name and your email, and we don't sell it, we don't give it away to anybody, we don't believe in that, that's not what it's for, it's just there, and then
I need to write a newsletter, three of them tomorrow, now tonight, I've got to be on a, I didn't find out until an hour ago,
I've got to be on a discussion, unless I can find that information, where that's going to be, a discussion slash, not debate, but it's discussion, interview kind of slash thing, dealing with the
Church of Christ, and it's heresy, and it's false doctrines, and things like that, so I'll be on a show at 8pm eastern time, and I'll be on the
Church of Christ, so, and I have, oh the public viewing, oh look at that, so, here's the public,
I'm going to put this in right now, in our private chat, because, then maybe
Laura or somebody can go in and put it on the CARM calendar, on CARM, and where it'll be, and stuff, it'll be on YouTube at 6pm mountain time, and there you go, so, you know, we're doing stuff,
Laura's LOL, Laura's just getting more assignments, as a friend of mine says, you voluntold, not volunteered, voluntold, so I'm going to kick out of that, but maybe do it right now, or during the show, that's what
I'm saying, because I'm doing a show, and then I've got to prep for this discussion at 6pm, and then
I've got to write newsletters, and, but you know what I do for down time, this is going to sound odd, a lot of guys, down time is watching a game, and that's great, if that's your down time, you watch a game, good, my idea of a good time is to put my
Bose headset on, and walk around the block, while I'm in a chat room discussing theology, that to me is good,
I always want to do things for the Lord, that's me, alright, now, I don't know if the phones are working, we had a call come in, so maybe someone can test it, and then type in if they tested it, maybe
Laura or Charlie, or whatever, can just try and call, and see if it goes through, because we're having phone problems, we did, and they said it was back on, but I don't know, and if not, if the phone's not working,
I might just do a little bit of teaching again, and that's another thing, yesterday I did some teaching for an hour, and then
Monday, I think I did, was it Monday or Tuesday, I did the same thing, and so, I'm just curious if you guys like that,
I wouldn't think it'd be all that interesting, but I want to know, so let me know, we've got a call coming, let's see if it's going to work, hold on,
I'm going to drink a drink here, alright, good, and we've got a couple lines lighting up, we'll find out if it's working, so tonight's thing is not a debate, it's an interview slash discussion, that's what it is, so I'm going to ask them, are the phones working, let's see, and they can tell me if it is, they are, alright,
Matt, that's because God's word burns in you, praise God, alright, had a test done beginning of the week, now
I'm waiting on the list for an operation, oh, I'm reading stuff, we have a Rumble account, and Rumble is like YouTube, and you can type stuff in there, and we can see it, we can, you can interact with people who are in there, we've got 34 people in there right now, we're watching, and I don't know how many are actually participating, we've also got people on X, and some other stuff going,
Match Lick Live, and Facebook, and there you go, so I don't know,
I see the phone lines lighting up, and then going blank, so I'm stalling just a little bit, because during the break,
I'll find out if the phones are working, and if they're not, oh, you got through, you told them, there's a call coming in now, okay, good, and if they're not working,
I'll just do some teaching again, not a big deal, but I do want to know, I want to know if you enjoyed the teaching when
I do it, if it was informative, and if you liked it, okay, so that's something I'm curious about, that's always encouraging, now, this
Sunday, I'm going to be away for three weeks, and so I will not be live on the radio for three weeks, and there it is, that's right, so I won't be on for three weeks, okay, and I'll be back on roughly
Monday the 28th, because I'll just let you know, I'll be on tomorrow, but not for those three weeks, there'll be a lot of reruns during that time, oh, hey, there's the music,
I'll be right back after these messages, and then maybe, if the phones aren't working, I'll just do a teaching thing, all right,
God bless you, be right back after these messages, please stay tuned. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276, here's
Matt Slick. All right, everybody, welcome back to the show, it looks like the phones are not working, so what
I want to do is do a little bit of teaching, and we've got a caller coming in right now, let's just see what's happening,
I was thinking about doing a little teaching on marriage, the theological perspective of what marriage is, but we'll see, we've got a caller coming in, and we'll discover if the phones are actually working or not, and if this fails, then what
I'll do is I'll go through the teaching, if not, we'll just take calls and we'll just see what happens, and when I teach on the theology of marriage,
I don't do it like a lot of people do in marriage counseling, when I do marriage counseling and stuff,
I do it theologically, which is really different, and I talk about male -female roles, and what we're created for, things like that, and it's interesting, we've saved a lot of marriages over the years by doing what's biblical and pointing them, and each of them to the biblical position of what their roles, respective roles are in marriage, and once you understand that, things get better, that's the idea, alright, well, okay, good, looks like we've got a call coming in,
I think the phones are fixed, let's get this CJ from Michigan, CJ, welcome, you're on the air. Hey Matt, how are you?
Doing alright, we've been having phone problems and the like, but hey, here we go, so what do you got?
Yeah, I heard that, I'm with the
Santa Barbara Association on Water Baptism, I'm Dougie Mathers, who's been emailing you, so what do you think is the strongest passage against my position?
That water baptism is essential to salvation, let me clarify, are you saying that water baptism is essential to salvation?
Yes, so what would be your go -to passage? That would be a false gospel, okay, what you would then be saying is that you're saved by faith and a ceremony, you have to go through a ceremony to be saved, that faith in Christ is not enough, you're saying that faith in what
Jesus did in the cross isn't enough, the faith that God grants to us, Philippians 1 .29, that's in Jesus, John 6 .29,
no, that's not enough, I've got to do a ceremony, when I do the ceremony, then am
I saved, that's what you're saying, that's why it's a false gospel. Well, that's not my question, what would be one verse that is just a bullet for my position, what would be one verse that you use to say, no, water baptism cannot be essential, because the
Bible says, having therefore been justified by faith, so the
Bible says, having been justified by faith, so the question is, are we justified by faith, simple question, what do you say?
I believe that, yes. Good, then are you justified by faith when you have faith? What do you mean by how faith?
When you believe, when you trust in Christ, faith. When you mentally ascent, no, that's not faith.
No, no, no, it's the faith that God grants, okay, you are aware that God grants faith, right?
Are you aware of that? I agree, I disagree with how he does it,
I think he does it through the gospel, through preaching of the gospel.
Yes, because you need to hear that gospel and you believe, the gospel is the power of God to salvation, Romans 1, 16, and you've got to hear it, unless you're deaf, but it's the presentation of that gospel and you believe.
But it says, to you it has been granted for Christ's sake, not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for his sake, so that's
Philippians 1, 29, so it's God who does the granting, so he grants that we believe. Do you agree that God grants that we believe?
Can I ask a clarifying question on your position?
Sure. So do you believe that God grants by a mysterious work of the spirit, separate and part from the gospel?
I'm not sure what you mean by that, separate from the gospel. Normatively speaking, no, he can certainly grant salvation to a baby in the womb who hasn't had the opportunity to hear that gospel.
So I would say normatively what you said is correct. But let me ask you a question, because I don't want you to go to hell because you have believed and taught a false gospel.
The Bible says in Galatians 1, 8, and 9, if we are an angel from heaven to teach you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, let him be accursed.
The gospel is what saves us, and this is a gospel of what Jesus did. You don't have to go to a ceremony.
You don't go through a ceremony to get saved, because if you go through a ceremony to get saved, you're saying that faith in Christ is not enough.
And this faith is what's granted to us by God. Philippians 1, 29. I disagree with that.
Sorry. I'm sorry, what? Go ahead. Sorry. I didn't talk.
It's all right. So. I disagree with that.
It's a ceremony. Well, yes, it is a ceremony.
By logical necessity, it is a ceremony. Where? Well, you want to define what a ceremony is, right?
I want to book chapter verse, baptism is a ceremony. You always say that.
Yes. But don't you book chapter verse? It doesn't say that baptism is a ceremony.
Okay. Okay, then. But it doesn't say a lot of things that we know are true.
A ceremony is a formal event. It's a ritual that you carry out and you perform.
Usually this is in a, we're talking here in a religious context. There's all kinds of ceremonies.
Would you say a wedding is a ceremony? Would you say that? Well, what does it say in the
Bible? A wedding is a ceremony. It doesn't. But you agree it's a ceremony. So a ceremony is a set of things that you do as a pattern.
That's done over and over. It's a ceremony here, a ceremony there. It's the same ceremony that does over and over. This is what you're saying, that baptism is a ceremony.
To say it's not a ceremony is ridiculous. That's like saying a wedding is not a ceremony. A funeral is not a ceremony.
Of course it's a ceremony. That's what it is. Well, baptism is not a wedding.
You're believing a false gospel. You're saying that faith in Christ is not enough to save us.
You're saying faith in Christ is not enough to save us. That you have to go through a ceremony to get saved.
Okay, let me ask you a question. Is your faith in Christ enough to save you?
Your faith and trust in what Jesus Christ did. In who Jesus is and what he's done alone.
Is that faith that you have in Jesus as God in flesh. Died on the cross. Rose from the dead. That he is the one who atone for our sins.
Is that faith that you have enough to save you from your sins? Now we've got a break coming up.
So when we get back, we'll ask. And see if you can answer the question there. Because it's critical.
We'll be right back after these messages. Please stay tuned. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live.
Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276. Here's Matt Slick.
All right, welcome back to the show. If you want to give me a call, the number is 877 -207 -2276.
Let's get back on with CJ. Okay, CJ, remember my question? Yeah, is faith in Jesus enough?
Is that the question, right? Yes, is real true faith that God gives to us that's in Jesus.
And what he's done. Is that enough to save us by itself? So is faith in Jesus just in what he's done and what he's said?
What he has done on the cross. He bore our sin in his body on the cross.
1 Peter 2 .24 Colossians 2 .14 says he canceled out the certificate of debt, nailing it to the cross.
It's the blood of Christ that cleanses us and justifies us. Romans 5 God grants faith.
Philippians 1 .29 And Jesus says the work of God is that you believe on him whom he has sent, in Jesus.
So the faith that God grants to us that's in Jesus, on what Jesus did on the cross, who's
God in flesh, and died on the cross, rose from the dead, is the faith that you have in Christ.
What he did, is that faith sufficient to save you or not by itself?
Just faith in what he did, no. Okay, then you're not a
Christian. You're not a Christian. You're not listening to what
I said. I said the faith that God gives, God grants us the faith.
Philippians 1 .29 To you it has been granted to believe. That comes from God. See, you don't believe the gospel.
You don't believe the gospel. You don't believe the gospel. You don't believe in what
Jesus did. You believe in salvation by what Jesus did and your ceremony.
That you, by your ceremony, you're getting baptized. That your ceremony is added to what
Christ did and that's what makes you right with God. So you're denying that the faith that God grants, that God grants, not the faith of demonic forces,
James 2 .19, the faith that God grants that's in Jesus, you're saying, no, that's not enough.
So you slap God in the face by saying what he did is not enough.
Because you say, Mr. Slick, that he grants it in a mysterious way, separate and apart from the gospel.
You make the gospel powerless. I did not say that. No, I didn't.
I did not say that. I didn't say he did it apart from the gospel. You got to hear the gospel in Romans 10 .9 and 10. That's what he does.
But it's the point is that God grants that we have faith. It's the faith that God grants.
Notice what I said. The faith that I said. Listen to what I said. The faith that God grants that's in Jesus who died on the cross, who bore our sins in his body on the cross.
That's the gospel. I'm telling you, that's the gospel. You're saying that I'm saying that faith without the gospel.
I didn't say that. I said the exact opposite. Because you have a cult mind, you don't hear the facts.
You only hear what you want to hear. You filter what others say through the false teachings of your church.
That's what happens. Boy, you really being accused towards you.
I haven't said much and you call me false. You are a false believer.
You've been dominating the whole conversation, Mr. Slick. You're calling me false when
I've expressed very little of what I believe. But you said that baptism was necessary for salvation, which means that you deny that we're justified.
That's what Peter says. That's not what Peter says. Which means I'm a believer in Jesus. Mark 16, 16.
You don't want to go to Mark 16, 16 or 1 Peter 3, 21. Or you can go to Romans 6, 3 -4 or Galatians 3, 27 or Acts 22, 16 or Acts 2, 38.
I'm very familiar with the issue of baptism. What you do is write whole articles explaining a way of the text.
You don't need to do that, Mr. Slick. Yes, I do, because we have false teachers like you and others.
Do you need to write an article explaining a way all the baptismal text?
Have you read them? Have you read them? What, the baptismal text?
No, I don't need you because I have the Bible. So, you don't look at what
I say. You don't read them to see what the other side of the argument is. And then you just judge them.
Okay. Oh, you're breaking up. You're breaking up.
Oh, sorry. That's okay. Can you hear me now? Yes. For example,
Acts 2, 38. And if four means because of, it doesn't mean for.
That's one argument. Which falls apart on itself when you look at Matthew 26.
Sanguine graves in both places. 1 Corinthians 1, 17.
They submit baptized for context. People were being divided over who baptized.
Yeah. I got every objection. Baptism is a covenant sign of our entrance into the new covenant.
So, you don't understand covenant and you don't understand the true gospel. Because you teach that you have to go through a ceremony in order to be saved.
No, I don't. You teach faith in Christ is not enough. You teach that the faith that God grants to us, which is true faith because it comes from God.
You're saying the true faith that comes from God that's in Jesus.
That what God grants us in Christ is not enough. That you have to go through a ceremony to be saved.
Yeah. You deny the cross. You deny the sufficiency of the atoning sacrifice.
Okay. Mr. Slick, are you listening to me? Well, yeah,
I know your arguments. I know all of them. Okay, I've debated it a hundred times.
You may know everybody else's, but I'm a free thinker. I'm a free thinker.
No disrespect, man. It's a little tough to understand you. But you deny that we're justified by faith and the
Bible says we're justified by faith. You don't believe that. No, I don't. See, the Bible says.
No, I believe that the faith that justifies is the faith that acts.
Welcome to Roman Catholicism and Mormonism and Eastern Orthodoxy.
And you don't even understand. Look, we're going to get going. We're going to get going because, you know, I can decimate all of your arguments.
I have before and not with you, but with others. And you're teaching a false gospel.
Let's get to Albert from Georgia. Albert, welcome. You're on the air. Yes. Good evening.
My question is, what do you think about this threat of our power grid?
All the transformers, like 200 of them. We bought 200 of them from China. Maybe we got a backdoor interest to ship down our transformers.
And you mean, you mean, you mean like what?
The Israelis did with the pagers and phones to Hezbollah.
You mean that China may be who is in the business of stealing our tech, of putting within 10 miles of military bases, putting their tech equipment and their surveillance equipment within their trying to do stuff, how they send spies into our country.
You mean those people? You think that they would actually do something like sell us transformers to our power grids that they somehow could wipe out and cause us a problem?
Why would you think anything like that? Wow. I mean, you're just a conspirator.
Man, you know, conspirators. Wow. And why would you include or would you that a lot of the illegals that come over the border, thanks to the leftist
Democrat regime, Zikael, thanks to them that we have people from different nations who've come in for the express purpose of harming our country, and that we know that our neighbors to the south have let prisoners out of prison and said, go up to the states.
We know that this has happened. Yeah. And we're buying transformers from the enemy.
That's foolishness. That's foolishness. Hold on, buddy. We'll be right back after the break.
We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick Live!
Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276. Here's Matt Slick.
All right. Welcome back to the show. I'm playing with layouts in our video feed, trying to get something to work.
And there you go. Hey, let's get back on with Alberto from Georgia. Welcome, buddy. You're on the air. Yeah. I was watching the news on the stage field.
I was going on about the strike also with the law insurement.
He was saying that 80 % of our prescriptions come from China, even the ingredients to make the prescriptions.
So China, if they want to hurt us really bad, they can jack the price up or poison us or who knows what they might do to hurt us big time.
Exactly. Exactly right. See, when people don't have the ethics, when they don't have the ethics that are centered in Christianity, where you know that the position you're in is for the glory of God and that the position that he's going to hold you to is taking care of the people under you, the people that you're representing, and that they're interested to go first, not your own kickbacks like Pelosi did and being able to have inside information and things like this, where they gain power, they gain wealth, they gain stuff.
And so this is a problem. So this is why the dollar is what is necessary.
The dollar. So they save money and then they rely on our enemies to provide the essential stuff that we need.
And so this is foolishness. The people who do this, they need to be dealt with legally.
Yeah. What do you think about this? I know you know about it, too, that they're giving these immigrants from down on the app so they can fail out and just come here.
And then you don't even know who they are, really, because they can put any false information on these apps, you know, and come here.
And supposedly the citizens and I heard in California, they were even appointing these immigrants to be police officers who are not even legal citizens, really, to be a police officer.
Yeah, this is leftist idiocy. It's stupidity. And this is what we're having to deal with in that the leftism, it's a mental disorder.
It's cult -like. And it's just insane that they would allow illegals, don't speak our language, don't know our culture, don't know the laws, to have driver's license, insurance, give them money, help them with down payments for homes when they're here illegally.
And this makes me so stinking mad. You know, I spent years, about 15 years, in San Diego.
And it's near the border. Well, one of the things that came in handy was me speaking
Spanish. And I worked in varying places. But let me just tell you that it was obvious that illegals were all over the place.
And, you know, I understand that the illegals, they want to have a better life.
I get it. And I have no problem with them coming into the states. They just need to do it legally. But they were coming in over the border illegally and draining our resources, just draining them.
And what about the people who are paying the taxes, the people who work hard, that pay into this?
All of a sudden, the leftist government says, We're going to take what you have worked hard for and paid taxes in.
According to the laws, we're now going to allow the breaking of the law, the government says, in order to get more people in that you're going to have to take care of.
This is what it comes down to that the government is doing. And so the government now has proven itself to not have the interests of the people at heart.
It's failed now to do its job. And this is significant because the preamble of the
United States, as a nation, speaks about this.
And people should read it. You know, the immigrants that want to come do it the right way, legally, they push them in the back of the line.
And the ones who are breaking the law, they put them in front of the line. That's not right. That's right.
And I live here in Idaho. And I just got word that there are Venezuelan gangs that are now in neighboring cities to where I'm at.
They've come over across the border. And they're taking, I won't say too much, what I know, but they're working as gangs now to gain control of certain areas.
Mm -hmm. Yeah. I heard about it in Colorado. Yeah, they took over a whole complex area.
I started watching about it. I heard about it there. Now they're just trafficking people and all kinds of stuff going on.
Mm -hmm. It's terrible. And why is our government not stopping it?
Yeah, I know. The thing is the ones that regularly commit less worse crimes, they go to jail.
The ones that are more violent criminals, they're scot -free. That's right. They're out in the streets. I understand that.
This is why I was wrong. I misspoke. It was not the preamble. It's a Declaration of Independence that we need to read.
I'm going to read a little bit of it right now, okay? When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and nature's
God entitle them. A decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
And I'll skip some stuff. Whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, let me read before that so you can get the context.
We hold these truths to be self -evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by the Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
Now, see, I don't trust the elections. I don't. I mean, that's just me.
I don't believe that the government is securing them. And I think there's plenty of evidence to show that there's corruption in that whole process.
I know about this firsthand from people who ran for Congress or Senate, I should say.
And I know that this stuff happens, okay? And so life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, the government is supposed to secure that, life and liberty and pursuit of happiness.
But when they open the borders to let illegals flood in, and knowing that gangs are in there, knowing that people have been let out of prison from other countries and said, go to the
United States, knowing that is the opposite of what the government is supposed to be doing. So whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its power in such a form as to, them shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness.
So there are people who believe in a Declaration of Independence. I do. I don't want anybody to get hurt.
But we need to be very active in politics and get these wacko leftist commie
Marxists out of government. Because they are destroying our country. Okay?
And opening the borders and all that crap. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I said it's coming to the
Banana Republic, this country, basically. Oh, yeah. I've talked to people overseas, pastors and stuff, and they're saying, what's going on with America?
It used to be such a great place. And now what's happening? You're going crazy. I says, yeah, because we're not
Christian anymore. And the founding fathers of our country said that this is a, the
Constitution only works with a Christian group, a Christian base, because it requires integrity.
And when people would join the politics in order to be in office, generally it was to serve
God. Now it's to serve themselves to gain power. A lot of them, not all, but you know, there's some good people in there.
But this is why we're having so many problems. And it just astounds me that anybody would vote for the left.
Well, it's because they're brainwashed. This reminds me of cult tactics that are used.
Information control, ostracization, manipulation of facts, pressure, threat of denial of your safety, threat of being separated from your family, and then they will go overboard to make you an example.
So we are at war with the left. The left plays dirty.
If you were to think of an organization that was at war with a country, what would it do at war?
It would want to destroy the livelihood of the conservatives. It would want to bankrupt the conservatives.
It would want to silence the conservatives. It would want to take over the schools to control the thinking of the conservatives' children.
They are aggressive. They are at war with conservatism. But we conservatives are not at war with the left.
We don't believe in manipulation and lying like they do. So we have to change our mentality and realize this is a real war.
And we need to fight as if we are in a war. And we need to raise up people to go back into the schools and teach conservatism and get back into politics that way, get back into the media, get back into movies, get back into stuff.
Instead of the leftism I'm so sick and tired of hearing all the time. But if we don't stand up and do it,
I've been saying this for a long time over radio, if we don't do it, we're going to lose our country.
Yeah, just like Jesus said, a kingdom divided amongst itself will not stand. Yeah, that's right.
And Venezuelan gangs are taking over. And we know that there are fighting -age people that have been sent into our country.
I mean, this is documented. It's been documented. Why is it the left, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, why is it that they don't mention this stuff and really focus on this as a problem?
Mm -hmm. Yeah. They all have an agenda behind it. That's right.
Yeah, so how much longer am I going to be allowed to say what I say on the radio? That's a question.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, there's nothing about freedom of speech, freedom of guns.
Mm -hmm. Yeah. That's right. Anyway, so you got me going there, okay?
And we need to be praying and we need to be nonviolent.
The left is violent, but we need to be nonviolent unless it's in self -defense.
But the left becomes violent. In fact, the left says for you to have your free speech is actually equivalent to violence, and they accuse you of violence if you just disagree with them.
The deception, the lies from the left. They're such liars.
Oh, man. Liars. Deceivers. They're their father, the devil.
How about that? The far left, that is. Yeah. All right,
Blair. Yeah, hopefully. I blame it a lot, too, on the church. The church is not doing their job, but they should.
So they reach the law with the power of the gospel of Christ, and the church is just sitting back, you know, and not doing their job.
Christ comes, the Great Commission of Christ. Our churches are too busy. They're gathering teachers that tickle their ears, telling them how great they are and how
Jesus is the blighter, blue -eyed Caucasian surfer, dude dressed in Roma's nightgown, asking permission for you and your sovereignty and your wisdom to let him into your heart.
And then they want to be comforted with the word of God, not set out like warriors to go fight the good fight of the faith and to raise up people and children for the glory of God and to get into workforce for the glory of God, that this is not being taught in churches.
Mainly the glory of man is supplanting it, and the apostasy is upon us to a real degree in Protestantism.
Okay? Yeah, yeah. All right, Matthew. Thank you. God bless you.
All right. God bless, brother. All right. I know my words are strong, aren't they, folks?
You know, that's the nature of truth. Well, hey, there you go. May the Lord bless you. Remember to support us.
We do need that. karm .org forward slash donate. If you want to hear more of this, and if you don't, send me some hate mail, and I'll read it over the air tomorrow.
God bless. We'll be right back. Well, we'll be back tomorrow. Have a good evening. Another program powered by the