Defeat the Demons and Witches - The Worst R. Scott Clark Tweet Ever

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All right, all right, all right, let's just jump right into it today I've been thinking a lot and I've been thinking about the the election and of course the election is ongoing because we're just gonna we're gonna have an election until we
Get the right result apparently I've been thinking about the election and a lot of people's responses to it, especially conservatives, right because right now
Conservatives are looking for someone to blame, you know, obviously everyone wants to blame Trump because that's you know, that's what
Quite frankly, that's what we've been programmed to do Everyone wants to blame Trump. Everyone wants to blame Christian nationalism
Everyone wants to blame, you know You know bad candidates or even cheating people a lot of people want to blame cheating and everyone's looking for something to blame and and look
That's an interesting conversation to have Totally fine. I'm okay with it Whatever whatever side of it you even if you even if you blame
Trump, which I don't think makes any sense But even if you do, I don't have a problem with you. You we can all still be friends but but I'm trying to think a little bit more foundational than that because Because even if it was just cheating that was to blame right and I think the cheating is is very obvious, right?
It's very obvious what they're doing and how they're doing it at this point anyone who denies that that that there's um,
You know shenanigans afoot at this point They're so far in the matrix that you can't even begin to reason with them
They're not living in reality, but but the reality is though that that even with cheating
There's got to be a reason that that they're getting away with it So easily right and and without any real pushback at all from even from people like me, you know
You know, some people would say that I'm brave even for saying that there's cheating. I don't think I'm brave at all
It's it's just obvious, but I'm not really pushing back much either. I'm just saying that there's cheating, right?
So in any case, um so there's got to be something underneath that though that That that explains how this has happened and how we're at the place we're at Today and and I think that I figured out a piece of it.
I'm not now I'm not a political strategist or a strategist of any kind but But there's something that I think has happened and and this is an area where I think
Conservatives consistently get their clocks cleaned again and again and again and it's the idea of storytelling
Yeah, storytelling because here's the thing right like conservatives and I'm using that term very loosely, right?
I'm just using this to mean people that are right about politics Okay, so that's I'm just using that term very loosely
But but there's a lot of things that that our ideas are correct on in many areas, right?
Our ideas are correct now not every idea that a conservative believes is correct But but in comparison to Democrats if you're just taking those two and those are the only two options you have
Conservative ideas are way more correct than Democrats. There is no question about this Democrats live in a different universe, right?
There's just no question about that So our ideas are correct and we can convince people that our ideas are correct, right?
So we we've got rational arguments and we can kind of lay out the argument in a very convincing way
That if you accept the premises you have to accept the conclusion we can do that, right?
So, you know the famous thing facts don't care about your feelings, you know, that's true facts don't care about feelings. That's true
But the thing is that that's so often we present that as if and that's enough, right?
So we've got the right ideas We can convince you that our ideas are correct And now you're gonna go you're gonna go and vote the way
I think you should and the answer so consistently is no, I'm not No, I'm not and and the reason that that is is because human beings we are rational creatures
But we're not merely rational creatures There's a lot more to to to what it is to be a human and what it is to what what we desire and what?
We want and what we vote for what we support than just rationality and we need to recognize that right?
Like we might not like that, but it's true and we need to work with that. That's that's just a fact
That's just a fact and so it's not enough to have the right ideas It's not enough to be able to convince someone of your ideas
You also have to make them want your ideas to be correct You have to want it before you'll accept it because you can take like like like like here's the thing guys like like like like like progressives have convinced us that That You know homosexuality having legal homosexuality and promoted homosexuality
That's a good thing, you know having having legal abortion. That's a good thing
They've convinced us all and and the thing is a lot of they've convinced a lot of Christians of these things as well
They've convinced us that that somehow leaving God out of the civil government governing authority out of the government realm
Except in the most like vague of ways, right any kind of overt reference to Jesus Christ from the civil governing authority
The story is that we've most of us have accepted is that is not desirable
That is actually and some people will just call it flat -out. That's evil. But if they don't call it evil, they'll say that's not desirable
That's not fair. And the reason we believe that is because we've been programmed over time
To Believe that the story we believe is that the most desirable thing is to have a good government
Yes, we want to have a good government. That's you know, that's influenced by Christianity because in Christianity is good
But we can't be too heavy -handed about it. We can't be overt about it We we can't really tell anybody about it because once we do then it becomes oppressive, right that then it becomes
Then becomes person you're persecuting people if you're too heavy -handed about it
And and that's a story that we've listen if you think back at some of the even some of the cartoons and stuff
But but definitely in public school Definitely in public school definitely, you know in college The stories that we've been told the the kind that the types of history that we've learned the way we've learned it the stuff that Was left out of that history
All of that has kind of come together To make us think that it's not desirable to have
Christ as over the government overtly And that's that's a that's a problem.
That's a problem like like there is nothing about Homosexuality that should be promoted.
There's nothing about it that that that that that that we should be like, oh, yeah That should be totally legal and celebrated and of course, you know supported in every way except like in the church because you know
You know, that's it's a sin, but publicly we shouldn't treat it like that. We shouldn't treat it like it's a bad thing
We should treat it as it's a good, you know, it's a neutral thing, you know in the public square But in the church and you see this is there's nothing that in the
Bible nothing in the Bible Would tell you that it's it's it's preferable this the story the way the story goes is that it's preferable
To have a lot of public homosexuality or have it to be celebrated or legal or anything like that You couldn't get that from the scripture.
You can get that from other stories, but you can't get that from the scripture I mean think you think about even something let's take some of the most emotions out of it for a second, right?
Like like evolution Right. The story that we've bought is that evolution is a respectable like academic position to believe now even if you don't believe evolution you don't laugh someone out of the room when they talk about evolution and The reason you don't is because over time you've accepted so many stories about how smart these people are the people that are that are pushing this this narrative that you know
Once there was nothing now, there's everything once there was no life now There's life and then the rat was swimming and then over time, you know, the the rats that swam the best, you know
Started developing like little flippers and then over a little flipper, you know, like that kind of thing and and and that's ridiculous
That is stupid That is it's it's not only is it a myth, but it's the stupidest possible myth, right?
And somehow we've we are convinced even me even me that that's actually not that stupid
Even if you don't believe us a lot of us believe it But even if you don't believe it, it's not laughed out of the room instantly
You know what? I mean? And and and that's that's because you've accepted stories You've accepted stories fantasy stories and some of them are really fantasy stories that kind of reinforces certain message over and Over and over again.
Let me let me show you what got me thinking about this So I saw this from right wing watch right wing watch is so funny because they they put these things out there that they think they're owning us and So often
I hear it and I'm like, oh, that's awesome man. Like thanks for showing me. I wouldn't have known But this is
Oklahoma governor Kevin Stitt who I guess was reelected and this is his reelection
I don't know prayer or something and actually I know nothing about this governor right nothing nothing at all
And so I think that actually is is better because when I saw this I I have no idea if he's a legitimate
Christian I have no idea what he's Like what denomination he's in or anything or what he's done as an as a governor.
I know nothing I have no context for it and that's actually good because I can't be that biased one way or the other all
I'm seeing is a politician who I know politicians lie all the time, so I Know that but now
I'm seeing a politician and and here is what his prayer says. So this is this is a very
Let's just play it. Let's just play it father. We just claim, Oklahoma For you every square inch
Claim it for you in the name of Jesus father. We can do nothing apart from Against flesh and blood against principalities and darkness and father.
We just come against that We just lose your will over our state right now in the name of Jesus we just thank you that we claim
Oklahoma for you as the authority that I have as governor and the Spiritual authority and the physical authority that you give me
I claim, Oklahoma for you that we will be a light To our country and to the world right here from our state
We thank you that your will is done on Tuesday and father that you will do have your way with our state with our education system with everything within the
Walls behind me and the rooms behind me Lord that you will root out corruption You'll bring the right people into this building father from now on Okay, so so that's you know, the clip that that this it goes on I guess but that's the clip that right -wing watch
Thought was a very objectionable Kind of a thing and again, I don't know Kevin Stitt.
I don't know what if he means it I don't know if this is just all a show if it's just pandering and none of that actually matters because this is something that I'd like to see more of I'd like to see politicians overtly
Name Jesus Christ Name him as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and as their authority as a governor.
It's a real authority That's right. God gives that and it's not just a generic, you know kind of God It's it's
Jesus Christ who's at the right hand of the father He's the one who gives the governor authority and he gives him authority over certain things and it's nice to hear somebody say and I Acknowledge that you give me the authority and I'm gonna use your authority the way you would want me to use it now
Is he really gonna do that? I don't know. I don't know I don't know the guy but it doesn't matter because what they're objecting to is not whether or not
He's actually gonna do that as the faithful Christian what what right -wing watch is objecting to is the fact that he even dares to name the name of Christ as the governor as as And it's not again it's not just a generic
God or the powers that be or the Great Spirit or Something like that because if you would have said that it would have been no issue but but but it's because he's naming
Jesus Christ and he's recognizing that his authority comes from Christ and he is Merely a deacon.
He is merely a servant that needs to dispense that authority according to a standard according to Jesus's standard that is a good thing as Christians we should accept that as a good thing
But the problem is that we have believed stories and we don't want this to be true
It's he's not so much that a lot of people aren't convinced of the Christian nationalist argument
Although there definitely are some that aren't but quite frankly, they don't even want it to be true
They don't even want it to be true that nations should be acknowledging Christ Openly they think that's a bad thing and they have not gotten that opinion from the scripture
They've gotten that from some stories that they believed and here's an example. Let me so again, this is a good thing, right?
This is a very good thing and this is our Scott Clark here This is our
Scott Clark who who has you know, he's got very convincing arguments that that you know, you know
Let's just let's just read it. I'm not even gonna read it He hears a governor acknowledge
Very Overtly that Christ is the authority is the true authority and that the civil governing authority is his deacon is his servant
He only has authority that God gives him. That's what that governor said And here's what our Scott Clark an alleged
Christian says I'm sure Jewish Muslim and Hindu citizens of Oklahoma are thrilled
Wouldn't have been sufficient to ask for wisdom and to pledge to do his best to uphold the law for all citizens
And it's it's it's it's unbelievable so you can see how our Scott Clark here
He doesn't want it to be true that the civil governing authority is a servant of God He does not want that to be true
What he wants is he what he thinks is desirable the stories that he's believed over time is what's desirable
What's what's actually Christian is not to have a Christian Magistrate know what's what's actually desirable is to have public pluralism is to have a government that Jewish people can get behind Muslims can get behind Hindus, you know, whoever you are pagan atheist, whoever you are
He wants a government that is okay for all of those people They're gonna be okay with it All of the all of the people all of the idolaters all of the pagans that they're satisfied with the government
He wants he thinks that's actually desirable to have a governor. That's going to Make room for all of that to try to satisfy all of those other gods
And and that's the story that our Scott Clark has believed and and the reality is that lots of people have believed that exact story
It's not just our Scott Clark now. I happen to think that our Scott Clark knows exactly what he's doing
I think he knows his opinions are not in the scripture and he's that's just what he's doing He's just trying to lead people astray.
That's my opinion. I don't know that of course, and I can't really treat him that way But that's my opinion but I think a lot of well -meaning
Christians have also bought into these stories and an our our Our political challenge and not just our political challenge
But just our challenge in general in our communities and with our families is to tell true stories
Where it's not desirable to try to accommodate Hindus and Muslims in your civil governing authority, you know
Yeah, if you yeah, you know, we really got to consider as we're making the laws, you know What are the Hindus gonna think about this or you know as we're making fair just laws, you know
Are the Muslims gonna think this is just or what about what about the what about the Jews?
Are the Jews gonna think this is just like look we really actually shouldn't consider that at all
We should as a civil governing authority There is only one person that they should be considering who they think is just is that is it does this serve
Jesus Christ? Does this serve Jesus Christ the King of Kings the Lord of Lords? but we've believed stories that think that the government actually should be
Considering the the pagans that the pagans are the ones that we really need to understand We need to make sure we accommodate them and and you know
And we don't want to do any laws that are they're too offensive to them And so that's how you end up with transsexual story hour
That's how you end up with with promoting homosexuality Like guys the story we've all believed is that somehow it's good for a nation to have legal sodomy
I'm here to tell you it's not It's not and it's very easy to make that case
Biblically, it's very easy to make that case according to natural law but somehow we've bought stories and I think if you look back at your
Childhood and you look back at some of the cartoons that you watch and some of the movies that have been made and things
Like that. I think you can see how these stories have been believed right you can see it And so we need to as as as conservatives as people who believe the truth again
I'm using that term very loosely, but as people who believe reality understand what reality is and stuff like that We need to work on the storytelling thing because I can make the biblical case that sodomy should be illegal
I could make the biblical case that that could convince you right that that that you know
Rationally if you accept my premises you'd have to accept it but you still won't accept it and the reason you won't accept it is because there is a
There's a programming that has happened over time and There's stories that have been told over time that somehow have convinced so many of us that legal sodomy is actually a public good legal sodomy is a public good and now
You know legal Transsexual story hour is also a public good you've been you've bought us things have gotten so twisted that that these obviously wrong opinions obviously wrong
Are now being accepted as as true as desirable and our Scott Clark here is like well
How could the governor say he wants to serve Jesus Christ? I mean isn't he going to offend the Hindus and Muslims?
I mean the even the Jews the Jews. I mean they don't even believe in Christ in fact. They reject
Christ in fact They murdered Christ in fact. They hate Christ I mean you can't serve
Christ as governor when you've got Jews in your in your in your citizenry And it's like our
Scott Clark doesn't believe that because he doesn't our Scott Clark doesn't believe that that the civil governing authority is
Actually a real servant of Jesus Christ, and he should self can't be self -conscious about that He doesn't believe that because he doesn't want to believe that he wants to believe that the role is to serve all of the pagan
Idolaters as well, and he didn't come to that a belief, and I'm being nice to him here
He didn't come to that belief accidentally he came that to that belief through Decades and decades and decades of programming and it all happened through stories
It wasn't rational arguments that that got our Scott Clark to believe that it's actually desirable For a civil governing authority to serve
Hindus and Muslims or in Jews He like like it was storytelling that got him and I think of think of the shows that you've watched every time
There is a a Christian civil governing authority. They're always evil. They're always persecuting people
They're always presented as idiots They're always presented in the most negative of ways and if you hear that enough it becomes a meme
And you just believe it that and think about it this the SPC president the SPC president was asked about Christian nationalism
He said when Christians raise reach power what what always happens is they persecute?
Unbelievers instantly and then they always persecute believers as well. That's what he said. He said Christians in How what kind of a story are you telling pagans right like you imagine imagine imagine imagine
Bart Barber as a marketer right and he's he's out there He gets this huge opportunity to talk to 60 minutes audience
And he presents a Christianity that that is so powerful and transforming to your life That you can't even be trusted to be a civil governing authority because you'll persecute unbelievers
And you'll person he said this without a fight. He just offered this This is the story that he's selling the world that Christians are so evil even after being transformed by the
Holy Spirit that they persecute Automatically when they're in power that's automatically persecution because he's bought the lie
That somehow what's desirable is a secular government is a pagan government a government that caters to Muslims Hindus and Jews He's bought that lie, and he's bought it through storytelling
Here here's I mean I was gonna talk about this too, but but again This is another another storytelling tactic here where it's like you know you all of these horrible wicked infanticide laws have been passed in this past election and Danny Akin here good old boy
Danny Akin doing his job right this guy is this guy is such an asset It's hard to describe it.
He says this is not a Democrat a Republican issue It's a moral issue of right and wrong and if you notice do what
Danny Akin is doing He said he this is wrong, but it's really not about Democrat or Republican see that's his job
He knows his job is to say look this has nothing to do with with politics This is moral because he knows that he's got to run cover for the millions upon millions of Democrats that that he thinks are somehow
Gonna go to s SE BTS right like he's got it He's got it. He's got a run cover for all these
Christians. They can still be Christians and vote for infanticide It has nothing to do with their vote though.
It has nothing to do with it of course It has everything to do with it But he's bought a story that says look everything bad in the world
Can't have anything to do with with one party over the other it can't he's bought a story that that that that Democrats and Republicans Are both equally good or equally bad?
I guess whatever you want to say and really this has nothing to do with it, and it has everything to do with it He's bought a story that it's not really a matter of good versus evil.
It's just a matter of I Don't know what it's a matter of I don't know and so I guess the point though is that that storytelling we need to tell better stories, and we need to tell compelling stories and This is not a quick fix because the stories that we produce today are not going to necessarily affect the election tomorrow
All right, it's gonna affect it over time and the people that are that are most Receptive to your stories are the people that are closest to you right your children
My children are going to grow up Knowing just how colossally stupid the evolution story is when they hear about evolution
They are going to laugh because it's so stupid They're going to grow up knowing that legal homosexuality legal sodomy
These kinds of things transsexual story hour are pure evil. They're a stain on a society
They will get your society judged very quickly. These are they're gonna grow up knowing these things
They're gonna learn different stories. And the reason they're gonna learn different stories because their daddy's gonna tell them
Your kids man, you have to focus on the stories that your kids are believing You have to focus on your local church your local community your family
These are the things and and the thing over time and that's the thing It's like having a bunch of kids isn't going to change anything
I mean it'll change demographics but if you're not teaching them the right stories if they still grow up thinking that somehow the role of a
Christian civil governing authority is to is to placate and to and to accommodate and to make room and to consider the feelings of Hindus It's nothing's going to change
Nothing's going to change if R. Scott Clarke was everybody's daddy That's I don't even know why
I said that but if R. Scott Clarke was everybody's daddy things would not get better. They'd get worse They'd get worse if David French was everybody's daddy things things will not get better They'll get worse
Russell Moore Tim Keller all of these people You can't be a father like that Your kids need to understand that this is a war between good and evil
There are evil people out there that want evil policies. They want evil things. They want evil for our country and You need to fight those people
It's just that simple my kid the other day. I forget exactly what he said I think it was like hold on.
Let me see if I can find it. Here. It is my seven -year -old He said this out of the blue Obviously, it's been influenced by things.
I've been telling him but but he's getting it now Obviously this needs to be refined a little bit, but he's seven, right?
He understands like a seven -year -old and he said to me he said daddy I want to be president when
I'm older so that I can tell the Navy to hunt down the demons and witches and defeat them
Amen Amen That's what I'm talking about That's the story that my kids gonna grow up realizing that there are demons and witches out there and they need to be defeated.
I Hope you found this this video helpful. God bless you guys. No fear get baby.
No, no, no, no fear No despair. No nothing. We've got the tools
We've got everything we need to control the future to command the future. We just need to Jettison guys like this.
I mean guys like this are jettisoning themselves What I found so amazing about this is he this guy said this
I feel like ten years ago He would have said this and everyone would have agreed. He said this and he is a freaking laughingstock
He's a laughingstock our Scott Clark is a laughingstock and men like him, too
There's a lot of guys like him and they're becoming a joke they're becoming more of a joke than evolution is and so this perspective is
Going the way of the dodo and it cannot come fast enough guys. I hope you found this video helpful.
God bless You know,
I think this is one of the reasons why I am the way I am. I I try I try to Give you guys permission to believe the real stories
You know the stories that you read in the Bible the the message that it gives you that just the overarching
Everything about reality that it gives you this is why I I Try to you know, push the envelope as much as I can.
I talk about Giants. I talk about unicorns I talk about dragons. This is why I mock NASA and the ridiculous
Images that they give us. This is this is why I do these things because I'm trying to I'm trying to give you permission.
You don't have to be as crazy as I am But but the thing is like, you know, at least if I'm out there, you know being crazy, you know
Your stuff is gonna seem reasonable by by comparison. So Yeah, man
You you you have full permission to just believe the stories that are actually real the ones that actually comport with reality
The ones that that makes sense of the situation that we find ourselves in you can just believe them and it's okay