John 8:23


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Hear the word of the Lord and He was saying to them you are
From below I am from above You are of this world. I am
NOT of this world Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins
For unless you believe that I am You will die in your sins
Let us pray a Grace is Heavenly Father as we consider these words of our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We ask that you would open our hearts and our minds
We depend upon the work of the Holy Spirit amongst us And so we ask that he would come that he would work amongst us that he would help us to understand and to apply
The beautiful truths of Scripture we pray these things in Christ's name Amen it is truly an honor to be with you here in Moscow I Have been thanking you all weekend for importing,
Arizona weather for me. You did not have to do that and I have never been a smoker, but might as well start now in the few moments that we have together
It would be my joy to direct you to these few words of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the gospel of John chapter 8
And I want to do so to bring a challenge to all of us who
Believe in a sovereign God in a God who is a perfect Savior That we might be a people who with love in our hearts bring this message
To a particular people group who need to hear it to need to hear it from us
We have a message for them So I want you to think of the eighth chapter of the gospel of John with me for a moment
I always encourage believers as they come to Understand the faith better come to grow in the grace and knowledge of the
Lord Jesus Christ to consider memorizing for example outlines of the major books of the
Bible Especially books like Romans or the gospel of John so that when you encounter a text you know exactly where you are in the flow
Of that text. It's sometimes an argument. Sometimes it's various themes that are being woven together especially that's the case in the gospel of John and this eighth chapter as you probably know is continuing the crescendo of conflict between Jesus and the
Jews it really kicked off in John chapter 5 when Jesus claimed the same prerogative of The Father to work on the
Sabbath day to uphold creation and the Jews understood. He was making himself equal with God Jesus did not deny that but in those words in John chapter 5 went on to teach the harmony the perfect unity that exists between Father and son that we are to honor the
Son even as we honor the Father and yet the Son is doing exactly That which the
Father has sent him to do he has given him the words to speak and so there is a clear
Distinction made between father and son there is no confusion as certain denominations try to teach
There's no confusion as to who the Father and the Son are but there is perfect unity
So that to honor the Son is not to honor some separate God or to distract from the the worship of the one true
God, but we are taught to understand their Relationship and who they are in divine revelation chapter 6 the feeding of the 5 ,000 followed by the the tremendous message that the
Lord delivered in the synagogue at Capernaum had over 5 ,000 excited followers the beginning of John chapter 6 at the end of John chapter 6 12
Confused followers one of whom was a devil there Jesus began the original church shrinkage movement and then in John chapter 7 unbelieving brothers we get to John chapter 8 and Jesus begins speaking to the
Jews and he is emphasizing once again. He's pointing to himself He's saying words that no prophet of Israel could ever have said you put almost anything
Jesus said but especially what you have in John chapter 8 on to the lips of the
Greatest of the men of God and it becomes blasphemy Moses could not say these things
Abraham could not say these things David could not say these things These are the words of the
Son of God and he is speaking to the Jews and we're gonna look Specifically at verses 23 and 24, but I want us to remember the whole context of what happens in this chapter
Because after Jesus says these things there's a bit of a break and John tells us that some of the people listening they like what
Jesus is saying These seem to be good words. And so it says that they believed in him
But it's interesting that in the original language John uses a different form of the verb than he uses everywhere else in the gospel of John when he's talking about true faith
He doesn't use the form that talks about an abiding ongoing action, but a point action and Jesus's response to them is if you continue in my words, then you're my disciples.
Indeed. You shall know the truth and Then Jesus demonstrates the truth is more important than the reaction of your audience
Because he says and the truth will make you free If you want to find out if someone has truly been the recipient of divine grace
Talk about the fact they needed to be set free of their sin Because these men are offended
Set us free We've never been enslaved to anyone I've always loved that text.
It demonstrates the truth of total depravity Because it demonstrates These men knew that if a
Roman soldier happened to walk by and said pick up my pack and carry it all they could say Is how far sir?
they are under the dominion of the Roman Empire, but they have the incredible ability
To upon being said if you continue my words you might decide you will be set free to say we've never been enslaved to anyone
And you must remember That by the end of that conversation in John chapter 8
Those are the very men who are picking up stones to stone
Jesus when he says before Abraham was I am Talk about an example of a false faith there you have it in those men there in John chapter 8 and So in verses 23 and 24,
I just want us to listen to what Jesus says Give some consideration to it follow a few threads in the gospel of John to equip us and Then make application to challenge you to be a people whose hearts are filled with love and a willingness
To present this tremendous message of who Jesus is to a particular
People and so verse 23 and he was saying to them You are from below.
I am from above now. How would they have understood that? He looked like us
Unlike some of the paintings Jesus did not glow in the dark there was not something that just that the disciples still had to get torches to walk in in the dark because Jesus would he only wants to de -glow brightly and that was on the
Mount of Transfiguration That was a specific and special instance. And so he looked like them
He spoke their language and yet Jesus Indicates that there is something fundamentally different about him and he says to them that they are from below They are of this world and Jesus is not of this world literally
It's from or out of as an origin and source this world
He knew the character. He knew the spiritual nature of the men to whom he was speaking and He was pointing them not only to their need and to where they are from But preparing them to hear how he is able because of who he is
To function the way the father Has decreed for him to function. He had already said in John chapter 6
He had come down out of heaven what not to do my own will But the will of him who sent me and this is the will of him sent me of all that is given to me
I lose none of it, but raise it up on the last day Jesus is very plainly pointing to himself again with words that you and I we are used to hearing
Grand and glorious words about Jesus. We have just finished singing hymns that extol his name but we must
Make an effort to stand back and to listen to the scriptures and to realize
How Amazing Jesus's words were when he uttered them to understand the reactions that come from the men
They are they don't understand How can he say these things and he is willing to point to himself?
He is willing to make claims for himself That are very bold He says
I am NOT of this world What does that mean? He's talking about having been sent by the father.
He's talking about his Pre -existence he's talking about where he derives his true nature
He is the one that was described in the first chapter is the one who is in the beginning with God John chapter 1 verse 1
Therefore I said to you verse 24 That you will die
In your sins, can we all agree? That whatever else this might mean You do not want to die in your sins
There are many religious systems that offer the concept of post -mortem forgiveness or post -mortem suffering
But there is no such concept within the Christian faith To die in one's sins is to die
Separated from God Under his judgment and that judgment will be a true judgment.
And in fact, Jesus is going to make it plain He began to make it plain in John chapter 5 that he was the one that the father had chosen
To be the one who will judge and judge justly on that last day
But he says to them you will die in your sins. This doesn't sound like good news
This sounds like a word of condemnation But just as in John 6
Jesus said no one can come to me Unless the father who sent me draws him in the same way here.
You have a negative you will die in your sins and Then the light dawns
Then the solution is given For Unless you believe that I am
You will die in your sins. Now most of your translations will have something like I am he
There are some I think that say that I am the one But here take notes if now
I know you can't take notes right now because you're using your notes to fan yourself I realize it's very difficult to write upon a moving piece of paper
And I also did want to know so I didn't bring it up here but did you did you look in the booklet that you have at the fulsome notes and outline provided for the first service by Pastor Wilson a
Tremendous wealth of information and then you turn the page To mine and you have the responsibility to take notes
Because there's nothing there. Well, everybody has their ways of doing things and I'm one of those people that outside of formal debate openings
I generally do not use outlines notes or anything along those lines
That's just one way of doing things, but there is room for notes They're right beneath the section of this particular text and I want you to understand because this is not only usable in on Saturday mornings
When you are awakened early in the morning by two people Standing at your front door one of whom has a tie -on.
They both have book bags they have a strange look upon the face and they want to share with you a watchtower or awake magazine and I certainly hope to be honest with you.
You're prepared to speak with such folks though they probably
They probably have all Christ Church members houses already marked on their service ministry maps
And if not, they need to Because we should be the people that bring a message to them as well.
There's I say Seriously, theirs is a dark life
It is a sad life. I have attended their conferences We need to pray for them and we need to look for opportunities to introduce them to the truth and here's the truth they need to hear
Because I've translated the original languages. I am The Greek is ego.
I me and it is found in the Old Testament especially in Isaiah and a few of the minor prophets as a euphemism another title another way of expressing a name for God and As such it is translating the
Hebrew term on a who now you might think and a lot of your study Bibles will immediately Reference you straight back to Exodus 314 and probably a lot of you are thinking the same thing.
You go. Ah the burning bush I Am that I am tell them I am sent sent you
Well, yes, and no Yes, and no There is a connection
But that's not the immediate connection that you need to make because the
Greek of the New Testament reflects the Greek of what's called the Greek Septuagint the Greek translation of the
Old Testament that the the early church utilized widely and certainly by the time of John the audience that John's writing to he quotes from the
Old Testament from the Greek Septuagint and so When you would look at what's found in Exodus 314 in the
Greek translation the emphasis isn't on Egoimy it's on another phrase ha 'on the one being and Many Jehovah's Witnesses believe it or not are aware of this
So you need to be very careful when you utilize this information to utilize it accurately because many of these folks
They spend hours a week preparing to talk to you Most of us don't spend hours a week preparing to talk to them.
And so we need to be careful at that point Instead Egoimy I am the emphatic form of saying
I myself am is found especially in the book of Isaiah and so that's in the background and Jesus says unless you believe and the the object of this belief is that I Am now that's not just simply a statement of existence
They know he's in front of them. They know he's not a ghost. They know he he has existence.
That's not what he's saying there's something more here and This is the first place in the gospel of John where John begins to spin the thread of this particular
Beautiful aspect of what he presents about who Jesus is. So think with me for a moment
John 8 24 Unless you believe that I am you will die in your sins now at the end of the chapter
Why did the Jews pick up stones to stone Jesus? Because he had said
Abraham rejoiced to see my day. He saw it and was glad and they're like Abram didn't see your day.
You're not yet 50 years old. And what is Jesus response? before Abraham was
I Am Prin Abraham Genesai. I am Ego I me and What's their immediate response?
They pick up stones to stone him and so twice in one chapter
Jesus uses this phrase and The first is to say unless you believe this to be true.
You will die in your sins Secondly, they say who are you making yourself out to be?
How could Abram have seen your day? before Abraham was
I Am it's the same one who in chapter 5 Claimed the prerogatives of the father in Upholding creation on the
Sabbath day now is Applying this name I am to himself
Now keep thinking about the gospel of John with me for a second There's a real obvious example and a much less obvious example
What happens at Jesus's betrayal? John actually belabors it in John chapter 18
He actually repeats himself to make sure you catch what he's doing because when
Judas comes Are you Jesus the Nazarene? Jesus says
Ego I me I am And then John stops and it's almost like I really need to make sure that my audience catches this and so he says so when
Jesus said I am what happens The soldiers fall back upon the ground
The soldiers fall back upon the ground when he says those words the very same words he uses in verse 24
They fall back upon the ground Now Think about that incident for just a moment
I've debated a lot of Unitarians people who deny the deity of Christ. It has always been amazing to me
To ask him about passages like this and say so when Jesus said I am
Why did the soldiers fall back upon the ground and some of the explanations are like well
It was the wonderful purity of Jesus's words. I'm not sure how many former military folks we have in here but when you were
Sent to do something and someone said I am to you were you in danger of falling backwards
Even if they were really great people Not really Something special happens.
Can you imagine? What the soldiers when they picked themselves up off the ground and looked at each other what were they thinking who is this man?
What just happened? But John belabors it to make sure we understand so we make the connection
We see the thread that he's weaving through his narrative when Jesus said
I am They fall backwards upon the ground. He is giving himself into their hands
It is necessary that he do what he's doing But there is clearly the indication
Given right there that he is doing so under God's authority.
God is in control in this situation But then I told you there was another one. That's not quite as easy to see
It's hidden away and because it's hidden away. I think it's probably the most beautiful of these examples in the gospel of John It's at the supper
John chapter 13 and Jesus is speaking to disciples and he is telling them about the betrayer
He's telling them about the betrayer And he says to them I am telling you beforehand
So when it happens, you may believe that Ego, I me I am
Now I remember Some of you are old enough to remember when a portable computer
Was the size of a singer sewing machine and about the same weight and I had a compact portable computer and That meant it had two floppy drives a six -inch green screen and no no hard drive at all.
I Was using a program called word star. There's a few old people going. Oh, he is old.
Yes Yes We need to respect this man because he used dot commands
It's the three of you who laughed. Thank you very much for that. But I remember one evening.
It was late in the evening and I was looking at my Greek New Testament, and I'm looking at what
Jesus said and All of a sudden something struck me. I Said I've seen this someplace before Now my first emphasis in ministry as a young person and apologetics was dealing with Mormons We used to go up to the
Salt Lake City for the general conference every six months stand outside the gates and pass out tracks we did the same thing at the
Mesa Easter pageant in Mesa, Arizona for years and years and years and So anyone who has witnessed to Mormons knows that one of the verses that you will memorize
To be able to speak to Mormons is Isaiah 43 10 But you're normally only using the last portion of Isaiah 43 10
Before me there is no God formed and there shall be none after me it cuts the eternal law of progression right in half
It's very relevant to the claims of Mormonism and exaltation to Godhood and everything else But that's only a part of the verse
Before that God is saying to Israel that you're my witness my servant. I've chosen it.
You may know and understand and Believe that I am he
Before me there is no God formed and there shall be none after me Well, guess what the Greek Septuagint has there that you may know and understand and believe
That ego I me I am Before me before the
I am there was no God formed and there will be none after me That's where I had seen it before and So I got very excited
Unfortunately, it was late at night My wife was already asleep and I learned her We've been married almost 40 years now and one of the reasons we're still married after 40 years is
I did not wake her up To show her this That's just a little bit of advice for you younger guys.
Okay, it can wait till morning Alright, especially if you've got kids and they're but they're finally asleep.
Mom's finally asleep Leave your deep spiritual insights for the morning but I began looking at the
Greek Septuagint and I began looking at John 13 19 in the New Testament and Realized that Jesus is quoting from the
Greek Septuagint He uses the same verbal forms and he's applying these words which were spoken about Yahweh to himself
In the same context because in Isaiah 43 God's saying I'm gonna tell you before it happens
So when it does happen, you'll believe that I am Jesus is saying to his disciples I'm telling you about the betrayer before it happens.
So when it does happen, you'll believe that I am I debated an open theist in Denver a number of years ago and this came up in my presentation and He specifically said he specifically argued
That Jesus's prophecy could have been falsified by Judas because Judas had a libertarian free will
Judas did not have to do what he did and Jesus's prophecy could have been falsified.
You will always find that open theists will Fundamentally say that prophecy is only conditional.
It's never truly something that you can count on Well given how many promises we count on for Christ's kingdom and everything else
We can certainly be glad that the open theists have no idea what they're actually talking about. But there it was
At the Announcement of the betrayer Jesus is saying to the disciples.
I'm Telling you this so that when it happens you may believe that I am
I don't know. Maybe everybody up here. Maybe everybody is sitting here going
Yeah, well, we already knew all about that. We've already we're way ahead of this country bumpkin
But it's possible that maybe a few of you are going I'm gonna need to remember this
That's why he gave you all the space to write the notes Write that one down John 8 24 8 58 13 19 18 5 through 6
The thread of texts that John weaves together any one of them.
You might make an excuse for Any one of them you might go? well, you know maybe but but when you see what
John is doing across his book and That is so vital for us
That's why we we can't be people who just simply look at Isolated texts you have to see the flow of the argument in Romans the flow of the narrative in John you have to see those threads as they have been sewn together into this beautiful tapestry and When you do you can see exactly what it is
That John is communicating to us so much That a number of years ago
I debated probably the the link the leading English -speaking critic of New Testament Christianity Dr.
Bart Ehrman an apostate. That's a technical term. That's not an insult He he was a graduate of Moody Bible Institute Wheaton College.
He had made a profession of faith he doesn't believe any of those things anymore that makes you an apostate and Even Ehrman who certainly does not believe in the deity of Christ.
He believes he existed historically That's at least one thing in his favor, but he doesn't believe any of those things anymore but even he would say anybody who looks at the gospel of John and Doesn't recognize that John is presenting
Jesus as a divine person is just not reading John So even the unbeliever
Will can look at the text and go. Yeah, that's that's obvious Here's one of the ways in which
John does this so now go back with me to John 8 24 Unless you believe that I am you will die in your sins
What has been the great rejection of Jesus by the
Jewish people. Well, certainly they reject him as being the Messiah But when they made accusation against him later on, what do they say?
He made himself out to be the Son of God. He should die for blasphemy They recognized that the claims he was making and it's not just John by the way
Some people say see this is just demonstrating John's doing his own thing and he's doesn't believe the same things as Matthew Mark and Luke and you know
You've got this progression and development over time and all the rest of this stuff. Remember it's in the gospel of Mark Allegedly the most primitive allegedly with the quote -unquote lowest
Christology that you have in Mark 14 You have that situation before the high priest when
Jesus quotes from Daniel 7 and applies it to himself and Says this son of man who has people who worship him in the highest form of worship.
That's me and So the high priest tears his clothes as you've heard the blasphemy and So it's all through the
Gospels. There's no there's no gospel That you can look at honestly that does not present to you
The full truth of who Jesus really is It's there in all of them
But here in John 8 24 for all those on the left
Those in the old seminaries that still have the buildings and still have the endowments but don't have anything left to teach
Those dead places they don't believe that Jesus was the God -man They don't believe these things and Jesus says you will die in your sins.
Oh They may repeat the Nicene Creed what an irony that is, isn't it? Can you think of anything sadder?
Than to be trapped in a dead church That still says the words of life, but no longer believes them what an amazing thing how sad that is
Our prayer should be in any church that we are seeking to serve Christ may that never be here
May our children and our grandchildren and our great -grandchildren Faithfully proclaim proclaim the truth here even when we are long gone
Lord protect your people but Jesus words leave absolutely, no wiggle room
Unless you believe that I am you will die in your sins
There is no place for a lesser Jesus There is no place for Jesus who is nothing but a purveyor of kind words useful insights precious moments inscriptions
That's not the Jesus who can save Unless you believe that I am You will die in your sins
He said this to men Who were much closer to him than any one of this any one of you in this room is to me right now
He was looking him in the eye Unless you believe that I am you will die in your sins now
In the few minutes that I have let me make application over the past 15 years
The Lord has given me opportunity over and over again to bring this message
To a people that I am convinced most of us who have solid churches
We have that beautiful heritage of reformed theology
We truly believe all of Scripture We believe sola scriptura and tota scriptura and all the other
Latin terms you can string together. We've got all of our ducks in a row
It's been my experience that it seems that people like me
Are fundamentally afraid of the Muslim people There is a fear
And it didn't start in 9 -11, but 9 -11 didn't help There is a fear either of violence or Very often what it is is we fear that we're going to say something
That will be offensive and cause something to go wrong Because we don't know enough about what they believe to be able to guard our speech and as a result
Opportunity after opportunity after opportunity is passed by because we all know that in conversations with people very often there's that that brief window that opens up and You need to make a decision and it's pretty
Often a quick decision whether you're gonna go through that door or whether you're not And it seems to me
That with our Muslim friends if we even refer even think of them as friends
There is great hesitation I looked it up Less than a mile from where I am standing is an
Islamic Center Now it doesn't look like on Google that it's a big
Islamic Center looks like it's fairly small and It's attached to the university that's very common
There's probably not a large Muslim population or there would be multiple Islamic centers and you know why that is
Because when there's a small population in an area The Sunnis and the
Shiites will meet together when there's sufficient To where that becomes uncomfortable and you can now have two locations.
They will divide So it seems like it's a fairly small community But on Fridays you will find faithful Muslims there at the mosque and in that little building there will be something called the
Qibla and the Qibla points toward Mecca specifically it points toward the stone in the corner of the
Kaaba in Mecca and You will have there the imam leading maybe a very small group
Segregated by male and female the men in the front the women in the back leading them in the prescribed prayers in Arabic and So they will be worshiping
Allah Now again, I don't know how often you would run into these folks. It seemed when
I was traveling overseas That God decreed that every single time
I got into an uber or a cab I got to practice my witnessing to Muslims. It was wonderful I think a few of them took a little bit longer route so we could have a longer conversation to be perfectly honest with you
Something you need to know you may have outreach over at the university and You may have to tackle people and put their arms behind their back to get them to talk about anything even semi -spiritual with you
You don't have to do that with the Muslims The vast majority of Muslims want to talk to you and They want to talk about spiritual things they want to talk about why you believe what you believe about Jesus They want to understand how it is that you can believe that you should follow
Jesus's teachings in your life because they've been taught you really can't trust the New Testament They have been given a tremendous amount of false understanding about what we believe and guess which
Christian group has absolutely the most consistent Biblically based historically accurate powerful message to deliver to the
Muslim people We do We do you and I and ladies
There's a bunch of those Muslim women, especially if they're from another country or first generation.
They will not talk to us men They won't it's just it's it's not considered appropriate if anyone's gonna present the gospel to him.
It's gonna be you and That means we need to know what we believe
We need to know what they believe. I don't have time this morning for that But they believe that Jesus is a mere
Rasool a mere prophet from God Very different than any other prophet, but still merely a
Rasool He is not the Son of God He did not eternally exist
He did not die upon a cross or a 417 specifically denies that Jesus dies upon the cross
It's the only verse in the entire Quran that says that I direct you to a book
I wrote number of years ago called what every Christian needs to know about the Quran if you want further information on that But the point is they don't have a mediator.
They don't have a risen Savior and The result is tragic
Very briefly because I'm pretty much out of time, but I Normally when I do a presentation on this
I show a video of an attack in I think it was 2007 on the
Glasgow Airport Two Muslim men drove a Jeep filled with gasoline into the doorway and Exploded it.
It didn't work, right? They wanted these gashes. They want this
Sheet of flame to fly in and consume the people that were checking in The only people that died were them
But it took them two weeks to die horrible way to go When I saw that attack
It meant a lot to me because only a few weeks before that. I had walked right through those very same doors
Ministering at the Reformed Baptist Church in Annie's land, which is a suburb of Glasgow So I knew exactly where it was
But here's the thing to remember who were those guys Who were they down -and -outers?
Poor people just trying to find their way to heaven. They were National Health System physicians
Trained medical doctors. Why would they do what they did?
Because they have a holy God they have a place called hell and they don't have a mediator and Therefore they can have only one way of knowing that when they die
They're going to go into the presence of God rather than into eternal punishment and that is to die in jihad
What a tragedy What a tragedy It's obvious to me the author of the
Quran did not have any type of first -hand Understanding whatsoever of what the New Testament teaches and yet we have a billion people in the world
Who have been given a lie and Many of us are afraid to speak the truth to them
My challenge to you Pray now be careful Be careful what you pray for pray
That God would soften your heart and make you love the
Muslim people not fear the Muslim people You say I don't know enough. Yes, you do
This sermon was enough to get started Love them pray for them when the opportunity comes
Be ready To be that light to be that instrument in Bringing the message of life to them
What a tremendous privilege it is that we have let us pray together indeed our gracious Heavenly Father This day
We have brothers and sisters who suffer in Muslim countries because of their profession of faith and Yet in our country we have the opportunity
In peace and in relative safety To proclaim your truth to those who need to know your truth
We know the one who was the incarnate I am We know his word
Help us to be a people who not only know these things, but then present these things to those who walk in darkness
Make us bold, but make it a boldness that is built upon grace and mercy and love
We pray these things in the name of him who taught us to pray in these words The family unit is in tatters
Relationships are scarred by generations now of multiple divorces and remarriages
The homes of our nation's of our nation are fatherless While an overweening maternal state coddle citizens like they were helpless babies instead of free men
Our churches have pulpits which are filled with women of both sexes The educational halls of our nation are full of godless men and women
Intent on passing on their hatred for God to the next generation What should we do in response?
We should hold this bread and wine high as a beacon of hope for the world This is a family meal for all those who are in Christ We commune with Christ and each other in this meal across all the world across all faithful denominations
Across all generations that the Saints share mystic sweet communion
This meal bids loneliness be gone This meal restores the true bonds of familial and national loyalty because this meal is the strongest of bonds
Here the redeeming grace of God unites us to the eternal love which the Father Son and Spirit share in Christ the
Saint has houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands in Abundance because by the
Spirit's power you've been made a true son or daughter of the same heavenly father of our
Lord Jesus Worldly men try to tie themselves together while floating in the sea of their wickedness
Using the frayed tethers of coalitions clubs unions and bureaucracies
Try as they might man outside of Christ only drifts further into the isolation of his sin and sorrow
But in Christ we are brought nigh welcome together United as one we have one head and thus we form one body
This is the hope we hold forth to a lonely fractured family less
Generation come to the Father through Jesus the Son So come in faith and welcome to Jesus Christ the charge today is twofold if you want to be greatly encouraged about what
God is doing in the world of Islam there's a book called a wind in the house of alarm
Islam and it basically in our generation more Muslims are coming to Jesus Christ than at any time in the entire history of Islam and it's happening all over the world.
It ought not to be a Terror or a fright so be encouraged by a book like that and secondly pray for God's Appointment pray for God's appointment to talk to someone about this and that way when it happens, you know, it's an assignment
Lord Please give me an opportunity to talk to someone and then when he does there you are
So in preparation for that received with believing hearts the benediction of your God Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy
To God our Savior who alone is wise be glory and majesty dominion and power both now and forever.