Faith Without Works (Part 1)


Do you have faith? More importantly, do you have saving faith? Is it possible to have faith without works? Pastor Mike examines what true faith really is as he preaches a sermon from James 2:14-26.


What To Tell Suffering Christians (Part 2)

Thanks for tuning in to No Compromise Radio with pastor and author, Dr.
Mike Abendroth. Today on No Compromise Radio, we'll be hearing Pastor Mike open the
Word of God in a recent message he preached at Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston, Massachusetts.
Now let's join Pastor Mike in progress as he preaches through the scriptures, verse by verse, with No Compromise.
Well last week I was in California for a No Compromise conference on biblical discernment in Northern California.
I was glad to be there. Everywhere I go it happens to storm. There was a huge storm in California last week, a sun storm, but then we sat down on the flight from Logan to SFO, and for a long time nobody sat next to me, and I thought, you know, the
Lord sure is good, I'm going to have special elbow room to work on some messages and speak several times in California, and pretty much at the last second, the proverbial doors are shutting, and in walks this big huge guy and sits right next to me.
Seemed friendly enough, he had Patriots gear on, and so we talked for a while, and four hours into the flight, he saw me work on my message, and he said, are you a
Bible student? I said, yes, I am a Bible student, I'm a pastor and I'm going to teach people this very passage about Jesus Christ, the risen
King. And he said, you know, for a long time I studied the Bible every day, I did gospel ministry,
I prayed, I encouraged other people to do it, but it's been years since I've opened the
Bible. I said, you know, the good news is, there's no time like today.
I don't think it was by accident that I sat next to you today and had no arm room for six hours.
Then he told me how he was a felon, he was in jail, someone preached the gospel to him, and he responded, and he said, what do you think my problem is?
And I said, well, one, you either aren't saved, and before I could get number two out, he said, no,
I'm a Christian for sure. I'm a Christian, I'm absolutely positive I'm a Christian. Now he had told me some other things about his life that made me also wonder, and I said, are number two, you're really sinning now, and God won't let you go, and he is after you via your conscience.
I said, I'm not your eternal judge, but my guess is number one, and then I thought of this passage right here.
So let's turn our Bibles this morning to James chapter two for several reasons, one being, this is the passage that I talked to him about, this idea, and number two,
I can't start Romans one when it's a snow day and only half the people are here. So I want to confess right now,
Romans one is finished, this is not out of laziness, this is out of divine orchestration.
People can say that they're Christians all they want, but if the God of the universe has made you alive, has regenerated you, has made you into a new creation, you can't keep living the way you used to.
And you know what, you can receive the word with joy, I read him Luke eight, and then just fall away.
So today is going to be really good because faith without works is dead, and I think for the majority of people here at Bethlehem Bible Church, you are born again and you have a live faith, your faith is alive.
But what do you do when you sit next to someone on the airplane? What do you do when you have a child who says,
I believe when I'm twelve, and then when the world comes calling at eighteen, couldn't care less about the
Lord except for a little buyer insurance called hell insurance. This passage will help you evangelize, this passage will help stimulate a lethargic faith.
The God of the universe, when he changes someone, they are what, changed.
My friend used to say, if there's no change, Steve, there's no change. If there's no change in your life, there's no change in your status before God.
Because you're saved by works, yes. You're saved by the work of Jesus Christ in him alone, because if you try to work yourself to heaven with your sinful, tainted hands and heart, you can't do it.
You need a savior, you need the work of another, you need a captain, an author of salvation, the Alpha and the
Omega. And when he changes you, yes there might be struggles, obviously there'll be struggles, and yes your life of sanctification has ups and downs and peaks and valleys, but you will be different.
And if you're not different, you ought to ask yourself the question, I probably should think twice about calling myself a
Christian. J. Verna McGee tells this story.
The devil had a meeting with his demons to decide how to persuade men that God was non -existent.
Since the demons themselves believed in his existence, they wondered just how to do it. One demon suggested that they tell people
Jesus Christ never really existed and that men should not believe such fiction. Another demon suggested that they persuade men that death ends all and there's no need to worry.
Finally, the most intelligent demon suggested that they tell everyone that there is a
God, Jesus Christ is the only God, and that by believing in him, you receive salvation.
But, that you can get to heaven by simply professing faith and then go on living in sin just as you used to.
Everywhere you look there are fake things, counterfeit things. Matter of fact, we live right down the street from the home of counterfeit.
You're looking at me like, what is that? Lemonster. How many people hear from Lemonster? A few will admit it.
So, one reluctantly, because you know what's coming next, Lemonster, the home of not only
Johnny Appleseed, but of fakes, plastics. Plastic just means fake.
Plastoi in Greek means fake. It's not a real bowl, it's a fake bowl. I know it says Tupperware on it, but it's still fake because it's plastic.
Ten years ago it was said that there are estimated to be 500 ,000 Americans here in the states that have counterfeit diplomas or counterfeit credentials.
I hope no one here has counterfeit faith because there is such a thing. In the
Bible, there are counterfeit gods, there are counterfeit prophets, counterfeit
Christ's, counterfeit Jesus's, counterfeit gospels, counterfeit brethren, counterfeit teachers, counterfeit apostles, and counterfeit faith.
And I am very, very personally concerned about the issue because I know my background.
I grew up a Lutheran, and I was baptized as a baby, I was confirmed,
I went on missions trips, I prayed, I tried to live out the Ten Commandments, I believed in Jesus Christ.
There's no other God. I've told you the story when I met the lady that introduced me to Kim, when
I talked to her in California, and she said, I worship Jesus. I said, good, I do too. She said, do you want to see a picture of him?
I thought it was going to be like Jesus the pilot, navigating with the steering deal in the boat.
And no, it was a picture of a guy standing next to my friend, our friend. I said, that's Jesus? She said, yeah, that's
Jesus. I said, no it isn't. He's got a suit on, and he's just some guy. He's a false teacher named
John Rogers. I said, that's not Jesus. And yet the whole time, I was completely unregenerate.
I was not a Christian. I could say, that's the wrong gospel, this is the right gospel, but what
I didn't know was this, there's a faith that doesn't save. There's a spurious faith, a non -saving faith.
Not all faith saves. And so James chapter 2, in a marvelous way, deals with this issue.
And I think today, if you're a Christian, here's what I'd like you to do. I'd like you to be equipped so when you meet people who say,
I believe, but they live their life like they're not a Christian, that you can analyze their lives, you can judge their lives, not eternally, but with discernment, so you can give them the good news.
Because what's worse, thinking you're going to go to hell and glad you are, or thinking you're going to go to heaven, and when the porthole of heaven, or when the gates of heaven open, as Bunyan said, there's really a porthole that goes straight to hell.
That would be scary to me, thinking you're going to go to heaven. Isn't that the ultimate con? I'm going to heaven, and then when you think you're going there, you're not.
So I think this will help you with your evangelism. That's what we're called to do. We're called to tell people.
I think if you're a Christian, it will also spur you up and think to yourself, you know what, since God has saved me, my only logical response is, gracious ministry to the other saints for his glory.
I think you'll also be helped with questions like these. How could Jim say he's still a
Christian and live with his girlfriend? How could Sue say she's still a believer? And how could
Sid profess Christ and still be? Answer, maybe they're not
Christians at all. Maybe they're modern day Judas's. Judas believed in Jesus.
Judas, I think, would have went down the aisle for an altar call, because he did everything he could to make sure he blended right in.
And of course, if you're here today and you don't have real faith, then I hope James' pungent words, you know,
James doesn't pull any punches. The half -brother of Jesus, when you read this, you know what you want to do? You know, boxing rounds are only three minutes for a reason, because you just can't take anymore no matter how good a shape you're in.
James chapter 2 verses 14 through 26 is like a three -minute boxing round. And only those with faith given to them by God can withstand it.
James says, if you look at James chapter 1, he writes to people who are scattered all around, mainly
Jews, but there are some Gentiles in there as well. And he's going to challenge people about their faith.
Is it really saving faith? Calvin said, it is faith alone that justifies, but faith that justifies can never be, what?
Alone. God saves you by grace alone, but if He's saved you by grace alone,
He's also made you born again, you're a new creature in Christ, and you will be different.
Not perfect, in terms of your appetite, but you'll be different. It's like when I used to go surfing at San Onofre, there's two huge nuclear reactors right there on land as you're out there swimming.
Just imagine if they broke somehow, and all the ooze came out into the surf at San Onofre, and I said to myself, well, you know what,
I've come in contact with the nuclear reactors, but I'm exactly the same. Nothing's changed, even though I swallowed some of the water that was polluted by the nuclear reactors, no.
When you come to Christ by faith alone and remain the same, you didn't really come by faith alone.
Let's read verses 24 through verses 26 in James chapter 2, I'll be reading from the
ESV, and see if you can catch how many times James says passive faith isn't saving faith.
That there's a fake faith, you know, you can call it faith, but it's not biblical faith. See how many times you can catch it.
I think you'll find the number to be five. What good is it, my brother? If someone says that he has faith but does not have works, can that faith save him?
If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, go in peace, be warmed and filled, without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that?
So also, faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. But someone will say, you have faith and I have works.
Show me your faith apart from your works and I will show you my faith by my works. You believe that God is one?
You will. Even the demons believe, and shudder. Do you want to be shown, you foolish person, that faith apart from works is useless?
Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered up his son Isaac on the altar? You see that faith was active along with his works, and faith was completed by his works, and the scripture was fulfilled that says,
Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness, and he was called a friend of God.
You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone. And in the same way, was not
Rahab, was not also Rahab the prostitute, justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out by another way?
For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead.
Now how is this tied into the last section in James? James gives all kinds of tests for saving faith, and the last one was the sin of partiality.
And you might imagine someone might say, how can these deeds of me treating other people rightly help me in the day of judgment?
Isn't it faith that matters? You know, discrimination and prejudice and all that, I don't want to do it, but are you trying to tell me that somehow these matter on the judgment day?
I thought it was only faith. And now James says it's a faith that works. So for our outline this morning, let me give you,
I want to give you several because I don't know if I can get through these six points today.
But since we don't have another service, I get to preach for 90 minutes. No service tonight?
That's the longest sermon, by the way, I've ever preached, 92 minutes. Why did I preach only 92 minutes? Because in those days, the cassette tapes that say
Max, Maxell, you know, Memorex 90 were really 92, 46 on one side, flip it over, 46 on the other side.
So they used to give you signals in the back. OK, flip it over. Yep, flip it over. Keep going. It won't be that long.
Six reasons you should never buy into the ultimate satanic lie that faith without works is saving.
Six reasons you should never buy into the ultimate satanic lie. Six lies that if you hear people talk this way, you evangelize them.
If your kids talk this way, you evangelize them. If you say, yeah, I've got faith, but, you know, it's a
Sunday morning faith and it doesn't flesh itself out in any works by the Spirit of God, then you need to take heed as well.
Six reasons you should never buy into the lie that says faith without works is saving faith. Number one, faith without works is not saving faith because it brings no salvation.
Don't buy into that lie because it brings no salvation. What does verse 14 say?
Two self -answering questions that help us get down to the bottom of counterfeit faith.
They're rhetorical, they're direct. I think there are 104 verses in James and 52 are imperatives, just like this machine gun.
Not one bullet gets jammed in this chamber either. What good is it, my brothers?
Pretty sudden, get your attention. What good is it, my brothers, if someone continually says he has faith, that's the original, but he does not have any works.
That faith can't save him. Well, I've got a lot of faith.
Yeah, I've got uber faith. Yeah, I believe. I trust.
Trust and obey, there's no other way. And James says the person that brags about his faith or the lady that boasts about her faith, but there's no works that stem from that because God gives us a living faith, an abiding faith, a real faith, transcendentally changing our lives.
James says there's no profit, not financially, but there's no profit spiritually.
And again, for me, this was me growing up. What is faith?
I think the good way to think about faith is K -A -T, saving faith. Knowledge, assent, and trust.
It's more than just I know something about it, but I believe unto it. I believe it. I'm persuaded that it's true.
I'm confident that what God says is true. I take God at his word. George Zemeck, my old professor, said man's response to God characterized by a totally dependent entrustment and then demonstrated through a persistent commitment to obedience.
And the key here, detective fans, Columbo fans, is the word says.
He says. Now remember, God knows if our faith is real or not because he can see invisible things.
But for other people, if you say, I wonder if Mike's a Christian, you can't know what's inside of me.
You can only go based on what I say and how I act. So here these people are all talk.
Notice it? He says. He keeps on saying that. He's got all the verbiage down.
He's got all the vernacular down. I call this nominal Christian nomenclature. And maybe in our day today, day and age, and maybe especially on college campuses, they know all the emergent language.
They talk about the journey. Relevant. Authentic. Community.
Lord willing. God bless you. Grace and peace to you. No matter what it is, this case, the vocation doesn't match up to the vocabulary.
They say things, but that doesn't mean anything. Not everyone who says to me,
Lord, Lord, will I, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
Many will say to me on that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name cast out demons and in your name perform many miracles?
And I will declare to them, I never knew you. Depart from me, you who practice lawlessness.
Look at the text again, verse 14. Someone who says he has faith, but he has no works.
Plural. There's been no change in his life. He doesn't have works that flow out of his life.
Of course we're not saved by our works. Go back to James chapter 1, verse 17.
What does 117 say? Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above coming down from the father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change of his own will.
He brought us forth by the word of truth that we should be a kind of first fruits of his creation.
We're saved by the work of Christ. But the work of Christ in the life of a person changes that person.
And by the way, when you read Hebrews chapter 11, aren't those kind of people that had a faith that was active, aren't they commended?
Because by faith they did these things. Faith works. And if you don't have a working faith, you ought to say to yourself, do
I really have faith? Now Luther was perplexed by this because all this talk about justification by works messed
Luther's mind up because we're not justified by works. Romans chapter 4 makes it clear, right? Christ justifies the ungodly.
Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness, not to the one who works. But remember, just think of two soldiers.
I think Blanchard said this. Soldier 1 stands this way with a sword and his name is Romans 4 and he's attacking anybody that wants to add to the work of Christ.
We're saved by Jesus's life and death alone confirmed by the resurrection. Romans 4.
Then standing back to back to the Romans 4 soldier is the Romans, excuse me, is the James 2 soldier.
There's a different enemy over there. The enemy over there is get to heaven by being good. The enemy here,
James 2 is attacking is, well, I say I believe, but my life doesn't have to be changed.
Lip service is what I do. And James is saying, no, if God really saves you, you've got to have fruit in your life because if you don't have fruit in your life, you better check the tree.
It might be dead. We know by grace you are saved through faith and that not of yourselves, but we also know the next verse in Ephesians chapter 2 verse 10.
You're created in Christ Jesus to do what? Good works. Of course, by the works of the law, no flesh shall be justified.
But if God changes you, you will be changed. Oh, immaturely to start.
Yes. And baby steps and sinful stumbling. Yes. But when you take that, that compass and you shake it all around and that needle goes all the way, whether it's real
North or fake North, eventually when it settles down, it's still pointing North. Pink said the tragic thing is that in most places there's nothing in the preaching which is at all calculated to undeceive the deceived.
There's a large class in Christendom today who are satisfied with a bare profession.
What's the answer to these two questions in verse 14? What good is it? It's no good. Can that say, save them?
Can that faith save him? No. Lie number two that I don't want you to ever buy into either personally or with a loved one or with a child or somebody sitting next to you.
First of all, fake faith doesn't bring any salvation. And secondly, it doesn't help other people.
Found in verses 15 and 16. Now the greatest commandment, you know, is to love the Lord your
God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. And what's the second great commandment? Love your neighbor as yourself.
So when God changes you, there'll be a disposition to want to honor God and to love him. And there'll be a new disposition to help other people.
Verse 15, if a brother or sister is poorly clothed, without clothing, could mean naked.
It could be used for someone who just has an undergarment on or could be just poorly dressed, hardly anything, tatters and lacking in daily food.
They don't have enough food to eat for the day. They're both cold and hungry. And then one of you says to them, go in peace, be warmed and filled.
Right? Be warmed, you don't have any clothes. Be filled, you don't have any food. Without giving the things needed for the body, what good is that?
This person is desperate. Be warmed, be filled, go in peace. Or you could say other things to them,
I guess, too. I'll pray for you. God helps those who help themselves. God bless you.
Good luck. Now look at what he says here. It kind of gets convicting. When one of you says, it's like this.
James the pastor, who this is most likely a sermon of James here that we have in the text.
He knows there's somebody out in the congregation who does this. And it's like his long fingers going, yep, there's one of you.
One of you does this right here. When one of you says, that's the idea.
And it's kind of scary. When you say things, they cost nothing.
It's lip service. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston, Massachusetts.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God's Word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 8 .30 and 11 a .m. and Sunday evenings at 6 p .m.
We're located on Route 110 in West Boylston, Massachusetts. You can check us out online at bbchurch .org
or by phone at 508 -835 -3400. The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.