Russell Moore is a Wizard - His "Pro Life" Is Not Enough

AD Robles iconAD Robles

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Too much wizardry for one video though.


Well, it's it's that time again. It is it is if you didn't watch my original
Wizarding world of gospel coalition video it was about Karen swallow prior.
She's a mid -tier wizard Let's say and if you don't know what I'm talking about wizard wizardry is in the sense of I'm talking about people who use
Fancy verbiage and rhetoric and things like that to try to trick you
It's a wizard spell you remember the Wizard of Oz how he was not really a wizard He was just a dude behind a curtain making a lot of flashy sounding things
But really trying to get you to believe something that is untrue believe something that is untrue now
Russell Moore I Cannot I cannot contain the amount of wizardry that he engages in in one video
There will be many more videos about Russell Moore's wizardry because he is one of the kingpins of evangelicals
Evangelical isms wizardry. He is a master of weasel words a Slippery little snake when it comes to what he says and You might say well, that's very inflammatory
Adam And I understand that that you might think that but I'm gonna give you a perfect example of it in this article
This is an article that he wrote a few years ago But he retweeted it today because of the
March of life and all that kind of stuff and it talks about what does it mean? To be pro -life and you could probably guess what this article is gonna say, but I'm not gonna really read the whole thing
I'm not gonna respond to all of it. It's very clear what he's trying to do He's he's you gotta be told pro -life womb to tomb, you know that kind of nonsense and you know, he
Rightly has the correct idea about abortion being wrong He's not as right as he could be regarding abortion, but I'll give him some credit for that But but here's the here's the thing.
I want you to see the wizardry here Russell Moore is a high -level wizard now I don't think he's the highest level wizard in evangelicalism
I think that there are people that are pulling the strings more so than Russell Moore Russell Moore is I think still a puppet
For the most part he's got people that he answers to That really pull the strings, but he is a high -level wizard.
There's no question about it What you read this and and and and and go with me here for a second
When I see how you listen to how he structures this argument how he structures these sentences Listen to this.
He says now what would I say though? If somebody said to me I'm pro -life and I'm for the death penalty and the reason for the death penalty is because prisoners are scum
Let's kill him. I Would say you're not pro -life if the reason that you want to kill prisoners is because you think their lives have no meaning and you
Take a sense of joy. Let's fry them out of killing prisoners That is coming from a disregard or a disrespect for human life
Now we can then argue about whether or not the death penalty is ever allowable for very very constrained circumstances
But that not that's not the same thing as someone saying let's vengefully lash out and take the lives of prisoners in that sense
I agree with people who are really reluctant to ever use pro -life anywhere else And so you get this idea that there's these you know
There's these people out there tons of them that just want to kill every prisoner and you notice he makes it a nondescript prisoner
It's just a prisoner. You know, that could be anybody that could be someone who had one too many Run -ins with with traffic cops that could be someone who didn't pay their property taxes on time
That could be someone who you know, maybe had a little bit of marijuana in their pockets It could be anybody and so the idea here is to play on your emotions
There's so many people out there that would say well prisoners are just scum. They should all be killed and That's a lie.
That's a wizard spell. There aren't that many people out there like that I've noticed I didn't say there are no people out there like that I'm sure there are some but there are not that many people out there like that and But but I want you to see how he frames this right?
He says then we can argue about whether or not the death penalty is ever allowable
What he's doing here is he's giving wiggle room for progressives He's giving wiggle room for progressives.
Now, of course, we can argue about anything, but there's only one true answer God has spoken.
This is an ethics professional this guy is an ethics professional and that's a real problem for me, that's a problem for me because these like like if you're gonna be an leader in ethics for a
Bible -believing Conservative Church, there's got to be a lot more God has spoken in what you write.
There's got to be a lot more authoritative like the Lord says Like that that's where we need we need to hear from our leaders a lot of that kind of stuff and what you get from Wizards is a lot of like ultimate nuance like well,
I could see their side of the argument, too and and but I'm gonna show you why this article is a
Base level wizard spell. I want you to I'm gonna read you the whole paragraph and I want you to think as I'm reading
As you're as I'm reading this to you think about how he's structuring each of these sentences.
It's very interesting It's very important and it is wizardry of the highest order
Want you to hear this quote to care about human life doesn't mean that we're
Necessarily going to agree on what health care system model ought to look like But it does mean that we agree that sick people matter
It doesn't mean that we're necessarily going to agree on what sorts of affirmative action programs
We ought to have in our colleges and universities, but it has to mean that we understand and know that black lives matter black people matter
It doesn't necessarily mean that we agree on how many immigrants ought to come into the country every year but it has to mean that the lives of immigrants and strangers and sojourners matter to God and Ought to matter to us
So we can't be the people who say these people are parasites We have to say these are people created in the image of God You see the wizardry here
Where he's like, well We don't have to agree on what kind of health care model
We we can agree to disagree on what kind of health care the government ought to provide You know what? I mean? We don't have to agree on what sort of affirmative action program you you see
He's assuming that we would have an affirmative action program. We would have a health care system model
That's mandated from on high we would have immigrants coming into this country
It's just a matter of how many And the thing is like while I might agree with pretty much open immigration, you know
Obviously with checks and stuff like that you have to know that that Russell Moore is he has positions on these things that he puts forward every day and Here he's telling you that we don't have to agree.
Just just don't worry about just keep funding the ERLC We're gonna keep from because you don't have to agree with me after all because we we agree that immigrants lives matter, right?
You see this Wizardry you see this wizardry All of a sudden if you don't believe that colleges or universities should be doing any kind of affirmative action
Well, you're just saying that black people don't matter black lives don't matter if you don't agree that we should have a health care system in this country
Mandated from on high instead of a free market well, I guess sick people don't matter and If you think that there are any immigrants that that that that attach themselves parasitically to this nation.
Well Obviously strangers and sojourners don't matter to you This is wizardry man high -level wizardry because This is sneaky, you know
I mean you see how sneaky this is he sets up this either or and if you're on the wrong side of that either or Then you're just awful racist xenophobic and just heartless and This is just simply not the case at all.
It's a simply not the case at all So you see so this is this is this is wizardry like Russell Moore is a high -level wizard almost everything
He produces is wizardry at this point You read any article that he puts forward and it's weasel words as far as the eye can see it's horrible and so at the end of the day like He's he's he's diluting the the message for the pro -life cause that's the that's the most disappointing thing of this because At the end of the day, you know you make pro -life you dilute the meaning of pro -life if you keep some people will try to Criticize me.
Well, you're just pro -birth. You're just anti -abortion. Like, you know, call me whatever you want as long as it's true. Sure pro -birth
I am definitely pro -birth anti -abortion. Yes. I think you should criminalize abortion. I don't go along with all the other shenanigans
So if you don't want to call me pro -life fine, because I don't go with your definition of life
I don't I don't I don't care Womb to tomb, you know, yeah, I think poor people ought to get a little help
I also think that that that welfare is ungodly. It's wicked. We can't agree to disagree on that We can't you know why?
Because God has spoken. It's not up to me We cannot have a socialized health care system the way that the way that a lot of people envision it
We're just comes from on high and it's funded by stealing and all that kind of stuff. We can't do that You know why we can't agree to disagree on that because it's not my opinion
God has spoken We can't engage in partiality when it comes to our colleges and universities.
We can't agree to disagree on that. You know, why? Because God has spoken So so so here's the reality
Russ anyone who who says pretty much on almost any issue. Whoa Have to agree on this when it comes to politics and government
They are so often so often Engaging in wizardry always be on guard for that kind of stuff someone especially an ethics professional
Supposed to be a leader in ethics and there's so little thus saith of the Lord I Remember I watching
RJ rush to me on 60 minutes I believe it was it was an old clip from a long time ago and the guy thought he had him
He was like so wait, let me get this straight Are you saying that that that those that are caught in the act of sodomy should be executed and rushed?
You need you know calm. He's always very calm. He was a very calm guy. He said I'm not saying that That's not my opinion
But that's what God says What choice do I have? What choice do
I have and that's what we're missing from so many of these big Eva wizards
They they they they refuse when it's a when it's a when it's a when it's a controversial issue they so often refuse to just say thus saith the
Lord and and and allow so much room for weasels and wolves to come in and Dilute the meaning of God's world
Anyway, hope this is helpful God bless At the end of the day, you know
I've really don't care if you call yourself pro -life or whatever you whatever you say What what matters to me is is that you you're you're pro whatever
God says? So so the reality is like if you're not willing to say God has spoken in every area of life that addresses us
Politically and governmentally today and stand on that firmly Then I'm not really interested in your pro -life because to be honest your pro -life seems
Very political to me as opposed to foundational You could talk about human dignity if you want, but human dignity is a weasel word
But what I care about is what God has commanded regarding people that bear his image.
That's what I care about because I Human dignity a lot of people would say you can't execute people that's against human dignity.
That's not what God says That's not what God says. A lot of people would say well, well, well slavery is against human dignity
Well, that's not what God says either. So your definition of human dignity seems pretty gender fluid to me
And and it's definitely these days trending more on to the effeminate side And so at the end of the day, especially for an ethics professor or whatever he is
Like this is all very weasel E is all there's a lot of wizardry and I'm just not interested in it What I what