Andrew Torba's New Book on Christian Nationalism

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All right, well let's do this. I hope you had a great weekend. I had a good weekend and, well, that's all there is to it.
First video this week is about the book that you see on your screen right now.
This is a sponsored post on Gab, and it's a book called Christian Nationalism, A Biblical Guide for Taking Dominion and Discipling Nations.
It's by Andrew Torba and Andrew Isker, and I just read this book this morning.
I went out fishing and listened to the PDF copy I was given a few weeks ago. It's a pre -release copy, so it's not out yet.
And I just wanted to give you my thoughts because I think this is an excellent book, and I hope that you'd consider pre -ordering it after hearing what
I've got to say. Yeah, yeah, definitely.
So, like I said, I listened to this book this morning, so a lot of the thoughts are still pretty fresh in my mind. And I'm not going to give you a chapter -by -chapter kind of review of the details here, but I want to just give you my overall impression.
So, when I finished the book, the very first thing that I thought to myself, and it was just a split -second kind of a thing, was, man,
I wish I wrote this book. You know what I mean? Has it ever happened to you where somebody says something in just the perfect way, and you're like, man,
I wish I thought of that? That happens to me all the time. And that's what I thought when I first finished the book.
And then a few minutes later, I just kind of was thinking about that, and honestly, I'm glad that I didn't write this book because I think the two
Andrews here, Andrew Torba and Andrew Isker, they are the perfect people to write this book at this time.
When I was going through it, you know, one of the things that kind of struck me, and I've said this on my channel before, you know,
I've got a very kind of a rigid and narrow theological understanding, right?
Like, I've got very specific beliefs, and I thread the needle very, very specifically and carefully.
But I'm committed to an idea of sort of a big tent, right? And what I mean by that is, you know,
I'm committed to accepting the profession of faith of a lot of people that, you know, some people that like my channel probably would be surprised about.
Like, for example, like, I've got Charismatics in my family, who I have no doubt love the
Lord and understand, you know, what Christ has done for them and, you know, what their roles are, what their missions are, and things like that.
And I think a lot of some people that follow this channel will probably be surprised that I would consider
Charismatics, you know, legitimate Christians. I even have, you know, room for many
Catholics. I don't think that every Catholic is a believer, obviously, but I don't think that being
Catholic automatically disqualifies you from the faith. I think that, you know, the Catholic leaders are obviously very corrupt, and those that understand the weird theologies about Mary and all the, you know, the works part of what they do and their traditions and things like that.
Obviously, they've got some severe problems, but I think the run -of -the -mill Catholics that are walking around, I know a good many that I believe are fully are saved and are brothers and sisters in Christ.
I wish they weren't Catholic, but they are, and there you go. And so that's what
I'm committed to. And as I read this book, you know, it kind of presents this idea of a
Christendom that there's going to be some differences between how, you know, the state of New Hampshire would, you know, bend the knee to Christ in terms of their law and maybe the state of Pennsylvania and things like that.
And when I read that, I was like, well, I don't know, but I think that's kind of necessary for this movement.
The Christian nationalism movement, and I am a Christian nationalist. I put that on my profiles, and I hope you don't think
I'm joking. I'm dead serious. I'm a Christian nationalist, and I'm not ashamed of it in any way. But I think that right now, you know, we're still so young as a church, even though we've been around for 2 ,000 years.
I believe that we're very young. We're still figuring a lot of basic things out. I mean, you know, a recent dust -up happened because of cross -politics regarding baptism.
Like, we're still working through some pretty basic doctrines. And so I think if we're going to have an effective movement as Christian nationalists, we're going to need to be committed to that open—that big tent, right?
That big tent where if you bow the knee to Christ and you assume that Christ is
Lord over all—Lord over the civil governing authorities, right? I mean, of course we have a separation of church and state in terms of what they're responsible for, but we don't have a separation in terms of state in terms of both of them bow the knee to Jesus Christ in their particular areas.
The state has a particular area, but you better believe they need to bow the knee to Jesus Christ.
The church has authority over a separate area, but they need to bow the knee to Jesus Christ as well.
And so this book kind of presents that case very well, and in a way that it's reasonable and realistic that this kind of a thing can happen.
There's also a section in this book that describes the problems with the idea of Judeo -Christianity.
Like, this is a Judeo -Christian ethic and things like that, and it really puts to bed that idea.
That's a myth, right? And it presents this idea that, you know, the Judeo part of Judeo -Christianity, that's a recent development.
That actually came after Christianity, right? Because the religion that we understand as Judaism today has nothing to do with that Old Testament.
Sure, they may maintain some of the language and they may use those scriptures, but that's not the religion of God's people in the
Old Testament. And this book does a great job describing that as well. The other thing that, you know,
I just have to commend this book for, and this is why I'm glad I didn't write it, is that, you know,
Andrew Torba is living this battle, right? He's living this battle, and when you hear sort of some of the things that he talks about, about building businesses and building infrastructure and encouraging each other and patronizing each other's businesses and things like that, it's just so energizing.
You know what I mean? It's totally energizing. And this is an all -consuming movement, because, you know,
Christ is Lord over every area of your life. We ought to be applying what Christ has said to us and how
He's told us the reality is to every area of our lives. And so it's completely all -consuming, it's completely all -encompassing.
And when you read this book, it's hard to not walk away and realize, man,
I've got way too much chill. You know what I mean? And I don't mean that I need to be angry all the time and stuff like that.
I don't mean that kind of nonchill. But what I mean is, like, there are things that I just kind of go with the flow with right now that I shouldn't, right?
And, you know, I just have too much chill. And, you know, I'm obviously, again, not talking about, you know, being angry and always serious and stuff like that.
Look, that's not my personality, and I think that we ought to have a lot of joy as Christians as well.
But this is a war that we're in, and this is a war that has been going on for millennia, and will continue to go on, in my opinion, for millennia.
And so we have to be vigilant in every area of our lives, and we also have to be forward -thinking, right?
This is not the kind of thing where you get instant gratification. This is the kind of thing that the things that you—what you work on today, you want to set it up so it has a huge impact generations from now, right?
The Bible says that a righteous man leaves an inheritance to his children's children. Now, that doesn't exclude financial inheritance.
I think that's what's primarily being talked about, so let's not pretend like it's not talking about that. But that's not all it includes.
I mean, I think we ought to think about our kids inheriting, yes, of course, our assets, but also, in addition to our physical assets, also the spiritual heritage that is not going to be a bunch of losers.
There were so many times in this book where I was like, man, I've been talking about this for years, and I'm so glad I was not the one to write this book, because Andrew and Andrew, the way they put it in a succinct, direct, and organized way is something that I could not have accomplished.
And so, if you like this channel, and you like the things that I've had to say over the years, you definitely should pre -order this book,
Christian Nationalism. It makes the case, by the way, and this is going to be, I think, probably the most controversial part of this book.
I completely agree with what they say here, that Christian Nationalism... If you're a
Christian, you need to be a Christian Nationalist. It's not like it's an option, or maybe you shouldn't be it.
No, no. If you're a...Christian Nationalism, in my opinion, is nothing more than faithful Christianity.
Faithful in every area of life. Faithful to the civil realm, the private realm, the church realm, all areas.
Nothing is outside of the lordship of Jesus Christ. And so, if you don't believe that, you might call yourself a
Christian, but that's a false Christianity. That's not a faithful Christianity, and this book makes a great case for that exact point.
And so, without going into every aspect of this book, that's kind of what
I took away from it. And again, it's like, I walked away from this so energized, right?
I'm ready to go, and I need to lose my chill, because Jesus Christ is the
King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, and it's time that we started acting like it. Andrew, thanks for the pre -copy.
I guess the book is released on the 9th of September, and you can pre -order it. I will include the link to the pre -order in this video.
And if I don't do it, please remind me in the comments, because sometimes I'll... Regularly, I should say, I forget to do the linking.
But it was a really good book, and I think that you'll... Especially if you love this channel, you will enjoy this content as well.
God bless Andrew Torba. God bless Andrew Isker. Thanks for writing the book, guys. I hope you found this video helpful. God bless.
Just a quick postscript here. One other piece of encouragement that I've been thinking about for quite some time.
Especially people that understand that the powers that be are plotting and planning against the
Lord and against the Lord's people. One thing to keep in mind, not only is
Christ the King of Kings, and not only is He all -powerful and in control of everything, but I think we have to, even those of us who are more conspiracy -minded,
Yes, Satan's minions have done a pretty good job kicking our teeth in, but they are not as united as sometimes we give them credit for.
These people are... There's no honor among thieves, right? There's different kinds of gangs that are all vying for power, and we should not think of them as being so united and so organized that it's hard to topple them, right?
Again, the Lord is on our side, so we understand, of course, that if God is for us, who can be against us.
But let's not give our enemies too much credit, right? They've outflanked us, but they've done it while, at the same time, they don't make sense with themselves.
They don't have peace with themselves. They're all fighting each other, and they're not as unified as we make them out to be.
That can be used to our advantage. We need to use that to our advantage, I think, in this battle, because the people that are against Christ and against Christ's people, it's a hopeless battle that they're fighting, right?
And so they coordinate with each other as time allows, but there's lots of sin there that can be exploited in order to really show the weakness of the pagan system, of the satanic order of the world.
We can exploit that, and we can use our spiritual weapons, our word of truth, and the gospel to expose the bankruptcy that is everywhere.
And it's all coming crashing down right now. I think the Lord is doing a mighty work. We should take advantage of it. In any case,