Deconstruction & False Teachers (Testing The Spirits Podcast - Episode # 1)

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NEW PODCAST! Link to Spotify - Taking what people say in the name of God and comparing it to the Word of God. #discernment #currentevents


Continuing the program there's a really important topic
I've touched on it before but I want to cover it again and that subject that we're just going to hear more and more about is the subject of deconstruction.
I did a video a couple days ago about Andy Stanley how and I'm not going to recover that but Andy Stanley basically praises people who are deconstructing their faith he said good for you that's wise it's honest it's mature because Andy Stanley basically he has come out as open and affirming towards homosexuality and in his recent sermon from this past Sunday he talked about how there's some churches that believe that you know these nice people are actually going to hell and what you know what kind of God would send someone to hell.
I can't be that kind of Christian because I don't think Jesus would treat people that way
I don't think Jesus is going to send my brother to hell he's one of the finest people I know I have I just have to step away and think about this you know what needs to be left behind and if you know what needs to be left behind look up here good for you mature of you honest of you.
So what I took away from that and I'm pretty well convinced this is true but Andy Stanley seems to think that everybody goes to heaven and he's affirming gay marriage and when people deconstruct that's that's what they're doing they want to hold some people deconstruct and they become atheists
I did a sermon on this at Moores Corner Church about two months ago but when people deconstruct they either deconstruct and become an atheist or they hold on to some semblance of spirituality maybe they even still claim to be a
Christian but they believe that there is no hell everybody's saved the church doesn't know what they're talking about there is no absolute truth one thing we do know one thing that is true is that homosexuality is great we need to support
LGBT so they're certain about that they don't know doctrine and what the Bible to how we don't know but we're sure about that so that's just the the scam that's and I call it a scam because all that is is apostasy these people are falling away from the faith these guys that are teaching this they're false teachers but they've kind of attached this trendy label that was deconstruction and there's actually a guy locally who is he has deconstructed he has admitted to it on on video and he's going from church to church to church and presumably trying to recruit people into his way of thinking and you know talking about Eli in our study of the book of first Samuel you know
Eli the priest he knew what was right and wrong and he recognized that what his sons were doing was wrong he just wasn't willing to do anything about it and God judged him for that so there are certain people leadership positions just your average
Christian they say okay that's wrong I recognize that's wrong I don't agree with this but I ain't willing to do anything about it and well we saw what happened with Eli this is a very serious thing a matter of fact in the book of second
John those who would receive a false teacher they become partakers of their evil deeds that's what
John said this is a very serious issue but people are deconstructing it's because let's face it is because of social pressure you know 40 years ago if you were a
Christian and you believe that you need to believe in Jesus in order to go to heaven and you are against homosexuality you're just like hey yeah this guy's a
Christian that's what Christians believe today believing that you know you can lose your job if you vocalize it so there's all this pressure from society to compromise on Jesus being the only way compromise in this heaven and hell stuff believing
Jesus you know issues regarding marriage and sexuality you just need to compromise on this and this and this and that and of course there'll be no end to it and people are doing it because everyone's just covering their own tail you know people are hey
I'm looking out for number one so if this is gonna hurt me if I'm gonna lose money if I'm gonna lose my job if I'm gonna lose friends you know
I'm gonna throw Jesus in the trash I'm gonna throw the Bible in the trash before I hurt my income that's what's happening because of societal pressure people are abandoning the teaching of the scripture and it's called the fancy new term for it is called deconstruction and pastors need to know about this deacons and elders and just your every everyday church member you listening at home maybe you've never heard this term you need to know about it and let
I just want to read this article because again this is an issue it's not going away anytime soon so here's the article it says what is deconstruction what does it mean when people say they are deconstructing their faith says deconstruction is the heading most recently applied to the process of questioning doubting and ultimately rejecting aspects of Christian faith this is an application of deconstructionism an approach that claims to disassemble beliefs or ideas while assuming their meanings are inherently subjective so one thing you'll see from these people that they they're postmodern they don't really believe in absolute truth you know we don't really know what the truth is everything is subjective we don't really know except for the things they feel strongly about they know they know about those things they just it's just a way of kind of getting around thorny issues the article says both the trend and its title reflect backlash against the unfortunate habit within some religious circles to downplay deep questions it ignore those who hold to them to openly investigate the nuances of belief even changing one's conviction is a biblical concept and let me just add it's only biblical is if you're changing something you're wrong about in practice though deconstruction almost always acts as a polite cover for demolition modern deconstruction usually means replacing uncomfortable tenants with culturally or personally popular ideas and that's absolutely true and there are no beliefs teachings within Christianity more unpopular than number one